#but EVERY YEAR around artfight time. this starts to happen
theminecraftbee · 11 months
I have to say as a writer who watches artfight from the outside it’s very funny every year to have a period of time in which every artist I know starts complaining about how the website doesn’t work. this is literally the only thing I know about artfight. but people mention it and I wait and sure enough the memes about all the artists ddosing the poor fragile artfight website start rolling in. incredible to behold,
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msponies · 2 years
What the shit did you smoke for you to make this blog inactive!?
okay this is a little fun a little sassy silly…… i dig it i vibe….. i’m currently at my grandparents house taking my dog out so i think it’s a good time to go through my past ~14 months and together we can see where i fell off the wagon (SLASH GEN i promise i’m not being snarky! i really do want you all who have supported me to know i’m okay + what i’ve been up to)
it’ll be under the cut, and as a thank you to all of you,
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oh yeah. ohhhhhhhh yeah
july 2021: artfight happens, i do two attacks and then just stop drawing ANYTHING. i started sewing again briefly which was the second crafty hobby i had before drawing (first was origami!), so that eats up my time. if i remember i want to edit this when i’m home and add a picture from my old phone of me sitting on my bed with my cats, sewing a “sock creature” (PLEASE please if you have the time look up john murphy’s sock creatures, his first book was so formative to me)
august 21: i start working at spirit halloween!!
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september 21: i become close friends with this guy Vincent, we had known of each other for a while and were mutual fans of each other’s art but here we start talking on a daily basis!!!
october 21: obviously The Big One for a spirit employee, it was halloween all month baby! i had three costumes (the third was Raph from tmnt but i don’t have a pic 😿)
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(side note i LOVE the turtles, the reason i got that black wig in the goth cat costume was to cosplay casey jones from tmnt2012)
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november 21: by the nature of spirit halloween i am now unemployed. i try hbwr seeds for the first time which to answer the original question is most likely what i smoked to make this blog inactive
december 21: I BREAK UP WITH MY EX!!!! i found his secret pr0$h!p twitter on christmas eve so i timed pretty much the exact midpoint between christmas and new years and broke it off then
january 22: i reorganize my life!! i get a new bed frame and other furniture for my room to celebrate my fresh start. i find a very rudimentary children’s sewing machine at goodwill and get fully back into making sock creatures!!!! plus i hack a 3ds, but i know we’re all doing that
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february 22: this is where i really do just become burned out for a bit, i do JACK SQUAT except make a G2 Tier Maker:
march 22: i start taking job hunting seriously… ALSO me and Vinnie who i mentioned back in september keep talking and keep growing closer; i send him a playlist of songs that make me think of our ponysonas and for the first time it becomes really clear to each of us how much we like one another 💥 the playlist in question:
april 22: i turn 24! i also start working at taco bell. i also stop working at taco bell. i watch a good chunk of pac man and the ghostly adventures
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may 22: probably my favorite month of the year thus far! i journal every day, go to the park, work hard around the house and in general do what feels gratifying to me!
june 22: i go to a pride event in my city and run into a girl who i bought a teddy bear purse from at spirit! she mentions applying at the McAlister’s that’s opening next month and i follow suit; it goes poifectly and my training starts at the beginning of…
july 22: DELI TIME! i’m trained to work prep which means folding up all the meat that gets used for sandwiches, plus slicing n dicing various produce. Vincent and I are like 💓official💓 at this point or whatever….. :)
august 22: i adjust to life behind the industrial-grade rotary slicer. i get back DEEP into webkinz. Vincent and i meet up for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
september 22: loooots more boyfriend time 🎉 but also i go back to school 👎
now: well damn! i’m in a little bit of a rut in full honesty; i only have so much energy in a given day and i spend most of it on work and school. i am so grateful for everyone who has shown me patience, and i want to prove that it wasn’t “wasted” on me in any way. i still have a lot of personal work to do before i can post on a reliable schedule again
thank you :)
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doppelneer · 8 months
A Wee Bit of Catching Up With This Mess
Soooo originally this was going to be a big post on my main tumblr blog @abyssforphantoms , but I got thinking about it and it just made more sense to make this on it's own blog and repost it over there if I feel like it... instead of spamming my main with this au stuff.
Anyway, Welcome to the mess that is my brain and They Came From The Deep Au. I will not be going too deep into the story in this post, but will do a short summary and explain my prosses behind my decent into madness with the various stuff I have accumulated for it over the year.
After the final quest the Abyss Crew was fine. Cannoneer was back, safe with the rest of the crew, and they have gotten what they wanted when they went down to those accursed depths (even though they almost didn't make it back if it weren't for the skykid). So everything should be fine, back to status quo... right?
Well it was for a bit.
Then strange stuff started happening.
Supplies keep disappearing and shifting around the reef. The members of the crew feel like they are being watched from a distance, and the sea almost seems more restless. Every one has a sense of unease...
None more so then Cannoneer,
because of the weird dreams they keep having, and now the crew is saying they did things they didn't do. It was like they were at two places at once.
Then they saw it-them from a distance... they looked almost exactly them! but something was off...
Now it's up to Cannoneer to figure out what is going on, what does this doppelganger (a.k.a Doppelneer or Cannondoppel) want and convince the crew this isn't another one of their "embellished stories".
Meanwhile other things deep down start to stir... and they aren't going to be as "friendly".
And yes Doppelneer will be a big part of this post
Warning: the images below may have some BODY HORROR.
Veiwer Discretion is Advised.
Around August 2022??? - the sticky note
The thing I drew that started it all
Thr original idea for it was just what if cackling cannoneer but dark creature
I forgot that it existed until...
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October 2022 - "A Familiar Face That Is or Isn't You"
I found the sticky note again and wanted to explore the design further in a one off piece (and then it wasn't, lmao)
I also got into exploring doppelgangers as an idea which lead to me having the questions
"If someone from the Abyss Crew had a doppelganger who would have the most interesting reaction?" (You can guess who I picked lol)
"What if the doppelganger wasn't nessasarly evil but thought they were the person and the person they are a doppelganger of was a doppelganger that took over their life, thus kinda wanting to sabotage the person's life a little?"
I drew this piece in my sketchbook but then colored digitally
Originally posted to my deviantart 26 October 2022
Finished Art
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Drawing Process / Alternative Versions
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November 2022 - Old Reference Sheet for Cannondoppel
Very outdated and crusty
I will post the updated ref in another post
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December 2022 - "Breath in Deep Water"
Digital painting
Just a story idea
Waking up one day being able to breathe water must be jarring ngl
First appearance of the phantom eyes
Posted 1 January 2023 on my deviantart
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January - Inspirational Glitch happened in Sky
Didn't really do to much with the Au for a bit, nor does this really have to deal with the au
But this happened to me one day and thought it was neat yet felt like walking into a sky creepy pasta.
It's the red green visual glitch and the spirit staring glitch with Cannoneer happening at the same time
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March - Some Old Doodles
"There is always a bigger fish. "
More experimenting with the story in my mind
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May - "Reflections"
"Just a reflection in the void"
Changed some details with Doppelneer, mainly hair and sometimes they have a tail
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July - artfight cameo
just a small appearance
Nothing too much too note
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And that is it for now will return soon with more stuff soon
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macccc hi. hi hi <3 ik u don’t watch qsmp but i wanna cry in ur inbox for a second. we got. fucked up sibling dynamics. it happened. cellbit had a twin sister named bagi and he went missing and was thrown into a war and she searched for him endlessly. his first memory is standing over a dead body and having to eat it to survive. bagi is slowly recovering her own memories and is desperate for him to remember her. he keeps pushing her away bc he can’t fathom that he had a LIFE and a FAMILY and people who CARED about him. he thought he came from war but he came from love and didn’t even know it. bagi became a cop just so she could try to break him out of prison but she never got the chance bc he broke out first and she lost him again. she spent fifteen years looking for him and he spent fifteen years trying to survive. they’re both devastated over this in different ways. this always happens with media i get into it always comes back around to messed up siblings i’m going to start eating the floorboards. the strider bros the plant twins ccrimeboys. this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him. you can get a new son or a father but who can grow me a new brother. yk. just gonna lay here and cry for a minute brb
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anyway how r u doing!!! how’s it going!!!! how r ur blorbos!! i never got into adventure time as a kid what’s it like what’s the recent series like how’s it going :3 how r ur little guys i wanna know!!!! i’m still watchin hannibal btw makin my way thru s2e2 AS WE SPEAK!!!
OH GOD OH FUCK I LOVE HORRIBLE TRAGIC SIBLINGS !!!!!!!!!!!! i keep saying this but im so glad im not directly into qsmp because i KNOW i would be imprinting on cellbit like a baby duckling. it was A JOKE AT FIRST because i saw he had a white streak but every new thing i learn about him im like. of fuck thats my type of character like. to a t. unbelievable.
I AM DOING GOOD its sooooo cold today and i cannot wait 2 be done with work so i can get all cozy (<< guy who is dumb and chose a career path that is Almost Always Outdoor Manual Labor) . adventure time is soooooooooooooo so so so good. i actually have not seen ANY of the post-canon series which is why im currently rewatching the main one!! i want 2 watch them so bad. ive heard such good things about fionna and cake. ouuguguhg. its a very good show its the perfect balance of really silly and lighthearted and also.... emotions. <3 formative piece of media. u are speaking to the worlds biggest flame princess kinnie. also i have been thinking abt my ocs a lot lately bc i havent drawn them since artfight. this is a DISGRACE.
IM SOOOO GLAD UR STILL ENJOYING HANNIBAL. oh season 2 goes nuts. season 1 is probably my favorite as a whole but my favorite Individual Episode is the season 2 finale. ohhh the season 2 finale makes me so insane. ouguha. also lmk when u meet a character named mason verger i have a funny story about him <3
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rookflower · 2 years
ok, so. i drew every warrior cat! here's a long rambling sentimental reflective-type post on the blog i guess.
I started this blog when I was 15, in 2018. I was bored at a summer job, scribbled Onestar on the back of a sticker sheet, and thought "huh, there sure is a lot of Warrior Cats characters! I've seen some design blogs around, I think there's a "draw 100 cats challenge" people do, wouldn't it be fun if I gave that a try?" I had nothing going on art-wise at the moment, I was losing steam on my Pokemon webcomic and had given up askblogs a while ago, so I quickly fell into it.
Starting out was weird- I'd only read up to about Power of Three at the time, and hadn't read TPB or TNP in quite a while. I vivdly remember someone sending me a request to draw Tawnypelt about 20 cats in or so, and I genuinely couldn't remember who she even was. I think I got a request to draw Jagged Peak before I even knew DOTC existed? I wasn't working off of a specific list, and would miss certain cats out entirely due to forgetting them which frustrated me. Drawing cats was fun, and once I got to 100 eventually I found myself going "well, now what? I haven't even drawn Sorreltail, Nightstar, Appledusk, Spiderleg..." so, i kept going!
Then 2020 rolled around and lockdown hit, and I was suddenly stuck in my house with no plans, seemingly unlimited time, and a desperate need for some kind of outlet that offered escapism from the world.
Drawing Warrior Cats was something mundane and rhythmic but creative and enjoyable, and I found the aspect of looking at it as a challenge alluring, the same way I had when the goal was "100 random warrior cats". How far could I get before having to stop? I couldn't do over 1000 cats, right?
I could!
sunk cost fallacy or whatever, I guess?
Lot has changed in my life over the course of this. I started the challenge just after leaving high school, and now I'm headed into my third year of uni. Some family's moved around, we have a cat now, I started playing video games again, my bedroom's been revamped, I met some internet friends IRL for the first time, I'm more or less publicly out as gay, all different kinds of stuff. It's fucking wild to consider that one of the biggest constants in my life these past few years has been drawing goddamn warrior cats. I've had the Warriors wiki list of characters open on my computer basically forever, and finally closing it feels like a goodbye.
So what's happening with this blog? Well, I'm not upkeeping a daily queue anymore, that's for sure. There are some cats here I KNOW I'm going to want to go back and redesign at some point though, so this isn't over! Even if I'm less active here, for now, I'm not going anywhere. I'll probably also use this for any general warriors art/posts I want to make, as well as those "send me asks" request meme thingies. those are fun.
I'm hoping to be maybe more active on my youtube now, as well as just generally experimenting with my art more. One of the biggest downsides of spending 3 years drawing fullbody flatcolours of warrior cats and not that much else is that my improvement on every ground except cat anatomy and character design has become pretty fuckin stagnant lmao. I need to make art with backgrounds and shading and non-cat characters again or i think ill explode. time to get out of this comfort zone!!
speaking of, very lucky this thing ended right at the start of Artfight. I'm @/RioBlitzle there and I try to revenge back attacks! Will probably put my energy into that for a wee while.
@daily-mario-characters might come back,, eventually but I'm not promising anything, and if I haven't learned anything from running this blog you might see me on a "drawing every pokemon" streak in a few months. it is how it is.
Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. Massive shoutout to everyone who's ever left nice comments in the tags of my posts, I don't really have a way to respond but I read every one of those and please know that they absolutely make my day.
Thanks for sticking through this challenge with me!
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timesnewfishcat · 2 years
14 for Artist Ask 👀
Artists Asks
14. How has your art changed over the years?
a lot of my old art is exclusively confined in the margins/entire pages of my school notebooks, and most of what I drew were animals (pretty much cats, foxes, and the occasional dragon) but i sorta knew how to draw chibis? also all of this was heavily inspired by anime
a big moment for me was when I decided that I was gonna learn how to realistically draw humans, but exclusively in french class for some reason lmao
anyways I started dabbling in digital art and animation around that time, mainly because i wanted to make a webcomic but ended up not doing it
this was around the time I started posting stuff online but very infrequently (before this blog existed)
then 2020 and 20020 and artfight and Painter happened
i guess i've gotten more comfortable with colors mixing and digitally painting, but I still try to go for clean lineart when i can for ease of coloring
except for backgrounds because ✨vibes✨(i'm lazy)
in terms of character art, it's definitely changed to be inspired by a variety of styles instead of just a certain anime, and I've grown more comfortable with changing it up every so often
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maudfs · 1 year
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It's that time again for the summary of art! 2022 is on its way out and it was certainly a year...
This was the year of the water tiger in the Chinese Zodiac. I enjoy using Zodiac things as prompts AND my birth year was of the tiger, so that is January's image. I used the lasso tool for a lineless look, it was fun.
February's image is a bunch of air type raptors of a species I have been thinking of for a while. I was trying to flesh out what markings they would have and what kinds of color morphs might exist. (front to back: rare (sunset), common (blue-jay), melanistic (dark), leucistic (light), and albino) Of course they are not finished (I guess headworlds are never really finished) but I would like to someday update my websites bestiary with all the characters and species I've created and these would be one of the featured ones.
March's image is for an Ovipets challenge that I won! It is a Catus with butterfly wings looking at butterflies in a field of clover.
In April I made a bunch of shuffle-style icons and little sprites for my characters for things like their toyhouse pages or my website... so basically a bunch a stuff that won't get posted by itself.
For May here is a sketch of Fulvina from Spectrobes (the thing my Fulvina is named after! I had to draw it eventually, but) I didn't finish it at the time because I was having trouble with the lines, though I do plan on finishing it. Spectrobes as a whole could use some more love!
June's image is Amdy as a Unicorn, as I was seeing Junicorn challenges but didn't want to draw something every single day. I also chose this because well, why do I have so many so-called shapeshifters yet I only draw them in one form? I should show what else they can do!
July is ArtFight month and this time around I found some very cool characters to draw including a dragon named Colors! This was very fun to draw.
August I created a character called Daemon, seen here. Haven't really fleshed him out much though XD.
September Flight Rising released a gene called Soap that makes the dragon extra shiny, and I knew I had to draw it. What better than a vaporwave dragon? Flight Rising has released a LOT of stuff this year now that I think about it!
For October, a WIP of Alban... didn't finish much this month. I wanted to draw some Halloween images and make a bat-sona but that didn't happen in time. Somewhat related, this is the third year in a row I started to feel depressed beginning in October and into the winter, DESPITE loving Halloween and colder weather, so I'm wondering if that's a sign of seasonal depression or something? Yeah.
November's image is more Ovipets, this time dogs (Canis and Lupus) playing in fallen leaves. Used lots of different CSP brushes in this one. (For the single purchase version, of course... as if I'd deal with a monthly subscription for an art program... I don't know who thought THAT was a good decision)
December I finished this piece of Cygnet. I was going to try to draw more for December, but the sheer cold of this country wide snowstorm(!) seems to have put me in hibernation mode, so I'm gonna go ahead and finish with this.
Now's also a good time to say that I still don't mess with ΝFТ's or АI art, (I don't consider either of these things to be “art” and I don't have the energy to argue about it) so I've been experimenting with new watermarks to try and combat that in a subtle way... still watching Twitter catch fire. Still wearing a mask (end date: undefined). Still love playing Legends Arceus... STILL too shy to socialize!! Come on, that's gonna end up being my new year's resolution for like, every year! Gosh XD But I must continue to try... I must..!
As always, thank you for coming by and reading. :3
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starwalker03 · 4 months
Ayo it's late but 2023 Digital Art Progress
I drew the most digital stuff I've ever drawn last year. I finally pushed past a lot of my issues with the digital medium and figured out how to actually Do The Thing per se. so I think I got a lot better over the course of 2023. I definitely changed my visual style a lot, that's for sure.
Unfortunately I did lose my USB in 2023 as well so I lost a lot of my files. much sadness.
LONG POST. lots of drawings to get through and I have Thoughts.
Anyway these are dated in my files as March, which is my earliest I have rn, so this is kinda a representation of how I started the year.
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I was busy most of April so May has two files. these were both a part of my semester one project of my degree.
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I've got a lot of things dated for June, which is surprising. and not a lot of things dated after. I'm all over the place with starting wips and when it comes to finishing them... ehhh it happens eventually.
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I really wish I could go back in time and fix that leg. I just wanted to avoid drawing toes lmao. the thick line art really is a problem to me but that's neither here nor there.
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I think I finished a bunch of thing in June, because these are dated two days apart and I definitely started one before the other lmao. hell I think the one on the left was started in 2022.
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I'm not sure when this was but it was early in the year. I tried to veer away from the harsh lines and ended up swinging too far into semi-realism. I loved how it was looking (this is still a wip) but the amount of time it was taking was too much for me to replicate again.
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This definitely a June piece, because I wanted to do one character every few days throughout Pride Month. Didn't finish it.
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last year my friends and I considered starting to record and post our dnd games, so I did some arts of the characters of our current campaign.
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I think the solid black line art all of the same thickness was one of the main things I always disliked. I could never quite make it work with everything else I was doing.
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This is probably the only work I did with solid black lines that I really liked. it seems to work okay here.
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The July came around, and artfight with it! (this character belongs to Crimson_Deceit. You can find Crimson on instagram as Lova.cos or twitter also as Crimson_Deceit)
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and then the DCU rarepair exchange came in September and I didn't have time to write treats so I drew them, which spawned a new attempt at shading things that I've been messing with ever since. I prefer the way my linework looks with it.
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I messed around with clown oc designs in October, cause that was a mini trend on instagram. didn't finish fast enough to post it but i really like some of the designs.
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in December I drew the OCs of some of my friends, as we finished our playthrough of CoS last year. this is our cleric, a changeling who went through many names and faces, depicted holding hands with their player @angelicsky64817
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Last piece of the year was this muck around. I'm still trying to figure out some of these new style choices I'm making.
Finish off with a sneak at what I'm currently doing in the new year! I've been drawing one big piece so it's stretching over from january. It's still a wip. And it's such a big image I've gotta compress it.
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woo! now I gotta go finish that thing. there's gonna be three more characters to the right of the yellow one. why have I done this to myself.
i hope that in 2024 i can get more of a grip on the saturation of my newer styles of drawing. and learn some more colour theory. and also get better at drawing skin, cause I think I'm mostly okay at clothes but skin always looks boring or weird.
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carriagelamp · 3 years
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Weirdly enough, I often find myself reading less in the summer, since I have more time than I do during the rest of the year to do other things. Also artfight has been eating up more than a bit of my free time! But here’s a collection a graphic novels I sat around on the hammock reading, and some novels I finished up...
(Everyone go read All Systems Red, holy crow guys)
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A Whale of the Wild
The “sequel” to A Wolf Called Wander, though it doesn’t actually connect to the previous novel except in the stylistic/thematic sense. A Whale of the Wild is very much a standalone novel. And a pretty decent one! Personally, I think I liked Wolf more, but this one was a pleasant, informative read, with just the right amount of crushing dread sprinkled in. It’s about a young orca called Vega who is learning to become a new wayfinder for her pod but who still has a lot to learn, especially in an ocean that is becoming increasingly hostile to orcas and the other sealife that live alongside humans. When a devastating earthquake hits, Vega and her little brother find themselves separated from their family, lost in a now horrifyingly unfamiliar environment, and fighting starvation as the salmon that sustain them become more and more unreliable. It’s a desperate fight for survival as they search for food and their missing family. This book is written for a middle grade level, and does a really good job of putting the current environmental crisis into an animal’s perspective while giving the readers something to hope for.
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The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom
Every July I eagerly anticipate the next Adventure Zone graphic novel. This one is for their fourth arc, The Crystal Kingdom, in which Magnus, Taako, and Merle respond to a SOS from a floating laboratory that is gradually being consumed by crystals and which threatens the entire world should it fall into the ocean. Carey Pietsch’s art continues to be absolutely fantastic, so beautifully and hilariously expressive, and this one delivers some great Merle moments, lots of Carey Fangbattle, and, of course, Kravtiz. Kravitz, my beloved…
Anyway, I obviously always recommend these. If you’ve never gotten into The Adventure Zone, I totally recommend either trying these graphic novels — or even better, just go listen to the podcast because it really is both hilarious and creates a shockingly good and heart-wrenching story by the end.
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All Systems Red
I’ve seen The Murderbot Diaries on my dash occasionally, and it always looked interesting, but a friend’s recommendation finally compelled me to read the first novella of the series. And holy shit y’all. Absolutely the best book I’ve read this month, it’s amazing. Mind-blowingly good. Also, if you’re like me and want a good audiobook, it’s a nice three-hour listen, very chill!
Anyway, All Systems Red is about a Security Unit, an artificially created being that’s part-organic part-mechanical and all-company-owned-and-controlled. However, self-named “Murderbot” has managed to hack into the system that suppresses its own will, and is now coasting along, doing the least amount of work its job requires not to be noticed, while preferring to spend all its time watching the hours and hours of soap operas it has downloaded into its brain. And it’s a tolerable if somewhat dull life, until the science team that it's currently rented to is attacked and the whole mission goes pear-shaped. Suddenly Murderbot has to scramble to keep its humans alive… while its humans scramble with the realization that their “SecUnit” isn’t actually a mindless robot like they had all believed...
This story is both gripping and hilariously funny. Murderbot has such a unique voice and perspective and it’s an absolute pleasure to follow its story. I reallly need to read the next book...
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Asterix and the Banquet
A classic. I was startled when I realized I hadn’t actually read this Asterix story… but hell I’m not gonna complain, it lets me read one of the originals for the first time again! In this Asterix volume, the Indomitable Gauls and the Romans end up arranging a bet — the Romans intend to keep them under siege, trapped in their village, while Asterix is confident that he can easily evade them… and will prove it by going on a tour around all of Gaul, collecting iconic foods from each region in order to return and put on a fine banquet. So we get a fantastic adventure in which Asterix and Obelix run all over the country, pursued the whole way, while making cheerful stops at the various eateries along the way. Also the first book Dogmatix shows up in! All around, a wonderful read, fun like all the best Asterix comics are.
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Beauty Pop v4
A less impressive graphic novel. The first Beauty Pop is one of my guilty pleasure manga because… it really is pretty stupid but in the best possible ways. I mean, the whole thing is framed around hairstyling battles, like a shojo sports manga without the sports. It’s bonkers. Unfortunately, the series does not really manage to hold up, and it really begins to feel repetitive and dragging as it continues… as a lot of series like this do. *shrug* Unsurprising but still kinda disappointing I suppose. The building three-way romantic tension is mildly interesting if for no other reason than the main character Does Not Notice and Does Not Care about any of it, which is amusing and refreshing.
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Now this series only gets better and better as it goes. This is the first book of the second arc, and somehow the danger just seems to be ramping up and up and up. The cavefamily have lost their home… as well as Léonard and Gargouille. Heartbroken, shocked, and angry, Franck is the one who ends up shouldering the blame for their presumed deaths as the others mourn. Things only get worse when Franck finds himself separated from the family, and in the territory of another tribe, this one hostile and cannibalistic...
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Haikyuu v5
I continue to read this series because it continues to be charming… though it is beginning to feel, maybe, just a little repetitive. Kind of an inevitability with sports manga. But so far it continues to be good enough to overcome that. I’m not sure what I can say about this series that I haven’t already, so I’ll simply say it continues to be one of the most impressive sports manga I’ve read, and the author does a fantastic job of creating engaging characters, fleshed out teams, and really compelling relationships. I do genuinely adore all the main members of Crows, along with a number of characters from the rival teams as well. And of course it has some kickass volleyball scenes that are just drawn so dramatically they can’t help but take your breath away a little.
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M*A*S*H Goes To Maine
Meh. The original book of the series was actually quite good in my opinion. This one… considerably less so. The first part I enjoyed more, since it was about Hawkeye, Trapper, Duke, and Oliver Jones trying to set up the FinestKind Clinic and Fishmarket in Crabapple Cove (which… is just the best premise I could have ever asked for). However, the book spends most of its time describing the quirky lives and times of other people living in the area and I… just… don’t care. It was funny at times but… I just don’t care. I wanted to hear more about the main cast. Also I found this book felt more racist and misogynistic than the first which also put me off :/ Wouldn’t bother if I were you. Go read the first book instead, or better yet just watch the TV show which is an obvious banger.
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My Heart’s in the Highlands
I have had this on my “currently reading” list for so long but I’m officially giving up. It’s a really good book in theory but my god I can’t get over the pacing.
It’s about Lady Jane, a woman studying medicine in Edinburgh in 1888, and who suddenly finds herself back in the Highlands in the 13th century. Lost and confused, Jane is now at the mercy Clan Donald’s hospitality while she tries to adjust to this new world and hunts for her broken time machine. Fortunately, this hospitality include a burgeoning friendship with a red-haired warrior woman, Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill, who opens Jane’s eyes to the way the world could be.
Listen. It drives me nuts. This book should be completely up my alley, it has everything I like — IT HAS ALL OF ITS HISTORICAL FOOTNOTES CITED AT THE BACK, LITTLE EXTRA DETAILS ABOUT EVERY CHAPTER. THAT’S MY SHIT RIGHT THERE. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LIKE BEING ABLE TO GO OVER HISTORICAL DETAILS?? AND WELL RESEARCHED FOOTNOTES?? And yet it doesn’t. Fucking. Work for me. It has a kickass Scottish warrior lady as a love interest! It has a badass lady doctor! It has fish-out-of-water culture shock! But it also has a completely meandering plot, no sense of building tension, and a romance that just happens out of nowhere and feels completely unearned and uninteresting.
I would genuinely just rather read Outlander again, which I know has its own host of problems, but at least Outlander felt exciting and interesting and tense and funny. The romance built in fits and starts, it was complicated, and kept me interested. That book had me hooked (and has me hooked every time I reread it) whereas this book I’ve been sadly picking at for months like its a plate of overcooked spinach. This felt like an attempt at a queer, historically accurate knockoff which I would normally be super into but which just could not stick the landing.
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Moomin on the Riviera
My first time actually reading anything from the Moomin canon. I have zero idea how to feel about it! It certainly is as feral as I’ve heard described! Overall, I think I enjoyed it but it sure made me feel strange emotions I didn’t know existed. I’m not even going to try to describe it. Read it if you want a batshit insane anti-capitalist comic.
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Surviving the City
This was good in some areas, less good in others. It had a very interesting indigenous perspective on life in the modern city, the foster system, and The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women issue, which I’ve never seen handled in a book before. Something about the pacing did not completely click with me and I found myself getting easily distracted, but it’s definitely worth the read just to experience it and look at the issues it deals with through the characters’ (and author’s) eyes. It did give me a lot to think about and wrestle with, which is sometimes the best thing a book can give you.
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Torchwood: Pack Animals
A really fun read, more so than I had ever expected! If you like Torchwood and want more stories about the team before everything goes to shit, this is perfect for that. It includes the entire cast, an interest mystery to be unravelled, lots of slavering monsters, Rhys being really wonderful and sweet (which I didn’t know I wanted until I read this book), and all the humour I expect from Torchwood. I had to send a lot of quotes to my long-suffering girlfriend who a) does not watch this show but b) needs to tolerate it because I find it too funny to keep to myself. It was good enough to make me go out another book of the series since this was the only one my library carried.
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
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another year, another summary! 
seems i had a lot less polished pieces this year, but i really don’t think anyone can blame me for that. i had a tooon of fun playing around with characters n concepts tho!!! twas the year of aus n fan content. also drawing others’ ocs! shoutout to art fight in july :D ... also i was surprisingly productive in the PMV department. kinda funny how i made one every four months LSKDJF all in all, i think it was a pretty good year for my art. i certainly learned how to draw a polished reference, and how to put together a story in video form! and i’d like to think i’ve gotten better at anatomy, different bodies/faces, poses, and dynamics ^^
uhh end of year rambling undercut! because what better place to get reflective than a year summary, eh?
well... 2020. the end has come, and it’s been both an eternity and entirely too fast. how about that, eh?
not gonna lie, the year was tough. the reasons are obvious and not so obvious. january brought a whole host of turmoil before anything even started going down. getting back into school, taking a step back from a relationship, and having my roommate leave was certainly a whirlwind of emotions. not to mention the older things i was still dealing with. grief is one hell of a drug. gonna be honest, tho. i don’t quite remember what happened from january to march. i know life did, but it feels like an entirely different year. considering how everything went nuts in march, i don’t blame myself.  finishing the semester in quarantine was a ride on its own. i don’t wanna dwell on it, but i did get to spend time at my sister’s house! and she did get a new dog. so it wasn’t all bad, even if all the new stress made me want to slip into a vegetative state. and i found out i was a demigirl in april! go me! the summer was... well. it was the summer. a pandemic summer. tropical depression/anxiety/everything else in a nice wrapped up box, basically. we did go to the beach though! so that was nice.  and i did get to do artfight in july, which was really neat. and... y’know. got to step back into that relationship i mentioned. that was wonderful 🖤 going back to school was a ride on its own. i had a new roomie and new suitemate. getting to know them was intimidating at first. navigating classrooms with new COVID protocol was a little weird, too, but i got into it well enough. school was... well. school. almost got burnt out a few times. cried over classes. the usual. but i made it out with good enough grades, so hey! i made it through pandemic school twice! and i’m friends with my roomie n suitemate (and my suitemate’s cat). looking forward to seeing them (and my datemate 🖤) when i’m back next year. 
honestly... this year was a blur. it’s a mess in my mind, and only little snatches stick out. it was hard. it was full of hurt. and i’m not sad to see it go. but it was also full of little joys. full of friendship. full of care. full of creation and escapism and a loooot of self reflection. so it wasn’t all bad. and i’m forever grateful to my friends- newer and older- for all their support and all the good times we had. and i’m grateful to my datemate, too. i don’t know where i’d be without co 🖤
all in all... that’s one hell of a year done. we’ve got this, guys. we made it, and i’m so proud of all of us 🖤🖤🖤 
let’s keep our heads down n masks up for the new year, eh? 
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umbramatic · 5 years
Worldbuilding June 2019 Episode 30: Season Finale - Characters
30. Who’s important in your world?
(As mentioned earlier, swapped with #28 for a better final prompt.)
TIME TO TALK ABOUT THE CHARACTERS. Some of these have been alluded to in previous updates, some of them not, but I'm gonna talk about everyone major I've figured out so far.
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(by @scarletify !)
Eris is a warlock that serves the Midnight Lady and is one of the protagonists of our little tale. Born and raised in the Night Forests of what was once Ohio, she set out to learn more about the world and through a series of incidents encountered the Midnight Lady herself. Things happened and Eris set out on a journey at the Midnight Lady's request, helping people in need and thwarting evildoers.
Then she found Riley and everything was thrown off the rails.
Eris' Dog
Black standard poodle. Good boy. Helps Eris in her adventures. May have magical powers in his own right.
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(by @daydreart !)
Riley was just an ordinary enby in an ordinary world like ours... Until one day they got hit by a truck (yes, now this is an isekai it needs Truck-kun) and woke up in the Midnightverse with strange shapeshifting powers, much to the confusion of both Eris and themselves. Riley has three, Digimon-esqe forms - one default form that resembles their former human self but with red eyes and teal hair, ears and tail, a more monstrous form that they take when their power is maxed out, and a small "mascot" form they take when their power is recharging. Riley is snarky and abrasive to cover up how much this world and their situation kind of scares them, but they also are a huge nerd and love telling stories of their world's fiction to the natives whenever they can.
A fire Valfrizen mage. Somehow good with every element but fire, which he finds embarrassing. He once fought the monster kitsune Raiden only to unwittingly wind up dating him. Stern and takes himself and everything around him seriously... Most of the time.
Kitsune and amnesiac former evil overlord that's currently dating one of his former enemies. Has great skill with lightning magic. Was once cruel and nasty but post-amnesia has grown kinder and more playful. He and Lawrence still don't know the truth.
Mischevious tanuki dude. Laid back, relaxed. Good with shapeshifting magic even beyond what his species is normally capable of. Likes to mess with the protagonists.
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(by @linedthegap !)
Peppy mermaid girl who wanders the oceans looking for ADVENTURE. Is good friends with Lophos.
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(By belphekit on toyhou.se!)
Edgy deep-sea mermaid who is secretly a huge softie. Is good friends with Tressa.
Jun Koumori
Edgy chirotan man who thinks he's a Donte/Shadow The Hedgehog/Kirito-esqe protagonist. Unsurprisingly actually a huge dweeb. Crosses paths with the protagonists often, usually embarrassingly.
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(By ShadowArcher97 on toyhou.se!)
Linde is a kemtralan traveller with a snow leopard lower body. She searches for valuables from both the current world and the Old World to add to her collection. Perky, but prefers to get the job done.
The Midnight Lady
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(by @solarespeon !)
One of the central figures of the setting, the Midnight Lady is one of the most powerful, respected, and feared members of the pantheon, being the goddess of darkness and justice. She ended the Old World due to all the injustice she saw in it, preferring to start fresh. She is fickle, petty, and can hold a grudge, but is ultimately well-meaning and can be exceptionally kind when she wants to be. She is the patron deity of the kohvuze and the harpoya. Eris and the Midnight Lady have a strong relationship, and Eris is the go-to when the Midnight Lady wants a job done but can't do it herself.
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(by me!)
(this is the guy I mentioned days 9 and 16)
A rival of sorts to the Midnight Lady, Brelzred is the god of light and magic, and the patron deity of the drekes and tanuki. He alternates between genuine friendliness and more malicious and mischevious behavior depending on his mood, but ironically for a light deity isn't too bright. He's a consummate shapeshifter who uses the ability to get into all sorts of shenanigans - his true forms are a tailed pointy-eared human, a gold racoon dog with a reptilian feather-tipped tail, and a gold dragon with purple feathers.
The current BBEG of the Midnightverse is a dude named Vaespar. Who is... an evil sorcerer and seems like the sort of dude that'd fit the part, but one notable quirk is the fact most of his magical power comes from being possessed by an archdemon  that has a bad habit of eating people to fuel both their power. Vaespar's origins are shrouded in mystery, (read: they're spoilers) but he's considered bad news by the majority of the setting that doesn't worship him (especially because, as mentioned earlier, he eats people), has been sealed away multiple times (it never sticks), and has a stated endgoal of becoming a god or at least a more powerful abomination so he can make his fellow demons go from quivering parasites to some kind of master race. But the freakiest thing about him is that he or at least his host/vessel is human. In a setting where humans are actually extinct. And exactly where the human half of his being even came from is lost to time. And humans apparently make stupidly powerful demon hosts. So the main characters are trying to figure out where the hell he came from in hopes it will give away a way to actually kill him. Vaespar himself isn't convinced that'll happen anytime soon, but likes to take precautions regardless, because he's pretty evil and prone to petty self-indulgence but he's not stupid. Personality wise he's intended to be one of those villains who's kind of comedic but still comes off as a serious and even horrifying threat.
(also you know how in the Day 19 post I mentioned it's rumored that humans would have been stupidly good at the magic thing if they were still around to use it but there's only one piece of evidence for that? Vaespar is that piece of evidence.)
But that's all for WBJ this year! I'll see you all next year - For now, time for Artfight! You'll see some of these characters there.
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