#I can excuse rasicm
lemonlovemeanslove · 2 years
Had to unfollow and block a mutual bc I read a take from them that was so ASTRONOMICALLY stupid that I legitimately couldn’t take it. Dear Lord WHAT is wrong with white women 😭😭😭
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djarinvettel · 2 years
there is no reason for red bull to not comment on this
i mean ffs you did with vips last week what’s changed? ik max isn’t the one that decides what nelson says, i fucking know! but that’s no reason for him or red bull not to speak out about it. you can speak out about people you know, love and care about if they are in the wrong! and red bull especially has no connections to nelson expect max dating kelly so what’s their excuse? they have none! no excuses! YOU CAN’T EXCUSE RASICM
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sunshinexloftx · 2 years
The whole meghan and kate thing really does my head in. You have a bunch of sugars insulting degrading, abusing kate, taking enjoyment from her pain, insulting her family, her children, her looks and just about everything else about her. You have a bunch of horrible people excusing their nastiness by saying if kate hadn't said this or done that they wouldn't be doing this, and yet there is zero proof of kate and William doing or saying anything negative to or about harry and meghan, just tabloids and gossip rags (rags that if they print anything negative about meghan and harry are obviously lies and yet if it's negative about william and kate it must be the truth). And yet they have the audacity to call themselves feminist. They attack literal children, mock the death of a husband, father and grandfather and look forward to the death of a mother and grandmother. They shit all over Britain history (and listen as a proud Scottish women I'm allowed to bad mouth the monarchy, I'm allowed to have doubts and fears and be annoyed with the money they spend. As a scottish women I am allowed to have an opinion on American politics but I should also mind my lane and not call for their president to be killed or attack their family's,or destroy their democracy, I'm allowed to disagree with their amendments but also respect that it is AMERICANS amendments and its something that Americans deeply belive in and as a scottish person I can have a personal view but that's all it is and I will never try and attack their basic rights, whereas those american sugars attack MY monarchy MY tradionals MY history, and try and abolish and attack our queen and we as Britain's are supposed to be okay with that?) And if we have anything negative to say about meghan and harry we are racists? And btw that take the power out of that word in my opinion. If you accuse everyone of rasicms because you don't agree with what their saying then your taking the power out of the word, no one going to take it serious anymore, and people are just going to roll their eyes and say ay right, when that word should have power, it should hold force and have consequences because yes of course rasicm is wrong, but if your going to use your race as a weapon then people are going to get fed up with it because at the end of the day a person can be a horrible person regardless of their skin colour, and they should be called out for their bad behaviour and conduct. No one on this earth should get away with doing bad things simply because of their skin tone, white or black.
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wooyukh · 3 years
also on a sadder note, aapi hate crimes have risen lots since the pandemic started. and the media never talks abt it cuz aapi rasicm is so normalized and looker over. ive seen ppl talking abt how "it's not cuz their Asian it's cuz they're easy targets". nah bro, you don't see us as easy targets, you see Asians who you sTeReOtYpE as easy targets. and you're using covid as an excuse to be racist against a whole community. literally any race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc can spread covid. -🐉
“and with the Georgia spa shootings (I could rant on and on especially abt that moron of a polic chief) the literal hATE cRIMES are finally getting more media attention. and the shootings in Georgia are just so scary omg i cried reading the articles. anyway yea. just don't be a rascist bigot, and if you see someone being hateful say something cuz being a bystander and just overlooking hate is almost as bad as being the hate. (and praise the Biden admin cuz they're hopefully gonna do smtg.) -🐉”
no no because i totally agree with you. racism in general is so normalized and it’s honestly disgusting. they use covid and blame covid on asians and its so frustrating. especially in the u.s because the former president openly blamed it on them, causing others to think racism is suddenly okay again. this is a serious issue that we need to talk about and shouldn’t ignore. we need to stand up for each other and not allow for this behavior to continue.
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moondonky · 3 years
Watch what they've done
Could they live with themselves, sunrises of blood.. r they in control, or are they running tails tucked, ashamed, should be nervous, will they even help, or just send more guns, will they tell the truth, or let chaos ensue... Armageddon a war stretching to all four corners,, are they prepared, did they think this through, will we lose,, is this the surrender is this the excuse.. count our loses, lick our wounds, we are not an empire.. it was aways inevitable, dont be so hard on yourselves
They dont get sent to the frontlines,, it is always men in there prime, we do the most, including die,, eyes for eyes, real men walk the line..
Salty fuck for a reason,, for the most part I dont give af,,, society is not designed for me, does not value me, but expects everything from me,, expects me to keep my integrity,, work hard play hard, deal with life's difficulties, pay them taxes, for people who don't do anything,, living a better life than me.. thats crazy,, paid more for having fucking disabilities,, while I work 12 hr days 6 days a week, I didn't go to no college, parents didn't give af about me,,, no cosigner no benefits no vacation no ira 401k, no nothing,, but theyll gladly take 30k from me every year in taxes, and I still can't afford a house, still cant afford to like have children, I have no security,, just pockets of money, in an inflated econmy, I will still be drafted, because I am not a fat fuck, because my back never hurts, because I am not mentally disabled... because I am a man, and aint noone gonna follow anyone else into fucking battles,,
Men are selfless we do shit noone else can, we put on our blinders, workhorse just trying to ignore all the pigs and dogs and chickenshits n sheep, and rats, plowing fucking field so the rest can get there meals,, that is how it feels,, and then when we break our leg, its likea bullet, no other use, maybe turned to glue.. its hard not being a stubborn ass about it,, because if someone is disabled they should still live a good life,, gratefull for my ability to even work,, theres a fine line between those who need it, and those who don't, those who fake, steal an early retirement, take advantage, abuse the system, which is not designed to be socialist and capitalist,, its cheating america, just flares me up to witness.. because I dont,, I obey everchanging laws to the best of my abilities, I make my money honestly, clean, skilled trade I invested to learn.. I flinch when they take out taxes, mailman and social workers are the only sectors of government I have any respect for, at this point fuk all that other bullshit,, the rest suck at there fuking jobs, not even theft, straight extortion at this point...
I keep doing my part, its weird, cuz I see the struggle, in the chaos, all the corruption,, can seem confusing, effin millenial why not,, why i just watch, because the problem was always there, kinda growing in the backround for years, borderline treason, and it is what it is, but a complex problem none the less, just a combination of all sorts of shit, and if u where to attempt solving that problem,, this would make sense,, most people couldn't handle the truth, ignorance is bliss,, but either way truth won, higher consciousness.. people be realizing sumthing globally, lol u dont have to move to America to be american, theres a reason dictator governments censor the borderless internet,, all over the world, people are educating themselves, kinda noticing its governments that fear each other hate each other compete and fight each other, we are ants, they are grasshoppers.. first one to jump becomes the enemy lets see what happens..
Lol jump i dare you,, wherever u land that sea of ants will consume you, in american eyes every government is a terrorist organization, there all mafias, there all gangsters, fuk them crowns, fuck them religious sceptors, those are the governments boarders not the peoples.. rasicm is obsolete, vicariously seeing through all that centralized controlling propaganda , tools of satan are the biggest polluters if u were to ask me, a history repeating
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cadencekismet · 6 years
Pride month Rec list
As a happy Pride Month thing, (and because I don’t need an excuse to press people into consuming my favorite media in various forms, I bring you this list.
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson - This book tops almost every rec list I’ve ever made or imagined making. Read it. (And then if you like it try They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us, which didn’t make this list only because it’s sadly not about being queer. It does, however, do a lot of the same things that The Argonauts does. And for a book by a straight man (I assume) it does an amazing job of being inclusive of women and queer people.)
How to Be Both by Ali Smith - Guys, seriously, do yourselves a favor and read some Ali Smith. She’s the queer icon my life has needed in it. When I try to imagine the Victor Nikiforov in my life, she’s who I think of. (Only less... Less too much.)
Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson - It’s gorgeous, it’s steamy, it’s introspective and lonely... I read this pre-S4 of Sherlock and thought the main character made sense to me as a cousin of Sherlock’s being lonely and gay and trying not to admit it.
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills - The main character of this YA novel is trans, but the plot of the book manages to be about more than that, as if queer people have other parts of their lives that aren’t bound up in their gender or sexuality. A+
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn - Lesbians. Rasicm. Class politics. This book does so many things.
Shadowhouse Fall by Daniel Jose Older - Guys, I love this book. I loved Shadowshaper, which was the first one in the series, but this one was even better, mostly because we got more developed minor characters. I love Sierra, but Izzy’s SO. COOL. 
Pride (2014) That’s it, that’s the only movie you need to watch.
TV Shows
London Spy - Heartbreaking, well-written. Weird. I still can’t decide how I feel about the big plot point. It’s... a strange show intellectually. and intense emotionally. 
Yuri on Ice - If you haven’t seen this show yet, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. And if you have, today seems like the perfect day for re-watching. It’s got all of these wonderful minor character emotional backstory pieces, on top of the (gay) romance of the century between the main characters. The plot twist in ep. 10 is the best plot twist since I don’t even know when. It’s cute and funny and occasionally heart-wrenching, and you can watch through it five times and still notice inter-character dynamics that shift because of a piece of backstory that you’ve just remembered. (Or maybe that’s just me, because if I can’t read faces of real actors, you should watch me trying to read anime faces. I imagine it’s pretty hilarious.)
Secret Feminist Agenda - Seriously, give it a listen. You’ll love it.
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