#but from a writer's perspective you'd usually say this is why that's on her mind today since she has no reason not to in her own journal
ladyloveandjustice · 2 years
A lot of us are living in the New Woman future Bram Stoker was terrified of, and even as everything else sucks I can at least enjoy thinking about how much that would upset him.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Honestly it feels like people take most of the things out of context when it comes to Mike's character especially his relationship with El. I've seen many people talk about how Mike is 'disgusted' by El and doesnt like girls making a move on him, but the scenes they show to prove that are taken out of context because when you go back and watch those scenes you realize he enjoys it...? It's obvious Mike had a crush on El and liked her at some point and that's intentionally written that way by the writers. A puppy crush you'd say, it's something also said by the Duffers regarding El/Mike's romance i think.
I totally agree, I think in the end it's a matter of perspective, some people genuinely think that he doesn't like her at all, but I read their scenes to be pretty explicitly written as romantic...
even in s3 when people say he's removing her hands from his face because he's disgusted by her kissing him I think it's not enough to say that to be honest, especially because it happens once and all the other times he's kissing her normally and seems pretty annoyed when Hopper interrupts them... plus it's right before the actor was supposed to stop the kissing by starting to sing and have what, in my opinion, was meant to be a cute moment between them joking around
I think the intention was to show how codependent Mike and El became in those months after jumping in a relationship immediately... and how they kept constantly kissing mainly instead of talking, and this makes Jim uncomfortable and makes him say to Mike to stop seeing her -> Mike lies to El -> El seeks advice from Max starting her journey to independence -> El breaks free from the relationship and puts herself first and starts having a friend that is a girl -> Mike tries to get El back but is shown not having the same deep feelings that he believes he has... etc etc
in my opinion it was all to show that they are not compatible/not endgame
I have read all the "proof that Mike doesn't like girls" and it was not enough to convince me
what is convincing is Mike liking also boys because of how the camera focuses on the hand touch with Will for example and how the parallels are repeated for byler too etc etc
I also see the parallels between Mike x El and Mike x Will as couples, indicative of the fact that the writers wanted to put the relationships in the same category, both being actual romantic possibilities for Mike.... but with one clear difference of Mike & Will being the true love pairing!
other things that are supposedly proof but that to me is out of context is Mike not liking Max, that doesn't take in consideration the fact that he was still fixated on El, he was grieving her and feeling like this new girl was going to replace her in the group and that's what makes him dislike her and not trust her
him saying "you don't even know her" about Max to me proves that he acted very different with El exactly because he had a crush...
and that's also what Lucas implies in s1 that Mike is blinded because he likes El more than in a friend way so he trust her word more than his childhood friends because of that
the crush is what makes him act irrational and want El to be in the party and want to believe her when he can (of course when he sees the actual corpse of Will he can't believe her in that moment, but he usually does believe her or want to)
Also like... not even straight people have crushes for all the girls they see lmao why would bi people have them???
there are also many other things that people take as proof that to me are not really convincing but again, who knows, I may be wrong and he may be gay in the end, even if I don't really see it in the narrative for now I'll keep this option in mind!
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omegangrins · 4 years
A Treatise On the Doctor
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I don't know how to start this. Because I think of Peter Capaldi's words when he said that the only thing required to be a Doctor Who fan, is kindness.
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I like 13 and think Chibnall is doing his best job writing the show.
So I struggle to write this because I am engaging against that very unkindness in the Doctor Who fandom, and trying very hard not to be angry back. "Allways try to be nice but never fail to be kind." But I've begun to wonder more and more if those who speak so loudly against the show really know what the show itself is about.
Enough of talking about other people though, cause frankly they're only important as set-up for this conversation. And again, I'm working kind.
So here's what you're gonna learn from this lifelong fan (and the best Tl;dr you're gonna get):
1. The Doctor sucks. From the very beginning. People complain about character traits now that have been around as long as the show.
2. Due to the Doctor's suckage, they tend to do more harm than good. (And because of this, most of the Doctor's "friends" along the way have been, well, let's leave it at the air quotes for now cause it's a damn big list of "BOOOO!!!".)
3. All of the showrunners and writers and actors and editors and everyone else has allways knows this and has played it this way.
4. And last but not least, since this is a time travel show. If you wanna know what and why stuff is happening now, look it up. Everything that happened before is allways in play.
5. None of this is bad, and in fact, it makes the show morally grayer. It's about kindness at all costs. Even your own.
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A. First things first, the hard thing. The Doctor is not grrrreat. I mean, sure they try, but they fail a lot more often. In Extremis, a majority of those fatality index counts come from people the Doctor failed to save. That's why it's worded so specifically as "cause of death". All the death's caused by the Doctor's very interaction with time and lack of saving those around them. And part of it's not their fault, but more often than not, the Doctor says I can save you, and can't, won't, or chooses not to.
And that would be alright, but it took them over 1000 years to realize they should start letting their companions lead lives outside of theirs so THEY DON'T DIE. A bit too long as someone who claims to be better.
Not to mention how many times the Doctor is dismissive of their companions and the people around them only to use them for their help and just bug off again. If they truly cared and wanted to help, they would stay and listen in between adventures. Their lifespan is near infinite anyway. What's a few extra Earth hours with some friends you made along the way. You know, maybe fix some of the psychological and emotional damage created by encountering things behind a human's original scope of reasoning. But nope, we gotta go adventure more, byyyyeee!!
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So when people talk about these qualities in 13 in a negative aspect I have to laugh because I'm not sure if they understand the joke. Cause we're talking about an alien that grew up around a species calling themselves Time Lords. I try not to blame them too much for it. 1 had to learn how to be hospitable to humans and it's been a bit of a slow learning curve ever since.
B. After the Doctor survived the horrors of the Time War and happened upon a human companion they felt worth connecting to, what did they do? They took Rose to watch her planet burn in front of her eyes. Great, first date, amirite?
And that's a little bit of companion damage. Do you know that the Doctor is responsible for the almost complete genocide of the Silurian race across multiple occasions. I am legitimately surprised there are any left after all of the ones the Doctor has killed. Like before, they cause destruction either purposefully or accidentally or simply by force of being there.
Remember before how I said that the Doctor just flies away. Yeah, they leave a lot of problems behind when they do (something that I can see Chibnall is planting the seeds of). If you had a time and space machine and practically unlimited capabilities and you choose to just leave after a situation and not check up on them from time to or see if there are any other underlying crises to be solved. But oh no, "gotta follow that rule of time and keep going even though I stopped in the first place because of how interested I was.". This is why 9 has a great arc about this. He thought he killed all the Daleks. They came back. He thought he'd gotten rid of the Slitheen. They came back. He thought he saved Satellite 5 from aliens. But opsies, they came back. And look! They're Daleks. Which he "finally" got rid of.
The Doctor just bounces around all carefree and without an ounce of care for themselves, their companions or consequences unless there's consequences for themselves or their companions. Then they get indignant.
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Is that really kind of the person you want flying around fixing things in time and space? Who knows. But at least they are trying. Most of the time the T.A.R.D.I.S. lands somewhere and the authority figures are the most pretentious bull-headed pigs you can find. To me, I laugh cause it seems like both sides end up getting a taste of their own medicine. Usually with the bull charging to death in a sad glory while the Doctor wiles on metaphorically about not being as good as them.
But again, as a "superior" alien with "advanced" technology and "culture" you'd think they'd just know better already. But that's all part of the character. The Doctor may be in flux, but true change is difficult. The real hero of every story is the other people BESIDES the Doctor.
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Cause the title is Doctor *Who* . The Who being half of the title, despite having less letters. It's the constant question of "What and why and who is that crazy person that's trying to help?" Why do you think they keep flying back to Earth? (Besides set construction reasons.) They've grown as attached to us as we have to them. And at this point, a lot of their saving us is guilt and embarrassment at having a hand in our timeline.
This is also the same reason the Doctor dumps companions in a fluff. Baggage. Every time a companion gets too heavy to carry the memories of... off they fly.
Except for 13. She's stayed. To this end, we can see how the Doctor changes. Not on our smaller, human timelines, but on the timeline of a god with way too much power.
D. With that in mind, we go Classic. It's the Who you need to consult if you wish to make any critique on what's happening now. Because how can you know how a part operates inside of a whole without seeing the whole part?
Cause I don't know if you've watched it but it can be rough, and I don't mean in the sense of production value (which admittedly they do a fairly decent job of using what money they had. A problem the BBC plagues to Doctor Who to this day.). The 3rd Doctor shits on every one they call friends constantly and then turns around expecting help. 4 did the same. Then 5 masked that contempt with a plucky face and a cheeky word. But it was still there, bubbling out of 6 and 7 as the inability to suffer fools gladly and using their own righteousness to enact change in their companions. A trait that kept going til an entire war and regeneration was used solving the question of "Doctor Who?" Only for them to try and forget twice more by putting on their pretty grinning faces and running away from it.
And I'm only talking from a companion perspective. Each of the Doctors has enacted their own form of genocide on countless species. Sure, it's to "save humans" but at the end of the day you'd have to ask yourself if we're really worth that blood. And this is all in the Doctor's history. As much as they claim better, they're hands are still gushing red.
The Doctor left Jo because she fell in love. They drove Adric to put their life on the line in order to feel adequate. The entirety of the Silurian race has been wiped out fivefold under their watch, with one time by their hand itself. Same for several other singular and unique species you won't be able to find elsewhere in the universe. 7 used time travel to enact a personality change in Ace while simultaneously using her as a pawn in an interdimensional war. The Time War itself. Sure it got erased but the Doctor still did those things ("War" Doctor or whatever nonsense titles they feel necessary to delude themselves). The entirety of Amy's childhood was destroyed by their presence, and Rory got erased. Twice! Sarah Kingdom. We know the list. Hell, the Doctor whisked Barbara and Ian away because they wanted to teach the snobby humans some lessons.
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They may have a time machine, but we have the bill of their actions. This is where 13 excels. Because they're trying to be better than themselves. They've learnt the lessons of all those years traveling and the failures they wish they could reverse but don't as a way of keeping a scoreboard of pain. It's not perfect by any means, but look at 12 needing cue cards to understand and react to human grief under duress. They've come a helluva long way. After 50 years, I'm inclined to believe better. After all, it's what the Doctor would want.
E. You know how people like the ASOIAF series because it offers up morally complex characters existing in a morally complex world where black and white are harder to define than grey? Have you ever thought of Doctor Who as the same? Strip past the fairytale and adventure and "wibbly wobbly timey wimeyness and it's just people reacting to situations. We're just harder on the Doctor because they're hard on us. You could go round and round on who's the bigger killer, but at the end of the day Time Lords and humans fight and feel about the same things. It's allways been a joke to pretend otherwise.
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That's why I love the Timeless Child. Not for making the Doctor anymore special but for saying that even despite having all of their specialness ripped away and repurposed to create a lie of a society then having the memory wiped of said event, the Doctor broke out of their mold, stole a TARDIS and told the Time Lords to fuck off. That's not a Captain America/Superman hero. That's Batman in space with a society of Lex Luthor's. Gotham and Gallifrey. The Doctor saw what they were a part of and broke free, without even knowing the more horrifying truth. Cause it's the thing I see many fans missing because they're so preocuppied with the Doctor being special. The thing that made the Doctor different was their ability to know the difference and walk away to find better. Now, the Doctor has a reason to go back and find out why they never stopped running.
The Time Lords might be the greatest monsters in the universe. It is in the name. "Lords". Those who would lord over us and impose their will with a banthium fist.
And this is a children's show.
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C the thing is, the people who made and make this show all collectively rail against one thing: Hate. Kindness is the way of Doctor's. Even if they're sawing off your leg, it's to do the kindness of saving your life. This is because the people who make this (United Kingdomers) have seen centuries of war and conflict and oppression enacted by their own country in the name of progress. And they want to see it no more. Look no further than any of the Doctor's adventures with UNIT. Allways advocating for peace and being ignored for the comfortable war-cry. It's why it's hard to blame the Doctor when we do very similar and often worse (though we don't have time travel.... yet). The creators of this show know better, see better, and wrote better, to know that the powers that be nipped would nip their creations and sanitize them. So they wrote their messages so strong that you can feel them from the future. They're powerfull enough that even across eras they have all collectively moved me to write this.
That's another point I have to laugh at people saying Doctor Who has never been in your face about progressive politics. The Green Death. Survival. Trial of a Timelord (Yes, all of it. Sit down and power through.) The Happiness Patrol is one of my all time favorite episodes for going there in this regard. People may poo poo but history has its' eyes on you. Doctor Who loves taking potshots at the issues of the day. As long as you don't make the aliens black of course. Make them all the colors of the rainbow but never make them black. That'd be too on the nose (That's something they used to say back in the day! Crazy how far we've come).
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So bravoa to Chibnall for continuing the legacy of Doctor Who. From where I'm standing, he's not doing anything different than any other showrunner before him. Cause if you want to argue canon, you at least have to know what created it. This show owes what it is to those Classic eras. And if you think Chibnall is shitting on those years and your childhood.... well, then why did you read this whole thing?
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deepseavibez · 5 years
Sweetheart || KTH
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-> Picture Source - Pinterest
Sweetheart [Taehyung x Reader]
Genre: Smut; 21+; Future Boss/Boyfriend Oneshot
Summary - Kim Taehyung is a sucessfully acclaimed erotica writer and he's looking for an assistant. When you don't make the cut, why does he want to give you the job anyway.
Warning - 21+!Only; Smut; Dirty Talk;
Word Count - 2.9k
You sat on the couch opposite him. Your fingers fiddling in your lap, a telltale sign as to how nervous you were. But why wouldn't you be? Your hard work, future and your livelihood were on the line and all he was doing was reading a few pieces of paper.
You observed his features as you waited, because honestly, you just couldn't help yourself. His black hair had you itching to run your fingers through them, his eyes one mono lid, and one partial double eyelid, basically as different as his dual personality.
But his lips were your favorite part. A full upper lip, pink and lusciously, tempting to bite. You could just imagine what those lips could do to you... In other places. You bit your own, in the desperate need to come back to reality.
You averted your eyes before you could catch any other feature, your mind would run wild with. He cleared his throat and it made you jump back to the here and now, completely pulling you out of your wild imagination.
You cursed at how much of an open book you were. 'S-sorry.' you managed to stop your stumble from escalating any further. His facial expression was skeptic, but he blinked and it morphed into something hard and serious a second later.
'Well these are good' he started as he piled your pages into a neat stack and signed off his name on the cover page, 'but I can't use them.'
'What? But you just said they were good.' You managed an even tone but your spine was rigid, and a ball was rapidly forming in the back of your throat.
'You lack depth.' It was stated so calmly. As if it was a simple fact of life and your hard work hadn't just been thrown into a gutter.
Temper rising, you reigned it in as you questioned, 'Depth?' He sat back on his side of the couch, hands spalying out on either side.
Damn if he didn't look like he owned the world, and he did, in this house, on his couch, and right now, your life was in his hands too. 'Yes, depth.' he nodded as he replied.
You see, the idea is there, the correct words are there, the grammar is perfect, but your tone, is completely wrong.' he licked his lips absently and as professional as you needed to be now, you clenched at the action. 'When a reader is going through a story, they tend to have options in how to react.'
They either read for themselves, picture the scenario happening to them or they read for the next person in the book. Either way they have to be able to feel what you're putting out. Pain, love, and even lust has to be explained in such a way that it takes no time at all for the connection and relativity to get to the reader. And you can write. But you can't write about sex.'
He picked up the first page and read aloud a snippet from the middle of the page. 'She orgasmed as he drove himself into her repeatedly....' He gave you a pointed look.
'Really, you sound like you're a virgin locked up in a box. You definitely have the key, but has it been used...' You cringed at the words. you wanted to defend yourself, but your throat was locked.
Despite how easy he was being, it wasn't the words you wanted to be told. Words like that, bruised. He sighed at your silence, placing the pages back neatly. 'You are new and raw, and I can see your strength lies in realism and logic. And with that you do have the potential to be a great writer of Erotic literature because your insight is different. But it is not what the position requires right now.'
Your face burned at the direct words. He was right, blunt, and hurtful but right. You never did half the things you wrote about. You were not a virgin, of course. but your sex life wasn't the best, and it wasn't top priority, but Taehyung was a renowned writer and you wanted to be in the intern position he had open.
It would not only build your career, it would also be a dream come true to work for a man that had the Erotic Fiction world in his palm. Fat chance, considering you were just told your best wasn't good enough. Plus, before the first round of interviews he made it quite clear that he needed someone as soon as possible.
You had pride, so you did the only thing your pride would allow you to. 'I'm sorry I wasted your time and I appreciate the criticism.' You got up and picked up your bag before leaning over to take your work from him. He held it to him.
'I never said you could leave.' His tone was harder than before, but his face remained a blank.
'But you just said you can't use them.'
'But I never said you didn't have the job.'
Looking at him incredulously you snapped. 'What reason would I have a job if I can't write or do what the job description entailed?'
His eyes grew dark at your tone. 'I'm willing to teach you.'
You squinted in disbelief, 'What, how to write?'
'Yes, but... I'm also willing to show you and help you experience the different scenarios you need to have the... means to write.' Your eyes were probably popping out of your head, as you thought Did he just propose what I think he was proposing.
'Yes, I am.' he smirked.
You almost grumbled at the transparency of your face. Recollecting yourself you leaned over and grabbed the papers out of his hands, 'Thank you for offering to make me a playtoy, but I'd rather not have anything to do with your dick.'
God would forgive you for lying, but you needed out of there, before you accepted what you wanted with every fiber of your being.
Releasing the papers and saying nothing he casually walked over to his bar, pouring himself a shot he answered, 'Considering how many times you've grabbed your lip and held it between your teeth since you got here, I think if I thrust two fingers inside of you right now, I'd find different.'
His eyes were swirling dancing - drowning you. The breath you sucked in elicited a wave of need that ran through your body. His raw words, an attack to the self-respect you tried to keep intact.
Because you really really wanted this gorgeous man to bring you to your knees. And it terrified you.
'That isn't appropriate; you can't say that to anyone, let alone an ex-prospect employee.' Your voice was breathy, and you cringed internally at the sound.
'I usually would never propose such a thing, or even go for someone so... inexperienced.' He took a sip and looked over at you above the glass rim. 'But,' he started as he put the glass down, 'You're intriguing.'
And think of it this way, we both get what we want professionally and satisfy the desire we both seem to be pulled toward right now.'
'What desire?' You rolled your eyes in an act of calling bullshit, but immediately felt so stupid at the comment, because you were actually considering his words. Why won't your legs work and get you the fuck out of there! Clicking his tongue he slowly smiled a half smile.
'The rise and fall of your breasts increasing, your blown pupils, nipples peaking out....you're aroused sweetheart.' He took a slow sip of his drink as you reeled with the blunt ferocity of the need that hit you.
His words were one thing, but his throat as he swallowed the golden liquid, made the urge to grab and bite and mark...with teeth and nails harder to resist, because no woman in her right mind could resist a man that knew exactly what she wants. But neither of you could alleviate the fact that this was only a second meeting.
The first being a five minute interview that gave you the opportunity to be in front of him right now. 'I don't even have to guess, I already knew then. And I see it now. You're so sweet and innocent and ever since that first day I was obsessed with corrupting you.'
His admittance was the shocking part. You didn't know what he saw, but being wanted by Taehyung....was something else. Could anyone come back from that feeling? You didn't think so.
'I want you.' The direct statement rolled of his tongue so casually, as if your whole perspective hadn't made a one-eighty. 'I want your neck, to be the one to kiss and caress and mark. I want your waist, your body, to be held as close to mine as possible as my tongue dances with yours.' He started walking closer to you, and you instinctively walked backwards, just as slow.
‘Your eyes fully blown and dark with lust, probably seeing yourself on this couch, back arched, head back, keeping your back aligned to my chest as I thrust into you from behind. My hand on your throat, fingers in your pussy, the moans you'd be giving me, music to my ears.' He groaned, a slow smirk of his lips corrupting you his with his play.
He tilted his head to the side and walked closer. You were caught in a daze. Looking at this beautiful man, all your control seeping through the cracks of any sort of defense. You were being stalked.
A hunter, a male, a danger to all of your emotions and he had his prey exactly where he wanted it. 'That black silk scarf on my couch,' his eyes never leaving yours, he continued, 'you could be tied to my bed, wrists together above your head, naked as my fingers trailed a path down your each and every curve, starting with your lips. You would want me to caress your chin and have my thumb flittering back and forth, as my tongue dived into your ear.' You choked a moan as your back came in contact with the wall.
Your pages, your bag, your will, falling to the floor. You closed your eyes, lost in the way you were feeling, in his words, in how much you wanted it to be true. 'I can imagine you squirm when I bite your earlobe, my fingers would trail down your neck, around it, adding a bit of pressure, and I would bite, suckle and you would want me to leave marks, wouldn't you.' The last words were a whisper, a hairs breathe away from your ear.
You sucked in a breathe and opened your eyes to find one of his hands on the side of the wall, his glass on the counter next to you, his eyes hooded looking at your lips. His free hand running the back across your cheek, and you leaned into the touch involuntarily.
His palm glided down to the side of your breast 'Your sensitive breasts, they'd fill my hands, as I held them, kissed around them swirled my tongue around the tips, oh so slowly before suckling on one like it's my favorite treat and tugging on the other with my fingers.'
He met your eyes then. He was so close to you, the heat from him came off in waves and he sported a hard bulge that made the slightest contact with your tummy making itself known.
And my God you were a whimpering mess at the thought of him inside you. Stifling a sob, you broke off from the wall and made a sprint to the door.
You needed out, you were scared at so much all at once. You needed to find yourself again. But his hand caught yours at the wrist. You tugged and pulled, a lost cause considering how lean and strong he was. You were pulled, and gripped at the shoulders with long fingers.
You made the biggest mistake putting your hair up this morning, you thought as his lips met the junction between your shoulder and neck. The subtle act cascading through your body, instinctively making your head lie against his shoulder in meek compliance.
And you knew, right then, you couldn't leave. He wouldn't let you, and you didn't want him too.
'Would you like my lips in your pussy, baby. Would you want me to kiss my way down your body and stop as I reached the junction between your thighs? Want me to suckle you through your panties, until you were a soaking mess and I needed to rip it off to get better access?
'... Diving my tongue up and down your slit, dipping it in and out of your small hole, and working my way back up to grab your clit between my lips?'
'Would you want me to make you come all over my face, make you scream and taste yourself off me as I grabbed you for a kiss after?' He rubbed his nose and lips and tongue, mouth open slightly, lazily across your cheek to your ear, and back down to your neck.
The images all beating you one after the other. You wanted something, more...less...you didn't know what but you needed it. His right hand worked its way to the top of your jeans, unsnapping the button and zipper.
Your hands went to stop him, but he grabbed them and held both in one had behind your back. He grazed his fingers painfully slow with barely there touches above your panty line you didn't know how much more you could take. You wanted more.
You wanted him to stop. But you didn't. He cupped you then, a harsh sound escaped you at the impact. 'I told you, you would be soaked. You're ready for me. So ready. And I want to drive my cock straight into you. Hard. I want to make you come and I want to do it again, slow and edge you till the end but never tipping you over. A fitting punishment for making me go crazy with how much I want to fuck you,' he growled his words, making you more wet if that was even possible.
Then he let go. No hands on you. No contact. Luckily you could lean against the wall, but your knees gave out. You sat on the floor taking hard deep breathes as you tried to compose yourself.
He leaned against his kitchen counter and watched you. He downed the rest of his drink in one go and slammed it on the table. A pure indication of the thread his control was hanging on. 'I don't rape people. But I needed you to understand what you're shutting yourself away from I will never claim to be a good man. But I know how to make a woman feel good. And we're both adults, baby.'
The pet name use wasn't lost on you. 'How you're feeling now, is a tip of the iceberg of the satisfaction you will feel if your readers react as you are.' He turned away placing his glass in the sink. His knuckles white. His eyes dark. His simmering anger waiting underneath a very stable, very toned, very bitable body.
'You may leave.' He said it as a dismissal and you wasn't sure you heard right. 'I may not like it, and I do want to fuck you with every fiber of my being, but it's your choice to be and do what you want at the end of the day.' So this was it. It was all on you. Your choice.
You wanted to laugh. Five minutes ago you would have wanted it, but now you were just empty. If you did this, you would grow, you would experience new things, and your career would take off with the knowledge.
If you left you'd have your pride, you wouldn't have to fight the battles and speculation about climbing the ladder by climbing on the boss’s dick, but you'd be a shell of who you are. Believe it or not you learned more about yourself in the last hour than in the last year.
Getting up slowly, still slightly quivering you started walking. Walking with open jeans would have been embarrassing in any other situation, but this time it wasn't. You made it to him and did the boldest thing you'd ever done in your life. You cupped his bulge in your hand and gave a gentle squeeze.
He sucked in a breath, his hand going to your ass and squeezing in turn. He looked ten times more dangerous than he usually did, it was a no brainer you had caught him off guard. 'Please.' you whispered looking into his eyes. Needy. Desperate for something you never knew you needed.
Breathing heavily as you begged. He gripped your hair that he let loose, when you didn't know, but it was now tangled in his hands as he pulled your head back, to expose your neck and nibbled against it lightly, 'Please what.'
'Teach me,' Your acceptance tipped the scale in his favor. You were a goner the minute you met this man and now look at you almost in your underwear in his kitchen. 'I don't want to leave.'
He smiled devilishly, making him look devilishly handsome. You would never get used to that smile. You would melt every time. Be on your knees when he ordered. And give him all of you when he asked.
He leaned into you, as he gripped you chin, 'You were never going to leave anyway.' he said softly as his lips descended on yours.
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scriptscribbles · 7 years
hey, i saw your post where you mentioned hoping to convince fans returning to the show to reconsider moffat's era, and i was wondering if you have any posts you'd suggest reading on that note? i'm one of those fans and am willing to reconsider but am not sure where to find comprehensive meta
Well, more than any of us blathering on about the show, I’d say let it argue for itself. In particular, I recommend watching 2015′s three-parter of Face the Raven/Heaven Sent/Hell Bent, which is in my mind the finest feminist triumph in this show’s history and a damn good tale to boot, probably my favorite Doctor Who story. Basically, it sets up a mighty story of fridging angst and then swerves aside for an ode to women’s agency. It’s wonderful. @whovianfeminism called it “the most explicitly feminist call-out of the Doctor’s behavior I have ever seen,” and people often cynical toward Moffat even offered opinions like “For me, and I am not a Moffat fan in general (as those who read my blog will know), I thought Hell Bent was very satisfying, and definitely showed the character of Clara Oswald the respect she is owed.” (x)
Probably the most divisive element to the late Moffat era and what many people new to or returning to it might struggle with is Clara. She’s a complicated character, and people who love her generally love her for how she’s allowed to be a complicated and flawed equal to the Doctor. The first hurdle people often experience with her is the “impossible girl” arc. A common critique in the early backlash to Moffat was that he treats women as sexy plot devices, but this whole arc is a subversion of that. It’s just easy to miss because it’s a story through the Doctor’s perspective about him reducing her to a mystery.
Rather conveniently, we meta writers no longer need to spell that out (though we have on several occasions), because Moffat’s come along and said it himself. "The idea of ‘the Impossible Girl’ is because that name in no way applies to her properly. The Doctor thinks she’s impossible and then discovers she’s a perfectly real person, a perfectly ordinary person. His disposition is to treat people like puzzles to be deconstructed and what he learns in dealing with Clara is he was dealing with a real human being and if he’d picked up on that earlier they would have been better friends quicker. So that’s what ‘the Impossible girl’ is, it doesn’t exist, she’s just Clara Oswald." (x) @abossycontrolfreak writes some amazing meta on Clara and, as I recall, was able to basically work out her ending because of it.
From there, her arc revolves around her becoming more and more flawed and complicated and like the Doctor, but this is rather spelled out, honestly, within the episodes. Flatline, for example, has her running round with sonic in hand calling herself the Doctor while the Doctor is locked up and advising her over a communications device, and Death in Heaven has her proclaim herself to be the Doctor in the pre-titles, which then teasingly put Jenna Coleman’s name first and replace Capaldi’s eyes in the titles with hers. Her story arc, in essence, is a girl asking why she can’t be the Doctor, too. And the answer her arc eventually provides is that she can. I’ll leave specific pieces of meta recommendations to the reblogs, I can’t keep track of all of them! There’s many good ones.
Another big thing with Moffat that tend to rub people the wrong way is a tendency to tease certain stories but deliver other ones. It’s a common trick I basically take for granted at this point, but many don’t (and gosh, the week between World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls was a mess as a result, I did keep saying there was no reason to panic about Bill but people didn’t listen...). Usually, this involves teasing a big, continuity-encompassing epic before scaling down to the more intimate character-driven story that’s needed. Doctor Who scholar @philsandifer terms it “narrative substitution.” Here’s the piece he did on that, though he’s got plenty of other good scholarly work about all sorts of corners of Doctor Who. So basically, set your expectations to the story teasing you about what story it is going to tell, because that’s the real question Moffat’s era repeatedly asks you. What story is it really all going to be? Every time, really, it’s one about the companions and their lives and agency. They’ll be put through the wringer first, of course, but they will come out triumphant.
As for the man himself, well, there’s a few things to note. I mapped out his position as I see it in the ideological discourse of Doctor Who here (1) (2). Might even need to do a third part in light of this Doctor casting. There are many interviews from him that are taken out of context, such as the “women are needy” one, in which he was talking about the perspective of a sexist character on his sitcom, Coupling. But beyond that, he’s just generally very sarcastic, and that can lead to some unfortunate out of context soundbites flying around. So while he’s on many occassions supported a woman Doctor (x) (x) and mentioned that the show is written to support that and make it possible, you’ve probably seen none of that and tons of references to his crappy joke about the queen becoming a man.
I hope this more or less covers it. I am so entrenched in picking apart this stuff that I take a lot of it for granted, so if you need any further explanation for your understanding, please let me know.
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