#but i really dont have the attention span rn
The truth is that Aaron Stewart is a liar.
You wouldn't think so, at first glance. He makes sure of that. He is always wearing a genuine smile and is quick to double down if challenged. He has years of practice of walking without a sound and can make a meal last longer than it should. He is friendly, but not enough for people to feel the urge to get to know him. He is inobtrusive, but not enough to be deemed "antisocial" or "weird". It is a very slippery rope to walk on, and he has fallen down both sides more than once. It hurt every time. So he learnt to be better.
Aaron Stewart is a liar. He may not look like one, but that is what makes him so good at it. Because in truth he is sad and he is hurt and he is angry. He is so unbearably angry all the fucking time. He is angry when he sees another homeless person on the streets and he is angry when he sees a kid his age holding the hands of both their parents and he is angry when he sees more and more unpaid bills mounting on the kitchen table and knows that he will be losing the temporary roof over his head soon. (Again.)
(Sometimes he gets so angry he hears the wind howling in his ears and feels the pavement crack beneath him. He quickly learns to hide that, too.)
He learns to hide it, but he doesn't learn it fast enough.
Someone in the orphanage found his hidden stash. Someone found the food he has been hiding away for months, and they stole it. Aaron does not know who it was, but it is probably better if it stays that way. He already can feel the hot ugly anger rising inside of him and he knows he won't be able to hold it down this time.
So he does the other thing he has learnt to be good in. He runs.
He runs behind the orphanage and leans against the grey concrete wall and - for a single moment - allows himself to be honest.
It happens without his say. He has as much control over the flying dirt and thundering air as he has over his feelings. The ugly ones. (Anger against his father who abandoned him and hatred against the families who never take care of him like they are supposed to and defiance against the universe for daring to take away his mother from him before he ever got the chance to know her and-)
He doesn't notice the girl until she is shaking his shoulder. He slowly turns his head towards her and she takes a nervous step back. She knows Aaron in the same manner most other orphans do: friendly enough, keeps to himself, always docile and obedient. Seeing how his features contort themselves into a mask of hatred and fire seems almost obscene in comparison. Like something she wasn't supposed to see. (She probably wasn't).
He takes a deep breath and everything stops. The air is silent, almost eerily so. When he turns to her again, the deep-seated fury is gone. For a moment she wonders if the cracks she can see behind his smile are only in her imagination, or if they've always been there and no one's ever bothered to look. She wonders if her memories are exaggerating the deep-seated sadness she saw in his eyes.
So she tells him about the Magisterium. And for the first time she realizes that the smile he is always wearing isn't as genuine as everyone liked to believe. For the first time she realized how beautiful his eyes were when he laughed.
@ashpkat hope you like it?? never wrote for magisterium before but Aaron is so fascinating, so have some pre-canon <3
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trick to fun dialogue is just to make it a little hard to understand. maybe thats a cheap trick but i dont care
#or not even that hard necessarily just like it takes like 2 listens. it takes attention#and what 'harder' is is subjective depends on the type of dialogue you hear a lot and your vocabulary level#watching the nevers right#and im watching this scene and theres this character who exactly hits this spot for me#like 5........wait 5 years ago is not as far as i think it is.........7 years ago (ugh) i woudlnt have understood what she was saying#like i'd know all the words separately but iwouldnt have understood what she was saying at all#but rn im like oooh this is the exact balance between obscuring your meaning and substance#i think oftne in my writing i obscure more than there is substance#there usually /is/. /some/ substance#theres usually substance. just theres more complication than there is substance. here the balance is better#bc someone needs to say these words hfkghgj#the other day while reading scripts im making myself rewrite i was like 'i coudltn do this in a fic. iwouldnt get away with this'#lines that work in a script (bc they'll be acted) fall flat in fic bc we dont have the luxury (or limitation) of actors#but it really made me think abt like..what you need to do in a script for television vs in a fic based on that television you knwo what i#mean? different things you need to work for. WE need to work for that the characters sound like Them. that we can Hear them#tv gets that almost free. the words will be in the right voice in the right body that gets you like 60-70% of the way#less sometimes depending on the specificity of the character&circumstances i was mostly thinking abt the doctor who maybe has more leeway#and tv has the limitations of 1) needs to be sayable. but also 2) needs to be flatter i think#you cant put 5 meanings in every line bc theres plot that needs to keep going and sentences need to stay short#so you get a lot of character work for free i think but in return you need to rein yourself in in that way#anyway idk these observations were just based on like me rewriting the 14 specials and going 'this line fucking sucks in fic' fhgkjhgkjgh#not that it was a bad line! just. boring .meaningless. doesnt add. filler noise. i dont have TIME for that in fic. i lose people#idc if i lose readers i dont know abt that but i lose myself honestly very short attention span keep every word interesting#scripts are fluffy and repetitious. repetitive. but repetitious sounds funner#anyway its fun trying to match that tv need with my own lines that i add in#not too obscure. needs to be sayable. but with my own 'half the spices cabinet in my single cup of hot choccy' approach to writing#(and hot choccy)
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sweetronancer · 2 months
i have to catch up on tbtl but at the same time i no no wanna😭
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mzcain27 · 2 years
Idk what to read next
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spacexseven · 1 year
tunaaaaa I've been reading ur Childe Thing sooo much that I've been thinking of I Love Amy aus nonstop. its a problem. in honor of bsd s4 im gonna rapid fire a couple out for the Bsd Boys!
lets talk dazai. I feel like this could go a lot of ways with him. like, if its ada dazai, you probably don't really get the sense that something is kinda off with him until you're a bit too deep to back out. he seemed so sweet when you first met- fuckin weird, but sweet! no harm in trying to help him win over a crush, right? for pm dazai, you obviously know hes fucked in the head the second you meet him, so you agree to help him out of a fear of what he might do to you if you dont rather than a sense of altruism. either way, its kinda hard to notice him getting a little overly-attached to you just cuz of how naturally obnoxious and clingy he is. even if he starts to escalate you might not get it cuz hes pretty fast and loose about LITERALLY kidnapping you and tying you up in his apartment/mafia holding cell right off the bat (gets very pouty about you "ignoring" him). doesnt help that hes so out of touch with his own emotions he probably doesn't even know he has a thing for you for a whiiile. trust me tho, being nice to him and taking care of him when hes sick or injured WILL wear him down. you'll only kind of get it when you try to give him some new pointers on his crush and he seems to just get? annoyed? mutters something about you talking about someone else while you're SUPPOSED to pay attention to HIM. or when he keeps being weirdly affectionate with you in full view of X when hed usually forget you exist as soon as he sees them. or you woke up chained to a chair (again) but this time hes perched in your lap and scolding you about avoiding your "boyfriend" before shoving his lips against yours. couldve been any of these occasions really.
cant BELIEVE I didn't think of gogol the first time I talked about this this is almost EXACTLY what yes doing to sigma rn. when this fuckin 6'2 clown terrorist traps you against a wall and starts questioning about why you were talking to "his darling", you are 10000% sure you're gonna die. almost gives you whiplash how fast his tone changes once you convince him you have NO interest. all smiles all of the sudden, picks u up under the armpits like a cat to right ur posture and pats you on the head, declaring that you will be his magicians assistant for a while! you do not have a say in this, if you'd like to keep your skin. while you feel bad about aiding and abetting this stalking case, you get the sense that hes. not ever gonna actually make a move. kinda just Wants To Stalk. goes on about how he cant let himself be tied down like that (whatever that means). he does talk about just murdering his darling a lot but you've managed to convince him that thats unnecessary baggage connecting them to him so hopefully that keeps him sated until his goldfish-esque attention span finally moves him onto a new target. and it does! the problem is that its you. I think that once he realizes he likes you, he's just gonna vanish. poof gone. hes had a lot of fleeting obsessions with ill-fated darlings before, but youre something new. hes never actually gotten to know someone before! ugh. hes caged by his feelings for you, but the despair hed feel from killing you would be a cage all its own! frustrating!!!!! maybe if he just leaves and never thinks about you ever again this'll just go away like all of his other crushes. doesnt work. expect him back in a month, snuggling into your neck and babbling inane about having missed you. he tied you up again so youre just gonna have to let him do that. its fine youre used to this with him.
really wanted to do this with chuuya and fyodor too but im scared of them being OOC help me.
- 🩹
omg so this turned out to be Very Long :O quick context for any1 who is unfamiliar w i love amy—it's a webtoon (highly recommend btw) where the yandere character starts to fall for her 'target/rival' instead of her initial love interest. for more info + the childe version, check out this post.
cw: yandere characters (dazai, fyodor, nikolai), stalking, kidnapping, imprisonment, obsessive behavior, threats of violence to reader. (this whole post came off a little silly instead of serious But mind the cws anyway!)
this is best read with a male reader (to keep it consistent w i love amy) but there's no pronouns used or descriptions for reader, so do as you like. also, reader makes morally questionable decisions :>
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(pm) dazai is to be avoided at all costs. that was the rule you put down for yourself after witnessing one of his very public threats to some poor pedestrian who had bumped into him. the dramatic coat, the blank expression, the natural ease with which he handled the weapon in his hand—everything about him was just...alarming.
however, despite all your efforts, he's obstructed your path home with a deadly glare and a hand in his pocket.
according to dazai, he did not appreciate your recent conversation with X, (as he claimed, they were too popular to spare most people more than a few friendly greetings—so why were you having a full-fledged conversation with them?) who were you, even, to get in his way? you sputter out some excuse, some explanation as to why he misunderstood the situation and it was all just work-related, and fortunately, he seems convinced, at least enough to relax his hold on you and shift the blaring malice in his stance to something less frightening.
obviously, you couldn't refuse when he offers you what he calls a mutually beneficial proposition. you help him get closer to X, and he won't kill you! win-win, don't you think?
the thing about dazai, you soon learn, is that despite the murderous energy he gives off, he's painfully annoying, more so than frightening. it almost feels like you're dealing with an obnoxious child, with how he's constantly whining and tugging at your sleeve and complaining about how useless you're being.
and it also makes you wonder if he's ever really had a friend, because he's got some strange expectations for you. he's all too possessive, too paranoid, and expects you to be perfectly fine with it. you consider telling him that he's not supposed to hold you hostage every time he thinks you're spending "too much time with someone else", but after the 4th attempt, you've understood that there was no getting to him. at least he stopped with the threats to your other friends (well, he promised you that he'd stop), and that seemed like the only thing he was willing to compromise on. he doesn't ease up on the breaking-into-your-room-to-visit-you stunt, either, especially when you're "ignoring him". despite all that, maybe out of some form of pity, you still help him out. you drop off food when he's sick and try to explain that imprisonment is not the key to a healthy relationship. you hang out with him even if you're terrified of all the mafioso you come across when you visit the hq with him, and after all of it, you're mostly convinced that he wasn't going to kill you anytime soon. in fact, the two of you seemed to be building an unusual friendship.
but when he comes to visit you one day when you're sick and actually knocks on the door and texts you beforehand, you tell him that this would be the best way to approach X if he ever hears that they're sick. though you're expecting some excitement, or some self-satisfaction for improving a little, instead of looking excited, dazai looks frustrated. for the first time, he looks genuinely...upset. and when he asks you why you can't appreciate that he was looking out for you and not X, you're left at a loss for words. you're not sure if this was a sign that he was starting to learn not to cross your boundaries or a warning that he was beginning to like you a little too much
and things only get stranger. he becomes more observant, asks you more questions about yourself rather than X, and even starts holding your hand in full view of X. when you mention that X was really looking forward to a new movie coming out and that he should try to ask them out, he gets upset by your suggestion, grumbling about you paying more attention to X and only caring about them instead of asking him if he wants to see the movie with them. so, unsure of how to respond, you echo his question. he beams at you and happily declares that he only wants to watch the movie with you.
somewhere along the line, it happened that dazai himself started to realize just how much he liked you, and he spirals out of control. the already overwhelming physical contact turns more intimate, with dazai holding your hand at every possible moment, pressing himself as close to you as humanely possible without squeezing the air out of you, and sitting on your lap whenever the opportunity presents itself. he stops responding to anything that isn't an endearing pet name and introduces himself as your boyfriend. X seems to be eradicated from his mind, as well as anyone that wasn't you, though it feels as though you're the only one that has a problem with this change. dazai takes to it naturally, seamlessly inserting himself into your life.
"what's wrong?" dazai's sprawled across your lap with the biggest grin on his face, the remote in your hand long ripped away by him, "come give your boyfriend a kiss~"
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you've...heard of fyodor. it was more overhearing whispers shared between people, but the mention of his name seemed to intrigue everyone who heard it. you've heard that he was a mysterious man who walked into the city one day and never left, and you've heard that he was the owner of an expensive casino. you've even heard that he had a tendency to stand on top of rooftops at night, but you've heard tons of variations and rumors. one statement, however, rang true in everyone's ears.
fyodor dostoevsky was taken with X.
that was putting it lightly—obsession was exactly what it was. though X was clearly unaware of what was being said, because, as they assured you one day while you walked out with them, fyodor was just a friend! and he was a very interesting guy, with some strong beliefs. he wasn't some criminal mastermind! all he did was keep to himself. and that, as they confidently declared, wasn't a crime.
but you had reason to not believe X, after all, it wasn't them at the receiving end of a laser focused gaze and a creepy smile. (it scared you so much that you ran home and ordered a burglar-proof lock for your door the same night) and it also wasn't them who sat down across from you while you were having your breakfast in the café nearby. anyone would have been better than who it was.
"hello," fyodor waves a fork at you, his fingers positioned gracefully on the silver cutlery (and of course, you think bitterly, he was evil and beautiful. just your luck), "i hope you can spare me a few minutes."
he wasn't asking, but you melted at his soft tone. for all people loved to talk about him, why hadn't they mentioned how hard it was to take your eyes off him? awkwardly, you take another bite of your food, nodding at him.
he asks you about X, though it's more of an interrogation disguised as casual conversation. he easily waves around his fork, smiles at you with an unnerving expression, and stares at you a little too long. by the end of it, your food is finished and his fork is placed neatly back onto the table and you've sustained no injuries. better yet, he finally seems to have (reluctantly) removed your name from his hit list.
what you weren't expecting was for him to start seeking you out. you get strange looks when fyodor waits outside your workplace with an umbrella—your umbrella—leaving you with no choice but to walk with him unless you wanted to get home soaked. he lists off X's habit and asks you to add on to his list, ignoring your reply of "that's just creepy". he tells you that he wants to respect X's privacy by not using cameras to spy on them so will you answer him or should he use the cameras? and what else could you do then?
at the very least, he didn't seem serious about attempting to kidnap or imprison X. he seemed fascinated by them, if anything. like he was...studying them. being with him wasn't as bad as you'd though, no matter how much you hated to admit it, despite the foundation of this friendship was built on how amusing he found X. if he was in a particularly good mood, he'd even offer to help you out with your struggles in the pursuit of love. his ideas, however, were all sure to land you behind bars with a retraining order to boot. when you voiced your opinion to him, he only smiled and told you that he knew a thing or two about breaking out of a prison cell, much like he was recalling upon a fond memory.
the only good thing about this strange arrangement was that fyodor was really nice to look at. there was something mesmerizing about his every action, even the slight quirk of his lips or the way his hair fell on his forehead. the ease with which he slipped on his hat (which, by the way, what was with all his not-weather-appropriate clothing? was he not sweating?), and the commanding air around him. so while he spoke seriously about X and his distaste for most of the human population, you tuned him out and focused on admiring his pretty eyes and how his lips wrapped around his fork and—ugh, you were starting to sound as creepy as him. but honestly, you had a feeling he already knew that you found him attractive. fyodor was far too good at reading people, far too perceptive to let something as obvious as your attraction to him slip.
your mistake was foolishly believing that you'd be safe as long as you didn't act on those feelings.
it felt strange, however, when he started reaching your usual table first, having already asked for your go-to meal and watching with thinly veiled delight as you stared down at the hot plate. and it's your coworkers now that get stared at, your friends who get the silent threat of a fork pressed against smooth skin, and you that everyone whispers that fyodor dostoevsky is taken with.
the meaning behind his increasingly strange behaviour doesn't really hit you, not until you've bumped into X again, who you haven't seen around in a while.
"i see that you and fyodor are becoming good friends now," they grin, "i'm almost jealous of how quickly you warmed up to him."
long fingers reach to caress your cheek before a perfectly poised hand places itself on your shoulder. fyodor's unmistakable voice replies in your stead.
"we're friends? is that what you've heard?" fyodor dips his head down to lock eyes with yours, "why don't you correct them about that, darling?"
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you should have trusted sigma when he told you that nikolai gogol was bad news. as he clarified, so bad that, coincidentally, the ministry of justice hq was moved away at least by two states when nikolai came to visit.
but how were you to know that he was in love with one of your acquaintances? and how were you to know that his idea of love was this frightening? just when you were making your way back after a lukewarm conversation about work with X, you were slammed up against the wall by a person with a top hat and a coat and an honestly terrifying expression. then nikolai, as he later introduced himself, started grilling you with questions, ruthlessly asking about why you were with X and why did they smile at you and where does your family live, after which he happily told you about his many previous experiences with torture and how he would love to show you.
you're not sure what convinced him to let you go, whether it was your trembling legs or your teary promises that you had no interest in X in that way, but here you were now—alive, terrified, and offered the position of 'magician's assistant' (though the magician himself refused to tell you why the position was open for so long) and all it took to land the increasingly strange job was to talk to X and listen to nikolai threaten to torture you in graphic detail.
(among all the crazy people you had seen around here—that so-called 'world's best detective' who snatched your bag of candy right from your hands, that other person who started doing push-ups in the middle of the road, and someone giggling holding a bag of lemons by the port—you thought that nikolai definitely fit right in. not that you were going to tell him that)
while the position wasn't exactly what you wanted, nor were you too keen on spending more time around nikolai, something about the glint in his uncovered eye and the hand gripping your shoulder told you that you really wouldn't want to reject his offer. contrary to what you may have assumed, assisting nikolai only meant becoming a partner to his criminal activity, which revolved around stalking X, talking to them to find out all the information nikolai can't get by stalking them, and stalking them even more to find out any more details that neither of you could get. (you've considered helping out as much as you can, leaving hints in the form of obscure drawings of nikolai and danger symbols, but later, when you catch sight of X waving to him, you realize the message did not come across the way you intended it to)
fortunately for them, (and for you. at least now, you won't be behind bars for assisting in abduction) nikolai seems to have no interest whatsoever in pursuing them any further. sure, he keeps books filled with information about X, and buys their favorite drink alongside his order, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything more.
while you could care less about why he does whatever he's doing, already chalking it all up to the fact that he was off his rockers, nikolai decides to enlighten you all the same. when he excitedly rambles on and on about freedom and feelings and why X must now die, you pretend to listen, never actually telling him that nothing he said made any sense to you. still, after insisting that he won't be very free behind bars either and that if he really didn't want to be tied down by his feelings, he should actually distance himself from them instead, it appeared that you finally got him to understand, and he hesitantly agreed to listen.
for the most part, everything is great after that. your life returns to normal, with no top hat wearing, cane wielding magician in the vicinity, and no more having to invade someone's privacy. and it was great! really! even if it was a little bit boring without nikolai's spontaneous plans (maybe that time in the amusement park was pretty fun, even if the only reason you had to go was because X was going there with someone else, much to nikolai's horror). there was something both unsettling and addictive about the crazy adventures nikolai swept you on, though it was for the best that he disappeared.
but then nikolai came back…acting a little odd.
his clinginess and a sudden desire for physical affection set off alarms in your head, though he acted like this was perfectly normal. at first, you told yourself that this must be some new jealousy plot—maybe he got this idea from a tv show he watched over his 'break', but he hadn't asked you if you wanted to be part of this ploy (not that he ever did, really).
and your suspicions only grew when he refused to let up on the act, holding onto you as if his life depended on it. his trips with you became increasingly frightening, and his grip on you increasingly tighter. he takes his new position by your side, not at all focused on X anymore, and instead observes you with the same look that was fixated on X not too long ago.
it only hits you that you've become his new target when you find yourself tied up to a chair, with him seated right in front of you with his face up to yours. the exact scenario you convinced him not to put X through.
"your advice sucks, by the way," he pouts, "i tried staying away but i couldn't stop thinking of you! don't be too upset, alright? we can have even more fun now that we're together!"
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satoruoo · 6 months
Reader: "@/gojo you are a fucking intoxicated rot mouth bitch you have less teeth than a fucking rat and u are one"
Shoko: "."
Gojo: "Damn baby did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed again🥺🥺🥺🥺"
Geto: "What gojo do💀💀💀"
Reader: "@/geto *cutely caves the back of ur skull in* "you smell like dog piss bro"
Geto: "you can smell through a screen?"
Reader: "yeah cause that shit pungent fr spreading your shit through the screen"
*Geto goes offline*
Reader: "@/shoko get ur weasel mouth ass back here bitch"
Shoko: "excuse me tf did you just say "
Reader: "you heard me stupid fucking deaf bitch you give the same attentive span to me like ur father did to you"
Reader: "your on par with houdini with the way ur adhd comes and goes you stupid fucking bitch they divorced but live together cause they fucking broke and u dont even realise it yet cause ur so doped out of ur mind fucking buffalo trotting bitch"
Reader: "your filthy like a pig stay in ur pigpen"
Shoko: "..."
Reader: "stfu gojo you caved in legged pig"
Gojo: "So rude😢"
Reader: "wakey wakey dicks and gravyyy
Gojo: "What do you even want🙄?"
Reader: "Bitch DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT ill fucking beat ur ass"
Gojo: "😦HUH"
Reader: "im the second person you should ever talk to like that aside from your mama, she beats you physically i beat you mentally"
Gojo: "bro why so rude like im okay with you making fun of geto and shoko BUT ME? "
Reader: "gurl forgive me im sorry, ik ur braindead n u have more mental problems than a swiftie im sorry"
Reader: "well you fr needed it like ur fucking stupid like ur teeth are shaking out your fucking skull rn"
Gojo: "omg bbgorl u need to control that anger😭"
Reader: "ykw ur a dumbass shoko ur ass needs to die already with that fucking lung cancer and geto ur ears look fucking rotten yall are stupid fucking bitches im gonn-"
*Geto removed "Reader" from the group today at 2:46 pm*
Geto: "i know we're gonna get a ear full of her later"
THAT SHIT IS PUNGENT??? UR MAMA BEATS U PHYISCALLY???? I AM CRYONG HELP ME and they will hear from me later🎹🙋🙋
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Just a vent post lmao I hope I won't get hate for this (disclaimer P5 is still wonderful game, I just personally have a weird relationship with it rn idk why, but me being me do not affect you, if you love this game to death and can replay it 10 times in a row - That's awesome! I'm happy for you!)
I have a super weird relationship with P5 rn lmao, like I love the fanon and like idea of these characters and still can and will put these guys into Situations (I mean, I just finished my renbino fic so ... Yeah) but also I got super tired with the canon for some reason. Like... I'm trying to replay this game since September and I'm still at Kaneshiro arc lmao. I brought my switch to my hometown with me when I didn't even had the internet hoping maybe I'll force myself to play it out of just boredom and I still can't do it :/
I think SMT games (or just other megaten in general where the gameplay is more important than cutscenes) absolutely destroyed my attention span to play neosona hahaha (no shit, I need this adrenaline hit that my ass is about to get beaten lmao), I know I can just skip cutscenes but I don't really want to either because I wanted to remind myself of the canon story? But also pressing X (or rather A since I'm playing switch ver rn) for a hour makes me totally tired and I'm turning off console right away lol
So yeah I'm not sure what to do with this playthrough if I should push through hoping I'll eventually get hooked on it again (and maybe skip some cutscenes) and finish my 3rd playthrough (2nd of Royal) or I should just drop it idk
Also I miss my Samurai son already lol but I'm still away from home (ngl really regretting i dont have og hardware rn lol)
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scarlet6rose · 5 months
🎤 hello people of the internet ✦
I’m Scarlet Rose,
I’m a writer (somewhat) and (mostly) digital artist that has been drawing since I held an apsara pencil 💀.
You can see me as any gender you like and use any pronouns, I really couldn’t care less, I’m just here to have a little fun 👁👄👁
I am in a lot of fandoms (some breakups were there 😃)
Just to give a lil idea:
✦ Good omens (literally binge watched like yesterday 💀) (novel and tv show)
✦ Omniscient reader’s viewpoint (joined late 2022 and early 2023 I think 🤔) (novel and Webtoon)
✦ Undertale (since the beginning tbh but it’s a bit off rn lol 🙃) (Game)
✦ The Stanley parable (joined around the middle of 2023) (Game)
✦ Five nights at Freddy’s ( 💀 I’m a very loyal viewer of the game theorist… I don’t need to say more. Other then the fact that I’m not that active anymore) (Game, books, and movie)
✦ Heavens official blessing (joined around the middle of 2022 I think 👁👄👁) (novel, webtoon, and donghua)
✦ Not so Shoujo love (start of 2021, lmao much gayness 🫦) (Webtoon)
✦ Heartstopper (middle of 2022, so much fucking gayness 🤌) (Novel and webtoon)
✦ Uzumaki (I’m still reading this lmaoo, I think I started to read junji ito’s works around late 2018-19(?)) (manga)
✦ Hellstar Remina (🙂 it was funny as fuck, totally recommend) (manga)
✦ trash of counts family (around the time i started orv) (webnovel and manhwa)
✦ hazbin hotel/helluva boss (again, around the beginning. I dont really have an opinion on them.) (indie animated series on Yt and Amazon Prime)
There are many more but I literally can’t remember ‘cause I’m not actively active in them ig 😶‍🌫️
Anyway as you can see, I’m fine with literally any kind genre as long as the story is (mostly) interesting for my shit attention span.
Some bondaries (will be updated as I go on):
✦ No NSFW / no sexual themes
‣ I’m fine with jokes and shit, like have fun and all, but no sexualisation of me or my ocs. I’m fine with horror/ angst art (as long as it isn’t taken too far).
✦ Minors and majors/adults
‣ Please no pedophila. I do not want to be in any romantic relationships online (learn from my past one mistake of being fucking delusional)
‣ I do wish to be ageless online for now, so yeah…
✦ No weird dms
‣ I’ll fucking ban you and probably make fun of you publicly.
‣ Weird dms include (but aren’t limited to): asking sexual stuff, death threats, obsessive behaviour etc.
✦ Personal issues
‣ Don’t come at me with your severely personal issues, such as family issues, life issues or whatever. Just cause I’m fine with taking ‘bout mental health and its severities doesn’t mean I’m responsible of your mental health in any way. Don’t talk to me or anyone online, talk to someone you trust irl and take therapy.
✦ Stalking/ doxxing
‣ Doesn’t matter if it’s me or not, you need grass for doing some chronically online bullshit. Go outside man or ma’am or neuter.
✦ Parasocial
‣ No, just no.
‣ I’m fine with the buddy buddy shit but please refrain from thinking that I’m important in your life. I’m just here to have fun and cook bullshit. Nothing more.
✦ Shipping
‣ Don’t ship me with other creators or yourself (please).
‣ Don’t ship my ocs with yours.
‣ I’m fine with people shipping my ocs with eachother.
‣ I don’t mind fan fiction (I write most of my characters fan fiction anyways 💀) (you’re free to do whatever but please have some kind of common sense).
‣ Don’t fucking art police or ship police (?) people if non of my characters are being shipped in a borderline pedophilic or incest ships.
✦ Hating
‣ I don’t mind if you dislike or even hate me, you’re allowed to do whatever, but keep in mind that this is the internet and you hate me on the internet. Don’t take internet matters irl or attack anyone I know in real life.
‣ No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, extremely offensive jokes (that actually harm people) etc. will be tolerated.
Ik that I am not that big at all, but better safe than sorry lol
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mammoneythegreat · 2 years
Everynow and then i be reading obey me fics then realise that if i were to like actually date any of them it would be really shitty caz theyre all like- literal demons yk? As much as i love mammon and wojld love to date him i feel like it would just suck after a while?? Some examples:
(Relationship hcs i see or have with him)
>him stealing your shit n selling them, it might be endearing at first but after a while it would just- be annoying
>he is the litterally the living embodiment of greed, he is greedy for all your attention,is possive and gets jealous when you hang out with others, again this might be cute at first but after a while its just?? Im allowed to have friends bro
>bestie is traumatised like sheesh, even if he doesnt act like it or show it but he is and he will end up snapping some day and we’re just humans bro the second most powerful brother going apeshit? We cant survive that
>he cant express his emotions and that would make communication, something we need for a healthy relationship, impossible. Thats not his fault but would make dating him hard, like we get that he loves us but bestie cant say it
> he shows his love in different ways yes but dating+marriage iisnt just love??? There will be arguments and hows that gonna span out? He cant communicate and will end up going gambling and probably leaving us deeper in debt
> also lets say we got into an argument and hes in the wrong, he wouldnt be able to say sorry, he wojld give us gifts but that wont end up solving shit in the longrun, sure the puppydog eyes might help rn but the same argument js gonna happen over n over again until we sit down and solve it yk?
>dont get me wrong i love this man but we are just humans after all, mammons brother lit up the sun- theyve been here before us for whoknows how long and will be here after us for again whoknows how long, shaped our very beings and m o r e
> also its canon that they ate human meat before(if im not mistaken) and thats like- a red flag i think?
> AND demons constantly kill each other, the brothers could easily rip apart anyone and they have, they fought in a literal war agasint fucking god bro, they could and have kill us in one shot
> idk about yall but personally im not into being one shotted
This was a longass ramble, its 2 am and i just needed to say this
Thank u for coming to my tex talk
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fictionfixations · 4 months
you know what my favorite chatroom in mystic messenger is (there might be others contesting it, like for example, really sappy ones or something like that)
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also it really proves yoosung doesnt actually take the time to read
or search it up (or maybe seven made a fake website which oh. thats going pretty far for a joke)
id at least skim it though wouldn't you if you had it? also i think the binary code is literally just 707. and even if he somehow missed it while skimming wouldn't the numbers stand out more?
and while it is still kinda funny there are also ways it couldve gone wrong which D:
and i am too sleep deprived rn to really.. think.
like idk what if he's all saying goodbye to his friends and unenrolling from like school being like 'im gonna die soon :('
i cant remember if there was anything else to it though like that would keep him alive from this supposed syndrome, i blanked out honestly i dont remember reading the rest
i know chocolate milk was meant to help somehow
except there was a chat in the future that i have not gone to yet where yoosungs like 'im so full...' and seven is like 'do you have a humidifier?' or something like that and yoosungs like 'no??? why??' and sevens like '..its too late.'
(ive been getting a bunch of mystic messenger vids in my recommended, so ive been watching ending tierlists, videos going in-depth about different routes... i still want to play it myself though. until i lose the commitment)
im reading back on what i wrote and im so confused. i dont know what i was trying to explain
i was kind of joking but i think staying up longer then usual makes my short attention span even shorter
also if it isnt clear the syndrome is fake
the image is a 4th wall break so if youre confused on whether or not it was in the game and stuff like that, well it is
honestly i just like them bantering and having fun. ..even if yoosung kind of is under the impression he could die.
i think tired me is a debbie downer. ....????
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tomatoart · 2 years
ive been really wanting to get into metal gear lately and i noticed you draw art for it, do you know where i should start??
HIIII 💙 YES . this is the playlist but Ok so I know it may seem intimidating at first, I thought it was too when I started watching it a few months ago, but it was so easy to get rlly into that It stopped feeling so massive! I watched the first two games (“metal gear” 1 & 2 (not to be confused with metal gear *solid* 1 & 2)) but I don’t think they are a great place to start watching for attention span’s sake. Especially bc everything in them is retconned later on, but the summery IS still important so I’ll put like that for you before you start getting to the starting point under the cut:
MG1: The first Metal Gear game follows Solid Snake, a rookie of the FOXHOUND special operations unit. He is sent by his superior Big Boss to the fortress in South Africa known as Outer Heaven, with the goal of finding the missing squad member Gray Fox and investigating a weapon known as Metal Gear. Big boss was secretly the leader of a terrorist nation state. Big boss was holding nuclear weapons/robots ready to threaten the world with, he wanted to make an independent military nation for soldiers to be free. Snake defeats Big Boss in the last battle and escapes the Outer Heaven compound as it crumbles in flames behind him. After the end credits, a message from Big Boss is displayed saying that he will meet Solid Snake again. (You may think this is confusing since he died in the fires, but it’ll make sense way later LOL)
MG2: Set in 1999, a few years after the events of the original game. Solid Snake must infiltrate a heavily defended territory known as Zanzibar Land to rescue a kidnapped scientist and destroy the revised "Metal Gear D". Snake faces off against Gray Fox in Metal Gear D and eventually destroys the mech. Both men later fight hand-to-hand in a minefield, and Snake finishes him off. (because greyfox had remained loyal to Big Boss.) also Kaz Miller, FOXHOUND’s survival consultant also sided against Big Boss during the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, in favor of Solid Snake (this is just letting u know solid snake and miller were familiar and mutually respecting since he is in mgs1) As you can imagine this entire “i was tricked into helping a nuclear development and had to kill my bro” bummed solid snake out. So by MGS1 (METAL GEAR *SOLID* 1) he is a legendary solider who repeatedly has tried to retire.
Congrats! Now you can start watching, if you’d like to play them most of the games are accessible on the xbox and such but I watched most of them on YouTube. Skip metal gear 1 & 2 (THE FIRST TWO THT DONT HAVE “SOLID” IN THE TITLE) and start from this sequence onward (its already in order on the playlist dw i just wanna diagram it:
Metal Gear Solid -> Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty -> Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (this is a Big Boss centered prequel very important) -> Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (ends Solid Snake’s Story timeline) -> Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (continues the prequel story that continues onward from this point) Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes (this is a short game demo that sets up the main setting of Phantom Pain. also TW on this one for very detailed torture tactics..) -> METAL Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain (end of series)
they made another game but kojima left the making of MGS Rising which is pretty irrelevant (2 me) but takes place during the Solid snake and co.’s timeline. but I haven’t played it yet/ it’s spotty in canon-ness
i sooo so recommend mgs, it helps if u know whats happening in its real world counterpart (our real world rn) because its a rlly fun game thats all abt how war is a terrible thing in many ways. but its also a game tht doesnt take itself too seriously and thats why i love it sm too, it keeps you smiling and laughing at how crazy all the characters act and how silly some of the situations are. most ppl hate mgs for that reason but i think its such a specific brand of goofy that it makes it an unforgettable experience. for example: solid snake has a rant where he explains bisexual men dont rlly care what a homophobe would think of them. kojima is canon god. big boss believes in santa clause. people are named stuff like deep throat. its insane. 
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krash-and-co · 1 year
name: krash obvs
currently reading: uhh supergirl new 52 comic does that count
currently watching: bold of you to assume i have the attention span for an entire show
favorite book: the hollow boy >:] (ok but seriously it’s wicked good)
favorite movie: all. yes. movie good (idk but shazam is hella fun)
favorite color: idk i just like all happy colors that work well together! really loving primary colors rn (ok that sounds very autistic of me! fair)
hobbies: drawing, writing, uh is singing a hobby, building things (that’s the best way i can describe it because idk if most would consider “trash picking in rich neighborhoods and taking shit apart” a hobby) and being a slightly concerning adhd demon of a thing!
i literally don’t know what else. i am not a person but a vessel for the silly thanks
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ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
i wanna watch a movie really bad but i dont think i have the attention span for it rn i need to be taken out back and shot
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twinsunsintatooine · 1 year
tyty to @rafasbiscuits for the tag <33 !! THESE ARE ALWAYS SO FUN TO DO
rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better.
relationship status: single :((((
favourite colour: red always
three favourite foods: my fav foods have changed since i last did this its now - cheese corn - macarons - mango sticky rice
song stuck in my head: 'act up' - terry presume
last thing I listened to: an episode of community nbc
last thing I googled: hunger games simulator
time: 12:47 pm
dream trip: anywhere with good food
anything I really want: sese to real madrid i need him away from psg rn and also to not fail my chem test tmr that i have not started studying for
currently reading: ...i dont read books MY ATTENTION SPAN DOES NOT HOLD UP AGAINST NOVELS 😭
last song: 'ounana' - bianca costa
last movie: 'The Lives of Others' [its a german film i have to study for english class]
last series: community
sweet, savoury or spicy: i have a huge sweet tooth but also i love spicy food so much
currently working on: my 20 billion math exercises
craving: gozleme
tea or coffee: tea bc i hate the taste of coffee
tagging [not 10 people bc im lazy]: @buttergirlepic @swaggypsyduck @han-merlin
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via-l0ve · 9 months
🎃 Supernatural please
(I'm on season 1 and I basically only know of Dean, Sam, Castiel and a little bit of Crowley so... yeah telling you that in advance, hope that doesn't ruin things)
I'm 5'2 - 5'3, I'm a girl, I have long black/dark brown curly hair (it basically goes a bit past my butt), I'm very sarcastic, I'm talkative with the people I know and quiet with the people I don't quite know yet, I've been told I'm the funny friend so... yeah, I love coffee, my top 8 artists rn are probably Elvis, Tracy Chapman, Childish Gambino, Hozier, Elton John, ABBA, Queen and Alanis Morissette but I also really like rock, I adore scooby doo (even tho I may be a bit to old for it), I really like Van Gogh and can talk about him for hours, Halloween is my fav holiday, I have really bad ADHD, my fav movies are 10 things I hate about you, definitely maybe, Mamma mia, Scott pilgrim and Interview with a vampire, I LOVE vampires and all supernatural stuff like that (that's why I like this show so much), I love angst, I cry doing or even thinking about math, I'm a December Sagittarius, I have an older twin brother meaning I'm the youngest and I've always wished to be an older sibling, I like otters, my favorite color is Navy blue, I don't have the attention span to read books so I listen to audio books instead, I've always wanted a pink motorcycle even though my fashion sense consists for dark clothing, band shirts, pajama pants and ripped jeans, I have 2 dogs but I LOVE cats and I have pretty thick thighs which is why I never wear skirts
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i ship you with Sammy!!
he would watch scooby doo with you for hours. he loves screaming along to music with you and laughing when your voices hit off key. since you don’t have the attention span to actually read he would read out loud to you while you cuddle up to him. on the rare occasion that you do wear a skirt he will be foaming at the mouth omg omg omg he literally thinks you’re gorgeous. pleaseee talk about Van Gogh to sam he will let you go on for hours and ask questions to keep you going. his non adhd ass will balance out your ADHD perfectly bc while you’re having an ADHD thing he’s just sitting all calm lol. he loves you
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babygorewhore · 11 months
omg hi so. evan character ship pls🙏
physical appearance- i have a hourglass-ish body, im quite skinny but i have thick thighs, i have wavy , long, red dyed hair with curtain bangs, big, hazel eyes, diamond shaped face, full lips but not too big. i usually wear red nail polish or dark green. i usually dress pretty colorful, but it still looks good, like it's not tacky. i love shoes with platform as well, and my makeup is pretty natural usually.
personality- i am an ambivert, it really depends on the person. im an isfp , libra, and unfortunately i have ocd😭.. otherwise than that im a really happy person, i really try to see the best in life. my sense of humour is pretty mixed up like- im sarcastic and dry, but i also love dad jokes and almost everything i say is satirical. thats why some people think im mean or weird, which makes me really sad cause im a very nice person actually :( i try to make everyone feel included, even if i don't like them cause i know what its like to be left out. im bubbly and sometimes kinda loud, but i don't think it's annoying cause like, im not loud to the point where it's annoying or embarrassing. i love giving people compliments, and if i were to say im def the more dominant person in a relationship (ifykyk😝😝)
likes- im a theatre kid. i looove watching plays. (im not like musical-obsessed theatre kid i dont rly like musicals i like normal theatre plays) i love any kinds of music, my favorite artists rn are taylor swift, florence + the machine, frank ocean, childish gambino, and i rly like folk music as well :p i have a pretty short attention span so that's why i like watching sitcoms, cause it's easily to catch up w what's happening, my favorites are derry girls and community. i love acting, spending time in nature, drawing, spending time with my family and friends <3 i also love plushies 4 some reason , it reminds me of my childhood.
thats pretty much it :)
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So homie would love to paint your nails, he would love the colors you have. He would love how bubbly you are, since he’s shy and reserved. I feel like you would get him out his shell and he would have a thing for dominance heheheheheh
You both seem like you have the same interests, he would love to hang out with friends too so I definitely feel like you both would bond easily over that, AND HE WOULD BUY YOU PLUSHIES TO SNUGGLE WITH WHEN HES AWAY!!!
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