biohazard-inevitable · 8 months
New Recruit
Chronologically, this is part 16 Of The Dragon and The Fox Overwatch self insert fanfiction, though this is technically the beginning of season 2 so I will be calling it S2P1 and so forth, but…
Hello~ we’re BACK BABYYYYYYYY!!!!~~~~~ new adventures and new chaos waiting to unfold!!!!! And this is all of course @emile-hides ‘s fault, so you can thank him for the junkenstein revival of this series!!!
Oh also, link to part 1 here
“All-righty cyborgs and gentleman! This is your captain speaking!” Came the chipper, high voice from the cockpit of the shuttle that the two Shimada’s sat in, soft smiles plastered upon their faces as they indulged the whims of their pilot. “We are about to land at the Gibraltar base, the temperature is a lovely 21°C with delightful sunny weather!”
“You ready, Ibotei?” The elder asked, giving his brother’s hand a gentle, affirming squeeze.
“As I’ll ever be meeting government officals…” Zayne laughed nervously, leaning on his brother’s shoulder with a soft sigh as he looked up towards where Lena was staring back at them from the cockpit, having flicked on the autopilot landing.
“You’ll do great!” She affirmed. “I just know it! Captain Morrison really isnt that scary!”
“No kidding! That privledge went to commander Reyes.” Genji snarked. “Morrison is a big softie compared to him. Though I wonder, what exactly did you do to get a criminal record?”
“Oh you’ll both find out once we get inside! Morrison has the list!” Lena chirped innocently as the shuttle finished it’s landing sequence. “There are so many bright new faces for you to meet!”
With a quick flurry of taps along a keypad, the rear ramp of the shuttle hissed open to reveal a man in a deep navy colored uniform with short, well groomed hair as blonde as sunlight and calm, prideful eyes like the rolling waves the deepest ocean.
“Genji!” He greeted with a cheerful smile. “It’s been far too long! Glad to have you back with us, and you’re looking better than ever!”
“It’s good to see you too Jack.” Genji chuckled electronically as he approached the blonde man casually to geet his firm handshake. “It has certainly been a long time since we last met, and hopefully under better circumstances this time.”
“Well you seem perfectly healthy, so not quite a trip to Angela again, and more talkative this time!” The man- Jack- jabbed with a playful elbow nudge to the cyborg’s side before glancing over at the small man still hiding in the shadows of the shuttle’s cargo dock. “And that must be the brother you told us about? The one you’re vouching for?”
“Yes, though I wasn’t aware he had a record.” Genji chuckled softly, nodding his head in a gesture for his brother to join him. “I’m awefully curious of what such a record contains, though I have my suspicions on some things. Nonetheless, he is a good man, I know it. Besides, you were willing to take Cassidy on.”
Slowly, from the shadows Zayne walked, his gaze neevously angled at his feet as he joined his brother’s side, not sure what to make of the man before them.
“Well, Reyes technically took him on, but yes, I’m sure its no problem.” Jack chuckled before extending his hand to the youngest Shimada. “Hello, I’m commander Jack Morrison. Leader of the Overwatch.”
“I’m Zayne Shimada…” He mumbled, cautiously taking the hand offered which was returned with a firm shake. “You aren’t going to arrest me, are you?”
“Honestly? We should, if only for your mild acts of terrorism, but your brother is willing to vouch for you, and I’m willing to look past it so long as you are willing to make some agreements while we have you complete some paperwork but, we’ve had worse cases then yours as members.” Jack responded with a slight chuckle. “But its nice to finally put a face to the name! You’ll fit in just fine here, I’m sure of it.”
“If you say so.” Zayne chuckled awkwardly ad he was released from the handshake and Commander Morrison began to walk off towards the main building with a wave enticing the brothers to follow.
“So when were you gonna tell me you’re technically classified as a terrorist?” Genji jabbed as he skipped along after his brother with a shoulder bump.
“Mmmh, was hoping to wait about as long as you did in telling me you were still alive.” Zayne replied with a sly shrug and a smirk. “Possibly never.”
“Touchè.” Genji replied with an electronic hum. “How did it even happen anyways?”
“Lets just say back when I was working with Hanzo, we got into some… interesting situations and may have made friends with some Australians.”
“I’m sure they’ll debreif you on my list of crimes once we actually get in there, and those who I committed crimes with.” Zayne sighed as he caught up to the Commander. “Though do know, the buildings I destroyed were corporations who had it coming.”
“The fucking WHAT-“
“Quite the brother you’ve got there Genji!” Lena snickered as she blinked over to catch up with the boys. “This year’s going to be a lively one for sure!”
It was weird, walking through the halls of a military outpost freely, not having to sneak around camera blindspots, and strangest of all be escorted around like a guest by the head honcho! Zayne wasn’t sure if he liked it, though it was nice not to have to avoid guards like the plague for once.
Eventually, the group arrived at a small interrogation style office room, which wouldn’t be that strange if it werent for the enormous silverback gorilla sat at the other side of the desk, a pair of glasses sat newtly on his face and a bannana casually in hand. It felt like something almost out of a fever dream, and what happened next baffled the ninja even further.
“Genji!” The gorilla greeted with a toothy smile. “Good to see you again!”
“Ah Winston!” Genji responded cheerily without batting an eye. “Overwatch’s favorite monkey, how have you been?”
“Well- actually, and I hate to interrupt,” Zayne piped up, giving his brother a soft nudge. “Hes not a monkey, hes a Great ape. Very different groupings.”
“Okay nerd.” Genji sassed with a gentle smack to the back of his brother’s head.
“Oh I like this one.” The ape responded with a deep chuckle as he turned his attention over to Zayne before extending a hand to the young Shimada. “I’m Winston, a scientist here at the facility. I’m mostly here to hand you your paperwork and help walk you through it, though I admit I was also curious to meet the new recruit joining us! Oh and, Genji already informed me about your peanut allergy, and just know, I have a tendency to indulge in peanut butter from time to time, it goes very well with bannanas.”
“Well, thanks for the heads up.” Zayne chuckled softly. “Though, I’m still a bit amazed to be talking to well- a talking gorilla! How did that even..?”
“Well, I was born of brilliant minds and raised on the moon by humans! I could go into morefacinating details, but I’m afraid thats a subject for another time as its a terribly long explanation!” Winston laughed softly as he placed some paperwork in front of the young ninja. “Anyways, todays discussion is more about you and where you lay in regards to the team here at Overwatch, which, weclome welcome by the way! Its great to have you!”
“Thank you!” Zayne smiled softly, sitting down at the table. “I’m actually surprised how nice you guys all are! I was really expecting to be arrested almost immediately and locked away forever, at least until I called in some favors and busted out.”
“I’d have liked to see you try!” Winston chuckled. “But, no, no no. We’re quite the understanding group here, I mean, we’d need a bit of any talents we can get if we’re to take on the remnants of the omnic crisis! We cant really afford to be picky even if we wanted to!”
“Allright, well, this is going to be very boring!” Genji announced as he clapped his hands together. “I’m going to have Lena give me the rundown of your crimes if you’re alright being left with Winston?”
There was a subtle concern to his voice hidden amidst the playful tone as he rested his cybernetic hand on his brother’s shoulder, giving a hesitant squeeze to ask if he’d be alright. A squeeze that Zayne returned with a soft smile as he responded.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine, just meet back up with me in whatever place you guys call a mess hall around here?”
“Of course Ibotei, see you soon.”
It took a moment for Genji to remove his hand from his brother’s shoulder, ever the loyal shadow that had guarded the young ninja during his time at the Shambali monastary, now finally having to seperate so his brother could fill out tedious paperwork regarding many, many crimes he had comitted, though in his heart he knew he was in good hands. After all, these were the hands that had caught him when he fell from the Shimada clan entirely.
“Alright, lets begin!” Winston spoke, adjusting his glasses as Genji left the room.
Boy, were they in it for the long haul.
And just for fun, here are the crimes as follows:
Breaking an entering
Multiple speeding violations
Grand larceny
Grand theft auto
International terrorism
Murder-for hire
Conspiracy to commit murder
Acts of non-permitted Demolition
Criminal Anarchy
S2P2 here
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sturncrazy · 4 months
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Chris Sturniolo x y/n (fem!)
(anyone else = green)
this is from a request for a breeding kink soooo!! hope u enjoyyyy🫶🫶
(breeding kink…obvi, no protection, pet names, praise, lang, and light mentions of drinking at beginning)
authors note: GUYS!!! sorry it’s been a fucking MINUTE!!! schools been whopping my ass but i’m back babyyyyyy!! and to the baddie that sent in a request lemme say girl don’t apologize for being into the breeding kink stuff cause i think it’s hot too🫶💋
word count: 3,112
“here❤️” you texted chris,
pulling your car into the driveway.
“doors open❤️ the boys are still here, dw they’ll head out in a bit”
“nw! i wanna say hi” you checked your makeup in your mirror. you and chris had been dating for almost a year and you spent a chunk of the week sleeping at each others houses. chris had been having a “boys night” with his brothers and their friend, and you could hear their voices shouting over video games as you walked in the door.
“hi boys!” you said entering the living room. you were received with a serises of enthusiastic grins, but none of them seemed able to budge from their game. you walked up to chris and gave him a kiss on top of his head.
“hi beautiful” he grinned at you briefly
“hi hon—ooh! can i have one?” you asked, glancing at the table full of beer cans.
“yeah of course! help yourself” chris said, returning his focus back to the game.
“oh man fuck you” said nate, throwing down his controller in defeat. you chuckled and snagged yourself a can out of the fridge. nate fussed around the coffee table, already bored.
“what’s this” he said, holding up a card game box.
“some shit we got as PR, but it’s a drinking game i think? don’t know, we can’t exactly post about it” chris said, momentarily glancing up from his video game. nate unwrapped it and flipped through the deck.
“damn these are crazy” he said, his eyes going wide.
“really?” matt said, clearly uninterested.
“yeah like, just straight up asks your body count or take a shot”
“ooooo how improper” you mocked. nate gave you the finger, kiddingly.
“read me one. i’ll be the judge of how fun the game actually is” the video game was becoming increasingly boring to watch
“okay, tough guy” nate said, skimming for a better card. his eyebrows raised, apparently landing on one
“what’s the craziest kink you have? drink half your drink if you don’t answer” you sucked in your lips, and raised your can to your mouth.
“oooooo” nick chimed in
“bet chris already knows that one” nate said, slapping chris on the shoulder. chris laughed, his tongue folding over the front of his top teeth forming a cocky expression.
“nuh uh, you couldn’t waterboard that shit out of me” you snorted. chris shot you a curious look.
“weird game, probably meant for horny high schoolers” you quickly tried to end the conversation and settled down on the couch next to chris, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and your fingers into his hair. he smiled up at you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, which resulted in him getting killed off in the game.
“aw shit” he muttered
“sorry babe” you chuckled
“YES! FUCK YEAH! I WIN!” nick yelled moments later, while matt chucked his remote half across the room.
“who’s playing me again?” nick asked, eager for another victory.
“not me man, i gotta get home and get some sleep” nate stretched.
“i can give you a ride” matt said, reaching for his car keys
“sweet. alright, bye brotha” nate said, pulling chris in for a half hug
“bye, y/n” he continued, tussling the top of your hair in a familial way.
“night, nate!” you laughed out as he and matt headed for the door.
“wanna get to bed soon? i’m pretty wiped out” you said turning to chris
“yeah sure thing. i just need to shower” he smiled up at you.
“let’s head downstairs” he patted your leg, urging you to stand up and took your hand, leading you to his room in the basement.
“night nick!” you shouted out
“uh huh” he half answered, clearly engulfed in another game. you followed chris and padded down the steps to the lower level. chris had claimed this floor his and had done a nice job with it, particularly since you helped. it was cozy and felt secluded. plus, the privacy of being two floors from where his brothers slept was an added bonus. you flopped onto chris’s bed and reached for the tv remote.
“cool if i take a shower now?” he asked, you nodded
“okay…better not be asleep when i get out” while chris was in the shower you snagged one of his old t shirts and tossed it on as a nightshirt. your eyelids were just growing heavy, when you heard his bathroom door pop open. chris walked out in plaid pj pants, shirtless, rubbing a towel against his damp hair. he looked effortlessly hot—enough to wake you back up. he gave you a smile
“i love seeing you in my clothes” you continued to stare dumbly at his body, you’d never get over the sight of him.
“you fallin asleep?”
“well now i’m up” you said dramatically giving him a once over, eyes wide.
“little freak” he mumbled, bending over you to give you a kiss.
“dick” you teased, shoving him playfully. he crashed down on the bed next to you. you moved your head to his bare chest. he wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you close, before speaking against the top of your hair
“hey speaking of you being a freak”
“oh?” you laughed shooting him a look.
“was nate right that i’d know your answer in that game?”
“well…” you struggled for words a moment too long, chris caught on and pulled back to look you in the eyes. his mouth ajar in a shocked smile
“WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?! cmon y/n you have to tell me”
“what?? no way! nope!” you shook your head vigorously
“what? that’s so not fair. why not?”
“cause…i dunno it’s embarrassing. nuh uh” you felt your face begin to flush.
“we’ve had sex like a million times. and you’re telling me THIS is embarrassing?!”
“okay well that stuff is different”
“what stuff”
“oh so you’ve had FANTASIES you’re hiding from me” nothing you were saying was deteriorating chris’s curiosity.
“well no not fantasies but like stuff i’d never ACTUALLY do”
“you’re killing me here please TELL ME”
“NO!” you dragged the word out and rolled into a ball away from him, laughing. chris clamored on top of you and rolled you onto your back, pinning your arms down on either side of your head forcing you to look at him
“tell me right now i swear to god” he said smiling down at you, his still wet hair brushing against his eyes. you hated to admit the way he was holding you down was already turning you on.
“you’re gonna think i’m weirddd” you whined
“no i WONT! i promise” he let go of one wrist and offered you his pinky. you locked yours with him and widened your eyes
“you SWEAR you won’t judge me”
“cross my heart hope to die”
“you’re an idiot”
“just TELL ME”
“OKAY OKAY” you pushed him off you and sat up, facing him.
“but just to be clear, i’m not saying we’d ever like do it. i’m totally happy never doing this it’s just like a weird thing—“
“ehhhh whatever enough spit it out” chris said cutting you off. you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior and took a deep breath in.
“okay fine. i guess i’ve always kinda had a breeding kink?” you winced at your own confession. chris raised an eyebrow
“i mean i’ve never done anything to act on it, but like the idea of it is just hot to me…i know it’s weird”
“so is it just the idea of like not pulling out?” his tone was impossible to read and you felt your palms begin a nervous sweat, what if this freaked him out?
“no-well i mean— that’s a part of it yeah—but not just that, y’know?” chris nodded, taking in what you’re saying.
“but you’re on birth control right? like nothing would actually…?” he raised his hand, in gesture to what he meant.
“oh no, i guess it’s sorta more a role play thing? it’s not that i actually’d wanna get pregnant, just more the idea of pretending like that—i—it’s weird i know—sorry—“
“i don’t think so” he cut you off, shaking his head. you froze slightly
“you don’t?” he gave you a small smirk
“no, i get” you felt your heart beat heavily against your chest. he studied your face for a moment, the silence in the room drowned out by the obvious tension, before he suddenly broke out of it.
“so, what are we watching?” he asked lightly, lying back with his an arm behind his head and facing the tv. you felt a small wave of disappointment at the sudden shift, but went with it.
“oh i dunno, nothing looks great” you sighed, lying back down onto chris’s chest. he mumbled a response into the top of your head, his free hand softly brushing up and down your arm. you picked back up the remote and continued to flip through the screen. you landed on an old comfort show and before you knew it the conversation seemed like ancient history. chris eventually moved his arm from yours to around your waist. you raised a leg over his. your eyes flitted down to his fingertips where he was playing with the hem of his shirt you were wearing. he mustve noticed because he began to pull the fabric up higher, exposing even more of your barely covered lower half. you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
“what?” he chuckled
“whatcha doing there christopher”
“nothing” he mused, watching his own hands fumble with the shirt, the occasional bump of his cold fingertips against your skin sending little jolts through your body
“y’just look so sexy like this” he mumbled
“oh yeah?” his hands now lightly grazing your bare hip bone, the angle of your body being the only thing keeping you from behind entirely exposed.
“mhm. gets me all worked up”
“how worked up” you said in a innocent tone, looking up at him with doe eyes before sliding the hand your had from his stomach to his crotch. his eyes screwed shut and he let out a small hiss as your palm reached his already stiff clothed length. you scoffed lightly.
“hard for me already, huh?” you began to rub your hand against him, adding some pressure. chris squirmed under your touch, a faint groan escaping him. he nodded.
“aww poor thing. want me to help you out?” you said in a sweetly, palming his dick harder. he nodded his head, again, vigorously. you removed your hand to spit on it and he watched you wide eyed. you bit your lip in a smile, loving getting to see his face contort in desperation as you moved your hand down the waistband of his pjs. you wrapped your grip around his hard cock, it twitched against your touch and he let out an unsteady breath. you kept your eyes on him as you began to pump your hand up and down his length, watching him let out small moans and grasp at the sheets nearby.
“oh—fuck—“ chris sighed out. throwing his head back, his eyes rolling back into the sockets. his obvious enjoyment only made you want to hear more. you began to leave wet open mouthed kisses on his chest and moved down, slowly. his stomach flexed against each kiss and he whined against your teasing. you reached his waistband and looked up at him. he lifted his hips, allowing you to discard the pjs. his throbbing cock, still slick with your spit, slapped against his stomach. you returned your hand to wrap around the base of it and brought your lips to leave a sloppy kiss on its flushed tip. he shuddered before you began to lower down, sinking his dick into your mouth. you bobbed your head up and down, a trail of spit leaving your mouth. chris’s groans and curses filled the room in harmony with your occasional gags against his length. you felt one of his large hands reach for the back of your head. you tried to prepare yourself for him to push you further down, fucking your throat as he often liked to, but we’re surprised when he yanked your hair back, pulling you off of him. you looked up at him in confusion. he smirked and reached for your waist to bring you closer to him
“can’t cum yet baby” he lifted you onto his lap, his lips brushing yours
“don’t wanna waste any of it” he rasped against your mouth
“wha—“ you tried to question, as he wrapped an arm around your waist and tossed you onto your back. he pinned you, wrists by your head, and leaned down
“you heard me” he said cockily, before beginning to kiss you. you almost managed to fight for more answers, but chris began to grind his exposed rock hard dick up against your pussy and your mind went blank.
“oh—god—“ you moaned dumbly, raising your hips higher to meet his motion. his cock began to run up and down against your slick bare folds, brushing your clit repeatedly.
“such a good girl—so wet for me” he breathed out, the tip of his dick just barely adding pressure against your throbbing entrance. you heaved and thrashed underneath him. he kept your arms pinned and savored watching you become even more desperate.
he leaned down, his lips brushing against yours, and slide his hands to lock into yours.
“you ready baby?” he rasped out, letting go of your hands. you nodded and moaned against him.
“good” he said with a kiss before beginning to slide himself deep into your core. you let out a whimper as the tip of his dick pressed up against your most sensitive spot. a groan tumbled from chris’s lips and his eyes rolled back at the feeling of your walls fully tightening around him.
“god you feel so good, baby” he mumbled, before pulling back out of you almost fully
“please—fuck me, chris—“ you almost cried out, your pussy aching for more.
“—i need it so bad”
“yeah? you need my dick, honey?” he said sweetly, smirking down at you. you whined again and nodded as he thrusted deep into you again.
“oh god—yes—“ your fingernails reached to latch themselves deep into the flesh of his shoulders as he began to find a steady slow rhythm in and out and in and out of your squelching wet core. Chris’s eyes scanned your face and body lying beneath him as he fucked into you. they landed on your stomach and he licked his lips at the sight.
“fuck—look—can see me inside you—“
sure enough, his hard length created a bulge against your stomach with each thrust deep into you. Chris lowered a hand to press against it. you bit your lip and sighed out, too overwhelmed with pleasure to speak. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, groaning against your skin and bit your earlobe lightly.
“can’t wait to fuck a baby into you” he hoarsely whispered
“what—“ you half moan out, still too consumed with pleasure to think straight
“you heard me, sweetheart—gonna fill you up and stuff your little pussy—you’ll look so pretty all full of my cum”
your stomach twisted and your heart raced. you couldn’t help but let out an almost pornographic moan at chris’s words.
“you want me to give you a baby? huh, princess?”
“fuck yes—-please—“ you said, desperately. chris continues to slam into you, perfectly hitting where you needed him most. he gave you a passionate kiss before saying against your lips
“you gonna take every drop of my load, right?“
“yes chris—i promise—“
“such a good girl”
“don’t fucking stop—fuck—“
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna give your pussy all the cum it deserves” he started to pick up the pace of his even plunges into you and the sound of your skin slapping against his began to echo in the room.
“gonna get you all big and fat and pregnant. well make the prettiest baby in the world”
“oh god—feels so fucking good—“ you whimper
“you ready, baby? want my cum in you now?” chris groaned, breathlessly. you felt your walls tighten around him as the familiar knot in your stomach started to form.
“yes—-please—fuck chris fill me with your cum—“ his dick twitched inside you at your words
“you’re gonna make such a perfect mommy—you’re doing so good for me gorgeous—just keep taking me just like that—”
the knot in your stomach begins to reach its last moments
“Chris—fuck—I’m gonna cum—“ you cry out
“good girl—cum all over my cock, sweetheart—“ Chris huffed out, coaxing you to release. your hearing begins to buzz as you feel yourself come undone. Chris continues to fuck you through your high as his motions begin to get more sloppy, the clenching of your walls bringing him closer to cumming.
“Ohhh—oh shit baby—“ he began to whine
“mmm that’s it—cum in me, chris—put your baby in me” you sigh out, wrapping your arms around his neck as you start to regain your senses
“ohh—nggh—i’m cumming—fuck, baby—-here it comes—“ chris pants as he roughly thrusts into you, his thighs and upper arms shaking slightly.
“OHHHH—“ his brow furrows as his release takes over. he lets out a loud moan as he haults, his cock buried all the way inside you. he shoots hot, thick, strands of his cum deep inside your walls, and then collapses against your body. the two of you try to regain your breath. chris lifts himself back up to look down at you and gives you a kiss, still buried inside you. you smile against his lips.
“how was that” he breathed out
“fucking perfect” you giggled
“yeah? i think so too” he chuckled, giving you a peck before lifting himself higher off you to pull out of you. he removed himself, gently trying to be aware of your sensitivity. you whined at the loss a little. he sits back and stares between your legs where your entrances still pulsates slightly, his cum leaking out. his jaw went slack
“what?” you giggled again, feeling a little embarrassed
“i could get used to seeing that” he said, not pulling his eyes away
“chrissss” you whine, attempting to shut your legs. he stops you with his arms
“nuh uh” he says before taking two of his fingers up to collect his cum and shoving them back inside you. you let out a sharp moan at the sudden feeling. he leans back over you with a smirk
“can’t waste any” he said, giving you yet another kiss
hope u guys like this one
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jarofstyles · 9 months
22 ☹️
SCREEEECH yes bc I love drunkrry and it fits in my brain. Here’s a baby blurb
Numbers for the prompts
Y/N was trying hard to pay attention to the uber location on her phone, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that was not going to happen.
Not if a large, giggly, drunk man with unsteady, gangly limbs wrapped up around her like a life support had anything to do about it.
"Baby. Babyyyyyy." A honest and true whine came from her boyfriend's mouth, fingers squeezing her sides and somehow burrowing his face closer into her neck. "S'enough. The car will- it'll come when it comes. I want y'to hug me back." If he wasn't attached to her, she was positive he would have stomped his foot on the sidewalk.
It was cold out, his arms underneath the jacket she had stolen from his closet earlier. His fingers had wiggled their way under her shirt and tucked under her waistband. He was being cheeky, hands on her ass under the safety of the jacket and holding the bare skin but he didn't make a move to go further. Normal clingy Harry had absolutely nothing on drunk, clingy Harry.
"I just want to be sure I'm paying attention, H." She laughed, tucking the phone into her jacket pocket. He was for sure gone, giggly and stumbly like a baby deer. Harry rarely got drunk drunk, but each time amused her more than the last. Her boyfriend was always a bit goofy and silly, but introduce alcohol it could go a few different ways. So far she had seen comedian Harry, professor of aquatic pets Harry (He watched online videos), Business mogul Harry (telling someone at the bar the deal was bad, all while not knowing a thing about the business- he was convincing), Historian Harry, DJ Harry, the list goes on. This had to be her favorite, though.
Harry just liked being loved on. Giving love, receiving it, but especially from her. When he spoke, he would make sure she was looking or listening, pouty when someone else had her eyes or ears. Once he passed the tipsy line, he was a bit of a cute little menace.
"Jus' give me a cuddle. Please?" He mewled. "I'm cold and tired and I wanna go home, but I want to cuddle." there was a pause. "Hey, when the car comes, you should sit on my lap. It'll be warmer."
"Not safe, Darling." She cooed, not wanting to upset him. He tended to cry easier in this state. "We can cuddle in bed when we get home. You need to brush you teeth and change." A shower was not going to happen, simply because she knew the moment she got in there to hold him steady he would try to grope her and insist they should do at least 'hand stuff.'
"You're no fun." He huffed, though his demeanor changed once she laid her head on his chest and hooked her arms around him, mirroring him by tucking them under his coat. Thankfully her boyfriend was a furnace. "Fine. We can cuddle at home. And kiss." The last part snuck in must have seemed smooth to her, but she could almost hear his though process.
"Alright, H. After you drink some water and brush those teeth. Can't lose the bunny teeth from rot, can we?"
"Nope." He popped the P, tugging her closer. "We won't." The words muffled as he hid his face back in her neck, one hand abandoning her ass to tuck her head right in the same place on him. "Not gonna lose any teeth annnnnd we're going to cuddle. And kiss. And maybe do hand stuff." The last not so slick add in made her bite him through his shirt lightly, making him whine.
"No. Too bad, drunky pants. Nothing until you're stone cold sober. Y'know the rules." Her stern words were ruined by how cute he was, the wet little pout making her sigh before placing a chaste peck to him. It seemed to perk him up well enough.
"Yeah... You're right. Kay. We will canoodle and do hand stuff in the morning."
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toomuchracket · 2 months
ok ok. hear me out. their at one of their flats working together on something sharing the one laptop to write again. or maybe their reading together. still early on and so very kissy lovey still and maybe girlie brings up the idea of cockwarming to him while they work or read together and he just short circuits
(i am a whore for cockwarming)
oh this is so yum!! thinking you take a break from work just to sit on his lap on your sofa and just kiss for ages and ages, and because matty's sensible (kinda) he pulls away like "right, darling, we do actually need to get this finished", and you pout like "don't wanna move from you" and that's when you have a eureka moment; you're like "babyyyyyy, can i just keep you warm while we work? just to stay close to you?", and matty's like "wdym. like, cuddling? of course", and you smile at how sweet he is before being like "well... kinda. but you would also be inside me. if you like". his jaw DROPS, and he nods quite frantically like "um, yeah. yeah, i'd like", so you kiss his nose and then rid the two of you of underwear and just sink down onto him - he's so big that it always takes a second to adjust, but it feels so fucking good. for both of you, actually; matty just sighs contentedly and says "i can't believe i didn't know this was a thing. s'nice. i like being so close to you, my girl", and you blush a little bit and kiss his palm after he sweetly caresses your face. anyway, you get the article finished, and then it's back to kissing and, naturally, fucking - matty's like "that was easier to manage than i thought being inside you without moving would be. but now...", and you smirk like "you wanna watch me bounce on your dick?", and you feel him twitch inside you before he sheepishly says "yes please". and who are you to deny your sweet, gorgeous boy that? <3
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lilykatelyn-blog · 11 months
Rainy Days, and a dash of sleeping in~
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pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Gn!reader
Summary: a relaxing rainy day with hyunjin.
genre: fluffy fluff
warnings: agonizingly fluffy fluff.
wc: 370 words <3
You woke up before your boyfriend, looking over to the clock, you realize that it’s 5am. Why did you get up so early? You don’t know, but since you couldn’t go back to sleep, you just watched your beautiful boyfriend in all his beauty and peacefulness, sleep.
“it’s raining.” He said, eyes still closed from sleep and voice still deep as he had just woken up. “Mm,” you acknowledged. “I hear it,” you said softly. “You wanna stay in bed?” You asked him, still speaking quietly in case he fell asleep. “Mm,” he mumbled, you could tell he was on the verge of sleep. “Then we’ll stay in.” You whispered, cuddling up impossibly closer to him. He just mumbled something unintelligible and snuggled up with you. “I can’t sleep.” He whined, tugging your (his) oversized hoodie. “Want to have some tea and watch a movie?” You asked. Poor baby, he looked so tired.
“yeah. Can we order Pizza and coffee too?” He asked. You nodded “of course. Me or you?” You asked. “You, I’m too tired to talk on the phone,” he said, pulling up the hood of his grey hoodie which was too big on him. Making his way to the living room behind you, more specifically back hugging you as you walked to the couch and dialed the number for the pizza place. “Annyeong!” You said, greeting the person on the other side of the phone, conversing with them and ordering the pizza. While you guys waited for it to come and be delivered, you pulled the blanket on top of both of you. You chose to watch Harry Potter (please don’t get mad ���� I don’t like Rowling but I like the series) and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
ding dong! The doorbell rang, so you ran to get it because you knew Jin wouldn’t want to. “Thank you!” You said, closing the door. “Babyyyyyy, don’t worry about platessssss, just eat it form the box,” he whined tugging your sleeve. “Aww,” you chuckled. Cooing at him. “Okay, okay.” You said, giving in and turning the show back on. It really couldn’t get better than cuddling with your boyfriend on a rainy day, which you both conveniently had off.
note: hey lovelies!! I hope you’re all doing well! <3 i hope you like this 😭 I wrote it in my sleepy ass condition. Send requests if you want more like this and with other members of multiple groups!! ❤️ take care of yourselves, love you!
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kaeyx · 8 months
Okay, pmzai anon is officially one of my favorite people on Tumblr ever (including you!!)
Dhsjsjsj definitely. He'd be mumbling softly to stop against your neck, all while shallowly thrusting into your hand. He'd bite back a shaky moan when you squeeze his cock and whisper in his ear to shut up and take it, because why would he ask to stop if he was moving his hips and whimpering into your neck?
After he cums though, just kiss him softly. That'll make tears prick at the ends of his eyes again. Be soft with the poor baby let's overlook his crime rate shall we
Also. Fuck. I can't stop thinking about Chuuya either. Why do I feel like he'd be one of the sweetest of the BSD boys but also one of the roughest at times-
Anyway we stan Chuuya so. I can understand your feelings.
Hope you're having a good day, btw!
~ 🎴 anon
Pmzai is just a little babyyyyyy he's a darling boy <3 kiss him and brush the hair out of his face and treat him very nice
And fuck yeah Chuuya has it all. He's so gorgeous and romantic, makes you feel so loved. Holds you and kisses you, always hugging you and smiling at you, he's whipped and he can't even try to hide it.
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haethyre · 9 days
Chaos Theory Thoughts
Well, I just binged the entire thing. I had so many thoughts episode to episode but wanted to wait till the end to compile my thoughts.
MAN Some decisions were certainly made huh????
I was almost overwhelmed by all the drama jkfhajksdhf I was initially very upset about what happened with Yaz and Sammy, but seeing the way it resolved was really sweet and I think made them stronger. and they had so many cute kisses and moments jhdfjdshj I was just upset not to see them together for like half the season.
I was upset Camp Fam kinda split up over the years. Which, i mean, i get. Life happens. its realistic. but its also a bit like "you know what? *unhappies your ending*" But again, seeing people grow apart and then come back together is a nice trope so I'll allow it. XD If they didnt reconcile I'd have more of a problem.
I did have a problem with Darius randomly being in love with Brooklyn tho. I mean, I get it. Time skip. We didn't really see what happened that led him to that place. And he was a kid in Camp Cretaceous so he may not have been attuned to such things yet. But it took me off guard (i guess its also cause i could swear i read an article or something shortly after CC ended about him possibly being ace. not saying that means he cant fall in love. And honestly, it would make sense considering, to me, they made a lot more sense to me than Kenji and her...but idk. I guess I just didn't expect it?) but I have no real attachment to either ship so whatever happens happens I guess. XD I just dont think he needed to be in love with her to be messed up about what happened to her. He got in a similar way over when he thought Ben died. (speaking of which, I looooved Darius and Ben's interactions this season)
Also. I knew she couldn't be dead. It threw me through a loop when they said she died. i was like "They killed off Brooklyn?????? sheee's not deaaaad." I had a feeling she was gonna show up at the very end. and she did! Gosh. things are gonna be soooo awkward when they reunite XD Aaaaaa
But yeah, I always doubt death scenes when you dont see them die XD
also BUMPY. AND BABY. So cute. I love Bumpy. I'm glad she's okay. jhfgjsd Ben and Bumpy always make me emotional. when he cried i was like nooooooo ;w; babyyyyyy
The animation looked amazing throughout. Have to fit that in somewhere.
I'll admit I was surprised because I thought this was just going to be a one off. But it looks like there'll be another season so I'm excited. I'll have something to look forward to.
All in all, some questionable things aside, I thought it was a good season and left me wanting to see where it goes. I was missing all these characters when CC ended, so I'm happy to see them again in any capacity.
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shoutascoffeepot · 8 months
Chapter One: Pilot
The Art of Deception: The Deadly Dance - Series
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Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Female Original Character Themes: Mafia, psychological, age gap, cultural differences.
!!!Trigger Warnings!!!: Age gap, stalking, kidnapping, clubs, murderings, guns, mention of drugs, mention of stress.
To run his life, he had to kill. The first time was unintentional, a reflex, yet it’s his first kill, a bullet to the head of the yakuza who was threatening his small thug gang when he was sixteen if they didn’t oblige. After that it all became memories and history. Somehow his group of thugs grew, got their own business of hitmen and substance-smuggling. By the age of twenty one he had enough to open up an official business in the market, alongside running the one in the dark. 
  Killing is a profession, it needs talent, it needs someone ready to shed memories and skins on a daily basis especially when he was already in deep, living the life whilst applying his own ethics in his work out of law’s report. His life was neon lights and starry nights, he’s the most sober at all times. In present time, he’s thirty two with Japan wrapped around his fingertip, the most powerful Yakuza who erases the existence of those who dares to oppose him or his ways. A man with tired, judging eyes and an intimidating aura to his gruff, unhinged presence. 
  On the other hand, someone living the princess life, saw life all in pale pink tinted sunglasses, was a foreigner who had never stepped foot in Japan once in her life. In average height, shoulder trimmed ebony hair that curtained a fringe over her round, ivory flushed face, she’s dancing across the kitchen while making milk tea, unbothered and carefree. 
  While taking her cup Lilith’s phone rings. She answers while putting it on speaker, it’s her best friend. 
“Good morning babyyyyyy!” The feminine distorted voice cheered from the phone as Lilith leans back on the sofa and sips carefully from the warm mug. 
“Good morrnningggggg~” She replied with a chuckle hitched in her voice. 
“Have you rested well?” 
“Hm, can’t tell, I’m too excited to go out. When will you show me around?” 
“So I’ve got all day free, I was thinking we could get lunch, you work your magic on our faces with your witchcraft of makeup, then I got a club appointment~” 
“You do know I don’t really like those places right?” 
“It’s not a cheap ass place where people harrass you, the bookings are always full two months ahead. Come ooooon, it'd be fun to let stress off. My treat.” 
“Fine, but don’t get too drunk on me. I won’t be drinking.” 
“What time should I drop by to pick you up?” 
“It’s already one in the afternoon, It won’t take me too long to get ready if it’s just lunch. Plus we’ll be back to actually glam up.” 
“Okay I’ll just change and be right over.” 
“Put sunscreen on!” 
  But she already hung up. Lilith changed into black skinny jeans and a loose-fitting graphic tee. She applied sunscreen and patted some cream blush and concealer in to look more alive and less like a zombie. By the time she was picking out her converse there was a knock at her door. When she opened up the door a smaller figure jumped into her arms, she hugged back with the brightest smile. 
“I missed youuuuuuu!” The muffled, shorter girl called. 
“I missed you too Yin,”  Said Lilith, in the gentlest voice as she pulled away, “Let’s go yeah? Seeing the unpacked things here makes me crawl in my skin.”  
While they walked out and Lilith Locked up her apartment, along with noticing the outfit Lilith had on, Yin noticed how her best friend’s expression was off. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” Questioned Yin to which Lilith Immediately responded. 
“Yeah, just stressed, that’s all.” Lilith brushed off with a smile. “You know how it is, I’m sure some time out could wash out all those intrusive thoughts.” 
Yin’s bright smile softened, almost diluting. “Another episode?” 
The way her voice was barely a whisper, fragile and skittish to her best friend’s state, sent goosebumps all over Lilith that made her shake her head lightly. 
“It’s hard, you know how it is. But I’ll be okay.” She reassured her. 
The topic quickly faded from seriousness and into more lively chatter as they walked down the street, to the ramen house and ate. Yin asked about Lilith’s life, especially her love life with an expecting smile as Lilith brushed it off. There wasn’t anything to talk about, even ‘nice’ guys were red flags. So the whole spectrum was avoided efficiently by Lilith in pursuit of her career studies which got her here to Japan in the first place. In return Lilith teased Yin about her weird habits and they would pick on bad trends together as the conversation diluted to what makeup style they’d wear while they returned back to Lilith’s apartment.
Lilith played some music as she started with Yin’s makeup, they were both gonna have the same eyeshadow style. A soft glittery pink fade with dimension, except for yin she’d have a normal cat-eye liner and for Lilith she drew a softer extra lash since her eye is more hooded, barely called eyeliner. That, with the light base of concealer, contour, highlight and blush, set it all and they were ready. Yin wore a pink champagne metallic silk dress that finished right at the middle of her thighs. Lilith wore a black long sleeve dress that fell right above her knees yet showed cleavage, the same material as Yin’s. As they styled their hair and wore gold jewelry, they were set to go. 
It’s nine, yes it took a long time and going through a lot of playlists. That’s why they took Yin’s car and were taking selfies since they finished glowing up all the way to the club. The inside of the club was cozy yet freezing. The song ‘Ghost’ by Confetti was playing, a big droopy warm-toned chandelier was in the center of the ceiling of the copious arena. There was a shaded glass area that led to a V.I.P Section, it was lit up and the waiters and men were standing by it protectively. Waiting patiently for something. 
Rounded black marble tables were scattered over the room, and a ten by ten dance floor in the middle that glowed the same tone of gold the chandelier threw over the few people that were already there, all wearing fancy-looking clothes. Lilith’s shoulders were pushed down instead of slumping forward, curious doll eyes scanning over the place. 
“Not bad, this seems nice enough.” Said Lil, to which Yin smirked. 
“Told you-- That guy’s checking us out.” She whispered back. Lilith looked where Yin’s eyes pointed and met eyes with a fake blond with outgrown roots, his large monolid eyes slanted upwards as he bit his lip and drank from his cup. She breaks eye contact before he gets the wrong idea. 
“Not my type.” Lilith, who was now taking a step backward, stated. They both took their chosen table near the dancefloor. 
“What shall you drink tonight?” A pretty attendant came by once they sat, she had brown hair with highlights and a gold shimmery eye and a nude lip, perhaps that’s the dress code here? Since every woman working there seemed to look the same except for the hair. 
“A margarita for me and--” 
“Lemon iced tea for me. No alcohol.” Lilith swallowed her throat, it was embarrassing to be sober but so be it. She never liked the feeling of being drunk anyways. As they waited for their drinks, other songs started playing, ones Lilith wasn’t familiar with. 
“You seem tense,” Yin announced as she sipped from her drink. Lilith snapped back with a jolt as she stared at the iced tea in front of her. 
“I was zoned out, sorry. Uh, did you notice what’s there?” Lilith asked as she opened the can and poured the contents of it into the cup that had ice and mint. Yin glanced at the V.I.P section that was getting more crowded by the minute. ‘Hushhh’ by Aviva started playing.
“I don’t know..” Yin contemplated. 
“Nevermind. I know this song--” Lilith stood up and walked to the dancefloor and swayed her hips to the beat drop, letting her head fall to let some steam off. She looked too erotic to be dancing alone. Skipping her feet and caressing her thighs then trapping her index to her lip on the word ‘hush’. God she needed this, grinding to nothing but air with hands up. 
The song ended and she let out a soft laugh, the ecstasy of a good dance is more adrenaline inducing than any drink or drug. She slowly stepped back to her table and sipped her cold drink which was a contrast to her hot, pumping heartbeat in her chest. 
“You were sexy back there, that same guy was eyeing you while talking to another girl.” Yin smirked and chuckled. “Hey! Could I get two shots here?” She suddenly signaled to the attendant which came immediately with a tray of pints and set two on the table. 
“I’m not drinking.” Lilith deadpanned. 
“Who said they were for you? Both for me, this margarita is not getting me anywhere.” 
Albeit words faded, Lilith’s eyes were glued to the line of men that were standing near the V.I.P section, they were all tall and muscular under those slim-fitting suits. A profile view of one that had a bun and a sharp scruffy jawline caught her eye. 
“Quick look behind you, bun, is he hot or just tall?” Lilith looked away when the man made eye contact, noticing her long stare. “Quick-- They’re walking.” 
Yin waited two seconds to not seem suspicious after taking her shot and looked behind, no one. They weren’t there. “Where?” 
“They went inside. I swear to god they were like fifteen, all muscular and fairly tall.” Lilith empathized. 
“Well they’re gone now.” Yin took her second shot while Lilith groaned in loss. 
“Why don’t I know any songs here?” Lilith complained just as a song ended and ‘gimme more’ by Britney Spears started. She immediately stood up and took her way back to the dancefloor, Yin followed her and they both swung their bodies to the beat then rolled their hips. It was therapeutic in its own way. Lilith bit her lip and looked at the V.I.P section again, what if one of those money-loaded hot men was to watch? The mere consequence is thrilling her imagination to luxury life. She could get used to doing this every other night. 
“I’m going to sneak in there,” Lilith hinted while the song ended and they were on the way to their table. “I have to see if there is anyone worth a while, perhaps they’ll keep me there.” 
‘Harley’s in hawaii’ by Katy Perry started playing, Lilith was annoyed she’d miss this song but it was too slow to dance to alone anyways. 
“You’reeeee ditching me.” Yin raised her brow. 
“I’ll be back, I’m just gonna peek and come back back, Consider it a bathroom break.” Lilith explained. 
“Fine, don’t take long.” Yin said as her friend walked away to the secluded section. 
Amazing timing, the guards were busy with a drunk person picking a fight. Lilith picked a champagne glass from a walking waitress as an excuse and invited herself in. In the secluded cozy arena there was a ‘U’ shaped couch and small golden table stools scattered for drinks. There were two poles with strippers and right when the high note in the song hit, Lilith’s scanning eyes met with the guy who had the bun earlier. He lifted his head from the tray offered with lines of white powder and furrowed his brows when he laid eyes on Her.
The guards already caught up and were about to attack when the man with the bun raised his hand, a gesture for them to back off. Only then did she realize how handsome he was, with sharp chiseled features. He was roguish, in short, a dilf. 
Exactly her type of broken man. 
“Why are you here?” His deep voice vibrated more than the music that made her look away. 
“Someone uh… Wanted more champagne?” Lilith looked around innocently, the men were too busy eyeing her down, stripping her from her clothes with the longing stares of around fifty men in the room. 
“You’re a bad liar.” The man with a death stare, the handsome one, who she assumed was their leader since he sat in the middle of the U shaped couch, right ahead of her, deadpanned.
“Oh sorry, uh I should just lea--” 
“I did not dismiss you.” He argued as the guards stood in her way back. 
“Come here.” He demanded, to which Lilith’s slow steps carried her alongside the weight of dread to stand before him. “Sit.” He glared and she looked around for an empty seat that wasn't there. 
“Here.” He patted his thigh, 
She stood there flabbergasted. Her dignity wouldn’t let her. She took a step back as her cheeks heated pink. No matter how handsome, no matter how bookish, or how much of a fit any man was, she wasn’t that girl.
“No?” He raised one end of his brow. 
“No.” She sounded more confident, staring at his eyes with strong will. “I’d rather be killed than be treated like your object.” She put one word on the other. 
“I see.” He put one knee on the other as he drank from his whiskey and looked down at her albeit she was standing as he sat. “Then why did you act like an object by displaying yourself?”
What is happening? Why is he asking this? What’s going through his head and would he let Lilith go after he humiliates her a bit? Was she safe? These doubts ran through her head as she swallowed the lump in her throat. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” He questioned in a low, certain tone. “Take her with us.” He spoke to the men who stood behind her who strangled her wrists behind her in a heartbeat. The champagne glass shattered on the floor. 
“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! LET ME GO NOW! LET ME GO--” Lilith struggled uselessly as they jabbed her shoulder with a pen. Her body was unresponsive yet her mind was numb. She was awake but she couldn't struggle or scream anymore. Tears rolled down her cheeks as it was scary just like sleep paralysis. And she soon passed into slumber. 
Yin only noticed Lilith’s long disappearance late. She made her way to the V.I.P section but it was abandoned. The strippers picking up the money thrown at them and the hosts cleaning up the place. She approached the stripper who had red rusty short hair and asked where her friend was. Describing how Lilith looked in detail. 
“Didn’t see her.”
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someoneinjersey · 4 months
ok that game tonight was awesome, i thought for sure we'd lose but we won spectacularly. it looked like JH didn't get as much ice time, maybe to go easy on his old injury ooooorrrr maybe for the chirp the other night. still gets me. but what a win, it was so important, we need to keep winning to have a shot at the playoffs. i really don't think we'll make it this year but man i'm still rooting for my boys anyway. also, yanno, fuck the flyers, as always.
i managed to shower, do some laundry, some dishes, and make TWO batches of soup today -- butternut squash and then broccoli cheddar which we ate for dinner in bread bowls. i was like wow now we'll have soup for days! and then i remembered ill eat soup for every meal and snack until its gone because soup is the perfect food. So itll probably be gone by tuesday at the latest. i gotta get back to eating better so i might go to walmart and use some of whats left of my monthly "healthy food" stipend i get with my insurance to grab some salad stuff again. gotta hard boil some eggs too, maybe grab some chick peas and maybe a couple other vegetables to roast. get that fiber up, clog that toilet more.
bizzy will be 7 months old next week and shes almost full grown cat sized. still small but now shes looking more and more like a cat rather than a kitten. shes also now spending time alone as opposed to needing to be with one of us 24/7 which has us both like MY BABYYYYYY. larry's changing a bit too, like requesting more affection at least from me. so there are times i'm lounging in the living room watching youtube or playing xbox and i have deano larry and bizzy all on me in different places. furniture upon furniture.
picked up my book again. i needed a long break because id read two books so quickly and intensely, kinda burnt myself out. its getting more interesting, supposedly its really sad, but i still sit here going through the pages trying to predict what's going to happen besides gayness. always gayness, god bless tj klune. up next are two sort of self help books i'm hyped about (especially "adult children of immature parents" because uuuuhhhhh YEAH)
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occult-roommates · 1 year
Some news
Ok so I haven’t been really active lately, no particular reasons other than severe writer’s block. BUT I’m back babyyyyyy.
So here’s what my upcoming plans are:
A new chapter tomorrow and monday
something for pride month
i just found out about this “mermay” things and like, at this point it’s too late for me to participate, but i still wanna do some stuff with it.
a post of where the different world are located in the lore of the occult roommates universe. of course we all have differing opinions on this but this is just my personal headcanon for my story in particular. of course you can disagree with me but you’ll still have to keep it in mind while reading this blog.
So yeah, that’s it. Hopefully I’ll be done with season 2 before the end of the summer cause I have big plan for season 3 and I am really, really looking forward to them.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Blackinnon BABYYYYYY
Ship It
1 What made you ship it? Let’s go with what we know from canon. She and her family were obliviously important or badasses or maybe both. Her entire family was wiped out! Like one fell swoop one night. All dead.
Now from my version of Blackkinnon. Marlene’s “death” had Sirius fucking spiraling and only upped the guilt he felt for refusing to be SK. It never made sense in canon why Sirius wasn’t SK. Was he a little arrogant shit? Yeah. But you can’t telling me Sirius mother-fucking Black would have trusted anyone with his godson. Sirius who lived off fucking rats Black would trust a dump like Peter?? Like Sirius only and main concern was Harry. Even after all those years. It was Harry. Say what you will about Sirius, but he was a FINE DAMN godfather.
So what could make Sirius think he’s not good enough to protect Harry? Well, we got the Bellatrix thing. Scared his family would break him. But we also have Marlene dying. That fucked him up. Bad. He couldn’t protect her and he didn’t think he could protect the Potters.
Even after she comes back to life (BUCKLE UP FAM), he’s still as madly in love with her as he was all those years ago. He’s hurting so bad that Bellatrix twisted and mani pulled her thoughts. Bellatrix did to Marlene what he had only dared feared would happen to him. It was much worse than what Sirius feared she’d do to him.
They are going to have the slowest of slow burns ever because they both take the appropriate amount of time to heal and work out their issues.
2 What are your favorite things about the ship? If we’re going just by canon: the ship name. Blackkinnon is awesome. In my little big AU, just how after all this time apart they will still be drawn together. Eventually. You’ll see what I’m talking about.
3 Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Umm… I don’t like Marlene with blonde hair. Like no. She was a tall kick ass brunette. Sirius liked dark-haired girls.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
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I posted 881 times in 2022
That's 881 more posts than 2021!
70 posts created (8%)
811 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 444 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#the lost boys - 286 posts
#tlb - 242 posts
#david the lost boys - 86 posts
#marko the lost boys - 77 posts
#dwayne the lost boys - 74 posts
#paul the lost boys - 71 posts
#tlb 1987 - 64 posts
#michael emerson - 47 posts
#lavender lady rambles - 42 posts
#my fic - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#it's about a kid who finds a dog and it turns out dogs are actually aliens that came to earth to take over
My Top Posts in 2022:
You know what I love about the hotel/cave the boys live in?
It's the perfect tool to use when writing fics. Like, you can write about the boys having anything they want or need and it'll be because it was leftover from when the hotel was still standing.
They have beds lying around? Oh, it's from the hotel rooms that survived the fall.
They all have a bunch of clothes and accessories? Oh, they're from the luggage of guests staying in the hotel.
There just so happens to be a perfectly preserved fireplace with excellent craftsmanship and a romantic appearance to use as background while you kiss your vampire lover? Part of the hotel, babyyyyyy!!
254 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
I love the fact that even though Star's the one that takes care of Laddie the most, we've all collectively agreed that Dwayne is his "parent"
Like she works hard to keep him human and safe the whole movie, but one motorcycle ride on the back of Dwayne's bike has us all saying "ah yes, that's clearly his father. Hello, DILF"
278 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
I don't really like the idea of making a reboot of The Lost Boys.
I would pay a stupidly high amount of money to see a reboot IF they got Kiefer Sutherland to play Max. Just bring it back full circle.
It's not just the callback that I like, I think Kiefer would be really good as Max after the acting experience he's built up since 1987.
I especially want to see him do the line "don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless!"
283 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
You know what's something in TLB that we don't talk about enough?
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These bloodthirsty, killer vampires/biker gang members are pulling this silly prank on their sire for literally no reason
"Yeah, we'll get him with this KITE! That'll show him!"
How am I supposed to take them seriously when they're just doing stuff like this? They're not monsters, they're playful scamps
Yet another reason why I love the boys. They're such dorks 💕
332 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Marko, Dwayne, and Paul: *wears revealing crop tops, mesh shirts or just no shirt at all*
David, covered collar to toe with two jackets in the middle of summer: YOU CAN'T GO OUT SHOWING ELBOWS, EVERYONE WILL THINK YOU'RE A WHORE!!
587 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kuackity · 2 years
-me about to go to sleep- -see that you answered- Fuck sleep and being responsable, is theorising time
My question is, like rn k!Quackity is getting along with Luzu and Rubius. If there is a moment when all of the Karmaland members remember their previous life in his entirely, do you think he will revert to how c!Quackity is now? And another question, what happened with the dsmp? I was just straight up abducted by Merlon? Or did he ended up in another place because something happened in the dsmp? Cause for what I know, k!Quackity said he was in jail for a bit ?
1-. We know that C!Quackity is manipulative, so I say he will revert from K! to C! but he will still act like K! to keep apearences.
2-. So we know that C!Dream escaped, and we also know that he has something against C!Quackity because he tortured him during his time in prision, so maybe (Headcanon coming) C!Quackity and C!Dream where having a fight, C!Dream took one of the two last life of C!Quackity, and C!Quackity instead of respawing in the DSMP, respawned in the Celestial Realm cause DreamXD make a Deal with Heberon and the other gods, so yeah, he got teleported after a battle.
3-. I have to rewatch the lore cause I remember the jail thing but not so much
5-.Theorising about K!Quackity feeling phantom pain about his scar: Beloved Drellumina anon 🤝 Me
Hellow silver! Let's get this going with the questions again cause this is the kind of feedback I like.
1. The thing is we don't know how long would it be for the full memories to come back, if be forms a meaningful relationship (not necessarily ship) he would become c!quackity still? Cause getting the memories back is not like he would magically change into c!Quackity, cause he would have another life already made in Karmaland.
2.The whole he being persecuted and fighting I like, but what is the motive behind DreamXD to make a pact with Heberon? Cause if DreamXD works with c!Dream (which I don't think) it wouldn't make sense cause maybe c!dream would use c!Quackity for something, if DreamXD is acting of his own volition, why c!Quackity? If he is acting thinking of c!dream wouldn't he get rid of c!Sam too?
3.The Jail thing I grabbed from my mutual, I don't remember much either, so let's make a truce in that. Lol
4. Here we have a lit of theory's, headcanons and like two or three Au's. And this blogs isn't that old like omg.
5. Drellumina Beloved 🤝 Kuackity 🤝 Silver. Making a lot of headcanons and au's incluiding k!Quackity and c!Quackity even if cc!Quackity hasn't say shit about the dsmp and probably doesnt plan on combining the lore.
Thats life baBYYYYYY
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starjxsung · 1 month
Hello star!
For a few hours I was a non verbal and just having some time alone while my mom was running her errands but when she came back she noticed I was not good so she offered to take me for a ride and we got iced coffees and just sat and talked for a while and then we got home and was relaxing in my backyard (it felt nice because sometimes my moms doesn’t believe my anxiety attacks and thinks I’m faking when she herself has anxiety attacks so I’m glad she took it seriously this time!)
STAR HAS A TWIN! THAT IS SO COOL!!! I have twin cousins and like I can tell them apart because one looks a lot like the dad and one looks a lot like the mom but their names I mix them up and end up calling one the other name lol
HIIII BABYYYYYY IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I’ve been busy as fuck this weekend doing nothing in particular and I’ve hardly been on my phone 🧘‍♀️ BUT I’m glad your mom took you seriously and consoled you!!!!! My parents took a little while to fully understand my panic attacks too so you’re not alone!!!! But I hope the iced coffees helped 🫶💓💗💖💘
YES I DO HAVE A TWIN we’re fraternal so we actually don’t look too similar. but within the past year or so, EVERY time we travel we get a lot of strangers come up to us and ask if we’re twins and it’s so odd to me 😭😭 we naturally talk finishing each other’s sentences and sometimes we coordinate our outfits to be similar colors so people always think we’re SUCH twins lmao
she’s definitely more girly than I am she’s much quieter, and I’m the extroverted sorta guy-ish twin so WE like to think we’re easy to tell apart but strangers still confuse us on occasion. Every time we travel for kpop concerts in particular we have people obsessed with us being twins and we’ve even had people ask to take photos with us for whatever reason lmaooo I think some people have genuinely never met twins before. But yeah!!!! I do indeed have a twin!
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
hi my sweet love!!!!!🩷🎀 omg life has been so hectic lately but i’m finally fully settled into my apartment! i can go back to my normal routine which means i’ll be in your inbox more frequently 🤭 i missed you so much baby i hope you’re doing well🥹💞 and i was finally able to read the last two chaps!!!
I KNEWWWW IT WAS GONNA BE YUNIE I JUST KNEW IT😭 hoon & yunie are bonded for life i’m glad he finally told someone bc bottling up all those emotions must have been so hard, at least he was able to get that off his chest. yn has tsuki and shotaro so she was able to kind of let off some of those heavy emotions but hoon rlly couldn’t talk to anyone about his whole situation so im glad he confided in jaeyun🥹 NOW WE JUST NEED HOON & YN TO TALKKKK!! and omg the way hoon was explaining everything to yn after he noticed a change in her mood after the car ride😭 like if he didn’t give a fuck about what she thinks he wouldn’t have explained that he hasn’t been fucking anyone else since. he is sooo down bad your honor😭 but i’m so excited to find out what led to their fallout like i know my heart is going to hurt but im ready🥲
how have you been my love?? i was reading through your blog earlier and noticed some annoying anons trying to get to you but i just wanna say that im so so proud of you for standing up for yourself and emphasizing that these are YOUR stories that you’re writing and if people have a problem with it, they can simply fuck off. they’re just looking for someone to bother since they’re miserable with themselves. it’s easier said than done i know, but don’t let it get to you baby!! you have more people who love and support your works, and i especially will always be here to support you🤍🤍 take it easy baby, you’re doing more than enough🫶🏻🫧💞 i hope the start to your week has been sweet! sending a big kiss your way mwah 💋
- 💌
im so so so sorry for responding so late but im so glad you checked in a nd are all settled in into the new apt!!! I hope you guys get to rest a little now and can enjoy this to the fullest, so proud of you for doing so well!! 🤍🌷
I love how attentive you guys are bc mans really went and EXPLAINED HIMSELF to someone he claims not to give a fuck about.....yeah, sure!!!!<3 im also so glad your just as frustated as CH!Jake and I are because those fuckers could have avoided ten years of heartache if they just,,,talked like bro im not the biggest on communication either but come onnnnnnn
lastly, thank you so, so so much for that last part baby. im so incredibly grateful and appreciative of how you guys have been having my back because in all the fandoms ive been on here this feels the safest in terms of knowing you guys are just there to support and understand me when I need it the most. I love and 🤍🌷
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bugmin · 4 months
i'm not gonna lie i didn't bother watching mid 90s until my brother made me coz i thought it was gonna be some plotless indie movie abt nothing but erm. okay. that was incredibly heartbreaking. i am so sad for that child. first of all, look how fucking small he is 😭😭😭
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this shot made me so sick to my stomach solely bcoz of the size comparison. THATS A BABYYYYYY 😭😭😭 and the ending?? i literally thought it was just beginning to wrap up and then the credits roll. i said "that's it?!" idk i did not feel more 'at peace' or w/e abt the trauma stevie experienced . dont get me wrong it's not a bad movie like the soundtrack was banger after banger i'm just ...ALSO did fuckshit not get arrested??? he was driving while severely intoxicated and crashed w multiple ppl involved including a very young minor child. why is he not in jail??? if i was stevie's mama he'd be hanged drawn and quartered in the town square ☝️😭 expeditiously i say. how DARE yall put my child in that situation. ANY of those situations!!! but stevie's mama didn't seem very engaged w her children's lives in the first place ... couldn't have been me tho. but yeah as for the ending in general i thought it was gonna have a stronger conclusion as to like... how easily children get taken advantage of and led down dangerous/difficult paths especially if they have a poor home life/support system, and maybe how just one kind, attentive person (i.e ray) can save a life in ways that doesnt necessarily require any superhero acts. the scene of stevie and ray in the shop while ray is setting up his new skateboard ? oh my god. so endearing. so comforting. i wanted more scenes like that but instead at the end im left wondering?? is stevie ever gonna learn to cope with intense emotions in ways that dont evoke self harm? was he truly inspired by rays ambition and drive and decided to follow in his steps rather than fuckshit for whom it is astoundingly unclear if he was punished literally or narratively and learned from his mistakes? not to mention the statutory rape that occured at the party was never actually condemned iirc aside from the fleeting 3 seconds of outrage from the mother but i get it cld be somewhat of a testament to how poorly understood male sexual abuse/assault is and was at the time. but fuckshit and his drunk driving that almost killed stevie? i dont get that. why was there no outrage or condemnation coz upon seeing fuckshit and the others in the hospital waiting room the mother seems to forgive them instantly. huh?! that easily?! and the orange juice from the brother? im sawry but go fuck urself.. that is not redemption enough for me to be like "oh yay you'll definitely stop abusing him now" coz in my experience with abuse, the anger and hostility eventually rears its ugly head back around even if they're genuinely remorseful bc the root of the issue has not been addressed. and maybe the ending was trying to say smth abt stevie falling in love with idealization and the sense of camaraderie he found with these other skaters despite the slippery slope that is gaining validation/acceptance at any and all costs. but that commentary seemed to vanish in the hospital coz what i kinda got was "yeah but this shit is still dope asf" ?? like sure but i dont think we were arguing that. skateboarding could be and is a really great outlet for stevie but i just dont feel that satisfied w the ending. is his mother gonna be more engaged in his life? is that jackass brother actually gonna change his ways so he can start protecting and nurturing stevie like he should rather than bullying and assaulting him? even so, why must it take a near death experience when all stevie has done is crave his love? ugh. just breaks my heart. and did fuckshit even have a wakeup call? does stevie fully understand that violence is not inherent to him? idk. i think it really needed another 15 minutes but, hey, LA in a pretty filter. whats not to love
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