#but it seemed appropriate to post it now
batfleckgifs · 2 years
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JESEY GIRL (2004) | Dir. Kevin Smith
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lindagoesmushrooming · 4 months
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Spinellus fusiger growing on mycena mushrooms.
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fairyd0g · 2 months
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collecting these... like watercolor swatches...
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
Always Bring A Flashlight
“This delivery,” I said, trying to hold my feet stable on the uneven ground, “Would have been a great use for the hovercycle.”
“Yes it would,” Blip agreed. She pushed the hoversled along with me, having just as much trouble with the criss-crossing tree roots that made up what passed for a road here. Her clothes for today were the type that fit closely and displayed muscle, leaving her natural frills as the only things waving in the breeze. Or maybe they were waving with frustration.
Normally she and Blop would have done a delivery together, but he’d sprained his shoulder trying one of Wio’s impossible puzzleboxes. He knew full well those were meant for people with tentacles instead of arms. Now he was recuperating on the ship, while we pushed a sled full of packages over some very treacherous footing. No, I wasn’t bitter about that.
“Have we tried hooking the bike up to a sled before?” I asked, stepping over a python-sized root and walking down one the size of a playground slide. “I know it would take some quick work on the brakes to keep it from crashing into anything, and you’d need somebody to ride along and steer, but it seems doable.”
Paint piped up from where she was riding on the front of the sled. “Oh, like when we did that one rush delivery with you running and pulling it!”
I chuckled, slipping just a little. “Yep, like when I was a sled dog. But with less of a risk of spraining an ankle.”
Blip said, “Pretty sure Captain Sunlight declared it too risky for regular deliveries. The hovercycle’s for small packages, not whole piles.”
Paint clambered over the stack to look down at us. Her orange scales were bright in this foresty dimness. “But it’s all tied down so well.”
I craned my neck up. “Are those rated for sitting on?”
“Hm. Probably not.” She climbed back to the front where the brakes were. She was a little small to be of any help in pushing, but she made a good lookout.
Like now. “Hey, what’s that?”
I peered around the side of the package stack, but didn’t see anything other than giant trees and a ground covered in roots. Plus the occasional white marker attached to the trunks so offworld courier crews didn’t get desperately lost. It was all very shadowy and green. “Where?”
“There’s misty-looking stuff in the distance,” Paint reported. “Steam? Fog? Poison gas?”
Blip groaned. “I hope not.”
I thought back to the briefing for this location. “There wasn’t anything hazardous in the report. No predators of note either.”
“Good,” Blip said as the mist grew thick enough to spot in the shadows. “That means probably nothing will jump out at us when the visibility’s egg-dark.”
“Probably,” I agreed. “Are we still going to be able to see the pathway?” The white marker sticks were kind of far apart. I didn’t like our odds if we missed one.
“So far,” Paint said from the front of the sled.
We pushed on. The fog thickened faster than I expected, and I found myself struggling to make out the root shapes before I needed to step on or over them. “Paint? Are we going the right way?”
“I think so?” she said, a faint distressed blur in the darkness. “I don’t suppose either of you brought a light?”
“No.” I sighed. “Just my communicator, which isn’t going to do us much good.”
“I’ve got one!” Blip said, tugging at a pocket that I hadn’t realized was there. “It’s the kind that doesn’t make your eyes adjust, too.” With a quiet click, suddenly everything was vivid red.
“Ow,” I said on reflex.
“Perfect!” Paint exclaimed, setting the brakes and climbing over the boxes again. Her scales were as red as the boxes, though Blip looked black like the roots underfoot. While they handed the light off, I checked my own hand out of curiosity: red too, though not as bright as Paint.
“Twist it to adjust the focus!” Blip called. We were in shadow again, now that the light was on the other side of the stack.
“Got it,” Paint said. She fiddled with it for a moment, then sent a beam of red lancing into the mist with much less scattering in all directions. “That way! A little more to the left!”
Blip and I resumed pushing. We had to rely on Paint completely, but it worked.
She sounded delighted. “We’ll be there in no time! Onward!”
It was then that I realized what all this reminded me of, and I nearly fell over laughing. They of course demanded to know what was so funny.
“Another legend from my planet,” I said, wiping away tears. “Paint, I got to be Balto last time. You get to be the hero today!”
And then I sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for my alien coworkers, and they were honored to be part of it.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 8 months
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Take me through the night, down down down by the river...
(Vice made a promise to touch and to kiss her all over as soon as she's able to - and Vice keeps her promises.)
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pb5-a35 · 28 days
I'm a huge fan of A and P, but I have noticed how some fans of A have put down or hated on P to uplift A. A has accomplished alot in her career and we all want her to comeback and shine, but we can advocate for her without disrespecting P. P is her bestie and biggest supporter there is no need to put one against the other.
it goes both ways and it’s weird. they are both each other’s biggest fans and would hate the other getting hate. there’s room for two bad bitches to coexist and they do!! both are incredibly talented, strong, smart, charismatic, inspiring, beautiful, and loved women who are similar yet so different. both can and do shine separately and together and will continue to do so 💗
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silverfoxstole · 7 months
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Latest sketch dump: some Eighth Doctors, a couple of recent Pauls and a random Mark North.
As always, I recommend clicking to see the bigger versions as some of my sketches tend to look weird as thumbnails. I have no idea why.
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rogerdeakinsdp · 2 years
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Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro went to the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten to rewrite the screenplay for ‘Raging Bull.’ On their last day, Scorsese decided it would be fun to send up Irwin Winkler (the producer) by pretending they had spent their time drinking instead of working. © Gloria Norris, 1979
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albeckett · 1 year
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nonplayer-character · 8 months
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Godfather Buttons
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misericorsalvator · 1 year
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xcziel · 11 months
@tumblr @staff since you seem to LOVE creating recommendation tabs where you can algorithmically go wild
AND you are also eagerly courting new users (frequently to the detriment of longtime users but it's whatever right?)
so, since one group that is currently being underserved (or even driven away) by like ... every app/site out there INCLUDING this one is artists who are trying to make a living out of their art
WHY NOT make an 'ART' tab that is solely made up of posts by artists?
let people choose to opt their posts out of the tab and slap a very basic filter on it, similar to the gifsearch one maybe, so people can look for art of specific things
this would give artists a boost in visibilty AND appeal to like ex-twitter/insta users who want to scroll fanarts or cool original works or whatever - and if someone wants to commission some artz for themselves they can click through to the artist's tumblr for info
i think if you are very lenient with the moderating, tumblr could pull a LOT of the twitter refugees who just need a place to get their work in front of interested people's eyes
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vstheworld · 1 year
today I was told by my manager that I’m frustratingly unable to take compliments or positive feedback, and that I just brush them off and move on like
genuinely I’m so confused. I don’t know what I’m SUPPOSED to do. false confidence? fawning thanks? also give them a compliment?
this job hurts me right in the autism
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tripleaxeldiaz · 8 months
i don’t think some sections of this fandom understand how acting works and that is…concerning. for a group of people who consumes this much media
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bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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Love letter to my past self <3
I want to tell her that everything is great in 2023 and I love being me
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poisonedsimmer · 2 years
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🐏 Aries. ♈ Goddess of War and first sign of the Zodiac. 🔥
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