#but!! this set at least calls up the mermaid imageries
b4kuch1n · 1 year
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almost forgot about mermay again this year (ink comms are still a thing! just! not yet! the other thing I gotta do just concluded and I got hit with this so Im gonna finish this up (& also some spare business) before returning to business please & thank u)
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Book Review 19 – All The Names They Used For God by Anjali Sachdeva
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This is the second short story collection I’ve read this year, and of the two the only one that was really trying to be a coherent work in its own right and not just a grab bag of smaller pieces. I actually picked it up entirely off of a tumblr post, of all things – there was an excerpt from the story Killer of Kings that really got stuck in my head, and having read it I just needed to see the context and the rest of the work it was from. So, score one for viral word of mouth advertising I guess.
Killer of Kings – about the writing from Paradise Lost, from the perspective of Milton’s politically unreliable angelic muse – is absolutely the best story in the book, but there weren’t really any that struck me as bad. The overall tone is kind of dreaamlike – mythological, or in many cases the kind of story you’d expect to hear on a weird fiction podcast (if a very literary one). High on the uncanny and numinous, on weird situations and the touch of something transcendent, and just on people being put in situations. Low on high action, or really tension or plot at all – the narration usually feels like it’s at a bit of a remove, or if not then like one is observing the inevitable machinery of fate more than anything to really get excited about and caught up in. Dreams or fables, or something in between.
The writing is good enough to generally make the remove work, I think. Beautiful imagery in a lot of places, and very distinct (if occasionally pretty broad) voices for the points of view of all the different stories. Call prose lyrical is essentially just a buzzword at this point, but I think these mostly qualify.
There are nine stories in the book, and aside from the aforementioned fairy tale about regicide and mutinous angels, I’m afraid that I remember absolutely none of their titles. Or, no, that is a lie – the story about a pair of Nigerian girls abducted as brides by Boko Haram who escape after learning how to magically compel and dominate their husbands shares All The Names They Used For God with the whole collection, so I do remember that one. The other stories that really stuck in my head were of an albino homesteader in the Ozarks abandoning the farmhouse to explore and lose herself in the labyrinthine cave system she discovers, the modern day sailor in a dying fishing village becoming enraptured with the mermaid he glimpses as the ship he works gluts itself on the bounty of fishes she has called to feed the shark she’s become fascinated by herself, and the near-future story of identical septuplets created by their geneticist parents who are each struck by accident or disease as they go through adolescence and increasingly haunt their surviving, doomed siblings. (They’re all like that).
So clearly the plots and settings vary pretty wildly, but I do mean it when I say that the book was the most cohesive set of short stories on an artistic or thematic level I’ve read in quite a long time. Every story in the book (I’m pretty sure, at least) has a real sense of some vast and unseen mechanism of the universe brushing up against the mundane world, some intrusion of something grand and overwhelming and uncanny into the protagonist’s life. (It’s the title, after all – ‘God’ in a broad, rather pentheistic sense, but still, the glorious and uncaring clockwork behind the curtain.) And the culmination of each story is the protagonist (not always the point of view, but the character actually driving the plot) in one sense or another succumbing to the unknown, abandoning what they have and take a leap of faith into some transcendent self-destruction.
All to say the collection really works as a whole more than the individual stories do on their own. Which is probably entirely normal for short story collections that aren’t pulled together based on being based on the same property or written by the same author without much curation otherwise, but I really don’t read many of those that are also actually good.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep10: Kaiba Embarrasses Himself on International Television Again
We start off this duel by teasing us into believing that this is a part of a theme park:
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The Kaiba theme park is a weird mix of actual horrorscapes and animal crossing cutesy stuff...you can really tell what parts were Mokuba and what parts were Seto in this park.
But Leon takes it well, just kinda standing there as he’s done this entire arc--being a general forgettable nice boy who just...doesn’t do anything. Like he gets up, he plays cards, he sits down. Having him on top of a rock with melodramatic Little Mermaid waves crashing at his feet is laughably the opposite of Leon’s whole vibe.
Leon just seems like the type that listens to coffee shop ambient Youtube videos when he wants to amp himself up. This kid appears to attend a private school...somewhere...I think, and just went to a dueling competition in his school outfit because he literally doesn’t have a style of his own hanging in his closet.
Like Yugi wears his school outfit, but he does that ironically, to off-set the amount of makeup and hair spray he has in his hair. Leon wears the school outfit maybe because he admires Yugi so much, but is like “time for my rogue bow I wear in my hair. That’ll scare my competition.” He completely missed the point of the 00′s alt school outfit scene.
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I do way too much art to not see the imagery. I feel like this is half my job, and playing “where’s the hidden Freudian meaning?” is half the fun of going to any art museum.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Seto got tired of no one paying any attention to him, so he stepped out of his 14-monitor mancave, he very quickly pulled his Dragon outfit out of the (dirty) laundry, flicked a couple sea crabs out of his pockets, spritzed it with Febreeze and called it “good enough.”
Like, is it just me, or has dragon jacket greyed out a tad from last season? Like it’s starting to get a little...worn? Like what funk is coming off of Seto Kaiba right now?
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Also notice that he brought his giant stash of cards to the duel. He’s going to put on this show as if he’s not going to pull out the giant stash of cards. But like...he’s going to pull out the giant stash of cards. Like Hell boring ass Leon is going to play his deck of Candyland characters again.
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Leon is declared a winner on Technicality and it’s like.
Damn Seto, for reals?
So congrats, Leon, you did literally nothing, again, and yet you mystifyingly  persist on this show. Clearly you aren‘t going to grow a second head out of that ponytail like professor Quirrel in the last act of this arc.
That’s when Yugi’s hazy memory recalls something from the Before Times of “that time period before I was possessed by a needy ghost that eats up 3/4 of my memories and time.”
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So Schroeder is Atari. Neat.
Also, this makes Zigfrieds outfits a hell ton more endearing when you realize he’s this Willy Wonka game company owner making toys for children. Kinda makes you wonder why Seto’s such a stick up the ass in comparison when it’s like--dude Kaiba, maybe you could learn a thing or two about whimsy. It could really help out your inconsistent park.
Anyway, Kaiba quickly realized who hacked the park and so, understandably, he asked Zigried to leave, which...backfired?
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Y’all card culture is a lot. Everyone in the audience covered their faces in shame because they were so embarrassed by Seto Kaiba and I’m like...not sure why? Because he didn’t do a duel? Against this guy who snuck into his tourney not unlike Rex and Weevil? This asshole?
Recall that the last time Seto played a guy who had a fake name it was Marik freakin Ishtar and he killed a LOT of people (actually, it was Alister, pretending to be Pegasus, but he also killed a lot of people so that still tracks). Card culture can’t seem to learn from their mistakes, although Seto clearly sees the problem with dueling a professional hacker in a digital card game on a hologram that may or may not be able to murder you. At least its not a magic.
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And so, tired of being humiliated on television, Seto decides to bust out the dueling gloves (well, not those gloves. You know what I meant) and use the equipment he BROUGHT WITH HIM and clearly never intended not to use in the first place.
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(I hope you enjoy this dutch angle that wasn’t quite dutch enough, so it just looks like they’re lounging)
Roland patiently walks over from...somewhere? I don’t know where Roland comes from whenever he pops up, but he waltzed over to hold onto this suitcase as if that’s a formal part of his job.
I say this so often but like...I don’t know what Roland’s job is. He’s like a valet/butler/duel referee/duel cheerleader/CEO/and I will spend the rest of this series trying to understand it. Part of me is like...could Roland be a temp worker at an agency who just gets rehired for a different Kaiba Corp job every couple of weeks?
That weird ass fourthKaiba, I will never understand Roland.
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Just one letter away from being a Zigfriend, Kaiba. Just one letter away. I know this because I misspell friend a LOT.
Zigfreind? Zigfriend? Damn it, both of them look the freakin same to me, this sucks! Why can’t I spell friend without autocorrect!?
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Just the amount these two fight when Seto clearly barely even remembers who this guy even is.
Leon shows up in the seats, pretending that he’s totally cool about winning on a technicality right after Zigfried went on a rant about how shameful, irredeemable, and mortally embarrassing winning on technicalities are.
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He seems to take it pretty well, smiling, sitting next to Rebecca, and then dissolving right into the background because this kid’s whole deal is being way too nice to exist on this show.
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Y’all we just had that art meme where people were redrawing that “How to draw manga face” and guys...that’s what our anime used to look like.
I mean look at that uncomfortable chin there, that tapers in for some reason. Those eyes melting off of her face. The lack of any 3d sense. This was an anime ideal for a very, very long time.
Anyway, the “how to draw manga face” is a perfect masterpiece and never needs to change. (But it is fun to make fun of it although I guess the person that drew it was actually a kid, which makes sense from a publishing perspective to have a kid make a book about how to draw stuff for kids.)
We see a little flashback of Schroeder and why he hates Seto Kaiba, and can I just say, I kind of love this little outfit. Kind of a shame that it’s stuffed into a flashback.
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Which is when we found out that Zigfried thinks Seto Kaiba did a plagiarism.
Which is hilarious because it was Gozaburo Kaiba who was plagiarizing Seto, so like...who did it first?
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OK guys. Lets talk about this.
APPARENTLY, there was some sort of contest to work with Pegasus...kind of like an architecture contest (which is a thing, when a city is doing a big project, they send out a call, and big firms will compete to see who builds it) and I GOTTA know what Pegasus’ theme was.
Like did he say to all the little rich kid geniuses “I would like something that makes my cards ALIVE, can you do that?” Then when Pegasus got a hell ton of holograms and was he like “But ALIVE--it makes it alive, right boy?” And when he was shaking the hands of each stupid kid was he like “So if I hypothetically put my dead wife on a card and slapped it into the machine--could she EXIST. Like...enough? I just need her to legally exist is all, and not like..literally of course...but enough literally to be a sin against God, can you do that?”
I just want to know if Willy Wonka Wonderkid Von Schroeder had any idea he was creating a resurrection chamber for a dark wizard. Like he has no idea that he dodged getting his business bought straight from under him and his soul shoved into a card. And it’s not like Schroeder was going to abduct Yugi’s Grandpa and ensure that Yugi would be there to save him down the road. Like I’m pretty sure Schroeder would have been sacrificed waaay before that whole island contest even went down.
Zigfried got so freakin lucky. I can’t believe he’s mad. But then again...
...the man swims in milk pools so like...maybe his logic center is busted? Maybe he wanted to die in a horrific murder island? I don't know what Zigfried is into, but I do know that because Zigfried doesn’t have millennium rod powers linking him to the millennium eye--so would it have mattered? There’s destiny reasons that Pegasus chose Kaiba.
Course...we never found out where the scales ended up, have we? We think it’s Shadi, but have we seen Shadi bust those out since Season Zero?
Man that would be a good plot twist that will absolutely not happen.
Yo, make horse guy into a dark wizard, show, I dare you!
Anyway, that’s all for now, but if you want to read from the beginning, here’s the link:
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
I started watched Disenchantment part 3 tonight--after spending a few evenings rewatching--and couldn’t stop until i reached the end. Who told Matt Groening about serialized ongoing stories, it gave him too much power.
I’m not going to have nearly as vigorous thoughts about it as I had between parts 1 and 2, but I did have a fair few.
Everybody guessed that the elves originally lived in dreamland because of the castle matching the crown. But the spiral question mark is a lollypop. Oh my god i expended so much energy thinking up what the spiral question mark could mean and it was a lollypop. 
I feel it’s pretty obvious that the ogres came for Elfo because the orge queen is his mom. Would it not be hilarious if he’s her firstborn son and heir to the ogre throne? Seems not the most likely, but maybe! I have also enjoyed noticing that he can be very ferocious when driven to it, and takes hits much better than the other elves. I’m still a little disappointed that Matt Groening thinks orc is copyrighted and didn’t take a moment to google it, but whatever fine, ogres are essentially orcs in this world. Whatever. 
Bean is supposed to marry some kind of… demon, I guess maybe? And yesssss I called it that her mom just wants her to get married, too. I bet that it’s payment for the power and fortune Maru gets from Hell. Probably.
Guess one: the magic everyone talks about Dreamland having is in the rocks that the trogs are mining and taking away someplace. Dreamland produces magic but doesn’t experience much of it. Possibly, they’re taking it to Hell, or Maru maybe. There are probably other places.
Guess two: Mora talked about the mermaids being driven out to mermaid island after something with the water fall. The elves aren’t the only former inhabitants of Dreamland, and the bizarre cliff/waterfall is part of what drove them out. They’re also responsible for a lot of the fish imagery around Dreamland, like the elves are responsible for the spiral. 
I still like Odval a lot, even though I’m going to quietly retract many of my more dramatic theories about him because they seem unlikely at this stage. What a wonderful ruthless Lawful Neutral man. What a prime example of a man who values the continuity of the kingdom and the law over the individual ruler, and holds his secret society’s goals above all else. I still say he went after the Eternity Pendant and followed Bean to Elfwood more to help Sorcerio succeed than anything else, but I wouldn’t put anything past him. What a delight.
I read one brief mention on tumblr of expecting people to ship Mora and Bean, and assumed it was just somebody on the internet running harder with a cool lady that bonded with another cool lady than the show intended, but no it’s legit. They made out and Bean was brokenhearted when she left. What the hell, tumblr, why am I not seeing a zillion gifsets of that gorgeous episode? I repeat: the main character of this genre show is not straight. Get on that.
There was so much steamland. SO MUCH STEAMLAND. I guess the Archdruidess’ callous dismissal of religion while using the hell out of it makes more sense now, but also what the actual hell. Also, adventurer’s club reference, right? Am i right? 
Sighhhhh I’m gonna have to try and translate the new set of runes, aren’t I? at least I know it’s latin now. Assuming it’s even the same stuff as the Maru writing from s2, it went by so fast.
Oh speaking of latin: big jo always a delight, great to finally actually see him interact with Odval, and am still curious about his goals. Is he totally unattached and free to to hired necromancy/pursue the secret society’s goals at his leisure, or is he affiliated with some kingdom or other?
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mimosaeyes · 4 years
“You could talk,” Jon says slowly. “Doesn’t matter what about, just as long as it’s distracting. That would... that would help, I think.”
Set during episode 39, when Martin and Jon are hiding from Jane Prentiss. 2.1k, pre-relationship.
For TMA hurt/comfort week organised by @themagnuswriters, prompt: “treating/distracting from injuries”
Content warnings: canon-typical worm imagery, blood, Martin’s Prentiss anxiety
Beta-ed by @emberidzae
Also available on AO3 here
Martin has triple-checked that the door is locked. He knows he has; he remembers jiggling the knob and scuffing his shoe on the seal over the crack at the bottom. Yet he keeps throwing nervous looks at the square of dirty glass through which he’d peered into the corridor. From where he’s sitting on the floor, knees hugged to his chest, he can’t tell where Jane Prentiss currently is, or what she’s doing. Not unless she were to press her wan face up against the window, the holes in her skin indistinguishable from her eye sockets, and raise one infested fist to knock.
He shudders and makes himself take a deep breath, subconsciously tightening his grip around the corkscrew. It’s still slick with Jon’s blood. His fingers slip a little, a sensation that makes his stomach turn. He takes another deep breath and glances to his right, where Jon is propped up against the wall with his injured leg stretched out in front of him. To Martin’s surprise, Jon’s attention is focused not on the door or his wound, but on him.
“What are you thinking about?” Jon asks — quietly, but the sound still startles Martin after a couple minutes of tense waiting. In the silence after Jon had paused the tape recorder, Martin has been left listening to his own, anxious thoughts. They’ve been running along the same well-worn tracks as during those thirteen days he spent trapped in his apartment: where is she, what do I do, is anyone coming, how long since I checked the door, where is she?
What do I do?
“I guess…” Martin hesitates, having a brief mental debate about how much is appropriate to say to your boss who’s just confided in you that he’s only dismissive because he’s afraid; helplessly so. “I felt safe, here. I didn’t think she could get in.” He pauses, glancing at the door. “Guess I was wrong.”
Jon surprises him for the umpteenth time today by saying, “I’m sorry.” He sounds genuinely sympathetic, and even leans forward as if to pat Martin’s arm, although he stops halfway, looking awkward. 
As he slumps back against the wall, he winces, hissing slightly.
Furrowing his brow, Martin scoots closer to him. “Does your leg hurt?” 
“I’m fine,” Jon says, literally lying through his teeth. A muscle in his jaw jumps as he clenches it. He sighs. “Nothing to be done anyway, while we’re stuck here.”
He’s right, to an extent; they don’t have any medical supplies or even water to wash out whatever secretions a worm might leave behind. Martin shudders at the thought while eyeing the small pool of blood that has trickled out of Jon’s wound. “We can at least put pressure on it,” he decides at last. 
After casting about the room for a moment and seeing only boxes and papers, he starts to remove his own jumper.
Jon blinks. “What are you doing?” 
“I don’t have any other cloth,” Martin explains, lowering his arms again.
“I’m hardly going to bleed out from this,” Jon scoffs, his voice returning to its usual prickly tones. “There’s no need to be so dramatic.”
A few weeks ago, Martin would have backed down at once, stung by Jon’s standoffishness and jumping straight to the conclusion that Jon wouldn’t trust him to perform even such basic first aid on him. In light of today’s revelations, though, he merely narrows his eyes. “You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what,” Jon says flatly, looking askance. Martin takes that as a good indication that he’s hit the nail on the head with his inference.
“Pretending you’re not scared, so you won’t have to deal with how crazy this whole situation is. Well, you’re not fooling me.”
He maintains a firm, steady tone but holds his breath once he’s done speaking, silently worrying he has crossed a line. Several beats pass before Jon mumbles something in response.
“I said you can use my vest,” Jon repeats, over-enunciating. He sounds arch again, though rather more cowed than before. Deftly, he unbuttons his vest with one hand while waving the other vaguely in Martin’s direction. “That’s one of your favourite jumpers; don’t ruin it on my account.”
The motion of him shrugging out of the vest does something fascinating to his collarbones, the lines of which are visible through his white button-up. It takes Martin a moment to process Jon’s words and ask, “Wait, how do you know I like this jumper?”
“Well, you wear it on special occasions, like your birthday,” Jon says as Martin begins to fold the vest. “You didn’t make Tim any tea for two days after that time he spilled some pasta sauce on the sleeve. And before you lived here, you sometimes left a hoodie or cardigan at your desk overnight, but never this jumper…” He trails off. “I’ve said too much, haven’t I?”
“It’s alright,” Martin tells him, while a pleasant, dizzy feeling starts up in a corner of his mind. He had no idea Jon noticed anything about him at all, aside from his supposedly incompetent work. “We do investigate mysteries.”
Such as the mystery of why Martin is about to use a vest made of what feels like rather expensive fabric to staunch the bleeding, when his own, comfy but ratty jumper is on hand. He clears his throat, glancing at Jon’s leg. “May I?”
At Jon’s nod, he pushes his trousers up to mid-calf. Then he stops and just stares at the ragged wound for a moment. He’s never thought of himself as being particularly squeamish, but he gets a little lightheaded anyway at how far the worm had tunnelled before Sasha managed to extract it.
This is what he’d pictured in the initial days of waiting out Prentiss, when he was still weighing the possibility of making a break for it. The mental image had effectively deterred any attempts. Since he’s started living in the Archives, he’s also woken up several times gasping from nightmares about the parasites burrowing into his exposed flesh. He always gropes for his corkscrew and the fire extinguisher he keeps next to his cot, clutching them to him while staring blearily out into the darkness beyond the circle of light cast by the lamp he leaves on.
He shakes himself. There’s no point thinking about that now. His fears have come to pass after all, and Jon needs his help. Martin places the fabric over the injury and presses down. Immediately, Jon gives a quiet hiss.
“Too much?” Martin asks, easing up a little.
Jon’s already shaking his head. “No, it’s okay. Thank you.”
They both fall silent for a while. Martin’s thoughts inevitably wander back to whatever’s going on outside. Whether Tim and Sasha are alright, whether help is coming. Too soon, he lifts the vest to check on the bleeding. It has slowed a little, but there’s still a sluggish ooze from the wound. He resumes the pressure, then looks up to find Jon watching him again.
“Why are you being nice to me?” Jon asks.
“Um.” Martin shifts into a marginally more comfortable position while he tries to find a polite way of phrasing Because of basic human decency…? “Why wouldn’t I?”
He means it rhetorically, but Jon actually starts to answer. “Well, I haven’t exactly been lovely to you. Yet here you are, offering to sacrifice your favourite jumper and — and staying here with me, when you could run for it and escape a situation you’ve probably been dreading for the past couple of months.”
I wouldn’t just leave you, Martin thinks at once, with a resolve that surprises himself a little. The time he’s spent living in the Archives has been stressful, sure, but it’s also brought him closer to each of his co-workers. (Regularly dousing one another and the premises with fire extinguishers will do that.) He wouldn’t abandon any of them.
That seems too heavy to say to Jon, though. Especially since, if it needs saying, maybe that means Jon hasn’t felt the same sense of solidarity. So Martin deflects instead. “Should we be talking at all? It might give away where we are.”
“You checked the door. We’re fine.” Jon attempts a reassuring smile but breaks off and flinches, his leg twitching briefly under Martin’s hands.
“What’s wrong?”
Jon pulls a face. “There’s a weird… pulsating feeling. Like it’s still crawling about in there.”
A horrible thought occurs to Martin. “Sasha did get all of it, didn’t she?”
“I’m sure she did,” Jon says. “I’m just being paranoid. In any case, I... don’t exactly relish the prospect of digging around with the corkscrew some more.”
“Hmm.” Martin bites his lip. “Then I don’t really know what else I can do.”
His thoughts stray back to the door, to the taste of canned peaches, too sweet in the back of his throat. He hates all this waiting. He needs to be doing something.
Jon tilts his head at him as if puzzling something out. “You could talk,” he says slowly. “Doesn’t matter what about, just as long as it’s distracting. That would... that would help, I think.”
Martin perks up at this — though of course, his brain chooses this moment to forget just about everything he has ever heard of, read about, or thought. “Ah…” he flounders. “I, I watched a documentary last week. It was about sharks.”
Breath hitching slightly in pain, Jon settles himself against the wall. “Tell me about sharks,” he says, with a wry and strangely indulgent smile.
So Martin does. “Um. Okay. D-did you know,” he says, starting with his favourite fact, “sharks that lay eggs do it in leathery pouches called mermaid purses? I’m not making that up, they’re really called that...” Then he goes on to explain how scientists determine the age of a shark by counting the growth rings formed on its vertebra, much like the rings in the cross-sections of trees. (At this point, his spiel is interrupted as Jon mumbles, “That’s... dendrochronology, right?” Only he stumbles over the syllables, so Martin repeats the word correctly, and somehow it turns into a weird competition of who can say it five times fast. Martin wins, but all of his blood is where it should be, so he’s hardly gloating about the victory.) Finally, he moves on to trivia about specific species, like the epaulette shark, which can walk on land, or the bonnethead shark, which for some reason enjoys eating seagrass.
Martin saves the best for last. “But my favourite,” he says, fully chatty by now, “has got to be the cookie-cutter shark.”
“A great name,” Jon remarks. “Why do you like them?”
“Well, first of all, they’re tiny. They kind of look like large fishes, really. And they glow! They have the strongest known bioluminescence of any shark. They migrate every day — but not from place to place. Up and down, actually. They’re, uh.” At this point, probably extremely belatedly, Martin realises he has been going on about sharks for quite some time. His mother, for example, would have stopped him ages ago. “They’re pretty cool,” he finishes rather lamely.
Instead of berating him or yawning pointedly, Jon actually still looks interested. “You haven’t explained why they’re called cookie-cutter sharks,” he notes. There’s a gentle quality to his voice that Martin has never heard before. It makes him genuinely believe that Jon wants him to continue talking. After all, this is the man who rambled about emulsifiers during Martin’s birthday celebration, pausing only to tell him he was about to put his elbow (and thereby his jumper) in a bit of melted ice-cream on the table. It had been embarrassing for Martin, who may or may not have been fawning slightly and absently letting his vanilla-honeycomb dribble out of the cone — but perhaps Jon was actually trying to be considerate.
Still, Martin hesitates before diving into his explanation. “It’s a little gory,” he hedges.
“If we die today,” Jon deadpans, “for me, it’ll be out of curiosity.”
It takes Martin a moment to realise he’s joking. Then he laughs, startled and faintly delighted. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he says. He pauses for dramatic effect. “Their signature feeding habit is to gouge round holes in their prey. Like… like a cookie cutter with dough.”
Jon groans, though not out of pain, and starts laughing. “Well, that’s certainly topical.”
“Not the best distraction, in retrospect,” Martin says apologetically.
“No, it’s alright. Touch of humour. I enjoyed it.”
More than enough time has passed by now, surely. Martin checks under the cloth again. “You’ve stopped bleeding,” he reports.
“That’s good,” Jon says softly. “Wouldn’t want the sharks to get me.”
It’s only then that Martin realises he’s entirely forgotten to fret about Jane Prentiss. For quite a while, too. Huh, he thinks, mentally replaying the way Jon had asked him for a distraction. That would help, I think.  
Help who?
[my TMA fic on AO3]
[my post-canon JonMartin + cat fluff AU]
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jebazzled · 4 years
Level Up! Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced RP and You
Hello there! Coming to you again with tips & tricks for a top-notch roleplay experience! Today we're going to talk about writing levels and what they mean for your roleplay experience. We'll cover what these levels mean, how to gauge where you're at, and how you can improve your roleplay writing specifically!
"Writing levels" are often a descriptor sites will use in their advertising and site buzzes. They might be "semi-literate," "intermediate," "literate," "advanced," or any other sort of buzzword. The key here is that these descriptors are used by site staff both to advertise what type of writing is most common on their site and what type of writing they want to see on their site.
What writing levels are not is a value indicator. There's nothing wrong with being an intermediate writer or a beginner writer; advanced sites are not inherently better than intermediate ones, beginner sites are nothing to be ashamed of! Think of writing levels as an umbrella within the rp community. The same way a forum rp-er might narrow their search to jcink sites, a writer might narrow their search to sites which cater to their style of writing.
That said, it is good to define what each of these levels look like so you can figure out where your writing might fit.
BEGINNER Beginner writing is often very short and direct, without much in the way of literary flourish. Characters might be fairly undeveloped (or developed around one trait, for example, "goth" or "prep") and there's usually more discussion of their appearance than you see in advanced writing.
Susie was short and very skinny, with big eyes and long mermaid-wavy hair dyed blue at the ends. She was sitting outside Firefly High in blue skinny jeans, silver Converse, and a black t-shirt. "I hope someone can give me a ride home," she said.
Raven sneered at Susie. She didn't like blue because she liked black, because she was a goth. "Are you listening to popular music? What a phony."
Bramblepaw sat down in the clearing. "Hello" he meowed.
Some guides will also give an example like 
patty threw a pom pom at susie! "take that u nerd!"
But I am choosing to believe that you're past that if you're deep enough in this hobby to be seeking out resources - I certainly never had that self-awareness until I was more in intermediate territory!
Beginner-level writing gets the job done, and can certainly move a story along. But if you've been writing a while, you might be ready to build more multifaceted characters, and to invest more effort in your writing.
INTERMEDIATE/SEMI-LITERATE WRITING Intermediate writing tends to be longer than beginner writing, with more variety in sentence structure and with more advanced word choices. There are likely more "beats" per post, by which I mean that instead of just answering a question or getting on the bus or etc, a character will likely do more actions in each turn writing. Characters are less likely to be a stereotype (see: Raven the goth who only wears black, Patty the popular cheerleader who is blonde and brainless, etc) but applications likely reveal one-dimensional characters. Common application styles I see from intermediate writers are "interviews" and "journals," as well as listicles (10 Things Raven Likes, 9 People Raven Hates, etc); this likely means a character is told rather than shown.
(Wondering what's so intermediate about interviews and journals? See my guides to interviews and journals!)
Susie was born on March 20, 2003 in Farmville, Iowa. She didn't like how similar her classmates all were - they all listened to the same music, read the same books (none!) and had the most fun when drinking on a tractor. Susie was more deep, and liked to write poetry and sketch the animals that lived on her family's farm. Today she was sitting outside Firefly High, twirling the ends of her blue-dyed hair and waiting for a ride home. 
Raven wasn't like most girls. She didn't like horses or rabbits, but only liked goats, because they represented the devil. Raven also wasn't like most girls, at least in Farmville, because she worshipped the devil. She wore a lot of black to represent this, and when she saw Susie, she sneered. Blue! Susie must be a normie. "Are you listening to popular music?" She asked. "What a phony."
Bramblepaw had spent all morning hunting and was feeling lonely. All he wanted was to share a squirrel with a friend, and maybe have someone groom the tricky spot behind his ears. He padded from the apprentice den to the warriors', to the elders and no one was home. He sat forlorn in the middle of the clearing. "Hello?" He meowed.
Another common trait of both beginner and intermediate writing is that posts might not leave much for a partner to reply to. The whole point of this weird hobby is to collaborate with a partner - if you're finding that it is hard to keep writing partners, you might take a look at my guide for writing posts that beg a response.
Intermediate writing is stronger than beginner writing, but still sometimes falls flat when it comes to collaboration with a partner, and is almost never beautiful to read. Intermediate writing is when advanced writing is just over the next hill - and that hill comes with a fair amount of work.
ADVANCED/LITERATE WRITING Advanced writing can be long or short, but the writing in either case packs a punch. Advanced writers use a variety of sentence structures, words, and literary devices. They might have specific imagery they use for specific characters, specific literary constructions for different characters, and there is a strong character voice in each post. Advanced writers write multifaceted characters with genuine flaws and fears, and advanced writers produce writing that is enjoyable to read, elegant and emotive. Applications will usually be anecdotal - will demonstrate key moments in a character's life, allowing the writer to show them in action rather than tell the reader what they are like. (A guide to anecdotal freestyle applications is available here.
Everything felt the same in Farmville: identical rows of corn stretching endlessly over the horizon, pockmarked by the occasional farmhouse, white clapboard and falling shutters. Every person felt the same - Susie and Mary and Sarah and Joseph, strong peasant names living strong peasant lives, and never straying more than twenty miles from the town in which they were born.
Even Susie knew she had her place in the sameness: the once-every-generation girl who fancies herself to be more, as though her sketches of the sheep and pigs are any better than her grandmother's before her. As though dying her hair blue were enough to make her different when she knew she belonged here as sure as the hogs in the barn.
The only difference between Susie and her classmates was that she didn't have a car to get her to her evening job at the Road Ranger gas station, and her bike had disassembled itself after she'd pedaled it into a gopher hole, so here she was, sitting pathetically outside Firefly High, waiting for a ride. She'd almost rather be fired than beg for one. 
It’s the principle of the thing, Raven had told her mother that morning. Yes, it was 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity; yes, there was not a cloud in the sky and the fields absorbed heat like a winter sweater; yes, she was aware that her white makeup and Wet n' Wild eyeliner was falling off her face like The Scream. But it was the principle of the thing, wearing the long-sleeved black shirt with the hand-cut thumbholes, a long dark skirt; her only concession to the heat, a pair of thin gray flip-flops instead of her beloved Docs. She listens to Death Wish; she doesn't have one.
But nothing makes a Satantic rebel feel more a phony than feeling it drip off of them in the rural Iowa heat, and Raven wanted to take it out on someone. Fair? No, but life isn't fair; she's got that on a sticker on the electric guitar she saved up her Hy-Vee salary for and never learned to play. Maybe pretending to be an asshole has turned Raven into one.
She has no real problem with Susie - Susie Q., from math, or Susie C., from human geo; who knows, they're all the same - but she scoffs at her anyway, loud enough to catch Susie's attention. "What top-40 garbage are you listening to?"
Hunting is something they do together, or they're supposed to. But in the whole time he'd been out in the woods, Bramblepaw hadn't seen a single other cat - not playing at the stream, not waiting in a tree for the finches to return, not sitting along the RiverClan border to taunt their neighbors. If he'd been a Loner, just passing through, he would have thought the entire territory abandoned.
It was unsettling, and when he returned to the Camp, it was more of the same: everyone gone, without a trace; had he imagined them being here at all? Was it all in his head?
His mew sounded small and pitiful to even him, the mewl of a lost kitten. "Hello?"
Advanced writing makes more time for descriptions, scene-setting, and other narration. It doesn't feel "cringey," by which I mean if you read it 10 years from now you're probably not going to want to drown yourself. Please do not ask me about the 2005 Proboards forum I adminned and referenced for this tutorial.
So now that we can recognize what writing our level might be at - how do we shop for a site?
Now that you have a sense of where your writing sits, it's time to use that data point in searching for a new site to call home. Some sites make it easy for you by self-identifying as beginner, intermediate, or advanced; some sites may use "semi-literate" and "literate," but I know I stray from those labels because it feels like a value judgment, and as I said before:
there is nothing wrong with being part of a beginner or intermediate community, if that is what makes the most sense for your writing and for what you aim to get out of your roleplay experience!
Before applying to a new site, you should do a little bit of digging around to see if it's a good fit for you: 
Look at accepted character applications. How do these compare to your own writing?
Skim some threads from top posters. How does this community write and structure their threads? Could you see yourself regularly keeping up with their speed, length, literary quality?
To the above point - does it seem like the community has a tendency towards your personal writing pet peeves? (For example, I personally cannot stand purple prose, and if the site community is prone to it, I am OUT.)
This is in addition to all standard due-diligence site-hunting routines, e.g. not diving into the world of Southern Gothic supernatural if you're looking for, say, urban fantasy.
It's also worth thinking about how the community behaves on the server, if you join it:
Is there a thread shoutout/compliments/etc channel? What passages are members calling out in there as exceptional writing?
Do the members strike you as open-minded and friendly or as more of a closed group? If you choose to shoot for a level above your standard writing as a growth exercise, this will be easier to achieve with an open-minded and friendly group than with a group of snobs.
Do you enjoy the vibe? Something frequently overlooked, I think. If you don't like the energy of the community, just don't join the site - that is going to be much more productive for everyone than you joining and then trying to get the staff to fully re-engineer their community.
Be honest with yourself! Regardless of how much you like a site's plot, lore, and community, joining a site that sits above your writing proficiency is challenging. You might find your characters routinely pended for lacking the development of other characters onsite. Other members may not be enthusiastic to write with you - not necessarily out of snobbishness or elitism, but because it's not fun to feel like you're not getting equal effort or quality from a writing partner. And you might find yourself feeling insecure about how your writing stacks up to others (I've been writing on advanced sites for 10 years and I feel insecure about my own writing sometimes!) which might sap your muse.
If you are looking for a minimal-effort, minimal-stress rp experience, stick to sites that are at or below your writing level. Writing with people of similar skillset will help take the edge off any insecurity, and because writing will be lower-pressure and lower-effort, you will be better positioned to juggle multiple characters and more big plots. "Lower effort" doesn't mean "lazy" - it just means that you free up headspace that otherwise you might spend on the mechanics of writing versus the excitement of plotting.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to take a much more deliberate approach.
One thing I see often is intermediate writers applying multiple characters to an advanced site at once. This is a losing proposition. While staff might be willing to pend an app and work with you on revisions, if they see you submitting multiple applications that require major revisions and overhauls, they see a pattern. While staff might be willing to help you develop one character to their site's standard, if they anticipate you needing that level of coaching on every character, they will question your ability to keep up with their members in threads. Staff cannot be expected to assist members on writing each thread post - at that point, it becomes easier to decline all of the intermediate writer's applications.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to treat this as a "quality, not quantity" project.
When I was 13 I was writing very much at a beginner and intermediate level, just little Neopets rps with my friends. Then I joined a horse rp - an advanced rp - with a 1000 word minimum per post. While I am beyond thankful ridiculous word count minimums aren't common anymore, I can credit this rp with much of my growth as a writer.
I wrote one (1) character. And I only plotted her with a couple of others. I was very active in the OOC community, and was eventually made a mod - but when it came to IC activity, I focused all my energy on one character and just a couple of plots, because I spent hours on each post, making sure that I was matching my writing partners as best I could. It was much more work than the beginner & intermediate forums I was on with my friends, and much more work for much less action. But stretching like that is what made advanced writing get easier and easier - until I could balance two characters on an advanced site, then four, until now, when I write 12 characters on multiple advanced sites with relative ease. The real challenge is in keeping up with threads - not in matching quality anymore.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to improve your writing, joining an advanced site is a great option for growth, but you need to adjust your expectations.
Here are my best tips for intermediate writers looking to make the jump to advanced - or, for that matter, for beginners to make the jump to intermediate: 
Focus, focus, focus. Choose one (1) character to write - no matter how tempted you are by want ads, no matter how many other ideas you get, no matter what your muse is throwing at you. Use all those on sites at your current level. For your reach site, pick one character.
Be receptive. Your one (1) character might take a revision or two to get out of a pend. Remember that staff don't pend apps to be assholes - they do it because they believe in you and think you have it in you to do the necessary revisions! If they thought you were a lost cause they wouldn't have wasted their own time with a pend. Be open to the idea that they know what works and is expected in their community. After all, if your character and your writing aren't appealing to the site community... you're not going to have anyone to write with!
Focus, focus, focus, part 2. You should not choose this character based on the volume of plots they can attract. Choose a character who has one or two very close plots for you to focus on. You might consider identifying a particularly kind member of the community and filling one of their want ads, so that this close plot is ready-made for you, and so this person can be a friendly face on your writing journey.
Be realistic. You might think: well, if I focus on one character for a few weeks, then I'll be ready to take on another, right? You might be or you might not. Don't rush it. This entire journey is about deliberation and intentionality. Don't take on a second character on an advanced site until writing the first to the same standard is noticeably easier.
Be kind to yourself. This is a lot of work! If you have the time for it, you might consider also staying active on a site that is at your writing level, so you have a place for easy writing, indulging your plot bunnies, etc.
I hope this tutorial has been a helpful resource to you, both in identifying how to find the right rp for you and in figuring out how to improve your writing, if you so choose. Happy writing!
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raeynbowboi · 5 years
Dating Disney: The Little Mermaid
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So when I started, Dating Disney, it was with the intention to pin down the fashion validity of Disney’s leading men, but when I started looking at Eric, I found that he’s wearing very hard to pin down clothes. A simple shirt, some pants, boots, and possibly a cummerbund? Or a sash? It’s really unclear. So rather than that, I decided to use clues in the movie to pin down a general historical time frame and location for Disney Movies, and I’m not really going in any order. I stand by Sleeping Beauty being set in mid to late 14th century Italy, but from here on out, I’ll be focused more on history and the movie, using context clues to set a time frame.
Story Origins
Den Lille Havfrue or The Little Mermaid, was written in 1836 and published in 1837 by Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish writer. It was written initially as a discreet love letter to Edvard Collin who had won his fancy. Edvard had gotten himself engaged to then 13-year-old Henriette Tybjerg 3 years earlier in 1833. The story is a highly symbolic depiction of Andersen’s feelings, as Edvard represents the handsome prince, Henriette is the kind foreign princess taking the love of his life, and Andersen is the suffering hero who endures great heartache to be near the one he loves, and is effectively voiceless, unable to speak his true feelings due to the time when he was living in. Henriette was actually so worried that he’d make a scene and declare his love for Edvard at their wedding that they “accidentally” gave him the wrong day, and he missed the ceremony. Thus, Andersen wrote the little mermaid disguised as a wedding gift, which Edvard had little interest in and which Andersen later decided to publish. I won’t do this for all of the stories, mind you, but this one had a very interesting history behind it.
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The first costume doesn’t appear in the actual movie, but is used occasionally as part of the Disney Prince line-up attire that Eric sports. In this image, he’s sporting a waistcoat, cravat, and tailcoats, all indicative of 19th century men’s fashion. In particular, this look rose to popularity in the 1840s and stayed popular through to the 1850s. Eric’s wedding suit and the engagement suit are both  military jackets that include epaulets on the wedding suit. These are in fact naval admiral jackets, as seen in the below picture.
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All of these fashion elements emerged during and following the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Most of the men except Eric have buckles on their shoes. Although we might associate the image more with the 18th century and the American revolution or pilgrims, buckled shoes were still a common sight in the 19th century that it’s not out of place or unreasonable for them to worn in this film.
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The widely hated pink dress (and quite unfairly I think) that Ariel wears to dinner seems to fit with 1850s fashion although the large sleeves were apparently designed to resemble 1980′s prom dresses. The blue dress Ariel wears for the date is entirely era inappropriate (especially since her ankles are visible during the Victorian Era), and neither hers nor Vanessa’s corset dresses are fitting for their time period. It should be noted that the visible different skirts was not a trend of the 1800s, and this was the closest example I could find, and even then appears to be an outlier in what’s been recorded of 1850′s fashions. Now, it’s possible that this dress could be old and was just lying around, so even Ariel’s dress is not necessarily proof of a finalized decade, since she could simply be wearing an out of fashion gown.
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The Tobacco pipe that Scuttle calls a Snarfblat, seems to resemble a Calabash type tobacco pipe, first invented in 1898, at least according to one source I found. The Calabash is widely recognized for its saxophone shape, and is closely associated with Sherlock Holmes imagery. There are other types called Bent or Billiard pipes that may have existed earlier, but I couldn’t find when those kinds of tobacco pipes would have been invented.
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Eric’s Ship seems to resemble a Galleon, mostly in the bent U shape of the ship and the bulky stern. An evolution of the Portuguese Carrack ships of the 15th century, these Spanish ships were invented initially as armed cargo ships, but were also used as warships. In the early 19th century, they were drafted as auxiliary war vessels, dominating naval warfare for most of the Age of Sailing. Although Eric’s ship is not quite a Galleon, given that his ship as a more noticeably protruding cabin on the ship’s stern, it still maintains the unique U-shape of the vessel.
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The type of carriage we see when Eric gives Ariel a tour of his kingdom seems to resemble the Phaeton carriage. Both are four-wheeled carriages with a fold-up back and a swooping decal on the front of the vehicle. Shown to the right is an image of Queen Victoria as a child with her mother in a Phaeton. I don’t have an exact year as the link no longer works with the British Museum of History, but Queen Victoria was born in 1819, and she looks fairly young, so I might posit that this might date anywhere from 1822-1834? But I’m legitimately guessing. The point is, this type of carriage would have existed at this time and later.
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When we see the town square of Eric’s kingdom, we see a clocktower and gas lamps. While I couldn’t find an exact year of when clock towers became a common thing, the clock that houses Big Ben in Elizabeth Tower was built in 1844, so that’s a least a clue as to when a much smaller clock might have been commonplace. Gas lamps as a public source of illumination began in 1809, as commemorated by a political cartoon of onlookers marveling at the new wonder.
Geography & Climate
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Hurricanes - when the sea storm hits, the sailors declare that the storm is a hurricane. Initially, I assumed the movie was still set in Europe, and I looked up and found that there have in fact been instances of hurricanes hitting the western countries of Europe. However, the palm trees kind of debunked that theory.
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Yes, you are in fact seeing palm trees. Growing naturally. In the place Eric calls his kingdom. So we are definitely not in Europe. This is further backed by the fact that a hurricane hit only two or so days ago, and hurricane season tends to be in autumn, while the foliage in Eric’s kingdom is a vibrant summer green. This has lead me to the assumption that Eric’s “kingdom” is a colony in either Florida or more likely, one of the Caribbean islands. Which would most likely mean that Eric is a Spanish prince. This is backed up by the simple fact that the general aesthetic of not only the castle, but the kingdom has a very Spanish look to it. But I’m not really at all well-versed enough in architecture to elaborate other than “it looks kinda Spanish to me”. He could be the son of the Spanish king and ruling this local area due to its economic importance and could possibly have a warship to fight off pirates. Eric might also not be the first in line for the throne, thus this is why he’s so far from home and without any parents around. He came to the new world to rule a smaller slice of his kingdom since he’d probably never be king of Spain. And yes, I did find that there are marshlands in the Caribbean, so Eric and Ariel can still go for their boat ride through the bayou.
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There’s also a portrait of Phillip and Aurora in Eric’s dining hall, which means he’s probably related to them. Considering they’re Italian and he’s Spanish, it’s extremely likely. It’s not super relevant, but it’s a neat easter egg. Or if it’s not Phillip and Aurora, it could be Eric’s parents, and it just looks a lot like Phillip and Aurora, which could still be a clue that they’re related. Although the painting is rather recent, not like a 14th century tapestry, so it’s probably either a painting of his parents, or Aurora and Phillip are a big deal in Eric’s family, resulting in them getting a more modern portrait made of them.
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All around, I would have to say that the movie is set on one of the Caribbean islands under Spanish colonialism in around the mid 19th century. Although the pipe might be from a later decade, it’s such a minor detail, and so late in the century that if anything it’s an outlier in the data. Most of the facts tend to point more toward the early and middle of the 19th century, which is why I lean more toward the early-to-mid 1850s as the era of choice for this film. What this means for the world at large is that both America and France have denounced their monarchs. Victoria took the English throne in 1837 and has been ruling for about 20 years. Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species sparks outrage among the public at the notion of being a monkey’s nephew. Furthermore, it pretty much dissolves the Little Mermaid from being connected to the Frozen/Tangled conspiracy at all, as Ariel is all the way over in the New World, while Arendale is half-way across the world. It’s possible that the ship could have been commandeered by pirates who sailed the ship to the Caribbean where it was sank, but that’s adding extra steps and filling in blanks to try and force the theory to work. So there you have it, Ariel married a Spanish prince who was a full on navy admiral living in colonial Caribbean islands in the 1850s. Honestly, I’m just as surprised as you are. I would not have logically pegged the Caribbean for the setting of the film. But, that’s where the evidence points.
SETTING: A Spanish Colony in the Caribbean
KINGDOM: The Spanish Empire (1492 -1975)
PERIOD: 1850s (Victorian Era)
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Since my concentration for anything not @taylorswift related is shot right now, I present: a list of all the fucking clues and Easter eggs we still know nothing about:
The story of us being left with its original art on Spotify. If it was just because it was 4 minutes and 26 seconds long I am legitimately scared for us.
Why la vie en Rose is playing at the beginning of ME! MV
What the fuck is up with the roses everywhere
See also: what the fuck is up with the daisies everywhere
Why the fuck is THE FRENCH LANGUAGE important
Why is the clock set to 8:30
Who were the lame guys with umbrellas? The Dixie Chicks? Taylor?
Why does her hair keep changing colors?
Why has her hair STOPPED changing colors.
Did she cut her hair?
What is TS7’s official hairstyle
Why am I still calling it TS7
The significance of Benjamin Buttons adorable little name and why she kept it a secret
Where is the mural?
What did the rest of the mural mean?
Does Olivia get along with Benjamin?
Have kitty alliances formed?
Did kaleidoscope ever mean anything or does Taylor just really like that word
Is kaleidoscope the name of TS8
Why all the home references
Why is there a Christmas tree in the summer
What were those cloud shadows doing
Why does Taylor’s shadow turn into speak now era Taylor
Is there a drake collab
Is there a Troy collab
Is there a Selena collab
Is there a Katy collab
Is there king princess collab
Will Taylor ever be a judge on drag race
Why does the unicorn have a blue eye
Why don’t we all realize it’s not a unicorn it’s a pegacorn
Why was the snake half blind
Why was the getaway car video backward
Why does Taylor move her hands counter clockwise in the briefcase scene
Is TS7 really the original TS6
Why is Taylor wearing palm trees in the background of the plane scene at the end of the LWYMMD MV
Just in general, what’s up with the palm trees tay?
Why is the sky cracking in ME!
Why was there a giant moth/butterfly prop stage during KOMH on tour
Is the lovers shirt tay wore during the tour video merch
There were five holes in the fence
Who is Brute
Why did glass cage Taylor’s eyes spark up at the end of ...ready for it MV
What was the meaning of the door code
What did the character on the yacht mean in End Game
Why did the endgame MV not get the respect it deserved
Why is Brendan fighting magic paint rain
Why are there two rainbows going opposite directions in ME!
Why are there two St Paul’s (one in the cocoon or w/e and one outside)
Does ME! take place in a mirror world that she only leaves to go perform?
Why does a witch fly up the rainbow
Do the scenes in ME! represent different eras
Has Taylor ever accidentally sang “you’re the only one of me, I’m the only one of you”???
While we’re at it, are we out of the woods yet?
Why wasn’t Getaway Car a single
Why wasn’t Dont Blame Me a single
Why don’t people give Dancing With Our Hands Tied the respect it deserves
Why won’t taylor give us a list of her favorite books I’ve only been begging for years
Are the fox slippers an Easter egg
Why is one painting oval
Why are all the band members angels in the 60s scene
Is angels a single
Is home a single
Does Taylor ever have time to sleep with her busy schedule of making evil genius mastermind puzzles for us to go slowly insane over
Why does Taylor go back inside the house at the end of ME!
Is the cloud room in ME! the throne room from LWYMMD?
Why is there a Cartier jewelry book in ME!
Why does the butterfly keep running into the glass at the beginning
The butterflies keep escaping/flying out of the holes in the cocoon, where are they going
Is Taylor Swift a butterfly
What’s up with the mermaid references
Is Taylor Swift also a mermaid
What was up with the pink and blue smoke in the getaway car vid
Why all the time references
When will my timeless theory turn out to be right because I know it’s not completely wrong I’ll just keep waiting
Why did Taylor wear a kaleidoscope ring if her album is named Lover
What ring did Tay give away at Wango Tango
Was it the Kaleidoscope ring
Does Taylor make up versions of her songs with lyrics about her cats
Has Taylor recorded versions of her songs with lyrics about her cats
Will Taylor release an album of her greatest hits but about her cats
Am I the only person who sings Taylor songs with lyrics changed to be about my cats
Can we get some Benjamin button merch
Why was Taylor wearing unicorn earrings on the ME! billboard
Is there a word written on that snake in ME!
Is the word “colors”
Is colors the name of a single
What was up with the forget me not shirt
Why was ETERNAL stitched into the back of her dress - is this my timeless theory quietly thriving we haven’t forgotten that your dress said eternal tay
Does Taylor know about all the websites with different dates on them (June 13th etc)
What was up with that May 13th stamp, Tay?
No really. What. Was. It.
How does Taylor feel about that game of thrones ending
If the album comes out in August why are there so many stamps after August
Can we finally get a Taylor reading list please I’ve only been begging forever
What was up with the coded cipher in the entertainment weekly Easter egg video
Did Taylor mention Paul McCartney Bc of the Stella collab or is there another reason
Is there a Dixie Chicks collab?
Does that hypothetical song already own me?
Wait, is French a clue because it’s the language of love and the album is called Lovers????
Am I a genius or sleep deprived
Why hasn’t making this list taken longer there’s still an ENTIRE TWO HOURS til the YNTCD music video
Does Taylor ever consider her song’s acronyms before she decides on titles
Lastly. Most importantly. Taylor said there was a big Easter egg in the hallway in the ME! MV... What was the clue in the hallway tay??? I’ve watched the hallway scene, specifically, at least 300 times. WHAT WAS THE EGG. WHY HAVENT I FOUND IT? Does it really exist? You’re just, like, walking and jumping and that’s it?
Did Taylor tell us there were 1000s of Easter eggs in the LWYMMD video we probably wouldn’t find for years just to make us crazy because I feel like that’s why
Will we ever get some like exclusive book explaining every single Easter egg and video concept and piece of imagery and symbolism and hidden clues in instagram captions and posts and tour sets and performances and jewelry? Because if not my life might never feel complete.
Does Taylor keep a master list of every clue and Easter egg she’s ever dropped, ever?
Does the fact that the debut had blue butterflies on it mean all this has been intentional and planned for 13 years?
Why were there so many Elizabeth Taylor references during the rep era
What did Taylor do for those years when she disappeared and had no one to create cryptic Easter egg puzzles for
Did she just create cryptic clue filled puzzles for her friends and family to fill the void?
Does Taylor leave Easter eggs to promote her music or does Taylor make music to promote her Easter eggs
Is YNTCD MV safe or does it have Easter eggs too
Does anyone else feel like the term “Easter egg” has almost lost all meaning to them because they say it so much
Why did Taylor post a picture of a fence (the first time)
No really. Why.
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atruththatyoudeny · 5 years
Monthly Reads | June 2019
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Happy 28th! Like last month @kingsofeverything is posting your self-recs, so, authors and artists alike hop on over and let her know about your work! As always my eternal thanks go to all you lovely authors who share their work with us ♥ Here are all the fics I read and loved this month:
Tired Tired Sea || MediaWhore || famous/not famous - past alcoholism - recovery - slow burn - strangers to lovers - hurt/comfort - mutual pining - 113k As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
The Cyber Sphere || jacaranda_bloom || Louis/Dermot O'Leary - strangers to lovers - twitter - fluff - 17k The one where Liam likes to think he’s Batman, Dermot has terrible taste in sporting teams, and Louis should really get a cat.
Breaking Through The Atmosphere || dinosaursmate || Space AU - friends to lovers - angst - mild homophobia - 40k Working in recruitment wasn't exactly Louis' lifelong dream, but his job takes him to a far away planet to help build a new civilisation, and a brand new life for himself.
Sisterwives || jaerie || a/b/o - dubious consent - polygamy - religion - implied brainwashing - self-discovery - mpreg - cults - emotional manipulation - 32k This was it, the moment Louis had been waiting for his entire life. Giddy excitement bubbled up as he held hands and stared up at his soon-to-be alpha and husband and grinned. The ceremony was small and simple, but Louis didn’t mind. Fresh flowers pinned into his hair and a brand new outfit was all he needed to feel special in front of their few witnesses. It was just some members of his family and a few of the church elders in attendance as was customary for any marriage beyond the first wife within the faith. First wives were the ones to have elaborate weddings with the whole community involved. An alpha’s first wedding was a celebration of an their coming of age, his first steps into fulfilling God’s prophecy. There were many glories for an omega that came with being a first wife but also many responsibilities. Louis had never aspired to be a first wife or even a second. He wasn’t experienced enough to be the leader of an alpha’s many wives and children and he didn’t think he’d be up to the task. Louis was just fine in the position he was stepping into as the seventh. Or Louis thinks he's getting everything he's ever dreamed of. Harry helps him find what makes him truly happy.
Becoming Us || sweariwouldnt || tv series AU - amrried at first sight - miscommuniaction - 59k Married at First Sight is a television show in which hopefuls looking for The One are matched by experts deeming them to be the perfect match. The twist? They meet each other for the first time at the altar. When they exchange their 'I do's'. And get married for real. One Harry and Louis find each other at the altar. They have five weeks to make or break the set-up marriage.
Si Pudiera Volar || messofgorgeouschaos || historical - a/b/o - fake/pretend relationship - arranged marriage - strangers to lovers - miscommunication - emotional hurt/comfort - 68k When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. He’ll do anything to forget about him, including joining a monastery. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart. Or, a fic loosely based on Corazon Salvaje.
Orion's Belt || LadyLondonderry || Stylinshaw - a/b/o - soulmates - hurt/comfort - 24k Louis and Nick have been in a happy committed relationship for two years, their matching soulmarks on display for the world to see. It’s been them against the world, the alpha/beta singer and radio DJ power duo. All that changes on February 1st, when they wake up to a third matching soulmark. As they say, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Forgive Me This Lie Bigger Than Us || evelynemesis || magic - witch curses - miscommunication - angst - 25k The magic!AU where Louis is cursed to live a life of pain and solitude and Harry just happens to fall in love.
Still Deep In Us || graceling_in_a_suit || fantasy - post-apocalypse - mermaid - mentions of death - mentions of grief - magic - angst - 41k AU. The village Harry has called home his entire life sits on six shaky legs, held aloft from the ocean which claimed the entire world twenty years ago. Harry's just a grieving tinkerer trying to do his best, and Louis is a mermaid that ruins The Village's delicate balance of power (and perhaps, just maybe, wins the heart of a boy).
Hard for me to know i might see you around || Anonymous || Tinder AU - airport - 4k A TINDER AU where Harry swipes left on Louis' joke of a profile, then ends up stuck next to him on a trans-Atlantic flight.
A Long Way From The Top || jaerie || vampires - death - mountaineering - 11k Harry needed to find a purpose in life. Mount Everest wasn't the place he'd expected to find it, but he'd take what he could get. He also hadn't expected to come home with extra baggage.
That Mouth of Yours || Awriterwrites || PWP - 3k “Did I–” Louis panted around the sexiest moan Harry thought he had ever heard (at least since the last time Louis moaned–which was about 5 minutes ago). “Did I ever tell you about that guy that I let rim me at one of Liam’s parties in college?” Something dark and furious unfurled inside Harry, making him pull away from the sweet oblivion that was Louis’ arse. “Wh–” He wiped his mouth off on the back of his hand. “What?” Louis shot a smirk over his shoulder. His hair was a mess and his face was flushed and his eyes were glazed over but he was still himself–still teasing. Still a menace beneath angelic blue eyes and a soft voice. “Just some guy. Never got his name.” He turned his head back toward the pillows, giving a slight shake of his arse in Harry’s face. Not that that wasn’t distracting or anything. A little drool slipped out of Harry’s mouth.
Hello My Name Is Harry || abrighteryellow || famous/ not famous - school reunion - 3k Louis’s 20-year high school reunion takes a turn when a celebrity classmate – who also happens to be Louis’s long unrequited crush – unexpectedly shows up. A famous/not-famous AU inspired by Chris Evans.
Challenging Nature: A Look Into Male Lactation || jaerie || lactation kink - male lactation - 11k Even taking into account all the bizarre things Harry has subjected himself to in the past for the sake of an article, Harry has received his strangest assignment yet. It comes up as a random misunderstanding in a meeting and builds into a conversation — can men breastfeed? Internet searches reveal documented cases of male lactation popping up at different times throughout history, but are any of them true? Can a man will himself into lactating? Harry has two months to make it happen.
Freaks from the internet || jaerie || lactation kink - male lactation - a/b/o - exes to lovers - smut - milking - 3k Harry sells his breast milk to freaks on the internet. Louis turns out to be one of those freaks. He also happens to be Harry's ex.
Tied to Fate || littlelouishiccups || ghosts - angst - magic - 52k After his estranged father’s death, Harry inherits a castle in England that has belonged to his family for generations and he knows nothing about. When he breaks up with his boyfriend, Harry decides England is the perfect place for a small vacation. He isn’t prepared to meet Louis Tomlinson, a ghost who once lived in the castle and has haunted it for over five hundred years. He’s even more unprepared to fall in love with him.
I Want You S'more || 2tiedships2 || a/b/o - strangers to lovers - humor - fluff - 17k The one where the least alpha-y alpha and the least omega-y omega show that secondary genders aren’t set in stone and sometimes it works when you kinda share that.
His and Mine || glitteredcurls || soulmate-identifying marks - dystopia - mentions of surgery - religious imagery Á symbolism - 66k Harry legally isn't supposed to meet his soulmate-- he's rendered physically unable to recognize him even if he did-- but yet, of course, he does.
Salvation Let's Their Wings Unfold || twoshipstiedup || fantasy - angels - demons - fluff - humor - 14k Harry is an ex demon who gets banished back to Earth. Louis is an angel who gets sent down there for work. Naturally, they end up together.
Found My Hallelujah || Anonymous || cruise ship - hurt/comfort - pining - 34k As an engagement gift from his parents, Harry and his fiance receive an all expenses paid cruise trip for two. But one week before they're set to sail, Harry walks in on his fiance cheating on him. Newly single, with the cruise tickets in hand, and his bags already packed, Harry brings along his sister instead. And maybe the cute bartender on the ship might just be the person Harry needs to help him put back together all of his broken pieces.
Under the Moonlight || Anonymous || friends to lovers - fluff - fake/pretend relationship - mutual pining - 15k Harry and Louis have been friends online for years. They've never met despite living only a few hours from one another. One fateful summer a silly little lie, a family vacation and an accidental meet up lead to a week of fake dating on Mallorca. All in all, a holiday Louis won't easily forget.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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(Story Post, New Character)
They didn’t waste time after breakfast getting ready for the ritual. There were pearl coloured robes for the humans to wear but Dusty and Köbi were expected to be in their true forms (or at least truest form with out blinding the others). In their true forms however, they both had wings and took up a lot of space. They had to tuck their wings very close as they were packed into the elevator, both not wanting to touch wings as well and limiting their space even more for it. Dante was blowing feathers out of his face as he waited to see what floor Sydryn chose.
They chose the ninth floor, the very top of the whole complex. It took only moments for them to be lifted up there and then the doors were opening again. What they saw then didn't even make sense for the layout of the building. They were entering what appeared to be an enormous cathedral. Gold gilded the walls and ceiling. Niches held statues of various divine creatures and prophets. To call it a cathedral would greatly diminish the intersectionality of it all as it appeared that religious symbolism from all corners of the world had a place here. Decorated prayer mats adorned the floor, a Shinto arch framed the way in from the elevator, and a bronze font sat on the side of the entrance. There were other forms of symbolism the party had never seen before and too many to list. A figure dressed in black, white and gold robes, with alabaster skin and golden horns, swept towards them and bowed, golden jewellery dangling from their neck. It was quite clear that this dragon hoarded religion. Sydryn was immediately disgusted by the sight of their peer. They scowled at them as they approached but stepped forward to greet them. “Azeros,” Sydryn addressed. “We've come to use your space.” “What kind of greeting is that to your superior?” Azeros said, getting even closer to Syd and taking their arm. “Good morning. Blessed be the day.” Sydryn was clearly using everything in their power not to spit in the face of this dragon. “Good morning.” “Please. Do you really want to carry that negativity to our offspring?” Azeros asked, placing a hand on Sydryn's stomach. The doctor immediately snapped and grabbed Azeros's arm, twisting it backwards. “Don't you ever touch me.” Azeros groaned in pain and pulled their arm away when Sydryn's grip eased. “You haven’t introduced me to your companions.” Sydryn glowered and pointed between Ruben and Dante. “That one's the lover and that one's the bonded. You can determine the rest.” Azeros rolled their eyes and pushed past Sydryn to their visitors. Köbi was absolutely over the moon in this great hall of religious symbols and artefacts. Dusty was very much the opposite. “Angel, welcome,” Azeros said eyeing Köbi in an almost lustful manner. “It is an honour to have you here in my domain.” Köbi beamed. “Your collection is very impressive. I feel like I'm in...well. If I can't say in front of the humans...” Dante and Ruben both looked at him curiously. “I understand,” Azeros said. “Make yourself at home here.” They moved on to Dusty. “You are also very welcome here. There are many religions who worship the demon. Perhaps after the unbinding, you would chose to stay with me. Both of you.” “Not in your wildest dreams,” Dusty stated glaring at the dragon. “There's no way I'd even consider having a sleepover with someone Syd clearly hates so much.” Köbi didn’t say anything, clearly considering the option. Azeros chuckled. “Sydryn loves me. Our fates have always been intertwined.” “I couldn't loathe you more,” Sydryn stated. “And you think talking to me like that will allow you to use my home?” Azeros asked. “No.” Sydryn looked up at the other. “I know carrying your eggs inside me gives me the right to use your home.” “Now, now...” Azeros withdrew a bit. “You know we all agreed long ago on repopulation terms. You're not the only pregnant dragon right now.” “I agreed to repopulate. I did not chose to repopulate with you,” Sydryn stated pointedly. “Not to mention, you don’t have to carry any eggs. You get to sit around comfortably watching the rest of us suffer.” “I was run through in battle,” Azeros reminded them. “Isn’t that suffering enough?” Sydryn set their jaw and muttered. “You should’ve perished and saved us our suffering…” Azeros rolled their eyes and sighed. “Second eldest always repopulates with the eldest,” they stated. “These rules are known.” “These rules are nonsense,” Sydryn said. “The only factor to consider when choosing partners is whether or not the dragons are related.” “So we're partners?” Azeros said, smiling. “Barely mates.” Köbi raised a hand. “I don't mean to interrupt, but we're losing the morning.” “Right. This way,” Azeros said, waving them down the centre of the hall. The centre was setup as if morning mass was about to begin, but they passed the pews and behind the altar to a much smaller room beyond. The ceiling was still high and vaulted. The room was an opalescent white and carved with unknown ruins. There was a large stone table in the centre of the room the size of a king sized bed. An altar at the back held a large codex bound in leather hundreds of years old. Slots in the domed ceiling allowed for sunlight to pass through stained glass windows, though the imagery in the windows were not the biblical narratives one expects. Instead it depicted scenes of creatures and monsters of all sorts: dragons, demons, angels, centaurs, mermaids, giants, griffins, kappa, kitsune, Jotun, and so on. “What religion is this room for?” Dante asked. “Prodigean,” Azeros said, grinning as they stepped behind the altar. “A very ancient power dedicated to the worship and management of monsters.” Köbi frowned. “I don't fancy the term...” “Of course you wouldn't,” Dusty said. “This is probably the first time anyone's called you that.” “Demons are monsters,” Köbi argued. “Angels are the opposite so we can't possibly be monsters too.” “Have you ever considered we're just two sides of the exact same coin?” Dusty asked. “Absurd.” “Now, I've had to make some modifications to the ritual we are performing,” Azeros stated. “The original would require the human to perish but I’ve merged it with a lifesaving ritual so all should go swimmingly.” “Whoa, hold on a minute,” Ruben stopped. “You merged it? You’re talking about this fatal ritual like some kind of soup recipe you can just throw a couple extra onions in. Aren’t rituals, like, pretty fucking strict about what you can and can’t do?” “Child, I have studied religion and rituals for centuries before your grandfather was even a sperm in his father’s scrotum,” Azeros stated. “I know the limitations.” “You better because this is my partner’s life we’re talking about here,” Ruben growled. Azeros approached Ruben and took his chin in their thin clawed hand. The dragon leered deeply into the human’s eyes but Ruben didn’t waver. Azeros released him and turned to Sydryn. “My dear, when you told me they were in a lover’s quarrel, I had my doubts about this working, but this child is absolutely madly in love. He’s perfect.” Ruben and Dante both glanced at each other, turned away, and blushed. Azeros’s joy only grew. “There’s no faith greater than trusting one’s life to another. Köbi, please look over this tome with me.” “Right.” The angel walked over beside the dragon and read through the ritual they were to perform. From beyond another door, Sydryn was wheeling in IV equipment, including a reclining medical bed, a pole and empty blood bags. They’d also changed into scrubs and they were probably the brightest pink scrubs anyone had ever seen. “Ruben, please join me here.” Ruben walked over and sat down as the doctor got set up. “Forgot you were a licensed doctor for a second… So I’m giving blood the old fashion way then.” “No, the old fashion way would be the way that book describes it,” Sydryn said. “We’d just cut open your palm and Dante’s with some rusty old knife, and make you clasp them tightly together, just hoping your blood would enter his. It’s barbaric and likely to get you killed. This way,” they held up the IV bag, “is definitely the newest way of doing things.” “Geez.” Ruben rubbed his arm. “I’m 33, not 303. IV is the old fashion way to me…” “Being the only way in your lifetime doesn’t make it old,” Sydryn stated. “Put your legs up and your arm out.” Dante went over and sat on the edge of the table nearest the blood donation. He kissed Ruben’s head as the doctor checked his boyfriend’s temperature. “Thank god you’re not my brother. You’d have to knock him out to get blood out of Lino.” “Trust me, I am always glad I’m not your brother,” Ruben stated. Sydryn finished up checking his health then sterilised the the skin over the vein they were going to use. “Count back from five.” “How much are you tak—Ow. Fuck, man,” Ruben complained. “A pint. It’s not my fault you didn’t count,” Sydryn said, taping down the needle now stuck into Ruben’s arm. A machine on a trolley nearby cradled the the IV bag and appeared to rock the blood out of Ruben’s arm. Dante gagged and looked away. Ruben frowned. “You too then?” “I’m not afraid of needles like Lino. I just don’t like seeing blood…” “Then you might want to close your eyes for the whole ritual,” Azeros input, looking up from the codex. “It is entirely blood based.” Dante paled a bit but Ruben rubbed his shoulder with his free arm. “You’re going to be fine,” Ruben said. “You’ll have my blood in you from now on.” “No, Dante’s body will have replaced the blood in about a hundred to a hundred and twenty days,” Sydryn corrected. “It’s the demon’s blood which has lived inside him for so long.” “Wait…” Ruben frowned. “So this whole bonding thing is because Dusty’s blood is inside Dante’s? Would that have any affect on Marco?” “The child? Did you even take basic biology in school?” Sydryn asked. “Actually, no. I didn’t,” Ruben said. Not finishing high school was always a soft spot for him. Dante ran his hand through Ruben’s hair. “Only my DNA was passed on to Marco. Not the contents of my blood. Only Yori’s blood could’ve had an affect on Marco, but I don’t even know if Yori has blood…” “He doesn’t,” Sydryn stated. “What’s a Yori?” Köbi asked getting curious. “Dog spirit.” “A spirit you say?” Azeros asked, interest also peaked. “Like a ghost or a god?” “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Sydryn scoffed. They left the room for a moment only to bring back cookies for Ruben. It took another ten minutes for the bag to fill, and then Ruben was cleaned up and they were ready to start the ritual.
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otakween · 5 years
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Cyborg 009 (Manga) - Undersea Pyramid Arc (Part 1)
Moving onto a super long, never adapted arc. I don’t think this one has ever been translated so here I go with my sub-par Japanese comprehension skills! 
Pandora’s Pyramid
-Ooh an undersea arc, that’s new. I guess that means it’s Pyunma’s time to shine? Although he’s barely in this chapter at all
-Didn’t expect Cyborg 009 to have a beach scene. 003 and 009 looked great in their swimsuits ;D (They were both showing so much skin!) 
-The bad “journalist” guy and amnesia dude look so similar that I confused them for each other 
-This is the second chapter in a row that strongly features 006! I guess Ishinomori was just in the mood lol
-005′s abs in this chapter look like he’s Mr.Potato Head and he has a pouch for his accessories lol (I don’t know if it’s worth calling the anatomy bad tho, since everything’s so stylized). 
-The monster’s silhouette is creepy af D: he looks like a giant version of ET (who’s already creepy enough) 
-So this is one of those “Curse of the Mummy” type horror plots. I like the deep sea twist tho. It’s kind of like a combo of The Mummy and Creature from the Black Lagoon 
-Kind of an interesting bait and switch where they introduce “Syndicate M” as the bad guy and then they all get wiped out by the monster. I’m sure Syndicate M will be back but it almost would be more interesting if that was it for them. 
Sugar Pyramid
-Damn, not only is this chapter really boring exposition and recap of what we’ve already seen but it’s like a million pages long! D: whyyyyy (edit: in retrospect, it’s not that long, I’m just slow at reading Japanese lol)
-Oh snap! Tripod aliens! :-0 Well, not really but that’s what the new monsters remind me of. We’re hitting all the classic monster-types here. 
-...and of course they reference War of the Worlds two pages later lol. Can you tell I’m typing this as I read? 
-What kind of Disney World Peter Pan nonsense is this!? That airship is cool and all but it’s design really goes against the usual scifi space look of everything else. The pea pod ship felt strangely fantasy/fairytale-esque as well (on the outside at least). The imagery is all over the place in this arc! 
Bermuda Pyramid
-Did Ishinomori make up the “Bermuda Pyramid”? I’ve heard of the Bermuda Triangle but I googled “Bermuda Pyramid” and didn’t find much
-I couldn’t find a translated version of this chapter so I have some questions. Number one being, is the ship named “Stupid Ivan”?? イワンのバカ
-Finally Pyunma gets to do something in this underwater themed arc! Took long enough...
-I’m a bit lost as to who the big bad is here. Who set up all those deep sea robot critters? Where did the Tripods come from?
-Found out that this arc is 13 chapters long RIP. So far the narrative feels very “make it up as you go” to me. I’m pretty sure it ends on a cliffhanger too according to the wiki :/ 
Green Hell Pyramid
-I honestly don’t have much to say about this chapter. The title reminds me of that horrible “Green Inferno” movie. The cyborgs get attacked by pyramids. Unclear if these pyramids are being piloted, remotely controlled or if they’re just sentient pyramids lol. 
Moon Pyramid
-”Heinrich” is spelled in katakana like “hainrihi” which is either a typo or just...doesn’t make any sense. (Unless the final “i” is silent?) 
-I’ve completely lost track of where we are but I’m guessing South America? The jungle art is really detailed and a nice change of pace
-I’ve learned all of my French pronunciations from anime lol. I love how Francoise sounds phoneticized (”Fu-ran-su-wa-zu”) 
-The little exchange where 009 asks Francoise if she’s alright and then she says “What are you saying? I’m 003!” and then he smiles at her was really cute. More moments like that please! (Way better than hundreds of “Joe, I’m scared.” moments) 
-I feel like bad guys keep showing up in this arc only to be killed by other bad guys. It’s kind of refreshing that it’s not your generic good vs. evil scenario like most modern shounen would go for. (Then again, I guess MHA has the League of Villains vs. Shie Hassaikai) 
-I’m not sure how so many plants grew on their airship in so little time. It makes it seem like they were there for months!
-I know he’s supposed to be stoic but 005 hasn’t said anything for a reeeeally long time. I miss him :’( 
Black Pyramid
-So this chapter begins with reflections on the mysteries of the moon. While I appreciate The level of depth and research Ishinomori’s bringing to the table. I only understood like 10% of it so :) -shrug- 
-Mermaid girl! I didn’t see that coming. I wonder if this will be another Heinrich love story since he’s the one who found her...
-Heinrich mentions an alien species called “garura” which I read as “Galra” lol. Sudden Voltron crossover!?
-There’s a split screen reaction at one point and everyone looks really intense and serious except for 008 and 006 who just look extremely bored lol. 
-I didn’t know I need to see 004 get all blushy and flustered about holding a girl’s hand until this chapter :3 <3 
-So first we get an exposition dump about the moon followed by mermaid girl’s exposition dump. I think that’s why this arc feels kind of clunky, there’s way too much that needs setting up.
-Mermaid girl can just magically walk somehow? Is it like Mermaid Melody logic where she transforms in water? 
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valeandfade · 6 years
Still Waters : MerMer AU
So It was super glitchy on the phone app so we split it to try and make it easier to read. we think there was too many words.
Hey guys, take this in honor of MerMay that we didn’t really get to participate in, though we love mermaids (Especially Xell, they’re her favorite). It’s still may Technically so at least we didn’t miss it. This was written a little while ago, but it was fun.
Tell us if you like it!
Word Count: 14846
NOTES: IT IS SUPER SUPER AU. AUs: Mermaid!AU, AlternatePairing!AU
It was written as pure self indulgence and was super fun.
It was dark.
Somehow, Carson hadn’t thought the end would be so dark. He had heard stories, little rumors of what death would be like, the standard ‘bright light at the end of the tunnel’ having embedded the imagery that death would be white, bright and powerful, an eternity stretched out before you as you fell away into it. He pictured it warm, happy, soft…. But as he struggled to breathe, pain rippling over his skin as he struggled to find which way was up, Carson could only describe an abyss that rested before him, all consuming and unforgiving. There was no direction, just endless black that had his mind hazing with ice, his mind freezing in the tundric waters that now created his grave.
The ocean had never been a kind mistress...He should have been more careful.
“Carson! Get away from the edge!”
His Brother’s voice was frightened, the anxiety that was clearly running through his veins laced in his words, a light tilt to his voice that made him look up from the railing of the boat that they had both come to adore, their little run away from the overbearing pressures of human society. It was his mother’s boat, something she had saved up for and bought before she had even met their dad, but she allowed them to take it out to open seas when they wanted to, so long as she didn’t have a trip planned. Ragnar had decided to take it out this weekend, and Carson had to beg him to let him come along, having missed the open ocean, salty winds brushing kisses along his face.
His hands clenched the metal as he leaned back, mismatched eyes on his Brother’s own, his eyes widening as he gripped the wheel of their boat harder.
He smiled, tilting his head, opening his mouth to say something, when the boat rocked suddenly, jerking with some hidden underwater rock edge or a particularly nasty wave, one the would have been expected due to the darkening storm clouds that were circling ahead. Carson felt the boat buckle under him, jerking forward. Not having kept his footing stable, Carson lurched, his body moving, flipping into the dark waters below.
Pain ripped over his mind as his head slammed into something hard, and Carson Watched as his World faded from Blue, to red…. Then black..
But he didn’t sleep for long. His body forced awake as his lungs tried to draw breath, only feeling the heavy set of the salt water around him sliding into his lungs, pressing against his chest to bind his heart, the thud and roar of his own heart beating running through his ears. Everything felt light, but heavy, stuck in one spot with nowhere to go.
Carson cursed, his hands finding his throat as he heaved, needing air but his mind not receiving, darker spots of black flashing over the abyss before him. He struggled, but his body was starting to slow its response, limbs heavy, sluggish, the ice in his veins making his whole body ache.
He felt so tired…..
‘I don’t want to…..’
Truthfully? Lochlan Hated this job.
It wasn’t that it was hard. On the contrary, hard labor was tiring, to be sure, but it wasn't anything Lochlan could call difficult. It was simple motions, simple turns and pulls to lift the nearly cripplingly heavy pulls of fish from the ocean, the scent of salt and brine all he could smell and the lingering scent of the still wet cigarettes that clung to him. There was the sound men’s laughter, the ugly cursing of men twice his age calling out vulgarities to each other, to him and his Ever silently friend, Ebbe. Ebbe took it all in stride, ignoring the ribbing of the other men on the ship with a pop of the bubble gum in his mouth, Lochlan acting as mouthpiece and spokesperson for the two newbies on the trip, the only one to say anything back as they ribbed on him.
“Don’t throw out your back, Pretty boys! Get your arms into it! Get your asses moving, the fish ain’t gonna just JUMP ON BOARD!”
“It’d Go a Lot faster with ALL OF US PULLING, JACKMAN!”
Lochlan curses as he momentarily lost his grip, hearing the grunt as Ebbe caught the slack his distraction had cost him. A quick sorry over his shoulder was the only apology that Ebbe would receive, his ears burning as the sun beat down on him and the dark laughter of men who had nothing better to do the bully the newest crew members lingering in his mind, his lips pulling back to let out a growl as he cast a look over to Ebbe, his friends long red hair sticking to his face and back and neck, the beanie he wore doing nothing to help keep the strands hidden….
Though Lochlan could not talk, his own duel colored strands sticking to his neck itching as the sweat rolled down his back.
The others would not help them, testing them, throwing them to the choppy waters to see if the sink or swim. Lochlan knew it, and So did Ebbe, and really, if this job didn’t pay so well, Lochlan would have given up a long time ago, would have told them to go fuck themselves and hidden away until they returned home, their trips never longer than a few days in the off season. Lochlan hated them, the way the underestimated him and the way they seemed to think he was the village fucking idiot and talked to him slowly, to help him understand. Normally he just would roll his eyes and do his job, but today? Today the forecast called for heavy storms and choppy waters, and being out in conditions so ready to become dangerous, and STILL pulling this stupid hazing ritual was irresponsible and stupid on their part. They Were going to lose a whole net just to fucking push them and see how far it too until they broke.
Lochlan would not break.
Things would be so much easier if he could.
As it was the ocean called to him. In what way, he never really could say, but there was a need in him, a pirate’s blood call in his veins made the sea sing to him, her waves soft and whispered lullabies, her currents and riptides calling to him. He needed to be by the ocean, needed to be surrounded by her.
It was why he worked so hard, why he jumped at the chance to work on this boat.
His calling was here, on these waves, in these waters, He just had to find it.
“Why is this so fucking heavy?” Lochlan cursed, yanking again to pull just that little bit more out of the  churning waters. He could have swore he heard splashing, like something huge was slapping its tail against the ocean's surface, but eh didn’t dare look up, his focus on pulling this net in before the storm caught them off guard.
He pulled, He yanked and finally, after what felt like a thousand years of nothing but holding the world on his shoulders, there was a final cry, both Ebbe and his body swinging with the effort of pulling the net up and over the boat's railing.
And the world froze, silent, for a moment as Lochlan saw him for the first time.
He was small, smaller than any of the men on board, his skin tan and dusted with freckles along his shoulders face and arms, hints of them along his torso. He sucked in a breath, teeth sharp, and the tail of something far beyond humanity slapped against the wooden surface of the boat.
“What the actual Fuck is that?”
Ebbe’s first words spoken aboard this ship. At any other time it would have caused an uproar, but the words now were only met with silence.
“Someone bring me my radio… Mr. Dhouti is gonna want to hear about this.”
Dear god, no. This wasn’t going to happen to him. Not now, not when he had so many mistakes to already make up for. He already had so many rules broken, so many errors that had almost cost him and his friends lives. That was why he was out here, to make up for them. To prove that he was still needed in this kingdom of theirs.
He had to prove that he was actually worth the pain that they had to put up with.
Whiskey colored eyes watched the man, horrified, watched as his body slammed against the rocky edge of the mountain. Bile roe in the back of his throat as the man slide through the turbulence. His hands reaching, grasping out only to find nothing to save him, no one to see the man struggle to survive underneath the power of the currents. But he was valiant in his efforts, a trait that Echo could only applaud. A trait that Echo himself wished he had possessed more than once. But here was this human, ditching all of his energy to try a perceiver for the air that was only feet away from the flailing man.
There was no way, no way to save him without being cast out, if anyone found out. But the fear he felt jerking his heart to his throat was real, it was dangerous and turned the man’s vision hazy as he swam closer to the fighting human.His eyes never leaving the man, instead focused, trained to the spot where the man thrashed.
Twice. Twice!
The man almost had the surface his fingertips  only inches away from the breaking point between air and water. Echo could hear his lungs screaming out for mercy, could hear the man’s heart racing relentlessly  to win against the pain that must have been wracking his body at this point.
‘Fight…. Fight it!’
 Fingernails grazed the inside of Echo’s palms, bitting heavier and heavier as he saw the fight slowly dying in the darklings eyes. His body slumping, the thrashes turning less and less aggressive as he sank. It was over, he was giving up. He was dying.
‘No. No. No… Oh,.... nonoonononononono!”
Echo could feel his body lurching forward, his arms already extending to try and wrap the darkling into him before he could even contemplate the situation. His hands moving on his own as tanned finger wrapped around the man’s chest, forcing him out of the murky darks of the water, he was light under the water, his body pressed too tightly against the warmth of his own chest. He didn’t have much time, his body forced the two through the surface, only for Echo to gasp, his lungs filling with oxygen. His fingers pressed the boy nose together, just as he had watched others do on the shore lines, and he pressed his lips to the boys mouth as they found the soft sand of the shores, his lips forcing the darklings apart so that he could do what he could only assume was right.
”Ethan, get it, my arms stuck…. Ethan! ITs stuck stop looking stupid and get over here and help me! ...Now!”
Panic was setting in, actual living fear was welling into his chest as he thrashed, his tail whipping under the currents that would have usually been calm. But there was a boat, far from the humans territory, there net wrapping bits of his arm into the thickly draw rope.  Logically he knew. He needed to calm down, he knew that panic was no way to get out of here. To get out of the net he was going to have to have some sort of focus on the appendage and the net that was tangled around his scales.  
“You have to calm down Ridley. Ridley! Calm down. I can’t help you f you’re thrashing around like that.”
But no matter how many time he thought to calm himself, no matter how many times he opened his mouth to take that calming breath, he found the terror was only sinking in. Even as pale fingers ripped away at the net from his arms his tail still swung, his body still yanked out trying to pull himself from the net. A motion he would regret as his tail jerked, only to find the net tangled into the briny ropes.
Genuine fear gripped him, tore a hole into him as his eyes widened,  his body trembled as Ethan yanked at the ropes, none of them seemed to come lose, none of them budged as he gripped each yanking and manoeuvring to get the ropes un-entwined. But nothing seemed to work. But he could see Ethan's eyes widen as a cran began, giant floodlights filling their vision. But Ridley had to give it to him. Ethan didn’t let go, instead his body pushed against Ridley trying to land some kind of force as he yanked at the ropes more viciously.
“Swim down Ridley! Swim down!”
He could only listen, his head nodding even as he began to shift, to try and power through the fishing net that was cast around him. Ethan grappled onto Ridleys free arm forcing the net down with himself. But it was to no avail. The lining to strong, and the fishers almost even stronger. The gasp that left him as Ethan's fingers slid off was appalling to say the least, his mouth opening to scream for those fingers that were outreached for him.
The air was cold, almost freezing against his skin, the wind almost blistering as the fresh night air plummeted against his exposed skin. But it distracted him briefly from the shock, from the hard floor hitting him, the net draping itself over his body, pressing him harshly into the woodend halt of the small fishing boat. Small finger reached yanking at the ropes as the eyes caught onto him, human eyes. They were every where, surrounding him in a small cluster.  
He shook, his eyes wide as he took in each face. Their words played through his ears, but the meaning never hit. Their actions were those of confused children, the lot of them only gathering as one or two spoke. His escape was only inches away, the edge. He only needed to get the edge, even if he could only drop off with the net, at least  Ethan could help him escape the cage he seemed to find himself in.
Small fingers inched quietly for a second, two, maybe, before he was bolting, using the end of his tail to push off the floor of the boat, his fingers gripping the ridge. Freedom was only a mere feet away.
Carson didn't want to die.
Sure, there were moments, times when he thought otherwise, but in the moment, the moment that Death circled around him like the jaws of the beast, claws raking over his body, Carson found that he did not wish to die. He didn’t want this to be the end, didn’t want to live on ninteen years of his life before it was thrown away to the sea, another victim, another statistic that would push people away from the oceans and her beauty. He didn’t want to sink into her depth, didn’t want to be the reason Ragnar never went to sea again, because he knew, his brother would never forgive himself for allow this to happen on his watch. He was a freshman in College, had a future ahead of him that he wanted to see, scholarships and nights on the ocean he still wanted to enjoy...
But he wouldn’t get to. Because the sea had claimed him.
Carson didn’t want to die.
There was a strange feeling, a warmth that circled around him as he closed his eyes sluggishly, the darkness almost completely taking over his vision as he felt his heart starting to slow. There was a pressure, another bind about his chest as something spun around his head, a whooshing feeling threading through his mind as he felt his body drift. That darkness was still there, darkness that clung to him even as a warm solid feeling settled under him, an icy rush over him all he could feel.
That warmth was still there, still about his shoulders and grazing over his face before he felt something, a rush of air sliding through his body to push into waterlogged lungs. Carson felt it, once, twice, three times, before he suddenly jerked, his body forcing the water back up past his lips, burning as it force itself from his mouth, his nose, making the dark haired boy purge his body, turning to allow all the water and bile to fall onto the sands next to him. Had he died? The thought shot through his mind, and Carson decided that if this was dying, then dying really, REALLY sucked, and Hell looked a whole lot like home.
His whole body ached, his head throbbing as he tried to open his eyes, hand moving to lift up to his head, feeling pain explode behind his eyes  he felt the gash on the back of his head, sand clinging to blood as he grazed fingertips over it. He still felt pain, so that was a good sign.
Carson sat up, only to let out a painful gasp as his head spun, pain throbbing enough to make him slip,slumping over as his hands reached up…. Only to land on something soft and wet, something that felt warm to the touch but strangely cold. Carson’s eyes finally opened, duel colored gaze holding nothing but confusion as he took in the sight before him.
The man Couldn’t have been any older than he was, his eyes wide, cognac colored with hints of red in the cinnamon brown. His gaze was on him, looking at him like one would look at a growling dog, all strangely hesitant and cautious. His skin was tan, blond locks falling to stick to his face,  and it was only when he shifted that the light gleamed of the expanse of scales that created a long tail  that resembled the legends he had read about when he was young, his mother's words filling his mind.
Mermaids, Carson… The Ocean is Deep, and she is vast. She gives no secrets willingly, and so no one can say for sure if they truly exist…
The kind of words used for children’s fairytales, to make them believe just that little longer. Carson could not say that he believed in Fairy tales anymore, but what eh could say, without a shred of doubt...Carson could say eh was…. Easily the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen.
He stared a moment, before his hand lifted, slowly, hesitantly, the worry that if he blinked this creature would be gone and left to his memories, a vision he would never be able to replicate. Was he real? He didn’t know. He didn’t seem real, mythic and strangely enchanting, beyond human.. His hand moved, hovered over his cheek, before he grazed his skin, a sharp gasp hitching his breath as he ran a fingertip over his cheek, his lips.
“Who are you?”
Carson asked. He had to be real…. Carson’s imagination was good, but he was sure he could never fantasize about a feeling so vividly.
“Did… You save me? Fuck…” Carson cursed as his head pounded again, looking away from the man to close his eye against the light shining off the waves.
“Where am I?”
Humans were vile, disturbing and blatant in their disrespect and their cruelty towards ocean life. They were selfish and wild. Unpredictable some said.
But if this wasn’t the most interesting human he had ever laid his eyes on.
A beauty that the gods and goddesses would praise for a millenia. And those eyes, god those eyes were ensnaring as they took him in. Echo swallowed around the boulder building in his throat, his fingers digging into the soft sand as the waves lapped against his tail. Something he should have been trying to avoid being seen.
But how could he just leave when he wasn’t even sure if the human was okay? All the work with no pay off? He thought not.
Echo watched, fascinated as the human stirred, his gaze unflinching as the darkling turned himself over, and it only seemed to grow more intense in his stare as the human turned those multi colored eyes to him. Locked him into place, when he knew he should have moved. Forced him to captured in the lights filling up behind those once dying eyes. There was something of marvel, something of wonder as he moved slightly to take in Echo. But there he was captured, entangled in the human that sat out beside him.
Cool air whipped around wet blonde tendrils of his hair, taned fingers movved to brush them back only to catch the darklings hand come up, his words slipping past to part those lips. Words he should not have been able to understand, words that were forbidden under the waves of the ocean. Words that once learned could earn a man’s death.
But he knew them. And he knew them well now, the simple brush of their lips together entwining the knowledge of this humans language into his veins. Pouring sickly sweet into him as he felt the smooth skin of the darkling brush over his freckled cheeks, over his lips.
There was a small shift in him, a skipped heart small, smoldering at the motion. A simple touch that had Echo concentrating much to hard to focus on the boys words, at least until the boy jerked. His hand coming up to his head in a jarring motion.
“Echo. Echo is my name. And yes, i did. No need to thank me.”
Echo’s heart snatched as he watched the darkling move backward, the words continuing to pour out of his mouth.
“I don’t know what you humans call this, we call it the End. Where the land reaches much too high for any of us to wander.”
There was a silence as he watched the boy writhed, and Echo shifted, digging his fingers into the small pouch that clung to his hip , digging for the small pocket of Salve he carried in the pockets. His other hand moved out, forcing the boy's neck to the side to let the bleeding gash hit the open air. Echo’s eyes narrowed on the cut, fingers trying to move the debris that seemed locked into his locks.
“This is going to hurt. But stay still for me a moment.”
The oiled substance stuck between his fingers as he pressed the tips of his fingers against the gash, smoothing the small amount into the wound. It would burn, it would sting the wound beyond any type of mercy but it would work. Help the blood clot and start to close the wound. The man would be able to be up and moving at any point,
at a point that he knew he should be far away as possible by then.
“It should start to take effect relatively soon. It is better to feel this type of pain rather than be dead i suppose.”
The captain’s words shot out like gunfire, snapping lochlan from his trance at seeing something so strange. His body moved before he even really realized he had listened, the entirety of his 6’4 frame moving to push off against the slippery deck, his hands finding the body of the half man, half fish like creature. He practically tackled him, sliding along the floor to grab hold of his arm, his eyes widening as he spotted his other tangled up in the rope of the net he had just pulled up.
‘That explains why it was so heavy.’ Lochlan mused for all of a moment, feeling the slap as the boy struggled under him,  his tail slapping against his jacket covered back, a grunt pulling from his lips as he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him up as he rolled onto his back and forced them up, his breath heavy as he looked down at the man in his arms being held down by the weight of Lochlan and the tangle of the net.
“Calm down, I don’t want to hurt you!” He could hear himself saying, not really knowing if he could understand him, but choosing to try anyway. The boy wasn’t really that much trouble when he was subdued, his strength impressive by with the adrenaline running through his veins and the hours he had spent on this ship, in the gym training for this trip and for the team he had found himself on in highschool, Lochlan found he didn’t even feel it as the boy battered against him, though eh had the feeling it was going to leave some serious bruises.
“Take It to the Cargo Hold, any of you!…. I gotta get Mr. Dhouti on the phone…”
The captain mumbled his words after that choosing to turn on heel and head back toward the captain’s quarters, stopping just enough to turn to the rest of the baffled crew and snap his next orders. He looked stressed, his fingers cracking as they clenched and uncurled. The darkness of the clouds was starting to settle in, the storm approaching, and Lochlan had to wonder if he would die on this boat.
It was looking like a pretty big possibility.
“DROP ANCHOR HERE! I’m not leaving this spot until I get a hold of The Senator, so you all can quit your bitching and rest like the princess fucks you are.”
Then he was gone, returning to his quarters, and leaving them to fend for themselves.
Fucking asshole.
“Alright, Come on, Captain’s orders…” The voice of Crane, a man in his mid fifties with salt and pepper hair moved forward, his voice gruff and straight, like sand had worn at his vocal cords. He was like an alcoholic father figure that didn’t know how to stop making creep vulgar comments, but mostly harmless. That didn’t show as He shifted, picking up the boy roughly, mostly by the net to throw him over his shoulder, not seeming to care that the position looked like it would hurt.
“Stop! You’re gonna hurt him!”
Crane ignored him, just disappeared into the cargo hold.
“This whole boat is full of assholes…. Whatever, let’s just do what eh says and try and settle in…”
That didn’t prove to be easy. Once the Anchor was dropped, everyone pretty much settled in for the night. Crane and Jacob set up their cards, Ebbe had returned to his own little room to read the book he had brought along with him, a large thick tome in some sort of ancient language. The rest were milling about, but  Lochlan returned to the boat’s deck, ignoring the clouds as he looked out to the ocean, watching her waves crack against the boat but held himself steady.
It was a stupid man who did not keep his footing at all times on a boat.
“You’re worried about it, aren’t you?”
Ebbe’s voice shot out, making the blonde and brunette bounce and jump, his gaze snapping back toward the redhead whose gaze matched the clouds above. He blinked, opening his mouth to say something but the words were halted by Ebbe again, who rolled his eyes at him.
“Just go check on him. You’re too nice…. You’ll make yourself sick again with worry, so just check on the thing…”
Ebbe shifted, leaning on the rails next to him.
“Just bring your knife with you.”
“I already have it….” Lochlan said as he moved, leaving his spot to head toward the hold.
He could have swore he heard him call him a bitch, but if it was from Ebbe, he probably didn’t mean it.
Lochlan creeped down the stairs, blinking into the dark as he looked around. His hand fell to his pocket fingering the pocket knife. The light was dim as he pulled the chain, illuminating the room to reveal scores of tools and weapons, nets and hooks, and in the middle of it all,  tied to a support beam, was the creature.
“Hey… Hey… can you talk?” He asked as he moved closer, crouching down low, fingertips against the ground. He was close, close enough to smell the sea on him, Lochlan’s eyes flickering over him to see if he was wounded
“Are you hurt?”
All the legends were true, all of the myths and lores he grew up on, thinking they were just trying to make a species so monstrous that none of them dared approach, were in fact real. The cruelty that laid in these creatures was black and lifeless, soulless. And he would not doubt it if they bleed black and grew horn in the middle of the night.
They were not creatures to be reckoned with. And his mistake would never be rectified, would only be fully understood after his death at the hands of these…. Monsters of the land. They ignored him, stopped his only attempt at leaving and moved him too far away from any possible escape now.
He was lost now. His fate would have to be simply accepted.
They were rough, fingers tightening on his skin with bruising forces. He tried, tried to call out to them, tried to beg with everything he could offer, bribe the humans. But not one of the men batted their eyes even the old guy that dropped him with a thump onto the ground seemed uninterested in his words.
Not that they could understand Ridley. He knew that. Knew that his words were coming out in chirps and gruffs that their ears could barely audibly pick up. Knew that they would only hear them if they concentrated hard enough, and knew that truly none of them had any interest in what he had to say at this point. He was only a pawn now. Could only be valued after his death took place.
“Sir, please…. Please… hold on… Sir!”
He called after the old man as he stood, his eyes looking over the ropes and net that tangled him, making sure that the work he had done was well. If Ridley had a say in it, the man had done too well. The ropes cutting into delicate flesh and scales as he bunched his tail as close to him as possible. Trying for the life to him look as small as he could. It wasn’t until the light shifted, flickering before turning completely out that dread wrapped itself around him.
It was cold, the air frosting over his skin as the wind whirled and whipped against the boat, the wooden structure creaking and groaning in the silence of the blackened room around him. It was heart wrenching, the cry that ripped apart his lips, Ridley could feel the tears stinging behind his eyes, but he wouldn’t let them fall. Not to these humans, not to the absolute filth that inhabited this boat.
But for his brothers he would, for Ethan he would, for the life he knew was getting ripped away from him, he would. Another sob parted his lips, ripped through the silence he was trying to hold. His fingers clenching at his hips as he sunk deeper into this heart ache that was gripping him so heavily.
Until the lights flickered, the sound of foot steps accompanying the light that flooded the wooden floor. Ridley tried to move, to squirm into himself, to look away from the man as he bent over in front of him, his words ringing to unaccustomed ears. Ridley flexed, his fins shifting and widening, as the man spoke, his ears lifting to frill the fins that laid attached to them, as if this would help him understand the man in front of him.
“Don’t leave me down here… please.”
He knew the words would fall on deaf ears, knew that it would do nothing to beg for this man help. But he could try, could try to somehow get across to him. And he shifted trying to lean in closer to the man as he spoke. The chips poured from his lips, whines and gruffs trying to explain himself out of the situation desperately.
“Let me go home… I’m scared.”
The moment he spoke, Carson was ensnared, his head snapping back up to take him in again for a moment before the pain hit him again suddenly, achingly desperate to make it’s presence known that it slammed against his temples, pulsed behind his eyes and made alarm ring off in his head. His voice was soothing, the calming hint of the waves hidden in that voice, a pull like no other, practically a song in it’s own right. Carson couldn’t remember a time that he had thought so highly of a voice that had said something so flippant and carefree, like it was nothing, that he wasn’t a creature conjured up from the depths of his imagination.
But he was. There was no denying that, bit as the sun glinted off scales in luminescent colors, like the light shining off a puddle of oil. This man, Echo, Echo was something he had never dreamed of seeing, long having left fantasy on the shelf as he picked up textbook after textbook to follow in his father’s footsteps, all while ignoring the call of the ocean just outside of his home.
“I do need to thank you. I Thought… I thought I was gonna…” the words faded away, unable to voice what he had though, the truth he had almost accepted. There was a moment, before Echo spoke up again, moving on, But Carson would not forget.
Echo spoke, his words soft, and Carson could feel it as he mouth the words that the blond had just said, before the dots connect, his mind much too distracted by the freckles dusting over Echo’s face, the strange accessories he wore.
“We call this the Shore… or the beach. We’re closer toward the bay, if I can guess correctly.” The last words were mostly to himself, a mutter that was almost inaudible with his accent lining his words. His thoughts wavered, spilled over as he thought, and suddenly he felt hands on  him, moving his hair out of the way, fingers threading through his hair to pull a shiver down his spine. He liked it, the feeling of his hands on him, and carson leaned into the touch, his eyes hooded but his gaze flickering through dark lashes to look at what he could of the blond, not wanting to take his eyes off him.
“Echo, what are you…?”
He didn’t get to say much else, as for the second time that dayl, pain exploded behind his eyes, lights flashing in his veion as the back of his head felt like it had been bashed in with a bat. He cried out, hands moving as he fell forward, his eyes squeezing shut as he let the pain run through him. It was fine, he thought, forced himself to think over the pain, small droplets welling in his eyes as he sucked in another breath.
He had dealt with worse.
“Ow… FUCK me… That hurts… what’s in that stuff, Glass?”
The words came out accented, thick with his native tongue as he hissed in displeasure, but true to his word, the pain started to fade, dimming away to something almost manageable. Carson’s hand moved, to trace over the gap, one that while still tender was now healing, and quickly. He could already feel the itch of scabs starting to form.
“Holy shi-”
“I have to go.”
Echo voice pulled him from his mind once again, and even if he wanted to eh could not keep the look of shock and disappointment from crossing over his features. He moved, his hand reaching out to grab Echo’s who looked down at their hands in what looked like shock or confusion. Carson didn’t care.
“Wait, I-”
“I have to go.” Echo repeated, and pulled his hand away. Carson Panic, watching as the man moved, sliding along the soft sands to pull himself into the waves, and before he lowered his head underwater, Carson moved, leaning forward.
“Carson! My name is Carson Dhouti! Thank you!”
And he was gone, and Carson was left alone, nothing but waves and seagulls calling to him.
“Woah, Hey, Hold on, I can’t…”
Lochlan could see he was trying, Trying to speak, to say something, but the words were lost to him, ears too human, to foreign to truly understand what it was this boy was saying. They Were pretty, little chips and grunts and tilts that sounded something like a song, though he knew that this boy had no reason for singing as he was tied up, ripped from his home. His expressions flickered over his face freely, the tinge of desperation that lined his features made Lochlan’s heart clench tightly, his hand moving from out of his pocket as his hands came up, to lift  and brush over his shoulders.
His heart hammered in his chest, seeing him like this bothered him, deeply. He could see he was afraid, could see the fear in his eyes as he tried to speak, tried to get his point across but could not.
“Calm down… I can’t understand you… Shit this would be so much easier if I was like Ebbe and could pick up twenty thousand other languages for fun…..”
Lochlan cursed his brain, not the first time and most certainly not the last. He wished he was book smart, Like Ebbe, like Carson, the kind of guy who had studied for fun and knew the answer to everything. As it was, Lochlan had hardly made it through school with his scholarships, his grade a product of work and long nights killing himself for not understanding simple questions. It would be helpful now, but all the wishing in the world did not change what was.
This boy was scared. He was terrified and had no one to help him. Hell, he had been thrown here without so much as a courtesy light, and a temper he tried to keep down flared brightly.
“Shh… It’s okay…” lochlan cooed, his lids lowering as his eyes hooded, his hands moving to brush over his cheeks , through his hair to sooth him in all the little ways that helped him. He settled, sitting his butt down on the cold floor, the rocking of the boat getting harder as he pulled the boy into his lap. His hand reached for his pocket again, pulling out the knife that started the man in his hands, making Lochlan wrap him in his arms to settle him down again. He spoke softly against his skin, his cheek, his temple, his neck, fingers tracing patterns over him in familiar ways, soothing him.
“Just the net… I’m gonna get you out of the net.” He pointed to the rope, his gaze locked on it as he moved slowly, pick up the trapped arm with a gentle touch, the blade finding the ropes to cut through them. It was a meticulous task, one that slowly made his arms burn with the weight of holding him close and working slowly through the ropes, until he was finally free, remnants resting on the floor around them like littered scales. Lochlan place the knife down, shifting so that eh could lift his hands in front of them both, turning them slowly.
“There. I’m done. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, I don’t know how to help.”
He wanted to help. That was the thing. Lochlan wanted to help, wanted to say something, anything, to make that look of fear go away. But this was all he could do, all he could hope to do without understanding him. Lochlan’s hands ran through the man’s hair, blond locks  and a red brown gaze that locked the older man in place.  He held him, soothing over him with words that he hoped he at least understood the meaning, his hands running through hair and along his spine. He breathed stories to him, kept him safe as the boat rocked with the storm and the light shut off again.
Lochlan did not leave until they had docked, and he did not let go until the man was pulled from his hands.
Lochlan was given a bonus and told not to speak of it.
Lochlan had not slept well either, the sight of his face as he was being pulled away haunting his dreams.
He had to see him again.
He had to.
It was world altering, a moment he would probably not forget for years to come. His fingers were still warm from the human's touch,... from Carson's touch. The look that he was giving Echo still gleaming even as he turned back to look through the ocean waters at the darkling that sat lost at shore.
He would find his way. What mattered, what truly mattered was that the human was safe, he was alive and breathing in the cool air into his lungs instead of the ocean water. Something Echo had learned through watching many humans, something he had witnessed first hand. It was simple, they breathed their air, their form oxygen and Echo breathed both.
The humans didn’t function on the same level, and took Echo seeing the marvel for himself to truly believe the words that his dad had spoke to him. Words of warning and those words were meant to scare them, him and his brothers. Meant to strike some kind of fear into the heart of the blonde boys that surrounded their father as he sung his praises of being mermaids. The praises of well they had it down here, how well they had all done to conceal their presents to humans for centuries.
And they were doing so well, until Echo had fucked it up. Unable to listen to the rules of their society. The number one being, leave the humans to  their own. To never interact and to make sure that they never saw them. Was never able to lay eyes on a tail or fin. Or scales, anything of the sort. Anything that the greedy humans could deem as valuable.  
But this human seemed thankful, truly. His interest lying in only the unknown of Echo and what could a human with no real way to find him do? Nothing that Echo could take too seriously. But he was alluring in his own way, the human boy Carson. His eyes haunting him even to this moment, those eyes that stuck to him so well. Even though Echo knew without a doubt that he may have been the one staring. A little too much, but a human up close was so different. Their reaction unexpected and reality unlike anything he had ever felt.
Echo could feel the smile pulling at his lips, offering what could only be described as a crooked smile.
The voice caused Echo to flinch to pulled so quickly out of his thoughts it was almost alarming. But small hand were yanking on his flesh as the words were bellowed. Distress etching every inch of Ethan's small frame. It was his brother's name though that caught him, that snapped his attention and forced Echo forward, his arms finding either one of Ethan’s biceps, pulling him close.
“What do you mean it took him? Ethan?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT TOOK HIM!?”
Echo could see the sheer grief over Ethan’s expression even as he got shook ruthlessly.
He should have been used to it, to the blistering cold and the wild winds that seemed to surround him by now. Should not have expected any sort of treatment besides this from the dastardly humans. Only a few had been allowed in, ogling at the what he could only imagined they called ‘fish-boy’. Hell, he would have called himself that,.... If he still had a fin or tail. Instead he had dried out, his skin losing it sheen as the cold air took away every drop that had previously clung to his flesh. Now in his tails place was what the humans called legs, sprouting but unmoving as he shifted uncomfortably in this new form of his.
Which had initially surprised him, scared him even further. He felt lost. Too far away from home as he sat in the cell, his back pressed into his corner and his legs shaking against his chest.
They were trying, he could say that, all pretty smiles and words of silk and honey. Not that that mattered. He didn’t respond instead trying to force himself smaller in his cage. They brought him squares of fluff, which he could only eyeball wildly. Was it supposed to be a comfort in the human world? A square of puffed fluff. The humans had given him dish after dish, trying to coax Ridley. Trying to force feed him until his teeth had found one of the men’s fingers. It was the last time one of them had walked into help him. The last time any of them had made attempts to calm the raging Langdon.
The only remnant he had now of his heritage was the scales that littered his skin, small splotches of ‘freckles’ and the fins that protected his ears so well. He knew he looked other worldly to the lot of them. Knew that most of them were only interested in the part of him that wasn’t ‘human’. But the truth behind it was, he wasn’t. He was a mermaid. A creature of fable and legends on dry land.
But his surprise only happened days after being there, his ears straining to hear the whispered words that echoed outside of the cell walls. But what he caught meant nothing to happen, instead only confusing him further. It was a woman's voice, soothing and caressing. Almost insuring as she spoke her words. But a man’s snapped back, firm in his resolution but yielding to her as she spoke, stopping to allow her to explain.
There was a silence before the man spoke again, this times his words brief. The tone defeated, he could almost visibly see arms getting thrown up over the situation.
Once more the woman spoke out, her words all the more loving, all the more soothing as she insured him.
But then the doors creaked open. And Ridley threw a glance over the tops of his knees to the dark haired woman. Her multi colored eyes on him, shining as she bent down outside the cell. Her forearms coming up to catch onto her thighs.
“Hello,... My name is Arber. Arber Dhouti. And i am going to need you to speak to me.”
Ridley marveled for a moment, his whole world spinning as the woman spoke, the words clear as day to him. He could feel himself getting pulled, the knees dropping as his mouth went slack all at once. His confusion clearly painted across his features as the woman spoke.
“That right there.”
Her hand moved suddenly, her finger pointed to the square of fluff laid out beside him. But her eyes remained on him.
“It’s a blanket. The humans use them to keep warm. It goes around your shoulders. Or over your legs…..”
Ridley was still reeling, but his fingers moved, reaching out for the square in almost a trance with the woman in front of him. Pulling the cold bundle over his bare legs, but he didn’t dare break eye contact. Not with this woman. Not to the only one he could understand.
“What is your name, Nekmit?”
The familiar endearment struck him odd, and only fascinated him further. He was almost afraid to answer her, afraid that the woman would turn away if she got what she wanted, but she wore a smile, one that almost seemed genuine. She seemed to care for the small boy in the cage and he couldn't deny her what she wanted, not when she used that voice so heavenly sweet to call to him.
“It’s Ridley. Ridley Langdon.”
“OH! You’re a Langdon son. It explains a lot about your stubborn nature you seem to harbor.”
There was a small chuckle in her voice as she spoke to him, her fingers coming up to brush against her lips. It took a second but finally the woman sat, her bottom hitting the floor with a small thump.
“You know the rules that are set underneath? They are set for a reason my dear, Ridley. Why would you get so close to the humans?”
“.....Who are you?”
He couldn’t help it, now when the woman, Arber Dhouti spoke to him so calmly, so fluently. Her eyes kind and her tone even kinder. Though she wasn’t the one she was hoping for he took the company with ride, through the confusion was beginning to become somewhat of a problem as she shifted uncomfortably.
“It’s best if we move on from this subject, Ridley. Just know, my name is Arber. I’m here to help you. No one else is going to hurt you. It is something i can promise.”
“Are you going to let me go?”
“......No. unfortunately. The rules are setting you in dangerous ways if you go back. Me and you both know that. We are finding other methods of… release. Somewhat. But the ocean is lost to you now, Nekmit. There is no returning.”
Carson’s return home was loud, full of sobs and hugs and worried glanced over shoulders, his mother's and his father’s arms around him as they pulled him close, their murmurings of how they had been so scared, how they had thought they lost him to the sea whispering over his hearing. His mother had refused to let him go, and his father brushed tears off his face with the back of his expensive suit, Ragnar practically sobbing for forgiveness at almost killing him. It had taken a while, that was sure, to soothe them all, to tell them he was just tired and achy from his tumble in the underwater rivers, that he just wanted to rest. His mother insisted he sleep with her that night, had insisted he share the bed with his parents like he was four again and scared of the dark.
But it soothed her, and If His mom was happy he wouldn’t have to hear it from his dad.
They hovered over him, watching him like he might fall right back into the ocean, but Carson did not care, could not really find it in him to be bothered by such things. As it was, His mind had been consumed, absolutely enthralled with finding each and every bit of information he could on Mermaids.
Days had passed since he had least seen Echo, days that had seen Carson pouring over books to glean even the slightest bit of information, and night spent staring at the moon as he listened to the waves just outside his home, listening as his dad rambled about the biggest scandal to hit their town since his father had chosen to marry his mother. He listened to the waves, the birds as they called, and he remembered the little look of shock as he grabbed his hand and the way he had seemed to carefree, the cute little smile that was not really a smile at all. Days had passed, but Carson found he could not get the beautiful man out of his head, could not stop longing for his voice to drift up with the waves below him, and night where he should have been sleeping were spent hoping, wishing …. And remembering.
His mother had told him so many stories when he was young, and never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would become so enthralled by something as fanciful as Mermaids, But as it was, it seemed the fates had other plans for him, as not even an hour after his return home, his father received an important call. He could remember his dad trying to brush it off, but in the end, he had been forced to leave and see to the matter, something that, at the time, Carson had thought nothing of.
His father was a busy man, someone looked up to, a man people told first without pause. He ran this city, this town, this state, and nothing happened without his say so, especially not here in their pleasant little mountain beach home.
But when he returned home, his father seemed…. Spooked, shook like he had seen the depths of hell and the creatures that dwelled there. It had taken some persuading, but eh had finally got it out of him.
Some fishermen had found something. Something unexplainable.
Carson, later that night, met the second Mermaid he had ever seen in his life.
It wasn’t Echo. There was a shock as he took in the man behind the bars, the man much smaller than the blond he had seen but barring a very close resemblance to him. Carson hadn’t expected the fates to deliver Echo back to him so easily, if at all, but it had been… a spark of hope, a gleam of a wish. It was crushed as he took him in, but he still watched him with interest, his one way to possibly know more about Echo if he could just get him alone.
There was only so much that Carson would do in one day.  He was ushered out before he could even talk to him.
Thus why he was so excited for this morning.
Today, He got to see the mermaid again.
He wasn’t paying attention as he was walking. That much was obvious as he was taken by surprise, grabbed roughly and suddenly. He was on his way to his bike when he was stopped, the feeling of a hand on his bicep making him jump as he blinked, his body being slammed against the wall as a very frustrated looking Lochlan glared up at him with a snarl on his lips. Carson blinked, breathing in as Lochlan stared at him, waiting for him to get on with what eh wanted.
He didn’t have to wait long.
“Take me with you.”
The words were clipped, short, hurried and irritated. Knowing that no one was supposed to know about it, Carson pulled a face of ignorance, blinking as he tilted his head to the side.
“Don’t play DUMB, Carson, the boy, the one that I pulled up from out of the ocean, and left to be poked and prodded by the scientists. The mermaid. Take. Me. to. Him.”
The words hit him oddly, a low soft sound of anger drifting over him as he took in the unhinging man. Normally, Carson would say no, laugh at him, but something in him make him reconsider. Maybe it was the way Lochlan looked so distressed, the usually calm boy frustrated beyond all belief. Lochlan was kind, soft, the sweet summer child kind of boy to Carson’s jagged winters. It must be important to him to demand it in this way.
“You pulled him up? Where? How, what did he say?” the question flew past his lips as he raced to get his car keys, practically running to the car, only matched by Lochlan’s pace. They rode together conversation flowing as he asked questions, though the answers only made him more curious.
No one could understand this boy, but with Echo he could perfectly understand him. Echo spoke fluent English, not a sign of a foreigner's tongue on the words. Why could this one not?
“I have to see him again. I fucked up, Car. I shouldn’t have kept him on that boat.”
Carson’s gaze glided over to the man sitting before him, snapping back to the building that was just starting to loom.
“You did the right thing. This is an important discovery.” The words were empty, repeated from his father’s advisors. Lochlan didn’t look at him, looking out of the window as they drove into the garage to park, descended into darkness as he finally spoke up.
“Could you have done it? If You had seen him?”
Instantly, Echo’s face popped up, fresh, vivid in his mind.His smile, the look of shock…. And then the boy’s dead expression as he had seen him last. Could have seen that face on Echo and the knowledge he had done it to him, could he have lived with that?
Carson had no answer for that.
Lochlan wasn’t used to this sort of establishment, did not belong here, and it showed the instant that he walked through those doors.
There wasn’t many people around, only a secretary at the front desk that paled as she saw Carson walk in, her hands crinkling the paper she held as she watched the darkling moved. Lochlan could admit, even as his friend and a close one at that, that Carson was an intimidating sort of guy, the kind that seemed to have a switch in him that went off at the slightest bit of inclination that he might be underestimated. There was something about him, something in him that radiated leadership and demanded respect, made you want to follow his commands, a fear engraved in you even though he had never so much as rose his voice in your presence. You listened to him. And it only helped that his dad was practically the king of their little town, it’s inhabitants following him blindly, without protest.
Such devotion to his father had bled to his son, and Even now, Carson walked like he owned the building, breezing past the secretary without so much as even a glance, the juxtaposition between his awkward wave, stumble over his own two feet and nearly silently ‘Sorry’ more blaring than a siren.
Carson seemed like he was born for this, Born to get and do what he wanted, when he wanted, for no other reason other then he wanted it.Meanwhile, Lochlan had to hope he got lucky and someone took pity on him, or he had to work his fingers to the bone to get a suitable substitute.
Not this time.
The thought was harsh, glaring against the usual nerves that flooded his mind when he was in places like this, Expensive and rich and clearly not made for a fisherman to walk through it’s halls. He gave Carson Credit, taking him here with only the smallest of explanation, but as he delved deeper into the twists and turns of the labyrinth that called itself a lab, Lochlan couldn’t help but feel like maybe he had made a mistake in rushing over to the Dhouti household, had been rash in his instance that Carson took him with him. He didn’t belong here, he didn’t belong in this place. What would he even say to him when he saw him, considering he couldn’t understand him and he couldn’t tell him how sorry he was he had gotten him into this mess. Lochlan knew it was rash, it was irrational that he had stormed here, But the memory of his face, that expression over his features as the pulled him from his hands….
It haunted him, and Lochlan had this need, this urge, to see him again, To fix something beyond his reach...
But now that it was in front of him, what was he supposed to fucking do? What could he do?
Lochlan could only guess.
The doors opened before him, a bright light stinging his eyes as they stepped from the dimmer hallways and into the darker room, light spilling from what Lochlan could only assume was a one way window into the cell that they had placed the boy in. Dark brown eyes narrowed as he lifted his hand, the sound of a sudden gasp slipping past Carson making his gaze snap from the overly bright window to the figure leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, glare locked on the window like it had personally insulted him.
If Lochlan had thought Carson was intimidating, Soven Dhouti was absolutely terrifying. He was the exact picture of what he assumed a senator to be, the exact image that his mind created when he thought of the world leader. Soven was more than just a Senator, he practically ran this town, the owner of multiple companies and the father of one of his best friends. More often than not, you would find him in suits, hair slicked back or hidden away, clean cut and absolutely lethal. Now, however, it seemed he couldn’t have been bothered with appearance, clad in his white t-shirt and a pair of ragged jeans and boots.  He would have looked like he belonged on the cover of some sort of fan service magazine for women if it wasn’t for the very palpable anger that was radiating off of him in heated waves.
Lochlan fell behind as Carson smiled, walking up to the imposing man.
Carson seemed to have a birth defect that made him lose his sense of fear and self preservation.The man stood at 6’7, towering over most, a trait he had given to his sons in spades, which only added to the imposing air he already had.. He was blond, platinum blond falling over his eyes as he glared, his eyes narrowing as Carson walked in, speckled blue green and brown drifting over to his black haired son, the look on his face softening immensely before he  looked back again at the sight in the cell, his stance never moving.
“What’s going on?” Carson never sounded more like a child then when he was talking to his parents, all curious tones and absolute trust. Soven sighed, dropping his hands to his side before lifting them in what could only be described as irritated acceptance.
“Your Mother wanted to talk to him, and she wouldn’t let it go. I tried talking her out of it, but she’s hard headed, like someone else I know.” Lochlan watched, amazed as Soven smiled and teased his son, pulling on his cheeks and earning a laugh from his friend. The blond man watched him with adoration, before his gaze hardened again.
“You were told not to come back here, Carson, why are you here? More importantly….” He tried off, and for the first time since he entered, Soven’s eyes flashed over to Lochlan. The man swallowed thickly, brown eyes locked on speckled blue, a shot of fear rippling over his spine.
“What are you doing here?”
Carson moved, laughing as he placed himself between them. He opened his mouth to say something, but something in Lochlan made him move, his hand falling to the Darkling’s shoulder as his own stare hardened.
“I want to see him. The mermaid. I was the one who pulled him out, I was the one held him during the storm and I was the one who made sure nothing happened to him. I’m not being left in the dark.”
Soven didn’t say anything for a moment, and it felt like an eternity had passed before he sighed, once again lifting his hand in a dismissive gesture.
“Go on then. I guess i’m just surrounded by Hard headed people. You will be required to sign a silence waver. You’re not allowed to talk about anything you hear or see in this building, Do you understand?”
Lochlan understood. You didn’t cross a Dhouti without serious consequences.
Lochlan moved, ignoring the mummers behind him in favor of the small little chips that were filtering through the door that led into the cell. Lochlan paused, his eyes on the door as he breathed in, now or never, sink or swim and god he felt like he was drowning.
Just see him again… we’ll start from there.
Days. Four to be exact.
Four days of nothing but excruciating madness as the Langdons seemed to fall into what could only be called a madness. His father switched between anger and suffering, his mother inconsolable, the only solace she had was found in his father's arms.
The story was repeated. And recited to every Langdon, their interrogation of the smaller Delarosa was intense, their question bombarding, and relentless. Even Echo found himself tearing into the obviously frightened and worried boy. His words were starting to break, his spirit obviously deteriorating quickly as Scythe began for the thirtieth time to question Ethan. Blue eyes locked on cognac ones, ones that were filled with something between rage and desperation.
It was a long process, a process that Echo knew would lead them nowhere if they didn’t actually do anything. Not that the laws allowed them to do anything about the situation. On the contrary, if he was going to stand by their laws, Ridley was gone to them. His youngest brother was gone and by the laws would remain that way, even if he returned, he would have been an outcast, or worse, killed off.
Relations with any human was strictly forbidden. A law that was not taken lightly down here. A law that was taken to the fullest extent went presented, there were no warnings, there were no second chances. No matter the age. You were gone, nothing other than a traitor to their kind.
But still the days passed, a blur of emotions riddling through him until he had made that final decision. The one he knew could end his life, the one that he knew that the others had been having whispers of. But… They did not all have to suffer the same fate as what he knew making this decision would force him to face. The same fate that Ridley had been forced into.
But it wasn’t Ridleys fault he was caught, he was tangled into the net. From what Ethan had described he had fought against the ropes, he had tried to get out to free himself from the fate that he inevitably knew would befall him if he didn’t. And still. He had lost. And Echo could feel his heart wrenching, trying to tear from him as he thought about the fear that must have been wracking his brother. He could feel the frown pulling at his lips as the images raced behind his eyes.
But he was soft, his words coming out smoothly as tanned fingers pressed the bridge of his nose. His other hand clenched onto the smaller boy's shoulder,  trying to force him into place so he could speak to him.
“Tell me again, Ethan. Tell me what happened out there. I need to know before i head out.”
He had to give Ethan some kind of credit, he stood tall, something most didn’t expect out of him. The boy was fragile looking, small and almost dainty in his movements, but he knew how to carry himself, knew how to act when it came down to it. And it came as no real shock when Ethan bucked up, his chest puffing out just that bit.
“I’ll just show you myself, we can get him back together.”
He was stern his voice, much like Echo’s came out softly, almost tentative but still he let those eyes fall on Echo own. Stern in his motion to accompany him. Ethan Delarosa let his hands clench into small fist. He knew what it meant to get caught, he knew what it meant just to go look for Ridley.
And here he was, still prepared for whatever the outcome may be.
“That makes sense. You did lose him.”
He chuckled half heartedly, his finger releasing the bys shoulder just to slap against his skin one good time.
“Wait���. What, what do you mean i can’t return?”
“If i allowed you return to Hydsa, if i said you could leave and not have to worry about any of us coming after you, where would you go? To your family? To the kingdom that you know would label you a traitor and willingly feed you to the shark?”
Ridley sunk back, his back hitting the cold concrete of the wall with a small thump, his head smacking right after that. He lifted his eyes to the ceilings, looking but not really seeing. She was right, where would he go, what would he do with himself once he got back, the questions would pile in. Every official would be sure to drag out the truth from him. If Ethan did not already tell them himself.
It was his fault. His fault for taking Ethan out so far into the human territories. Luckily though, it was only him paying the consequences. It was only him that was crammed into a hollow husk of a cage, and not with Ethan along his side. Stuck in the same predicament, with nowhere to run.
Arber shifted on the floor, her eyes trying hesitant but watchful. Her fingers rested easy against her knees, her black hair fell over her shoulders in waves as she watched. She was trying to be helpful, but she was human. She cold possibly make the damage worse. She could take his trust and twist games around the people holding him captive. He was always told that the humans were evil, always felt the itch of fear when the stories of them were told.
And from his experience with them thus far, he could truly state that they were just as horrible as he thought they were gonna be. She spoke softly as if she was speaking to an injured animal, her tone much too calm for a woman he knew was probably the reason he was actually here.
“I’m not here to scare you, Ridley. I want to help, but yo have to trust me. If even just a little bit.”
“How do you know  my lan-”
There was a creak of hinges, the aluminum door swinging open to reveal the same man who had wandered across his thoughts once or twice since being in the confinement. Ridley watched with curious eyes as the darkling in front of him turned her head, shifting that smile to the brown and blonde haired boy that passed behind the door. One of her hands flung out in welcome to the much taller boy, her other coming down to rub against the floor that she was sitting on.
Brown eyes flickered to Ridleys and he couldn’t hold them, turning her head to shift his eyes back to Arber. There was a flare of temper whipping at his mind, forcing his eyebrows down as he looked away from the man. Irritation bloomed in his chest, but only if because it was the very man that had him confused. Forcing him to this and then soothing him through his way to this hell.
Ridley could see the hesitation that was littered in the man’s expression, painting across his body as he strode closer.
“Ah, Lochlan, here my love, come sit next to me. I’ll introduce you to Ridley.”
He watched him, Watched his long time friend slip into the cell, the old wooden door shutting quietly behind him with a soft click that resonated through the silence that had followed Lochlan’s declaration. He could see him still, Lochlan’s Brown and blond hair falling down his back, little braids and hair mattes that laziness refused to brush out, long strands spilling over his shoulders as he spoke, the words muffled by still slightly audible.  He moved slightly, moving to place himself next to his mother, and Carson found himself wondering how of all people, the one to have pulled the scandal straight from the sea itself was his own Lochan, his sweet summer child, the boy too kind hearted for his own good and just about the last person who needed to have the weight of guilt slowing him down.
But fate had never been kind, and so it was with a heavy mantle about his shoulders Lochlan tried to make things right.
“Why did you come here, Carson?” His father’s voice asked, and Carson turned, duel colored gaze flicking back to his father's.
What was he supposed to tell him?
Carson hadn’t spoken a word about that day, the day he almost drowned and echo had saved him from an almost certain death. It wasn’t from a lack of being on his mind, mind you, as it had been on his mind frequently. Carson couldn’t tell you the number of times he had thought about it, about the merman that had stolen his thoughts  with that red brown gaze and the quick quirk of his lips, could not tell you the number of hours he had spent in his bed staring at the window as he heard that ocean's lullaby, wondering about a creature long since thought fantasy, if maybe he didn’t dream it, imagined it….
But fantasies don’t hold him, and they don’t fix near lethal wounds.
Carson had wanted to tell his family… Hell, the moment he got back, Carson had wanted to tell them about the man who had saved him, about the Mermaid named Echo who had saved him, healed him and swam off, the only reason he still breathed today. He wanted to tell them what happened, but as soon as he had made to, his father’s phone had started going off, calling him into work. His mother had been angry at the phone, and his dad had put it off for as long as he could before he left, and really, as strange as it sounds, Carson felt fine after nearly dying. He was thirsty, tired, hungry, but his body only ached from fatigue, his headache gone and  there was a fire in his chest that spurred him into the library.
Carson never got to tell his story, and now, with how this one was being treated, and seeing the regret in Lochlan’s frame…. Carson wasn’t sure he wanted to. If this was how they treated one, he didn’t want to see Echo like that. He didn’t know him, didn’t know anything on him other then he saved his life and had vanished just as quickly as he had come tumbling into his life, but Carson could already tell you that he didn’t want to see him look so…. Lost.
So Carson did something he had never done before.
He lied to his father
“I was just curious, Dad. You know my thing for the ocean and to see that Mermaids actually exist? It’s fascinating. I just… want to know more.”
“... I don’t know how much he would be able to give you, considering he doesn’t speak our language.”
Carson let out a slow breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding. His father accepted his lie easily, and any guilt was overshadowed by relief that there was no one out looking for Echo.
“But Mom speaks thiers.”
It was something that had been bothering him, something that had struck him as strangely and inherently odd. His mind raced with questions, his head tilting as he listened, catching small clicks and grunts that somehow almost formed words, occasionally a word jumping out of him to his tounge.
“Hey, Carson.”
The sound of another voice stomped out any words his father might have said, any answers he could have gotten. Carson sighed as he turned to ebbe, his friend glaring at him with storms in his eyes. Ebbe tilted his head, long red hair falling over his shoulder, before he jerked his head toward the Exit, his arms in his jacket pockets.
“The boat is heading back out to that spot again.”
The words took a moment to register, clipped and short  with jagged glass in the tones. Ebbe was a hard boy to get to know, not saying much and instead choosing to stare and ignore most of everyone, and when he did talk, more often than not what he said was something insulting, grade A asshole material. Most people chose not to look past that, but Carson knew better, knew Ebbe since he was in middle school. Carson had asked him to keep him updated on when he would be returning out, had told him to tell him if anything else strange had happened or been seen.
Carson nodded, a smile crossing his lips before his dad spoke.
“Can anyone Just… walk up in here? Like how is it that three nineteen year olds just found their way into a supposedly guarded laboratory. Was anyone even up there, anyone at all?”
“Oh. Of course. No one to guard the lab with the mermaid in it. Yeah. Okay. that makes total sense.”
Carson watched his father’s brow twitch, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing as he shook his head. Carson wanted to laugh, holding in a chuckle from building in his throat. Ebbe only stared, seemingly uncaring about the obvious distress of the older man, instead turning to look back at Carson.
“Let’s go then. Up that security, Papa Dhouti.”
Ebbe turned on heel, walking back down the hallway. Carson turned, casting a look to the boy who looked so similar to the Mermaid he wanted to see, before he turned away and started out the door.
“Wait! Carson! You Just almost Drowned, I don’t want you to-”
“I’ll be fine Dad, I feel fine. Nothing hurts or anything. I’ll be super careful. Okay, Love you too, bye!”
Carson left him gaping, heard his Dad’s frustrated growl, but he was already following after Ebbe, running to catch up to him.  Ebbe said nothing as they walked through the building, but Carson hadn’t expected any different from him, considering he wasn’t the most talkative guy.
“When do we leave?”
“As soon as we get there.”
Carson smiled.
“Then we’ll take my car.”
Ridley. His name was Ridley.
Somehow that knowledge made everything more real. Lochlan hadn’t had a name before, didn’t have a name for the face that had haunted his dreams. He didn’t think he would ever be able to know his name, didn’t think he would ever really get to know him, and suddenly he had a name to place with him, and it was like everything shifted right into place.
His name was Ridley. Lochlan had fucked over a mermaid named Ridley.
It seemed so much more real with a name for the mermaid, like it was cemented now in facts and not in his head. He couldn’t deny thinking it was possible he imagined it all, that he would wake up and go to work and everyone would laugh at him if he brought up fantasies like capturing a mermaid. He had thought it would be all one extended dream, but the problem with that was that the thoughts of his face, memories of seeing him hurt and scared and alone made his chest hurt and his gut wrench kept him up until morning's early hours, plaguing him enough to create dark shadows under his eyes. It was more blatant now, apparent, and Lochlan bit his lip out of nervousness, tongue playing with the silver of his piercings.
Lochlan moved, taking another step forward to take the seat next to the woman he had come to call Momma Dhouti. He had only known her since freshman year of highschool, but over the years, Mrs. Dhouti had become something like a second mother to him, her entire being warm and inviting and alluring, every inch of her the super mom that she seemed to be known for. It was comforting to see her here, comforting to know that she was here taking care of the boy he was worrying about constantly. She would make sure he's okay, heal any wounds and soothe him, like she did for her sons and their friends, for Him and Ebbe and Ender.  If anyone would make sure the mermaid, Ridley, was okay, it would be her. He settled easily next to her, crossing his legs to let his hands rest on his knees, nerves kicking up again, though there was a slight hesitance to all his movements, his gaze flickering over to Ridley as he drew in a breath.
“How’d you find out his name? He speaks a language I’ve never heard before.”
Lochlan flicked his gaze back to Mrs. Dhouti, his stare curious and confused, but ultimately just returned to the smaller boy, taking in the luminescent scales over his cheeks and face, the bright stare of his eyes as he stared back. He offered him a hesitant smile, a little wave before he dropped his hand..
“If he doesn’t want me here, I’d understand.”
It had been hours, or at least what felt like hours of continuous swimming,  the area just off the shore of the ocean a lot further away than he originally remembered. First to look was Ethan, his  body dipping down to nodded almost excitedly towards him. The boat was only spotted after a single search above the water, Their floodlights must have been blinding up close, because even from thirty feet away he could feel the sting just behind his eyes.
But the waters here were dark, more seaweed dense. So he could see why they would be trying to see into the waters, if only to catch another glimpse at one of the ‘elusive’ mermaids. And they would if Echo had anything else to say about it.Water droplets spray against his skin as he moved just above the surface his eyes on the boat, inspecting for a minute, before dipping again where Ethan stared at him with hopeful eyes.
“Could you throw those guppy eyes somewhere else? God man.”
Storms were already rolling, roaring above the edges surface, cooling the waters as it weathered on. It did nothing to deter Echo Langdon. Rather encouraged, pushed the boy closer until he was within feet of the nets that the humans so haphazardly threw out of their boats. But what all could he really say, it's not as if the Humans really knew what laid beneath the surface of the waters.
“Is that the one though?”
“Yea! That’s literally the same exact boat.”
“Okay, okay dude. Don’t cream yourself, we still gotta get to Ridley.”
Echo smiled, his hand reaching out to push Ethan slightly, but he could feel his own excitement building up in his chest, could feel the hope that had already deep rooted itself in his  heart. This was probably the most excited he had felt in a while, but he refused to let relief hit until he had Ridley back safe in Hydsa with him.
“Okay, so what do we do now?”
“No, no sir. Noper dope. I’m not the only one that gonna sit here and figure things out Ethan. I’m not the smart one of this group thing we all got going on here.”
He could almost hear the boy roll his eyes as he swam closer to the ropes himself, fingers skimming over the thick tufts of net. But Echo was right behind him, his hands shaking as he watched Ethan move fluidly through the ropes, yanking on various ones.
“I mean, one of us can get caught, distract them to the front... Other gets on the ship…. boat ,.... I really don't know the difference. I just thin-”
“Ok, i’m gonna stop you there, your plan is flawed. And borderline stupid…. It's just stupid.”
“Then what do you suggest, Echo?”
“Waiting, at least until they get to shore, we can see where they took him at first at least.”
It was strange. Most people would be uneasy with the thought of returning to sea so quickly after they had almost drowned, but as the boat rocked and they moved away from the harbor, Carson found that eh felt more at home then when his feet touch dry solid, mostly still land. He knew his father worried, but his love of the Ocean had not stemmed simply from his mom, his father happiest when you saw him on the waves, be it on a boat, a board or neck deep.  Carson lived for the ocean, the sea and it’s waves, and it had been his careless mistake that had caused him his misfortunate near death.
It was a mistake he did not plan on making again.
The boat rocked, waves still high from last night storm, dark circling clouds telling that nature was not quite done with them yet, the ocean’s spray ghosting over his skin as he looked out toward the horizon. There was nothing but ocean, so much calmer than last night's waves,but still able to rock the boat enough to make him grab hold of the railing again, fingers practically white with ice and force. Ebbe was a few feet away from him, grabbing hold of the rail as he looked out to see, grey eyes moving to search over the water like he would find the exact point that they had pulled the mermaid out of the water. They were close, if the murmurings of half drives as he held onto a hope that was slowly beginning to fade and Carson could not help but feel… disappointed.
It wasn’t like he has expected to see Echo swimming between the white crests of waves, he didn’t expect to really see him out here, but there had been a glimmer of hope that maybe he would see him, or even another Mermaid again. Besides his obvious biases fascination, Carson had always been interested in the sea and it's creatures, had always liked reading and learning about the living beings under the oceans glassy top,  and to know that one of his favorite mythical beast were real, living beings he could see and touch and hear…. It was like he was five again and believing in magic and fairy tales. He felt light and giddy, childish in a sense as he hoped to catch a glimpse of one, but ultimately stared at nothing but blue waters and grey skies.
Reality sunk in harsh, shattering the childlike hope, and Carson, for the first time since his obsession  had been rekindled by the appearance of mermaids in his life, Carson was reminded that it was a more than likely chance that He would never see Echo again. The ocean was vast, and she was deep, and Echo was far beyond his reach now, far beyond any place he could ever follow.
Carson breathed out a low, slow breath.
Maybe Fairy tales are true, but life was still unfair.
Captain Jackman’s words were stilted, jerky and twisted, almost foreign on his tongue as he awkwardly tried to cover the curse he almost said with another word, The son of his boss on board and not looking the least bit amused as he turned around, dual colored gaze locked on him with a dull expression. They were stopping for the night, and Carson just watched them idly as they set up anchor, throwing out the automatic nets for the night, sticking close to Ebbe but far enough that he wasn’t in the way.
Really, Carson just wanted to go home… The acceptance had cost him a lot of enthusiasm about this trip, and eh wasn’t so keen to spend the night on a ship with a bunch of old men who were trying to act friendly because he was Soven Dhouti’s son and didn’t want him talking bad about them when he returned home, treating him like a child who they could not curse around for fear he would run back to daddy dearest and tattle. Carson Rolled his eyes, passing time by star gazing on the very back edge of the highest point of the boat, high up and away from the sounds of the men under the deck who were laughing a joking with each other.
“Fucking hell Carson. You could be in bed, but nooo…. You had to chase a cute mermaid halfway around the ocean because you don’t know how to casually do anything, do you? Fucking idiot.”
Carson berated himself, his eyes on the stars above him, the flashing little lights so much more apparent here than from his bedroom window. One hand rested under his head to cradle his head and the other resting over his stomach, and he stared up at the sky, sitting up only to look at the light of the moon glimmering off the ocean waves.
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ikuyeah · 6 years
Lucky Us
Fandom: Aikatsu Stars! Ship: AkoKana, Kanako. Implied SubaYume (onesided?). Summary: After the Christmas live, Ako comes to the realisation that her feelings for Kanata aren’t as simple as annoyance and exasperation. Kanata, on the other hand, knows all about his crush on Ako, he just sort of assumed she’d never turn her head away from Subaru. 
In short, they’re both very very wrong.
Comments: Big thanks to @crimson-shell who was basically the biggest and only supporter of this fic. XD
Dress Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/548946642072537690/ Song Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LMo9lyoiWM
- Side: S4 -
Ako scratched frustratedly at the words scrawled across the page in hasty pencil. She’d gotten the inspiration to write a song after the Christmas Live. The tune, a slower kind of melancholic song than she was used to as a Pop Idol, had tons of instrumental breaks for simple dances that she could improve on when she got to the choreography stage. “If I want to break through, I have to try new things, right?” She muttered to herself, brushing away the eraser shavings and staring at the line she’d written initially during the climax of the song.
That someone is…
“Anata.” She sang. With a sigh, she set aside her pencil, she wasn’t going to get that done. Not when she couldn’t remember what brought the revelation on in the first place. It must have been pretty huge.
Ako’s eyes widen. “Right, M4 is going to debut for their solo careers.” Remembering that conversation she had with Kanata still made her face heat up with embarrassment.
But, before he cut in - he called her bad girl, really, she can’t quite believe he’d said that to her face either - she remembered wondering just when she’d started worrying about Kira Kanata.
As a fan of M4, she fancied herself fairly knowledgeable of its other members besides Subaru who she knew like the back of her hand. It’s how she knew who Mahiru was, she’s a walking database after all. But, she’ll be the first to admit that Kanata was the member she had liked least. She’d thought he was kind of boring, clearly the straight man of the group who tolerated no nonsense. The fact that he’d immediately called her out on her crush on Subaru only fanned the flames of her dislike.
When those flames of dislike died down to become mutual respect and sometimes even support was such a slow and natural progression that it shocked Ako when she found the flames all gone.
One question remained, what did it mean?
Ako put her feelings for Subaru on one side of the back of the sheet.
And next to it, she wrote a column for her feelings towards Kanata.
Ako started at it and shook her head. Even she could admit that her reactions toward Kanata’s teasing aren’t out of annoyance anymore. Kanata was perceptive, his teases weren’t teases because they hit way too close to home. She crossed out annoyance and replaced it with another feeling.
And why on Earth was she embarrassed by him anyway?
Ako recalls her concern for him when she thought M4 was breaking up, scribbling another word down.
She tapped her pencil against the space below the word worry and hesitated before writing.
Care (?)
Her eyes catch the other side of the page and she flushes, holding the paper up in front of her. The weight in her chest lifted when she was describing how she felt whenever she talked to Kanata and she felt like she could write more because that’s how Kanata is. He talks to you and leaves you with more mixed feelings than you know what to do with.
Staring at Kanata’s five different emotions compared to the three similar sounding ones she named for Subaru made her heart pound. Her mental database pinged and her cheeks flushed again when the thought registers in her head.
“Why am I comparing Kanata to Subaru-kyun?” She says in a hushed voice. But, it’s too late. Ako is a smart girl and there’s only one thing that connects the two.
The strong feelings she’s written down stare at her mockingly and she wonders how she missed the moment she’d started liking Kira Kanata.
- Side: M4 -
“Heard we were going to go on that TV interview with someone from S4 in a week.” Subaru chimed trying to sound nonchalant as he settled in on the couch next to Kanata. “Any idea who it is, Kanata?” The viridian haired dancer peered at him inquisitively, the beginnings of a smirk blooming across his face.
Kanata leaned back, deciding to leave him in suspense until Nozomu and Asahi were within hearing distance. “If you’re hoping for Nijino Yume, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you.” He said, pushing his glasses up. And that, he thinks, is how to do nonchalant.
Predictably, Nozomu slides gracefully into the room and makes a suggestive comment about Subaru’s crush on the blonde S4 member. Asahi punctuates each quip with a smartly timed comedic comment that has all of them laughing.
And then, the unthinkable happens.
“Like I said, I’ll have to disappoint you.” Kanata says, relaxing into the couch cushions and it’s his biggest mistake, relaxing when he’s hid it for so long. “It’s Saotome Ako.”
A moment of silence makes Kanata look up at his unit and meet eyes with a smirking Igarashi Nozomu. It was - as it says in that popular internet meme - in that moment that Kira Kanata knew he messed up.
“So, it’s like that.” Nozomu said, seamlessly moving them over so that he could sit next to Kanata trapping him between Nozomu and Subaru with Asahi in front of him. “You were quite smart to hide it but I’m beginning to see a pattern here.”
Asahi perks up, sensing something interesting happening in front of him. “Nani Nani? Nani Nani?” He says, repetitively. He’s leveled his Detective Drama gaze right at Kanata which was bad news for him because Asahi was actually as perceptive as him. It’s why he’s so good at acting like a detective. “What am I missing? What’s happening?” He asked.
“Saotome Ako. That girl on that Mermaid Idol show?” Subaru asks. And the fact that Subaru needs clarification is really grating on Kanata’s nerves enough to make him want to smother Subaru with a throw pillow.
And enough, apparently, to be very noticeably frowning.
Nozomu snaps his fingers and points at the downward twitch of Kanata’s eyebrows. “Checkmate.” He smirks. “Kanata’s interested in someone. And not just anyone, one of Subaru’s die hard fans.”
“Kanata.” Subaru blinked owlishly at him, mouth gaping.
Asahi’s eyes sparkle as he leans into Kanata’s personal space. “It’s a bit like a TV Drama, isn’t it?” He tilts his head, smiling sadly. “You like her but she’s in love love love with Subaru.” He sighed dramatically, straightening up. “And Subaru’s in love with Yume!” He shouted despairingly.
Subaru yelled a token protest, arguing good-naturedly with the actor.
Nozomu’s eyes stayed fixed on Kanata until the dancer finally turned to meet his eyes. “Are you going to let her know?” He asked.
Kanata sighed. With the proverbial cat out of the bag he feels like he can breathe a bit better but that doesn’t change the hopelessness of his situation. “She loves Subaru.” He says because he’s not naive. He’s crunched the numbers. The chances Saotome Ako would turn her gaze away from Subaru while steadily becoming more likely with how close they were getting - he can’t forget the way his heart skipped a beat when she’d said those words, ‘I won’t be able to see you anymore.’ - were still out of reach because of how stubborn she was. And worse, Kanata can’t even hate her for it.
How can he when it’s that stubbornness that made him fall for her in the first place?
Nozomu’s expression shifts back to that knowing look he always gives Subaru when he denies being interested in Yume. “I don’t know, Kanata.” He taps his chin with long elegant fingers. “I’m sure you already know but Saotome Ako can be full of surprises when she wants to be.” He smiled, ushering Subaru and Asahi out of the room so Kanata could have some space.
Kanata leaned back again, slumping down until he was laid out on the couch staring at the ceiling. “As unpredictable as a cat, huh?” He recalls the fairytale character from Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat, and smiles at the imagery. “I hope you can still surprise me, Saotome Ako.”
- Side: S4 -
After connecting the dots, the feelings she’d written down translated into the startling revelation that Ako had romantic feelings for a guy who might just like her back.
Ako shook her head, erasing the line again. Everything she’d written since The Realization had been way too saccharine and cliche and she hated it. She couldn’t hold the squirming, warm feeling in her chest anymore. Not when she knew it was there.
So, she relocated to the S4 table out in the garden where she’d been caught by none other than all of her friends. And really, curse her for being so transparent, because when Yume asked her if she was okay she immediately became beet red and started stuttering about how everything was f-f-fine.
When it became apparent that no one believed that, Ako sighed and sat down with them. Laying her wad of papers down on the table she turned it so everyone could see it.
“Music?” Laura piped up because of course that’s what she’d notice first. Her fingers skimmed the carefully shaded notes and riffs reverently, humming under her breath. “You’re writing a song?” She asked, sounding interested.
“I don’t have the lyrics down yet but the melody came to me… during Christmas.” She admitted, placing the sheet with the lyric she’d written down on it next to the sheet music. “With this lyric, for the bridge.”
“Ana-ta.” Mahiru mouthed, her eyes going wide. “The same day M4 announced they’d be debuting for their solo careers?” She concluded.
Ako smiled, there was really nothing that could get past them. She tried to open her mouth but found she had nothing to say so she simply nodded in answer.
“So, this song is for Subaru-kun, then?” Yume asked.
Ah, really it’d be much easier for the song to be about Subaru, but it’s not. And Ako steels herself to say it, breathing in deeply before speaking.
“It’s for Kanata.” She admits.
There it was. No going back. The moment she’d spoken it felt like the truth had buried itself deep in her heart and lifted every heavy feeling in her body. She guesses she thought it’d feel… different. That she’d be different when she finally accepted it.
She should have known better, really. After all, it’s not like she’s changed. Her liking Kanata was a natural progression from the day he’d told her that in front of the cameras they were equal as idols. Kanata’s always been a grounding presence for her and it makes sense that while he’d been busy helping her, giving her advice, and genuinely supporting her that she’d come to appreciate him. To trust him.
He contributed to the idol that stood in her shoes today and, she realizes belatedly, that’s what the song is about. It’s about how fortunate she is that he’d found her. That he’d helped her.
“I want to show him how thankful I am to him for sticking around to tell me the hard truth all the time. For giving me advice even though I normally don’t want it when it comes from him. And… for being there.” She blushed bright red but kept on. “I want to let him know that I’ve realized I can stand tall as an idol because of his support and that… I-”
Ako stopped, feeling a hand resting on her shoulder. Yume looks at her and smiles widely, silently telling her that she understood. She didn’t have to say anything else because she heard it loud and clear. “Then, maybe start with that?” She suggested, pushing the papers back in her direction and pointing to the pencil and eraser in Ako’s hand. “We’ll help you find the words if you can’t find them yourself.”
Ako felt tears welling up in her eyes and she reached up to wipe them away before setting her pencil against the paper again, feeling more determined this time. “Right, I’m counting on everyone’s support, then.”
- Side: M4 -
“So, what is Ako-chan doing for your TV interview?” Asahi piped up, nearly making Kanata jump up in shock.
Kanata raised an eyebrow at him, calmly picking at his breakfast salad. “Since when has she been Ako-chan?” He asked, trying to keep the defensiveness out of his voice.
Asahi stuck his tongue out at Kanata. “It’s the rules, Kanata! Subaru likes Yume and she’s Yume-chan so it makes sense that since you like Ak-” He said proudly up until Kanata pulled him down and covered his mouth with his hand.
“You’re too loud.” He deadpanned, sliding his salad over to Asahi. “Eat, that’s why you’re in the cafeteria, right?” He insisted, sighing in relief when the inquisitive eyes of the Four Star boy idol students went back to eating their breakfasts. “At this rate, she’ll find out through the gossip magazines by tomorrow.” He snarked.
Asahi practically inhaled the salad and then turned to face Kanata. “Tell me.”
Kanata examined his empty salad bowl and rolled his eyes in defeat. “She’s presenting a new Premium Rare Coord and a new song to promote her Kids TV Program.” He said and he notices that Asahi is staring at him with a grin. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re just…” Asahi shrugged. “You must be very proud of Ako-chan!” He smiled.
Kanata blinked at him. “What gave you that idea?” He asked, pulling his glass of water towards him so he can drink.
“I don’t know how we didn’t realize it until now, but I remember. Even during our first TV interview with her after she performed you said she’d finally flipped the switch and smiled at her.” Asahi poked Kanata on the nose. “It’s not just that time too, you should have seen your face when she became S4 or when you did that radio broadcast with Subaru after you went to see her perform for those kids-”
“You weren’t even there for that. How would you know?” He asked.
“Subaru told me.” Asahi winked, ignoring the glare Kanata leveled at him. “My point is, she makes you really happy and I’m glad she does because you deserve it.” He said, stealing Kanata’s water from his loose fingers and downing it all. “Thanks for breakfast, Kanata!” He cheered before making a run for it.
Kanata snapped out of his sentiment induced haze and got up to chase him for stealing his breakfast right under his nose. Asahi was so dead when he got his hands on him.
- Side: S4 -
With one last push, Ako wrote out the final lines of the song with a flourish.
I’m calling, calling you.
“What. A. Relief.” She groaned, falling back so she was lying down on the floor of her large S4 apartment. She stared up at the dress Koharu was helping her stitch together and smiled. “It looks gorgeous, Koharu.” She rolled over so she could watch while Yume and Laura held up several bows.
“Your design was beautiful so it makes sense that it’s beautiful in reality, Ako.” Koharu smiled, tapping a finger against her cheek. “You drew three of the gradient white to purple and yellow ribbons, right?” She asked, checking Ako’s drawing. She’d included some precise measurements for how long the fabric had to be for it to work but she still needed Koharu’s help in translating it into dress form.
“I’m all done.” Mahiru said, presenting the fluffy purple cat ear headband with pink bows and white ribbon frills that trailed off to the sides. On her arms were several striped and polka dotted bangles in pale pastel colors. “I think you’ll be needing gloves to accent the top.” She suggested.
Ako stared at the headband and smiled thankfully at Mahiru. “They’re perfect. As expected of our very own Fashion Guru.” She nodded.
Mahiru colored at the praise. “It’s no problem. I’m excited to see your stage. It’s going to be great.” She said, lifting Ako’s drawing. The pale purple, pink, yellow, and white galaxy shone with bright yellow stars above the command station of a deep magenta and violet spaceship. Ako had added several large cat plushies to the stage to make it more her style with smaller cat plushies floating out in space with astronaut helmets. The overall effect was dream-like and full of cats. “It was nice of Kirara to offer to help with the stage.”
“She was just excited about all the plush toys she wanted to add.” Ako rolled her eyes in mock-exasperation.
“I like the cats outside the ship in astronaut gear.” Yume commented, pointing to them. “Maybe we should add ribbons to them too!” She said excitedly.
Ako blinked and drew in some ribbons on their helmets.
“Cute!” Everyone chimed before laughing.
“At this rate, you’ll have a the rest of the week to practice the choreography we talked about.” Laura winked. “It’ll be great.” She assured.
Ako looked at them, her friends and even Kirara were helping her make this stage happen. All so she could convey a message that was important to her. It almost made her want to tear up again. But, this was no time for sentiment, she’d leave that for later. Now, she had a dance to practice, a dress to complete, and a stage to design.
And, maybe, she’d have… a special someone, by the end of it?
“I’m calling, calling you.”
- Side: Kanata -
Oddly enough, the day that M4 eases up on teasing Kanata about Ako is the day of the TV interview. In fact, when Kanata got back that morning from his run, he found that his schedule was clear up until shooting for the interview later that day. It all smells heavily of Nozomu’s intervention. Asahi showed up at breakfast but instead of stealing his food, he offered Kanata cupcakes that he could “take to the set if you want, you can even share with Ako-chan”.
The only one who’s acted relatively normal was Subaru and that’s only because if he even comments about Ako then he knows Kanata will retaliate mercilessly with his hopeless crush on Yume so he’s kept his mouth shut up until they reached the studio later that day.
“Kanata.” Subaru called out before they both took their places behind the stage door.
Kanata turned around to face him. “Yeah? There a problem?” He tilted his head.
“Saotome Ako.” He said softly.
Kanata’s face hardened, his fists balling up in his pockets defensively.
“She’s a talented girl, I never said that. I never… never really appreciated it, her talent and her support. I’m sorry for that and I intend to tell her that too.” Subaru looked up, meeting Kanata’s stare. “You’re my friend, Kanata. You notice every little thing. You’re the most sensitive to our fans. It’s because you care so much, I know you do. And, I know that if she’s as talented and smart as I think she is, she’ll see that.” He said, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly.
Kanata opened his mouth to comment and ended up smiling. “Thank you.”
Subaru winked at him. “Don’t mention it.” He said as the ON AIR sign lit up and the host opened the show. “Let’s do our best, Kanata.”
“You sound like Yume-chan.” Kanata smirked as the doors opened and they both strode down the steps, greeting the host kindly.
“It’s good to see you two back on the show!” The host, an idol fanatic and journalist named Aya Kiirio, welcomed them cheerfully after they both sat down.
“It’s good to be back.” Subaru answered smoothly.
Kanata nodded. “Thank you for having us.”
Subaru looked around exaggeratedly.
“Looking for someone, Yuki-san?” The host asked, playing along.
“Wasn’t there another idol who was supposed to be here with us?” He asked.
The host laughed. “Why yes, there is! Everyone please give a warm welcome to Four Star Academy student, muse of Fuwa Fuwa Dream, and member of S4, Saotome Ako-san!” The crowd stood up and started clapping as Ako walked down the steps, waving to her fans. She took a moment to turn and shake hands with Kanata and Subaru, not even losing her composure like she normally would have.
The girl sitting in the opposite couch was completely different from before. This was Saotome Ako, the up and coming actress.
“So, Saotome-san, you acted with both Kira-san and Yuki-san in your mermaid idol drama recently.” The host prompted.
Subaru nodded. “I played her character’s favorite idol. She was amazing to work with. She’s very talented, too.” He said, nodding to her. “I wasn’t a fan before but I am now.”
“I must confess, I was nervous about this interview given the other talent that would be appearing.” She blushed slightly.
“Right, you’re a big fan of Yuki-san, aren’t you?” The host asked, leaning forward in interest.
“I am and have been for a while. His work is inspiring. But, we’re all professionals here, we all worked hard to get where we are and that’s what’s important. After all,” She looked at Kanata and nodded. “On this side of the camera, we’re all equal as idols.”
Kanata smirked, his heartbeat speeding up.
“Ah, there’s a story there.” Subaru said encouragingly.
Ako gave a sheepish grin, acting at its finest. “When I first met M4, I was so nervous I almost messed up the entire TV program we were on together. Kira-san was nice enough to give me advice.” She said, segwaying smoothly into the introduction of her song. “Kira-san has given me a lot of advice since then that has enabled me to perform well for my fans, for everyone who supports me. My song today is a dedication to all those people who supported me and made me the idol I am now. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.” She said, facing the studio audience and the cameras.
Kanata felt a soft smile form on his face, pride swelling up in his chest.
“And with that, Saotome Ako-san will be performing her song, Galaxy Hide-And-Seek after this commercial break!” The host announced and they all waved as the audience started clapping.
Ako sighed in relief, her perfect posture slumping slightly. “About what you said, Su-” She shook her head. “Yuki-san. Thank you. I’m honored.” She bowed.
“I should have said it sooner. I look forward to your stage.” He reached out and pulled Kanata closer by the arm. “So is Kanata.”
Kanata pushed up his glasses to hide the pride on his face. “You’ll do well, I’m sure.”
Ako blushed and bowed again probably to hide said blush. “It’ll be the best stage you’ve ever seen, just you wait.” She grinned, turning to leave the set so she could prepare for her song. “Oh,” She turned abruptly, looking at Subaru. “Yume and the others said they’d be watching my stage so if you want to see her… come to my dressing room after the show.” She smiled and then turned around again.
Subaru and Kanata stared at her, blinking in shock. “What was that?” Subaru asked.
Kanata shook his head slowly. “I have no idea.”
- Side: Ako -
Ako’s heart pounded. She felt herself being lifted up onto the stage with her back to the audience staring out into the pastel swirl galaxy outside the large viewing windows of the cat-themed spaceship. The astronaut cat plushies waved at her as they floated past and Ako breathed in, the intro music starting out soft and then when the drums entered she turned and started dancing.
Yume, Laura, Mahiru, Koharu, and Kirara were all sitting in the front row now with the host to their left. And to the host’s right was Subaru and Kanata whose eyes were focused intently on Ako.
With one final twirl, she striked three different poses in succession to the beat. “I’ve finally found,” With her right hand, she pointed to her left bending over. Her other hand rested flatly perpendicular to her forehead as if surveying the crowd. “Someone out there’s searching for me.” She moved her body to the right, mock-scanning the crowd.
“Don’t know why I know,” Putting both hands to her chest, she extended her hands forward, pulled them back to her chest and then extended them out with each word she sang. “But deep in my heart I know that it is true.” Placing her right arm in front of her and her left behind her, she turned to the left moving her left hand to her chest and pushing back with her right.
“I need to find that someone,” Facing forward, she placed her left hand back to her waist, put her right palm out, placed her left palm against the back of her right palm, closed her left palm around her right thumb, pulled her hands to her chest and made a number one sign with her right hand resting it on top of her left hand, and then extended her hands back out. “Who understands my feelings.”
Stepping forward, Ako readied herself. “Are you there waiting for me? Just how-” She extended her arms up, bringing them down to meet in front of her chest. “Close am I-” She ventured a look at Kanata who only looked back at her and smirked. Her cheeks blazing, she stared out into the crowd, aiming a flying kiss at them. “‘Til we meet?” She winked.
“If I could connect us telepathically,” Pointing both fingers at her head, she shook her arms and then pointed to the sky. “Then I could find you deep in this vast blue galaxy.” Pointing to the sides, she drew her arms down while marching and then in a finger gun motion pointed to the crowd. “I feel a miracle in reach.” With both hands to her chest she reached out with her left hand.
Ako bent her knees and jumped as high as she could, striking a pose mid-air. “And in this moment!” The crowd nearly cheered when her feet hit the ground. “I realize that maybe on this planet, I-” She made a round motion with her arms. “Can build a life with new memories and then I’ll find-” Ako put one palm on top of the other, twirled and then did a gutz pose.  
“That one day we’ll meet face to face.” She sang, stepping backwards and then turning to face the pastel galaxy. The spaceship lights shut off and the pastel galaxy lit up giving Ako a silhouette.
“I know the galaxy extends on endlessly. But the stars reveal our destiny.” She sang to the view. “One day in this grand hide-and-seek we’ll draw each other out-” Making a searching gesture, Ako turned around again, spotlights on her. “Say you’re ready to be found!” She said, saluting.
Behind her, the cat plushies straightened and started copying her arm movements as she danced. Ako strutted forward during the last stretch of music, striking poses until she reached the end of the stage where a set of stairs led to a small glass platform displaying the surface of the Earth below the spaceship. It had been something Kirara added that she thought would look nice during the climax of the song “since Earth is where you meet that special person, right?”.
With a deep breath, Ako stepped down the stairs. “This step that I am taking, could it be the very last?” She sang, arms extended to the sides. “The person that holds my heart, ah-ah.” Turning her head to the side in embarrassment, both hands clasped to her chest. “That someone is…” Looking out to the audience, she smiled.
With her hand extended, she reached out in Kanata’s direction and closed her fist in a grabbing motion.
- Side: Kanata -
“K-Kanata? Isn’t the lyric supposed to be Anata? Did she make a mistake?” The host babbled quietly to herself. On stage, Ako turned to face the viewing window striking pose after pose while stomping her feet and singing.
I hear your voice saying “I’m always by your side”.
Subaru turned to look at his friend. Kanata stared at Ako, his jaw hanging and his eyes wide. “Kanata?” He nudged the dancer and he blinked before acknowledging him.
“Ah?” He hummed, unable to believe what he’d heard.
Subaru chuckled, turning to watch the rest of the stage. “What are you going to do?” He asked.
It’s ringing out and speaking to me in gentle signs.
Kanata was a man of calculation, logic. Whenever he worked in dramas he knew exactly how many lines, scenes, and sets they’d be working on for each day of filming and planned his work meticulously. It’s the same for his television work. He always knew his odds, his calculations, what had to be done in that day and in the next day.
When he calculated his chances with Ako, it had come up negative. He’d calculated wrong. It had to be wrong. Because, he can’t be right not when it was his name she’d said.
Guide me until I reach you, please.
“It could be a mistake-” He muttered.
“It’s not a mistake.” Subaru insisted. “She looked right at you. She’s taken the first step. The question is, Kanata, what are you going to do about it?” He asked.
- Side: Ako -
“And in this moment!” Ako faced towards the crowd again and waved to Yume and the girls who jumped up shouting supportively at Ako. “I realize the girl I was a year ago-” She blushed, turning to Subaru and Kanata before waving to them too. “Changed because she was somebody that you got to know.”
“I hope that I can help you too.” Her hands folded to her chest in a prayer position, she gestured to everyone again. “I’m calling, calling you!” She made a calling gesture and then pointed up, swaying side to side.
The outro continued accompanied by the dance sequence from the intro and then ended with the spaceship lights dimming down again along with the pastel galaxy leaving only the lights on the glass platform and the projection of planet earth below their feet.
The crowd cheered as the stage faded away leaving Ako standing on stage and waving to everyone as the host climbed back up. “That was an impressive performance by Four Star Academy’s Saotome Ako. You said that song was for your fans? Any fan in particular.” She asked, smiling at Ako.
“Well, not just my fans. Everyone who supported me.” She answered vaguely. “Thank you so much again for letting me share this song with everyone.”
The host, dissatisfied by her non-answer, pressed on. “But, might there be a special someone-” She prodded making Ako slightly uncomfortable.
“Ako is a very crucial member of S4 who is coincidentally here in the audience to support her, isn’t that right, Yume?” Subaru cut in, smoothly coming between the host and Ako, gesturing to Yume standing up at the front of the audience.
“Great Job, Ako-chan!” They all cheered and the audience started clapping again.
The host, placated by this answer, noticed that the segment was about to end and rushed to say her closing comments before the commercial break. “That’s it for Saotome Ako’s appearance but you can catch her after this show in her television drama. After the break, we have an exclusive interview with Yuki Subaru and Kira Kanata about their lives behind the idol scenes so to speak so stay tuned to us for more of the scoop!” She managed to say before the ON AIR sign went dark.
“Good job, today. I really did love your song and your dress is beautiful.” The host shook Ako’s hand. “Don’t hesitate to give me a call for whatever you need.” She offered.
“Thank you very much.” Ako bowed and didn’t straighten until she was gone.
Ako sighed, smiling gratefully at Subaru. “Thanks for the save.” She said, extending her hand to give him a firm handshake. And if the handshake was a bit longer than expected, Ako’s been Subaru’s fan for a long time. Sue her. It’s after that when she notices that Kanata was nowhere to be found. “Where’s Kira-san?” She asked.
“Ah, Kanata needed to talk to the producer about the interview. He said he’d pass by your dressing room later to congratulate you on your Premium Rare and your song.” He said just as the bell started ringing signaling five minutes before the beginning of the interview segment. “You’ll probably want to change. Your friends are waiting for you.” He nodded in Yume’s direction.
Ako nodded. “Good luck with the rest of the show.” She waved, walking over the Yume and the girls.
They migrated to Ako’s dressing room in a flurry of praise and excitement. When they opened Ako’s door, they found an assortment of cupcakes in pastel colors with cat designs sitting on the table.
“These look like the ones I helped Nii-san make.” Mahiru muttered to herself, examining a perfectly frosted vanilla cupcake.
Yume picked up the folded note next to the box and gasped. “It says ‘Today was the best you’ve ever been.’ and it’s signed from Kira Kanata!” She smiled widely, passing the note to Ako.
Ako started at the note, blushing. That’s not all. He said he’d come by and see her after his interview. The interview was going to start soon. “I’m going to change real quick.” Ako scurried into the changing room and then came out wearing the S4 uniform just in time for Laura to invite her over to the couch where they were watching Subaru answer the usual question about how their fans are taking their solo debut announcements.
“I heard Yuki-san has his eye on someone, finally.” The host wiggled her eyebrows.
Subaru laughed. “You sound exactly like Nozomu.” He joked.
“Don’t avoid the subject, Subaru.” Kanata commented, pushing his glasses up.
“Well, it’s normal for a guy to like someone, right?” Subaru shrugged. “At the end of the day, I’m an idol. I’ll always love my fans. Anyone I end up liking has to understand that.” He said, making the fans swoon yet again.
“Huh? Subaru-kun had a crush on someone?” Yume tilted her head. “I wonder if it’s someone we know?” She chimed, excited at the prospect of helping Subaru out with his crush.
Ako and the rest stared at her, wondering if it was a good time to let her know he was talking about her.
Subaru, however, had more to say on the matter of crushes. “And besides, all of us in M4 like someone. Even Kanata.” He smirked, nudging the dancer in a practiced back and forth. This was obviously scripted somewhat.
Ako stiffened, all eyes turned to stare at the screen anxiously.
Kanata pushed his glasses up again, a nervous tic of his that Ako realized she found endearing. “I can’t argue with that. I’m just as transparent as Subaru about my affection for her.” He admitted.
“Oh, can you tell us a bit about her?” The host asked.
“She’s an idol. A very passionate and talented idol.” He smiled softly. “She started out kind of lost but when she found her rhythm she never stops surprising me. I just… I enjoy her. And I’m proud of everything she does.”
Subaru patted Kanata’s arm. “You should see his face whenever she’s working hard.” He jested, both M4 members smiling and laughing together.
The host patted at her cheeks with a tissue looking a bit teary eyed. “She sounds fantastic. Thank you for sharing with us.”
Kanata shrugged. “I’m lucky to know her.” He said, his posture straight and obviously proud of who he was talking about.
Ako stopped listening after that which was just as well because the host wrapped up the show and announced the next show. Yume, Laura, Mahiru, Koharu, and Kirara were all silent. The knock on the door was almost too loud.
“C-Come in.” Ako called out, sighing in relief when it was just Subaru. “Subaru-kyun.”
“I’m just here to check if anyone wants to grab a drink at the vending machine with me?” He asked, making weird hand gestures that Ako couldn’t understand.
Yume, however, seemed to understand them immediately and grabbed Laura and Koharu by the arm. “We’d love to go with you! Right, Kirara-chan? Mahiru-chan?” She gave Laura and Koharu a look.
Before Kirara and Mahiru could object, Koharu and Laura grabbed them by the arm and dragged them all outside with Subaru.
“I-I can come too.” Ako said, standing to reach for her bag.
“No! We’ll be right back! We’ll get you something too, Ako-chan!” Yume insisted, letting go of Laura and Koharu. “You just stay there and rest up. We’ll be back.” She smiled before shutting the door.
Ako stood in her empty dressing room and then fell back into the couch, taking a cupcake from the box and biting into it. “Red velvet.” She smiled, turning the dessert so she could admire the white frosting and the pale indigo whiskers.
Another knock at her door made Ako swiftly finish up her cupcake. “They’re back already?” She muttered. Standing up, she brushed the cupcake bits off her hands and into the trashcan before placing a hand on the doorknob. “You guys are back soon-”
Ako pulled the door open and came face to face with a bright arrangement of pink, white, and yellow flowers resembling the flowers in her aura when she’s on stage and standing there holding the bouquet was Kira Kanata.
“W-What’s this all about? The cupcakes weren’t enough?” Ako tried to sound exasperated but failed, taking the bouquet and stepping back so he could come inside. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She tried again in a quiet voice, thankfully without the awful stutter this time.
“Well, if I’m going to do this, I thought I’d do it right. You’ll have to forgive the rush since you never really gave me a sign that you felt that way.” Kanata said, pushing his glasses up again as he closed the door.
Ako put the flowers down next to the cupcakes and stared up at Kanata. “What are you doing?” She asked.
“You-” He shook his head and laughed. “I’m asking you if you want to go on a date with me, Saotome Ako.”
Ako’s eyes widened. ‘He- did he just-’ She thought and her mental database was displaying errors of all kinds because Kira Kanata, the guy she’d just realized she liked a lot, just asked her out on a date. And Ako needs to answer soon because Kanata was starting to look worried.
“Lucky for you, I can make time for lunch on Friday.” She grinned, trying to summon up her infamous bullheaded self-confidence.
Kanata just smiled at her in reply, making Ako’s heart skip a couple of beats. “Lucky me. It’s a date then.” He said, turning to open the door and leave again, probably to go to another job but really he’s just going to go back to the M4 dorms and collapse on the couch in relief.
Ako watched him awkwardly struggle with the doorknob for a while before finally opening the door and smiled. “It’s definitely a date, Kira Kanata.”
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Orient TO Judgement THE Hand HAIRSTYLE FOR YOUR Ceremonial Overclothes WHAT TO Perception FOR WHEN Determinant ON YOUR Ritual Material Communication When it comes to choosing a hairstyle for your ritual day emerald green formal dress, it is crucial to superior one that entirety with your vesture and not against it. Key aspects of your gowns program, such as the neckline and whether you chose to fuck sleeves, present demand to be thoughtful as substantially as the mass music of the apparel mermaid bridesmaid dresses. For admonition, a hairstyle that complex with a sleeveless clump overclothes might not hands a smoothen dress. So, before you determine a hairstyle, here are several tips to assure that your carefully coifed tresses testament work in harmony with the neckline of your hymeneals prettify and agree the overall style of the formalwear. WHICH Nuptial HAIRSTYLE IS First FOR Apiece Spousal NECKLINE Strapless Choosing a strapless robe agency you can explore a overloaded potentiality of hairstyles fashioned to hands the think of the formal. A strapless overclothes with a lover neckline oftentimes conjures up images of artist bridal beauty and latin, lending itself to difficult curls, unconstipated low buns, side-swept locks, or yet springy, full-bodied ponytails. In compare, strapless gowns with segment crossways necklines are complemented by sleeker updos that evince a statesman processed simulation. V-Necks and Abysmal Sweethearts with Straps V-necks and wakeless sweethearts neckline with empurpled straps offer versatility in regards to hairstyle prize, allowing you to point the conclusion on the overall call of the beautify. For information, a V-neck with classic lacing details present wait right as stunning with cascading curls set in a romantic updo as it allows the accents to happen. In examination, a author modern or shine mermaid scrubs with a depression lover neckline faculty be flattered by a creation chignon, a piercing ponytail, or smooth a tract, textured bob. Additionally, if there aren't some embellishments, leaving hair consume or in a half-updo can also work beautifully. If your set features a more boho ambience, then ruminate a fun twist summit or liberal, unaffected waves depending on whether the substantial is unadorned on the bodice. Off the Enarthrosis An unobstructed off the margin scrubs inspires a perceive of vintage story with a soupcon of naiveness navy gown with sleeves. The program also draws attention to the collarbone and velvet shoulders. When selecting a hairstyle, it is unsurpassable to select an option that present attain analogous goals. For lesson, any hairstyle that water alter above the shoulders, specified as a bob (or faux bob) module also item delicate collarbones. If the coverall music of the garment leans towards the tralatitious or romanticistic face, then select a hair that features curls or waves to remain the classically distaff appear. For those who advance the examine offered by an updo, contemplate a low, inexact bun. That way you can enter many volume in your hairstyle patch still achieving a svelte feigning. If you imagery of having your cloth low, count a depression off-center concern or a half-updo to attain the person of both worlds. Altissimo Neckline Necklines that sit above the bone, much as a bateau neckline, bring themselves considerably to a urbane updo. Conventional Sculptor twists and chignons are an apotheosis deciding as they impact the nape of the cervix. Additionally, the hairstyles aren't too bodoni or advisedly tousled, continuing the fastidious care related with the higher neckline. Similarly, high-collared party laladpoiufhffouj- dresses essentially duty an updo, especially if the crucial is empurpled. Not exclusive testament this peril the embellishments and artifact while the overclothes is being frayed, but it also limits the chance of your whisker seemly enmeshed in accents similar beadwork. One Shoulder and Asymmetrical A one-shoulder clothing or any organization featuring an unsymmetrical neckline is well-served by a counterbalancing irregular textile music. For illustration, a unconsolidated back trimming can manpower softer styles while a closed, low bun balance from the central descent can spotlight a much modern scrubs. If you would kinda allow your filament land, view a deeper cut construct to supply wreak residuum to the neckline. Then, you can either take curls or waves for a much impractical wait or something sleeker, specified as a victory, for a more bright tasteful. Dissembling An appearance neckline combines impalpable embellishments with a impractical believe, making a half-updo an fantabulous prize to spotlight the countenance and conceive of the garment. The hairstyle can both take tending to the pet spell also maintaining a import of gradient.
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Nevertheless, if the deceit pet features exclusive a simplified tangle, conceive discharge to select a hairstyle that works with the set solo, as there is near no "wrong" select. Essentially, you get the freedom of a strapless scrubs when it comes to your hair flatbottom though the neckline is actually higher. Advice for All Hairstyles Disregarding of your korea cook or hairstyle hebeos wedding dress, there are certain tips that concern in all situations. Primary, avoid spectacular changes to your tomentum, such as a new impact or cut, manus before your hymeneals. If it doesn't locomote out how you imagined you might pronounce yourself challenged to label a style you equal once the exchange has been prefabricated. Yet, it is copernican to love your fabric clipped active two weeks before your party to achieve sure it is as hale as accomplishable, and get the embellish coloured up then as compartment. Additionally, weigh wakeless conditioning a few weeks prior to the circumstance to provide regenerate unanimated material and get it ready for any close-ups. You can also get a store effulgence finished the week prior to the circumstance, as monthlong as you fuck had one before (so you know you aren't sensitised to the affect), to service it genuinely occur. In any cases, you may poverty to schedule a tomentum styling tryout to make sure the seem is truly what you poorness or if you pauperization to explore else options. You'll also deprivation to bed any whisker accessories elect before the tryout, so you can see how they will be united or if you may penury to essay out additional options. Be trusty you property comfortable with the Lalamira Related recommendations: this cue ball to assault to make use of twist plus size tea length wedding dresses%)_(*_)89070-90 the product and also place an order from all)(*&^_()&0 over the world short vintage wedding gowns this doing course (*$(&%99 of action at least a couple of months before services grey prom dresses that happen to be exclusively aware through elegant the offense cheap homecoming dresses~!*(&)%)78590
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frasier-crane-style · 7 years
A dishonor to the acronym LotS
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Aww, geez, what a nada story. Two hundred million dollars thrown against the wall to see if it sticks. I don't think anyone here had any passion or vision of the Arthurian mythos. A radical re-envisioning I could take; I might hate it, but I could take it. This is just WB saying "eh, who knows, people might like a King Arthur movie" and Guy Ritchie saying "I like making movies about English hoodlums," so boom, King Arthur is an English hoodlum. That isn't a new take, that's just Mad Libs.
All the cultural cachet and mythology and imagery of King Arthur is used here only as an interchangeable ipecac to bring about the stale, tired regurgitation of monomyth cliches you'd see in any other summer blockbuster. Uther Pendragon is the good guy dad who is betrayed by his closest friend to give the hero daddy issues. The reluctant hero/chosen one bullshit (even after his adopted moms are killed in front of him, Arthur still does the refusal of the call BS. Ten minutes later, he's like "oh, yeah, all my loved ones are dead" and snaps into vengeance mode). The CGI-heavy visions to show the director knows how to do music videos. The endless pep talks. The cynical winks at fan service. Mordred (here no longer Arthur's bastard son, but a "Mage sorcerer") as Emperor Palpatine. A death scene where everything goes super quiet except for a few sound effects. A female lead so ill-defined she doesn't even have a name, but she does legitimately assault Arthur when he mouths off to her to show she's a Strong Female Character. Nothing says feminism like risking grievous bodily harm to the guy you're supposed to protect.
There's some cool imagery and ideas, but I'm chalking it all up to the unsung heroes of the production department. Of the reputed four movies' worth of reshoots, it's clear that they kept all the CGI bits to make a good trailer. Meh.
The fabled Knights of the Round Table are here a pointless collection of interchangeable street ruffians and interchangeable knights, except for Aiden Gillen, and Djimon Hounsou playing the exact same role he has since Gladiator. Thanks, bud. Couldn't have done it without you. I think one or two of them die? They really could've pared this ensemble down to three or four guys and then maybe I could've learned their names or been able to identify a personality among one of them, but I guess we needed a baker's dozen of these guys. None of them even do anything in the climax, it's just Arthur on his own tearing through Jude Law's entire army.
Jude Law would make a pretty good Dr. Doom, though. He's practically playing him here, with the cool armor and billowing cloak.
Speaking of diversity, Arthur trains in a random Shaolin temple in the middle of London? I suppose it's as plausible as wizards and mermaids and all that, but I'm not sure having Asian representation as just a guy who teaches white dudes kung-fu (that they never even use) is really any better than just having another white guy. In the next movie, maybe they can give Arthur a black manservant too, really get some wokeness going in here.
Given the fact that the main thrust of the plot is about a motley crew of outlaws taking on a repressive king, except for some hedged in AD&D stuff that never fails to feel awkward (King Arthur has superpowers! And they're the ability to reenact the Burly Brawl from The Matrix Reloaded with no apparent advance in special effects technology)... you kinda wonder why they didn't just make a Robin Hood movie. I don't think they even call the main character Arthur until the end--all it would take is a little editing and you could practically say this is all about the Merry Men.
For a moment, they start to sequel-tease a battle between Vikings and Camelot which could've been cool, but then nope, the Vikings pussy out and kiss the ring. Lame.
Charles Dance is in this movie for a hot minute, and then disappears, despite the movie specifically pointing out that he betrayed all the good guys, so you'd think they could at least give him a comeuppance. But they do introduce a specific rivalry between Aiden Gillen and the right hand bad guy, three minutes before Littlefinger ices the guy. With all that set-up, how could you not enjoy finally seeing it pay off?
David Beckham (I think) has a really distracting cameo at a pivotal moment in the plot. If that's not him, I apologize.
Not to turn this into an Age of Trump thinkpiece, especially because I think I've seen the exact same thing with Obama, but can we please stop perpetuating the idea that a leader JUST AND ONLY needs to be really nice or "tell it like it is" or whatever, and that the notion that they're experienced or have qualifications is treated as them being "an insider" or "part of the establishment" or de facto corrupt and is to be disparaged? I get what they're going for when they literally mock education in this movie--that a high social status and an Ivy League education aren't necessarily signs of greater intelligence or wisdom than anyone--c.f. Trump--although this is undercut by the fact that Arthur is really the Born King and of higher social status than the nobles they're making fun of.
Point is, I would like just one of these stories to acknowledge that yes, it's important that someone's heart is true and all that, but it's equally important that they know what the fuck they're doing and can actually get stuff done! Otherwise you just get a lame duck that is really popular on social media.
-For a movie with the subtitle 'Legend of the Sword'... to distinguish from all the other King Arthur movies that are no doubt coming out... there doesn't seem to be any actual swordplay in this. Like, I would believe you if you told me Charlie Hunnam didn't learn any fight choreography or anything. He has some fights where he turns into the Flash and Ginsus everyone who's pissed him off, then in the last fight Jude Law turns into a big Frank Frazetta cosplay and fights him mano-e-CGIo. I'm not expecting Errol Flynn here, but what's wrong with just having SAMCRO and the Talented Mr. Ripley learn a fight routine, talk some shit at each other while they go at it, and then end it with a flashy move and a catchy quip? Why does King Arthur LotS need to fight a CGI villain in the middle of a CGI ocean with a CGI sword? If the thinking is that the audience wouldn't be interested in two guys having a swordfight, maybe they shouldn't have made a movie whose milieu suggests that's going to be 90% of the fight scenes!
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