#but no for real i don't think they Sucks per se (or i wouldn't tell someone who likes it that their guys Sucks)
kenzan-kiwami · 7 months
OH HEY welcome to the kazumaji sucks club, worldwide membership: single digits lol
✊ it really do be that way though
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eddiegirls · 12 days
okay cool hi lol let's be haters together <3
so my post earlier was abt 3x01 and specifically the pregnant woman gets attacked and has her baby stolen from her body call. it annoyed me on my first watch and then REALLY annoyed me on my second bc that is such a racialized form of violence mostly perpetuated by white women (or a couple) against black and/or indigenous women.
important context i am indigenous and 2s (usamerican specifically mohawk) which is why i feel like maybe i'm overreacting a bit but also fuck that lmao
and we know that sometimes the calls on 911 are inspired by real events right (the milky way call and also maddie telling that dv caller to pretend to order pizza come to mind)? and considering it is such a visceral crime i can't help but assume that they were inspired by one of the real life women that it's happened to. or any number of them. and they're mostly indigenous or black or other women of color!!
and like there's a reason bipoc are targeted for those types of crimes! so to tell a story like that and choose to victimize a white woman... idk leaves a bad taste in my mouth
and this is kinda an ongoing thing in 911 where they either completely avoid racial stuff while still using those stories or make the most milquetoast liberal statement that boils down to "racism bad". the whole michael and may and harry getting stopped and almost being brutalized thing comes to mind!
I know I shouldn't have high expectations for a copaganda show and I wouldn't even want them to touch the topic of racialized violence against bipoc bc they will fuck it up but also. I'm pissed bc violence against native women is PERVASIVE and also never fucking acknowledged by society at large.
Idk I'm salty about it and no one probably even noticed bc it's a small moment overall and maybe I'm being sensitive but also I feel like I deserve to be sensitive about this kind of thing. all I could think of while watching were those indigenous women who probably inspired that call and it sucks
anyway thoughts? LMAO
second part:
oh also to add on to the essay i dropped in your inbox yesterday i don't think the writers were in any way being malicious or bad writers or anything like that. they didn't anything wrong per se, it just made me uncomfortable to watch bc of my perspective as an ndn so i'm being a hater abt it to feel better lol obviously i still love the show
thank you so much for these thoughts!! i've never considered this but i think it makes total sense. you're 100% right that they base calls on real life stories, like a LOT of the calls. (random but i think it's cute that in the blackout episode, the call maddie takes from someone seeing the milky way in the sky is based on real calls from the LA blackouts in the 90s)
i actually just went and rewatched the scenes from 3x01 with the kidnapped mother & stolen baby. you are absolutely not wrong to be frustrated/uncomfortable w this portrayal. they really did it in the most viscerally disturbing way too, with the kidnapper literally removing the baby from the mother herself...definitely trying to play up the sensation in a situation where they could have addressed a deeper issue. instead they just did like "haha this crazy lady is so mentally ill and insane! let's use it as an opportunity for everyone to reflect!" (which, side note - this show does not handle certain mental health issues well either, despite being all pro-therapy for the characters when they're going through stuff....). and then they just used it as a way for chim & maddie to reflect on their own want for kids (and set up the possibility of maddie getting pregnant). the story did not need to be set up that way. like it was all for shock value...but marginalized/vulnerable people's babies being stolen is a real thing that happens (both by individuals and by the state/CPS/etc).
a better way for them to address this would be like, they have a sinister CPS worker who goes rogue and uses their power to take kids away from parents when it's not needed - this would be more interesting/hard-hitting IMO bc it puts the focus more on state-sponsored violence instead of individual harm committed by 1 person, but we do still have one person who is the villain (probably a "sweet" middle-aged white lady).
that said i also completely agree that they would...not do a good job if they tried to address racialized violence against Indigenous women. i feel like we would get one offhand comment about MMIW and maybe like a 10-second black screen at the end with a hotline you can call or something. i'm just thinking about how horrifically anti-Black the Mara/abused dog comparison storyline was...the writers on this show need to be punished tbfh
and also, i totally get you - the writers aren't being malicious, but they CLEEEEEEEAAARLY have blind spots and it shows.
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redbullseb · 3 years
what did gerard do?
i hope you know i was talking about g*rard w*y and that you're asking about him because. where do i even start.
2007 he has a summer fling with l*nz from m//si, and then he marries her a couple months later. that woman is worse than c*urtney l*ve and after that year he gets really involved with j*mmy peepee's shitty social circle, which is fucking yikes in and of itself, but ultimately, he accepts that he doesn't have to be a good person or try to do anything in life at all except become a complete hermit and defend his wife when she bullies fans from her burner accounts.
i'm not saying his marriage is the root of his problems, because clearly he is unwell mentally and wouldn't have lapsed into sucking on his thumb if he wasn't already predisposed to giving up on everything that doesn't fit the fairytale narrative in his head. but i watch l//otms and i wonder what the fuck happened to the guy who was angry about shitty dudes in shitty rock bands. i wonder what happened to the guy who was outspoken about things and told people it was okay to love who you love. because this deep-fried, empty statement came after weeks of b//lm protests and people begging him to use his platform, and he copped out entirely.
it's way too much to get into, but that was the moment everything started unravelling. he went completely mia, discourse happened when he replaced the b//lm link after a couple weeks with the m//cr merch store link, sc*tt all*e-gate and l*la-gate happened, etc, annnd then he and his wife just. disappeared.
(THAT IS NOT TO SAY that i hinged my hopes on a white man telling me what's right and what's wrong--but i wanted to know that the man who wrote shit like "bring out the old guillotine, we'll show them what we all mean" was still in there and someone i could continue to idolize.)
call me naive, call me just another twitter stan, or a proponent of cancel culture, or whatever, but to know he'd rather sit and rot in that house of his than do something was a real stab in the back. and against everything he stood for. i guess what i mean to say is it's not what he did, per se. i don't think he would have stuck with sc*tt or j*mmy if he'd known what they were doing. it's more what he didn't do, and how that lack of action was ass backwards from what we knew him to be, and how much that genuinely hurt to realize. u can dm me if you want to know more but that's basically it i think :/
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