#also you can tell some certain somebodies influenced my criminal record~
biohazard-inevitable · 8 months
New Recruit
Chronologically, this is part 16 Of The Dragon and The Fox Overwatch self insert fanfiction, though this is technically the beginning of season 2 so I will be calling it S2P1 and so forth, but…
Hello~ we’re BACK BABYYYYYYYY!!!!~~~~~ new adventures and new chaos waiting to unfold!!!!! And this is all of course @emile-hides ‘s fault, so you can thank him for the junkenstein revival of this series!!!
Oh also, link to part 1 here
“All-righty cyborgs and gentleman! This is your captain speaking!” Came the chipper, high voice from the cockpit of the shuttle that the two Shimada’s sat in, soft smiles plastered upon their faces as they indulged the whims of their pilot. “We are about to land at the Gibraltar base, the temperature is a lovely 21°C with delightful sunny weather!”
“You ready, Ibotei?” The elder asked, giving his brother’s hand a gentle, affirming squeeze.
“As I’ll ever be meeting government officals…” Zayne laughed nervously, leaning on his brother’s shoulder with a soft sigh as he looked up towards where Lena was staring back at them from the cockpit, having flicked on the autopilot landing.
“You’ll do great!” She affirmed. “I just know it! Captain Morrison really isnt that scary!”
“No kidding! That privledge went to commander Reyes.” Genji snarked. “Morrison is a big softie compared to him. Though I wonder, what exactly did you do to get a criminal record?”
“Oh you’ll both find out once we get inside! Morrison has the list!” Lena chirped innocently as the shuttle finished it’s landing sequence. “There are so many bright new faces for you to meet!”
With a quick flurry of taps along a keypad, the rear ramp of the shuttle hissed open to reveal a man in a deep navy colored uniform with short, well groomed hair as blonde as sunlight and calm, prideful eyes like the rolling waves the deepest ocean.
“Genji!” He greeted with a cheerful smile. “It’s been far too long! Glad to have you back with us, and you’re looking better than ever!”
“It’s good to see you too Jack.” Genji chuckled electronically as he approached the blonde man casually to geet his firm handshake. “It has certainly been a long time since we last met, and hopefully under better circumstances this time.”
“Well you seem perfectly healthy, so not quite a trip to Angela again, and more talkative this time!” The man- Jack- jabbed with a playful elbow nudge to the cyborg’s side before glancing over at the small man still hiding in the shadows of the shuttle’s cargo dock. “And that must be the brother you told us about? The one you’re vouching for?”
“Yes, though I wasn’t aware he had a record.” Genji chuckled softly, nodding his head in a gesture for his brother to join him. “I’m awefully curious of what such a record contains, though I have my suspicions on some things. Nonetheless, he is a good man, I know it. Besides, you were willing to take Cassidy on.”
Slowly, from the shadows Zayne walked, his gaze neevously angled at his feet as he joined his brother’s side, not sure what to make of the man before them.
“Well, Reyes technically took him on, but yes, I’m sure its no problem.” Jack chuckled before extending his hand to the youngest Shimada. “Hello, I’m commander Jack Morrison. Leader of the Overwatch.”
“I’m Zayne Shimada…” He mumbled, cautiously taking the hand offered which was returned with a firm shake. “You aren’t going to arrest me, are you?”
“Honestly? We should, if only for your mild acts of terrorism, but your brother is willing to vouch for you, and I’m willing to look past it so long as you are willing to make some agreements while we have you complete some paperwork but, we’ve had worse cases then yours as members.” Jack responded with a slight chuckle. “But its nice to finally put a face to the name! You’ll fit in just fine here, I’m sure of it.”
“If you say so.” Zayne chuckled awkwardly ad he was released from the handshake and Commander Morrison began to walk off towards the main building with a wave enticing the brothers to follow.
“So when were you gonna tell me you’re technically classified as a terrorist?” Genji jabbed as he skipped along after his brother with a shoulder bump.
“Mmmh, was hoping to wait about as long as you did in telling me you were still alive.” Zayne replied with a sly shrug and a smirk. “Possibly never.”
“Touchè.” Genji replied with an electronic hum. “How did it even happen anyways?”
“Lets just say back when I was working with Hanzo, we got into some… interesting situations and may have made friends with some Australians.”
“I’m sure they’ll debreif you on my list of crimes once we actually get in there, and those who I committed crimes with.” Zayne sighed as he caught up to the Commander. “Though do know, the buildings I destroyed were corporations who had it coming.”
“The fucking WHAT-“
“Quite the brother you’ve got there Genji!” Lena snickered as she blinked over to catch up with the boys. “This year’s going to be a lively one for sure!”
It was weird, walking through the halls of a military outpost freely, not having to sneak around camera blindspots, and strangest of all be escorted around like a guest by the head honcho! Zayne wasn’t sure if he liked it, though it was nice not to have to avoid guards like the plague for once.
Eventually, the group arrived at a small interrogation style office room, which wouldn’t be that strange if it werent for the enormous silverback gorilla sat at the other side of the desk, a pair of glasses sat newtly on his face and a bannana casually in hand. It felt like something almost out of a fever dream, and what happened next baffled the ninja even further.
“Genji!” The gorilla greeted with a toothy smile. “Good to see you again!”
“Ah Winston!” Genji responded cheerily without batting an eye. “Overwatch’s favorite monkey, how have you been?”
“Well- actually, and I hate to interrupt,” Zayne piped up, giving his brother a soft nudge. “Hes not a monkey, hes a Great ape. Very different groupings.”
“Okay nerd.” Genji sassed with a gentle smack to the back of his brother’s head.
“Oh I like this one.” The ape responded with a deep chuckle as he turned his attention over to Zayne before extending a hand to the young Shimada. “I’m Winston, a scientist here at the facility. I’m mostly here to hand you your paperwork and help walk you through it, though I admit I was also curious to meet the new recruit joining us! Oh and, Genji already informed me about your peanut allergy, and just know, I have a tendency to indulge in peanut butter from time to time, it goes very well with bannanas.”
“Well, thanks for the heads up.” Zayne chuckled softly. “Though, I’m still a bit amazed to be talking to well- a talking gorilla! How did that even..?”
“Well, I was born of brilliant minds and raised on the moon by humans! I could go into morefacinating details, but I’m afraid thats a subject for another time as its a terribly long explanation!” Winston laughed softly as he placed some paperwork in front of the young ninja. “Anyways, todays discussion is more about you and where you lay in regards to the team here at Overwatch, which, weclome welcome by the way! Its great to have you!”
“Thank you!” Zayne smiled softly, sitting down at the table. “I’m actually surprised how nice you guys all are! I was really expecting to be arrested almost immediately and locked away forever, at least until I called in some favors and busted out.”
“I’d have liked to see you try!” Winston chuckled. “But, no, no no. We’re quite the understanding group here, I mean, we’d need a bit of any talents we can get if we’re to take on the remnants of the omnic crisis! We cant really afford to be picky even if we wanted to!”
“Allright, well, this is going to be very boring!” Genji announced as he clapped his hands together. “I’m going to have Lena give me the rundown of your crimes if you’re alright being left with Winston?”
There was a subtle concern to his voice hidden amidst the playful tone as he rested his cybernetic hand on his brother’s shoulder, giving a hesitant squeeze to ask if he’d be alright. A squeeze that Zayne returned with a soft smile as he responded.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine, just meet back up with me in whatever place you guys call a mess hall around here?”
“Of course Ibotei, see you soon.”
It took a moment for Genji to remove his hand from his brother’s shoulder, ever the loyal shadow that had guarded the young ninja during his time at the Shambali monastary, now finally having to seperate so his brother could fill out tedious paperwork regarding many, many crimes he had comitted, though in his heart he knew he was in good hands. After all, these were the hands that had caught him when he fell from the Shimada clan entirely.
“Alright, lets begin!” Winston spoke, adjusting his glasses as Genji left the room.
Boy, were they in it for the long haul.
And just for fun, here are the crimes as follows:
Breaking an entering
Multiple speeding violations
Grand larceny
Grand theft auto
International terrorism
Murder-for hire
Conspiracy to commit murder
Acts of non-permitted Demolition
Criminal Anarchy
S2P2 here
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necroticblonde-a · 5 years
The Greta Rosenblum Case (Lore)
April 10, 1998
In April of 1996, Greta Rosenblum went missing from her father, Raphael Rosenblum's, San Diego apartment. On a Monday morning, the Rosenblum family's nanny, Dianna Cross, went into the girl's room to wake her for school but found the 8 year old girl was not in her bedroom. Upon further searching, it was realized that the girl was not anywhere to be found in the apartment. Ms.Cross proceeded to search throughout the building, asking other tenants if they had seen the girl to which all answered no. Though panicked, Ms.Cross contacted the police roughly an hour and a half after discovering that the girl was missing and contacted the girl's father shortly after. 
The police arrived at the apartment building but found no signs of forced entry anywhere in the apartment. As a matter of fact, the girl's room had been tidied up, with the bed made, toys placed in the toybox, and laundry done, folded and hung up. When asked about the day before Ms.Cross stated that the previous day she'd picked the girl up from school, helped her with homework, prepared and ate dinner with her, bathed her, and tucked her in by 8:30 PM. She stayed up until maybe 10 pm and went to check on the girl one last time before she went to bed herself. She claims that the girl was asleep when she went in and she heard no movement at all throughout the night. Mr. Rosenblum had been out the entire week on a business trip to New York and was not there on the night the girl went missing. 
Tenants in the building were asked about the girl but none claimed to have seen the girl past the suspected time she went missing, all apartments in the building were searched. The security footage from the hallways the building had been cut from the times 2:14 AM to 2:33 AM, whatever was left on record just jumps from 2:13 AM to 2:34 AM. All footage from between those times simply no longer exists. 
Ms.Cross was asked if there were any shady characters in the lives of the Rosenblum family to which she answered: "No. I'd say maybe one of Mr.Rosenblum's associates but he'd made it a point of not allowing any of his colleagues meet his daughter. I'm probably not supposed to tell you this but Greta was born out of wedlock. He didn’t want this to influence his career and reputation. Her existence has basically been kept under the table since her mother brought her to live with him. As far as I can tell, they aren’t even aware he has a kid at all."
Further search of the immediate area ensued. One would imagine that Greta Rosenblum would be difficult to miss as the girl had some form of albinism. She had white-blonde hair that was cut into a bob, round black eyes, and very pale skin. Presumably, she'd be walking around in the lavender colored nightgown she'd been tucked into bed in.  
When Mr.Rosenblum finally made it back home, he was swiftly questioned by police. He had a flat affect during his entire time talking to officers and detectives. He was unable to give any information as he wasn’t in town during the time of the girl’s disappearance. When questioned about the girl being born out of wedlock and the possibility of the girl’s mother abducting her, he stated: “There’s nothing that can be said about her mother. She’s not even in the country anymore. Besides, that woman knew she couldn’t handle a kid and I doubt someone like her would have a sudden change of mind 8 years later.” Further questioning about her mother and he admitted that he didn’t even know what the woman’s name was, that she never gave him a real name, and that she’d left the girl with him shortly after giving birth to her. 
The search continued for two days and expanded to cover Orange County and as time went on and eventually a statewide search ensued. During this time, Dianna Cross had become a primary suspect as she was the only other person in the apartment at the time and there being no signs of struggle. Ms.Cross had no criminal record and when her home was examined, there were no traces of Greta to be found. Several staff members at the girl’s school were also interviewed but none could be pinpointed as suspects. Though, some staff gave more insight about the girl’s emotional well-being. Greta’s then current teacher, David Matthew stated: “She was always moody and standoffish. Brilliant little thing but she had the habit of getting fuming mad and taking it out on her peers. She always seemed lonely and I knew her dad was a bit of a big shot. I assumed that he wasn’t giving her much attention. When kids aren’t getting the attention they need, they’ll try to get it in any way possible.” Ms.Cross also admitted that the girl’s behavioral issues ran deep and that she’d been bitten, scratched, and hit during these fits of rage.
This resulted in the theory that Greta had simply run away but how far can a child with a unique appearance get before they’re noticed, especially when their face is on dozens of fliers being handed out on street corners? Within the next few days, the search continued. A woman in Santa Clarita filed a report with police, claiming to have seen the girl walking hand-in-hand with a blond young woman, dressed in black, and a tall build. She was unable to get a good look at the pair since it was already dark out and they were walking under yellow streetlights. Police arrived to investigate the street the two were seen to be walking on but they were nowhere to be seen. This solidified theory of abduction for some but it’s debatable whether or not this was a legitimate sighting.
The next sighting was up close by an older couple, parked on the side of Gorman Post Rd, facing the highway. Maria Ruiz said she saw a young girl sitting on the side of the road as if she were waiting for somebody. When she approached, she saw that the girl was as Greta had been described on several news outlets. The girl was unaware of her presence until Mrs.Ruiz tried to coax the girl into coming closer to which the girl screamed and began running along the side of the highway. Alejandro Ruiz saw his wife chase the girl and began following in his vehicle. In the confusion, he crashed into a truck and had to stop his chase. His wife turned back to help him out of the vehicle and to the side of the road before calling police to report both the sighting and the car accident. Two police cars and two ambulances arrived at the scene, taking care of the accident before asking Mrs.Ruiz questions about her encounter with Greta and scanning the area. Greta was not found but a few passersby driving along the highway reported seeing her a few hours later with a blond woman carefully walking along Grapevine Canyon; a bit further on, security footage shows the girl shoplifting several snacks from a Grapevine gas station, the woman is not with her in this footage. 
A CHP officer, Alejandra Gomez, was patrolling on her motorcycle the day after when she spotted the girl walking about in broad daylight, which is new as all sightings of her took place at night. The girl was walking along the highway between Pixley and Tipton, holding the skirt of her nightgown up as to carry snacks and water. “I pulled over besides the girl and she looked at me with this look of bewilderment in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to run but she looked down at her little stash and I could tell she didn’t want to risk dropping them.” 
This next part is quite troubling: Officer Gomez said that she tried to converse with Greta but the girl wouldn’t speak to her. “‘You stay right here, honey. I’m going to call someone to pick you up’, I told her. I turned around and I saw a blond woman but something wasn’t right. No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember what the woman’s face looked like. When I look back on the memory, I can picture her hair, I can picture her shape and the clothes she was wearing but her face. . .comes up as a blank slate. As soon as I looked at her, I felt sick: I was stricken with this dizziness, I began sweating, and I remember vomiting and falling forward. She stood there, staring down at me for what felt like hours until she stepped out of my peripheral. By the time I was able to gather myself and stand up, there was no trace of her or Greta Rosenblum.”
The final confirmed sighting of Greta Rosenblum was at a BART Station in Dublin, California. A mud-covered Greta Rosenblum was spotted by a drunk passenger (who was unable to give a reliable description of the girl’s condition) and briefly by security footage, boarding the Daly City line. No staff at the station noticed the girl crawling underneath the barriers to get to the second floor of the station where she caught the train. Nobody can say for certain which stop she got off at as the security footage for all stations along that route cut off as soon as she stepped onto the train, throughout the entire night and early morning until 8 am. This was the final time she was seen. As far as we know, she could still be on the move with this woman somewhere in the Bay Area, assuming they’re still in California. Some theorize that they’re probably heading further and further north.
A few unconfirmed sightings of her around this time include her getting into a blue van in Modesto, her sleeping in the underbrush of Mt. Diablo, and her chasing rabbits around an empty field at Mountain House. There are doubts that Greta will ever be coming home and some even think she may no longer be with us. The more years that pass, the less likely she is to be found. It’s around the second anniversary of Greta’s disappearance and ever since the BART station, there has been no new trace of her. 
There are still many questions that are yet to be answered. Who is this woman? Did Greta willingly leave with her? What are this woman's intentions? How did she get into contact with Greta and how were they able to almost move entirely on foot without attracting police attention? Where are they going? Some suggest supernatural forces at work but in an age of reason and science, we shouldn’t entertain absurd theories about aliens and things of the like. This shouldn’t be a matter of proving some sort of point either. This is a matter of safely bringing a little girl back home to her family. 
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khalilhumam · 4 years
‘This is a partisan movement of a partisan nation': a Belarusian poet reflects on her homeland's turmoil
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/this-is-a-partisan-movement-of-a-partisan-nation-a-belarusian-poet-reflects-on-her-homelands-turmoil/
‘This is a partisan movement of a partisan nation': a Belarusian poet reflects on her homeland's turmoil
Belarusian poet Valzhyna Mort. Photo (c): Tanya Kapitonova, used with permission.
As events unfold in Belarus following presidential elections whose results are contested by the opposition and a large part of the population, Belarusian artists are speaking out to denounce state violence and express solidarity with protesters. Valzhyna Mort, a celebrated Belarusian poet who lives in the US and writes in Belarusian and English, spoke to Global Voices about her response, her impressions, and what she is doing to raise awareness. Valzhyna Mort is the author of two poetry collections, “Factory of Tears” and “Collected Body”. She is is a recipient of the Lannan foundation fellowship, the Amy Clampitt fellowship, and the Bess Hokins prize from “Poetry magazine”. She also teaches at Cornell University. Her second Belarusian-language book, “Эпідэмія Ружаў” [The Rose Epidemic], came out in 2017. Her next book, “Music for the Dead and Resurrected”, will be published this year. The interview has been edited for brevity and style.
Embroidery by Belarusian artist Rufina Bazlova depicting Belarusians supporting the opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya. Image used with permission.
Filip Noubel (FN): After 26 years of mostly unchallenged power, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka now faces the biggest challenge to his rule, including demonstrations and strikes. Why now?
Valzhyna Mort (VM): This was supposed to be a peaceful change in power in my country. This moment has taken so long because people didn’t want violence. We, Belarusians, who have endured many wars, would say to ourselves: “Let’s endure for a bit longer. No revolution is worth a human life.” This year, when presidential candidates were imprisoned and declared criminals overnight, people have been moved by the clarity of just how weak and pathetic our government really is. Belarusians do not have to do anything in order to ensure their government fears them, it’s enough to just exist. Violence is being committed against defenceless people by riot police and Interior Ministry troops. It began with people being beaten and arrested for making a victory sign on their way to work. Right now, riot police are dragging people out of grocery stores and their cars at random, beating and arresting them. When the election fraud started with the formation of polling committees and the non-accreditation of independent observers, it seemed obvious that it needed to be opposed by following the most basic legal steps. Even if the state-controlled court didn’t agree, just the fact of a hearing on the issue made the corruption visible. A strong sense of grassroots solidarity that had already formed during the COVID-19 pandemic when the government failed to offer systematic support, developed into well-informed civil engagement. When fraud started at the polling stations, I, despite being on the other side of the ocean, felt that I could see through walls and to read the sheepish minds of officials. At the same time, the government didn’t know what to expect from its people. Perhaps it expected violence? Is that why the riot police and troops keep behaving as though somebody is attacking them? Just now, I saw a picture of a 15-year-old boy motionless on the ground with three policemen beating him. Perhaps the greatest weakness made visible in these past months has been how little the state knows its own people.
FN: Belarusians have often been described as politically indifferent. We have seen them taking to the streets for four nights, braving police violence, arrests, and threats. What is different this time?
VM: What’s happening in Belarus is unique. We don’t want to sacrifice a single life: in Belarus, there’s nothing but the blood of our people under our feet. This blood is nameless, boneless, voiceless. To be born in Belarus means to inherit fear and fearlessness, shame and shamelessness, voice and voicelessness. But one thing is certain: to be born in Belarus means to inherit a great invisibility and self-reliance. Planting vegetable gardens, making preserves for the winter, sowing, fixing things, reading, showing up to educational and cultural events: these are all political activities of self-reliant people who feed themselves, clothe themselves, and educate themselves. This is why what we are witnessing in the past three days and nights is unlike protests we've seen elsewhere. This is a partisan movement of a partisan nation that has been surviving on self-reliance for centuries. The internet in Belarus is shut down, and yet, I have just watched a brief interview with a janitor at a subway station who shows a mobile phone recording of the blood she had to clean up. With the help of Belarusian Telegram channels I’ve watched more Belarusian TV than during my years in Belarus. All these are videos of police violence recorded by private individuals onto their personal mobile phones and then shared with the world. This, along with the self-organised, non-centralised street partisan protest, is a version of polyphony, the favourite literary device of our writers Ales Adamovich and Svetlana Alexievich. This is our tradition.
Embroidery by Belarusian artist Rufina Bazlova representing police forces putting down their protective gear and weapons. Illustration used with permission.
FN: Many Belarusians such as yourself have made the choice to live outside their country for political and economic reasons. Is the diaspora playing a role today? Can it and should it play one?
VM: This is a moment of a worldwide Belarusian solidarity. We are all people with little knowledge of our roots, with family trees hanging on a single chance survivor, all we have is each other. We are too alone and invisible in the world not to be united. And yes, the diaspora is doing everything to draw international attention to the Belarusian struggle for dignity. There are protests with concrete demands, petitions, and fundraising. There is keeping in touch, as simple as getting through the phone disruptions in order to check on family and friends and let them know that they are not alone. In Belarus, people are trapped without any means of communicating with the outer world, without a clear understanding of what is seen, what is understood about their situation. Foreign journalists have been deported. Many journalists have been shot at and beaten by police. Some reporters, especially in Russia, have so little knowledge of Belarusian situation that they might be doing more damage than help with their baseless parallels with Ukraine and/or unapologetically colonial frames. So, it is the duty of all of us outside the country to make Belarus both visible and supported. Again, this is not something that had to be declared. Rather, it was immediately felt, it went without saying. It is my belief that most people in the diaspora didn’t leave for good. We have ties to home, we return regularly, we educate our children about where they come from, we provide a support system for our people back in Belarus and for Belarusians everywhere.
FN: You are a poet who writes in both Belarusian and English. How is Belarus present in your writing? Do current events in Belarus influence what you are writing or might write?
VM: My new book of poetry “Music for the Dead and Resurrected” is a deeply Belarusian work. I will publish it in Belarusian in Belarus when it becomes possible. In these past few days I’ve been living entirely online, in a virtual Belarus. My body’s clock has shifted, I cannot tell what work I actually had to do during these few days. I might have a light version of PTSD – seeing people discuss American politics or going about their day as if nothing were happening in Belarus seems absurd and, more so, it enrages me. In my many years of living abroad, I’ve felt out of place many times, but this is a new level of that feeling. I do not want a single person who isn’t watching Belarus right now anywhere near me. Of course, this is all raw emotion. Americans didn’t go on strike when children died in cages on their own southern border. But I can say this: I’m tired of ignorant curiosity. I want to see international empathy. Today, I’ve written a statement in solidarity with Belarusians and sent it out to a couple of editors. I wanted to publish it immediately so that everybody drops everything and sees what’s going on in my home. When I hit the “send” button and the text slipped out of my hands, a great fear overcame me. I wondered whether I had actually dreamed what I described in my statement. I imagined somebody reading it – somebody having lunch and saying “oh wow, she is too much, so angry, so emotional,” and I got scared that everything was just a trick of my own insane mind. Then my phone buzzed. My dear friend was writing to me via Telegram from Minsk: “We hear gunshots and explosions. Does anybody outside see us?”
< p class='gv-rss-footer'>Written by Filip Noubel · comments (0) Donate · Share this: twitter facebook reddit
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curtisjohng-blog · 4 years
How to Choose a Great Home Cleaning Service and Ensure You Get Top Notch Service
OK, so you are prepared for a support of clean your home. Bravo! In any case, notwithstanding needing first rate administration at a reasonable value, you may ask: "How might I confide in somebody in my home, or even better, with a key to my home?"  https://homecleaningservice.nyc/
 The interest for proficient home cleaning administrations keeps on developing. An ever increasing number of individuals are understanding that re-appropriating these, occasionally not exactly attractive assignments, can have an extraordinary quantifiable profit. Frequently, the greatest result for employing a home cleaning administration isn't only the time you are not cleaning, however the all out time - and vitality you recover some time ago spent fearing or abstaining from cleaning.  https://homecleaningservice.nyc/
 Employing a support of clean your house is an important choice, with numerous contemplations. Trust is crucial since it is, all things considered, your own space. Very regularly clients are not posing the correct inquiries or getting their work done.
 Two Big Issues
 Manage an expert organization - There are numerous people or "private gatherings" that will clean your home and may work superbly. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you enlist an individual as opposed to an organization to clean your home and pay them a specific sum in a year; you are their boss. On the off chance that they neglect to pay legitimate expenses on target you pay them, you could wind up being at risk (also whenever you are up for a bureau position, this makes certain to wind up all over CNN!) Also, in the event that somebody comes into your home to work for you, and is harmed or harmed, you could be at risk.  https://homecleaningservice.nyc/
 At the point when you recruit an expert house cleaner administration, you are, in a perfect world, maintaining a strategic distance from every one of these dangers. The administration proprietor should worry about the concern of finance burdens, Worker's Compensation, and obligation protection. An expert assistance will likewise offer preparing for their representatives. The entirety of the hazard and obligation is not, at this point your duty as the client. That sort of genuine feelings of serenity merits an extra $20. Right?
 Go for proficient, yet not on picture alone - Just in light of the fact that a business has polished business cards, and a Web website that rivals Microsoft, you despite everything need to get your work done. Remember these inquiries when settling on your choice on which cleaning organization to enlist:
 1. Who will clean my home? Do they use representatives or self employed entities? Whatever the appropriate response is, you need consolation that you are getting the assurances that should accompany an expert assistance. Do they use people or groups? Ask them for what good reason they utilize the model they do. Diverse plans of action work for various reasons. Simply be certain the organization you need to recruit is doing it for the correct reasons. The IRS has a valuable guide on their Web website to figure out what characterizes a worker and self employed entity relationship.
 2. Do they perform criminal record verifications and pre-screen workers? Each help ought to have a strategy for individual verifications and pre-screening workers. With the present innovation, even the littlest organization approaches minimal effort apparatuses over the Internet. You will need to know the arrangement they follow and what their procedure is for due steadiness while recruiting.
 3. Is it accurate to say that they are appropriately safeguarded? Protection incorporates general risk protection and Workers Compensation. It doesn't damage to request a duplicate of protection endorsements. As much as protection costs, they ought to gladly demonstrate it to you.
 4. Do they offer a fulfillment ensure? What does it involve? To what extent after the administration is performed, do I need to call to report issues that should be tended to? Regardless of how great an assistance is, or how incredible the worker preparing program, it is blemished people cleaning the house. As the client, you ought to have consolation that if the group has a "terrible day", the organization will make it right.  https://homecleaningservice.nyc/
 5. Who will have the way in to my home? What is the arrangement? How might I be certain I am sheltered? This ought to be an immense concern, and most clients don't think to pose this inquiry. Are the keys marked out every day? How are the keys kept at different occasions? Where are they kept? Is it accurate to say that they are bolted up? Who is liable for them? If they somehow happened to be lost or taken, are there any markings that distinguish where they go? Ensure there is nothing to distinguish your location on the key. Likewise, ask in advance, in the occasion the key is lost or taken, what is the supplant/re-key arrangement?
 6. "Are you reinforced?" Please don't solicit this, and tell the entirety of your companions, family, and friends and family this isn't the inquiry to pose. In all seriousness, don't try asking this. It truly makes no difference with the exception of in outrageous cases. How a bond functions is that it is bought (it isn't protection, yet protection operators issue them) normally for as meager as $200 per year for a little organization. For what reason is a bond so modest? They are low in cost in light of the fact that there are once in a while any cases paid out on them. A bond will pay if a representative is found taking, is attempted, and indicted. In the days prior to the data superhighway, completely looking into an individual's experience was past the methods for most little organizations. In years past, the recruiting procedure was difficult to explore and "circumstances" would happen. With the entirety of the instruments accessible today, every entrepreneur has simple access to assess whom they are recruiting to clean your home. So, most home cleaning organizations feel free to purchase the bond just in light of the fact that it is simpler to spend the $200 bucks a year and considerately answer when asked, "yes we are fortified", as opposed to going into the above story. Additionally, simply envision how cool you will look when you are in a gathering talking about this at the mixed drink party, when the subject of tidying administrations comes up!
 7. It is safe to say that you are both in the same spot? Very regularly, the offender of the cleaning administration client relationship going south is an absence of correspondence. A sharp cleaning administration proprietor should walk you through what their administration will accomplish for you and your home and give you an away from of what you can anticipate. Be certain that you focus on what they let you know. Even better, maybe they have garish print materials that likewise pass on what their administration can offer you. Everybody has their "hot catches" (what clean intends to them); what one individual believes is perfect may not be "spotless" to someone else. It's simply human instinct. For certain individuals it is the bed made the perfect way; for other people, it is a spotless sink. Make sense of where you tumble from one end to the next in the range of being critical. In the event that the main thing to you isn't being done, bring it up. You ought not just accept that it will be done and that they should "simply know".
 8. What would it be a good idea for me to do in the event that I am not content with the administration I get? Maybe it isn't until the principal, second, or third cleaning that you find what your cleaning "hot catches" are. (Side note: focus on what these are. It can spare you YEARS of treatment in the event that you give close consideration to what they are).
 I trust that a portion of these disclosures will be beneficial things your expert cleaning group has done that you didn't hope to affect you the manner in which they did. In any case, on the off chance that you discover "things" that grind your nerves, you should address them. Ensure it was not just the day at the workplace that is influencing your point of view. CALL, express your interests to the proprietor/director. In all honesty, the best assistance proprietors APPRECIATE and welcome productive analysis. It is the most ideal approach to fabricate a superior business, and experts will consider your to be as a blessing. In the event that it is something little, let it slide until the following visit. In the event that it does make a difference to you, at that point ask that they send the group back to address it. They ought to be glad to do as such when sensibly conceivable. Keep in mind, this is a personal connection and connections require correspondence; connections without correspondence fall flat!
 Presently you realize what to ask (and you have a couple of other spontaneous bits of groundbreaking counsel for sure). Pose the correct inquiries; get the extraordinary help you require and appreciate. It makes certain to add to an amazing nature. A little knowledge: the greatest days will be the point at which you overlook the cleaning group is coming and you tell the truth crisp smelling home ... Decent!
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hak-7 · 7 years
What does Allah Say of Allah in Chapter II, verse 255 in The Holy Quran? Let us recite these words often.entitled The Verse of The Throne: "Say to humanity Muhammed, Allah is The G-d, there is no god but Allah, The Ever Living, The Self-Subsisting, The Eternal. No slumber can seize Allah, nor sleep.His are all things in the heavens and the earth. Who is it that can intercede for Allah, except as He permits? Allah Knows what appears (to His creatures as) Before, After or Behind them. None shall encompass His Knowledge except as He Wills. His Throne extends to the ends of the heavens and the earth. For Surely, Allah is The Most High, The Supreme in Glory. (SAA) (Allah has Spoken a Mighty Truth)!SUPPORT YOU CANT SEE Faith To Religion As Theory To Science Science is mostly based upon theory. Before science arrives at fact, science has the base or foundation of theories. We have a scientific world. We have a world that tells us all about the nature of matter, how matter is composed. We are taught, by our science teachers, general science and physics. If you had those subjects of science, you know that science says that matter is composed of small particles that you can't see with your eyes. It has gone on the theory called the Molecular Theory, that molecules are composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of charges. And none of this can be seen by the physical eye, so it still remains a theory. Theory means that they can't prove it to the rational mind and physical eye, except upon reference of observing certain behaviors of matter or believing that since these results come when we use these theories, these results hold up. A person believing in life after death or the hereafter or another life or better and higher life to come believes in that on faith. But the faithful persons are recorded in scripture and in regular life, our life, as having certain experiences that give them reason to believe that that is reality that it does exist. The same for the Belief in God; it is a belief; it is faith. But the experiences that we have personally as people of faith are as much evidence for our faith and belief in matters of religion, as these theories are for the scientific world. We experience it in our souls. We experience it in our minds. We experience it in our life. We see it happening in the lives of others. Many times, we experience it together. Two people or more will witness the same phenomena or the same happenings in their lives and identify them the same. So what is the difference between theory and faith? The scientists would not have gotten to where he has gone and made the progress he has made, if he had not had faith. He had to have faith, faith in what he believed. He had faith that in what he believed is the reality. We are conditioned to think of the world as the world of law and reality. Scripture says the whole world is deception. Deception you are not really seeing reality, when you are looking at the world. There was a time when man was looking at the earth and believing that earth Was flat like a table. He believed that if you went so far, you would fall off the earth. But observation over a long period of time and experience and increase in knowledge brought mankind to accept the common knowledge that the earth is round. There is some proof that the earth is round, and one is given in the general science courses. It says that if you notice when you are out on the ocean front and the ships are coming in toward the shore, the banks, the land, you see the top of the ship first. Then the rest of the ship comes into view in time, as it approaches. This is proof to a rational mind that the earth is round. PROOF there is GOD Similar proof is given to us in religion to support what we believe in, that there is a God. It is not just God over creation, but it is a Living God, an Active God, a God that listens to my personal life whenever He wants. This is what the person of faith believes in. And I say we have evidence of this, as does the world of science. We have to change the way we think. We have been influenced by the secular world, science, human claims, man's claims that fascinate us and escape our mental capacity, in other words leave us without explanations and make us think that man is a miracle worker. And he is. But he is not the first Miracle Worker, and he is not the biggest Miracle Worker. We are talking about Solid Faith. Both religion and science, I repeat, require faith. Science calls it theory. For religion, it is F-A-I-T-H. Humans are born sinless. There is no inherent sin period. However, humans have a proclivity toward error or sin but are not born sinners. There was a time in the history of our criminal studies in the United States, Criminology in the United States, that it was believed that if you could stop a criminal from having children, it would help reduce crime. It was believed that the criminal would most likely produce a criminal, that that behavior was inherent. It wasn't long over a period of time that that was rejected here in the United States, and they took the position that no child was born criminal. So here we find religion and science agreeing, coming together. Not today but many years ago, religion and science were taking similar positions. If you really are an observant person and have a clear mind, and you think on what the world has done and think on what you have read in scripture, the world has just lived scripture. Scripture came before the world, and the world has been living Scripture as though somebody gave man science as his plan for his life. Exactly what has happened is what was predicted. And I can give you many statements from religion and scripture to explain that and support that. NEED FOR POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE To believe I am born a sinner is to be crippled for life, spiritually and mentally. Every field of knowledge knows that in order to succeed, one has to have a positive self-image or a view of the value of one's self as good and appreciative. The reasons why so many people are failing in life is that they have a crippling belief or idea that cripples them and prevents them from performing at their capacity or their ability. It is because they have been told that human beings are born in sin or born with sin. Somebody was awfully messed up, when it came to accepting sex. And they are the ones who thought themselves a special creation, that they had rejected flesh and pursued religious light and had become another creation above human creation. And they imposed upon themselves, as God revealed in the Last Scripture, celibacy to have nothing to do physically or sexually with a female. They required that of themselves or of their order, that you don't marry women, that you are married to The Word of God. That influence is what we see in the belief that man or human beings are born sinful or in sin. This is not something that starts in The Gospel. It starts in the early scriptures, that if you do wrong, your children are going to inherit it. Your children will be punished for your wrong; they will inherit your sin. This is in Scripture. But do we understand it? No. We take it literally and we take it to be speaking to the matter, which it is not. It is speaking indirectly to the matter or to the subject not directly. No child necessarily has to be affected by the bad behavior or the sins of the parents. We see that in life; we don't need anybody to prove that to us. We see extraordinary children come up in the worse conditions in some of the worse households, and they turn out to be just super. We don't have to have anybody to prove it to us; we see it in our own life. I don't think most of us bought that anyway. I think those who can't find a job bought it. I think those who can't follow good leadership bought it. I think those who can't follow good sense bought it. But I think a lot of us never bought it. The human family has human family solidarity. As our destiny, we have to accept the unity of the human family. Man has progressed socially and materially on this earth with a position now, globally speaking, that we cannot accept to ignore other nations and other people. HISTORY UNFOLDING Not only do we have to recognize their existence and their right to their own future, as they choose to have it, but we have to also recognize that they have a right to share in the wealth of the world. Their lands should be respected as their lands, and our lands should be respected as our lands. We can't run from each other anymore. We can't live economically without each other anymore. We have to work and cooperate for the good of us all here on this planet earth. This is the reality that was prophesied in scripture that would come. That things in God's Creation were working automatically, both in the human creation and in the material creation, to bring home the Destiny as God intended it to be. It is not as some nation intended it to be, it is as God, The Creator, intended it to be. When we read scripture, we see it plainly unfolding in the history of man's social and material life. We see history unfolding, and we see scripture speaking in man's material life, social life and spiritual life in his whole life. DON'T DOUBT FAITH Here is what was said, and look at what is happening. What was said is now seen as what is happening in this global community of man today. Some of you doubt faith. You don't want to trust faith, so your faith is weak. I am sure a lot of you come from Christian backgrounds and a lot of you in the myspace blog audience are Christians, perhaps. You may recall the preacher saying, quoting The Gospel, quoting Christ Jesus Peace be on him: "If you have as much faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can do wonders." Think about this, the Qur'an and the Bible these two Books say very much the same thing, when addressing major issues on doubt and faith. Take one grain of mustard seed and put it on your finger be careful not to drop it, because you can hardly see it. The mustard seed is hard and to look at it, it looks dead. But when you put it in the place where God intended it to go to have life again, it becomes a big bush and just one of its leaves has weight. "If you have so much faith as a grain of mustard seed...," that looks dead and is hard. This is Solid Faith. Muhammed the Prophet taught his followers what God revealed in the Qur'an: "Be together, stand together as a solid wall." And we stand together shoulder to shoulder, as a solid wall when we pray together in congregational prayers. We take the stand upon faith. And God says, "Look at the heavenly bodies." Both Scriptures point us to the heavens, for us to observe the wisdom for a higher order of human life on this planet earth. God says, "Observe the bodies that you see in the sky and how they appear to be supported with no props or supports under them that you can see." What is that saying to us? It is saying that not only your life but the existence of the material universe is existence upon powers that you can't see. The sun you can't see what is holding it up. The moon you don't see what is holding it up there. You get a telescope and look at planets and material bodies or material mass bigger than ours. Look at the planets, like Jupiter. You cannot see what is holding them up there. Science tells you of the trillions and trillions of tons not pounds in that mass. There it is hanging out there in space seemingly with no support holding it up. That is pointed out to us to tell us to trust the God that designed this creation, trust the God that designed the Universe. Trust Him. You can't explain everything He did. Trust Him. He knows and you know not. You look at what He has done and then come up with your own explanation for it. I know about universal gravity. That is what science tells us. But when the farmer looks up there, he doesn't see any universal gravity. All he sees is big bodies up there and nothing is holding them up. So God's Lesson is going to stay, no matter what science says. God gives us a Lesson that says, "Have faith in the Lord that designed this creation. The way it is designed is too big for your mind to grasp. Have faith in The One that designed it and don't doubt. Die to your own life, die to your own mind and live again." Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)
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