#but they avoided that mostly
canisalbus · 8 months
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✦ Tipsy ✦
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emacrow · 1 month
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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aardvaark · 1 year
"clothes i regret buying from my [insert subculture] phase" "best products to achieve that clean girl aesthetic" "i support trans rights but neopronouns…. cmon, im not calling you that" "how i did my makeup when i was emo (ew)" "filming the weird kid in secret cause wtfff guys" "you only need these 10 makeup products for this quick look" "sometimes i even go out only wearing concealer, lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara" "glad i stopped being alt lol" "fine you win with ya gay stuff" "those people that never grew out of their [insert subculture] phase smh" "how do these people get bfs and gfs but i dont??" "we should bring back bullying" "mean girl check" "i’m sorry but can we agree that this is cringe" "my bi phase" "my nonbinary phase" "what you need in your wardrobe for 2023" "which [insert disability] influencers are faking" "why you need a BBL" "why you need a buccal fat reduction" "neurodivergent ppl are sooo cute uwu" "filming weird self diagnosed autistic people at my college" ………….. i hate fast fashion i hate cringe culture i hate how people dehumanise anyone they see as "weird" i hate meaningless quick trends that cause damage i hate how quickly people turn on disabled & neurodivergent & queer ppl & POC when some stupid trend is over!!
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zhukzucraft · 3 months
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i saved you some cats!
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servospawn · 1 year
calling out all the 30+ yr old simmers..
no shade to the teens and early twenties bloggers but it’s hard finding people within my age group that are active and continue to contribute here in the community. 
also idk if anyone else experiences this but sometimes it can be difficult relating to the younger population due to generational differences, pop culture, etc. 
please reblog or comment if you fall into the 30+ age simblr category.
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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in a rose garden
(closeups under the cut :])
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piece is a redraw of ‘in a rose garden’ by lawrence alma-tadema! i love the whimsy of the original piece, and wanted to draw something floral and beautiful after all the moody art ive been doing :p
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marcspectrr · 24 days
Obsessed with their body language in this entire scene
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jjkyaoi · 7 months
i love hot jon but specifically the part where he’s not appealing to anyone and yet he’s appealing to. everyone . like season one is the most put together he looks and even that’s a stretch because she’s prematurely graying and wears little grandma glasses and big sweaters that make him look stick skinny (he is). and then season two hits him like a bullet train and he s so stressed out of his mind that he doesn’t even comb his hair . veins popping in his eyes wearing the same cardigan that he wore three days ago because he’s been sleeping in his office carrying a tape recorder everywhere and he has this odd little creature magnetism about her. her brown eyes turn green in season three and nobody knows what to say to him about that. he grows out his hair to mad scientist unbrushed length most of her shirts have been stained three times over LIKE THIS IS NOT AN APPEALING LOOK. but by god is he wanted by the masses
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firexima · 29 days
Technoblade grief is hitting again and I just wanna talk about it a bit somewhere so if you don’t wanna read about it, please scroll away. I’m not really writing this with the intention of anyone to read it anyways but I want it to be out there somewhere and just get it out.
I guess I just came to the realization that all this time I only mostly became ok with it because subconsciously it’s like I’m waiting for him and I am fine with waiting but it really just hit me to know that no matter what, he’s never coming back.
There are so many possibilities and so many variables and there’s so many chances for all the little things— like there’s a certain probability that my towel will fall to the floor when I close the door or there’s a certain probability that I’ll get a Rubik’s cube right if I keep twisting it around eventually or even a probability that I’ll get hit by lightning. The world is full of so many probabilities even if they are minuscule but never once in all of those probabilities is there a chance for him to be back even just once.
I always thought about how large infinity is but I thought about it in the sense of immortality or how big something would be— now I am thinking about it in the sense that I could wait and live for eternity and he still would never exist again. I could freeze myself and be thawed out in hundreds or thousands of years in the future and still he will be gone.
In my head things that were everlasting were always fictional. I associated it with things like vampires or hypotheticals like a hotel with infinite rooms that could never exist because infinity like that could never be real. It’s just hard to comprehend that death is the one thing that is everlasting and Technoblade is and will forever be dead. It still just doesn’t feel real.
It doesn’t matter what I do or how much I accomplish or change or what happens in the world, nothing will ever bring him back. I’m used to nothing really being permanent and it’s just taking a lot of time to swallow and come to terms with just how permanent death is.
I don’t know if I’ll ever fully process it.
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First I gotta say you've been feeding us so good! You don't know how happy I am to see my little ship somewhere other than my own head lol but if I could ask for maybe some more jealous satoru?
Just a small shitpost xDDDD
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canisalbus · 4 months
What is the one thing that bothers each other on their lover?
Not huge icks, but small bothers?
Vasco can be forgetful and a bit irresponsible. And even if he means well, he sometimes comes across inconsiderate, he just doesn't always think things through. He's usually very sure of himself, stubborn and resistant to accepting advice if he thinks he knows what he's doing. Occasionally he misreads the situation and his attempts to lighten the mood misfire so severely, it's like he's incapable taking things seriously.
Machete has a nitpicky control freak side to him that gets more pronounced when he's stressed. He's prone to bottling up his emotions and then feeling misunderstood when people can't read his mind. He finds a way to blame himself for everything and is a chronic over-apologizer.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
man I wish there were a more nuanced way to talk about dress history’s darker sides without like.
making people feel guilty for thinking the clothes were pretty.
to be clear, I don’t mean this in the Conservative Pundit sense where literally any criticism of white/cis/straight/male privilege and its negative effects on society makes them cry about being Laden With Unfair Guilt(TM). I mean like...I don’t know. this Gotcha attitude I see sometimes that’s like
obviously we should talk about the horrific systems (many many of them) in the past. if a garment was made from fibers processed by enslaved people, and sewn by teenage seamstresses making a pittance, that needs to be discussed
but I feel as if it would help to contextualize that with like
“who makes the majority of our clothing today? what conditions do they work in? what difficulties prevent us from simply opting out of having our clothes produced this way? who sets trends, and do people outside their social echelon also enjoy those trends?”
so that people get that they should be thinking about the past and how its legacy impacts us today, rather than tearing themselves up for Finding The Early 19th Century Cotton Evening Gown Pretty
there is no unproblematic period to enjoy clothing from, including the one we live in now. and it’s not productive to rip people a new one for Bad Fashion Preferences. to me, it’s the same as claiming that someone supports sweatshop labor because they said a Shein dress was cute once
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toytulini · 4 months
Everyone stop youre drinking the battery acid spaghetti all wrong. the correct receptacle is a
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reionized · 1 year
integrating with disrespect to x right now
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fantasykiri5 · 3 days
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FINALLY IT’S THE DAY OF MY HORRIBLE LITTLE FAVORITE!!! One Mr. Joel S. Beans for day 30 of @hermitadaymay !!!!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
In the equineswap au does everyone know that wwx lost his magic bc his horn is gone or does he pretend it's there somehow?
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Wen Qing casted her scotch tape spell
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