#but that's how i chose life
lucabyte · 1 month
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Not all who wander are lost. Some who wander, however, are extremely, extremely lost.
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furiosophie · 7 months
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it's something sinister to love without regard for dear tomorrow
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teddy-bear-d · 7 months
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Gem and the Scotts, Scotts and the Gem
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autisticandroids · 9 months
FAMINE: That's one deep, dark nothing you've got there, Dean.
[youtube with closed captions]
dean and his father. dean and his family. dean and how bad it is.
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(via @closetoyou1970)
#spn#vid#mind the warnings on this one for real#woe! fruit of my rewatch be upon ye.#pallas calls this my 'deangirl coming out vid' which honestly. true. but those who paid attention know i've always been a deangirl.#also. after this no more deanwinchester rilo kiley amvs I Pwomise#anyway. i'm not gonna give a full commentary here but a big reason why i chose this song is that the narrator#is essentially dismissing her own problems and instead watching the problems of someone else#and i kind of wanted to play with that theme. this is the parallels show so let's do some parallels. lots of things happen to characters#that are Like Dean somehow. either in personality or circumstance. that we know or can infer happen to him. but we don't see it bc it's#not sayable. not speakable. so like for an easy one. we see meg being tortured in caged heat. she also talks about apprenticing under#alastair just like dean. so i show her being tortured [in a way that is sexualized and demon-specific] and reacting how she does#because i invite the audience to imagine or interpret that this has also happened to dean at some point. we just don't see it#so there are many dean parallels in this video. some obvious. some subtle but textual. some products of my twisted mind. but that's the way#i am using them to make my argument.#oh also: dean voice sam's eyes going black is JUST like when he used to fight with dad and wouldn't listen to me when i told him not to.#i guess also the point is that because it's unsayable. dean can't say it. dean can't even acknowledge it. and so it bleeds through#into everything in his life#that's why it's important that the song narrator doesn't take her own problems seriously. dean doesn't either.
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fandom-trash-goblin · 1 month
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My 1980s and Other Essays, Wayne Koestenbaum // Looking in the Mirror, George Tsui. // A Feast for Crows, Chapter 40, Princess In The Tower
for @alicentcole, my long lost twin
lyanna stark || elia martell || sansa stark || arya stark || alicent hightower || jaehaera targaryen || cersei lannister || myrcella baratheon || joanna lannister || aemma arryn || catelyn stark || sansa stark (2) || margaery tyrell || rhaena targaryen, daughter of aenys i || arianne martell || aerea targaryen || obara sand || nymeria sand
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deadpoets · 19 days
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How much of him is there in me?
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keii · 4 months
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JJK (Toji & Mahito) x I Saw the Devil (K-Movie) Crossover
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chappellrroan · 5 months
people who still hate Joe Alwyn need to get a life asap
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
i need bbh to win and invite skeppy because by the way bad talks about him i’m sure every non-english cc thinks he’s the most charming charismatic sweet and loving guy on the planet bc bad is so head-over-heels in love with him only for skeppy to join like 2 hours late, accidentally kill an egg, spend the entire time complaining to bad about Every Small Event while making bad do everything for him and then fuck off into the woods never to be seen again. and they’ll all turn to bad and be like “i’m so sorry . . . the stress of the situation must’ve gotten to him . . . maybe we’ve been here for so long he’s no longer the person you used to know . . .” only for bad to turn to them with hearts in his eyes and go “what do you mean? that’s how skeppy always is O.o isn’t he perfect?”
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heybiji · 1 month
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double life
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majestyjun · 1 month
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never in the history of bf pics has he done such a thing this cruel
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evilkitten3 · 4 months
one pet peeve of mine in founders-era fanfics is when madara's whole,,,, everything is solved by izuna just being there
like maybe this is just me, but i don't think izuna surviving or even coming around to the idea of a truce with the senju would've been enough to keep madara from the path he ended up on.
izuna wasn't the reason he left - he was definitely part of madara's issues, but he wasn't the why. even if izuna had stuck around, and even if that had been enough to keep the uchiha clan from losing their faith in madara, i think he would've still come to realize konoha wasn't what he'd hoped it would be.
best case scenario, i think izuna's survival might've caused madara to stick around a bit longer, but i don't think it would've lasted. honestly, even then, that might've just made the inevitable break-up between madara and hashirama even more agonizing (particularly for izuna)
it's a fun idea to play around with for sure, but frankly i don't think canon!madara could've ever been 'saved' from that path. certainly not if the hidden village system ended up getting set up in the same way.
#naruto#naruto shippuden#meta#uchiha madara#uchiha izuna#senju hashirama#from the moment madara was born into that world he was doomed to walk that path i think#most fics that have izuna live and madara still leave that i've seen keep izuna's death as the catalyst. but moved down a bit#which i understand#but imo it'd be more interesting to explore how izuna would feel about his brother's choice#bc as much as people like to view izuna as like a super big bro supporter. he really REALLY isn't#his loyalty is to the uchiha clan#we're explicitly shown that if forced to pick between the clan's interests and madara's dream izuna will pick the clan#both as a kid when he and tajima fought tobirama and butsuma#and as an adult when he used his last words (or the last words hashirama ever heard from him) to further that divide#the clan chose konoha over madara. and i think izuna - as against the idea as he was to begin with - would've also#not bc he doesn't love his brother. bc his loyalty is and always will be to the uchiha clan#hell madara was the same until he was physically forced to stop#first by hashirama trying to use his own life as a bid for peace between their families#and later by the uchiha clan's rejection of madara himself#madara is like. if the doomed hero trope was the antagonist#having said all of that zetsu was never going to let izuna live bc he needed madara to get the eternal mangekyou sharingan#and izuna was the only one of his siblings who lived long enough to see him get the regular sharingan. so it had to be him#but like i said even if that weren't the case it wouldn't have mattered#madara believed that the end - the world of dreams - would justify the means. if izuna hadn't given up his eyes freely...#well. it's not like people didn't end up thinking madara had taken them anyway#i don't think even naruto could've saved madara really#the only thing anyone could've saved him from was dying alone#which is what would've happened if everyone except him was in the infinite tsukuyomi when kaguya came back#and honestly even tho all three of his deaths had other people there (hashirama then obito then hashirama again)
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softpine · 24 days
i like how we all collectively agreed that covid does not exist in any of our sims stories
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sunny12th · 9 months
dany was so broken in agot, physically and mentally. she was ready to kill herself to escape drogo. her childhood had been a long unfortunate series of running away from the alleged monsters that killed her family and left her exiled and desperately trying to appease her abusive brother/guardian.
but then, after she's resolved herself to suicide, she has a dream. and then, she starts to notice the beauty in the new world around her. how the dothraki grass sea swallowed her up, the new sights and sounds and smells all around. she found solace in the people, she ate with them, learned their language in a matter of months, enjoyed their food. felt freer in dothraki riding clothes than in the fine silks ilyrio had dressed her up in.
I'm still deeply touched everytime I read about dany giggling, joking around, moving forward, hugging her friends, leading, and fighting after enduring so much. it's not about her being right in everything she does or everything ending well for her. she went through hell, was already going through it before the series even started, and she kept going. she grows and fights and fucks and laughs and cries and rages. she falls and she gets right back up again.
dany is ready to end her own life. the next day, she notices how pretty the sky is. she learns a few more dothraki words everyday and starts to connect more with those around her. she tries some new foods and starts to feel more comfortable on her horse.
the dragon dream certainly did Something to dany - a scarlet and black dragon (drogon, balerion come again) baptizing her in flame. scouring her, tempering her, making her clean. after this, dany makes the quiet choice to live. there is no grand revelation, no "i want to live!" monologue. she simply starts to notice the beauty in the world she's traveling through, the loyalty and easy comradery in her companions, the tasty food and comfortable clothes. dothraki smells, horse smells. riding leather, painted vests, the gently singing bells braided through hair. dany chooses life everytime she giggles, everytime she tries a new food or convinces her friends to try one, everytime she stops to stare at a pretty sight.
she was ready to choose death and she chose life. when her entire world had narrowed to the scope of her pain, to the strength of her abusers, to the golden collar drogo had put around her neck - she still chose life. and just like that, her world expanded and she could see all that was worth living for.
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
Being crippled is so ridiculous sometimes like what do you mean I can't walk? That's literally what my legs are for. Are you telling me they just up and quit on me? For what? Better wages? In this economy? no not wages apparently they just don't like the fact my soul is inhabiting this body and until further notice lmao they're just gonna make sure I'm miserable. 👍 why, you may ask? Well, why not is the real question apparently
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hella1975 · 2 months
the thing about trauma and i think the reason im always more compelled by characters who lash out as a result of it instead of being made stronger by it is that it’s pointless. none of that shit happened for a reason. there’s nothing you’re supposed to do now that it happened. i can’t stand narratives that romanticise trauma bc the reality of it is that you went through that for no reason and you have to just deal and keep going. there’s nothing beautiful or brave about it. no one is writing you for it to mean something. it’s just… there
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