callme-tiff · 16 days
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rudemonster · 1 year
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The grass is always greener...FREE shipping to North America! #funny #stoner #pothead #420 #710 #dabaday #710community #smoke #herb #sparkone #burnone #grass #tshirtdesign #tshirt #tshirts #apparel #shopmycloset https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl6c2LkudBf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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batovenarmoni · 1 year
#foodporn#luvfood#manfire#kclife#brews&cue#burnbabyburn#foodmob#friendsofmine#sohungry#burnone#smokeone#smokerheblock#bigmeat#masterchef#cue2perfection#thingsofthatnature#bbqgrammie#putitinmyhand#everydaybbq#alldaybeef#heateatsleep#cupofthesaulce#holysmokes#bigwoodontheblock#foodislife#makeminefirst#healthyque2day#alldaysmoking#foodbeast (at North Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBuZ6JFlxCk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tauchner · 2 years
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'Burnon': quando o estresse constante pode levar à depressão
Muitas pessoas parecem estar constantemente eletrificadas. Elas são apaixonadas por suas profissões; seus celulares são suas companhias constantes e elas sempre podem ser encontradas, à noite ou nos finais de semana. Leia mais (04/26/2024 – 10h28) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e Saúde – Principal Pulicado em https://ift.tt/eXUSF9c
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mamagrizknamo · 8 months
Pertrinta pomidorų sriuba su pupelėmis
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O sriubos, kaip ir viskas gyvenime, būna geros arba nelabai – šita, esu tuo visiškai tikra, priklauso gerosioms.
Priežasčių tam  yra kelios, bet pirmoji ir, beje, svarbiausioji, ta, kad labai mėgstu pertrintas sriubas, ypač, jei jose yra ko nors ir nepertrinto (kramtomą dalį čia atstovaus panelės pupelės). Antra, kai prasideda pomidorų sezonas, kurio, be abejo, kasmet labai laukiu, beveik viską, ką dedu burnon, užkandu tais lauktaisiais. Aišku, tai negalioja šokoladui, torto gabaliukui ir kartais (ką ten kartais - kasdien) šaukšteliu kabinamam kondensuotam pienui. Tiesa, sriubų pomidorais irgi neužkandu, bet bent jau šiuo atveju, atrodo, ir nereikia? Trečia labai svarbi priežastis ta, kad mano brangiausias, reikšmingai raukantis nosį prieš bet kokios sriubos padėtą lėkštę, pomidorinę valgo nesiginčydamas. Ir gali ji būti labai gera ar ne itin pavykusi, gali būti karšta ar šalta, ims šaukštą ir srėbs. O pavalgęs ims ir didžiai padėkos už rūpestį ir pamaloninimą. Šitą, pertrintą, irgi valgo noriai, ypač, jei puodo turinio kalendros lapeliais nepaturbinu – ta kvapni žolė ne jo skoniui ir ne jo uoslei. Bet aš juk nesu prijuostę ryšintis blogis, todėl gaminu dvi vienos sriubos versijas, kurios viena skirta tam, kuriam kalendra netinka ir kitą, priklausančią tai, kuri jos draugija džiaugiasi kaip mažas vaikas.
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Labai mėgstu tą sriubą virti pupelių derliaus nuėmimo metu - gliaudai tada ankštis, subrendusias ir sausas pupeles beri į vieną dubenį, kitas, tas, kur nesuspėjo subręsti, į kitą. Ir tada viskas greitai - nesubrendėles pupeles meti puodan, paverdi 10-15 min., dalį palieki salotoms ar maltinukams, o kitą, kur liko, suberi į sriubą. Tas pats su pomidorais - krauni į didelį puodą (bus naminio padažo žiemai), o tuos, kur atliko, siunti į sriubą.
Beje, pupeles galima naudoti šaldytas arba jau džiovintas (pastarąsias reiks pernąkt pamirkyt ir paskui virt iki suminkštėjimo). Kas liečia pomidorus, puikiausiai tiks tie, kurie į stiklainius sugulė ir gavo gražų ,,Pomidorai savo sultyse'' pavadinimą.
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-5 vid. didumo pomidorų;
-2-3 saujų smulkiavaisių pomidorų;
-600 ml daržovių ar mėsos sultinio;
-200 g virtų pupelių;
-aliejaus kepimui;
-1 morkos;
-4 česnako skiltelių;
-1 a. š. maltos kalendros sėklų;
-½ a. š. maltų kvapiųjų pipirų;
-druskos pagal skonį;
-šiek tiek (1-2 a. š.) cukraus;
-1/3 a. š. malto imbiero;
-1/2 a. š. maltos saldžiosios paprikos;
-1/4-1/2 aitriosios paprikos ankšties (be sėklų);
-½ a. š. maltų kumino sėklų;
-2 a. š. džiovintų čiobrelio lapelių;
-šviežių kalendros arba baziliko lapelių (patiekimui).
Pomidorus nulupti ir susmulkinti. Jei auginate sunkiai lupimui pasiduodančių pomidorų veisles, įpjaukite šonus ir blanširuokite verdančiame vandenyje, ataušinkite ir tada nurenkite, t. y., nuimkite odelę.
Keptuvėje arba puode, kuriame virs sriuba, pakepinti svogūnus, po kelių minučių sudėti smulkintą morką ir aitriosios paprikos ankšties galiuką; apkepti.
Daržoves šaukštu nustumti į šoną, įpilti dar šlakelį aliejaus, sudėti česnako skilteles. Kai jos kiek apkeps, berti kumino, saldžiosios paprikos, kvapniųjų pipirų, imbiero ir kalendros miltelius ir, vis maišant, sulaukti svaiginančio aromato (užtruksite gal minutėlę).
Daržoves (jei buvo kepamos keptuvėje) perkelti į puodą, sudėti smulkintus pomidorus (tuos, kurie be odelės), užpilti verdančiu sultiniu, suberti čiobrelio lapelius ir virti tol, kol suminkštės morkos. Paskaninti cukrumi ir, jei reikia, druska.
Sriubą pertinti blenderiu, vėl užvirti, sudėti vyšninius pomidoriukus, pavirti kokias 5 minutes. Suberti virtas pupeles - tegu jos sušyla. Puodą nukelti nuo ugnies, uždengti ir lukterti kelias minutes.
Sriubą pagardinti šviežiais kalendros lapeliais ir patiekti su baltos duonos rieke. Jei neįtinka kalendra, ant tos duonos tepkite bazilikų pesto ir patirkite saulėtai šilto rudens vertą palaimą (pamenat, šiųmetinis buvo visiškai nerealus).
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zeroground · 1 year
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agruffcombat · 2 years
3 Major Reasons Why You Need A Rash Guard For BJJ
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Rash guards are utilized in sports like jiu Jitsu to prevent the wearer from contracting abrasions (rashes) on their skin. They are the best option for tank tops and t-shirts. Many companies are designing rash guards to serve as proxies for when it's not the day for the gi.
These are several benefits BJJ athletes get out of their rash guards. Read on to find out how BJJ rash guards can benefit anyone’s ground game and longevity in the following ways.
Protect Grapplers from Skin Infections
A gi is usually a piece of clothing offering a layer of skin protection. A rash guard is a perfect substitute when the gi isn't available. A jiu jitsu rash guard protects a grappler from microorganisms that may have been collected on the mat.
Although instructors and academy owners sanitize the carpets between sessions. Nevertheless, grapplers still need microbial safeguards during long sweaty sparring matches.  
When grappling is taking place, the mat ranges from dry to sweaty. Besides sweat, many other things gather on the carpet. Sweat and dirt create the proper environment for microorganisms like Staphylococcus aureus to grow.
A rash guard prevents the skin from microorganisms like Staphylococcus, the offender of the dreaded skin infection. Jiu jitsu rash guard men protect a grappler from this microbe and others by preventing the skin from cuts. Without this layer of security, the skin will be more susceptible to scrapes, cuts, and bruises that can become a port of access for bacteria.
Extend the Life of the Gi
The gi supports a lot of wear and tear from all the pulling it endures. The punishment the gi goes via can take a toll, forcing it to wear over time. Also, it's a regular victim of friction as grapplers run, move, and roll. While it's an excellent concept to purchase a gi for each session, it's not cost-effective for everyone.
Not only does it prevent the skin, but it also guards the gi against excessive wear and tears.
Underneath the gi, grapplers can wear rash guards to prevent their skin and the inner lining of the gi. During a move, the inner lining of the gi gets its fair share of friction. This can cause some threading to reduce as time goes by. The BJJ rash guard for men also protects the gi internally.
Prevent Mat or Friction Burn
One of the most standard skin complaints among grapplers is friction or carpet burn. Friction burns occur whenever one part of the skin creates too much contact with a surface. This is usually the arms and back.
In BJJ, this surface can be the gi or the competitor. More often than not, students get their initial encounter with friction burns from the carpet. Interestingly, these are the very same students who wear normal t-shirts or tank tops to BJJ class.
A gi, especially on its own, will not protect against mat burns owing to its double-stitched material. A rash guard jiu jitsu, on the other hand, will. Long-sleeved rash guards, in particular, protect the arms from friction on the mat. Worn during a class, competition, or open mat, a rash guard prevents the skin from trauma.
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zudizifa · 2 years
AUFIN DEFI: Allows you to earn passive income in crypto currency without the need for manual intervention.
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One way they do this is through the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol which provides an innovative, user-friendly approach to earning rewards that can be deposited into one's own portfolio and earn interest independently of any centralized payment system.
The #Aufin Autostaking protocol is designed to be friendly and accessible to new investors.
By using AI technologies such as machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, it will make #Aufin confident in its role as the most profitable blockchain-based investment platform in existence while regularly rewarding users.
Along with its ongoing features, such as payments at any time, this is a platform like no other that will ensure that you get the returns you need while keeping your investment safe and anonymous.
Aufin Protocol revolutionizes #DeFi with the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol offering the highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and an intuitive buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio securely in your wallet.
#Aufin was founded on changing things for the better — literally.
We are here to improve the lives of those around us by making them more financially secure and creating a means through which they will be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones if necessary.
#Aufin seeks to develop a decentralized financial application that allows users to benefit from this service.
Some of their service offerings have $AUN tokens as rewards for active participation or passive use.
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LOW RISK WITH INSURANCEAUFIN #Aufin Insurance is a 5% risk buffer used to help stabilize token prices.
It also helps to ensure that all stakeholders will receive their rewards, even if the market experiences an unexpected downturn.
EASY AND SAFE QUESTIONSWith #Aufin tokens, you will always have access to your tokens and can use them in your business as freely as you need at any given point 24/7 when needed.
All you have to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, which means no more complicated betting process is required due to the fact that there is no pre-defined period during which you can and cannot make transactions with money. in your account.
INTEREST EARNING WITH AUTOMATIC PAYMENTYou don't have to worry about staking your tokens because the automatic smart contract will handle everything for you.
Interest is paid automatically and also pooled in your own wallet. Nothing is easier!
APY FIXED HIGHEST#Aufin rewards investors with the highest interest rates in all of decentralized finance, paying 480,419.00% interest in the first 12 months.
The reward rate drops around Epoch which is a special time that happens every 2,300 blocks or roughly every 21 hours on average.
FAST PAYMENT OF INTERESTThe #Aufin protocol pays every investor in its program every day.
It is the fastest compounding crypto program out there, and it is also SECURE as payments are made using our trading bots and algorithms.
AUTO TOKEN BURNOne of the great things about #Aufin is The Fireplace — which is our token burning feature that automatically burns 2.5% of all tokens purchased on our exchange with each transaction.
So ensuring there is never an excessive number of tokens on the market, and if there is, it will be very clear to anyone with open eyes that something fishy is not right!
INSURANCEAUFIN Aufin uses proprietary trading algorithms that affect Rebase Rewards.
The algorithm is affected by the percentage of buy/sell trade fees generated in Aufin's BTC, ETH and NEM wallets.
The rebasing reward, although capped at the 0.01613% rate is supported by The Rebase Insurance which helps maintain interest rates for the $AUN token in the long term.
While this is good to know, it doesn't necessarily relate to new token holders so we can make a few key points that sum it all up nicely.
When it comes down to it, #Aufin Insurance saves members from the risk of getting caught in a flash crash.
What makes us so effective is our protocol's ability to keep prices stable over time. Our commitment to sustainability and stability means that we will always have many options for increasing growth.
We can also save members from drying out because our protocols are designed with the best interests of individuals in mind and do not take advantage of them as other financial institutions might.
#AUFIN TREASURYAufin Treasury is like a bank account but specifically designed to protect the value of the Aufin Network Token.
With that said, we can rest assured that no one will devalue the Aufin token and our existing bitcoin holdings in the process.
It is very important to have a sense of humor when it comes to the market.
While we don't expect the value of $AUN to drop at all, setting aside some money for a rainy day can be a wise move for a variety of reasons: — You may want to pay an employee if you need additional resources but don't have the time or inclination to deal with hiring so as always leave it off your plate (enhancement) — you might want to lock in some tokens as “skins in the game” as part of the ICO bonus structure (enhancement) Yup, we get that long-term trading isn't something everyone likes.
And while short-term trades can be dangerous as even experienced traders can find themselves caught off guard by price swings and arcs specifically aimed right at their own money pockets; Setting aside budget space on behalf of your future self can help, as we like to call it, come out with some extra padding that works in your back pocket.
The community treasury is a pool of money from which the entire Aufin community can choose how to distribute it! The concept and idea of ​​treasury was first designed about three years ago. Since then, the community treasury has been put to good use and has helped sustain the growth of many #Aufin products, services and projects.
The treasury will continue to be used to fund new items that will expand not only the value of #Aufin but also help in providing great new opportunities!
#AUFIN FIREPLACEAufin Fireplace is a way to burn or destroy a certain amount of coins (2.5% of all transactions).
The more transactions that are made, the more coins are destroyed which means the circulating supply decreases and the transactions become more valuable over time.
The constant burning of supply means that the value of the token will automatically be worth more, due to its reduced quantity in circulation and increased demand.
AUFIN AUTO LIQUIDITY#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject liquidity into the network.
The first use case of our decentralized platform is to use $AUN as a method to unlock instant liquidity.
On each exchange process, #Aufin collects a small fee and directs the money automatically to the LP wallet.
A management mechanism is built into the protocol smart contract, which then takes 50% of the funds and buys BNB whenever needed automatically.
All remaining $AUN in the Auto-Liquidity Project (ALP) wallet will be used to purchase BNB, increasing the supply of BNB and thereby increasing its price.
This method is known as market creation, and is a common way for new and existing cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity.
#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will be done every two days to add liquidity to the pool.
This way, holders of $AUN tokens will be able to easily sell their tokens at any given time and avoid major market slumps that could indicate a decline in value.
#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will also help maintain protocol stability so that APY levels are maintained throughout their lifetime.
FIXED APYAPY stands for Annual Percentage Yield which represents your Earnings as a percentage of the total investment amount.
This number is used to measure how well your money is performing in the investment, measured against the total value of the investment in a certain period.
For example if you invest $AUN tokens this means that compound interest will be added periodically to your $AUN tokens during the rebase event so you can earn more and more collateral.
The amount of new #Aufin tokens you receive is calculated as follows: (your current #Aufin token balance X selected multiplier) + your current #Aufin token balance.
Your new rebase reward is calculated based on the final number of #Aufin tokens you have multiplied by the selected multiplier.
Combined FLOWER POWERBecause compound interest is a very powerful way to increase your return on savings or investments, it's important to include it when making wealth-building decisions.
To illustrate this thought process, imagine one person saving $4 daily for 30 days for a total of $120 and another person saving the same amount but their plans are combined for 6 months at the same interest rate:
Trading Fee
The total fee (14% for purchases and 16% for sales) allows Aufin to provide holders of a stable high yield of $480,419.00% annually.
Buy Trading Fees:
5.0% — Aufin Insurance
2.5% - Aufin Treasury
2.5% - Aufin Fireplace
4.0% — Aufin Auto-Liquidity
Selling Trading Fees:
5.0% — Aufin Insurance
4.5% - Aufin Treasury
2.5% - Aufin Fireplace
4.0% — Aufin Auto-Liquidity
Road map
Phase 1:
Website Development
White Paper Documentation​
Implement Smart Contracts​
Pre-launch Marketing
Level 2:
PR Marketing
Airdrop Campaign
Bounty Campaign
Fair Launch at PinkSale
PinkLock Liquidity Locked 12.5 years
Daftar CoinMarketCap
Register CoinGecko
5,000 Token Holders
10,000 Token Holders
15,000 Token Holders
20,000 Token Holders
25,000 Token Holders
50,000 Token Holders
100,000 Token Holders
250,000 Token Holders
500,000 Token Holders
Market Cap 10 Million
Market Cap 25 Million
Market Cap 50 Million
Market Cap 100 Million
Market Cap 200 Million
Market Cap 300 Million
Market Cap 400 Million
Market Cap 500 Million
Market Cap 1 Billion
Cross Chain Integration
Phase 3:
Building the Aufin Blockchain — Complete Multi-Chain DeFi Solution
Become the Top 10 Cryptocurrency MarketCap
100 Billion Market Cap
$AUN TOKEN $AUN tokens are distributed every ten minutes for the next twelve years as a reward to token owners. Every time you receive an AUN reward, your position in the queue to get paid again is automatically moved up, meaning that even if you occasionally miss a payment, your total earnings will always increase as long as you are tokenized. holder. NO TEAM TOKEN NO ADDITIONAL MINTS NO WITHDRAW GEMS
TRADING COSTS When you trade as an investor, on average you have to pay 16% of the value of your trade in transaction fees (known as “taker fees).” The lower fee structure we have at Aufin gives us the ability to return 480,419.00% annually to our investors' credit accounts.
Aufin Insurance….5% Aufin Treasury…..2.5% Aufin Fireplace…..2.5% Aufin Auto-Liquidity…..4%
SALES TRADING COSTS Aufin Insurance….5% Aufin Treasury…..4.5% Aufin Fireplaces…..2.5% Aufin Auto-Liquidity……4%
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CONCLUSION Aufin Protocol is a protocol that allows users to generate continuous compound interest on their assets. This is done by using Ethereum smart contracts to allow users to store their assets in the   #Aufin  Wallet, where the protocol will generate interest automatically. The protocol will use the Ethereum blockchain technology to allow users to earn a continuous, fixed compound interest.
#defiyield #DeFiproject #BSC #DeFi #AUFIN
LINK PROYEK Situs web:  https://www.aufinprotocol.com Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ProtocolAufin Telegram:  https://t.me/aufinbsc Medium:  https://medium.com/@AufinProtocol Perselisihan:  https ://discord.gg/KyNcSPquNP
Name: Syokimah
Btc Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3428416
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skinnyseanny · 3 years
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ishoot4work · 3 years
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What is Love 💕
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batovenarmoni · 1 year
#foodporn#luvfood#manfire#kclife#brews&cue#burnbabyburn#foodmob#friendsofmine#sohungry#burnone#smokeone#smokerheblock#bigmeat#masterchef#cue2perfection#thingsofthatnature#bbqgrammie#putitinmyhand#everydaybbq#alldaybeef#heateatsleep#cupofthesaulce#holysmokes#bigwoodontheblock#foodislife#makeminefirst#healthyque2day#alldaysmoking#foodbeast https://www.instagram.com/p/CB9Z2G4lbK8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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firstlastlovemusic · 4 years
#forgiving @radababyy - Burn One - Let’s watch some TV while I burn one #music #firstlastlovemusic #FLLM #nowplaying #RADA #so #pp • • • • • #musikk #musica #london #rnb #singer #songwriter #musicvideo #uk #tumblr #songoftheday #burnone (ved London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAW7wHNAtZK/?igshid=13yy3yx292tvb
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cheddahlyfe · 4 years
breakfast of the champions
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mawiimawii · 5 years
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Need to post more . Dont forget to🔥 Burn atleast one ☝🏾 today. . New music coming soon! . #Mawiithenomad #mawiimawii #NewMusic #indieartist #spotify #hiphopheads #latebloomin #Dance #BroadVisions #BVMG #TexasRap #burnone #420 #atxhiphop #worldstar #sanantoniohiphop #MusicHeads #explore #unsignedartists #viral #WaitOnIt https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfQAsTJbmb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lw3xpwpnnhlb
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papishootsfilm · 5 years
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pre-surf warm up
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