#but I love that
every episode of merlin is like
morgana: the best way to kill arthur is to make him piss rocks. here i have this magic snake where anyone who is bit will piss rocks! he’ll never see it coming
arthur: i am pissing rocks
gaius: merlin is at the tavern
merlin: i have found a special flower that only opens when you recite a spell at it and it can be used to cure rock pissing disease. enjoy this tea i’ve made, arthur!
arthur: i have stopped pissing rocks thanks to the bravery of my knights. the moment they captured this random soldier who brought the snake to camelot, i was drinking my tea and i quit pissing rocks.
morgana: thwarted again! if only emrys didn’t know every detail of arthur’s life that only his servant would know!
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sweeneydino · 2 months
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Hate preview.
Might complete this early, might not. Either way I'm traumatizing Leo.
Win win-
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
hii! May I please request a masc-leaning fox regression mood board with a paci and cozy outdoors theme? Thank you!!
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inkiedraws · 3 months
I hate myself bc i will look at Doflamingo being a sentient waste bucket, live on camera, committing horrible atrocities and being yucky.
But then i see that one panel of them eating a big pizza together like a found cult family and i'll be like
"<:O..! ohmahghad he does care.. waow <:)"
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illiana-mystery · 10 months
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Blessing your dash with chaotically silly Van Gogh. 😊
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imjustmarcy · 6 months
Taking the opportunity of Fullmetall Alchemist randomly trending to also say:
Thank you that's all
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ichigokeks · 8 months
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or maybe he is just a little pathetic guy
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trying to release sometimes makes me feel like I’m about to pass out. PT told me it shouldn’t feel like that, and that is a sign that muscle is tight and needs to be worked. so i’m supposed to hold it there instead of rolling and see if pain reduces after 30 seconds... goddam it doesn’t feel good 🥲💀 but it does offer some relief afterwards. Ughhhh.
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i hate Twilight pleaseee there are better vampire movies like Lestat the vampire or Bram Stoker's Dracula or Nosferatu (1922) or Bela Lugosi's Dracula or even Bara no konrei...
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
little detail from puss in boots that I loved
it gets unnoticed, probably on purpose, but the Wolf never shows up on the map to the star.
Puss is too panicked and the others are all too focused on themselves to notice it-- but every other character shows up on the map. Their location is clearly telegraphed and the others use that to keep track of them.
Obviously we know WHY the Wolf never shows up on the map, but it is interesting that Puss never thinks to check when he realizes the wolf is the forest with them.
You can't track death because it's always there.
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loadingbraincells · 4 months
the temptation to make an edit of him to this song…
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Footage of me explaining a fic plot to a friend
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nothingwronghere · 8 months
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Streets of Fire (1984)
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whumpshaped · 11 months
hi anything ocean related makes me think of you now so im taking my son to the beach for the first time tmrw (he's so excited) i will let you know if we see any sharks 🫡
- 🐘
have fun!!!!! :D
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
You know…
… The more I think about it, it’s cool on multiple levels that Nate threatens Moreau w/ Hardison.
There’s the fact that he considers Hardison an impressive, powerful asset, enough to be on par w/ Moreau’s influence over a country. Additionally, Hardison’s skills were instrumental in overthrowing Moreau—Hardison, who Moreau wrote off and had kicked into a pool
But I also kinda find it interesting how he doesn’t mention Eliot at all. The Moreau plot is the only time we see Nate doubt Eliot, something they ultimately power through stronger than ever, but Eliot’s previous service to Moreau is a source of tension. Meanwhile, while he’s not exactly getting personal w/ it bc he has no clue who the rest of the team is initially, Moreau’s attitude towards Eliot does read (to me, at least) as looking down on him, and sorta like he’s still treating him like an underling. Like he thinks of Eliot as a weapon that’s lost its edge since leaving his service, and even just from his indirect comment about ‘white hats,’ I can see him wanting to sort of. Clash w/ Nate over Eliot’s loyalty—esp bc what comes out in these eps is that Eliot is way more loyal to Nate than he ever was to Moreau, that he chooses Nate when he didn’t choose Moreau, and effectively chooses Nate over all old ties or opinions about Moreau. And I can see Moreau, as arrogant as he is, taking issue w/ that almost? Or even just trying to flex his knowledge/power of/over Eliot to imply Nate isn’t ‘using’ him properly or something. It’d be very easy to make that moment about Eliot, treat Eliot as a weapon that they lord over each other or something.
But Nate never gives him the chance. Nate never mentions Eliot, doesn’t threaten Moreau w/ Eliot, doesn’t treat Eliot like some commodity he’s ‘stolen’ from Moreau/Moreau’s influence. Instead, he talks about Hardison, who Moreau has never met before, who Moreau hasn’t exactly been taking seriously. It’s probably not intended in that way, but I just love the implications of that. Bc for one thing Nate’s over that, he and Eliot already reconciled, there’s no reason to bring it up, and it’s a very understated power move, to defy the way it’s implied Moreau saw Eliot, as a super special cool weapon he had to wave around. Bc it’s not about that.
It’s such a… Well, specifically a Crime Dad moment where he’s coming in clutch for both his boys; credit where it’s due to Hardison, and personal respect to Eliot w/ the added bonus of not giving Moreau the satisfaction.
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