#but the double standard is blatant
the-library-alcove · 1 month
One repeated refrain I keep seeing from the Pro-Palestinian crowd, from the most virulently Jew-hating to the most Jew-sympathetic, is pretty straightforward.
"Well, after 75 years of how the Palestinians have been treated, can you blame them for the 7/10 attack?"
And the response that I've been itching to give to that...
"So, you're saying that the Nakba was acceptable back in 1948? Because after 1000+ years of mistreatment by Muslim Arabs, including multiple massacres and ethnic cleansing in living memory, that means that the Jews were justified with the Nakba--indeed, they were restrained, because they could have easily done so much worse, and the Palestinians Arabs hadn't had any mistreatment yet. There was a clear side who had been the victims (the Jews) and a clear side who had been the victimizers for over a thousand years, as the Muslims been the ones doing the mistreatment to the Jews. If you're saying that 75 years of marginalization justifies mass rape and murder, then the Israelis in 1948 would have been justified in killing every single proto-Palestinian Arab by that same metric.
"No? That's different? How? How is it different? Explain to me how it's different without using the word 'colonizer', because a vast number of the Jews who lived there were native and had never been living elsewhere. Sure, they were just a portion of the Jewish population as a whole, but so are the Palestinian militants. Would someone whose family had been butchered in the 1929 Hebron Massacre not be justified in taking out their hate on other Arabs? Because that's the standard you're promoting now. How is it different?
"On what ethical grounds is it okay to say that the Palestinians deserve to get to rape and murder for 75 years of marginalization, and yet that the Jews simply displacing them but allowing them to continue living, sparing their lives after 1200+ years of brutal suppression... that act is somehow the most horrendous and monstrous act in the entire history of mankind, as some Pro-Palestinian activists have explicitly said?"
"Explain to me how 75 years of mistreatment justifies mass murder, but 1000+ years of legally recognized second-class brutal near-slavery doesn't justify displacement of your former oppressors."
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tumblingxelian · 5 months
There is something really weird about people who bailed on RWBY because they felt it wasn't queer enough for them. Only to go and stan a series with like, literally one canonized gay character and very limited story but act like its the gayest thing in the world.
Like what you like.
But I think in this case its pretty clear they were more interested in having something akin to a toy box or sandpit to play with; rather than an actual story.
But they don't want to admit that and so have to pretend there's something wrong with RWBY's queer rep to justify their interest in the new thing because media engagement is a contest I guess?
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Holy shit the reaction to S4 of True Detective smacks heavily of misogyny
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news4dzhozhar · 16 days
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it’s 2023 i’m done arguing if you hate minority ccs for shit you let other ccs get away with scott free i’m murdering you.
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loki-zen · 4 months
get where they’re coming from but feel like the comments talking about relative obesity rates in Canada and US in response to what i said about Letterkenny were kinda missing the point.. it’s not that there are no obese women in Letterkenny! It’s that the women are tiny to a degree that is honestly beyond even what is characteristic of ‘conventionally attractive TV women’ in this day and age.
it’s like they got their idea of a Hot Girl straight out of the 1990s, but the cinematography notes are bang up to date, resulting in some very weird moments in which the camera lingers salaciously on a scantily-clad young woman’s complete and total lack of ass.
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svartikotturinn · 2 months
I couldn’t stand to watch Shaun’s latest video, so I started reading the transcript instead. I got about 15 minutes in before I just had enough.
The good: I don’t think he’s legitimately antisemitic. I think he’s just a contrarian dipshit who took his anti-Israeli stance mostly because he had an excuse to go against what his government was saying (along with other Western governments) and didn’t bother to look deeper. So he is a lot of things but antisemitic does not seem to be one of them.
Also, I should commend him for pointing out actual cases of Israeli disinformation, such as an outright lie by the IDF spokesman, and brings up the violence towards mourners and even pallbearers at Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral, which he rightfully condems (no, chanting slogans does not justify it).
The bad: The sheer one-sided laziness, up to and including outright lies (which, I hope, for his sake, were based in ignorance and not malice), starting right at the beginning. He says what got him doubting the narrative of ‘Israel good, Palestinians bad’ was a photo of Israelis sitting on chairs they’d brought watching the Gaza Strip being bombed from a safe distance in 2014—he neglects to mention that those are people from nearby Sderot, a town that had been subject to repeated rocket strikes from Hamas. He offhandedly mentions that the other side does it, too, but barely gives this thought much weight. Worse, he certainly does not consider that Israelis can at least claim that they’re cheering for the death of mlitants out for their blood hiding in the destroyed buildings, while Palestinians cheer for the deliberate killing of civilians: stabbing and shooting random civilians, launching rockets indiscriminately at civilians (no, Israel doesn’t do that, that’s what intel and GPS systems are for).
(Pro-tip: check out what your favourite pro-Palestinian influencer’s page for what they said while the October 7th Massacre was still ongoing. I bet you’ll be horrified. Shaun himself, for example, retweeted an infographic about the asymmetry of casualties in both sides over the years and blocked me when I called him out on his callous ‘well, numerically…’ attitude. That was last October, not 2014.)
Then there’s Abu Akleh’s death, which he also discusses. I’m using this term charitably, because he says it was definitively proven as murder and says any claim to the contrary has been proven to be a mendacious cover-up. No, he does not provide any sources countering, say, the official US position. (For the record: fuck then-Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s reaction. He is a prime example of the problems Israel actually has.)
Then he had the sheer audacity to claim that the claims of tunnels under As-Shifā’ Hospital were unfounded. What fucking nerve.
I was hoping to reach the point where he talks about how Hamas treats the Gazans, and point out that the disparity of casualties has to do in large part with the fact that Israel actually cares for its civilians (something he didn’t even hint at up to where I got), but that bold-faced lie about the hospital made it too much for me.
Fuck you, Shaun.
…Oh, and one last thing: he talked about the Western position being one of resistence to the implied barbarism of Islam. So, Shaun, I’m here to say it’s not fucking ‘implied’, you dolt, it’s emphatic. Read the fucking Qur’ān and tell me that shit doesn’t sound like any other cult leader’s insane ramblings. Listen to opinions Muslims express in polls. Talk to them about history, especially the history of the region. It’s cultish shit on par with MAGA/QAnon and Russian propaganda, but you start hemming and hawing when brown people say it, like a stereotypical Westerner who dismisses their country’s superstitions but gladly adopts those that come from China or India. How utterly disguting.
EDIT: I should’ve stopped listening to this prick back when he made his inaccuracies-ridden video about Harry Potter. I guess maybe in his view, there are indeed good and bad sides rather than actions…
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beevean · 7 months
I like how Samus can't have breasts bigger than a b cup, or a somewhat pretty face or even a stupid mole without r/metroid pulling a hissy fit, yet NFCV can have titties the dhampir, BDSM-lady and Asstec the sex-man. Not to mention Hector and Lenore and most fans just eat it up and want more of it
Hector's fetishy treatment alone steamrolls over Other M's Samus' fetishization in terms of how bad and blatant it was
You will never convince me that it's not a combination of sexism and extreme bias towards NFCV, whether it's because it's a Western adaptation that Fleshes Out The Stupid Games, or because it's just NFCV and at this point we start from the point "it's perfect" and work backwards from here.
Yeah, I don't like this logic, but that's what it looks like!
Alucard's tittification and Orlox's "imma fuck you" expression piss me off. I'm the target audience! I'm supposed to thirst and drool over the most generic fanservice ever and ignore how OOC it is! Sorry guys, you can give Alucard the most cheesegrater-like abs ever, I'm not forgetting how much of a bitch he was in S2!
Hector too! While the appeal of BDSM vampire step on me mommy is more of a thing for people attracted to women I think, I see how female fans treat show Hector (men seem to mostly joke about him being a simp which is also incorrect), and it's so fucking blatant that his appeal is being the cutest saddest wettest kitten ever. You're not rooting for a character, you're crying for the chew toy with 🥺 eyes and (allegedly) pretty hair. And in the meantime thirsting and drooling over his naked body as he gets abused - and look, in fanfiction you can have a fetish for whump and everything you like, but it's not supposed to be canon professional writing!
After all. Same thing happened to Richter as soon as the first trailer dropped. He's a pretty crying boy, and that's enough.
Oh, but don't forget Dracula too! He's hot! He's very hot when he goes to slaughter innocent villagers to bathe in their blood with an orgasmic expression! So everything he does is justified and he's just a poor babyboy as well!
I feel manipulated, and not in a clever way either. Like my opinions on the writing can be swayed because hey gurrrrrrrrl, how bout some thick tiddies 👀
The Metroid games don't do this. Even OM, as awful as it is, as inappropriately it shoves Samus' ass in some scenes, as terribly disrespectful and sexist it is against one of the most beloved female videogame protagonists of all time... I never got the feeling that her tits and ass were being dangled like keys in front of me in the hopes that the horny overrode my logical thinking. That's what NFCV does. Whether it's with the cool fighting scenes, or the long pseudo-deep filibusters, or pretty boys hurting, the show hides behind all sorts of fanservice and gets away with appalling writing, both quality-wise and moral-wise.
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tenuousnessless7 · 2 months
Starting to realize that one scene from Barry where they cancel Sally’s show before it even came out because it didn’t hit the right “taste clusters” or whatever was wasn’t satire, like, not even a little. Particularly with Netflix, it is sooo obvious before a show even comes out whether they’re going to give it more than one season. Like, they’re out here just throwing money at a few shows a year, advertising the hell out of them - and then wow! People watch them! And they get renewed! But God forbid some stuffed suit uses a few test screening an and an algorithm to determine that your show just doesn’t Have It, its just dumped into the platform to fade into obscurity. Except, of course, a lot of these shows are actually really good and find a dedicated and enthusiastic audience, and maybe would have found a bigger audience if they’d been given half a decent chance, but they’ve already written them off before they even come out, so, whoops! Not enough views! It’s just too bad but we have to cancel it! Anyway, Netflix is the enemy of creativity and I hope it dies 👍
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intersexdabi · 11 months
one of these days we're going to have to reckon with how we talk about and treat fan authors, especially new writers, relative to other fan content like fan art. the blatant and casual disrespect directed towards fic writers is so normalized and i guess not-so-oddly mirrors how (at least the western side) the world has treated authors through the years. if i took half of what is said about fan authors or specifically their work, and applied that to fan art or fan artists, i have no doubt that i would be ripped to shreds.
anyway. if you guys could. like. just refrain from casually dropping how bad you think authors are or how shitty we are at making things. that would be swell.
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optionalcausality · 12 days
Just want to add (thinking about the post below):
So. I recently traveled to Texas to see the eclipse. If it had been in Florida I would simply not have gone, but Texas is merely high risk.
And I was very aware of my surroundings, traveling there and on the way back. Family members who were with me were so, so careful not to misgender me, especially in public spaces. Checking into hotels was always a bit nervous-making.
I mentioned this to my cousin's partner, and he understood it. Because he's a black man traveling with his white best friend and people can immediately clock them as a couple.
He always has to be making the same calculations, including what areas or states are unacceptably high-risk for travel.
But I'd been sheltered so much from the double standard because I'm white. And these concerns aren't new to me (being perceived as an unaccompanied young woman has other hazards) but there are layers and gradients.
Anyway. Something to think about.
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That one famous hate post about Sebastian has nearly 9k notes and like, two people defending him... you guys are weak.
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mostbrilliantidiot · 5 months
Y'all please stop making me add to my block list.
If you aren't going to vet your sources, please do NOT add misinformation to the stream.
And you may notice I don't blog much about certain events. That is because I do not have the time to properly vet my sources, and am well aware of all the misinformation floating around. All I ask is you do the same.
"source: bro trust me" is NOT a good idea outside of joke posts. And these days there are also far too many misinfo sites that have wrapped themselves in a veneer of legitimacy.
And right now there is a lot of veiled (or not) hate that is being whipped up and spread around. Don't add to that.
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drunkardsprayer · 2 years
Society haaaates women and it’s never more obvious than when you’re watching a procedural drama
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"Faithful adherence to the rule of law is the bedrock principle of Justice Department and of our democracy," Garland said. "Upholding the rule of law means applying the law evenly without fear or favor under my watch. That is precisely what the Justice Department is doing."
Patiently waiting for the raid on Hillary's or Hunter's house.
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Stopped watching house on s5 ep 2 to think about a hypothetical episode in which the actor who house kidnapped attempts to try and ask him out and like everyone on house's staff is convinced he's trauma bonded
#random thoughts#house#thirteen is convinced it's amoral because of the inherent power imbalance between doctor and patient#she doesn't consider them to be on equal standing because she doesn't consider soap opera stars to be real celebrities#otherwise she would accuse the actor of using house's infatuation with the show to get sex#house mentions this because throughout the episode he is#1. absolutely convinced every action this guy does is not blatant flirtation and#2. now suddenly obsessed with double standards when it comes to attempts at courtship vs harassment#this is when chase's attempts at pursuing cameron come to light and cameron is becoming slowly convinced chase is predatory#like it's mentioned once to her and now she's questioning chase's every move#the plastic surgeon thinks the actor's infatuation with house is a lawsuit waiting to happen#kutner thinks house should get some and that every celebrity is secretly kinky#the first two confront cameron and they all go along with house to see cuddy#cameron is the one who is first convinced it's trauma bonding which is why they go to cuddy#she thought house's repeated attempts to treat the actor without his consent may have led to a trauma bond being formed#cuddy thinks this is bull because a trauma bond would require a cycle of abuse with each cycle ending with reward#and house isn't fucking rewarding anyone#cameron poses the idea the reward may have been never having to see house again after the treatments repeatedly being yanked away from him#cuddy thinks house and the dude should fuck cuz it'd be good for pr#patients are more afraid of suing doctors if they're someway involved with powerful people#to which thirteen responds something like 'powerful? he's a b-rated actor starring in a drama about oncology'#and house responds 'actually he's an obstetrician'#also cuddy wants house to fuck the guy because she has a bet going on with wilson about whether house had ever slept with a man#at the end of the episode it's revealed cuddy was doing reverse psychology and had bet house had never slept with a man#wilson bet he had slept with a man either cuz he's an addict and would do anything for some pills#or because he pegged (ha!) house as the 'i'll try anything once' kind of guy#wilson ends up winning the bet but house tells cuddy she won the bet because he doesn't want them to know he slept with the guy#also he doesn't want cuddy to be right just to spite her#wilson would have won anyway cuz house was IN on the new york queer scene in his thirties#later on they find an old negative AIDS test in his personal files because ~jesus christ house md~
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