carcinogensheep · 10 years
Eyes wide with the sudden announcement of his name, Jonny's head turned quickly toward the source. Surprise quickly turned into elation as he realized just who it was who had approached him.
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"Katherine?" A faux squint of his eyes preceeded the smile which formed on his lips, his tone changing in kind. "Hey. Not often I see you out and about on this side of the world. How are things going?"
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
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"Fancy that, everyone else is too busy to waste away drinking. To be honest I don't even know where Toby has gone off to." A sigh and a quick glance over his age old drinking buddy made his focus shift quickly from headcounts to Vincent's physical status
"Hey, Vincent, everything alright? You're looking a bit worse for wear."
carcinogensheep started following you
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"Hey Jon. Just you comin’ tonight then?"
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
The darkness of sleep had overtaken Jonny with little to no effort. Despite the relatively early hour, the fact that he was still clothed and in the upright position, and even the fact that he had a woman that lit every one of his senses simultaneously laying into him, his body gave into sleep naturally, irresistibly. His body responded to it's position not as one of stress or discomfort, but of finally finding where it had longed to be for so long. 
It seemed like only moments from when his eyelids shut to when light was beginning to flood in against the outside of them. The light was dim and barely noticeable, only really brought to his attention by the faint memory of his name being called. His head wanted to think that it was simply a dream. It sounded like Katherine, after all. There's no way it could have been her. 
"Nnng, Katherine."
In his half asleep state he had no filter for his mouth, nor his body. Upon saying her name his body quickly moved, arms shifting to get comfortable. In doing so they wrapped around her, hands resting at her side before the tactile sensation of her outfit caused something in his brain to send alarm bells ringing to the rest of him.
"...Ah...wait. Katherine?!" He said groggily, his eyes blinking open a few times before they rolled to the side of his view and saw the beautiful vision of her face looking down at him from his position lazing back into the back of the sofa.  The surprise greeting should have been answered by a shocked face, surprise, or at least embarrassment. Instead, all he could respond with was a slowly increasing smile. 
He couldn't sit and enjoy the view for long, however. With his eyes wide open he was all but forced to sit up, a groan accompanying him as he adjusted to a position other than the slouch that he'd grown accustomed to for the  past few hours. His hand immediately came up to cradle his head, partly to ease the aching of waking up after a night like before, and mostly to let him focus on piecing together what happened.
"I'm sorry Katherine. I really didn't intend to fall asleep." That was at least partially true. He'd merely wanted to enjoy her closeness for a while. Somewhere he'd told himself that he would wake her up eventually...but that never came to be. "I should have woken you up and had you go to bed, but I guess I was tired myself." Yes, he should have, although he wasn't that tired when he was watching her sleeping face from such a perfect vantage point. 
Without her warmth against him, it was painfully obvious that the temperature had dropped a little during the night. With just his white dress shirt on his upper half, it dawned on him that the entire ordeal might be a bit more suspicious for reasons other than crashing on her couch unexpectedly.
"I hope you believe me when I say nothing strange happened last night after you fell asleep." His view turned toward hers, their bodies still incredibly close despite not nearly as warm and pleasant as when she was resting on him. Despite their closeness, he was unabashed in looking her directly in the eyes, waiting to make sure he hadn't done irreparable damage to their tentative friendship.
carcinogensheep || A Tint of Rain
It was one of those moments that had the woman awake in her mind before her body stirred, her position momentarily perplexing her as she struggled with the sensation of being somewhat upright. Honey-brown eyes opened slowly, confusion setting in as she gazed around the room. Her living room. Why would she of fallen asleep in her living room?
Shifting slightly, Katherine glanced over her shoulder at the jacket that was slowly sliding down her back, unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. Her sleep hazed mind tried to click into place as the pieces slowly started to come together, the woman sitting up suddenly, her body leaning away from that on which she had been resting.
Jonathan Ariga.
It hit her suddenly, him insisting on walking her home after all the crazy that had been surrounding her life, the woman inviting him up for a drink with no ulterior motive then she didn’t want to be alone, the threatening text messages still trickling in on her phone. They had talked well into the night, simple stuff, easy, things that just came out and were laughed about. Obviously she must of fallen asleep right then and there, for she was waking up in practically the same positions, her clothing crumpled but intact. 
Not that she would expect Jonny to be anything but a gentlemen.
He might of taken it too far, however, the brunette studying his sleeping face. Why hadn’t he just woken her? Katherine glanced towards the window, the grey sky and water rivulets running down her pane of glass revealing it was morning, but she wasn’t sure exactly the time. Her head throbbing slightly, she reached over to gently shake the man’s shoulder, unsure if she should let him sleep, as he had been so kind to do the night before.
“…hey…hey, Jonny? Wake up, hey…”
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
♚ ((though we have yet to RP xD))
When it came to his grandfather living in Japan, Jonny had never batted an eye at it. He was a military man. Always the gruff sort that seemed to have a million pieces of advice for Jonny's life whenever he called or on the rare occasion that he visited. All of them typically related to women or drinking. 
Sad that women never seemed to work out for him and drinking seemed to be what finally killed him. 
The guest list seemed to be minuscule when Jonny saw it. It seemed that most of his relatives were too busy to make a trip half way across the world on short notice. That, coupled by the rumors he'd heard that his grandfather wasn't exactly the best at keeping in touch with his children and their children. The ones who were showing up would be interesting to see again after so long. Most of his relatives he hadn't seen since he was a child. For the time being, however, it was just him and his father.
The small town they were staying at seemed welcoming enough.
Both males knew only the barest of Japanese, often relying on simple phrases or a translation pamphlet to get by. Despite this, those that they needed to talk to were more than accommodating. By the end of the first day it almost felt as if Jonny could understand a little of what was being told to him, instead of merely translating what he needed to say. 
It was that evening that Jonny had a chance to pry himself away from his father and visiting family. A quiet stroll through town to get his mind off of the events of the day. He hadn't exactly been sad or depressed over the loss of his grandfather. The man hadn't exactly had the largest of presence in his life. However after hearing story after story, it was impossible for anyone not to walk away a little thoughtful, if not emotional.
How did a nightly stroll end up with him at a liquor store? Even in a foreign place he always seemed to end up finishing his nights with a drink of some sort. For a man so addicted to sake, however, it was like a returning to his roots. The small bar that was set up inside the store was Jonny's home for the next hour or two.
He grew accustomed to communicating with the girl whom was working in place of her parents. While at first it was a bit more difficult than talking to the owners of the inn, it seemed that after a couple of drinks the two of them were able to at least pass some small talk. For some of the more complex things they'd taken to drawing out images on napkins as if it was some sort of game.
Before long she was sitting beside him. Somehow their language barrier kept her interested. Far more than some of the other locals. It almost seemed as if she was using him to gain tips on the language. He didn't know whether it was her school studies that kept her attempting a conversation with him through doodles and broken English, or an interest that she kept to herself. All that he know was that it had turned into a fun little game that he didn't mind continuing himself.
As the sake continued to warm his stomach, he took one final gulp of the cup in front of him. He'd lost himself in thought for the last few minutes, thoughts of his grandfather seeping back into his head. It was easier to lose track of things when the alcohol was clouding his thought processes.
When he did finally look over, it was just in time to see the high school girl's head made a nod. Her eyes so loosely shut it was easy to tell that she'd merely fallen asleep from the growing hours, but he couldn't help but smile at the circumstances.
He was tempted to wake her. Tempted to tell her to close up the shop. Give them both the opportunity to find rest in their respective beds. Instead he found that he couldn't bring himself to wake the girl up.
It was only when her body began to wobble and her head leaned over against his shoulder that he eventually did something. An attempt to keep the both of them away from the embarrassment such an action could bring about. 
"Ms. Konishi?" He said quietly, having picked up her name earlier in the night. "Ms. Konishi wake up. It's time for bed...ahhh." He groaned, his free arm reaching up, hand scratching the back of his head. "Oyasuminasai?" He said, trying his best to use what he'd learned, even if it was still as poor as ever.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
He’d only walked her home for safety reasons.
That’s what kept playing over and over in his mind, as if it would make the current situation any better. He knew that he hadn’t wanted the night to be over. That a little more time with her was something he’d give anything for. What he hadn’t expected was for her to invite him up for a glass of wine. Sure, he’d tried to resist, doing the typical dance of politely refusing out of necessity rather than want, but she’d convinced him otherwise. She’d always have that ability over him.
It was already late, something that Jonny should have have taken into account, but the two of them entered her tidy little apartment all the same. It was strange new territory for Jonny, but aside from his darting views to each new object that he could find he made no big todo about it being his first time there. Sure, when she’d come to her couch with wine glasses in hand they chatted away about all varieties of things. Sure, this private meeting could have been seen as dangerous to the uninformed observer, but she’d already pointed out that it was simply nice to have someone to share a drink with. It seemed that the sophisticated night talking back and forth on the couch wasn’t exactly Vincent’s strong suit.
Jonny, on the other hand, took to it like a fish to water.
It seemed that with all of the talking the time seemed to fly by, yet their glasses were barely draining, each taking sips now and then as they listened to the other intently. They’d grown far too accustomed to the sound of one another’s voice to even remind themselves that it was past midnight with Katherine having had a long day already.
It was this ignorance of the clock and her physical condition that eventually lead to Jonny’s current problem. 
Jonny’s head turned the instant he felt the gentle impact against his shoulder. At first he was worried that something was wrong, but upon further inspection she seemed to be breathing perfectly fine, even going so far as to having a smile lining her lips. 
“Asleep already?” He whispered, head turning carefully to look at the clock he’d noticed earlier. With it reading 1:30 AM it was easy for him to see how this might of happened, despite himself having a schedule that was used to being wide awake at this hour.
There were dual signals firing throughout his head during the realization of what was happening. His rational side knew that this was bad. She had a boyfriend. If he knew of the position they were in Vincent would have been well within his rights to murder Jonny. On the other…
She looks so peaceful like this…
It would seem that no matter what sort of man he wanted to be, that face would always make him betray his morals.
Not wanting to wake her, Jonny reached over with his free hand, gently pulling the mostly empty wine glass from Katherine’s weakening grasp, gently placing it beside his own on the small coffee table a foot away. With the momentary dangers out of the way, it took him a few moments of love-lost gazing at her before he realized there was something missing. 
With only the most delicate of motions, Jonny reached over to the arm of the couch. With a few exploratory grips by his fingers, he pulled his signature jacket from behind him and used his one hand to spread it open. With it in position, he very carefully laid it over top of Katherine’s body.
The new blanket was met with a few shifts in her sleep, her body pushing over now more Jonny’s chest, his forward positioning from covering her keeping her propped up momentarily. It was when he tried to ease back into a more comfortable position for himself that he noticed her head shift and a loose piece of hair come down into her face. Seeing that it was actually being met with bad reception from the sleeping girl let Jonny lift his hand up once more and stroke the brown lock away, the tips of his fingertips gently grazing along her forehead as he did so.
Worried that she might awaken from all of this subtle commotion, he sat there for a few minutes watching her patiently, before he too leaned back into the comfortable sofa.
“Goodnight, Katherine.”
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
Send a ♚. Your character falls asleep on mine, I'll reply with what mine does.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
Do you feel ashamed at the fact your backstabbing your best friend?
“Backstabbing? The hell are you even talking about?” Jonny groaned this accusation completely unwarranted despite how he felt internally. “I haven’t done a thing. I’d even go so far as to say that I’ve been nothing but supportive. Where you think anything I do is backstabbing I’d love to see. "
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
Guys, I just noticed something. I roleplay with some of the most talented roleplayers in the world.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
The girl approached, but it never seemed like she ever got any bigger in terms of stature or presence. It probably didn't help that when she stood beside the table she was greeted by four partially drunk older men. Still, Jonny had hoped that asking her over might have given her the opportunity to forget the prior bathroom hi-jinks and instead maybe have a better evening than she would than her apparently passed out guardian. 
Due to her age the guys also acted a bit out of normal. Well, maybe not Vincent. He was just as apathetic as ever. Toby was putting on a smile, but something made it apparent that the girl's staring and her acquaintanceship with Jonny had him uneasy. Meanwhile,Orlando looked like he was talking to a cop with a car full of illegal drugs and stolen weapons. Lord knows what was going on in his head at the moment. He could be heard muttering that her joining probably wasn't the best of ideas, but no one even paid him attention due to the state he was in. 
"Nice to meet you, Karin." Jonny said, being a bit more friendly in tone than he would have been. It was like someone welcoming a new member to a self help group. "This loud mouth here is Toby, the guy over there who looks all mopey is Vincent, and the one next to him who looks like he's afraid you'll eat him is Orlando." His hand moved from each individual man, adding to the introductions. Finally, he ended on himself. "You can call me Jonny.  Feel free to take a seat. I'm sure Toby wouldn't mind moving over for you."
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Finally a break from the flight attendant act, as Toby begrudgingly moved to let Karin in, Jonny returned to his sake, giving it a few sips before turning his attentions to the girl who seemed more than happy to stay quiet and listen to the guy's bad attempts at acting normal around her. 
"So what's got you fumbling around in a bar like this? There's got to be better places for someone your age to hang than this dive?" His question was honest, despite coming off a little dry. He might as well strike some sort of conversation up with her, or else his idea of helping her night out would have been having an opposite effect.
The man’s first reaction had said it all to her, so she thought. She had half a mind to smack her head against a table — she figured if she did it hard and often enough, she’d gain a concussion and forget that this had ever happened. Or die from said damage. She’d be fine with either result at this point in time.
Once he alarmed the others of just who she was, she only wanted to sink back into her side of the booth, regretting ever even coming to this bar today. Late night practice would’ve been better than this situation. She didn’t think it could get any worse, until the blonde’s comment arose.
An immediate reaction of hers was blood infiltrating her face, causing it to turn a shade of light crimson. She would have opened her mouth with a retort, if it weren’t for him beating her to the punch. She swallowed, with a small nod in agreement. At least he’d said something before she had gone on an embarrassed spur, which was more than likely what would have happened.
Just as she was about to sink back into her seat, the man caught her attention, smiling pleasantly and even offering her to sit with the group of men.
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“A-are you sure? I-I wouldn’t be bugging you guys, o-or anything?” Of course, that was her question rather than what she really wanted to ask. Better to not get into that at the moment. Though, the invite was tempting. With a glance to her mother, practically asleep by now due to all the previous alcohol, she sighed. It didn’t seem that bad. Maybe she could actually make up for earlier, she reasoned.
“Um… I guess… for a little while wouldn’t be that bad…” Carefully, she slid out from her booth, standing fully to meet the group of four. Concerning thoughts flew about, ‘Why would a sixteen year old be sitting with a bunch of guys that are much older than she is?’; ‘Why’d he offer in the first place?’; ‘I hope I don’t make a fool of myself; all of these guys look nice.’
Behind her back, her hands fiddled with one another as she stood there, trying to find a spot open to her. She was small enough, she could fit in between two of them, or something of the sort. “Oh! Uh, m-my name’s Karin, by the way. It seems kinda dumb to be joining you without introducing myself…”
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 7:25:41pm from Katherine] >That's why I wanted to text someone on the way home, just in case I ran into trouble. I can quickly type 'help' if i need to at least. Not that I think I'll be attacked in public. Jonny, don't be silly. You know Vincent is getting tired of me always nagging him about things.
[ Text 7:26:59pm from Jonny ]> Well I'm glad you did. I don't think I would have forgiven myself if something happened to you. Nagging? In other words telling him to get his act together? If he runs away at that maybe he deserves to worry about you cheating on him.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 7:19:14pm from Katherine] >Sorry, had to get a ticket for the train. I really have no idea, the entire thing has me rather creeped out. I straight out asked Vincent if he was cheating on me and he said no, so I feel a bit better. Still, if someone is interested in him...I don't know if I could compete, you know? It's just nerve-wracking.
[ Text 7:23:23pm from Jonny ]> Almost had me worried about you. True. Vincent isn't THAT stupid I would hope. What are you talking about, Katherine? Any man would be more than happy to be with you. It amazes me that Vincent doesn't stick around you more for that fact alone. Just be safe. Keep an eye out around you. Whoever has been texting the three of us seems to like to keep tabs.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 7:08:56pm from Katherine] >I really have no idea, the messages were private. They stated I was cheating on him with you, and that they had video evidence. Obviously some sort of cheap lookalikes, but I have no idea who would go so far. I wonder if someone is trying to cause us to split? They also implied that Vincent was cheating on me as well.
[ Text 7:10:36pm from Jonny ]> That's ridiculous! Who in their right mind would put something like that together?! Now you have me worried. Someone out there is crazy enough to go through such lengths to try and get under our skin. Do you think it's someone that has their eyes on Vincent? It seems that they are pretty close to him in one way or another.
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 7:02:47pm from Katherine] >I feel fine. I'll be to the subway soon. I got some strange texts this afternoon accusing me of cheating on Vincent. I threatened the sender and they eventually backed off. I don't know, something strange is going on.
[Text 7:05:25pm from Jonny]> Good. If you feel even the slightest bit abnormal tell me. Wait, who the hell would send you something like that? Do they even know you? Who could they have even said you were cheating with? That sounds more dangerous than the incident with the drink!
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 6:56:17pm from Katherine] >I had already finished half of it before the note came, but I assume whatever it was was put in while I was distracted. I didn't think to have my guard up in a cafe in the afternoon. Between this and the texts I don't know what to do anymore...
[ text 6:58:03pm from Jonny ]> What?! But you feel fine enough to walk home, right? If not I could be there shortly, you know. It's not that far. Wait...what texts are you talking about?
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carcinogensheep · 11 years
[ Text 6:51:24pm from Katherine] >I'm fine. I got a tip at the cafe that someone put something in my drink. I'm just a bit freaked out. I'm on my way home now.
[ Text 6:52:40pm from Jonny ]>You didn't drink it, did you?! I'm glad someone said something, but you need to be more careful!
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