#but I draw the line at animal cruelty
lemonlovemeanslove · 1 year
Had to unfollow and block a mutual bc I read a take from them that was so ASTRONOMICALLY stupid that I legitimately couldn’t take it. Dear Lord WHAT is wrong with white women 😭😭😭
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skellagirl · 6 months
I almost don't wanna make this post bc I feel like it will be misinterpreted, but I've been thinking about the odd sort of double standard in specifically the danny phantom fandom, where the most popular thing (bafflingly, to me, given canon, but I won't digress) is to write/draw about a 14-year-old boy being mutilated, tortured, dismembered, vivisected, and generally brutalized, BUT,
if people try to ship him with, say, Vlad, suddenly that's a step too far
TO BE CLEAR I AM NOT DEFENDING THE SHIP. I do not like it, it skeeves me out, I've blocked people on sight for shipping it, I've gotten into heated debates with other folks in the fandom about it, you can ask like anyone and they'll back me up on this lol
MY POINT is that I find it so strange that one of these things (shipping a 14-year-old with an adult) is seen as abhorrent and heinous, whole the other thing (brutally torturing, mutilating, and traumatizing a 14-year-old for our Amusement) is A-OK and is in fact the most popular activity in the fandom 👍
and some of this shit is DARK! the few times I've poked into the dark fics in the fandom, especially the more popular/well-known/infamous ones, some of them have made me feel genuinely nauseated (and horror is like, my favorite genre for writing lol!!!!!!!)
I'm very curious about this phenomenon because I think it says something interesting about the old 'differentiating between fiction and reality' conversation that comes up every time dark fic/fic that features taboo elements is mentioned. Am I intelligent enough to articulate what that something is? Probably not lol
Although I do think a factor is that one of the situations in question is much less likely to happen to real kids and teens, but again I'm not intelligent enough to put into actual specifics why/how much that might matter.
idk!!!! I'd be interested to hear other people's opinions about this, cause it's def something that's been percolating in my brain
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m-eowdy · 11 months
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we knew this already but instagram is the worst place on earth
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rience grabbing codringher and fenn's cat and holding up a flame next to her and threatening her to make them tell him everything but also carrying her safely out of the building (completely unharmed) and taking her with him after he set it on fire
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a-pirate · 10 months
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"One last thing: Go and fetch the bone you threw." "Hah! ...Wait. You're... joking, yeah?"
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5x04loss · 1 year
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they better not do anything stupid to nugget my friend nugget or else there will be consequences from me personally
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simptasia · 10 days
i really do think that boar just didn't like the way sawyer smells. i'm not saying sawyer is stinky, no, no, i'm not that petty. but sometimes animals just smell a human, dudes especially, and are like. oh fuck no. i don't want any of that. and this mother boar wanted none of sawyer
she was right to be wary. he hates animals and shakes piglets
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It's kind of funny that you people are like 'i didn't care about the racism issue but it's personal now that they used the name dottie' like you are unserious
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
someone non-white use that one Britta meme from community with the paywaller avengers™
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casiavium · 9 months
trust me. you do not want the word remlit in this chapter
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trans-leek-cookie · 10 months
Thinking about how I randomly got into The Smiths, then noticed a few different people talking about them negatively, went "Huh. Weird. I bet their fans are kinda pretentious, but what's the deal?" Then only learned later from someone reblogging an aesthetic photo of a shirt with a quote from one of their songs on it that one or multiple of the band members was like a Massive Racist, and looking more into that to find the guy said some racist shit about Chinese People Specifically
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spiritunwilling · 3 months
I am an animal liker I think they are super neat but tbh I will also be the number one advocate for ppl who don't give a shit Abt that animal. Esp like. Pets
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
on a similar note: i love hunting city guards for sport in skyrim and getting crazy with the backburner in tf2 as much as the next guy but releasing an animal crossing fish into the wrong kind of water is just unspeakably cruel even for me. you can't just throw a goldfish into the ocean bro... what about the salinity......
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
when you were a child, did you ever kill a squirrel with a slingshot and were surprised that you felt nothing and wondered if you were capable of doing it to a human?
I swear it was just a mistake😭😭😭 I didn’t mean to do it at all. I was aiming for the bird instead but the squirrel got in the way. I tried everything. CPR, mouth to mouth. There was nothing I could do. It’s haunted me every day ever since then💔
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And no. I could never do that to a human. Not unless I bought a really really really big sling shot. I heard they have one on sale on eBay 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
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2amtechnicolor · 2 years
if i see another haruka stan with an absolutely dumbass take about fuuta being guilty i will be in the next milgram prison
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rate my dog it was his birthday yesterday
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10/10 he looks very soft and like he's a good companion. Happy late birthday to him!
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