#but were afraid to ask
Time for a personal overshare. The short version? I finally know what the fuck I identify as. the tl;dr version is under the read-more
If you're a frequent visitor, then you have probably already heard about my long-term phobia regarding sex. I've been in relationships, and I didn't hate it, but I enjoyed doing things TO my partner, not WITH my partner. And as time went on, I was less and less interested in actual individuals than I was in random attractive people or characters.
I just figured, hey, I'm fucked up. I don't want sex, but I'm over here enjoying my erotic fanfic and the occasional porn.
My sister (chosen, not biological) felt that same way, and holy shit, I wasn't ALONE anymore. I still didn't know what to call it, but it was, at least, a Real Thing.
And then, once again, my sister to the rescue. Because she is smarter than me, she discovered this first: this Thing has a name!
Aegosexual, which apparently falls under asexual, is what I am.
I'm actually a little relieved about this; it's not something that I concern myself with daily; as I said before in another post, I generally consider my sexuality to be NO, but I sometimes felt like I was a pretender (hello, imposter syndrome), that I didn't deserve to call myself part of the queer community because I I might be taking up space for someone else.
And I feel relieved, too, because there's an answer. I'm not just fucked up, there's validity to the way I feel. (I mean, I AM still fucked up, just not for this!) I have a sliver of identity.
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bisexualfbiagents · 7 months
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Mulder, they're gonna suspect you anyway, you've got no ID on the shooter, your behavior has been irrational lately... Mulder, can't you see that everything is pointing directly at you?
THE X FILES GIF MEME [3/9] SCENES from Anasazi (2.25)
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
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astarion origin playthrough worth it just for all the extra moments where he does the "sad wet cat" face
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limeade-l3sbian · 20 days
It's so "weird" that TIMs never seem to express any sort of selfless hesitancy to enter women-only spaces. It's always, "I'm afraid I'll get hate-crimed" "I'm afraid that they'll discriminate against me" "I'm scared there are some hateful TERFs who can hurt me." It's about them and their unfounded desires "fears" of discrimination. They wonder what level of comfort they will be afforded and even when they have their asses kissed, it becomes, "Cis women are so pandering." And this "fear" is generally counterbalanced by some confident threat of action if they are not wholly accepted (physical threat, report the group, confront them, etc.)
But I have personally never seen one of them say, "I don't want them to feel uncomfortable around me", "What if this is a group that only wants 'cis' women?"
I mean, I know WHY. But, you know. It just hits me from time to time.
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novalizinpeace · 2 months
Is there some discrimination directed towards wilds in the cartoon? I recall you saying that a part of joining the kingdoms higher ranks, it was a requirement to kill one.
It good to see the point had come to someone with just some posts, 'cause i was hoping to explain it sooner or later.
You see, for me the Smiling Critters Cartoon was supposed to be a cartoon that celebrate diversity, both by using different kind of animals and incluying characters with disabilities (Catnap by been mute) or characters with different cultures (Crafty, Bubba and Bobby with their backstories).
But in the diversity there's always a conflict: problems between communities, racism, xenophobia, and war.
There's two kind of social conflict in the cartoon, Critters-Wild conflict and the conflict between kingdoms.
the critters-wild conflict can be explained in a fear-fear way: The critters are afraid of the wild due their look, so they react by running away or fighting. While the wilds are afraid of the critters due their magic, so they react by running away of fighting.
This kind of conflict has also happen in real life with communities that have differents cultures and languages, and we know that usually don't start good.
But there's always a start to be better: BraveHeart was the first know critter to put his foot down and try to stop the conflict, by refusing to hurt a wild (a gigant bear), 'cause he could see there was no evil in the wild eyes, but fear. they both were fighting 'cause they were afraid, but he got in said fight by choice, the wild was innocent here, so he refuse to keep fighting.
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Then we see how this evolved in the present generation, and their parallel with irl situation: Sometimes you can learn about others culture and become the best of both worlds (Bobby, been a wild that got to become a critter but that still is very much involve in her wild family, and also a usually help when the conflict is related to a wild), and sometimes you can be part of a culture not related to your origins, 'cause what's important is that you feel at home there (Bubba been a adopted critter in a wild family that love his family very much). Yeah, history here started bad, but it got better with time and effort.
But... then we have the kingdom conflict, this one more close to the irl conflict between countries, coming from a only reason: Power.
This part is more long to explain, so 'm going to explain it in another post. But yeah, the critters-wild is very much present in the cartoon, but not in a bad way, but more in a educational way.
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h0wdyydee · 1 year
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The last drawing I’ll make for this series! It’s the end of 2022 and also the end for the daily drawings.
I don’t want to get too sappy but thank you SO MUCH to everyone who’s been keeping up with the series. I’ve read all the notes and replies you guys leave and it really means a lot <3. I don’t think I can describe how blown away i am to see that many people finding joy in these drawings.
Not to get sappy I am kind of sad that it’s over, it was really fun to draw (but a pain when I couldn’t figure out what to do lmao). Besides that I hope you guys stick around longer around this blog. I’m not really active on here but I kind of started this series to start posting more and motivate myself to post more of my art. 
For the future of this series, I probably won’t continue it like this. I may do a countdown for season 3 but I feel like this is an appropriate place to end things and I really don’t want to drag out this idea to the point I get of doing it. But who knows! I might do a daily thing but it probably won’t be grogu, ill get there when I get there.
Again I’m just really really happy people enjoyed this dumb little series that I started on a whim. It’s grown to a point where if I told myself earlier this year the impact it would have I’d laugh. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don’t know how to end this im really sad its done but im glad its over too!! I’m gonna be posting a more coherent comic or something soon but thank you!! i can’t say that enough!! 
I hope y’all continue to support this little blog and join me in whatever weird drawings ill do in the future! 
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itsalwaysforyou · 3 months
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hold me together.
kenny ortega, descendants 2 / holly black, red glove / nicole homer, underbelly / ada limon, a new national anthem / k c cramm, christmas eve forever / kenny ortega, descendants 3 / the crane wives, curses / silas denver melvin, let dead dogs lie / natalie wee, least of all
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dragonskulls · 1 year
How do you draw eyes? they look so good and very expressive.
that's really nice of you tysm ^-^ i dont really know how to explain my processes so i made a crude little overview of how i generally go about drawing eyes, from shape, angles, lines and color to giving it expression and exaggeration
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this is what works for ME personally in MY own style, so feel free to incorporate (or not) this however you see fit into yours. Remember that references and practice are your friends forever and ever, but i hope this can be of help!
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gemsofthegalaxy · 8 months
The amount of times that Tom makes himself the smaller one in hugs with Shiv by like putting his head on her chest like no wonder he's obsessed with Greg that man just wants to be a pretty precious babydoll held by someone Bigger than him and kept safe in their arms and Greg has the height and arm length to do it
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bonefall · 5 months
As a big sibling with a lil sib with epilepsy, when they read TBC they Honestly thought if they got struck with lightning reciting the lord's prayer they'd be cured like Shadowsight is from their epilepsy. I had a discussion with them on how that's not how it works, but ge was so upset they took it away from Shadowsight that he hasn't picked the books back up and has stated that 'he hopes Ashfur wins and starts a new religion.,'
I do not even know how to respond to this besides saying that your little sibling is 100% right to be pissed and I now also hope Ashfur wins and starts a new religion.
#Legit I did not know that Shadow's epilepsy being taken away was so deeply upsetting to SO MANY people#I put it back because putting it back was just the right thing to do (even asked the small following I had at the time what type to portray#(they picked the full tonic-clonics. I would have just done localized or absence if they'd asked me to)#And I did all that research for one single anon who asked for an epilepsy herb guide#So holy cow I didn't know that SO MANY people were snubbed and upset by canon's choice to do that. I'm so sorry#Your little sib isn't missing anything btw they do just go on to confirm that Shadow no longer has seizures.#In book 4 of TBC they say that it was all Ash all along and that's what they've stuck with into ASC#I'm sitting on an essay about... That plot thread. The Ashfur Grooming one#But it's in my drafts because I was a bit afraid of controversy#because i think it was written poorly. Even on top of Book 4's pivot to retcon away Shadow's seizures#I know a lot of people like and are invested in the grooming subplot of TBC. But. I think it was executed AWFULLY#and its really telling that THIS is the plot they tout as grooming *by name* in-canon.--#--and that Shadow has to 'pay' for what he 'did' in some way as if there was ever a choice in the books they wrote--#--But seemingly didn't even seem to clock that what was happening in Spotted's H was grooming until there was intense backlash#and a big part of my contention is the way that Book 4 suddenly tries to retcon that Shadow was groomed from the time he was a child#when it was actually part of book 1 that Shadow was able to personally tell the difference between a real vision and Ash's suggestions--#--BECAUSE he didn't have an accompanying seizure#So like... just know it's also NOT just 'you' if you connected to the character that was epileptic. It WAS there. It was a BIG part of him#Book 4 retconned it so that his epilepsy was part of a long scheme when before that point it was part of him#''ohh ur destiny is to see into the shadows'' BULL SHIT!!#bone babble
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liquidstar · 8 months
This is such a tangent btw but on the topic of guilt tripping and reblogs... I remember a few years back there were some terrible fires in Greece (and again this year, entire island villages are gone now) and at that time I had family who were caught in them. I can't describe the desperation I felt with these horrible things happening to my family and loved ones in my country. And I remember being frustrated and desperate with how no one around me in America really seemed to give a shit. I remember blogging asking people to PLEASE care please share something please reblog this link for mutual aid please think about the stories and fires etc etc etc. And the thing is I was very much in a state of grief myself, maybe not every word or action was perfectly reasonable, because I don't realistically expect everyone everywhere to care about every tragedy in the world. You can't. Emotionally it's just not possible, especially with all the stuff going on in the states rn too. Yeah it's a lot. It's not like I blog about every tragedy that ever happens either. I understand.
HOWEVER what I also remember was at this time there were a couple mutuals very clearly making vagueposts along the lines of "remember not everyone has the energy to care about everything in the world uwu" while I was posting about family who died and family who were drifting in the ocean for hours as their homes and loved ones burned. Listen. You have to understand sometimes that when a person in grief and frustration with things going on in their countries and communities impacts them very personally beg you to care... It's coming from a place of needing to see that care in the world in general. They're not holding a gun to your head Specifically saying you have to reblog the posts, if you don't have the energy just ignore it.
You don't have to go out of your way saying "um actually I can't care about the horrible stuff you and your family and your country are experiencing rn. I'm too busy focusing on my own stuff so can you be quiet or more reasonable with your grief thanks." Like. Just keep it to yourself then??? Have some fucking sympathy for other people and understand that maybe it's not always logical. The same way you don't have the emotional energy to think about every tragedy in the world, people who've been impacted by them often don't have the emotional energy to handle that alone and may seek somekinda community or solidarity. Idk. It's not about forcing shit on you sometimes it's not about you
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freshbeeth · 29 days
Wait I mean this so genuinely is it bad if you're white and make your ink/octoling black for Aesthetic/OC reasons? My Inkling's been black sense Splat1 cause they were never gonna look like me anyway so I made them more to just look cool, and built an OC around them later. But is that bad?? Should I not be making player characters black if I, the player, am not black?
I mean this all very genuinely I'd never considered it was hurtful to do sense it was my game, my character, my rules to me.
don’t worry, you’re fine!
as a Black person, it’s usually very clear to me when people are using Black player characters as an intimidation tactic or to be “funny,” and representing your Black splat oc doesn’t fall into that category
usually the racist players use the darkest skin tone with red eyes and either a racist nickname or a racist splashtag title (ex: Dark/Pitch-Black XYZ)
the tweet i was referring to was a video from a non-Black Japanese splat team where they showed their inklings and then themselves irl, and the whole darkest-skin-reddest-eyes thing was perfectly on display
there’s a difference between aesthetics and caricatures, and 90% of splat players never cross that line, but it’s important to be mindful of it anyway :)
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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Ay yo guess who’s been enjoying the spooky fish game 👀 if y’all haven’t seen Dredge I would absolutely recommend it it’s so cool!!! It’s like a Lovecraftian horror fishing game and I am obsessed with the aesthetics and gameplay loop and artwork. Just *chef’s kiss* BEAUTIFUL
So obviously I had to do a lil crossover with the blorbos bc \_:)_/ please excuse how messy and bad this is I actually only drew it as a cover for the ones below, which are based on the game’s ending 👀 I didn’t wanna spoil it lmao
Speaking of which, more drawings and spoilers for Dredge under the cut!
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These are also bad bc I decided to try a new program on my phone to make them. Please forgive me hdkfhsjhdjd anyway this game makes me CRAZY it’s so fucking good. Please go play the spooky fish game
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lawrussoauto · 3 months
big fan of whatever weird fucked up family dynamic jessica louis and harvey have going on
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fractiflos · 1 month
How do you think that Yoichi and AFO survived as newborns if their mom died and they were in such a terrible enviroment that literally the first thing that happened after being born was that they almost got eaten by rats and drown in a river?
Babies can't eat anything but milk after certain age, because, not counting they don't have any teeth, they can't digest it, in the best case scenario, consuming another thing that is not milk, would cause them to develop a serious allergy to that specific food that could kill them later with an anaphilatic reaction, and in the worst, kill them right away.
Besides, a newborn has so many needs besides the food, specially a malnourished one as Yoichi.
A baby as him, a donor baby, would have been left several months in the hospital until he gained certain weight.
And even AFO, the receptor baby, could have several health problems that could kill him.
The fact alone that Yoichi was not born dead, is a miracle itself, almost none of those donor babies survive. And as I said, there is a chance that the receptor could die as well.
Wow, I wasn't expecting to be asked for my thoughts on this question!
(Before I answer, I should say I haven't actually read those chapters, I just saw the leak translations on here because I don't know where everyone else is able to read it.)
Anyway, I do think that they managed to get a little milk. ShigaMom hadn't been dead for too long, so she still had some, which is why Baby For One bit her breast, to get to the milk. Plus, he was strong enough to carry Yoichi, so he might've helped him get the milk on the other breast, as Baby Yoichi still should've been able to smell her.
But, that wouldn't have lasted long.
I'm of the belief that someone found two newborns suckling on their dead mom and thought, "I should get these children to a hospital".
So, the milk helped them hold on for a little bit until someone came and called an ambulance or something and they were taken care of. From there, I say they got abandoned once people realized the white hair was there to stay, about 2-3 maybe. And I can see AFO not wanting to admit someone other than him cared for Yoichi as the scene seemed to be his POV (but his thought process is a different topic).
However, I do have a very stupid theory that I can't get out of my head, so thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about it.
They were raised by animals.
Humans have been breastfed by animals before and survived (though it's not ideal), so it's not totally impossible for.
Except there's the health issues. I think part of it is that quirked people are hardier than regular people and human bodies will do all sorts of stuff to avoid dying. The reason this is a stupid theory that no one should take seriously is because I can't think of another reason.
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personadripshowdown · 1 month
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