#but some of use want to know whether we put the retinol (for acne and scarring bc guess what its not just an 'anti ager') before or after
bloodyke · 2 years
listen im the first person to tell you you dont need fancy elaborate ten step skincare routine and that the skincare industry is just inventing insecurities to sell people 'fixes' for but some of y'all bitches are being willfully obtuse and irritating i just saw a post where everyone was bitching about the fact that someone listed the order to apply specific products in and had used vague terms like "treatment" and "serum" instead of listing products AND THEN GOT MAD THAT THERE WERE SO MANY STEPS like ??? of course it was a vague term bc there are a million different treatments and serums out there? "whats a treatment" its LITERALLY what it sounds like dumbass this is the catch all term for things to treat scarring or acne or hyperpigmentation "toner? are we printers now???" i personally dont think toners are necessary or important but its literally a known product to help with hydration after you use a cleanser which is helpful if you have drier skin..... its literally not that hard.... and the video wasnt even talking about NEEDING all these products it was literally just a helpful guide so people know how to layer things in THEIR OWN ROUTINES so they absorb properly it said nothing about all the steps being 100% required it just listed every type of product on the market (bc surprise some people prefer their active ingredients in a different formula and texture).....
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codegrooming · 1 year
The Modern Man's Essential Skincare Products for a Put-Together Look
When sporting a dapper and put-together appearance, guys frequently put their physical appearance and wardrobe first. Skincare should be addressed as it is a necessary element of grooming. 
A man who takes care of his skin and is well-groomed often impresses everyone. But only some guys know how to take care of their skin! But the truth is that with just a few essential products in the grooming arsenal, you can quickly achieve a clear complexion and a smooth shave.
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So, Gentlemen, it's time to step up your skincare game with essential men's grooming products. From cleansers to moisturizers and exfoliators to targeted treatments, we'll cover all the bases for a polished and refreshed appearance. So, put down the soap bar and embrace the world of men's skincare - your skin (and confidence) will thank you."
First and foremost, begin your skincare regimen with a quality cleanser
A cleanser is applied to the skin to eliminate dirt, oil, and pollutants, leaving it feeling clean and revitalised. It is advised to use a cleanser designed especially for men's skin because it will include elements adapted to the requirements of men's skin.
Next, it is essential to use a moisturizer
The skin feels nourished and silky after using a moisturiser to help with hydration. Men's moisturisers frequently have a light, non-greasy consistency that penetrates the skin right away. To shield the skin from the sun's harmful UV rays, some moisturisers also include SPF.
A vital part of any skincare routine is exfoliants
Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, revealing new and healthy skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) are two common chemicals in men's exfoliators that work gently but effectively to remove dead skin cells without irritating them.
Remember to Protect your Skin with Pre-Shave products
Pre-shave oil or cream is a need for people who want a closer, smoother shave. These items aid in preparing the skin for shaving and softening hair. Additionally, they act as a barrier between the skin and the razor, lowering the possibility of rashes and razor burns.
Soothe your skin with Post-Shave Products
A post-shave product will help calm and moisturise the skin after shaving. Witch hazel and aloe vera are elements in a decent aftershave lotion or balm that relax and hydrate the skin, leaving it smooth and renewed.
Lather your skin with Sunscreen
When we talk about Sunscreen, we don't generally visualise men using them, which should not be the case because Sunscreen is a must-have product that everyone should use, whether men or women. They help shield your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays which cause skin problems like premature skin ageing, acne, sunburns, etc. So, every time you step out of your home, lather your skin with Sunscreen and say goodbye to numerous skin issues. 
Finally, end with the target treatment product
Targeted treatment products can be required for people with specific skin issues, such as acne or ageing. For instance, a product with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide may be helpful for guys with acne. A product with retinol or other anti-ageing chemicals may be beneficial for men who are worried about ageing.
The Final Word
Skin care products for men is crucial to have a well-groomed appearance. A healthy skincare regimen should include a cleanser, moisturiser, exfoliant, pre-shave oil or cream, post-shave product, and, if necessary, items for specific therapy. You may attain a clear, healthy complexion and a flawless shave with the help of these items, giving you a put-together appearance and feel.
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dxmedstudent · 3 years
Hi Dx, I hope you're well! I would like to ask if you could express your thoughts/opinions on the effect of medical influencers (medical students/doctors who create social media profiles to promote products/services for for-profit companies) on the public perception of medical professionals? I personally can't help feel that there's something unethical about it but I am very keen to heed your opinion because you are one of the most conscientious and introspective professionals I have encountered
I find this tricky, and I've been thinking about this. To be honest, I find having a public persona on social media under your name, tricky full stop. I find medtwitter mildly anxiety inducing, and it feels like it's very easy to reply to something quickly with not the best phrasing and for conversation to miss a lot of nuances. I don't know who decided that a microblogging platform was where everyone is going to discuss deep and in depth issues that you can't bloody summarise in 140 characters, but somehow everyone is rolling with it despite the fact that being forced to sum things up pithily actively contributes to a lot of the confusion and hostility and side-picking that goes on.
Plus it can be hard to mantain a social media presence that others find acceptable, and taking advertising out of the equation, I feel we need to do more to humanise people's online presences. I have friends of friends that I'm not sure whether they are just cautious or possibly the most boring people on the planet because their social media is dry AF. It's worse with non doctors because whilst doctors are dry about medicine, but there are people out there who act like highway maintenance or sewage are the only thing they are even slightly interested in. Now, I'm not sure if they are just very cautious about being professional (or maybe they really are just...boring), but I know that if I was engaging socially under my real name and qualifications I might be very anxious to post anything too personal. But I think we need to normalise professionals revealing a little of themselves and their personality, because that's what makes people human and engaging and likeable. No, I don't' think professionals need to be posting weekly recipes or mommy blogs on their social media, but the odd thing that reminds us they have interests or a life isn't a terrible thing. To me, if our social media could literally be repaced by a bot that churns out bland platitudes, then what's the point in having a public social media presence at all? Now, on to advertising. I've seen plenty of professionals on social media, and it's not uncommon for people to advertise things/be sponsored. If I'm going to say that a lawyer or author or other content creator can have a sponsor, it'd feel unfair for me to say a doctor can't. But I do think there would have to be provisos for me to say it was ethical. I do think that social media still does a rubbish job of people making clear that they are advertising - so often it seems that influencers are covertly being paid a lot of money to speak positively about brands, and this is not always being acknowledged. I find the extent that things are being sponsored now disconcerting, mainly because the extent is often not clear. I find this difficult partly because I'm in the UK. I'm paid by the government (essentially) rather than by patients or my hospital specifically, and having a customer or sponsor relationship with medical companies just isn't how we work - i get paid the same whatever drugs I recommend, and what I recommend will be based on whatever NICE says (usually) and what my local trust has decided. I have a belief that if I professionally endorse something, it should be something I believe in or have used enough to feel it's worth recommending. And I think being doctors, it'd make sense for us to hold our online representatives to this standard. Would I advertise anything? Probably not - I can imagine that I may have occasionally recommended art equipment or tools that I've used, but I can't see myself ever recommending or advertising anything that I wouldn't recommend freely of my own volition. Now, in practice if a doctor advertises a scrubs supplier or something innocuous then I probably won't be too mad, because that is not something that their qualification has any bearing on, and I can buy that they might have a favourite brand of scrubs or pencil or whatever. i.e. I'd be disappointed to find out that they'd never used what they are advertising and are only doing it for the money. But I'd hope that they wouldn't be desperate enough financially to advertise something that they didn't think was good. But personally, if it's something medical, then I feel they'd have to follow what the usual rules are for advertising medical services in their country. I'd expect them not to advertise something unless they make it explicitly clear whether they are receiving funding from the company, and I'd expect them to bring lots of data to back up their assertions - rather like a drug rep brings a power point presentation and takes you over their research when trying to persuade you to prescribe their branded whatever. I also think this is different because drug reps advertise to
scientifically literate people, whereas a doctor on a youtube channel is potentially advertising to anyone, including patients. I think there are also ways you can potentially do this without being unethical. For example, I follow a dermatologist. They do have a social media presence that educates patients on simple conditions. They both discuss products that don't deliver (based on research and experience) and products that make a bigger difference (again according to research, or example like retinols for acne). When asked about specific brands, they might describe some brands that they personally use and they tend to give a range of commonly found examples rather than suggesting that any one brand is the 'right' treatment. They discuss lots of different treatments and AFAIK they aren't sponsored by brands or otherwise receiving freebies from them or making money off them, but if they were I would 100% expect them to make that clear. I don't hate what they do, but I can see ways in which a doctor could go wrong - for example if they didn't declare sponsorships. I also think that over the counter dermatological treatments and cosmetics fall under different licensing than medications, which can blur the lines. In the UK we don't have any advertisement of prescription drugs on TV or in our papers etc. So for me it's wild to imagine that in places like the US people are being bombarded with "ask your doctor if flurgibibbin is right for you!" when most drugs are only useful in relatively specific circumstances - and the right drug for the patient may not be the one that advertises the hardest. To sum up: 1. I'd hope that they don't advertise medical equipment or drugs. 2. If they do, I would want them to make clear the extent of their sponsorship/funding and back it up with data. 3. I'd also want it to follow the laws of that land regarding advertising for those kinds of services. 4. This is in general a bit of a grey area which makes me personally feel uncomfortable and personally I wouldn't accept money from a company to advertise it unless i was 100% going to rave about how great their products were anyway. Even then, I'm not sure I could do it. 5. there are a lot of ways for this to go wrong, and it's a potential ethical minefield.
6. so is social media in general TBH.
7. I believe we need to modernise how we present ourselves on social media because the public need to appreciate that we are people and not bots putting ou the blandest content ever.
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sundayskin · 4 years
The Basic Steps of Skincare (What to Use & When) ✨👏🏻
Hello skincare friends!! It’s been some time since I last made an actually informative (useful?) post. I’ve been really busy with, well, life, as most of you are too! And so many new people have joined our chill & fun skincare community—welcome newcomers! This post is going to be a longer one because there’s a lot to talk about. If you want a condensed version—there’s no condensed version, lol. So grab your coffee or your tea and some snacks and get comfy! FYI, instead of going by product type like cleanser, toner, cream, etc., like most step-by-step guides do, I’m going to go more by skin needs. Okay, you ready? Let’s go!
So, in my opinion, the two most basic steps of a skincare routine that everyone should start with are cleansing & moisturizing (+ SPF). That being the case, the sections below are going to be broken down into the basic “musts” when it comes to skincare and then the “extra” skincare steps that are optional, and for those wanting advice, I’ll put my personal tips below each step:
⭐ STEP 1: CLEANSE. The cleansing step is pretty straightforward. You can use a cleanser (or two) and, if you want, a toner, which is often the second and last step in the typical (Korean/Asian) cleansing routine. Toners are put onto a cotton pad and used to wipe your face. 
🗸 Tip! “Double cleansing” is typically recommend if you need an extra, deeper cleanse. This is often the case if you (1) wear makeup, (2) wear heavier SPF, or (3) your skin gets very dirty/congested by the end of the day. Double cleansing can be using an oil cleanser + a water based cleanser, makeup wipes + a water based cleanser, a cleansing water + a water based cleanser, and so on—basically it’s cleansing twice people. The method you use is totally up to you, like everything in your routine is! 
🗸 Tip! Opt for lighter cleansing in the morning and deeper cleansing at night. In the morning, your skin shouldn’t need a deep cleanse & you don’t want to strip your skin of its nutrients by over-cleansing. I only rinse my face with water and use a cleansing water/toner in the morning and it’s helped my skin so much!
🗸 Tip! Remember, cleansing doesn’t literally have to be limited to a “cleanser;” try using cleansing waters or an oil or a powdered cleanser etc. There are so many cleansing options out there so find one that works for you. Don’t feel pressured to get one of those tube shaped bottles with “cleanser” written in the title, lol. 
🗸 Tip! Keep your face semi-wet after cleansing because it helps your skin retain moisture. Pat dry instead of rubbing. Have a designated face towel or use something less bacteria-harboring like tissues, a facial sponge, or just your hands! Likewise, don’t wait a long time after cleansing to follow up with your moisturizer/other products. 
⭐ STEP 2: MOISTURIZE. Aka the “giving back” part of your routine. There are seriously so many ways to moisturize and whatever skin type you have it’s a must in some form or another. If we’re talking about the most basic routine for beginners or those wanting a simple routine, this step entails simply using one or more moisturizers for, you guessed it, moisture. 
🗸 Tip! You can use just about any product meant to go on after cleansing as a moisturizer—essences (some “toners” are really essences; they just had to make skincare more confusing), serums, ampoules (why is this even a separate category from serums/essences?), oils, mists, creams, gels, you name it. Just like cleansing, as long as you’re moisturizing enough, whatever way you do it is up to you. 
🗸 Tip! For oily skin types, I recommend trying a mist, essence, or gel-textured moisturizer. For drier skin types, I’d choose something heavier or layer lighter options—but it’s best to skip out on the “7 skin method”—that’s old news and it’s really, really, way too many layers. We ain’t got money to be using 7 layers a day! And likewise, go for lighter options in the warmer months and heavier options in the colder months. And, FYI, by “heavier” I mean more hydrating/moisturizing, which isn’t always literally a heavier product!
🗸 Tip! If you find your skin feeling “dehydrated,” a heavier cream isn’t always the best option. Often thicker moisturizers won’t go “deep” within the skin but they’ll just create a layer on the surface. So, if you’re feeling your skin is really thirsty, the best option is layering something thin like an essence or serum—something that will absorb into your skin—then topping it off with a moisturizer to lock in that hydration. 
🗸 Tip! Your “giving back,” after-cleansing products can also double to treat your problem areas. For instance, you can use a brightening serum or a soothing cream or an acne-fighting essence, the list goes on—basically, I’m clumping everything into this broad category of “moisturizing” for simplicity’s sake, so go wild and be as basic or as complex in this step as you want. If you want to stay basic, just go for something that moisturizes, don’t worry too much about getting all the other 100 possible benefits products can give you—besides, odds are, any moisturizer you use has skin benefits beyond moisturization. Really, moisturization itself leads to other skin benefits. You don’t want to see me in my Skin Theory 101 mode—I can go on for days. 
🗸 Tip! Your day-time moisturizer should have SPF or you should apply SPF at the end of your routine after moisturizing. If you want to keep your routine simple, get a moisturizer that’s going to give you sun protection too. SPF can be annoying sometimes, but it’s an absolute must, unless, you know, you want things like premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots, loss of elasticity, and so on, but no, yah, totally up to you. 
🗸 Tip! Oftentimes, your oils, serums, or your essences can double as lip-care—say what?? Yep, it’s true. Just be aware of the ingredients, like strong exfoliants, that aren’t really meant for lips. But generally, what you put on your face is also safe (and beneficial) for your lips. 
Read on for extra steps beyond the basic cleanser + moisturizer (+SPF) routine.
EXTRAS (Depending on your skin needs.)
Spot treatments. For those with acne or other spot-related issues. 
🕒 When: Typically last, though this isn’t exclusive. For one, pimple patches should go after the cleansing step: less between the pimple patch and your skin the better it’ll work.
🗸 Tip! Drying spot treatments (like drying lotions) are great, particularly for oily skin types. If you don’t want to break the bank for that Mario Badescu drying lotion, try using a clay mask you have instead, leaving it overnight on small target areas just as you would a typical drying lotion! For dry skin types, tea tree oil is a personal favorite all-natural spot treatment of mine.
🗸 Tip! If you have a bad habit, like me, of itching, popping, and messing with your blemishes, use pimple patches to not only treat those blemishes, but to keep your hands off of them!
Targeted Treatment Products/Masks. This is again a super diverse section that overlaps others. You can use any sort of mask, leave-on treatment, or even a treatment tool, it’s up to you. You can even, you know, be like me and buy a $500 LED mask (or, better, DON’T be like me). 
🕒 When: Wash-offs are usually after or before cleansing (read the package) and leave-ons (serums, ampoules, sleeping packs, sheet masks, etc.) usually depend on how thick they are (thin > thick), and, of course, their instructions. Always check the fine print people. 
🗸 Tip! Clay masks are great for people with acne, pore problems, and excess sebum—shout out to my oily skin types, I see you! Sheet masks are cute and fun, but really sheets masks are like glorified single uses of an essence or serum, so I prefer using an actual essence or serum over spending $3-$5 on a single use version. Sorry sheet mask fanatics, the secret’s out. That $3 to $5 can, like, buy me a coffee at Starbucks, okay. 
Exfoliation. Basically, exfoliating helps your skin shed it’s dead skin cells so that your skin cells can renew themselves. It helps all sorts of skin issues from acne to scarring to signs of aging. 
🕒When: Almost always on a cleansed face before moisturizing. Use one to three times a week, depending on how sensitive your skin is and how “harsh” the product is. I tend to exfoliate once to twice a week because my skin is pretty sensitive right now and I’m using a lot of other strong ingredients/products. There are exfoliators that are said to be for everyday use, which some people swear by, but I personally don’t think I need to exfoliate daily.
🗸 Tip! Opt for chemical exfoliation (product key words: “peeling” “aha” “bha” “pha” etc.) over physical—no matter how good that apricot seed scrub feels when you use it, scrubs are almost always irritating to your skin, whether you can see it or not. Plus, they can create micro tears in your skin, especially the ones containing bigger granules—yikes! Exfoliants are sometimes in a wash-off mask form or can be left on the skin. They range from gentle to mild to so strong it feels like your skin is falling off—I don’t recommend the latter. 
🗸 Tip! There are a whole bunch of ingredients and things you should avoid when exfoliating, which are typically said to be vitamin c, exposure to the sun without high SPF, retinol/retinoids, other exfoliants, etc. If you aren’t sure, feel free to ask me or, better, Google it. 
P.S. You’ve probably realized this already but I should point out that these “different” steps or product types can, and often do, overlap each other. Like an exfoliant can be a treatment mask and a mask can also be a moisturizer and a cleanser can have ingredients that are exfoliating. It’s all too much, I know. Just start with the basics and gradually try more, if you want. 
Overwhelmed? Are you currently like that dog just sitting in the kitchen saying “this is fine” while everything’s on fire? If you’re overwhelmed, that’s absolutely okay and normal! Start by getting products that meet the absolute basic needs of you skin—cleansing and moisturization (+ SPF). What I like to do when trying to find new products is (1) read a lot of reviews, (2) watch YouTube videos featuring the product to see it in real time, and (3) always search the ingredients on a website like CosDNA that tells you what each ingredient is. After you’ve got the basics down, I’d start with a gentle exfoliating product—no scrubs people, just don’t do it. Then, once you’re comfortable with skincare, consider if you want to incorporate other products or steps or tools depending on your skin needs. Never start using all kinds of different products at once; start simply and slowly. In any case, my ask is open, so let me know if you want any advice, but remember that I’m not an expert, I just love skincare and I’ve been doing it for a long time (just ask my very disappointed bank account if you want proof). Good luck guys and gals, catch ya later!
— sundayskin ❤️
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Side Note: Am I 13 or Almost 40?
Well hello there! Welcome to the My Almost Midlife Crisis, I’m your host Jennifer Mathis. Today it’s all about what it’s like to get zits as an adult which at times can make you feel like you’re 13 going on 40.
If you haven’t listened to Episode 1 yet, To Botox or Not to Botox, I encourage you to do so as we talk about all sorts of fun changes to our face and hair as we get older like getting grey hair, all the way to Botox.
As an almost middle-aged woman, I find myself having to deal with zits and breakouts for the first time in my life. Last week I mentioned that I grew up using Noxema which must have done the trick because I never really had the issue of acne or zits when I was going through puberty.
Now before you get all like – oh, must be nice Jennifer, hear me out. While I may not have had to deal with zits, all teenagers have something they have to deal with amongst their cruel and heartless classmates that are so quick to point out things on your body that you have no control over and cannot change. For a lot of teens, that’s acne. But for me, it was that I had no boobs until pretty much college.
I didn’t hit puberty until I was heading into high school so I would definitely be what they call a “late bloomer”. I remember going in the locker room for gym class and getting changed. All the girls around me would have their bras, they’d be using their deodorant and they would have their satin underwear. I don’t know why the satin under, in particular, stuck in my head but boy did I want a pair of satin underwear. I just thought they looked so grown up. And they did look grown up vs. what I was wearing, my cotton bloomies. You know which ones I’m talking about. The white cotton ones with the days of the week written on them?  So I would beg my mom to get me satin underwear, but she was not having it.
She always told me that I couldn’t get it because I was too young. Which is a bad strategy because if you tell a child or a teenager that they are too young for something, they just want it more. She should have just told me, “listen, satin underwear is not all it’s cracked up to be. It looks nice but it’s not comfortable, it doesn’t breath, you’ll get a yeast infection and trust me, you’re better off with cotton.”
So may lack of development in those years pretty much made me invisible to any boys. Except for one.
Let’s just for sake of story call him Tom. Let me paint a picture of you. You get changed for gym class. You’re sitting in a circle with your friends, although I was kind of a dork so let’s just say I was sitting with a group of peers. You’re waiting for gym class to start. You’re doing your stretches, stretching those hamstrings, getting ready for whatever your gym teacher is going to throw at you that day. Tom calls everyone’s attention, turns to me, lifts up his shirt, points to his chest and asks me if I was jealous.
Yeah, I was pretty much humiliated. The fact that I’m going to be 40 soon and I can still vividly picture this scene in my brain, even down to the detail of what color shirt he was wearing should speak to speak to how humiliated I was. It forever stuck with me.
I would like to say this story didn’t necessarily end with that. I was able to turn it into a happy ending because one year when I was coming home from college and at the gym, guess who I ran into? Lil Mr. Tom, which by the way wasn’t aging that well. Saw me in the gym, asked me on a date and I was able to turn him down. After the humiliation I was caused, it felt really good!
Anyway I digress. Now as an adult I look back and think about – was it better to be a late bloomer because I skipped the whole teenage acne situation? Or would it have been better to have acne as a teenager? When you’re a late bloomer, sooner or later you bloom, and it’s fine. You move on and it’s no longer an issue. But acne is something you could get throughout your entire life. Wouldn’t you rather have an opportunity to figure out what system works for you when you’re younger so you have that in your back pocket, in your tool kit, for the rest of your life?
But I didn’t have that. So as an adult, when I started getting zits, whether it was from stress or maybe it was pre-period zits, I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t know what were the best products. I didn’t know what to do.  I would just be googling it.
It’s crazy because as you get older and our bodies continue to change, you would think we could catch a break sometime. You would think we could swap it out instead of it being additive. Like for example, when I was younger I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. There was one summer when I pretty much lived off of Sprite, Doritos and cigarettes and I turned out just fine.
But now, it’s this constant attention to detail on what I am putting in my body because at any moment, I could have some dairy, beans or gluten that will disagree with me and then I’m immediately feeling bloated and like I’ve gained five pounds. It’s only fair that if for the rest of my life I have to pay close attention to detail on the food that goes into my mouth so I can feel good, I should at least be able to get rid of zits.
For the most part my skin regimen seems to be working but every once and I will I still get zits here or there. In my FitFabFun box, I have now gotten these stickers for zits in two of them. The first pack I got was a mixture of black and red circle stickers. It reminds me of that game Girl Talk. I don’t know if you will know what I’m talking about or if they still sell it but as you went through the game, I don’t remember the rules, but as you went through the game, the worse you did the more red circle stickers you had to put on your face to simulate zits. Therefore the person that won the game had the least amount of zits on their face. Gee, no wonder we grew up being embarrassed if we had zits! We straight up had a popular game that shamed us for it!
The first round of stickers reminded me of that game and reminded me of that. But they didn’t really work anyway so if you got them just throw them away. I will say the ones I got recently seem to work better, they’re shaped like stars. Little black stars. On my last period, or pre-period, I got a couple of zits that were starting to form. I had three. So I was like “Ok, let’s try these out.”
So I put them on my forehead and I’m going to bed, which I realize these stickers are made for single people because if you are in a relationship when you’re wearing these stickers you look like a damn fool. But thankfully we have a very open and honest relationship so I feel comfortable enough in my own skin where I can wear these. So I come into bed, and my fiancé turns to me and says “Babe, your forehead looks like the galaxy.” Ha! He’s totally right! It did look like a galaxy. I mean, how romantic. What a great way to end the night. Hey, you feeling spicy? I have a galaxy on my forehead.
I feel like if they had these when I was a kid, that would have made having zits fun. Maybe that’s what they should do. Instead of having a game that shames you for having zits, they should have stickers that are stars so it can be a fun game. And maybe if they would have had something like this for late bloomers like myself, it would have taken the attention away from the lack of cleavage for the kids to focus on.
Anyway, there’s no way around it. Having zits as an adult sucks. And while you have your skin regimen, you have your Retinol and you have these stickers, and they all seem to help to some degree, I don’t think it’s actually possible to completely eliminate adult zits. Zits come from two things, stress and hormones. So once a month, as a female, your hormones are out of wack. But also stress. Stress, as adults, comes with the territory. So it seems like something you just have to live with.
But at least it’s something we can all laugh at together because unlike when you are a teenager, your fellow adults are not going to point out your zits in public so everyone laughs at you.
Tune in next week because we’re going to be closing out the conversation, we’ve been having the last couple weeks about the pressure women feel to keep looking young, by bringing in a new perspective. I’m going to be sitting down with one of my closest friends, Catherine, to understand her view on all these topics from Retinol and Botox and skin regimen and adult zits and all that great stuff we’ve been talking about and we’ll have some fun and laughs in the process.
Until next week!
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audible-smiles · 5 years
ok, we get it, cats can’t be vegan; but why not?
By now, you’ve probably heard people on this website saying that cats are obligate carnivores. That’s true! You have probably also have heard people say this loudly and self-righteously, without offering additional detail. What does it really mean, in nutritional practice, for an animal to be an obligate carnivore? What, specifically, does meat have that cats need? Is there really a bunch of people out there trying to put their cats on vegan diets? Is it actually that bad? This post was written for you, my intellectually curious friend.
Cats have a higher dietary requirement for protein: 
Cats (and I presume carnivores in general) convert protein into glucose and use it for energy at a relatively high rate. That’s a last ditch strategy for humans; if we’re starving, we’ll start using protein for energy, but most of the time we use carbohydrates, because it’s a more efficient process. Cats don’t have that option, because their natural diet (small rodents, birds, reptiles, and even bugs, with occasional nibbling on foliage) is very low-carb, so their metabolisms work differently. The minimum protein requirement in the cat is about 26%, compared to a minimum of 18% for dogs, which are better adapted to digest carbohydrates, and a minimum of 10% for humans, which are true omnivores. If they do not hit this minimum, cats will start catabolizing their own muscles to meet their energy requirements. Their maximum protein intake while hunting can be as high as 62%! 
Can this higher protein requirement be met with plant-based protein? Yes, but it’s difficult. Hydrolyzed protein diets are therapeutic pet foods for animals with food allergies. The protein macromolecules are broken down into peptides or even amino acids, which are actually too small for the immune system to recognize them as a threat. The protein for HP diets can be sourced from anything, and soybeans are often used. These diets are not truly vegetarian, as they usually include animal fats for better palatability, and may also use hydrolyzed protein sourced from animal products in order to hit their minimums. Vegan cat food manufacturers don’t have this option, so they have to add ingredients like yeast and/or molasses to get cats interested, and their protein percentages are often on the low side, which is not ideal.
Cats can’t synthesize arachidonic acid from linoleic acid: 
Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid found primarily in animal tissue. Most herbivores and omnivores can make it in their bodies using linoleic acid, which they get from plants. (Vegetable oils are a good source of linoleic acid for humans!) Cats don’t have the enzyme required to do this, so for them arachidonic acid is an essential nutrient, which means they have to get it from their diet. For a vegetarian cat food, chicken eggs would be a great source, but sourcing vegan arachidonic acid is more complicated.
Can you get arachidonic acid from non-animal sources? Maybe! Fungus in the genus Mortierella have been found to produce arachidonic acid. Theoretically you could farm this fungus and use it in cat food, although I have no idea if anyone is doing this right now. I don’t think its a cost-effective process yet, but someone somewhere is probably working on it. There are also some potential algae/seaweed sources, and those are definitely ingredients found in some pet foods, although I’m not sure if we have well-established science on how bioavailable plant sources of arachidonic acid are to carnivores- sometimes if you’re using a weird ingredient as a nutrient source you have to add more of it than usual, because it might be less efficiently digested/utilized.
Cats can’t synthesize vitamin A from carotenes: 
Vitamin A is another essential nutrient for cats. When people say that eating carrots is good for your eyes, they’re referring to the fact that the orange color of carrots comes from carotene, and our bodies break carotene down into retinol, a form of vitamin A, which is vital for ocular health and function. Just like with linoleic acid and arachidonic acid, cats cannot convert carotenes to retinol; they rely on their prey to do it for them. Butter, cheese and eggs are all potential sources of vitamin A, so we still might be able to make a vegetarian cat food if we use dairy.
Can you get Vitamin A from non-animal sources? Maybe! Please note that many plants listed as a “source of vitamin A” are really a source of carotenes, and not suitable for cats. But synthetic retinoids exist! (They’re used topically for acne, I guess, IDK anything about human medicine.) So I bet someone out there is making a synthetic vitamin A supplement, and I bet a cat food manufacturer could buy it. I also bet it would be significantly more expensive than just putting chicken liver in cat food. 
Cats can’t synthesize niacin from tryptophan:
Are you getting the picture here? Carnivores just aren’t equipped to make certain nutrients. Why bother, when you can get it so easily from your prey? Herbivores can make tryptophan and niacin from seeds, nuts, and legumes, and if they don’t have enough niacin, they can just synthesize it directly from the tryptophan. Carnivores can’t, and using eggs won’t save us this time, sadly.
Can you get niacin from non-animal sources? Probably! Peas, rice, and potatoes all have some amount of niacin, and all those ingredients are present in cat foods on the market today. So perhaps there’s still hope? The question here is whether cats can use plant sources of niacin efficiently enough to meet their daily requirements, which is not something I can tell you. But I’m sure there’s synthetic sources of these supplements as well. 
Cats have a higher dietary requirement for taurine:
Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid, which is basically just a fancy amino acid. It’s found in most animal tissues and is very important for all sorts of body functions. They put it in energy drinks for some reason, although again, humans can synthesize it just fine. Taurine deficiencies in animals can lead to blindness and heart disease (and deficiencies in vitamin A and niacin are no picnic either). Cats need more of it than dogs do, which is why you can’t just feed cats dog food.
Can you get taurine from non-animal sources? Yes! Most of the taurine we get these days is in fact synthesized in a lab. Apparently its more cost-effective to do that than to source it from animal products. 
Theoretically, if you managed to make a vegan cat food with appropriate levels of protein, arachidonic acid, vitamin A, niacin, and taurine, would that work? ...I can’t really say.
Nutrition is complicated. What works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in the body, and the only way you learn that is through trial and error. Personally, even as a vegetarian myself, I wouldn’t risk it. Nutritionally perfect, universally palatable vegan cat food would be an impressive feat of culinary engineering, but there’s so much risk involved. I’d want to see a lot more research than we currently have, with a lot more real-world feeding trials of vegan food.
Yes, there are vegan pet foods available today! Not a lot, because the pet food market has been unreasonably obsessed with high-protein MEAT MEAT MEAT diets for years now, but there’s a few. Looking at Wysong’s vegan formula, I see that its been formulated to meet the established nutritional minimums for both cats and dogs. Protein, 26%. Supplemented with vitamin A, niacin, and taurine, although they’re not legally required to tell me how much they use or where it comes from. I believe they are relying on kelp for the arachidonic acid. Theoretically, it might work. I want it to work. Would I trust it? Absolutely not. 
Look: if you feel strongly enough about veganism that you want your cat on a vegan diet, here’s what you do. Make an appointment with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist. Bring them a bag of the food you’re planning to use. They’re probably going to contact the company to get the typical nutrient analysis (which is more specific than the guaranteed analysis on the bag), cross reference that information with everything they know about cat nutrition (which is a LOT more than I know) and maybe even have a sample of the food sent to an independent feed analysis lab. If you do all of that that, and start a vegan diet trial under veterinary supervision, with the full intention of pulling the cat off of the trial if they show clinical signs of any nutritional deficiency...go for it.
edit: @weredrakka pointed out that sometimes synthetic versions of a molecule turn out not to work the exact same way that the natural version does, which I neglected to explicitly state because 1. I was sort of taking it for granted, and 2. chemistry is waaay above my paygrade. anyway, that’s part of why I’m hesitant!
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muachronicle · 5 years
Skincare 101
“What foundation are you wearing?”
I would get asked this question all the time when I was a counter manager at Bloomingdales. Most days, I wouldn’t wear any foundation at all. Part of the reason is that I have genetics on my side. The other reason is that all of the time I save on applying makeup is spent on skincare. Without a solid skincare routine, makeup just won’t look the best it can. 
Don’t stress. “Routines” can be as simple or as involved as you have time for. If you prefer to indulge in self-care daily and would love a twelve step regimen, go for it. If you’re like me and prefer a more minimalist approach, great! Skincare is deeply personal. Coupled with what you already have been genetically blessed with (we all have something, don’t worry) products can help you get healthy skin. The best person that can advise you on what that means for you personally is a dermatologist. 
What I want to give you here is an overview of different skincare products and the best sequence to apply them in. 
Whether you use the full routine or any of the recommended products is up to you. There are three skincare essentially I want to beseech you to use, however. These are cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF, in that order. If you decide to add in more products and steps, I love you for it. My advice in that realm is to add one at a time, especially when it comes to acids or serums, so that you can see if it a specific product or ingredient will give you a reaction. 
Personally, my skin is sensitive and really doesn’t like me to use too many products. If I do, my skin gets painful, red, and then dry patches appear. That’s why I keep my routine to a few simple products, one of which was prescribed to me by my dermatologist because I started getting intense acne at age 25. Everyone has their own concerns and I will try my best to address a variety of them as well as make appropriate product recommendations. I’m not a physician so speak to your doctor before adding anything into your routine, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Skin is personal so it makes sense that skincare would be personal.
Check out my skincare routine and scroll down for how you can make it yours.
Click the photo to check out the goods!
With the amount of pollution and bacteria in the air, it makes sense that our skin is being battered every day. It creeps into our pores and either makes them appear larger or causes dry skin to get drier. This is where cleansing can help. 
If you wear makeup, I would recommend removing it first with a makeup remover or a micellar water. I also recently discovered the Makeup Eraser and it’s changed my existence. Once you’ve removed makeup then you can cleanse your face. Some people really love to rinse and repeat with their cleansers or use two different cleansers in sequence. My personal routine is to remove my makeup and wash with a cleanser once, preferable in the shower. Some professionals recommend washing the skin in the morning and at night. I just wash mine in the shower before bed or after a workout.
Cleansing will not only take off all the dirt and makeup of the day but it will also strip the skin of the good bacteria that keeps it in balance. This can lead to the skin feeling dry and tight. Products called toner or essence are meant to be used right after cleansing to help balance the pH of skin and return some of the moisture back to the deeper layers of the skin. Many of these also come with other roles like tightening pores or gentle acids to help exfoliate the skin. Essentially, these are the first bits of active skincare that you can introduce into your routine. 
There are three camps of people when it comes to this step: those that don’t bother to do it (me), those that are diehard users, and those that didn’t even know they existed. If my skin feels too dry after after cleansing, I’ll mist my face with Avene Thermal Spring Water ($14) to restore the moisture and pH balance. It also makes me feel bougier than I have the energy to be.
I love serums.These products have molecules that are smaller than oils and creams. That means that they penetrate deeper into the skin for maximum effects. That also explains the price because the bottles are filled with more active ingredients than creams. This is where you can tailor your routine to be specifically yours. You can use one serum that’s targeted for your concerns or layer them if you’d like. Some of the most powerful actives are hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture, antioxidants like Vitamin C to help fight environmental damage to the skin, or Vitamin A (aka retinol) to help improve the appearance of wrinkles. 
Honestly, I would recommend concentrating the majority of your skincare budget here. This will be where you see the greatest results over time. Since the products are penetrating deeper, they are working to improve your future skin as well as your present skin. If you’re a newbie, start with a serum every other day and then move to every day. If you are getting an irritation, you might want to try waiting 10-15 minutes after cleansing since wet skin pushes products even deeper. As with any reaction, consult your derm.
Moisturizers are a non-negotiable. Don’t @ me. Keeping skin moisturized will help its overall appearance by locking in hydration and helping the skin look plumper and more radiant. When it comes to moisturizers there are two things to consider. 
1. What kind of texture do you want? If you have dry skin, you might prefer the luxury of a rich cream. If your skin is oily, a gel or water based cream will be best. Combo or normal? Your pick of the pack! 
2. Do you want SPF? Some moisturizers already come with sun protection built in. Be aware that derms recommend an SPF of at least 30 for the best face protection. The moisturizers listed below do not have SPF or have a count less than 30. You can use a day cream (moisturizer with SPF) both in the AM and PM - you’re just not cashing in on your sun protection. Likewise, you can use a night cream (no SPF) in the AM and PM but supplement with sunscreen.
SPF is probably another non-negotiable. The more we learn about UV rays, we’re learning that they are stronger and more damaging than we originally thought. Here’s the other pesky thing: UVA rays penetrate deeper than their UVB counterparts. That means that, even though you might not look tan or burned, the sun’s rays are still sneaking their way into your face (and body) and wrecking your future skin. This is one of the biggest culprits for dark spots and wrinkling, damage that we are exposed to be we don’t end up seeing until years down the line, when it’s that skin layer’s turn to rise to the surface. 
As I mentioned, SPF 30 is the recommended minimum by derms and ideally it’s applied 20-30 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every two hours. That sounds exhausting for me to even be writing. If reapplying is an issue for you, grab a spray formula (great for drier skin) or a powder (perfect for mattifying oil) to make it painless.
Chemical exfoliants can be acidic or enzymatic and are generally seen to be more gentle and effective when Masks are those treatments that you can utilize if you need a boost. These are meant to be used 1 - 3 times a week but some people love to mask every day. Masks are going to give you very targeted help based on your specific concerns. If you have a special event or just haven’t been getting enough sleep, a radiance boosting mask with gentle acids will help you get that glow. Traveling a lot or struggling with the season change? Grab a mega hydrating mask to quench your skin’s thirst. The list goes on and on as there are masks to help with everything from A(ging) to Z(its). 
Masking is one of my favorite things to do because it gives me big results with little effort and those results are immediate. Depending on your mood, a mask can also help you with your emotional balance. Feeling like you need a minute to just chill? Grab a sheet mask and lay back. Have a lot to do and just want to keep it moving? Use a spreadable mask that will stay put until you remove it. Whatever you do, grab a selfie and own your masking just like our queen, Cher.
You to your new skin: “Oh hello!”
Cover photo by Analise Benevides.
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
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peaceoutskincare · 2 years
4 Tips for Facing Blemishes Throughout the Colder Months
Blemishes are everywhere and can happen to anyone, but it seems only fair that your skin would give you a bit of a break during the winter, right? Less sweat, less sunscreen, less chlorine and beach exposure—it makes sense that acne would lessen as we lean into fall and winter. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Whether you live in a humid climate or a dry one, winter can even cause more breakouts in some people, but there are ways to mitigate breakouts and care for your skin. From establishing a skincare routine to using targeted treatments like acne dots, here are some tips and tricks to help you put your best face forward when you face winter this year.
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Commit to Your Skincare Routine Despite the number of products on the market today, if you can’t regularly commit to a seven-step routine, it’s not worth trying to force it. The best routine is one you’ll stick with, and it doesn’t have to be too complicated. Focus on four basic steps: a cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural moisture, a treatment of your choice to address your concerns, a moisturizer to support a healthy moisture barrier, and sunscreen to protect your face in the mornings. You can get creative with your treatments, too. If you’re prone to breakouts, try a salicylic acid serum. Or, if you’re trying to combat signs of aging or extra dryness, focus on a hyaluronic acid serum. Do you know you can commit the time to a more extensive routine? Great! Try adding a semi-weekly exfoliation to help brighten your skin or a retinol eye treatment to address fine lines. The most important thing is finding a routine you’ll stick to morning and night. Don’t Be Afraid of a Little Extra Moisture There’s a tendency for those with oily or blemish-prone skin to avoid moisturizing. However, a moisturizer to support a healthy natural moisture barrier is important for every skin type. Your skin may be irritated by the dry weather, cold winds, or even the extra rain and snowfall in the upcoming months, so don’t shy away from moisturizers. A healthy moisture barrier can be one of your best defenses against breakouts, and even patchy dryness in the winter can lead to more clogged pores and more pimples. Try finding an alcohol-free moisturizer with skin-nourishing ceramides to encourage healthy, dewy, and glowing skin. Utilize Targeted Treatments to Minimize Irritation Whether you have naturally sensitive skin or your skin feels more sensitive due to the harsher weather conditions, you may need to adjust your treatment frequency. If your usual salicylic acid serum is starting to cause your skin to dry out a bit, try to limit how often you use it. Irritating your skin can sometimes worsen breakouts, even if you think drying out any blemishes is the right answer. If you have a problem breakout, try incorporating targeted treatments like pimple dots or pore strips. These solutions keep your treatment focused on the area you need it while not over-drying the areas you don’t want it. The best pimple dots will contain acne-fighting ingredients like 0.5% salicylic acid as well as nourishing ingredients to support your skin, like aloe vera leaf extract and vitamin A. Yes, You Still Need Sunscreen Your skin needs protection, even when the days are shorter. One of the best ways you can protect your skin is with sunscreen. Even if it may not seem as important in the winter, the sun’s rays can still inflict UV damage on your skin. From protecting your natural moisture barrier to preventing wrinkles, sun spots, and overall skin cell damage, sunscreen is a must every day. About Peace Out Skincare It’s time to show your skin some love with Peace Out Skincare. The inclusive brand offers targeted, clean, and fun skincare solutions for everyone. With a positive, proactive community and the experience of every skin type and concern, Peace Out Skincare isn’t here to judge; just to help. Discover skin-loving and effective ingredients from targeted solutions in everything from pimple dots and dark spot patches to cleansing balm and brightening pads. Don’t let yourself hide behind perceived skin imperfections, instead turn to Peace Out Skincare for support, community, and products to make peace with your skin and your skincare routine. Battle blemishes all year long with Peace Out Skincare at https://peaceoutskincare.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3lcoCWX
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youdecode · 4 years
SkinCare Routine
Maintaining a skincare routine might seem an extremely challenging task.
It is so easy to get bogged down by the steps.
If you are thinking that it is a high maintenance job then jump into reality.
As it is much easier than you think.
With proper simple steps, you can have clear skin with effective skincare.
I can feel you if you are thinking that several things go into proper skincare.
But it is not too much if you get your basics right.
To take care of the health of your skin it is vital to know the order of applying certain product . . .
And questions like when and when not to.
Many people believe that skincare is only effective at night but that’s not the case.
For getting clear skin you need to have a proper morning and night routine.
By pampering your skin in the morning and the night you are ensuring a long term benefit.
You will not only enjoy the benefits today but also after the years to come.
So without further ado let’s see the proper routine:
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
Step#1 Cleanser
You need to start your morning with a cleanser.
Some basic properties of good cleanser:
Contains formulas that will keep your skin bright.
Own ingredients that will gently exfoliate your skin.
Keep dry skin moist for a long time.
Ingredients to look out for:
If you are questioning what ingredients should be present in a reliable face cleanser then go for ones which include: retinol, ceramides, vitamin C glycerine, and other exfoliants.
To be more specific you should go for retinol or salicylic acid if you own oily or acne-prone skin. For dry skin or sensitive skin aim for the one containing ceramides or glycerine.
Types of cleanser:
Now a question can easily pop into a head that which cleanser you should use. There are several types of cleansers like oil-based cleansers and other ones. I would recommend an oil-based cleanser because they are suitable for all skin types. Many times people will use oil-based cleansing as part of a 2 step cleansing process.
People often regard it as a double cleansing because the use of an oil-based cleanser is often followed by the application of the gel. Apart from Oil-based cleansers, you will find gel cleaners that tend to work best for Acne-prone oily skin. A gel cleanser also works best for teenage skin.
You will not see anyone recommending you foaming cleanser if you own advice on dry sensitive skin.
What is the difference between the face wash and cleanser?
If you are just starting with your skincare routine then there can be a possibility of you questioning that is face wash and cleanser the same?
Well if we talk about the surface level then: both of them work to clean your face but face wash comes under a foaming cleanser while cleanser owns the property of a lotion.
The basic common difference which you will see is that cleansers are non-foaming. They do not need to get washed, instead simply wiped off.
Step 2: Toner
The next product which needs to be applied after a cleanser is toner. This is a skincare essential that needs to be used regularly. Many people get the confusion that what if they are not using excessive makeup on the skin? Even then, is there a necessity of using a toner or cleanser? Well, the short answer is yes. You should see these as essentials, as part of your skin cleansing process. It’s because toners benefit your skin on a deeper level by getting rid of dead skin cells which then reveal cleaner and fresher skin.
Secondly, many people have this concern that if they have a very low pH cleanser do they need to use a toner then? You need to understand that no matter how mild or gentle the cleanser is it can disrupt the barrier of skin which can cause dryness and breakout irritation.
Thirdly, never consider cleansing water or essence the same as a toner because they do not share the same functionality. Both the essence and cleansing water will cleanse your skin but they will not balance out the pH value because they are not designed to do so. The essence is applied after toner whereas cleansing water is applied after it. but they are optional.
If you are thinking that toner is just like water and it does not offer immediate effect then think twice! It is not just the cleansing water but has a crucial role in the overall skincare routine. You might have not known but using toner regularly and adding it to a skincare routine will give you a major impact on the appearance and overall. How so? Let’s dive further into its features and properties: 
Removes the last traces of impurities and dust that get stuck to your pores after you wash your face.
Tightens your pores to a great degree.
Brighten up your skin as the removal of dead skin cells automatically means the brightening of dull skin.
Will make your skin firmer and bring things in line. On a surface level, it makes sure that your skin becomes firmer and your pore gets shrunk.
Brings the pH level of skin back in line after the cleansing process.
Pushes your skin towards skin repair. (This goodness treatment is achieved by the absorption of nutrients and antioxidants that exfoliate the skin and control the blemishes from within.)
Cutting it short if you want to know what the purpose of a toner is then it is like a primer which will boost the effectiveness of the rest of your skincare.
Type of skin
Toner is essential for every type of skin whether you own an oily or dry skin. simply because it has the capability of maintaining a vibrant and youthful complexion because it is simply a tonic. Many people have this common concern that their skin is sensitive so should they apply anything to their face? well having sensitive skin does not mean that you cannot I apply anything and have to miss these benefits. Go for the milder product for maximum benefit in such cases.
Now let’s dig into the details and see which toner is the best
Dry skin
Choose a hydrating toner with rose extract to get a moisturizing soothing benefit.
Oily skin
The toner is great because it brightens your overall skin making it luminous.
Combination skin
The toner can smoothen the dry patches and unclog the pores.
What should I look at when purchasing a toner?
Never go for Alcohol-based toners. You might have heard that alcohol-based toners make big pores look smaller.
Yes, it is true. But there are several problems in using alcohol-based toners because it strips the skin of the vital moisture. Stripping of moisture is not only catastrophic for sensitive or dry skin, but also oily skins. The alcohol-based ones make oily skin symptoms get worse. Toners are not capable of increasing your dryness unless you are using alcohol-based ones which are never recommended.
So what is the wise choice? Always go for an alcohol-free toner. You should go for water-based and other glycerine based tonics because these will work best for skin repairing.
They contain the extracts of citrus green tea, rose & aloe vera.
As far as the application of the toner is concerned then you should use it twice a day. if you cannot manage it twice then at least once recommended.
The right way to use a toner is to wash the face gently with a cleanser and patting it dry.
You then need to put a little quantity of toner on the palm and apply it on the face.
If you do not want to involve your palm then you can moisten a cotton ball and then tap softly in circles on the surface of your face.
You need to give time for the toner to dry so do not immediately wipe it off.
Step 3: Serum
You must have heard the hype. If you are clueless about what skin serums are then let’s equip you with the details. The serum comes in small bottles and can cost you a decent amount.
People have a variety of opinions when it comes to serums as many say that they are moisturizing essence but some still feel the need of using moisturizers in the overall skincare routine. If we compare serums with other skincare products then they own very small molecules and they comprise of only a few concentrated active ingredients. Further, they do not have any additives like oils. Because serums do not have these heavy ingredients they get easily, quickly, and deeply absorbed. 
The serums are highly concentrated and that is why they can penetrate deep down into the cellular level of your skin.
They are designed to absorb quickly and thus deliver a high concentration of ingredients in the skin.
These are best at directly repairing your skin cells which revitalize your overall look
These are used to intensify your whole skincare regimen. These have got you covered with proper hydration and brightening.
Now the question is what type of serum do you choose? There are water-based and oil-based serums. You will largely find markets saturated with water-based serums. These are lighter in textures and that is why applied before any face creams. On the contrary, oil-based serums are heavy with larger molecules and that is why applied on top for keeping the skin underneath moist and intact. So you need to differentiate between the type of serum be it the water-based or oil-based.
After preparing your skin with toner, when your skin is still damp, gently massage a small amount of serum onto the face in the area. It is advisable that you only make use of one or two fingers so that the serum does not get wasted on your hands.
Serum Vs Moisturizers
Bear in mind that serums are not moisturizers. They should not be replaced with one another. There is no doubt that serum contains much fewer ingredients like hydraulic acid. But you will still need some sort of moisturizer for preventing moisture evaporating your skin. You cannot skip the step of applying the layer of moisturizer. Why? As you need to keep the environmental irritants out of the pores.
If you are thinking that you can apply serum alone and not follow your skincare routine by applying moisturizer then here you will go wrong. As the serum will hydrate your skin but they will not provide you with the same level of protective properties.
By following the application of moisturizer you will be adding a safety barrier.
Step 4: Eye cream
Many people question why it is necessary to invest in eye cream when they can function with the use of a moisturizer.
You need to realize that the composition of a moisturizer is different and it is not suitable and efficient for under eyes. Know that the area beneath your eyes is very delicate and thin and that is why you should be applying eye cream that is specifically designed to be gentle.
You need to treat the area under the eye with care because that is the first area that will show the signs of aging.
Another thing which you should get is that the moisturizers are not specifically designed to treat puffiness or dark circles.
Now, what you should look for in an eye cream. You will find several varieties of eye cream as they come in different forms like gel serums and cream.
Key ingredients What should be present in your eye cream for treating specific problems?
Ceramide for hydration
Retinol for targeting wrinkles
Vitamin C for treating dark circles
Caffeine for reducing puffiness
Types of eye cream
These different formulations can be confusing. So how to determine which eye cream is right for you?
You need to analyze your skin-specific problems and see whether crow eyes, fine lines, puffiness, or dark circles is the major-specific concern.
Step 5: Acne spot treatment
 The next medication which needs to be included in your skincare routine is a spot treatment.
Such treatment creams are used for reducing the amount of acne producing bacteria.
Step 6: Moisturizer
 Next comes a moisturizer. Many people question what if they have oily skin?
Should they still be using moisturizer?
You need to realize that oily skin does not imply that you have a hydrated skin period these are very two different things.
Oily skin means your skin has this overproduction of oil.
While hydration refers to the adequate water content present in your skin.
To ensure hydration it is vital to apply moisturizer on oily skin.
We have slightly talked about moisturizers when highlighting the use of serum. Let’s dig deep into it:
Moisturizers treat your skin by preventing it from drying out
They hold the water in the outermost layer of your skin
Without a moisturizer, your skin will start flaking
Step 7: Sunscreen
 The last product which needs to be included in your skincare routine is sunscreen.
If using your chemical sunscreen then you have to apply before moisturizer or because it needs to get absorbed into the skin deeply.
 Night Routine
In the nighttime routine, you have the addition of retinol and face oil. Other things stay same. 
You might be aware that retinol is used for :
Boosting collagen
Cutting down fine lines
Improving skin tone
Reducing patches
That is why it is vital to use retinol every day in your skincare routine as it is a powerful antioxidant.
Never apply retinol in the sunlight or the morning routine because sunlight will diminish its power.
Face oil
 Face oils are a perfect solution for skincare.
They are made to work with your natural oils for keeping your skin at a balanced level.
You might be already aware of the fact that your skin is already making natural oils for preventing water loss.
Now face oil comes to AMP up the moisturizing game.
Face oil seals the moisturizer and adds an extra layer of nourishment and that is why it must be used as the last step of your skincare routine.
Many people prefer mixing face oils and moisturizer but if you want a more effective
The result then go for giving them their separate spots.
There is a slight difference in the application of face water and moisturizer.
In moisturizer, you use the tip of your fingers whereas in face oil you use the whole palm in spreading the oil out.
If you are thinking that your skin is already oily then face oil will help you in combating oil production.
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makeuppakt475-blog · 4 years
Our body Cream Diaries
The Greatest Guide To skin CareWhat Does cosmetics Do?Excitement About man Care Products
To claim that face masks have become popular lately is a little bit of an exaggeration Sephora has even more than 400 ranges (as well as 60 of those released in the last couple of months). Masks "use extremely focused therapies to attend to specific problems," says New york city City skin specialist Dr. Joshua Zeichner. But unlike a printer toner or a product, masks deliver ingredients under occlusion, which helps the active ingredients absorb a lot more efficiently, notes Dr.
After that there's the enjoyable factor: A number of the most recent advancements bubble up, transform shades as well as peel off. Yes, it's a little gimmicky, as well as this step is certainly not vital in your routine. "Consider masks like boosters not essential yet advantageous," Mattioli says. If you intend to provide one a whirl, right here are three performance-driven ranges to consider, according to Mattioli:: "These are mostly hydrating.
The Ultimate Guide To Cosmetic Products Online
I always suggest maintaining these in the refrigerator to get an anti-inflammatory benefit too.": "Overnight masks or resting packs will certainly have a thicker structure as well as assistance trap in whatever active ingredients you layer beneath. They're excellent for mature skin or severely dry skin." "These absorb oil and also can have a moderate exfoliating result so they're excellent for oily areas.
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beauty Products Can Be Fun For Everyone
You can target simply a couple of locations. As a matter of fact, I like multi-masking: using a clay on the t-zone as well as a moisturizing one almost everywhere else." Apply masks after product however prior to moisturizer, unless it's a leave-on overnight mask, which can fill in your nighttime cream. Like any kind of product that supplements your regular regimen, masks ought to be made use of in moderation no greater than as soon as a week to prevent any kind of inflammation, Dr.
The 7-Minute Rule for face Cream
Right Here at SkinStore we consider ourselves fanatics when it comes to skin care. Terrific skin is not practically genes, yet our daily routines. As a matter of fact, our skincare regimen has a big impact on exactly how we look. But with so numerous item evaluations and also point of views, when it involves our skin care routine, it's tough to recognize what to do or just how to do it.
Over 85% of females surveyed claimed they apply a minimum of 16 products a day to their face, before they leave your house. This is a mix of skin care as well as cosmetics, beginning with the facial cleansers they make use of in the morning, to blusher. That's why we developed the best skin care regular guide to remove the uncertainty from your skincare regular order.
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It has to do with developing a strong foundation for your basic skincare routine. Below is a quick summary of how to build the best skin care routine. Read better for even more information. Let's discuss why face cleaning is so crucial for an early morning skincare regimen, and also evening. Our study results found that facial cleaning is one of the most popular very first step of a lady's day-to-day skincare routine.
Women's regimes are much faster than ever, with the average woman costs just under 10 mins on morning cleansing. A typical benefit of face cleansing is eliminating oil, dirt, and also other undesirable elements on our face. On top of that, cleaning aids enhance hydration. Normal facial cleaning is an important consider preserving proper hydration on the face.
The Greatest Guide To makeup Sale
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The 10-Second Trick For body Care
For ideal outcomes: clean morning, evening and after working out. To make a lengthy story short, cleansers are produced to cleanse our skin. Cleansers are products we utilize to get rid of build up of dust, make-up, oils, dead skin cells as well as more! The main focus is to cleanse our skin without stripping the required layers of skin.
The judgment is still out regarding the exact time as well as regularity to clean. Normally aim for cleansing when in the morning as well as when during your nighttime skin care regimen. Clean your face after an exercise to avoid acne breakouts as well as stopped up pores. Take notice of your skin as excessive cleansing can bring about skin inflammation.
shampoo And Hair Conditioner Can Be Fun For Everyone
Understanding whether your skin is dry, oily, or typical will certainly assist find what kind of item works best for you. Take a look at product instructions to better recognize proper application of cleanser, as items can differ in application. After applying item and also rinsing, rub your skin dry with a tidy towel.
The typical lady will spend around $23 on a facial printer toner. A skin printer toner's efficiency can vary from product to product, yet they usually enhance the skin's surface area by unclogging pores, aiding include vital components, moisturizing the skin as well as giving added cleansing. After cleaning and also removing undesirable elements or make-up on your face, printer toners offer a healthy and balanced layer to far better absorb the remainder of your skincare items.
Indicators on face Cream You Need To Know
Table of ContentsHow beauty Products can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.The 5-Minute Rule for hair Products
Evening creams usually have a heavier texture to offer a deeper hydrating to the skin. Furthermore evening moisturizers include ingredients like retinol that advertises skin cell turn over. Whereas components like retinol typically are not seen in day creams as it can irritate the skin when exposed to the sunlight.
Among the most usual areas for great lines and also wrinkles is under the eyes. Great lines http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=cosmetic products online as well as creases in the eye area can originate from sun damage, absence of sleep, dehydration and also more. Eye creams can assist hydrate, moisten, brighten, firm as well as tighten up, as well as gave needed antioxidants the eye area.
" 70% are now making use of serums, SPF's, toners, primers, and highlighters to boost their skin a growing charm action which has ended up being necessary within the last number of years." No sun block, what's the large bargain? This is a common idea regarding why people must put on sun block. Below are a few reasons everyone need to put on sunscreen It aids protect against Great lines and creases It aids protect against skin staining Skin cancer is rising and sun block has actually been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer Below is a listing of several of the markets best guards:.
An Unbiased View of cosmetic Products
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makeup Sale for Dummies
Having an everyday skin-care regimen has constantly been helpful for so much even more than my skin. In the morning it assists me awaken and get ready for the day, providing my mind another signal that it's go time. And מוצרי ויקטוריה סיקרט also at night it helps me unwind as well as shift to relaxation setting.
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The Main Principles Of makeup Sale
For me, having a morning and nighttime skin-care routine is definitely component of that. So I 'd extremely recommend leaning into the regular you have now, reviewing whether or not what you're utilizing is truly necessary, or taking this minute to produce a program that's right for your skin. The bright side is that your day-to-day skin-care regimen doesn't need to be made complex or expensive.
So here's exactly how to build an everyday skin-care routine that'll help you. Naturally, if you have any kind of skin problems (like eczema, rosacea, cystic acne, or psoriasis) or if you're having difficulty finding something that collaborates with your skin, it is essential to examine in with a board-certified skin specialist, a number of whom are taking virtual visits online right currently.
shampoo And Hair Conditioner Can Be Fun For Anyone
Table of ContentsThings about cosmeticsThe Ultimate Guide To cosmetic Products
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6 Simple Techniques For body Care
Those with dry or delicate skin needs to stick with mild cleansers, which usually have a velvety texture. If you have completely dry skin, you might likewise take pleasure in utilizing an oil-based face laundry, like a cleansing balm or oil. If you have combination skin, you could want to switch up your cleansers (use an acne-fighting one in the early morning and a creamy one in the evening, for example). If you do choose to make use of any kind of other skin-care items in the early morning, like, this is where they would go (after you clean your face, however before anything else).
The concept is that lighter items won't be able to penetrate with thicker ones, yet the fact is that the specific order doesn't matter that much, as SELF explained formerly. Naturally, if you're using a prescription therapy, follow your skin specialist's directions for when and also just how to use it. Then come the following two steps: moisturizing as well as sun block.
The expression skin care evokes three things: skin cancer cells, completely dry skin and a lengthy aisle of charm items at your local pharmacy. However it's more than a surface-level problem. While a skin treatment regimen may seem like high upkeep, in truth, the actions for healthy and balanced skin are not only necessary, they're easy to implement too.
Cosmetic Products Online Can Be Fun For Anyone
" The trick to skin resiliency is understanding your skin as well as treating it well." First, you'll intend to consider your skin type. The key skin kinds are completely dry, oily or combination and also while your skin might get drier or oilier based upon the period, most of the time it ought to be relatively constant.
Which is to say, what kinds of products do you truly require to maintain your skin healthy and clean?Cleanser is what you'll utilize to wash your face and also it is very important to use an item meant for your face not simply whatever bar or body wash you have lying around. You'll intend to wash your face carefully as well as take treatment not to scrub too hard.
Locating the appropriate cleanser for you might be a procedure of experimentation. If you have dry skin, you'll intend to use one without alcohol or scent. If your skin often tends to be oily, you'll wish to search for an oil-free alternative, as well as you might intend to consider utilizing a toner too.
body Care for Beginners
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The Of beauty Products Online
They are most efficient when applied while your skin is somewhat moist to secure in wetness. Some moisturizers consist
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healthfoodbeauty · 4 years
20 Advice- Home Remedy for Wrinkles And Lines
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How can we remain eternally young and not grow old without having our face wrinkled? Use the following ways for home remedy for wrinkles to avoid the appearance of wrinkles and to soften existing traces of age.
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Eat more fish, sleep more, put on masks and regularly clean your face from makeup. Years inevitably leave a mark on our beauty and skin. However, we are most disturbed when we look in the mirror in the morning and notice the aging traces we see on our faces. Wrinkles usually first appear around the eyes, around the mouth, forehead, and cheeks. Today, there are many cosmetic procedures that can "iron" the facial wrinkles. Although we must remember that in nature there are powerful allies in maintaining beauty and youthful appearance. For starters, choose a face cream that best suits your skin type and apply it regularly. Regular use and nourishment of the skin is a very important factor in preserving its beauty. This will help the skin retain a sufficient amount of moisture needed to prevent or reduce wrinkles. With daily nourishment, the skin is properly nourished and peeling removes dead skin cells.
The most important natural factors for beautiful and young skin without wrinkles
Everyday body rest Just so, to prevent wrinkles, you need enough sleep and regular sleep. As you sleep, your body releases more hormones, making the skin more supple and rested. Watch out and protect yourself from the sun The sun is one of the biggest culprits for wrinkles, but why? People who look after and care about how much time they spend in the sun have significantly fewer wrinkles than those who tan excessively. It is also important that the protective cream is used regularly throughout the year. It is best when you have less sunshine to protect your face with cream with SPF 15 or a higher factor. Preferably, the composition contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, as they block UVA rays very well and successfully. Vitamins are a natural way of beauty Try the following: Apply vitamin E to the palms of your hands and place them directly where the wrinkles are most prominent. Vitamin A helps to restore the skin and remove the superficial layer of the skin. It also stimulates the recovery of collagen, which is very important and makes the skin tight. Over the years, the natural collagen production in our body has decreased. When buying cosmetics and cream, make sure it contains derivatives of this vitamin such as retinol, Retin A and tazarotene. Eat healthy foods to be beautiful Consume as much fish as it contains proteins that participate in the process of skin regeneration. Certainly there are also fatty acids that restore youth and reduce the risk of wrinkles. You should also include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu, as they contain antioxidants that are important for the youthful appearance of the skin. For example, papaya thanks to Vitamin C, carotene, essential minerals, and enzymes are great for hydration and cleansing the skin. Regular use of this food will protect and nourish the skin and remove stains caused by aging. Avocado is the best natural source of vitamins A, B, D and E. By consuming avocado we get skin that is supple, and contains healthy fats that contribute to facial hydration. Honey is also used for face care because it contains ingredients that renew and regenerate the skin. Whether you put on a banana face mask, or eat a banana, the effect will be great for the skin. Skincare massage Massage will relax the facial muscles and improve circulation. Lastly, to have a positive effect on skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
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The cream can be used for massage, but it can also be olive oil, which gently rubs the fingers from the middle of the face to the outside. Practice regularly to be young and beautiful With physical activity, the muscles of the face are regularly trained to stay firm and tight. Do the following exercises for facial muscles: - Wide-open your eyes and tighten all the facial muscles. Move your eyes left and right, and after five seconds, relax your face. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times daily. - Put your hands on your cheeks, squeeze them a little, and place your lips as if to pronounce the letter U. Hold and hold this position for 10 seconds. Try to make at least ten repetitions. - On the upper lip gently, with your index finger on both hands, make small circles from the middle to the ends of the lips. Repeat the exercise several times to get good results. Make-up affects the appearance of wrinkles Makeup speeds up wrinkle formation as it enters the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Therefore, before bedtime, be sure to clean the face and remove makeup and impurities that are deposited during the day. Don't overdo it with too much peeling. Use a coarse glove to remove dead skin cells only once a week and only in combination with a special softening gel. Instead of a glove, a gentle peeling cream can be used for sensitive skin. Avoid using makeup too much so that your skin can breathe easier.
Natural beauty masks for face without wrinkles
With the help of face and skin masks, signs of aging can be eliminated or reduced. The advantage of masks is their simple preparation, at home. Here are some beauty masks that are easy to prepare: Mask with honey: mix well two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of milk.
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Apply to face, neck and chest and hold for about 10 minutes, then rinse face with warm water. Papaya Mask: Peel the papaya and gently pat it on the face. It opens the pores and gives the face a fresh and beautiful look. With egg yolk: In a bowl mix one tablespoon of face cream and one egg yolk. Apply with a brush on the face, neck and décolleté mixture. Hold for 10 minutes, then remove with a handkerchief and rinse with warm water. This mask is recommended for removing stains and blemishes on the face and skin. Mask with olive oil: In a bowl mix juice and grated peel of one orange and just a tablespoon of olive oil is enough. Massage the face, neck and décolleté with the resulting blend. After five to 10 minutes, gently rinse the face and skin with warm water. Beauty with Avocado Mask: Blend the cleaned avocado gently and with clean fingers slowly and gently rub on face. After 10 minutes, rinse the face mask with warm water.
What are the bad habits that make us face wrinkles?
If you want to be young and beautiful, keep your skin youthful and appreciative over time, then forget about bad habits today. Getting wrinkles is part of the aging process, and even though we consider it normal, we still struggle with them every day. These bad habits only speed up the aging process of the skin: Smoking cigarettes accelerates skin aging One of the most common and leading causes of premature aging and wrinkle is cigarette smoking. It is very easy to see the difference between skin and face in those who smoke and people who do not smoke. Leave cigarettes as soon as possible if you want to preserve the beautiful look of your skin and face. Eating healthy is another important point in whether you will have more or fewer wrinkles If you want your skin to be healthy, then pay attention to what you consume. Giving up refined sugars will improve the look of your face. Consuming unhealthy foods, fast foods, high fat, and the like, works badly on the skin and increases the appearance of wrinkles. Excessive amounts of sweets may not affect your body, but your skin will show results over the years. Drinking alcohol increases wrinkles Alcohol leads to unwanted dehydration.
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After spending an entire night drinking alcohol, the next morning your skin will not be fresh. Even worse is keeping up with the same pace of drinking alcohol daily. Very quickly your skin will lose its elasticity and this will create facial wrinkles. Chewing gums create wrinkles on the face Many may be surprised but chewing gum really does bad for your face. Although we consider them harmless, they still produce wrinkles that are visible under the lower lip. It is a habit that you can easily remove or minimize, and wrinkles around your mouth will not create any additional problems. Sleeping with makeup creates wrinkles If you fall asleep regularly, it's just like asking your face to make wrinkles. Allow your skin to breathe and rest from all those cosmetics you apply during the day. Your skin will be grateful and restored with freshness and softness. Punching pimples is harmful to the skin Stop scratching your acne because it can do more harm than good. Better let them go by themselves instead. Provide lotions to treat acne or regular facial scrubs. With every touch of the face, you just create more irritation and the possibility of wrinkle detection. Stretching the skin during make-up When applying mascara, do not stretch the skin upward or while removing brow hairs. If you need it, move the whole face during makeup, not just some of it. Protective Factor Cream is required for the skin to be less wrinkled Even just a few minutes in the sun can cause wrinkles. So no matter what you do, apply a protective cream every day. Sleep mode It is best to sleep on satin cushions that will prevent the skin from wrinkling or folding during the night. According to specialists or dermatologists, it is best to sleep on your back so that you have fewer wrinkles on your face. Dehydration is harmful to the skin and causes wrinkles Did you know that it is dehydration that causes wrinkles? If you do not drink enough water, your skin tends to become dry. When the skin is dry, it is unable to generate new cells, causing wrinkles and skin lines to form. Aging is certainly a major factor in wrinkles The main cause of facial wrinkles is aging. As we age, we lose hydration and elasticity of the facial skin. It is certainly an inevitable process in all of us that cannot be prevented. The skin usually loses its original shine, but fortunately, there are many anti-aging creams that can help resolve this problem. Gestures and movements that make wrinkles appear Too many facial movements cause wrinkles to develop. Facial yoga (active facial exercises that lift and strengthen facial muscles) is very effective and solves this problem and reduces the chance of wrinkles.
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Excessive caffeine intake causes wrinkles Excessive intake of caffeine in the daily diet (found in coffee, tea, carbonated drinks) can also cause wrinkles. You do not have to spend huge amounts of money and buy various skincare products.
Lastly a bonus natural wrinkle cream
This homemade natural cream will rejuvenate your face. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of organic honey 8 teaspoons of grated beeswax 200ml of almond oil ½ cup of rose water Procedure: Melt the honey, wax and almond oil on low heat. Once it has melted, remove from the pan and allow it to cool, but not completely. Add the rose water to the warm wax and drop by drop and mix. After the lotion has been thoroughly stirred, pour it into glass jars, which you will close after the product has cooled completely. You can use this product for makeup removal or as a wrinkle cream Feel free to share this article so we all know how to preserve our beauty and a person with fewer wrinkles. Read the full article
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 20 incredible products that are trending on Amazon right now
— Our editors review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one of our links, we may earn a small share of the revenue. However, our picks and opinions are independent from USA TODAY’s newsroom and any business incentives. When I need a few things for my apartment, I head to Amazon knowing that even if I forget what I need, I’ll find something interesting worth checking out. But when I’m interested in discovering new products, or just seeing what’s new on the site, I usually head to Amazon’s Movers and Shakers page, which highlights all the largest gainers in sales rank over the last 24 hours. Since the page covers every product category on Amazon—from books to children’s toys to pet supplies and more—it gives you a real sense of what’s actually trending across the site so you can make more informed purchasing decisions. The one catch? Because the page is completely trend-based, there’s no way to tell whether these products are worth buying, or whether they’re, well, just useless knick knacks. Since we spend a lot of time here at Reviewed testing and analyzing products, we decided to take a closer look at the Movers and Shakers page. While the page updates hourly and some of these items might not be trending at this very second, these are the 20 best items we've seen on it over the last week or so that absolutely live up to the hype. 1. These Kindle e-readers that make it easy to read anywhere Credit: Reviewed / Michael Roorda These are our favorite Kindles for unlimited reading pleasure. Maybe you need to replace your old e-reader or you’ve just been procrastinating switching from the familiarity of hard copy to the more efficient digital medium (it’s okay—you’re not alone!). Our experts named these two Kindles as the best to own thanks to their comfortable feel, storage capacity, and Bluetooth compatibility, among other things. It’s a no-brainer that so many people continue to buy so many dang Kindles. Get the Kindle - 6" Glare-Free Display with Built-In Front Light for $89.99 Get the Kindle Paperwhite - 8 GB for $129.99 Get the Kindle Paperwhite - 32 GB for $159.99 2. A super-convenient dry shampoo that’ll save you time and water Credit: Not Your Mother’s Solve your oily hair woes with this $6 spray. Whether you have oily hair, or you just need to look presentable in a pinch, Not Your Mother’s has got you covered. We missed this product when we ranked our favorite dry shampoos of 2019, but $6 sounds like a steal when you see its 4.2-star rating on Amazon. Plus, reviewers rave about the volume and texture, light coconut scent, and lack of residue. Joelle writes, “This smells amazing! I love the texture it gave my hair as well. My hair is usually thin and hard to put into buns and this gave my hair volume which helped so much.” Get Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo for $5.98 3. A cold brew coffee maker that you can use all season long Credit: Takeya Get your cold brew fix for less. If you’re like me, you love coffee and likely just put up with the acidity. But no longer! This cold brew coffee maker boasts a brewing process that extracts only natural flavors—no oils or acids. And should you deem the weather too chilly for cold brew, you can also use this to prepare a hot cup of Joe. Once brewed, you can keep your coffee in the shatterproof, airtight container for up to two weeks. Get the Takeya Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker for $16.99 4. This adorable, uber-efficient planner Credit: Panda Planner Keep organized with this undated planner. With over 250,000 units sold, the Panda Planner is a game changer if you want to add some structure to your life. The undated pages allow you to use the planner as often as you want, eliminating those passive-aggressive, paper-wasting guilt trips that dated planners put you through should you miss a day or several. In addition to the daily section, there are also weekly and monthly sections for your more long-term goals. Get the Panda Planner Daily Planner 2019-2020 for $24.97 5. Alexa’s favorite smart clock Credit: Amazon The perfect pair with your Echo speaker. Every household should have a clock or two. If you own an Echo speaker, you’ll want to keep Alexa busy with the Echo Wall Clock. It’s a must-have if you’ve got an Echo speaker, as you can sync them together and set timers, which will count down as illuminated LEDs on the clock’s face. Initial reviews for this product indicated that it killed batteries quickly, but Amazon deployed a fix, which has greatly reduced this issue. Get the Echo Wall Clock for $24.99 6. These doorbells that will answer the door for you Credit: Reviewed / Amazon This bundle is the ideal video doorbell surveillance system. Manage your home more effectively with Amazon’s Ring Video Doorbell bundles, which include a free Echo Show 5. Ring is our favorite smart doorbell and this combination lets you keep an eye on the front porch with motion-activated alerts, two-way talk, and an on-demand video feed without having to step away from your household projects. The Echo Show 5, meanwhile, is a great cooking companion or audio/video source for your favorite podcasts, TV shows, and other entertainment. Get the Ring Video Doorbell 2 with Echo Show 5 for $199 Get the Ring Video Doorbell Pro with Echo Show 5 for $249 7. These skincare products to keep your face feeling good Credit: LilyAna Naturals LilyAna Naturals are known to be good on all skin types. With autumn in full swing and winter approaching, everyone’s trying to keep their face looking fresh and vibrant. Whether you’re using these products for their anti-aging benefits or to keep acne at bay, these LilyAna Naturals moisturizers and serum are good on all skin types (including sensitive skin), free of parabens, and vegan friendly, making them some of the most popular skincare items on Amazon. Get the LilyAna Naturals Eye Cream Moisturizer for $19.99 Get the LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream Moisturizer for $19.99 Get the LilyAna Naturals Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid for Face and Eyes for $19.99 8. Your dentist’s favorite toothbrush Credit: Philips A toothbrush your dentist would be proud of. At my last dental checkup, my hygienist marveled at my oral health for the entirety of my cleaning and eventually asked my marital status. Was it appropriate? Not really. But I see it as a testament to the effectiveness of the Sonicare Essence electric toothbrush. I would recommend this to anyone looking to upgrade their brushing practice and maybe brighten someone else’s day. Get the Philips Sonicare Essence Sonic Rechargeable Toothbrush for $39.98 9. This underrated bathroom appliance Credit: OXO Good Grips The best assistant to clean your shower. Who doesn’t love a good squeegee? With a durable, flexible blade and non-slip handle, your cleaning job is sure to be free of any streaks or slips. Several reviewers also love how well the suction hook sticks to the shower wall, with Steven writing, “The large suction cup that holds this squeegee in the shower works perfectly. And unlike many metal squeegees, this one is very lightweight, so it will not pull itself off the wall.” That’s quite a bit of quality and convenience for $8. Get the OXO Good Grips All-Purpose Squeegee for $7.99 10. These curtain panels that’ll help you save money Credit: Sun Zero Keep the heat in and the sun out with these curtains. Give yourself some privacy while you save on your energy bill. These curtain panels help to block out both summer heat and winter chill while also reducing outside noise. One of our editors, Shayna Murphy, swears by these and says they look great. Need I say more? Get the Sun Zero Barrow Energy Efficient Grommet Curtain Panel starting at $6.37 11. These versatile microfiber cloths Credit: Amazon From cleaning spills to washing cars, these cloths are very versatile. My parents are so gung-ho about these, they stopped buying paper towels. I’m not quite as eccentric, but I love these microfiber cloths nonetheless. They’re terrific for cleaning up spills around the house, as they absorb up to eight times their weight. I set a couple of these below my dish drainer and use them to buff out my glass cooktop stove after cleaning, too. Get the AmazonBasics Blue and Yellow Microfiber Cleaning Cloths (24-Pack) for $12.81 12. A natural deodorant that actually works Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar Eliminate aluminum from your pits and still smell great. Imagine a natural deodorant, free of aluminum, parabens, sulfates, and other harsh irritants/unwanted ingredients, that actually keeps your underarms fresh. The Native brand has a cult following, which now appears to be trending toward the mainstream, given its uptick on the Movers & Shakers page. One of our experts recently reviewed this product and raved about the scent quality, natural feel, lack of white streaks on her clothing, and its durability throughout the day. However, be advised you may have to give your body a couple weeks to adjust from your old deodorant to Native. Get Native deodorant for $11.97 13. This leak-proof travel mug Credit: Contigo Sipping coffee on-the-go should be stylish and insulated. Few things make for a more satisfying commute than a travel mug that doesn’t leak. The earth angels at Contigo made this mug easy to drink from and super comfy to hold, quelling any fears you might have of dropping it on a crowded bus or subway. Additionally, its double wall vacuum insulation keeps your beverage hot for up to six hours or cold for up to 12 hours. Get the Contigo SnapSeal Byron Mug (16 oz) for $11.44 14. A yoga mat that’s got your back Credit: BalanceFrom This yoga mat is affordable and non-slip. This mat offers quarter-inch thickness, which provides much-needed cushioning for your spine, hips, knees, and elbows on hard floors. At just $13, this mat is also the top-selling yoga mat on Amazon. As someone who once pulled a hamstring in yoga class due to mat slippage, I can’t overstate the importance of slip prevention. However, while the mat will stay in place on the floor, you might slip if the surface gets too sweaty. Get the BalanceFrom GoYoga All Purpose Non-Slip Yoga Mat for $12.99 15. A more enjoyable and effective means of flossing Credit: Waterpik Finally get your dentist to stop asking if you've flossed. The late comedian Mitch Hedberg once joked that it’s just as hard to quit smoking as it is to start flossing. Sadly, he didn’t live to see the advent of the Waterpik. This water flosser is the only one on the market that has earned the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance, which is huge. This product comes with five different tip attachments—including ones designed to work with braces, crowns, and implants—allowing you to floss in areas that are tough to reach with traditional floss. Get the Waterpik Water Flosser for $59.95 16. This comfy cushion that’ll save your back Credit: Everlasting Comfort Survive your 9-to-5 with a comfy cushion. Whether you’re at a 9-to-5 desk job or a road warrior, you’re bound to put undue strain on your back and backside. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce that stress—and improve your posture—with this orthopedist-recommended seat cushion from Everlasting Comfort. Made from memory foam, this cushion maintains its density and keeps its shape while supporting your tailbone, lower back, spine, and hips. Get the Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Seat Cushion for $29.95 17. This mask and conditioner to restore and strengthen your hair’s health Credit: Arvazallia Add moisture to your hair with this affordable mask. You can keep your hair looking and feeling healthy with Amazon’s top-selling hair treatment mask. Argan oil is rich in compounds that moisturize and soften hair, making it a great supplement for medium to coarse hair types. Reviewers say this product significantly helped enhance their hair’s softness, texture, and overall manageability. This two-in-one mask is completely paraben- and sulfate-free and works on straight and curly hair. Get the Arvazallia Hydrating Argan Oil Hair Mask and Deep Conditioner for $12.95 18. This foam roller to optimize your workout Credit: LuxFit Roll out your achey muscles. Wish you could get more out of your workouts? You can with this durable, sweat-proof foam roller. This is a great tool for improving your balance and bodily coordination as well as for muscle relief before and after workouts. When you order this roller, you also receive an email with a link to free online instructional videos that demonstrate proper use. Get the LuxFit Foam Roller for $9.95 19. This warm and cozy throw blanket Credit: Bedsure There's nothing cozier than a fleece blanket. Be your coziest self with this fleece blanket. Whether you’re bingeing your favorite show on the couch or traveling somewhere, this throw blanket keeps you warm while still being breathable. Made from microfiber fabric, it weighs less and keeps its shape and color more effectively than cotton. Get the Bedsure Fleece Twin Throw Blanket for $19.99 20. A foot cream for everyone Credit: PurSources Heal your cracked and callused feet with this popular cream. While this cream is geared toward people who suffer from calluses and cracked feet, all feet stand to benefit from using it. The formula in this lotion nourishes and hydrates your skin, improving circulation and promoting new cell growth. This product comes with a free pumice stone and brush as well as an unlimited satisfaction guarantee—if you don’t get the results you want, PurSources will give you a full refund. Get PurSources Urea 40% Foot Cream 4 oz for $15.99 The product experts at Reviewed have all your shopping needs covered. Follow Reviewed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest deals, product reviews, and more. Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/20-incredible-products-that-are-trending-on-amazon-right-now
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'This is a game changer': Amazon shoppers can't believe this anti-aging retinol cream is only $14
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LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream is an Amazon best-seller in the skin care category. (Photo: Amazon)
When it comes to skin care, retinol is also known as the ultimate anti-aging ingredient. However, the powerful vitamin A derivative can be a little too strong for some, resulting in skin sensitivities such as redness and peeling.
However, Amazon reviewers claim that LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream (on sale for $14) gets the job done without the harsh side effects. “This is a game changer,” raved a reviewer, who says they achieved “dewy” skin results. In fact, the affordable cream is formulated with nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, shea butter and vitamin E to help nourish skin and balance the powerful main ingredient.
Here’s why Amazon shoppers swear by this $20 anti-aging cream.
The price
A quick glance at the reviews for the LilyAna Naturals Retinol cream is all it takes to see that buyers are fans of the low price for such an efficacious product. “Amazing product. Incredible value. Beats my $75 serum!!” claimed an enthusiastic buyer.
“I appreciate a company that offers a skin care line that gives results at a price everyone can afford,” wrote one happy customer.
Another added, “Totally worth the money and so much more affordable than other products out there!”
It’s not harsh on skin
The cream’s nourishing mix of ingredients is what makes this retinol great for those with sensitive skin, according to some LilyAna Naturals fans.
“I am 49 years old with increasingly sensitive skin,” explained a reviewer. “This cream is super gentle, no irritation whatsoever, even around my eyes. It goes on nicely, absorbs well & leaves my skin feeling soft, not sticky.”
Another adds, “This cream is nothing short of amazing! It just melts into the skin and really transforms it! It is very gentle under the eyes, and I had no issues with peeling or sensitivity, normally I have very sensitive skin.”
The skin-transforming effects
Formulation and price aside, more than 4,000 Amazon shoppers have given LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream an impressive 4.2-star average on the site. These are some of the popular results shoppers have experienced:
Fine lines: “After 2 months of use (missing a day here and there) I can clearly see fine lines on my forehead and around my mouth and eyes are softened and some are just gone. I put it on at night only because I work in the sun and need SPF for my day cream. I also apply this to my bust and neck. Don’t laugh, it is the best cream I have ever used and it really makes a difference.”
Deep wrinkles: “I have very deep wrinkles (I am 70 years old) and bought this after having read the rave reviews … I use it day and night as directed and I think that after having used it for 3 weeks I can truly see the results. I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and honestly thought that I look ‘softer’ than I have in a while.”
Firmness: “My skin has a much smoother and brighter appearance and looks firmer. I get compliments all the time on how smooth my skin looks. I am 50 years old, and I am on my 2nd bottle of this stuff and I won’t ever switch as long as the quality stays the same!”
Acne: “I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, I know my acne is hormonal and it’s not easy to deal with. After having my second baby, my skin was doing great. I knew I needed a retinol product but didn’t want to shell out massive bucks for the prescription strength cream so I decided to give this a shot. WOW!!!! I am so amazed at how well it works. It’s gentle enough that my commonly irritated spots don’t get scaly and flake but it does the job. People around have been commenting that I’m ‘looking great’ but they can’t pinpoint what it is. I think it’s the fact that this cream has helped the texture of my skin, less breakouts, faster healing when I do get pimples, and less redness. I’m happy!”
Dark spots: “It has cleared up many of the dark spots which were very quickly invading the skin on my face. Although the marks are still there, after using LilyAna’s Retinol Cream for just a few months my skin has dramatically improved and is much more even in color than before.”
Texture: “I’m 41 and have always had large pores and more recently the appearance of my skin was almost gritty looking like sandpaper. This product has reduced the appearance of my pores, smoothed my face and completely fixed the weird crepey pouch of skin on my neck! I’m very pleased with the results and will definitely buy this again. I’m now looking into their other products.”
Bottom line
This highly-acclaimed cream is universally loved, regardless of age or skin concerns — whether it’s acne or wrinkles.
As one reviewer explains: “I am 51 years old and using this for the deeper wrinkles around my eyes and lips, as well as firming the skin on my face. My son is 16 and suffers with some pretty bad acne. We have both been thrilled with the results,” explained a happy customer. “It was very immediate to see the healing effect it had for my son’s acne. His outbreaks lessened and the healing of the acne has come much quicker. For me, I can see the deeper wrinkles are lessening and the skin firmness is improving.”
Shop the LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream, $14 (was $20) at Amazon.com.
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
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One of Amazon’s most popular anti-aging Vitamin C serums is on sale — and it won’t last
Amazon’s best-selling eye cream has over 14,000 reviews — and it’s actually affordable
Why the $21 hair towel taking over Amazon is being called a ‘life-changer’
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thesnottedbrat · 5 years
Recently I started to step up my skincare games with anti aging products, mostly cream type products. I’m not deciding this on a whim tho, for the last year, I tried several anti aging products, Laneige, Drunk Elephant and The Ordinary. And I have to admit that they pretty much delivered the result.
Aforementioned on my previous posts, I suffered from premature aging since I started worked at retail. I’m not saying it’s a bad place, it just me that slacking off taking care of my skin and mental stressed.
Hence I resigned; I started to taking care of my lil ol poor skin. I literally have big pores, saggy, dull, dark circles, eye bags, and slightly fine lines.
I completely a newbie at anti aging lines, so I just randomly picked products that people (mostly) recommend at the time. I’m not quite sure whether I have to go for serious anti aging products or that kind of line which formulated for early aging sign.
I go for Laneige Perfect Renew lineup and Drunk Elephant marula oil and sukari baby facial, and some side products. I used it for about half a year and pretty much satisfied with the result, but I want more. I want something that totally gives me a satisfying result. Yeah I know it’s a tall order, but I think it’s the perks of hunting down at skincare jungle.
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You know, when you hunting down, sometimes you going to have conducted a mini research about the products, right? You peeked into beauty community, read their reviews, and so on. One of things I found stupid yet hilarious is… these youngster comments/reviews about the products, which is of course the anti aging lineup.
Seriously, I don’t know what they are thinking! 
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Most of them are under 24 (or 20), and they said the products didn’t give them any results or whatever. Like, I mean, oh come on! You barely even have fine lines or loss of skin elasticity, or did somehow, youngster these days have some serious aging!!? Isn’t obvious!!? Well ofc the products didn’t works for you, eh!!? Your skin just fine, I guess you’re main problems maybe acne, dry skin, freckles, rosacea, or anything besides aging. Seriously guys!? When I stumble into one of these cute comments, I just skipped them fast. Do I have to read their reviews? HECK NO.
I pretty much aware, they just tried to preventing aging at early age, which is too early for them and I even bother if they should write one.
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Another thing I found annoying is they just tried the products only for A MONTH. A MONTH. WOW. Are you kidding me!? If there’s any aging lineup that can give instant results within one month, I definitely buy it immediately. Not just me, but all women around the world will put their hands on it. ARE YOU STUPID GIRL!? We talk about anti aging skincare here, and any anti aging skincare, no all skincare products is takes time to give it results! You have to give it at least 3 months or so and a constant usage to give it a results. Even retinol, the superb stuff to mostly skin problems at least needs 1-3 months to works. And here you are, little missy, with your 1 months only, no retinol contains, and you wished for an immediate result? Talk about big, aren’t ya?
I’m not blaming them, not entirely, because marketing takes half of the blame. They promoting something like preventing aging at early age in a grand manner, and using a public figure whom had a good superb skin (thanks to their agents whose provided a good dermatologist treatment).
Those “preventing aging at early age” products is targeted women in their mid 25-35 , but I think it runs it women system that they wanted their youth appearance to be strong forever which is why they bought such a products at 18.
You know what, I even doubt some of them around 15 because sometimes there’s this categorize that labeled “under 18” so I don’t know they real age. Another thing why internet is two sides of coins.
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muachronicle · 5 years
Nutrition + Beauty
You are what you eat.
We’ve all heard this adage at one point or another but how accurate is it when it comes to our skin? Pretty damn accurate. Dermatologists and aestheticians might give you lotions and potions to help your skin look its best from the outside but the good ones will help you figure out how your nutrition can aid in giving you the best skin of your life. In a world of excess and express, it may be hard to choose food and drink options that are healthy rather than easy. 
That’s why I’ve divided this post into problem specific parts. If you want overall great skin then look into an overall diet overhaul. If you have certain concerns, read up on how you can adapt your lifestyle to heal from the inside out. Now I’ve done the research so you don’t have to but that doesn’t mean that I am a professional. I am not a trained physician or dietician so I highly recommend you speak to your health provider before changing your diet or cutting things out.  
In my search for answers, this was what I found.
For Acne 
There can be a few culprits for breakouts or congested pores when it comes to nutrition. The big ones that the professionals agree on is dairy. Everyone is lactose intolerant to some degree, whether it results in a little gas or full blown diarhea. Our skin is no different. Human digestive systems have a harder time breaking down cow’s milk than other types of milk which can lead to an inflammatory response by our intestines and our skin. 
This doesn’t mean you have to go full vegan. Although that it always an option, you can start by looking into quality dairy alternatives. There are a lot of great nut-based creamers and aged sheep’s milk cheeses that you can integrate into your routine. Some of you may find this too difficult and you’re saying, “pry this pizza from my cold, dead hands”. Honestly, I hear you. Look at reducing your current intake of dairy to start and see if it helps your skin with its inflammation. 
Another source of inflammation that may cause acne is sugar. Whether it’s the processed white stuff that’s in literally anything or the “no sugar” chemical alternatives, your skin doesn’t like it. Again, sorry. I don’t mean to deter you from your love of cheese cake (personally, I’ve never met a cannoli I didn’t like). If you can get past the particular taste, honey is actually a great alternative. It’s naturally anti-inflammatory and can work as a sugar substitute in a lot of foods. It also works well mixed with egg whites as a DIY face mask to help with acne!
For Under Eye Bags
This is also a comment on overall puffiness. Dehydrated skin will literally hate you. When the body is dehydrated, it will hold on to any water it has in the body and store it as a reserve so you don’t die (not exaggerating here). That will lead to the feeling and appearance of bloat - both the body and the face. The most common culprits for this are salt, alcohol, and caffeine. Too much of any or all of those and not enough water will lead to a situation. Now I’m not trying to freak you out because the solution is somewhat simple - drink more water! You can also add water right foods to your diet like cucumbers and watermelon. Better yet, put cucumbers and watermelon in your water. 
If you want to be extra good to yourself, try to decrease the amount of salt, alcohol, and/or caffeine that you are putting in your body. Everything in moderation. Jennifer Lopez has gone on record to say one of the secrets to her aging backwards is that she doesn’t drink alcohol or coffee. Now that’s not always realistic for everyone (I’m a huge asshole if I don’t have a cup of coffee in a day). However, maybe look into scaling back how much and how often you drink alcohol and coffee. A glass of red wine and a cup of coffee a day can actually give your body the antioxidants to look better but three salty margs and five espressos might have you praying to your jade roller in the morning.
Note: experts have said that sparkling water is not dehydrating but jury is still out on whether it keeps you as hydrated as good ole still water.
For Fine Lines
Guess what. Your body naturally produces Vitamin A when you eat certain foods. Do you know what your liver converts Vitamin A into? Retinol. I’m not even joking. The certain foods that you can add to your diet are called carotenoids and are those fruits and vegetables that are naturally yellow, red, or orange. Think peppers, carrots, and oranges. Add them to salads, have them as a snack. When you’re at a party, choose the carrots over the chips. If it makes your life easier, dip it in ranch. Baby steps.
The other foods that help skin look fresh and feel bouncy are certain types of oils containing omega fatty acids. We all need healthy fats to keep our brains functioning, our skin looking fresh, and even our waistlines within healthy ranges. These compounds are found in coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and certain types of fish. You can also take a supplement with these compounds for a meaured dose of healthy fat. Moderation is key here as well since the body can’t break down all of the fats - you won’t get more results the more you eat these fatty acids, trust. 
Overall Skin Health
We are constantly being assaulted by UV rays from the sun and environmental pollution, not to mention all the stress. Now I’m not saying you should become a hermit (you can - I’m not the boss of you) but there are a few things you can add into your routine that can help fight all the damage that life inflicts on our skin. Antioxidants are a great way to do this and they are found in blueberries and citrus fruits, mostly due to their Vitamin C content. But what are antioxidants? When our bodies are stressed, either internally or via external factors, oxidizing occurs to cells where atoms become unstable. These unstable atoms are called free radicals and they are pretty much bullies that beat up our cells. Antioxidants protect your cells from the damage these free radicals can inflict (bye, bullies). Some other antioxidants are sweet potatoes and spinach. If you don’t want to eat those then know that dark chocolate and red wine (in moderation) are also anti-oxidant rich. 
Two Trends
There’s hype right now around probiotics for skin, whether applied topically or integrated into the diet for a healthy gut. Essentially, your skin and your gut both have bacteria posted up in condos at all times. When some bad bacteria gangs come to town, it disruptions the peace and the balance. This leads to unrest and inflammed responses which can lead to poor digestion and acne. Probiotics are the neighborhood watch that helps keep the balance in favor of the good bacteria to keep things copacetic. 
It has long been a belief that probiotics keep us healthy (kimchi has been a staple in Korean diets for centuries) and you can integrate it into your life too. One of the biggest and most available sources of probiotics are oats. So grab a cup of oatmeal, sprinkle it with blueberries, and know that you are doing right by your gut and your skin. Bonus: oatmeal is another hero when it comes to DIY face masking!
Ingestion collagen is another trend you might have been seeing. Whether it’s putting collagen powder in your beverages or eating collagen gummies, this part of the beauty space is flooded with products. The body naturally creates collagen to help keep skin, bones, and connective tissues functioning at their best but its production decreases as we age. By ingesting collagen, there have been claims that we can aid our organic production of the protein.  
Originally, professionals were sceptical. Since collagen is a protein, the body breaks it down in digestion before it has a chance to be absorbed and take any effect. Recently, however, it’s been seen that ingesting collagen has improved dark spots and elasticity over time. This leads professionals to believe that the fragments that are left over from the break down process are being absorbed and function on the body. This means that lower doses than we think are working to help our skin and joints but they are working nonetheless.
As with anything you put on or into your body, do your research into the integrity of the brand and product. Read reviews and ingredient labels to make sure you’re not duped out of your money. I recently had to explain to someone that bought hemp gummies that they did not include CBD and why those two things are not the same. 
If you have methods or recipes to integrate these things into your life, share them below! ✌️
Cover photo by Artyom Kim.
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youdecode · 4 years
SkinCare Routine
Maintaining a skincare routine might seem an extremely challenging task.
It is so easy to get bogged down by the steps.
If you are thinking that it is a high maintenance job then jump into reality.
As it is much easier than you think.
With proper simple steps, you can have clear skin with effective skincare.
I can feel you if you are thinking that several things go into proper skincare.
But it is not too much if you get your basics right.
To take care of the health of your skin it is vital to know the order of applying certain product . . .
And questions like when and when not to.
Many people believe that skincare is only effective at night but that’s not the case.
For getting clear skin you need to have a proper morning and night routine.
By pampering your skin in the morning and the night you are ensuring a long term benefit.
You will not only enjoy the benefits today but also after the years to come.
So without further ado let’s see the proper routine:
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
Step#1 Cleanser
You need to start your morning with a cleanser.
Some basic properties of good cleanser:
Contains formulas that will keep your skin bright.
Own ingredients that will gently exfoliate your skin.
Keep dry skin moist for a long time.
Ingredients to look out for:
If you are questioning what ingredients should be present in a reliable face cleanser then go for ones which include: retinol, ceramides, vitamin C glycerine, and other exfoliants.
To be more specific you should go for retinol or salicylic acid if you own oily or acne-prone skin. For dry skin or sensitive skin aim for the one containing ceramides or glycerine.
Types of cleanser:
Now a question can easily pop into a head that which cleanser you should use. There are several types of cleansers like oil-based cleansers and other ones. I would recommend an oil-based cleanser because they are suitable for all skin types. Many times people will use oil-based cleansing as part of a 2 step cleansing process.
People often regard it as a double cleansing because the use of an oil-based cleanser is often followed by the application of the gel. Apart from Oil-based cleansers, you will find gel cleaners that tend to work best for Acne-prone oily skin. A gel cleanser also works best for teenage skin.
You will not see anyone recommending you foaming cleanser if you own advice on dry sensitive skin.
What is the difference between the face wash and cleanser?
If you are just starting with your skincare routine then there can be a possibility of you questioning that is face wash and cleanser the same?
Well if we talk about the surface level then: both of them work to clean your face but face wash comes under a foaming cleanser while cleanser owns the property of a lotion.
The basic common difference which you will see is that cleansers are non-foaming. They do not need to get washed, instead simply wiped off.
Step 2: Toner
The next product which needs to be applied after a cleanser is toner. This is a skincare essential that needs to be used regularly. Many people get the confusion that what if they are not using excessive makeup on the skin? Even then, is there a necessity of using a toner or cleanser? Well, the short answer is yes. You should see these as essentials, as part of your skin cleansing process. It’s because toners benefit your skin on a deeper level by getting rid of dead skin cells which then reveal cleaner and fresher skin.
Secondly, many people have this concern that if they have a very low pH cleanser do they need to use a toner then? You need to understand that no matter how mild or gentle the cleanser is it can disrupt the barrier of skin which can cause dryness and breakout irritation.
Thirdly, never consider cleansing water or essence the same as a toner because they do not share the same functionality. Both the essence and cleansing water will cleanse your skin but they will not balance out the pH value because they are not designed to do so. The essence is applied after toner whereas cleansing water is applied after it. but they are optional.
If you are thinking that toner is just like water and it does not offer immediate effect then think twice! It is not just the cleansing water but has a crucial role in the overall skincare routine. You might have not known but using toner regularly and adding it to a skincare routine will give you a major impact on the appearance and overall. How so? Let’s dive further into its features and properties: 
Removes the last traces of impurities and dust that get stuck to your pores after you wash your face.
Tightens your pores to a great degree.
Brighten up your skin as the removal of dead skin cells automatically means the brightening of dull skin.
Will make your skin firmer and bring things in line. On a surface level, it makes sure that your skin becomes firmer and your pore gets shrunk.
Brings the pH level of skin back in line after the cleansing process.
Pushes your skin towards skin repair. (This goodness treatment is achieved by the absorption of nutrients and antioxidants that exfoliate the skin and control the blemishes from within.)
Cutting it short if you want to know what the purpose of a toner is then it is like a primer which will boost the effectiveness of the rest of your skincare.
Type of skin
Toner is essential for every type of skin whether you own an oily or dry skin. simply because it has the capability of maintaining a vibrant and youthful complexion because it is simply a tonic. Many people have this common concern that their skin is sensitive so should they apply anything to their face? well having sensitive skin does not mean that you cannot I apply anything and have to miss these benefits. Go for the milder product for maximum benefit in such cases.
Now let’s dig into the details and see which toner is the best
Dry skin
Choose a hydrating toner with rose extract to get a moisturizing soothing benefit.
Oily skin
The toner is great because it brightens your overall skin making it luminous.
Combination skin
The toner can smoothen the dry patches and unclog the pores.
What should I look at when purchasing a toner?
Never go for Alcohol-based toners. You might have heard that alcohol-based toners make big pores look smaller.
Yes, it is true. But there are several problems in using alcohol-based toners because it strips the skin of the vital moisture. Stripping of moisture is not only catastrophic for sensitive or dry skin, but also oily skins. The alcohol-based ones make oily skin symptoms get worse. Toners are not capable of increasing your dryness unless you are using alcohol-based ones which are never recommended.
So what is the wise choice? Always go for an alcohol-free toner. You should go for water-based and other glycerine based tonics because these will work best for skin repairing.
They contain the extracts of citrus green tea, rose & aloe vera.
As far as the application of the toner is concerned then you should use it twice a day. if you cannot manage it twice then at least once recommended.
The right way to use a toner is to wash the face gently with a cleanser and patting it dry.
You then need to put a little quantity of toner on the palm and apply it on the face.
If you do not want to involve your palm then you can moisten a cotton ball and then tap softly in circles on the surface of your face.
You need to give time for the toner to dry so do not immediately wipe it off.
Step 3: Serum
You must have heard the hype. If you are clueless about what skin serums are then let’s equip you with the details. The serum comes in small bottles and can cost you a decent amount.
People have a variety of opinions when it comes to serums as many say that they are moisturizing essence but some still feel the need of using moisturizers in the overall skincare routine. If we compare serums with other skincare products then they own very small molecules and they comprise of only a few concentrated active ingredients. Further, they do not have any additives like oils. Because serums do not have these heavy ingredients they get easily, quickly, and deeply absorbed. 
The serums are highly concentrated and that is why they can penetrate deep down into the cellular level of your skin.
They are designed to absorb quickly and thus deliver a high concentration of ingredients in the skin.
These are best at directly repairing your skin cells which revitalize your overall look
These are used to intensify your whole skincare regimen. These have got you covered with proper hydration and brightening.
Now the question is what type of serum do you choose? There are water-based and oil-based serums. You will largely find markets saturated with water-based serums. These are lighter in textures and that is why applied before any face creams. On the contrary, oil-based serums are heavy with larger molecules and that is why applied on top for keeping the skin underneath moist and intact. So you need to differentiate between the type of serum be it the water-based or oil-based.
After preparing your skin with toner, when your skin is still damp, gently massage a small amount of serum onto the face in the area. It is advisable that you only make use of one or two fingers so that the serum does not get wasted on your hands.
Serum Vs Moisturizers
Bear in mind that serums are not moisturizers. They should not be replaced with one another. There is no doubt that serum contains much fewer ingredients like hydraulic acid. But you will still need some sort of moisturizer for preventing moisture evaporating your skin. You cannot skip the step of applying the layer of moisturizer. Why? As you need to keep the environmental irritants out of the pores.
If you are thinking that you can apply serum alone and not follow your skincare routine by applying moisturizer then here you will go wrong. As the serum will hydrate your skin but they will not provide you with the same level of protective properties.
By following the application of moisturizer you will be adding a safety barrier.
Step 4: Eye cream
Many people question why it is necessary to invest in eye cream when they can function with the use of a moisturizer.
You need to realize that the composition of a moisturizer is different and it is not suitable and efficient for under eyes. Know that the area beneath your eyes is very delicate and thin and that is why you should be applying eye cream that is specifically designed to be gentle.
You need to treat the area under the eye with care because that is the first area that will show the signs of aging.
Another thing which you should get is that the moisturizers are not specifically designed to treat puffiness or dark circles.
Now, what you should look for in an eye cream. You will find several varieties of eye cream as they come in different forms like gel serums and cream.
Key ingredients What should be present in your eye cream for treating specific problems?
Ceramide for hydration
Retinol for targeting wrinkles
Vitamin C for treating dark circles
Caffeine for reducing puffiness
Types of eye cream
These different formulations can be confusing. So how to determine which eye cream is right for you?
You need to analyze your skin-specific problems and see whether crow eyes, fine lines, puffiness, or dark circles is the major-specific concern.
Step 5: Acne spot treatment
 The next medication which needs to be included in your skincare routine is a spot treatment.
Such treatment creams are used for reducing the amount of acne producing bacteria.
Step 6: Moisturizer
 Next comes a moisturizer. Many people question what if they have oily skin?
Should they still be using moisturizer?
You need to realize that oily skin does not imply that you have a hydrated skin period these are very two different things.
Oily skin means your skin has this overproduction of oil.
While hydration refers to the adequate water content present in your skin.
To ensure hydration it is vital to apply moisturizer on oily skin.
We have slightly talked about moisturizers when highlighting the use of serum. Let’s dig deep into it:
Moisturizers treat your skin by preventing it from drying out
They hold the water in the outermost layer of your skin
Without a moisturizer, your skin will start flaking
Step 7: Sunscreen
 The last product which needs to be included in your skincare routine is sunscreen.
If using your chemical sunscreen then you have to apply before moisturizer or because it needs to get absorbed into the skin deeply.
 Night Routine
In the nighttime routine, you have the addition of retinol and face oil. Other things stay same. 
You might be aware that retinol is used for :
Boosting collagen
Cutting down fine lines
Improving skin tone
Reducing patches
That is why it is vital to use retinol every day in your skincare routine as it is a powerful antioxidant.
Never apply retinol in the sunlight or the morning routine because sunlight will diminish its power.
Face oil
 Face oils are a perfect solution for skincare.
They are made to work with your natural oils for keeping your skin at a balanced level.
You might be already aware of the fact that your skin is already making natural oils for preventing water loss.
Now face oil comes to AMP up the moisturizing game.
Face oil seals the moisturizer and adds an extra layer of nourishment and that is why it must be used as the last step of your skincare routine.
Many people prefer mixing face oils and moisturizer but if you want a more effective
The result then go for giving them their separate spots.
There is a slight difference in the application of face water and moisturizer.
In moisturizer, you use the tip of your fingers whereas in face oil you use the whole palm in spreading the oil out.
If you are thinking that your skin is already oily then face oil will help you in combating oil production.
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