#but perhaps logical?
bethanydelleman · 1 year
I just can't understand why Sophia Grey married Willoughby even after knowing about what he was doing to Marianne and being aware that he doesn't love her. Yes, he's good looking and was probably very charming in the beginning but she could have had pretty much anyone with her £50,000. Yet she picks a broke guy of dubious character (she most definitely doesn't know about Eliza but even then he's said to be wasteful and i honestly can't remember a single positive trait apart from "is lively and charming") who at first doesn't care about her and later actively dislikes if not hate her.
I can't see her being actually happy at least since she recognized Marianne as a threat, maybe even before that. He can't be that sexy! And I also can't see him have sex with her after all that happened between them so what was even the point???
Anyway Sophia Grey baffles me as a character and i wish she had dumped his ass and found someone who at least likes her. She seemed very jealous but not actually mean and being stuck with Willoughby seems like a cruel fate.
I actually find the character of Sophia Grey fascinating. Why did she want to marry Willoughby so badly? With 50,000 pounds, you would imagine she wouldn't suffer much from breaking the engagement, someone is going to want to marry her. So how is it that her choice is a poverty-stricken seducer like Willoughby!
One common theory is that Willoughby seduced her and she can't see his faults, but I actually do believe that Sophia wrote the "break-up" letter to Marianne which means she had power over him. If she was duped, I have a hard time seeing her do that. (I believe she did because Willoughby seemed very happy to ghost Marianne and not write to her).
My theory then is that Sophia wanted a husband who was at her mercy. Willoughby is desperate when he marries her, probably desperate enough to get a very bad deal. I imagine that Sophia ensured her jointure and pin money were as high as possible. I bet she wrote a ton of stipulations into their wedding arrangement, because we do hear:
His wife was not always out of humour, nor his home always uncomfortable
Which implies she has the power to make his life uncomfortable. And I don't think it's just by nagging or something like that, she has financial power over him. Like Mrs. Ferrars actually, who controls her children with money...
Oh man that is the perfect reversal isn't it! Edward's upright conduct frees him from the control of Lucy and his mother, but Willoughby's disgraceful doings put him in the power of Mrs. Smith and Sophia Grey! I like that. Anyway, I feel like Sophia knew she'd be marrying someone for money anyway, so she went with the hottest arm candy she could capture.
I wrote two stories centered on Sophia, one where she doesn't see the letter from Marianne (it's sad, be warned), and one where we see her side. I wish we knew more about her motives!
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
we should make Nico more fucked up, actually. enough woobifying him. that boy should be covered in blood and viscera
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
when people talk about educating yourself on the origins of ideologies like zionism, it isn’t to ask for sympathy but to show that fascism always hinges on the same rules - dehumanisation and other-ing of scapegoat populations in the pursuit of power.
fascism is, at the end of the day, uncreative and there is value in recognising the signs. When an entire ideology is dependent on the inherent depravity of a certain identity, it is worth some scrutiny.
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blacknedsoul-blog · 6 months
Montresor is the Bad Ending of White Raven
So Montresor has a religious trauma. And from what little we know of the flashback to his death, the man was apparently a corrupt preacher.
What that tells me about his life made me crack my knuckles, because holy shit, this guy is an even better villain than I expected. And not for the reasons I thought at first.
Montresor's possible backstory
A fun fact: "unholy men" used to be called "sons of Belial". Same as Monty's Spectre type, so there's the initial connection, but with what we saw in chapter 87, this phrase from his mother resonates quite a bit:
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Montresor was most likely a bastard (literally), and if he was raised in a religious community, that immediately made him and his mother outcasts. Possibly his mother hated him for "ruining her life". Whether this is true or not, the implication is that he grew up a victim of a system that decided he was sucked by the devil from birth.
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In this light, Montresor's attitude towards the world is actually a logical consequence: he has decided that abuse is the only way to relate, and you can either be the victim or the victimizer. Of course, he is now the victimizer.
But he decided that because life taught him two lessons that were important enough to make him the person he is now.
"I know this game better than anybody"
We know from the clothes and hat in his flashback, and the cross around his neck, that Montresor was a preacher. And I would venture to say an excellent one: he has heard all his life that he is a demon, he knows better than anyone what terror hell produces in people, so he knows exactly what to say (or not say) to manipulate others through that fear.
Montresor, like Annabel, is someone who exploits his own traumas.
Annabel has been almost conditioned to behave like the perfect high-society lady, and that includes going to impressive extremes if it means getting something in return. She has engineered her way through life by identifying the currency of the people around her and knowing exactly what to give them so that they will, in her words "kissing her rings".
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Loyalty gained through fear vs. loyalty gained through pretended sympathy.
Same goal.
If the world has made them that way, both Annabel and Montresor will use every last footnote of knowledge gained through trauma to get what they want.
But then there's something else they have in common: this deep knowledge of the rules of the game has also made them both know that the odds are too stacked against them to ever win. In the past, we've seen Annabel throw in the towel on her arranged marriage, but Montresor took a different path, much more along the lines of…
"So I'm not afraid to cheat."
Montresor decided that if people wanted a demon. He would give them one. The worst demon of all, because this one knows the rules: he knows how to play the game, he knows how to cheat and get away with it. We don't know the extent of his atrocities, but given what happened in the flashback and the fact that his idea of a sleepover is stuffing someone behind a wall to slowly suffocate, this guy must have a long rap sheet.
So long, in fact, that he was tied to the tracks of a train to be torn to shreds without even a trial.
Because if the rules are just there to screw you, then screw them: the only option left is to cheat.
Which is exactly what Lenore did when she burned down her house and pretended to be a man to go after Annabel. Lenore jeopardized everything Annabel said was important to her.
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And she got away with it. At least until they were both killed (or, if those of us with our chips on Annabel's childhood friend, they may have both died without anyone knowing).
Now, in Nevermore, Lenore is still doing that, as we can see in her reluctance to kill or destroy Montresor: she refuses to play the game, refuses to follow the rules.
She will look for ways to cheat here, as she did before (something Annabel actually expects her to do). The woman is too stubborn to bend, and so far she seems to have the wind at her back (the question is, for how long?).
The bad ending
These elements make Montresor a complete exhibition of the ultimate consequences of taking Annabel and Lenore's attitudes to the extreme: a person who instrumentalizes her own traumas to unravel and try to inflict them on others, and who is not afraid to cheat for her own benefit if it means getting what she wants.
The only thing that separates Annabel and Lenore from Montresor is that they both still use these attitudes in the name of other people: Annabel for Lenore herself, and Lenore for the people she cares about. That both of them (still) seem to have their hearts in the right place.
But if Annabel continues to use her vast knowledge of this twisted game to work her way through people without caring, and Lenore still believes she's above all rules, here's Montresor to show them (and us) what's waiting for them at the end of the road.
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things we learn about scully in s1
she has a godson (and she told his mother that she thinks mulder is cute)
she did her residency in forensic medicine
she's good with dogs and is naturally drawn to all kinds of animals (even evil-looking monkeys)
she wants to keep her christmas tree up all year because her father always made her take it down as soon as the holiday was over
(and she was never positive that her father, who was in the navy and involved in the cuban blockade, was truly proud of her, because she joined the FBI instead of becoming a full-time doctor like he had wanted)
((and he didn't say "i love you" the last time he spoke to her. ouch))
when she was 14, she stole one of her mother's cigarettes, which she thought was disgusting, but she wanted to do something Forbidden for once
she once forgot her own birthday (which is february 23rd) when she was studying for her exams
she has a little cat sign on her apartment door <3
when challenged by the preacher's kid, she refused to deny the power of God; she was raised catholic, and remembers that "God never lets the devil steal the show"
(she's almost always wearing a cross necklace, even while declaring that she considers science sacred)
((and yes, her favorite movie is the exorcist))
she took some biology courses on bugs and is now going to tell you some bug facts
she has two brothers, one younger and one older
her dad- with whom she did not have the greatest of relationships- nicknamed her "starbuck"
(he called her this after the steady and rational first mate character from moby dick; all the more cruel when you consider he pushed her aside for joining the FBI rather than doing the "logical" thing, becoming a doctor. to cast her in a role of the dutiful daughter without her permission and then create a conditional sense of love is just. so mean. it's a miracle she didn't turn out as emotionally repressed as he did)
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girlgerard · 7 months
mommm white people on tumblr are misconstruing my posts again despite the post being entirely about how important wording is + how i don’t feel comfortable posting large statements when i haven’t fully processed them yet.
#if you want to put me on a blocklist for loving netanyahu you can! i don’t! and no matter how many times i get told i do#i still don’t!#i literally said i hope his balls get cut off IN THAT POST#i don’t know how that read as unclear.#perhaps there are no hidden genocidal messages behind the wording of my tumblr posts - who knows!#when i said i cared about every single civilian living in that land i meant it. if you decide that i actually don’t that’s not my problem#if you somehow took my words and decided that what i really meant is that i’m a government bootlicker who loves murder#you can do that all you want. it won’t make it true and it won’t help save any lives#i was in ramallah and jerusalem six months ago. have you gone?#if the answer is no maybe think about that for a second#moreover if you’re viewing this from a purely racial or religious framework you have no idea how to navigate this subject#i don’t view israel and palestine through which government i want to back. why the fuck would i do that#palestinians and jews and everyone else in that land is who i care about. i care about gazans#if that’s not enough of ‘a side’ for you i don’t really think there’s much of a conversation to be had.#do you think i wake up every day NOT thinking about gaza? do you think i wouldn’t feel nauseous every second of every day because of gaza?#do you think that within everything i’m saying that the most logical conclusion would be to post all of my thoughts on tumblr?#because if you think any of that we’re not going to have a productive conversation. i don’t take kindly to being told my own emotions
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originalaccountname · 6 months
me at 3AM coming to the realization I'm gonna have to keep the characters' birthdays in mind while working on that bsd timeline because in Untold Origins Fukuzawa was 32 (now 45, +13 to Present) while Ranpo was 14 (now 26, +12 to Present) so that means Ranpo's birthday (Oct 21) had already passed while Fukuzawa's (Jan 10) hadn't yet.
then Yosano was 11 (now 25, +14 to Present) while Mori was 26 (now 40, +14 to Present too) on Tokoyami Island, and she joined the ADA 3 years after the end of the war (chapter 66), so depending on how long she was there before the war ended, it would bring her to 14 or 15, so +11 or 10 to Present.
At +11 or 10 to Present, Ranpo should be 15 or 16, which is correct but we already saw that in Untold Origins he was a whole year in advance compared to Fukuzawa, so actually we can't just roughly add whole years to the count because in Ranpo's case that would mean he'd be 16 or 17 compared to Untold Origins which would put his and Yosano's age gap to 2 years but it's NOT their ages listed are his 26 and hers 25 and his birthday (Oct 21) is before hers (Dec 7) which means they are almost exactly one year apart so that can't be the case and YES I MADE A GRAPH
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If we don't take the months into account this does not WORK
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tbgkaru-woh · 1 year
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Black/White split hair Ye Baiyi. What may have caused it??
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whartonists · 7 months
The way that Oscar's (heretofore unguessed-at) white knight syndrome is evidently activated by someone confiding in him that she feels trapped by the financial and social machinations of a father she doesn't feel like she can say no to IS making me wonder to what extent he is projecting. At least a bit.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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Well, that is only if Fitzgerald has an endless stockpile of Q-specific dolls
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
Iruma is an invasive species within the Netherworld, and like many invasive species he will conquer if left unchecked.
We know at some point, humans and demons interacted though, at some point, they each became each other’s myths. I propose that the separation was intentional on the demon side, relegating humans to bedtime stories. They did this because they knew a single human could elevate or devastate the Netherworld. Humans are weaker in demons in most ways physically but their real strength lies in their cooperativeness and desire for community, adaptability  and perseverance despite adversity.
Right from the start, Iruma has unnaturally succeeded in a world that incredibly hostile to him. And yet from the start be began building relationships. We’ve seen demons don’t have much of a concept of ‘friends’ the closest being ‘allies’. The Misfits individually were lazy and self-centered which is what got them sent to troublemakers class. Only when Iruma reached out and formed positive relationships, created a foreign system of giving and receiving help did they really flourish. With each arc, we see the class cooperating and relying with each other more and more, even in individual events. Its helped them grow exponentially in power and personality and only occurred because Iruma planted the notion that they are stronger together.
Iruma is also extremely adaptable not only from his hectic upbringing but his innate humanity. Despite not knowing the context of what is happening during most of his day, he adapts extremely well. He uses what skills he gained in the human world by tweaking them to suit his needs and picked up new demonic skills (such as using Ali-san’s stored magic) very quickly. Part of the ‘special training’ leading up to the Harvest Festival was forcing the kids to break out of just using their bloodline abilities. Iruma has no power himself and thus isn’t limited in what he uses to complete a task. We’ve seen on a few occasions he wins simply because his opponent is too stuck in a particular way of fighting and thinking. Being able to think on his feet and not just stick to the familiar is what makes him such a fierce opponent.
Finally, we’ve observed that demons on the whole are self-centered and lazy. This is not always the case but overall many lack the ability to pursue or accept change. Even the Six Fingers is all about returning to origins and reviving Delkira, in other words, moving backwards. But since he arrived in the Netherworld Iruma has boldly moved forward. He integrated well into a completely alien environment and not only became popular but powerful very quickly. He worked hard to unlearn an ingrained skill (dodging) to win a contest going head to head with the most powerful student. Even when his fellows wanted to give up, his dedication and well known compassion helped win them the Royal One. He became an expert archer even when his master said most demons gave up, refusing to put in the effort. Challenges that most demons backed down from, Iruma charged on ahead.
Iruma used his ability to bring people together, to adapt to any situation no matter how strange and to see his ambitions through to go from someone who should’ve been eaten on day one to a stand out demon. Iruma himself is a kind, extraordinary young man but he also has a natural advantage in an environment he is unknowingly adapted to. It’s one of the reasons why he will eventually be demon king because who else deserves to stand at the very top than the creature who can outnumber, out-think and outlast any demonic opponent?
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pigeonwit · 10 months
interesting that don avaricci and mark bition were described as 'two opposite ends' of the system or something. avariciousness and ambition - those are two manifestations of a very similar thing. both became eager enough that their presences were felt during elias's memory about increasing his budget. both want success, and both want to kill conrad for sabotaging that success. we KNOW the psychometer can alter a persons thoughts, and potentially alter the synaptic beings inside elias's mind. we've seen so far that it can KILL them, completely removing and 'bleaching' their existence, but it could also CHANGE them.
greed. ambition. don avaricci. DA mark bition.
i know its a stretch but. my god do i hope this is a dr jekyll/mr hyde situation.
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
I have wanted to wear crop tops during the summer for years and years and for so many reasons never felt like I could/should but y'know? Dammit this summer I am going to enjoy the sun and wear a fuckin crop top
Every single butch out there doing the lord's work inspiring my confidence and many of them with my body shape and I can dedicate myself to strength training because it's /fun/ and I want to see what I'm capable of and I like the feeling of power and who give a shit if I am still square and broad and sasquatchy and working out literally only ever bulks me up and never slims me in the slightest
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maggotmoment · 10 days
Kind of obsessed that vyncent’s first instinct for interrogating inferno and cantrip was to waterboard them with energy drinks. I need to see study this elf guy under a microscope like he’s a weird little bug. Why is he Like That.
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thegoldenhoof · 7 months
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I think about this interview a lot.
I think about how Jenkins thinks queer romances end up tragic/unrequited.
How these queer romantic characters deserve a happy ending.
How he gave this as an answer to the question about the death of the one character whose arc was very much queer and very much not romantic.
Its great to be able to see yourself in fairytale romances.
It would be still more amazing if those of us for whom romance was not in the picture and probably will never be could see our fantastical queer happy endings too....
But of course... How could you possibly tell happy queer stories without romance. Being queer is all about Love is Love after all /s
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sn0wbat · 4 months
Just for fun if you’d like:
If you put your vampires into the Pokédex what types would they have?
well, considering the vampirism, they'd all likely end up with dark type just by default... so let's get a little more creative!! (some still get dark type because it fits their vibe)
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morten: fairy. absolutely a fairy type
einarr: psychic/water (huge nerd scholar. mindreader. thrives at sea)
bat: flying/dark (goes bump in the night :3)
rune: normal/ghost? (sure is an undead mystery boy)
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helena: fire.
loki: dark/fire (literally runs a cult)
eli: grass. bug? just got those cottagecore vibes
stone: rock.
rupert: water/ghost
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tiberius: water. just pure water. aquarius man
the lord: dark/dragon (evil. menacing and terrible)
laugar: poison/bug :)
kvikindi: bug/dragon (they're a lil shapeshifter who turned into a dragon sometimes)
and then my uhh. vampiresona-
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ice/flying. sure
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