#but she was still good when she started off. w serena tho i feel like it really wouldve helped her bond w ash
vaugarde · 1 year
how the hell did serena pass ash so easily
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simplylove101 · 5 years
Influential TV Shows
Okay this is kinda random and why I prob won’t tag the shows I list cuz this is more just something I wanted to get out of my head after watching J&J’s latest podcast where they were talking about this topic. They kept it to 7 shows each and while that would certainly be interesting to try, that’s kinda hard. lol I went about grouping some of them - shows that shaped me growing up, shows that impacted me/stuck with me, comfort shows/watch with the family, taught me about fandoms, etc. And saying something about each of them. Anyway, this is stupid but here we go lol:
The Shows Growing Up:
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Sailor Moon: Okay, nobody make fun of me. lol This is the first show I remember really watching as a kid that wasn't Barney or whatever, something I decided to watch by myself and it actually had an ongoing story. And ofc it took time for me to realize that this was just an English dubbed version that they would play on Cartoon Network. Looking back on it, it’s a little cringey (the voice readings, Serena being a bit of a crybaby) but seeing girls, even if it was animated, kicking ass over evil as a group made an impression on me so it’s no wonder I would watch it religiously after school and was sad when they stopped airing it. And ofc I watched all the movies too. I was a shameless fan. lmao I also eventually read the manga and appreciated it.
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Hey Arnold: As a kid, I would watch Cartoon Network & Nickelodeon (& eventually Disney when I got a little bit older), and I think one of the Nickelodeon shows that really stuck with me as a kid, like Rugrats, was this one. It had a wide range of really distinct characters. It was genuinely funny. And I did love the dynamic between Arnold & Helga (who was interesting & sometimes they would let her be the protagonist of an ep instead of him, like the therapist one which is a def fave) even if her crush was kinda as stalkerish as you can get why maintaining innocence. lol And you know what? I did totally watch the recent movie they did where it tied up loose ends like getting these two together and allowing her to grow as a character. Gotta say it was rewarding after all this time. lol  
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All That: I feel like I gotta put this here because I watched this show all the time as a kid. And I think it’s something that really taught me about comedy. I had seen things from Saturday Night Live growing up cuz of my parents but this was my Nickelodeon version with people that weren’t much older than me at the time so I could really get what was going on/enjoy it. It’s also the first place where we saw people like Amanda Bynes & Kenan Thompson & Kel Mitchell (which is partly why I later watched things like The Amanda Show and Kenan & Kel) What can I say? As a young person, it was just really cool seeing kids being funny. Yeah, there was some cheese but I didn’t care. It stayed with me.
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Boy Meets World/Sister, Sister/Lizzie McGuire/Even Stevens: I kinda cheated here and bundled these shows because these are four of the shows I watched on Disney growing up (Disney showed reruns of Boy Meets World & Sister, Sister for the record) There were others like That’s So Raven, Suite Life, Wizards of Waverly sort of, Proud Family to name a few but these shows I picked have such iconic episodes that I still remember well and love. Like Even Stevens - musical episode hands down Idc. Boy Meets World - Scream-inspired Halloween ep for sure. Yes, there was cheesiness with all these shows. Sometimes very after-school special, but they shaped me I think. Also gotta mention, I remember thinking of Hilary Duff as my idol. lol
The Ones I Watched With the Fam:
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That 70′s Show: Now the thing with my family is that we were one where for a time we would watch tv while eating dinner and my dad would have control of what channel we watched. It was always this way, which meant it would either be Law & Order or Seinfeld (the second one I was cool with and I almost included it on here cuz it’s such a staple comedy but eh,,, I appreciated it more later on. It felt more forced on me at the time) This is probably one of the only shows I can say my whole family truly agreed on watching all together tho, including my sister who generally watches trashy reality shows. This show will always remain one of my faves, because it was hilarious. It got a little weaker towards the end (We do NOT speak about Season 8) but I loved how it was a true ensemble sitcom where everyone brought something to the table and enjoyed the different dynamics between the group. The funny running gags, Jackie & Hyde still remain one of my all-time otps, and Kelso is probably the funniest & lovable dumb character I can think of (If nothing else, Ashton Kutcher was meant to play this part ok) It was nice to have something my whole family could enjoy together. It was a rarity so this show has a special place in my heart for that alone.
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Joan of Arcadia: Another show that has a place in my heart, despite it only lasting 2 seasons and it ending on a bad note (major cliffhanger, still never fully making things right w/ Adam after destroying his character, ultimately S2 was problematic but still) because this is a show that I watched religiously (pun not actually intended here lol) with my mom every Friday it was on. What I loved about it was that the concept is centered around Joan talking to God yet it generally wasn’t being preachy. Joan wasn’t always willing to do what God wanted her to do, and things didn’t always turn out how she wanted. It was a kinda perfect blend for me and my mom to watch together. After this we were more willing to watch stuff as a pair cuz we were close but this started all that. I remember always being curious how God would appear to Joan cuz it was always changing, but there were some fave recurring ones like Cute Guy God, Goth God & Old Lady God to name a few. heh Joan was played wonderfully by the awesome Amber Tamblyn who could always make me cry (naturally she played my fave Tibby in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movies too lol) and she had awesome friends in Adam & Grace (who were my faves) and family. I rewatched this show and you know, I’d say S1 holds up and even the first half of S2. Heck, the episode where Joan & Adam break up towards the end of it, while totally heartbreaking and PISSES me off cuz bad writing for Adam, was solid simply for the acting so there’s that. lol
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Putting this show under this category because this was a show that I mostly got into because my sister loved it growing up. I was really young when it came out so I mostly remembered bits & pieces when I later watched it when I got a little older. It stuck with me tho cuz ofc the awesome Sarah Michelle Gellar playing badass Buffy (she was my sister’s idol) and it was a genuinely funny and smart show. It also got dark too. It wasn’t always solid towards the end, but I think it mostly nailed the actual ending (why Anya had to die tho... Spike I got but ugh) Anyway, this was kinda a big deal cuz it was the only thing my sister and I really watched together that wasn’t bad reality television or me barely paying attention to Dawson’s Creek at the time lol This showed that my sister could have taste when she wanted to (lmao sorry)
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The Carol Burnett Show: I had to mention this show because this is one that got me, really my family, through dealing with my mom’s dementia. We chose to care for her at home instead of putting her in a nursing home. We did this for 2 years until her death. And the one thing we (excluding my sister cuz her & old stuff don’t mix) could always count on cheering us up was this show. My dad told me that my mom loved this show growing up and that’s why we turned on for her. So luckily memory or no memory, she still had a sense of humor and she knew when to laugh. And with good reason. This show is hilarious. So iconic. Carol Burnett was/is rightfully loved dearly for this show. I wish I had more I could say, but this was truly a comfort show when I desperately needed it so I am forever grateful that it existed.
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Honorable Mention: Young & Hungry - another show that got us through that dark period, my dad actually really enjoyed this, despite seeming skeptical, and eventually started calling it the “Josh & Gaby Show” lmao Only thing is we never finished it together so oops. Not so much influential maybe but worth mentioning it felt like since it was underrated, got me thru a tough time, was hilarious and I loved that cast a lot. Emily Osment deserved to be the lead of her own show. Comedy queen.
The Ones That Brought Out the Fangirl In Me AKA The Teen Years:
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The O.C/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl/The Vampire Diaries: Another category where I’m just grouping them up together cuz ultimately it wasn’t about high art with these shows. They were the staple teen shows that everyone was watching and well, I was one of those people. lol It all started with The O.C. It was one of those ‘at the right time’ kinda things cuz I just went into the 6th grade when S1 started and it was such a big hit that everyone was always talking about it and there were even shirts involved (I never went that far lol) but this is where my need to explore YouTube came and then I was making fanvids. Gossip Girl is the one where I actually inserted myself into a fandom for the first time. My goodness the cringe that came with it but it gave me two of the longest online friendships I’ve ever had so I don’t regret it. (Shoutout to @backtothestart02 here as one of them) And well, three of these shows taught me the toxicity that can come from fandom. So I’ve been less vocal/more aware with other shows because of it. There’s problematic stuff in all of these but they were entertaining most of the time despite frustration (lol) 
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Honorable Mention: Teen Wolf - Had to mention this one cuz this was a show where I had a group of friends who all watched this together and we talked about it til the end (even when we weren’t happy with it lol) I was never really vocal in the fandom cuz by this point I was wary of them (fandoms I mean), but it was nice to share a show with people who felt similarly about it. As a show, I truly loved it up to 3B. Some of my favorite episodes were the ones that almost felt standalone-ish (3x06 AKA Motel California still remains my fave to this day) Lastly, it’s because of this show I was introduced to Dylan O’Brien who I always refer to as my ‘always & forever’ guy so yeah lol
Maybe Superhero Shows Are Worth Watching lol:
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The Flash/Daredevil/Cloak & Dagger/Runaways: So I’m someone who growing up, beyond Spider-Man and Batman, never really jumped at superhero movies. I still don’t to an extent but I’m more willing to watch stuff now. I think because when it comes to TV, I’m willing to check out at least an ep. I got into The Flash because my friend Lauren was really into it (and still very much is now) and wanted me to check it out so I did. I sorta watched Arrow before it until a point so I’d seen Barry’s appearances on it and remembered thinking he was precious so I wasn’t surprised that I liked him as a main character. I do think these later seasons have lost some quality but I think the earlier ones were very solid and Grant is perfect in the role. Daredevil... R.I.P. That show was so high quality so the fact that Netflix cancelled it is just rude. Now... Cloak & Dagger has been one of those surprises for me cuz it was such a slow burn that when it really got going it left me wanting more. That S1 finale was so solid. Cannot wait for S2. Love the dynamic between Ty & Tandy. Now Runaways isn’t perfect but it’s my biggest fandom right now and I’m proud of that fact. It’s a show that highlights diversity with 4 PoC leads & 4 kickass ladies (Nico & Gert are my bb girls), healthy ships including an LGBTQ couple currently as the main one (tho it is Gertchase that owns my heart), and overall a pretty great cast that meshes well like the thrown together family they portray. It even got me back into writing fanfic again. A miracle tbh. lol
Overall Just Amazing:
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This Is Us: I just think that this show pulled me in the second they revealed that first plot twist in the pilot. It surprised me and then they kept doing that a bit after. Now it’s more about how it has the ability to make me cry every ep and feel things. It doesn’t always touch me the same it did in that first season (it was an emotional year for me tbh) but it does have a class act cast who can always pull at my heart strings.
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Boardwalk Empire: This technically could have went under something I sort of watched with my dad, but it is kinda a weird show to share I guess. We didn’t usually watch it together (saved some awkward convos sometimes lol) but always talked about each episode weekly and it was kinda fun cuz it was usually in-depth. My dad still quotes things from it to this day. He also once said that he considers S1 the best TV season he’s ever watched. I agree that it was great. For me, the first 3 seasons are solid while the last 2 felt different but still pretty good. There was such quality to it. Great acting headed by Steve Buscemi. What can I say? I have a thing for gangster stories. I could say more but I’ll stop. lol
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Stranger Things: The show that really turned me into a binge-watcher. I had just gotten Netflix and what show did I decide to watch on my birthday? This show. I had seen things in the media about the kids from it and I was like, they’re adorable!! And ofc I got hooked when I actually watched the show. It just has everything in it that I like: mystery, thrills, humor, hint of romance, awesome acting, music moments, nostalgia. This was my obsession for a while until I got into some other things but if you don’t think I’m totally pumped for S3, then you best believe I’m watching it all in a day if I can. lol
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Community: This is a show that reminded me how a show can think totally outside of the box and still have a lot of heart with its comedy. I love situations where a group of misfits come together and become a family. I love that this show celebrates being different. Troy Barnes remains one of my favorite TV characters ever (& omg his friendship with Abed is pure goals!!) and Donald Glover played him perfectly. And Alison Brie is just adorable as Annie. Love this group of weirdos. The quality was different after S3 but I still adore it.
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Into the Badlands: Have to mention this show because what it has been doing action-wise is just incredible. The fighting sequences are out of this world. I’m always excited to see how they top it. Also, an Asian male lead? Go dude! The whole cast is wonderful and everything is just high quality, ok? Also, that cinematography!! Can’t believe it’s ending when it comes back. Sadness.
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One Day at a Time: This is more of a recent discovery for me (had friends who watched it and knew it was good but only decided to check it out not too long ago) but it’s already made its impact on me. This show has so much heart to it. The writers put so much care into their work when they bring up these controversial issues in the episodes. All while being totally hilarious (but also trust me, I manage to cry at least 1 or twice an ep lol) A show centered on a Cuban family, plenty of good rep for LGBTQ/non-binary people while also handling things like depression/anxiety, addiction, immigration, etc. It’s definitely making its mark on TV. Also, Rita Moreno is a living legend who I adore. I love this cast so much.
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12 Monkeys: I. loved. this. show! I still think it had the best series finale that I have seen in a while. It wrapped up things so well that I was smiling for a while after watching it. I couldn’t believe that of all shows this one gave me a happy ending. lol Casserole remains one of my all-time ships because they were truly epic and pulled at my heart strings so many times. Jennifer Goines was my queen. But seriously, a show about time travel that managed to make sense? So impressed. And the visuals? gahhh
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Friday Night Lights: Last, but most definitely not least, this show is just up there as one of the all-time bests IDC. The fact that at first glance the show seems centered only about football and it got me to keep watching definitely says something. lol This show had so much heart, the cast was excellent, an ending that was pretty much perfect. Coach & Tami Taylor were relationship goals. Honestly one of the best portrayals of a married couple I’ve ever seen because they were very much a team (while yes there was the occasional bickering that you gotta love) and it just felt real, you know? Also, it’s a show that proved that you can come back from a sophomore slump (yeah S2 was the worst season) and continue to be great.I can’t decide if it’s my favorite show of all-time but it’s certainly one of the first ones to come to mind. So glad I decided to give it a chance.
There’s probably a couple other shows I could list here but some I haven’t finished yet and don’t feel ready to put them on here yet. This is just what I could come up with.
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yumenosakiacademy · 7 years
Me.trocon 2017 Day 1
This is a diary for future me bc i like to keep my important memories preserved to read abt later n stuff! uh.. feel free to read if ya want i guess or ignore but it’s just me in-depth talkin abt what i did today n what happened to me, negative n positive! [peace sign] Cosplayed: Tsuka.sa Suou in his summer uniform
okay so i got mcdonalds for brunch at like 1 after i left my house and dad dropped me off to go get registered and all and after leaving registration to go get myself a Schedule, someone stopped me and said “oh my god can i take a pic of you?!” and i was so surprised that someone recognized who i was but i said sureso they pulled out their phone and they had a ku.ro k/iryu phonecase and i was like “!! KURO !!” and i talked w them (they were cosplaying the human lady from the ma.id dragon anime) and they had sooo many en.stars charms on their phone and i was like “oh my god you’re into en.stars” and i asked if they were doing okay in the event and they said their cards were too weak and that they only had 1 five star and i was like dude that sucks! but i had to rush to the UT panel so i said bye to them and they said they were gonna be shinkai on sunday so i’m looking forward to that!
so i went to the UT panel and things were kinda annoying bc some alt. au sans kept asking lots of questions and making commentary tly loudly and sometimes answering questions like they were part of the panel?? i think even the panelists were kinda annoyed of her... and she’d be like “aww un.dyne u didnt do my dare [mutter] but u did theirs!!” but i dont hav much to say abt this panel tbh
so i went to the bl.ack but/ler panel and apparently the original panelists didnt come so a group of bl.ack butler cosplayers (a ciel, seb, alois, and grell) along w two random girls and a Shiro ran the panel but usually the audience was talking over them bc everyone was kind of joking around and thngs were more chatoic and casual than a normal panel but i talked to the pidge abt random stuff and we talked abt their wig (which they took off bc it was itchy lol) and how we both didnt sleep much last night and we kinda became friends n talked a bit 
and then i left the BB panel and had a LOT of freetime so i walked around the dealers room/artist alley (mostly in search of ES merch) and i found a rei cosplayer and i was like “wow i like your UNDEAD itabag- wait ur cosplaying rei arent you?” and they were like “yea, casual rei haha” and i was like “HOLY FUC can i take ur pic......” and we talked abt en.stars for a sec n i was like “im cosplayin tsukasa!” n they were like “i See that” and i told them i was on the hunt for ES merch and they pointed me in the direction of the other side of the dealers room and said there was an idol table that had a box/boxes full of ES merch and the table was blaring idol music so it was Noticable and i was like “HOLY SHIT im gonna go get some charms thnk u” and had i not noticed that the rei n their friend seemed to be semi-busy i probably wouldve tried to talk abt ES w them for a while aa...
SO ANYWAY i found the idol table and there were 3 lil boxes of ES charms/buttons/etc and a box of i/7 charms/buttons/etc so i looked thru them and ALL THE STUFF WAS SO CUTE KRHNRGHB... but it took me abt an hour to look thru everything and pick out a natsume keychain and a mika christmas keychain but while i was there i was like.. bouncing to the loud idol music (they didnt play en.stars music but there was id.olmaster music i think and LL music) and the girl from earlier that took my pic (erin is her name i believe) and her friend and their other friend (?) who was umi came up to me and said hi again and looked at the charms (erin said she got a shu button and a lot of kuro merch tho, and she spent most of her money for the day lol) and i talked to them abt the things in the boxes and en.stars like which boys we liked or not (erin said she found ritsu annoying bc i showed her a ritsu keychain) and i gave erin and her friend lollipops and eventually left (the booth had 3 ES plushies and the 1st ES artbook w the cgs and va comments in it btw but i didt get those) and im debating going back to that table for a chiaki item or midori item.. maybe bc im tryna save up for a pillow or plushie i rly want
so i went back downstairs and saw the ann i first spotted near registration when i got inand i was like “oh!” but i sat down near them bc playing ES and putting my charms on my bag was more important and a lance asked me if i was yuki from tsu.ritama and i was like “nope! En.semble stars” and the shiro was like “OHH!!” and i asked the shiro n matt (they looked like matt but it might hav been a different character) if they were into en.stars and they said no sbut the matt said “all i kno is that eichi is Bad” and i was like “KJRGNRB YEA.. HES EVIL HES BAD YANNO THAT ;BABY BOY. EVIL.’ MEME? HES THE EVIL PART” and the lance kept laughing and i was like “he messed w ppl and kinda maybe emotionally abused someone hes No Good >:0″ but i told em that en.stars has a translation n stuff and then a serena helped me put my natsume on my bag 
and before i left i wanted a pic of the ann and akira but then i noticed there was a Makoto so i wanted to take their pic but after i did the makoto was like “YOURE COSPLAYING FROM EN.STARS ARENT YOU...” n i said yes and they squealed and said they were into ES and i hugged them and they showed me their mao itabag and apparently the ann and akira were into ES as well so we all laughed abt ES and i learned that makoto hates rei bc i said reis one of my best boys n makoto’s friend said she liked rei too and makoto groaned and i said “he’s hot!” and maggie (the friend) was like “yea!” and akira’s fav waskeito n he was like “i’d hug him. i’d kiss him. i’d spicy w him” and they were like “THOSE R GOOD UR VALID” when i said chiaki n ryu.seitai were my favs but apparently they had friends who loved chiaki too bc the akira mentioned it and we all laughed for a sec and makoto and akira said they were gonna be the tori n eichi at the en.stars panel on satudrday and i screeched and ann called over a DAN!akira she spotted (i took a pic of him earlier) and so he joined our lil hangout group and we all spotted a Joker akira so ann was like “...if i yell ‘akira’ ya think hell come over here” so i was like “let’s all yell it on 3″ so ann, DAN akira and i all yelled “AKIRA!!!” in unison and he came over and took some pics w the others n took a pic of me and i took a pic of him then he left but the DAN akira stayed and i gav makoto, ann, and DAN akira lollipops and we all hung out and ann and the umi from earlier (who was apparently their friend) danced to LL songs bc ann started dancing to em for us and before that the akira and makoto left and eventually the akira left until it was just ann, umi, and i w them dancing and i spotted my irl friend lynds so i said hi bc she was playing cards w her friendgroup then i said goodbye to ann and umi bc i wanted to find the wataru they mentioned they saw (erin mentioned it earlier too)
and so i walked around 4 a minute b4 the next UT panel and didnt find the wataru but oh well so i went to the 2nd UT panel and it was still p boring and the annoying chick from earlier was still there and some girl behind me was loud n had a handclapper toy they kept using and i hated it but w/e so after i left that, i wandered around a bit and eventually went to the phantomhive ball and mad.ame red (who was an ichigo earlier in the day who helped the ppl do improv for the BB panel for a sec b4 they had to leave) saw me and we kept talking and i was like “is this.. an actual ball or a Panel” and they said a ball so i was like “oh god” but they were rly sweet to me and tightened my tie and we talked abt our previous cons and who we’re gonna cosplay tomorrow and i also talked w their un.dertaker until the doors to the panel opened but un.dertaker n  stood in the corner n i didnt wanna slowdance so i called dad to pick me up, wandered around the con n played ES, then left at like 10 pm!
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