#but even all these silly meaningless asks mean everything to me
madame-mongoose · 7 months
You smiled today mission accomplishd boys and you got flustered
Oh anon if only You knew what has happened to me today
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
What do you think the Gang does when they have a crush? How do they react to realizing they're into someone? Thanks!
YYYEEEAAAA <333 This is. so cute mwamwammwamwa I love how fluffy and soft this is
all sfw!! Brief death mention for Myc's
She's... oddly happy?
She expected that when she'd get a crush she'd feel. I dunno, dread? A Horrible Sinking Feeling That Would Crush All Excitement In Her? Pure Misery Of Some Sort? Kinda like how her parents were-
but no she. actually feels kinda. content about it. who would have guessed.
DON'T GET IT WRONG, SHE'S DEFINITELY NERVOUS JUST. not actively Panicking about it. yet. It'll come, don't worry MSMNSD
This hasn't happened in a HOT minute. And even then, most of her crushes growing up were like. Boybands. Carl Sagan. Ada Lovelace.
She isn't USED TO HAVING,, actual IRL crushes. People she can actually talk to, and interact with, and see. daily. constantly.
Yeah it’s the moments where her love for you sneaks up on her that,, really get her palms sweating.
UGH it’s. inconvenient in the best way. she feels silly and childish and also absolutely delighted. Like oh god she’s starting to ask if you want to hang out after work???? Help her with paperwork??? She doesn’t feel like herself, but also she’s finding a newfound love for taking the risk of opening up to someone???
TLDR. Stress. But good stress. Appreciated stress and inconvenience, that she has wrangled into something domesticated.
He falls in head first and never even thinks to dig himself out
It’ll probably be after some Small Special Moment that was probably meaningless to you but everything to him?
Remembering his coffee order. Staying up with him to talk on the phone the day before a Big Presentation, to make sure he’s okay.
IT JUST ALL HITS AT ONCE. Like it’ll start as that and then ever little thing you do becomes so beautiful to him. Rose tinted glasses, sure, but isn’t rose such a pretty color?
AAA <33333 he’s so gooey and sappy and just UGH. Puppy love. He isn’t that close to you yet, but he’s already so attached!!!
He goes out of his way, more than usual, to do stuff for you? Like not in a creepy obsessive way (he worries himself A LOT about being. too much.), but just trying to help out wherever he can!! He wants to express how much he cares about you as often and as thoroughly as he can!!
This also means. you 10000% know he’s crushing on you. like instantly.
She feels like a kid again what is this. what is she doing. how embarrassing. MSNDMSD
LIKE SHE. It's like when someone makes a really, really stupid joke and you're like Goddamn It I Shouldn't Find That Funny But I Do And I Hate Myself For It
She's forgotten how it all feels like tbh? 
it clicks when you two are doing something, and she is laughing her ass off like she hasn't laughed in 10+ years, and the very inconvenient realization hits her that she’s more comfortable with you than anyone else in her life right now. Like she’s back home.
For a second it kills her tbh.
She learned very, very early on that getting too attached to ppl in this line of work is usually just. a very uncomfortable hassle, if not actively agonizing mistake, so she really tries not to.
and yet, she’s can’t stop laughing, and she doesn’t want to try. She’s just so happy.
Oh well. The sun is shining and you are beautiful. There are worse mistakes to make.
For him it feels like. idk. coming up for air when you’re swimming. That cool, fresh feeling all the way down his lungs.
Like sure yeah he flirts with people, he’s flirty, he’s a flirty dude, but. this is so different
every interaction with you feels like there’s static energy building in his chest. Like if he actually touches you, there’ll be this massive explosion of colors and light that’ll make him feel balanced again in a way it hasn’t felt in decades.
It’s chemistry babey!! Pure and simple!! It’s that amazing swirling excitable connected feeling!!
He chases it so much!!!!!! <33333!!!!
He goes out of his way to interact with you, to talk to you, to meet you and walk with you and just. BE with you. He feels so much happier and calmer when you’re around.
he doesn’t know. quite where to go from that. He tries not to think about it too much, because the idea of what he’s feeling Right Now going away, or having to change, is terrifying. 
Live in the moment, right? When has he ever thought ahead! This is good enough. He wouldn’t risk this for the world.
Well. Shit.
He hates it but also. he's been around the block long enough to know there's nothing he can really do when it gets to this point.
You think you're his first crush ever? NAH sdmnsmd he's been around for 4000 years, practically nothings new for him.
It is rare, though. He tries not to make a habit of it, for obvious reasons
He will, probably, try his usual Techniques (tm) to see if he can get the Feeling to fuck off though.
Distancing himself, remembering all your faults + the shit you do that annoys him, all the times you've pissed him off and are going to piss him off. How it's gonna feel when you’re gone.
If none of that works? Welp, not much else to do but hang on and enjoy the ride, however long that goes for.
50/50 on if he'll initiate an actual relationship
Sure, he's accepted his crush on you, that doesn't mean he's gotta go and get himself all attached. That's a whole different ball game.
If he does, you're more important to him than you could possibly imagine. He might not say it, but you are.
He feels guilty??
Like holy fuck you could do so much better than him. Like so much better than him, oh God
This is also why he’s not even gonna think about asking you out. At least not for the first little while (6-10 months). Even if you start showing interest, this man is gonna be way too chickenshit.
He’s also. not subtle in the slightest. We’ve seen how he acts when he’s flustered, he’s an Absolute Bumbling Baboon of a man.
The most awkward attempts at flirting you will ever have to endure MSNDMS
mostly it’s whenever you swing by his office you will get the most Geriatric White Yeehaw Man flirting. he is not good at it and will be banging his head on his desk after you leave.
GOD I can’t decide,,, whether or not he’d ask for advice. Part of me feels like he’d try to keep it Bottled Up Like A Good Soldier but also. I can totally see him caving and spilling the beans to Andre or Gigi at the Slightest Provocation.
WHICH WILL OFC END IN,, at least a little bit of teasing. And some pretty decent advice. So maybe not all too bad of an idea
Overall?? Panic and guilt with a healthy dollop of Yearning, wishing he had the balls to actually approach you about it.
Italicized Oh Moment
It's a surprise, but it isn't jarring? It's just this little Moment (tm). 
Like putting the last puzzle piece into place. He's looking at you as you dance to some old 80s jams he's got playing in his office, half-singing the lyrics, and it just clicks that oh. he loves you. That’s what that horrible, cloying, feeling in his chest his. ah. Alright then.
He feels a little selfish for it, because if he were to ask you, it’d put you in extreme danger. Being close to him vs being officially with him, in that way, are two very different things. 
But of course he does, because it’s you. He couldn’t possibly think of a way he’d let that opportunity pass him by. Maybe he’s selfish for it, but the future is someone else’s problem <3 right now he’s got you dancing in his office, he’s happy with that.
oh fuck oh shit oh nononononono absolutely the fuck not nope nuh-huh try the fuck again nOT ON HIS FUCKING WATCH HE ISN'T-
he buries that shit 100000 meters down and pretends it never happened <3
come onnn this man,, has created his entire personality around being
absolutely perfect. Without needs, without wants, without attachments, The Ultimate Lifeform (tm) etc etc
hating humanity with every fibre of his being
this isn't a cutesy 'ohoho I haaaate it sopooooo much' NO HES FUMING HES SO GENUINELY IRATE.
its so inconvenient. its throwing a wrench in everything it is ANNOYING. You are ANNOYING. You ANNOY him >:(
^^ lies and half truths
He'll catch himself looping your laugh in his head and just. Gives himself a Look (tm) in the reflection of his tube.
He’ll have to actively resist initiating conversations, because he knows it’s gonna make him insanely happy to hear your voice and he’s trying not to get attached.
Is it all gonna come to a head in some Great, Crushing, Overwhelming Realization that his love for you completely outshines his hatred of humanity?
aaaAAA <333 BRRBRBRB THIS WAS. SUPER CUTE. As always, feel free to add your own ideas, and thanks so much for the ask!!!! 
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appocalipse · 2 years
just you — steve harrington
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summary: you and steve shared a kiss at a party, and it was supposed to be just that: a meaningless kiss. but now that you've got a date, steve is starting to see things a bit clearer... prompt: "tell me what you want" "you" ♥
“Steve?” you say, unable to hide your bewilderment.
It's getting late and you have a date. Not with Steve Harrington, of course. But still, Steve Harrington is the one standing outside your door, looking as handsome as ever — bright eyes, dark jeans, perfect hair. It's some kind of punishment, it must be.
“Hi,” he says. "Can I come in?"
He looks nervous. On autopilot, you step to the side so he can come in and ask, “Is everything okay?” and, because it's Hawkins, you add, "Did something happen?"
Something equals problems from other dimensions, monsters, gates, planets in need of saving — the usual.
You close the door and Steve holds up both hands, a placating gesture. "No, no! It's okay- I mean…”
Your heart starts to race again. "Are the kids-"
"They're fine! That's not it."
About a week ago, you'd kissed Steve Harrington. It happened at a party — a stupid game, a couple of drinks, some unresolved feelings on your part…the damage was done.
You're thinking about it now because even though you both agreed to forget about the kiss, after that unexpected event all the silences shared with him took on a whole new meaning. It's an eternal 'is he thinking about the kiss?', 'did he like the kiss?' and the usual: 'did he regret the kiss?'.
“You look beautiful.”
You look at Steve and all you can think about is how your expression must look really, really silly right now — somewhere between embarrassment and nervousness, your inner teenager saying hello, I'm still not immune to Steve Harrington as much as I like to pretend I am.
He's looking at you as well, and your find comfort in the fact that he looks nervous too — you're dressed up for a date: you've chosen your best dress, your best jewelry, your best shoes. Steve has never seen you so lovely.
“I mean, you always look beautiful but-” he continues, scratching the back of his head, speaking very fast, “b-but tonight you're just, uh…stunning. Honestly.”
You bring your hand to the pendant around your neck and squeeze it lightly, lips parted in surprise, words a mess inside your mind and oh my God, here comes the awkward silence.
You try again. “You wanna tell me what you're-”
“Don’t go on that date.”
You'd sooner expect a gate to the Upside Down to open before your very eyes than this. “What?”
“I said don’t-”
“I heard you.”
“Then…please don’t go.”
Please? Is he real? Steve shouldn't be allowed to look like this and say please like that.
You fight the voice of reason in your head and try to keep your inner teenager from getting too excited with where this is going.
“Why not?” you ask.
“You know why not.”
I don't know shit, you want to say. The silence isn't even awkward now — it's overwhelming. The room seems way too tiny, Steve is too close, and you're feeling hot. And Jack could arrive at any moment —the icing on the cake.
“I- Do you-” pretty eloquent, you think, gesturing exasperatedly without even realizing it. It's a miracle you don't run your hand through your hair and ruin it entirely. “You can’t just-”
Steve wisely says nothing. He just stands there, slightly flushed, all too handsome. There's a small part of you that inexplicably wants to punch him in the face.
You sigh. “Tell me what you want,” you manage.
Steve responds as if he has the answer on the tip of his tongue, as if it's been there all along, as if it's obvious.
“You,” he whispers. There's a softness in his brown eyes, the usual gentleness, the usual affection, and you lose yourself deep enough that you don't notice the distance closing between you and him. He grows more confident, more sure of his words, his gaze never leaving yours, “You, I just want you.”
Steve takes another step and now he's close enough to touch you...so he does. He takes your face in his hands, firm but a little hesitating, testing the waters.
Your earrings dangle elegantly as you stare at him, dangerously close to short-circuiting. Steve watches as one of them taps against your cheek softly.
You could kiss him, you think. The heels you're wearing would make it so much easier. You could just lean over and...
Steve gently touches your lower lip with the pad of his thumb, eyes following the movement; a silent question. Your mind goes blank. You exhale through your mouth, lips now slightly parted. Your hands slide to his elbows, suddenly feeling the need to hold onto something as he inches closer.
Jack is a nice guy — he's always been kind to you, he's smart and very patient, handsome enough to attract a few glances now and then.
His only flaw is...he's not Steve.
And the only reason you agreed to go out with him is because you were trying to forget about Steve. Steve, Steve, Steve. It's always him. More unfair than standing Jack up would be going on a date with him for the wrong reasons.
You close the gap. To be honest, you don't think too much about what your doing; it kinda happens. And Steve certainly wasn't expecting it to happen like this either, because for a brief moment his entire body tenses up and he lets out a surprised gasp…but then he moves. You feel his smile against your mouth as he kisses you back, one hand leaving your face to move down to your lower back and bring you even closer, the kiss growing harder, more tempting, more certain.
You don't even notice you're moving until your back hits the wall and Steve presses you against it, chuckling into your mouth.
“Steve,” you gasp, the inexplicable urge to laugh suddenly washing over you. He tries to kiss you again but you're attempting to catch your breath, so you turn your head away and giggle. Steve kisses your neck instead, taking your waist into his hands. "I should call Jack," you remind him.
"Later?" he murmurs tentatively against your skin.
“It'll be just- oh. Ten minutes.”
One last kiss and he lets you go. You miss his touch right away.
But it's alright, you think. You have the entire night. Your entire lives.
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Don't Blame Me (Smut)
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Summary: if there's one thing that makes Hannibal Lecter lose control, is rudeness.
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x reader, past Alana Bloom x reader (mentioned)
Warnings: Smut!
English is not my first language, if you see any mistake, let me know! It came out a little different than the ask cause I just don't see Hannibal losing his shit like that hahahahah I hope you like it anyway, anon!
Word Count: 2277
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It's common knowledge that one must never miss a Lecter soiree. 
Always one of the most expected events of the year, I was lucky and even grateful to be invited. I've known Hannibal since the years on Hopkins, he'd always been Alana's interesting acquaintance, one I never thought I'd catch the attention of. 
Turns out we have more interests in common than I originally thought. He's a skilled artist, so am I. We both enjoy opera, and love to play instruments, mine being mostly flute and oboe. I could still hear the angelic sound of the harpsichord being played half an hour earlier. Impressive how his fingers glided through the keys, how effortlessly he recorded complex tunes to entertain his guests.
"I missed the days that sparkle in your eyes were directed to me" Alana's jest ringed in my ears, making me jump a little. She chuckled. "Look at you all jumpy. Relax, Y/n. He didn't catch you staring."
"Shut up, Lana" I shoved her playfully, sipping the red wine. "Do not get me started on Will Graham and those puppy eyes. He's staring right now, you know. You should give the poor man a chance."
"Okay, I got it. I won't meddle in your affairs anymore."
"There is no affair." I wish there was, I thought to myself, taking another sip of the wine while I eyed Hannibal from afar, talking to an older woman dressed like a peacock. "I…"
"I noticed your glass is nearly empty, so I fetched you another one" a familiar voice came from behind me, and the glass was abruptly removed from my hand and replaced with a fuller one. I contained my desire to roll my eyes once I saw who the intruder was.
"Frederick. Were you also invited or just crashed the party to feast on good things for once?" I teased, narrowing my eyes while looking at the director of the general administrator for Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. 
"My dear Y/n, I wouldn't dream of it. Of course I was invited. Moreover, I would avoid all this meat if I were you. You never know the provenance, if you know what I mean." He lowered his voice, coming closer and almost whispering in my ear. I could not help to actually roll my eyes this time, turning to face him. "I am, after all, restrained to low protein meat, that is."
"You still believe that silly theory that Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper? Please, Chilton. I never deemed you to be clever, but this is plain stupidity." I allowed the alcohol to make me more straightforward, chuckling on my words.
"Sticks and stones, little Y/n. Sticks and stones." Chilton teased, stepping away and going to bother someone else with his presence.
"For god's sake, the man is a burden" I whispered to Alana, who cracked at the comment.
"He has always been like this, you know that. I don't fathom why you always allow him to get under your skin."
"I've known Frederick for longer than you, Lana. Believe me, if you give that man a hand, he will most certainly grab your arm, shoulder and everything else you have to offer. Now, if you excuse me, I shall mingle a little bit more before the dinner actually begins. His interaction gave me a sour taste on my tongue."
I clicked my glass to Alana's, walking around the room and chatting to some people. Uninteresting conversations filled my ears and fake smiles made my lips start to tire out, but as soon as Hannibal's chocolate eyes were on me, I felt my entire demeanour change. 
An idea occurred to me as I walked straight to the balcony, hoping he would join me. The night breeze engulfed me and I realized how trapped I was feeling inside that house, with those judgy stares and meaningless conversations. My wine glass remained untouched as I placed it on the strong wood porch, contemplating the cloudless sky.
"Tired of the good old socialization already?" I grunted when I realized that was not the voice I longed to hear, turning back to face Frederick.
"Careful, Chilton. One might say you are stalking me. As far as I remember, that's still a crime." I crossed my arms to show how much I unappreciated his presence, stepping away until my back was against the balcony.
"Come now, what have I done to deserve so much animosity? We used to be colleagues, friends if I dare to be so bold."
"An old dog with difficulty dropping the dry bone he was once given. Are you really that starved, Frederick? That's pitiful." I was aware of how indelicate I was getting, but he was starting to bother me immensely. "If there's one thing you are not, it's bold. Arrogant and extremely annoying, yes. Can't stand to hear a loud no? That checks, too. One must always let go of the past if we wish to evolve. God knows I have."
He dismissed everything I said with a slight wave of his hand, getting closer. I could smell the faint scent of whiskey, imagining that, after the loss of some of his organs, he probably would get drunk much easier. He tried to reach me with his free hand, but awkwardly dropped my glass, causing it to crash a few meters down. 
We were alone and a little far from the other guests. The balcony's door was closed shut. I felt my hands start to tremble a bit, and realized I had to get out of there before things could get out of hand.
"Seriously, Frederick?" I snarled, rolling my eyes. "Playtime is over. Let me through, I'm getting out of here."
"Y/n, I…" he held my wrist with considerable strength, making me gasp. I tried to pull away but he was strong, and before I could snap and finally throw the punch he deserved, a low, deep voice echoed.
"I believe you heard the lady clearly, Dr. Chilton." There was a different gleam in Hannibal's eyes, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Frederick turned paler, letting go of my wrist with haste. "I think you should go. You've had too much wine, I see."
He hesitated, but agreed with a nod, leaving the balcony without looking back. Hannibal stared at him through his shoulder darkly and I released the breath I was holding, my knees would have given out if Hannibal had not held me discreetly, supporting my weight with an arm around my waist.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" He inquired, one hand lifting my face so I could look at him. I was so embarrassed. "Do you need a place to rest?"
"Not at all, Hannibal. Do not worry about me, it was just a fright and the wine. I cannot steal the host of his guests."
"Nonsense. Come, I will take you to the guest bedroom. We can enter through the kitchen, so no one will see your state. Please" he pointed to the other door, showing that there was no space to argue, and I just surrendered, allowing him to guide me through the vast kitchen filled with employees working to the elegant guest bedroom, shutting the door behind us. 
I sat on the comfortable mattress, appreciating the shades of cream and white, and the beautiful vintage-like furniture that seemed to complement the place perfectly. I realized then that Hannibal had fallen silent, and I stared at him with worry. He had turned his back to me, leaning on the dresser, breathing a little heavier.
"Hannibal?" I called, getting up and walking towards him, reaching out with my hand on his shoulder. His face was impassive, but he had that same look in his eyes again, something ancient and darker that wides his pupils and pierces his lips tightly.  I allow myself to reach deeper, caressing his strong arm and feeling the muscles tense under his suit. "What is it?"
"He dared to touch you like that" he pointed in a cold tone. "Like you are someone else's property."
My eyes softened as I felt some butterflies in my stomach, and I took the liberty to grab his chin, kissing his cheek tenderly in appreciation.
"Forget about Frederick, he is immature and arrogant. I will call him tomorrow to address this matter."
He still had that predatorial look in his eyes that gave me shivers, though not the way it should. Something in being that much protected by him made me feel dear and precious like an exotic pearl. 
He would not give in, and I felt bold enough to once more kiss his handsome face, this time on his jawline, near his left ear. That caught his attention, and he towered over me, cradling my face with his enormous hands, making my eyes tremble with the feeling of electricity that flowed through my veins. With no hesitation, his lips crashed against mine, and I moaned into his mouth, the hunger for him making my loins combust. 
"I have wanted this for so long…" I murmured against his neck, his fancy perfume invading my nostrils. He smelled so good. 
"As did I, Y/n. You have been in my thoughts a great deal lately" he confessed, making me blush. Impostor syndrome trying to kick in, I avoid the self-degrading thoughts as I delight in his open mouthed kisses in my skin, gasping in pleasure when he lightly bites my shoulder, enjoying it more than I ever thought I would.
"Your guests…" I tried to be reasonable, a dirty smile playing on my lips.
"The dinner will take a little while longer, I'm afraid" he whispered in my ear, nibbling on the lobe with a mischievous deep chuckle. He lifted my dress to my waist, since we didn't really have that much time to spare, and I got rid of my panties, almost tripping on them with my heels and the rush. 
His hand went to my core, testing how wet I was, and he smiled with how soaked I felt. A loud moan echoed through the room and he removed his hand at once, lifting one finger at me as he would chastise a child. I frowned with frustration, lifting my chin to face him.
"We are not supposed to be too loud, Y/n. You do not want the guests to hear us, do you? Imagine the scandal" that made me laugh with pure bliss, nodding in agreement. "Are you going to be a good girl?"
Oh, fuck. Is this really happening?
"Yes. Yes, I will" I agreed in haste, and he effortlessly lifted me up, sitting me on the dresser and starting to unzip his pants. I tried to control my breathing and anticipation, pleasuring myself with the vision of his hard cock, precum glistening at the tip. He massaged it with his hand for a few seconds before he towered over me, holding my hips in place while he entered me so painfully slowly I nearly sobbed.
To avoid the loud moans, I bit my left fist, suppressing the sounds as my insides clenched to accommodate him. A joyful smile illustrated his lips, his hair falling over his eyes due to the sweat, and he looked like a Greek statue. I could not avoid the mesmerized stare, melting in admiration, as he leaned to cover my lips with his own one more time, his tongue exploring my mouth like he was famished. Still slowly, he started to move his hips, almost both torturing and indulging me at the same time. I entangled my legs around him, pulling him closer to the point one could swear we were one. He moaned my name, followed by an almost savage growl that sent vibrations through my entire body and, for a while, I regretted how little time we had. He seemed to sense that, rushing his movements until the dresser started to hit the wall and, for a moment, I was certain everyone outside could hear us. 
So much for discretion, I thought, grabbing his broad shoulders while he inserted himself deeper and deeper inside of me. His thumb began to stimulate my clit and, sensing I would begin to cry out at any moment, Hannibal silenced me with his lips, allowing me to moan against his mouth as I felt the tension start to build up in my lower abdomen.
I felt him pull out his cock, replacing it with his skilled fingers, finishing on my thighs. I followed him right after, covering my mouth until my moans were unsteady breaths. 
I hadn't even realized Hannibal had left until he came back from the suite with a hot towel, starting to clean me up. I thanked him with a sweet kiss, doing my best to fix his clothes and hair. We both knew it wouldn't do any good, but he enjoyed my caresses and how I took care of him as well. He took one of my hands — the one Chilton grabbed like a brute earlier — and kissed my wrist, right where small purple bruises began to form. 
"We should go back. Who is going to serve dinner? We're being unforgivably selfish" I taunted, chuckling lightly.
"Perhaps you should be my dinner, then" he jested, and I openly laughed, shoving him playfully.
"Later. If you'll have me, that is." I lifted my eyebrows with expectation, staring at his brown irises.
"It would be my pleasure, Y/n" with a last kiss, he went to the bathroom suite to fix his appearance, leaving me with a silly smile and a warm feeling in my chest.
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its-time-to-write · 3 months
please don’t be - ch. 1
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for context! this takes place after season 3, and in my head Jamie plays one season with Richmond under Roy, then goes back to City to play for Pep bc let’s be real, he’s a Manchester boy at heart. so that’s what’s happening, that’s the timeline, this is def the most non-canonical thing I’ve written. it might be out of character. it might be self-indulgent. I don’t know, I would say I don’t care, except I do. enjoy.
table of contents be good to me
It’s Julia who reminds you, he’s the one who asked for your number. Because she has to remind you. Otherwise you’ll tear yourself to pieces thinking about how it’s all your fault. 
Oh, it was easy in the beginning. You meet Jamie Tartt of all people in a chicken shop of all places. Things like that don’t just happen. Except it did, and he smiled at you first, and you had a stupid, stupid thought that became a stupid, stupid reality. 
And Julia was there from the beginning, what with her raised eyebrows and frosty opinions. 
“Be so careful,” she warns. “He doesn’t understand that he doesn’t deserve you.”
You laugh and squeeze her arm as you slip out the door and into Jamie’s car. 
Because it’s fun and silly and he has exactly the right words all the time. Words about your eyes, your voice, your humor; words you know not to take seriously, but he says them with such sincerity that you allow yourself to believe them for a second. 
He says strange things too, things about meeting his mum and holidays in the far future where you’re on a beach with him or maybe in the stands or in a room that costs more than you make in a month. 
He says the word marriage on the third date and it’s not even in reference to the both of you, just to him. He wants it, someday, sooner than people think. You study the wall behind him and sip your water. It’s ice-cold, with just the right amount of lemon. You keep your thoughts on the matter to yourself. No sense in filling the air with meaningless words. Marriage is a conversation for another girl. Not you. 
No, you do your best to take it for what it is, although you’re slipping. 
It’s a fling, albeit long-term. You have incompatible schedules, never mind the way you bend your time to the breaking point just to see him for ten minutes. You have a career, bills to pay, people to fix; he has football, a team, and history to make. 
It’s a whirlwind of parties, matches, flights to Dubai, photographers, dresses, jewels. You know it’s a dream. You do. 
Still, it’s hard to think of it as such when he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and tells you, “My mum really liked meeting you the other day.”
It doesn’t matter how many times he tells you you’re just going out, he’s not your boyfriend (as if you aren’t painfully aware). He’s acting as if it’s more. 
“It doesn’t mean anything,” Julia says when you come home, confused and conflicted. “I don’t fault you for staying, but don’t forget you can leave whenever you’re ready.”
But you’re not ready. 
You’ll bend over backwards, put everything on the shelf if it means loving Jamie for half a minute. He’d never ask, no one ever does, because they always assume they know how you’ll respond. 
But they don’t. 
There’s a horrifying moment when you’re at some posh coffee shop, and you’re standing up to grab extra sweetener from the counter. Jamie grabs your wrist so gently to ask for a cup of water, but all you can see is the sweet expression on his face and an eyelash resting on his cheek. He’s smiling up at you and you brush away the eyelash with your free thumb, palm cupping his face. The air changes for a split second and you know.
You’re not making it out of this unscathed.
One of you will leave. It’s inevitable. It will not be you. 
It’s inevitable. 
So you hold his face for a beat too long before heading inside to compose yourself. You pretend not to notice the family with their cameras out. It’s a common occurrence, as common as footballers being seen with a girl who comes from another life and means nothing in the grand scheme of the Premier League. 
There are so many times you want to scream that there are bigger things than the Premier League. 
“I can fix him,” you tell Julia. “I get it. I understand his whole brain, how it works, what he thinks. I understand all of it. I can fix it.”
Julia sighs. “You’re not his therapist. It’s not your job, love.”
You do what you do best: love. 
It shows itself in the way you smooth out the knots in his forehead, his chest, his back. The way you smile that special, soft, just-for-Jamie smile. The way you listen extra carefully and joke and laugh when things are especially difficult. 
“I won’t change for you,” he says one day, early on, when you explain the panic you feel when he doesn’t speak to you for a week. 
“I’m not asking you to,” you say, voice steady despite the fact that your hands shake so hard you almost drop your tea. “I’m just explaining to you why I’m a bit strange today.”
Except he does change. His words- they don’t match his actions. 
I won’t change for you. 
Except you hear from him every day. 
I won’t change for you.
Except he makes time to see you. 
I won’t change for you. 
Except he’s inviting himself for tea with your family. 
I won’t change for you. 
You never asked him to. 
So why is it your fault?
“You knew I was moving back to Manchester at the end of the season,” he says accusingly, because you did know. You’re not asking him to stay, even now. 
You nod silently, letting as few tears streak down your face as possible. 
“What did you think was going to happen?” he asks. 
Nothing. You didn’t think anything was going to happen. 
You reply, “I didn’t expect anything to happen. I never pressured you. I never- I didn’t ask for any of this. Am I not allowed to be sad?”
There’s no point in telling him you’d move with him if he asked. Seven months together… it’s a long time. But it’s not forever, and it’s not long enough, apparently. 
Julia’s in the flat that night. She always seems to know which nights to be home and not out with her sickeningly perfect boyfriend. 
She doesn’t say anything, just hands you the box of takeout as you whisper, “I’m so tired of begging to be loved.”
It’s a cheap shot, you know that, but still. There’s plenty of love in your life. But the begging…
It’s silent, never leaving your lips. But it’s always screaming inside your head. 
Love me, love me, love me. I am making myself lovable for you. Love me. 
He knows not to text, not to call. You hear he’s in town and are relieved that you don’t hear from him. At least he knows enough to leave you alone. 
You’ll love someone for eternity, until they decide they don’t want it anymore. Once they decide, they’re not allowed back. They can’t come back. It wouldn’t be healthy. 
And fuck if you weren’t going to be healthy. 
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mountymase · 1 year
serendipity - two
all of these daydreams come back to me at night
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pairing: fem!reader x mason mount
summary: you don’t know his name, he doesn’t know yours - along with many other things you don’t know about each other… but every night, you’re both there, meeting in different scenarios in each other’s dreams, hoping that someday your dreams will come true.
author: SURPRISE MF!!!!!!! LOL! this is what happens when I don’t feel pressured: I write. and I write some good stuff! DONT FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK!!!!
warnings: series will contain fluff, angst, language and smut. italic parts are for the dreams!
word count: 2.672k
Moving to London wasn’t the hardest part, but adjusting to a whole new work environment was certainly a difficult task but not because the people there were bad — their dynamic was surely different, but everyone was so friendly that you never missed the Danish office. Not for one moment. So when you received text messages from your former colleagues and they tagged you on their Insta stories, you felt bad for not missing your days there.
Between adapting to your new life, having April and Archie around daily, and finishing decorating your new flat, you hardly had the time to miss anything from your old life.
Except him.
He wasn’t there anymore, in your dreams. Your nights were as dark as ever — it felt like there was a void and they were meaningless. Probably like every night should be, but not since he appeared to turn your sleep into more than getting enough rest for the next day. The consequence of this was you sleeping poorly and feeling tired all the time because he wasn't there to make you feel safe, and your best friend just assumed it was because you missed (your now ex-boyfriend) Henrik.
“I don’t,” you blurted, getting a hand squeeze and a confused frown in return as April placed her cup of coffee down. “I mean, I do. He’s important, but it was not the same.”
“Every relationship has its own rough path, love.”
You shook your head, letting her hand go. “It’s not a rough path when there’s a third person involved.”
April’s jaw dropped as a gasp escaped her lips. “He cheated?” She breathed, taking both hands to her chest, clearly shocked.
“God, no! Henrik would never!”
“You cheated on him?” Her voice reached a note higher than it was appropriate, making a few curious glances make your blood boil under your skin.
“Can you keep your fucking voice down, please?” You clenched your fists, long nails marking the skin of the palm of your hand. “You know better! I’m no cheater!”
“I’m sorry,” she shrugged, giving you an apologetic smile. “Who’s the third person, then?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed in frustration, rubbing your forehead with the tip of your fingers as the frown was back on April’s face.
“Are you high?”
“No, but you’ll probably ask that again once I tell you what’s been happening.”
For the next hour, sitting in a corner in that little café, between chocolate muffins and more cups of steamy coffee, you told April the whole truth about your dreams. She listened, smiling when you shared how you felt every time he held you in his arms. Not once did you feel like she was judging you, and you felt a bit foolish for not telling her sooner and getting it all out of your chest — she was your best friend and you always shared everything, no matter how pathetic it’d be. Letting it all out made you feel lighter, maybe even a bit less miserable since you stopped dreaming of him even if you felt like half of you was still missing.
Not knowing his name wasn’t a problem for the ever-creative April, who always tried to get something positive out of every situation. With both of you being massive Grey’s Anatomy fans, she decided you’d start calling him McDreamy from now on. It was a bit foolish but seeing how invested she was made your eyes quickly burn with tears you fought hard to stop.
“I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you, Apes,” you reached for her hand again, squeezing it softly.
“Don’t be silly. I’ll always be around, and it’s so wonderful seeing how in love you are…”
As hard as it was to admit, you did love him. A stranger, a man you had no idea who it was or if he was real — but that pair of brown eyes and the way the corners of his eyes wrinkled when he smiled, and that constellation of freckles sprinkled across his face… made you flutter.
“Funny you mention his brown eyes,” April said, making you frown this time but you remained in silence, waiting for her to continue. “You always dated men with blue or green eyes, but remember when we were fourteen and you convinced me to draw the man you’d like to marry someday?”
That was the moment you felt the whole place move too fast and everyone around you too slowly. Your hands and the back of your neck tingled, a knot formed on your throat and stomach and you felt the urge to vomit. Memories of a twelve-year-old you were all over your mind, so vivid that if you stretched your arms just a bit you’d be able to touch them and feel them. McDreamy wasn’t so unfamiliar to you, his face was familiar for a reason and the possibility of him being a fantasy made you panic.
If it wasn’t for a pair of strong arms holding you, your body would hit the floor so fast you’d end up hurt once your vision blurred and it all went black.
That name was all Mason could think of for the past two months, besides all the frustrating situations he found himself in. Missing the woman of his dreams, Chelsea having a bad season and his contract negotiations going nowhere he wanted, Mason hoped he could just run away and start fresh. He made an effort to be rational, think of something that’d explain why you weren’t there anymore to bring the only comfort he had in the middle of his chaotic life. But nothing involving you could come with the word “rational”.
He missed you, deeply.
He missed the warmth of your skin and how soft it felt under his touch. Mason missed your smell, he missed your hair between his fingers and mostly, he missed how natural and loving you had been. How he never felt like this for anyone else in his life, and how he found it when he least expected it.
Loving you gave him purpose.
And now you were gone, vanished.
“Mase? Are you listening?” Carlotta, his stylist, waved one hand in the air and snapped her fingers, trying to get his attention as she drank down her latte.
“Yeah yeah, sorry… the Dior collab?” Mason sighed, pouring sparkling water into his almost empty glass.
“I’m supposed to go to their office on Thursday to pick some outfits for you. Would you like to come?”
The Nike + Dior collab was something major, and being invited to be part of it with a few other well-known and influential names got Mason pumped up at first, but it all disappeared once you faded from his life too. You never shared information that was too personal, scared of waking up for sharing more than you should and ending the little time you spent together, but Mason always silently shared his happiness with you whenever something good happened — he shared sadness and frustration too, and without asking anything, you’d soothe him either with your nails softly scratching his skin, making him both relax and get the most delicious chills running down his body, or with your smile. The sweetest smile he’s ever seen.
Mason chewed the inside of his cheeks, not wanting to disappoint Carlotta, but also not knowing how to say no. “Training on Thursdays is usually tough, maybe we could FaceTime?”
“Mase,” he didn’t move his eyes from his glass to look at his friend when she called him; Mason just let out a long, exhausted sigh, when Carlotta reached for his forearm and tried to comfort him with a soft squeeze. “I’m here whenever you feel like sharing what’s been happening.”
Mason nodded, offering her a side smile in return. “I know,” he muttered. “It’s good knowing I’m surrounded by people who care, I know I’ll figure things out soon.”
“That’s the spirit!” Carlotta waved her imaginary pompoms in the air, sharing a giggle with Mason. “FaceTime, then?”
“Sounds good. What kind of theme will this shoot have?”
Carlotta was ready to answer him when, a few tables away from them, a small group of people tried to help a woman. She groaned, trying to get a glimpse of what exactly was going on, but without any success. Mason leaned to his left, stretching his neck hoping he’d see something but there were so many people around the woman that all his eyes caught was an arm hanging in the air as a man walked her out of the café.
He spent another hour or so talking to Carlotta, mostly about this Nike + Dior campaign and the lavish party both brands would throw once all the photoshoots were wrapped, with his own being the last one of a series that were taken with other athletes.
A golden bracelet glistening on the floor when he was about to walk out of the café caught his attention, and it was like his soul left his body. Like there was no blood rushing through his veins, but at the same time he could feel it burning under his skin as his heart pounded against his chest — so hard it hurt, that Mason could swear he’d vomit it.
He’d seen it before. The golden vintage bracelet, with a poppy pendant that his fingers played with so many times before.
In his dreams.
The familiar scent of orange blossom somewhat comforted you because it meant you were home, the dim sunset light forcing its way between the half-closed curtains brought some cosiness to your new and recently fully decorated bedroom. But it didn’t take long for anxiety to creep in again, forcing you to shut your eyes and do your best to focus on your breathing as you repeated the sequence that usually soothed your nerves.
Flashes of what happened before you blacked out filled your mind again, along with memories of a distant past when you were a 14-year-old and spent your afternoons at your best friend’s house, making plans for the future and daydreaming about your potential husbands – although you always made clear you’d marry last because your career would always be the main priority. April was the hopeless romantic in this duo, and not so surprisingly, she’d become a mum just five years later.
Three knocks on the door followed by the most adorable and fuzzy ginger hair showing up behind the door brought a side smile to your lips. Archie was the perfect combination of the sweetest, shy, and sassy child you’ve ever seen; the most precious gift April could’ve ever given to you when she asked you to be his godmother and you proudly accepted.
“You can come in,” you cooed, finally seeing his face. Green eyes sparkled with curiosity and worry, he carefully held a Spider-Man mug in both hands and took short steps toward the bed. “What do you have in there, munchkin?”
“It’s hot coco, mummy made it for you,” the six-year-old said, slowly stretching his arms to you. “I told her you’d feel better if it was in my Spider-Man mug.”
A loving smile spread across your lips, the sorrow in your heart being quickly replaced by the joy that Archis always brought into your life.
“You were right,” you said, carefully sipping the hot liquid. “But do you know what would make me feel even better?”
His eyes widened a bit when you leaned forward as you were about to share a secret. “Huh?”
“Cuddles with my favourite person in the world,” you patted the empty side of the bed, making Archie throw his head back and a cheerful laugh fill the bedroom. He jumped on the bed right after you placed his mug on your bedside table and quickly wrapped his arms around your body.
“Are you going to die?” Archie mumbled, hiding his face in your shirt. You frowned and, before you could say something, he continued: “I was at the Zoo with daddy and I overheard him on the phone with mummy, she said you fainted.”
“Archie, love…” You cupped his face with both hands, making your godson look at you – his teary green eyes blinked repeatedly, trying to push the tears away, as he sniffed. It was painfully adorable. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’ve been very tired lately, just working a lot and finishing decorating the apartment. And I’m feeling much better now that you’re here.”
“Do you promise, momster?” You giggled at the nickname he came up to you: a combination of mum and monster, something you called him quite often. According to Archie, you were too important to be called auntie, and godmother was too long.
“I promise, my little monster.”
It wasn’t long until April decided to check on you – she found a half-asleep Archie in your arms, mumbling how he couldn’t wait to take you to watch him play football so he could score a goal for you until he finally crashed and low snores fell from his parted lips. The constellation of freckles spread across his face was utterly adorable.
“So…” April started, sitting on your bed. “What the hell happened?”
“I had a flashback to our teen years after you mentioned the drawing.”
“But why?” She frowned.
“Because it’s him, Apes. The man I described to you when we were fourteen is the man I’ve been dreaming of, which makes me believe he’s just… someone I imagined.”
“He can’t be.”
“Apes, I know you’re a hopeless romantic but please,” an exhausted sigh parted your lips. “Be fucking reasonable.”
“I refuse myself, Y/n.” April shook her head, repeatedly, not wanting to believe it’s all been your subconscious trying to fill something, you just didn’t know what, because when he showed up for the first time you were in a happy relationship.
“You’re seriously not helping.”
“Would you describe him again? So I can draw him.”
A knot formed in your throat and it was a hard one to swallow. “I love you for doing this for me, but I won’t. I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me, and end of discussion.”
April pouted, and though you were deadly serious about not talking about it anymore, you knew her all too well. She wouldn’t let go, but she’d remain quiet for a while — you hoped to find something else for her to be distracted because it meant she’d focus on it and finally leave you alone.
You talked for a little while, mostly about Archie and how well he was doing at Chelsea FCAcademy. April had sent videos of him multiple times, but you’ve never attended an open training nor a game in person, it’s always been on FaceTime when you were free from work.
Not far from your new apartment, Mason found himself alone at home — tucked under a heavy blanket and a grey hoodie, body was lazily thrown on the dark L-shaped sofa with only the TV lighting up a living room that was too large for just one person. When he bought the house, Mason thought how incredible it’d be to have his family there as many times as he could and that someday he’d have his own family to fill the space. He hoped his own family would get so big he’d have to buy a new, larger house.
With the golden bracelet between his fingers, poppy pendant shining, Mason’s thoughts were everywhere. He remembered, clear as daylight, when you mentioned in one of the dreams that the bracelet belonged to your grandmother and that the pendant was a gift from your dad before he left and it was your favourite flower. It couldn’t be just a coincidence, especially because it was exactly the same bracelet, so he allowed himself to feel all the joy rushing through his veins, warming his heart, body, and soul.
You were real.
“I promise I’ll find you Y/n, whatever it takes.”
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iheartjameshetfield · 8 months
Okay okay I know I would kill for James and the urge to be his girlfriend is killing me but imagine being his girl bsf.
Like from kindergarten you and him where friends and now you two are inseparable. Just for him to be so comfortable around you makes me feel a type of wayyy. And you two tell each other like EVERYTHING.
Because your parents are always out of town, James would always come around to your house and stay for days on days.
(Like when you two are like 15 or something) You somehow manage to get alcohol and cigarettes. So you two would just get drunk to a degree and mess around in your back yard.
Like having that kinda friendship with James to the point where you are like brother and sister is so fucking cute like OH MH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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Someone send help this boy is too cute
like as much as i literally wanna marry this beautiful specimen of a man, just imagine being his best friend in the whole world.
you would’ve been there for all his shit and he would be there for all of yours. i feel like james use to be the type of person who didn’t know how to comfort someone that much, like he’d be more awkward ‘how do i stop her from being sad’ he would mean well but he just wouldn’t know what to do
but with you? god you’ve been friends for lord knows how long, he knows that he doesn’t even have to say anything. he knows that you just being in his embrace, hugging you for as long as you need it and him murmuring sweet words to you is enough. he knows that you’ll be ready to talk about it on your own pace. he knows not to try and give you advice. he understands that you just need someone to understand and hear you
during classes, you two wouldn’t even focus. you would just keep talking and talking, shit talking everyone you can, drawing the weirdest shit you can think of in each other’s notebooks or playing games like tic tac toe.
most of the time, one of you, if not the both of you, were asleep. you grab his wrist slowly to be sure not to wake him up and draw on his hand or write meaningless notes or insults on him. or when you’re the one who is asleep, he’d mindlessly play with the ends of your hair. i feel like he would also take notes for you if you fell asleep during smth important. you couldn’t even count the amount of times you both were late to class because both slept throughout the session, james’ back slouched against his chair while you rest your head on his arm.
he would alwayssss make sure to walk you to your class first, not caring how late he would be to his own.
sometimes, when you both were sooo done with school, you’d ditch. you would leave early and go back to your house. you would eat whatever snack you found while he shows you something new he learned on the guitar, or you’d both be in the back yard, listening to whatever was on the radio while you pass a joint back and forth, talking about whatever came to mind since there were no secrets between the two of you
james would teach you how to drive since your parents didn’t have the time. he’d make silly remarks, pretending to clutch onto the seatbelt harder than necessary as he prays to god to forgive him for everything he’s done while you tell him to shut up and not be overdramatic.
during prom, you were sort of down that no one had asked you, although you weren’t surprised since you didn’t really interact with anyone from your grade other than james.
to make you feel better, he would buy you flowers and ask you instead. he’d do the whole matching his tie with your dress and even pick you up from the front door like a gentlemen.
when you guys were in middle school, you started using this camera that you found somewhere in your house. you would take pictures of the weirdest things or take pictures of james during the most unusual timings. he could be opening a can of beer, or picking out a record, or even tuning his guitar and every three seconds, he’d feel you take a picture of him.
it annoyed him a lot at first, which only made you take more pictures of him, but after a while he got used to it. in fact, he enjoyed it and would sometimes use the camera to take pictures of you or the both of you together.
james sees you as his little sister, so he hates it whenever you’d wear something a little showy. whenever you’d go to a gig with him or a club or just anywhere, he always makes sure to stay close to you, chasing off any guy that even thinks about making a move on you. you get annoyed at him most of the time but other times, you were thankful. although you did find it irritating whenever he’d pull your shirt up or your skirt down or even giving you his jacket, telling you to cover up.
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this picture of james is so childhood-best-friend trope i cant explain it, but he would totally smile this way with you only or when you tell him to smile big for the camera, he’d give you this goofy grin 😭😭
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coffee-master · 4 months
ANGST ! Angst ! ANGST ! ☺️
But it's still not the time for seabound angst in Siblings elemental change AU!
But you want angst from me? Sure!
Read this one-shot with another AU of season 11 in ninjago "Story about a fire warior and ever-crying sea"
Short and silly but I hope it's worth it.
"Story about a Fire warior and Ever-crying sea"
It was a peacefull day in the Neverland. The whole earth began to turn green and everything gradually came to life, indicating spring.
Sorla watched with a gentle smile as people began to organize things to create a Madder, for today's spring welcomming. Everything seemed acured to the plan, apart from one small detail, which were children who did not take this holiday seriously.
The woman couldn't just watch the whole thing and invited all the children from the village to her hut. 
It was time for the story, she decided.
As every child sat finally down, some excited, some annoyed, the leader finally decided to speak.
"Children, do we know, what day is it today?" The eldery woman asked and all of the children at once answered correctly. "Good." Sorla nooded with a smile on her face. "But do we know why we celebrate this day?"
"Because that's the time when the evil Ice Emperor was defeated by the strong wariors!" One of the chid suddenly shouted.
"It means the start of spring!" The younger kid said.
"We all know the story granny!" The other child shouted, tired. "You don't need to tell us!"
Surely all of the children knew that story. Everyone in their village knew that. Maybe for the future generation it was meaningless, since this is what they are told over and over again.
"Yeah, we don't need to hear the story about the Ice Emperor again." The little girl said, clearly tired of hearing it each year.
"We know it well!" Other boy shouted.
Bit it wasn't child's fault for lack of interested. They neither experience that tragedy nor knew the full story.
Maybe it was time.
"Maybe you're right." Sorla agreeded with them with a smile. "Then let me tell you a story about The Fire Warior and Ever-crying Sea."
As the leader uttered the sentence and the entire crowd of kids became silent, since they had never heard of such story.
She finnally got their attention.
"One upon a time...
Our beautifull world was under control of the Ice Emperor for centuries, until brave elemental warriors appeared.
Earth, Lightning, Water, Fire and Green.. But that's the part that you know well. What you didn't know is how they defeated our enemy and how much did it cost them.
During they journey they came to our world looking for their friend. That was their mission, but after seeing the situation in our world, they decided to help us.
Among them there was one warrior who lost his power. It was the master of fire.
He was a brave and strong warrior whose heart burned with determination and pure fire. Even after loosing his gift, he didn't give up.
Firstly the man thought it was forever gone, but the power was part of him, so it couldn't be gone.
After repeated attempts, he finally managed to regain his power once again.
In that time the leader of the group, the green warior, whose power was even unknow to himself, set out to search for his friend.
He decided that waiting wasn't good and he'd go alone to the ice emperor. During his journey he met a wolf, who was sneeking revenge for her brother.
As the two continued their journey, our village was attacked and the inhabitants were completely frozen.
The fire warior wasn't able to protect our people, back then.
His fire was weak. It was too much for him in such short time.
The other elemental warriors tried to help him, but for the fire maker it wasn't enough.
During their adventures, they've learned that every each elemental master can become one with their element.
The fire warior decided that he didn't want to be weak again. He decided that he didn't want to loose anyone dear to him.
He knew that the fight with the Ice Emperor will require all the fire he has to offer.
So the warrior decided to become one with the fire.
Using all his strength and focus, the boy broke through all his barriers and became one with the fire.
There was no body.. Just fire.
Poor man didn't know what effect it'd have on him. When you once become one with your element, you also will gradually lose your humanity..
Your memories, your priorities, your mind..
The warriors rushed towars the Emperor's castle. The leader and wolf were first to apear and after them the rest of the warriors came.
Everyone was ready to attack, until the element warrios noticed that the Ice Emperor was actually their friend.
The ice warrio was lost and cursed by the staff, that he wielded. It took control over his mind and heart.
And before the green warrior was able to warn his companion, the wolf full or rage and revenge jumped at the emperor killing him.
The warriors were devastated.
The friend, they were looking for so long, lost his life in front of their eyes, but that was only the begining of the tragedy.
As it is known fire is very dangerous and unpredictable in nature.
It spreads in the blink of an eye and there is no control over it. It goes it's own way and emotions have big influence on it.
So as the master of fire once united with his element saw his friend's death, he exploded.
The rage consumed him entirely and the fire started spearing around, melting the whole castle and mountain.
Anger took the warrior completely forgetting who he was. The man began to be driven by emotions, and no one could reach him.
He was fire.. The fire which kills.
The fire who killed the wolf warrior.
Everything was melting and there was so much water.. So much that the rest of the warriors realised that it'd drown our village..
All the people were in danger and and the water warrior realised there was only one way of saving us.. And it was the way her brother went.
So as the fire master, the master of water, because one with her element.
As the water was melting increadibly fast, the warrior brought water to the right place. The Master of the Earth built a dam made of boulders, which still stands here.
All of that water is there.
But even her best efforts, she couldn't fix all of that until the Fire Master would control himself.
The water warrior decided then to reduce your brother's flame, by comming to him.
The pure rage was in the fire's eyes.. And the Master of Water decided to calm him down, by hugging him.
As she did it, it hurt them both, but the fire warrior didn't move away, he even hugged her back.
The fire was comming back to it's norm and everything seemed, as it should be.
But as we known water and fire cannot mix together..
The fire was becomming smaller and smaller so fast.. The Master of Water noticed that when it was too late.
The fire was so small, until there was nothing left.
The warrior was a pure, so when it went out, he died.
Once the water warrior realised, she killed her own brother, she started crying uncontrollably.
The water became uneasy and the waves were deadly. The sea started crying and all the water went to the sea with her too.
And so, of the six warriors, only three remained.
Master of Lightning, Master of Earth and Master of Green.
All of them devastated, since they came for a friend and lost more..
The Master of Lightning set out in search of the sea, looking for his beloved, who became one with the sea.
The Master of Earth decided to take and hide the cursed artifact that turned his friend into a tyrant deep down in the mountains.
The Master of Green lost his hope, but set out on a journey to help those in need. To fix what was left.
And since that day noone saw the warrios, while the sea cries to this day.
Even if it doesn't remmeber why, it's sad.. especially when the day of her brother's death comes coler.
Which is today."
The woman closed her eyes for a moment, giving a moment of silence.
Then she looked once again at the children, who couldn't say a word.
"Do you know now, why this day is so important for us?" The eldery woman asked, but the children remained quiet.
She knew that the true wouldn't be easy for them. Every spring year was a day of happiness and carefree.
But now it'll look for them diffrent.
"Each year, we build a Madder, which commemorates the master of fire. We set it on fire and drown it in water, do you know why?"
Once again there was silence. The children were still in too much shock to respond in any way.
"It not only symbolizes saying goodbye to winter. This shows death, but also a new beginning." Sorla explained. "Maybe it was end for the warriors, but for as it was a new start for us and every year we show them respect for their sacrifice."
She saw the sadness in their eyes. They tired to understand, but that story was just sad for some of them. For the older kids it could be meaningless or just simple words.
But they needed to behave, after what ninjas did for them..
"And each spring means new life.. they lifes were not wasted, so please, be respectfull this day, especially since the water warior is especially sensitive in this."
The woman said calmly.
"Now go." She said and the kids immediately rushed towards the exit.
This year had to be perfect, just like always..
The End
I hope you enjoyed with something small! Have a nice day!
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player1064 · 3 months
“It’s still just as hard to return to his own bed afterwards as it had been four years ago” has RUINED me.. pls expand on them getting together omgggg
(in reference to my drabble from the other day)
me writing parts of the wife-Gary saga where they're in a committed relationship: fun. silly. these two idiots are so insufferable and drive everyone crazy w how in love they are.
me writing parts of the wife-Gary saga BEFORE they're in a committed relationship: they are so fucking tragic. and the REASON they are so fucking tragic is bc they are stupid. and repressed. and don't know how to have normal human conversations with each other.
 June, 2016.
“God, Carragher, ‘re you stalkin’ me? How is it that you’re always here after the shit games?”
“Calm down, lad, it’s only happened twice and I know you’ve had a lot more shit games than that. ‘Sides, ‘salmost like talkin’ about football is my job.”
“They should fuckin’ fire you, then,” Gary mutters.
Jamie raises a hand to his chest with an over-dramatic gasp. “But then we’d both be out a job. Think of the children, Gaz, how’re we gonna provide for them?”
Gary chuckles, but it comes out weak and bitter, shooting down any hopes Jamie has of lightening the mood.
He looks bad, is the thing. He looks really, really bad. Each month of the last six seems to have aged him an extra year, he’s pale and unkempt and he’s gained weight since Jamie had last seen him. And he’s looking at Jamie like – like he’d rather be looking at anyone else. Like he doesn’t trust him.
“That was cruel, Jamie, what you wrote,” he says flatly.
It’s my job, Jamie could argue, the articles get more clicks if I’m mean.
Instead, he looks Gary in the eye and says “I know. But someone had to say it.”
Gary rubs a hand over his jaw, huffs a sigh. “D’you not remember what it was like?” he asks, squinting at Jamie. “To wear the badge. I mean, I know it weren’t the same as Liverpool, for you. Weren’t the same as United for me, to be fair. But you must remember. End of the day, they’re just boys. We were too, all them years ago.”
“Gary, they played like shit,” Jamie says, gentle as he can. It doesn’t even occur to him to lie, to tell some meaningless platitude about how they tried their best. It was fucking Iceland.
“Yeah,” Gary says. “Yeah, I know.”
All Jamie wants is to say something mean, to tease Gary and make him laugh and for everything to just go back to fucking normal, for him to have seen Gary more than twice in the last six months. For those two meetings to have been after some fucking wins, instead of –
They sit side by side in the hotel bar, drinking in silence and staring blankly ahead.
Feels a lot like Barcelona.
“Ha,” Gary replies when he tells him this. “Fucking Spain.”
Jamie, who has never known Spain to do anything but take, raises his glass to that. “Fuckin’ Spain.”
Gary turns his head to look at him, makes a little high-pitched humming noise before shaking his head and staring down at the counter top instead.
“Nothin’,” he says quickly. “’s stupid.”
Not like Jamie’s got anything better to do than sit and wait for Gary to get over himself, so that’s exactly what he does.
Eventually, Gary starts up again, voice unsteady. “I always wondered, um. If Spain was as shit for you as it was for me.”
“Well I never lost 7-0, lad, so I’m gonna go with no,” Jamie jokes, even though he knows that’s not what Gary means.
Because what he knows Gary means is –
“I mean Madrid, James. I guess – I’ve been thinkin’ a lot, obviously, about Spain. And how before all this –” he waves a hand vaguely in the air. “—before all this, Spain was just – it was only ever Madrid, tha’s all it meant to me. And I always wondered, ever since – d’you remember 2004? I always remember gettin’ to training camp, that year, an’ I saw you ‘n him, and I thought, I mean – I wondered, if maybe it was the same. For you, as it was for me. I remember thinkin’ that.”
2004 was… What springs to mind, when Jamie thinks of 2004, when he thinks of Gary Neville in 2004, is how much he fucking hated him. He remembers watching him at England camps, watching him with Beckham and wondering how the fuck they were able to carry on like nothing had changed, when it was taking all of Jamie’s energy to be civil to his oldest friend.
“I think…” he says carefully, ever so slightly terrified that he’s read this all wrong. “I think it was, yeah. I think it was the same.”
Gary breathes a sigh of relief.
He looks back at Jamie, unblinking, and asks quietly “what about Valencia?”
“What about it?”
“Was’at the same, for you. As Madrid. ‘Cause it felt – not the same, I s’pose, but – similar. Similar enough. For me.”
Jamie takes him in, the dark circles under his eyes, the hunched shoulders. The way he’s nervously biting his lip. Jamie takes it all in, and he thinks fucking Spain, and he thinks fucking Iceland.
“What’re you asking me, Gary?”
“Come up to my room with me?”
“Jamie,” Gary says breathlessly, eyes wide, as Jamie grinds their hips together like they’re a pair of fucking teenagers, “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.”
“Christ, Gary,” Jamie huffs. Except it comes out softer than he’d meant it to. Christ, Gary. He splays one hand over Gary’s bare chest, scraping his fingernails over the pale skin. “You really don’t ever shut up, do ya?”
Gary flushes, brings a hand up to cover his mouth. Jamie grabs hold of his wrist and tugs it away.
“No, I didn’t mean –” he starts, painfully aware of what a fucking fool he’s about to make of himself. “I didn’t mean stop. ‘s nice. ‘s always nice, t’hear you dronin’ on.”
“Oh fuck you, Carra,” Gary says, but there’s a new twinkle in his eye. His blush has toned down to a delicious shade of pink, which makes Jamie want to do stupid things, like lean down and kiss him on the cheek, or say to him –
No. That can’t be what this is.
He smirks instead, says “think I’d rather fuck you,” delights in the way Gary’s grip on his arse tightens.
“Maybe next time, James, go easy on an old man.”
“Bit full of ourselves, are we? Thinkin’ I’ll be wantin’ a repeat performance?”
“More thinkin’ you’ll be wantin’ a rematch, ‘cause so far you’re a shit fuckin’ lay.”
“Am I fuck.”
The problem, when you really think about it, isn’t Jamie at all. He’s lying on his side, propped up with his elbow, and he’s watching Gary smile dozily at him.
The problem isn’t Gary, either. Or maybe it is, maybe the fact that he’s not the problem is causing a whole new set of problems, but Jamie can’t slow down his racing mind enough to deal with that right now.
No, the problem is fucking Spain, it's Valencia, it's Madrid, it’s David Beckham and it’s Michael Owen. The problem is this hotel in France, and it’s Iceland, and it’s Roy Hodgson, and it’s fifty years of hurt. The problem is about an hour’s drive down the M62, the problem is lying across from him, fingers lightly tracing the scars on his stomach, and the problem is saying “think I could love you, y’know,” as easily as you might say ‘it’s going to rain today’, or ‘Manchester United will never win the league again’.
And the problem, the real problem, is that Jamie can’t say it back. The problem is he’s never been able to say it, not to anyone.
So fine, maybe Jamie’s the problem.
He leans forward and brushes his lips against Gary’s, feels his pleased little hum, feels him try pull Jamie closer.
Jamie pulls away, slips out of the bed. He keeps his back to Gary when he says “I’ll see you at work when new season starts, then, yeah?”
“Oh,” he hears Gary say, voice small. “Oh, right. Yeah, I’ll – yeah.”
Jamie pulls his clothes back on and walks out the door. He’s got a flight to catch soon, anyways.
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trillscienceofficer · 9 months
(I know you didn't sign on to become the 'Kai Winn discourse blog', so I hope you don't mind me jumping into this discussion) but something I find odd is when people say the reason they *hate* Winn is that they know people like her IRL, but Dukat is just a sci-fi fascist, so they don't relate him to real life at all. Kai Winn is reduced to stereotypes yet Dukat is put on this opposite pedestal of 'he's so evil that no one in real life is like that, therefore I can ironically enjoy him because it's so far removed from reality' and I just don't get it. It's a perspective that feels so far removed from (at least from my) reality. Like sorry, but there's *plenty* of people in real life like Dukat. (I mean, I think setting up some sort of dichotomy between the characters is inherently reductive, but people treat them so differently it's hard not to see misogyny as a huge factor here. It's just so bizarre to see constantly.)
yeah, I've said in one post I've made about Dukat that even in my experience he's just a very common type of guy? I come from Italy and let me tell you... petty, slimy tyrants like Dukat are just dime a dozen in the so-called 'patria'. I think it's silly to pretend that Dukat is far removed from reality, and it goes against what DS9 was trying to say imho. Dukat isn't a 'special Cardassian', he's just a guy who isn't afraid to step on anyone's neck if it'll allow him to stay afloat. And also isn't afraid to rape Bajoran women as soon as he can get away with it.
Which brings me to my next point, about the general questions on 'why is Winn so vilified in comparison to Dukat'. There's a really interesting discussion in the replies of my previous post, and I recommend reading it but in short I think this attitude towards Winn starts already in the show. DS9 went out of its way to humiliate Winn in specifically gendered ways; by having Dukat rape her (a guy who is a serial rapist of Bajoran women specifically), by having her die painfully after having everything stripped away from her, and her death is ultimately meaningless unless you frame it as her 'just punishment'. Dukat in comparison gets to have an 'epic fight' against the show's protagonist (even if I think that storyline is so fucking stupid, it's still an epic fight.)
And so I think people are primed to feel like propping up Dukat and wanting to humiliate Winn further, by directly comparing her to him as being so much more deserving of punishment, it's just no big deal because it already happened in the show after all. But by doing so they're making it so much worse. Folks, that is a genuinely disturbing part of the show, it's never been good, Winn was mishandled so badly by the final episodes of DS9. There's something very sinister in insisting to not recognize that and wanting to hand even more punishment on Winn. Ask yourselves: why? Why do you feel like your violent fantasies are justified on her? Didn't DS9 already do enough to her?
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
what kind of names do you think Mantis would give to her new abilisk friends? though at the end of Vol. 3 she collectively calls them her "babies" as they evacuated the Arête and i think that's already heckin' adorable
i've been thinking about this since you sent it. i would love to know what you think, actually. i love mantis but i don't know enough of her canonical background to say anything with confidently, and i honestly cannot decide. so here are a number of things i considered:
i thought about tiny mantis, with baby fat still in her cheeks and eyes even wider than they are now, her antennae always glowing. she tells peter that ego swept her away from her home planet after she was left orphaned in her larval state - but a god like ego can't be bothered with raising a child. i thought maybe, after she'd help him fall asleep, baby mantis would sit and swing her legs, and dream herself up some imaginary friends. you've probably never seen a more sad or lonely thing than tiny mantis, wandering the lush and vibrant terrain of ego the living planet: bickering with the ghosts of her dreamed-up family, playing some self-taught variation on tag or hide-and-seek by herself.
i thought maybe she named her adopted abilisks after them.
and then i thought that - ego is not exactly a reliably storyteller. perhaps he told a young mantis the story of his charitable adoption of her so many times that she believed it - and since she was so young, she'd have no reason to question it. but maybe she was not simply orphaned. maybe he orphaned her the same way he orphaned pete, destroying a family who loved her so much, who had such hopes for her. maybe she had two older siblings who couldn't wait till she was big enough to play with, and they made up all her days and nights and joys and fights. they probably had nicknames. maybe the younger one was still enough of a baby to mispronounce everything, and mantis held onto that memory: the slightly tilted and childish pronunciations, wobbling with affection. maybe her conscious mind can't recall them, but when she reaches out to her abilisks, she finds those innocent, almost-meaningless names rising up in her lungs like flowers. she doesn't know why - she just knows they're there, right on the edge of her antennae.
then i thought maybe mantis would name them the most mundane names possible. very "human" or terran-esque: gladys and john, maybe. maybe she thinks they are very cool names. or she knows exactly what she's doing and thinks it's hilarious.
or - and here's the one i think i like best -
maybe she doesn't know what she's named them.
mantis is not a telepath, but she is an empath. at the end of vol3, she speaks to her babies with a little purring chirrup. she probably doesn't know what it means - not really - but she knows the associations. she knows the vibes.
the sense of come with me˚ ༘ ೀ⋆.˚
the sense of of go with me wherever i go༘*.゚ and of ༘ ⋆。˚i will go wherever you go, too
did that little trill mean come along⋆.˚જ⁀➴ or did it mean * ੈ♡‧₊˚we are companions or did it mean ⋆-ˋˏlet's depart into the silvered sky together✩₊˖°˖⁺‧
mantis doesn't know, but she knows it feels like all of those things.
do the abilisks have names for themselves? maybe. maybe not. mantis will probably never really know. but she probably asks them, because that's who mantis is. i like to think she takes all the little chirps and purrs and clicks and rumbles that feel best to them, and that's what she uses to call and speak to them. words that mean something like ༘⋆✦⋆ ˚。home and love♡✧˚ ༘ and embrace✲゚。⋆ and my child, my darling, my little one.ೃ࿔*:・₊⊹
you might think, how silly, that mantis has inadvertantly named the slightly smaller one something like ✧˚ ༘⋆。Sweetie-Pie♡˚ in their language, and the even bigger one now goes by a series of warbles and churrs that are close to ༘⋆-ˋˏAdorable Baby. after all, they're four times her height and like a hundred times her body mass mass and they vomit interdimensional glitter and rainbow confetti whenever they get anxious, like very large and very nervous cats. but even if mantis knew what she was calling them, she wouldn't stop. and they wouldn't want her to.
all three of them, together, know that she would cuddle them up and tuck them into her heart, and keep them safe no matter what.
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aurumbelis · 2 years
Silly Little Question.
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader.
Warning: reader is bold bold, nudity, showering together, sexual tension through the roof, caressing each other in a sexual and non-sexual way at the same time??? (It is a thing, read about it), implied female reader, also a lot of water went down the drain, so water bill is as high as the tension lmao.
Word count: 1.7k
A/n: yes, this came to me whilst entering my own shower. And a part 2 is coming, no worries.
The six of us were staying at Steve’s house, just to stay together in case that anything happened to the kids, even though we were six scared teenagers we still needed to protect them against the inevitable evil forces that were haunting Hawkins.
From the first day, Steve developed this protective habit of checking every room every hour, just to see that everything was all right.
At the hour that he decided to do it again, I was about to shower, so the open door revealed me, only in my underwear.
-Didn’t picture you as a colorful underwear person, Y/n. – he said peeking through the half-open door, and not even an ounce of apology in his eyes for opening the door in such a bad moment.
-Didn’t picture you as the perverted type either, Steve.
His eyes kept roaming my body up and down, a half smirk on his face, and he just motioned himself back as to leave me alone.
-Steve. – I said, not really thinking much about what I was about to ask him.
But then as he turned back and looked at me with those smiling eyes, I regretted my thoughts immediately.
-No, nothing, it was not important.
-Are you sure? -his tone was definitely suggestive, but it was always like that with us, back and forth meaningless flirting just to light up our moods whenever we were around each other.
- Yes. – I don’t think I sounded too convincing to him as he kept on looking at me, sort of inviting me to say whatever I had in mind.
-Do you want to shower with me? -all of my boldness came out in a second, and I was left with none of it as I just started visibly being even more nervous, trying to look elsewhere that was not his surprised eyes.
-What? – it was obvious that he had heard my stupid question, and he was about to retreat and close the bathroom door on me.
-See? It was nothing, just a silly little question. -I said shrugging it off.
- A silly little question to which I say yes.
He was serious about this, he really was, and now the surprised one was me.
-Only if you want to, because I do. If you’re comfortable with it, so am I.
-I mean, yes, I asked so I must have a reason apparently.
He quickly took his t-shirt off with no effort, showing his toned torso and he then took his pants off, letting me take him all in.
-Nice? – he asked, curving his brows upwards.
- Shut up. – “Of course, it is nice” that is what I wanted to say, and maybe my ogling eyes paired with my shaky legs were the proof that he needed, to know my genuine answer. - Now we are more or less on the same level, to be levelled I would have to be wearing a pretty bra like you.
I couldn’t help but laugh, I could notice he was trying to make this as comfortable as possible for the both of us. Even if it was something we wanted, it was still awkward, the anticipation of seeing each other naked for the first time, with his blue briefs not leaving much for the imagination.
I turned around to the shower and I took my bra off, that boldness and adrenaline running through my spine again.
-Why didn’t you do that looking at me? Aren’t we gonna see each other whenever we are inside?
-I have my own process, Harrington.
-Fine, fine.
I then took my panties off, leaving me completely naked, and by the sound of it, Steve had taken his briefs off too.
I opened the shower curtain and entered the shower without looking back at him, and once I turned the water on, he entered the not very spacious shower as well.
He looked at me up and down, with incredibly open eyes, blinking slowly as if he could not believe what he was seeing: my naked body in front of him, while the warm water hit my back.
-You are impossibly beautiful. -he said not- hesitantly.
I looked at him now, his beautifully sculpted torso, with his nicely trimmed chest hair, which went down to his happy trail, that eventually led to what I figured it was that gave him his reputation. He was extremely hot, all of him. He bent down and took one of the sponges that was on the floor, putting some gel on it.
-Can I? -he said gesturing to the sponge with his eyes.
I nodded and turned my back to him, so that I wouldn’t be as nervous for when he slid the sponge through the other side of my body.
He came closer to me, placing the sponge softly on the base of my neck, and his free hand on my shoulder, to help steady me.
His movements were light, as if he did not want to scrub to hard and hurt me. He moved to my back, lower back, and I guess he felt the same boldness I did before, and he passed the sponge softly by my ass, whilst he moved his other hand to my waist. I jumped a little at his action, but I relaxed again almost instantly as his touch was so relaxing. He moved back up to my arms, and he took me by my shoulder to turn me back around.
-Should I continue? -he said as he gulped a bit harder than he probably intended to.
I nodded again, in fear that if I tried to actually produce a word, anything else but it would come out.
He continued with his task of lathering soap on my neck, going down to the arms again, I saw his moves were hesitant, as if he did not want to disrespect me, so I took his hand with the sponge in it and I moved it to my chest.
He carefully moved his hand around, taking my waist again with the other one, and putting me closer to him as he applied the soap nicely and evenly, whilst not being able to stop looking at my boobs.
He moved it down to my stomach, around my waist, and down again to where I was starting to feel even warmer than the water. He passed the sponge by my Venus mount, as I put my hands up to his chest and looked at him. His hand went to my thighs, and he lowered down so my legs would be covered in soap too.
He came back up, us being impossibly close, and he gave me the sponge.
-Your turn- he said almost inaudibly.
I took the sponge, and he turned around, letting me take in his gorgeous, muscled back. I did the same as him, staring at the base of his neck, moving down his back, as my free hand also travelled down, caressing is toned body, as he visibly relaxed.
I also went over his ass, a nice one for that matter. The back of his thighs, his calves, going back up, and tapping his arm twice to let him know he had to turn back to me.
Again, I could see him in all of his glory, not that his back was not a perfect sight, but this time my eyes went mole by mole, all over him, carefully taking all of his lines and curves. Going with both my hands to his neck, lathering the soap all over his chest, arms, whilst he looked at me breathing slowly and heavily.
My arms kept on going down, brushing slightly over his Adonis’ belt and down just as he did, not going over the limits. His toned thighs and lowering down without looking up as I would be face to face with what I was purposefully avoiding.
Coming back up I looked at him again, he was watching my eyes tenderly, it was as if he was in a haze, in which only the warmth of the shower and our roaming hands existed.
-Can you wash my hair? – his eyes intensely waited for a response, as if I for some reason, were going to say no.
I simply nodded to him, slightly curving my lips up at his request.
I put some shampoo on my hands while he wet his hair throwing his head back for the water to get his whole head. He then looked back at me, and I really could not believe my eyes as it is completely impossible that this man looked as pretty with his hair wet and with his hair dry and styled.
He turned his back to me, and I put my hands over his hair lightly, slowly starting to massage his head with my fingertips, the lathering motion creating some foam, that I used to cover his whole head, making sure that it was all clean.
When I went back to the back of his ears to continue with a small massage, he let out a long and relieved breath, that made the warm sensation on my lower body increase.
My hands stopped the motions on his head, signaling that he could wash off the shampoo, so he turned to me again, throwing his head back again, closed eyes while his hands worked on rinsing his hair thoroughly, as the water was dripping down on him.
I found myself enjoying the sight of him, has he watched me look at him. I slowly approached him, putting both of my arms around his neck, the warm water flowing down our bodies, his hands grabbing my waist, and respectfully he put me closer to him, his movements careful, as if with what had happened before whilst we were washing each other did not happen.
I put my head to his chest, closing my eyes and just enjoying the silence and the heavily charged with tension air.
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clarabosswald · 7 months
If you really did want to help Palestine, you wouldn't be advocating for Israel.
Its not about the few good people in Israel. It's about the fucking genocide.
okay, it's taken a while but we've finally reached an ask that's not completely deranged. so i'm gonna answer this with good faith.
i'm gonna start with one idea - the separation of the israeli government from the israeli people. did the people of israel choose rightwing governments again and again, that have all led to the occupation and murder or palestinians? yes, because, as per democracy, different parties got enough seats to form those governments. but to claim that all millions of israelis (including israeli-arabs - muslims, christians, druze, beduin) have all, 100%, supported everything those governments ever did, is... a really crass misrepresentation of what democracy is. like, the very very basic and simple concept of democracy. you're ignoring the simple fact that it's never 100% of citizens who vote in every election. you're ignoring the hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers who don't get to vote. and, of course, you're branding all the people who did not vote for those governments as meaningless.
tell me, when bush was the american president, did 100% of all americans want to see afghanistan eradicated? when trump was the american president, did 100% of all americans want to expel all immigrants? when PiS held the majority in poland, did 100% of polish people want poland to become an "lgbt+-free zone"? did 100% of brazilians agree with bolsonaro that the amazon rainforest should be leveled? i could go on.
it's an insane double standard.
so when you say i'm "advocating for israel" you mean i'm advocating for its government, which i'm not. i'm advocating for the people - millions of lives - because i hold this silly idea that human lives are priceless and should always be protected.
it's the same reason why, outside of tumblr (because one internet blog doesn't reflect my whole life), in my own real life, i advocate for palestinian lives.
because you know what israeli nutjobs are saying?
they're saying that the residents of the gaza strip - all 2 million plus of them - are measured by hamas' actions. their government.
does it matter that the last elections were over 15 years ago? does it matter that the overwhelming majority of gaza's current population were too young to vote then/weren't even born back then? does it matter that hamas took the government power by force, and have led an authoritarian regime in the strip ever since? no, to those people, it doesn't matter. to them, all palestinians are hamas.
just like how to you, all israelis are the government.
it is absolutely surreal how much these two extremist groups are mirroring one another - the pro-hamas bunch and the pro-jewish supremacy bunch. using the exact same vocabulary. the exact same justifications. the exact same justification to minimize and trivialize the lives and values of millions of people. "their leaders are like that, so they're all like that, and they all deserve to suffer and die."
so yeah, it is about the """"few"""" good people in israel (sorry the number isn't high enough for you, it's hard gauging exactly how many humans are "enough"). just as it is about the """"few"""" good people in palestine (as i keep saying on israeli platforms to the people who trivialize palestinian lives).
people don't mean nothing. no one will ever convince me of that.
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 8 Part 2:
We start with a flashback to when Kirito and Mononobe first met. Mononobe tells Kirito It's dangerous to be alone in a place like this. Kirito narrates that his first encounter with that old man was the worst. He got tangled up with a nosy teacher somewhere. Kirito tells Mononobe to take his adulthood elsewhere. Further in the flashback, they bump into each other again. Kirito thinks to himself that he just don't want to be in this world. So, he don't care about anything. He wants to do something for himself, that kind of energy. There is nothing. He don't want anyone to understand that, and he don't think anyone will. More flashback, Mononobe bumps into Kirito again. Kirito noticed Mononobe’s shoes is dirty as if he’s been in a basement all this time. Kirito ask him what is he staying here for. Why is he calling him in the first place. Mononobe tells him that if Kirito make that kind of face, as a teacher he can't leave hin alone. Kirito tells him “what do you know just by looking at someone's face? Don't say anything disgusting, old man.” By that time, Kirito had already heard about how the world works. In the midst of that, he also learned what kind of silly and meaningless things they were repeating all the time. Unlike transients, the locals can't even get out of here no matter what they do, even if they die. Even if he took his life, it wouldn't bring any meaning to this world. For those who have been watching this world for a long time, the usual repeating scene that they have seen many times. Even if he commit an "unforgivable sin", he’s just one of many others. There is nothing he can do in this world. There is nothing that only he can do. It was that there was not even a single “reason for me being me” in this world. Further flashback, Kirito tells Mononobe that he doesn’t want to be here and be elsewhere. Mononobe stares at Kirito’s face seriously. Kirito tells him “Don’t be silly. Why are you making a face like you understand? Why do you always care about me? There's no reason why you should care.” Mononobe tells Kirito that's no good, Unless there is a plot that everyone can agree on, no one can "do it". Later Flashback, we see Mononobe outside of the police station. Kirito shows up to tell him that he did everything. He already knows very well how the world works. Yes, in this narrow world, there is nothing he can do on his own. But it can also be said in reverse. There are "crimes that only nobody can do". Originally, he wanted to disappear. But now is the time. if this "perfect crime" goes well, he might be really alone. Mononobe turns out to be really Christine in disguise. She tells Kirito that the Entertainers will create the perfect stage for him.
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We cut to the present to see the True King Solomon standing before MC. He introduce himself to MC. He tells MC he knows everything that his terminal, Kyouma Mononobe, has seen in every loop in the past. He lacks the Mononobe MC knows. Therefore, if he were to be properly described it, he would be "an omniscient being in the past." so far him and MC never exchanged words like this. If you don't have the qualifications to be a player of the game, you won't be able to meet such rare conditions as this time. This is because there is no meaning or motivation for the World Reps to do so. Solomon will answer, as far as his "Omniscience" extends. MC stares at Solomon. Solomon said it's understandable. Solomom has no connection with MC. But Solomon does know the many people (the past loop MCs) who resemble MC. Solomon will answer any question as atonement for the sins committed by Mononobe, the part he cut off. Solomon will reveal the truth behind the original incident. At that time. Kirito appears between Solomon and MC. Kirito tells MC to don’t chase after them. Kirito gtabs Solomon's hand, and falls further to the bottom of the black hole. MC tries to chase after them but the Missing Mobs are blocking the way. Just then a flashing lights appear and the Missings are distracted. It was Amduscias, who is glad he was able to make it in time. Back to Duo, who explains that the Entertainers were trying to recreate the urban legend of Jack the Ripper. The unsolved incident that once happened in Shinjuku. The first person to discover the scene and the prime suspect was Kirito. What was left at the scene was "one arm" of the victim. Later, as a result of forensics, it was speculated that it belonged to MC. However, the important fact is that at the time of the incident, "the victim had not lost an arm." Of course, they don't remember losing it in the past. Then, where did that one arm come from? Yes, if it's not the present, and it's not the past, then there's only one answer. And this time, the performance in Yurakucho happened to imitate it. But the culprit of this incident is It is clear that it is Kirito. It's as if you want to convince the world that the last incident was the same. The Entertainers did a perfect job. If it weren't for the "whistleblower," the case would still be in the fog. The Entertainers lost its management privileges. That's because they used it for something other than the "original purpose". What did they still want to achieve? For whom did the Entertainers do all of this for?
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Back to Amduscias and the others. Amduscias introduces himself. MC says they know from the broadcast they saw. Yuma goes into fanboy mode and tell Amduscias he’s been a fan of his for a long time. Amduscias thanks both MC and Yuma. They turn their gaze towards the Exception in the distance. We can see that Barong is still in there. More Missing mobs show up as the three fight their way through. We cut back to Duo who said, that that Kirito literally played the unidentified, missing "Jack the Ripper". He tried to hide the real culprit behind the fog. And he tried to disappear from this world. as someone once said. "No one is innocent in Tokyo". Solomon's terminal committed a rule violation that should not have been violated in this "game". It was probably a direct interference with the Trophy. We cut to Kirito and Solomon. MC managed to catch up to Kirito. Kirito throws his knives at MC but MC block then with their hollow blade. Kirito tells MC don’t take this from him. Kirito, who had tried so hard not to show any emotion until now, showed this expression for the first time. Even if it is negative, it is filled with a strong absolute value. Kirito yells at MC to don’t take his tile of "I'm nothing" from him. Don't steal the one and only "I am who I am" he has to define himself!! MC vs Kirito. Final battle start!
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After the battle, we get Amduscias narration. He’ll keep on being an idol. Because all of us walk in search of "something that doesn't exist anywhere". If someone somewhere "you" who is watching it. That's right, anyone could have started, but I want to say a special "thank you" to you who watched it. Amduscias uses his sacred artifact. It is a sacred artifact that reflects "fiction". Make something that doesn't exist yet resound to someone who isn't here, shining light. Mononobe from within Solomon talks to Kirito. He tells that’s enough, he can’t bear Kirito to lie for his sake. Kirito tries to deny it, saying it wasn’t for Mononobe. Mononobe thanks Kirito for looking at me. He was able show him something that no one else can see. Kirito breakdown in tears. Solomon was about to tell MC what he (Mononobe) did but a flash of light cut him off.
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marzipanilla · 4 days
Fanfic writer ask game right back at ya ( ` ∇ ´ ), so:
How many wips do you have right now?
What is your least favorite character to write about and why?
Do you have a “guilty pleasure” (trope, character, au etc.) to read or write?
If you could erase any three tropes from existence, what would they be?
1) ahhahahahahhahahah wips, my beloved my beloathed
I have 28 incomplete works posted on AO3, some of them are abandoned, but quite a few are things I do intend to finish/return to. Unposted... I don't have access to everything I have laying around rn bc I am visiting people, but I have about... 24 unposted stories (mostly Invincible fic) and two of the series I have for Invincible have like 6+ stories vaguely hashed out in them each so that's like, another 12 if we're counting that lol
2) hmm. Even characters I dislike I don't necessarily mind writing for bc as long as I feel like I have a basis for how I feel the character operates it isn't difficult to write them per say. I guess this isn't a thing about difficulty though, it's about liking doing it. I guess this comes to, characters I don't know I hate writing about. If I feel like I am unfamiliar with them it becomes a struggle and it makes me hate my writing. I have a Power Rangers things on AO3 that I did for someone and I am 100% unfamiliar with the material and writing it was such a garbage experience (not bc of the person just for me) so. Characters I don't know. Hate it.
3) idk I try to take guilt out of the equation lol I guess whump? Just like, really dragging characters across the emotional and physical coals. A bit of a bleed over into the hurt/comfort genre I guess, I do like the exploration of healing, not as a return to normal, but as discovering how things have changed as a result of experiences? Love it. I guess a more silly answer is crossover AUs. Just going through an actor/author's past works and finding a way to mash them all together. I think that stuff is pretty fun.
4) hmmm. tropes to erase.
One true love. The idea that one person is the specialist special and all other previous relationships just don't matter/didn't count/don't compare. You can love more than one person over the course of your life! You can have more than one meaningful relationship! It's okay to love different people differently but just as intensely !
Chosen one stuff is pretty meh for me too. Like, the moment destiny gets involved a part of my brain goes oh? so it was all meaningless bc it was always going to be this person/situation regardless? When treated straight, not a fan, but when a concept gets more meta w it or actually does give choice (thus negating the pre-ordained railroading) I can take an interest.
The notion of a happy ending meaning everyone should be married and have babies. Could do without that.
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ambreiiigns · 2 months
Ok wait. Yes tell me what episodes are good and everything else you said in the tags, but does rick and morty have lore? I thought it was episodic?
ok first Yes there's lore. there's like. the backdrop premise of rick having just came back into his daughter's life after being absent since she was a child for undisclosed reasons but it is a big part of beth's characterization and why he gets away w all the shit he gets away with. but there's also Lore that ties w rick's crybaby backstory™ and like the universe in general is probably more. Complicated? Expanded? than you'd think? bc yea it SHOULD be episodic and self contained but the team is at war w that concept since s2 if not s1 already. it's why i'm annoyed at people complaining abt the random filler episodes in s7 like girl that's the Normal Episodes. the Lore Heavy Episodes are the little special treat for you not the standard?? it's a sitcom unfort.
so. maybe still my favorite episode is STILL from s1 ep8. rixty minutes aka interdimensional cable ONE!!! let me set the scene. a few episodes earlier morty's school was doing prom and he asked rick to make him a love potion to get the girl he has a crush on to go to prom w him. rick fucks up SEVERELY bc his nihilistic scientist brain didn't understand love (??? i mean we know he Does. but it was s1) and he accidentally turns everyone first into morty stans who wont him desperately and then into straight up Monsters. he can't figure out how to fix it so what he does instead is move morty and himself into a new dimension where the incident had also happened but that dimension's rick had fixed the problem And gotten himself and morty killed accidentally. so they swoop in and dig a grave for Themselves and take those rick and morty's place. for rick it's Nothing it's Normal he's been doing this a while he's closely aware of the many dimensions and many versions of himself etc in fact it becomes a Huge plotpoint soon. but morty's still new to this and having to? handle his dead body? and put it in the ground? and take its place like nothing happened? that's tough for him! baby's traumatized. rip
but everything's been self contained enough so far that you sort of dismiss it right. then two episodes later interdimensional cable happens. aka rick fucks around w their tv to hook it up to. interdimensional. cable. so they can watch stuff from every other reality out there (whoa!) and as they binge they bump into jerry being interviewed on some late night show and they're like HUH???? THERE'S A VERSION OF REALITY OUT THERE WHERE JERRY'S RICH AND FAMOUS???? so now beth and summer are also wondering what They're up to in other realities and rick gives them some goggles that let you see what different versions of you are doing. rick himself and morty are the only ones who don't care and just keep watching silly tv having a laff. in the meanwhile summer complains that every version of her is doing nothing cool while her parents are hitting the jackpot and beth offhandedly mentions that "if we accomplished our dreams it probably means you were never born" which is obviously HORRIBLE TO HEAR so summer being an angsty dramatic teen wants to Run Away From Home and beth and jerry start fighting abt how you ruined my life and all. morty smells blood in the water so he goes upstairs to cheer up summer and she's like. they had you on purpose as a symptom of their problems you're not the Cause of their problems you can't make me feel better. so morty points out his and rick's graves in the yard outside the window and tells her he's not even her real brother he's as much of an incident as she is rn and now that he eats breakfast a few feet away from his corpse he knows better than most how meaningless all of this is anyway. and he tells her. something that still brings tears to my eyes. he goes "nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. come watch tv?"
ARGH! HE'S JUST A 14 YEAR OLD BOY WITH AN INSANE MAD SCIENTIST GRANDPA WHO'S BEEN DRAGGING HIM ON FUCKED UP ELDRITCH SPACE ADVENTURES THAT HAVE BEEN SHATTERING HIS INNOCENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE! AND NOW HE JUST WANTS TO WATCH TV WITH HIS SISTER! it kills me it's so humane and childish and it was REALLY gutting to me. cause i didn't expect a callback at that point. i didn't expect the trauma to impact the characters. it was completely out of left field and it made me say oh. so this is good. so this is actually worth watching.
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