#bug death
onenicebugperday · 7 hours
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This lady hung out on our outdoor string lights for a few days. She was very obliging while I kept the lights on and took pictures and videos of her. (I think she was okay with it, considering the lights lured extra "guests" her way!)
Yes, orbweavers will often build their webs on/around lights. I always have orbweavers on my balcony light, and they're unbothered when it's on. Definitely helps lure in prey! This woman is lovely and I hope she enjoyed her meal :)
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greenteacryptid · 6 months
When I was a very small child, I drew a bunch of posters advertising to not kill bugs because they're misunderstood creatures. I took them to my headmaster to put them up, and he scoffed and said "you want to tell people to NOT kill bugs? Why?"
That really stayed with me
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pespillo · 2 months
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"bon" knows what sex is now
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lycanthrop-ee · 9 months
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dragon hunter, 6.10.22
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twig-gy · 2 months
do you know the name of god? do you know it? is it somewhere, lodged between your teeth. could i pry it out? you would remember it, right. if someone had told you. if He had given His name to you would you give the privilege of saying it. would your voice lilt over the syllables? but, then. you shouldn't. it would be sickening, that sort of perversion, the kind of thing that simply shouldn't happen. there are some names that should never be said. there are some things that should never be stated out loud. i know infinity. it's longer than you think. infinity isn't a number. it cannot be quantified, and it cannot be explained. to Know it is, inherently, wrong. it's not something that should be known, really. it should be a concept and nothing more. and yet...
infinity is longer than you think. but i think you know it. i think if i looked i would be able to find it. tan ni: you know the taste of rot. i can see insects dotted, crushed, on the surface of your teeth. crushed, yet they still remain. you know the smell of ant blood - sugary sweet. sometimes you even take it as face value, because you don't care to ignore it. you take and you don't give. there's supposed to be a balance here. but you have never been one for hesitation or reservations, you just take and take and take, and it doesn't matter to you whether or not it's something that should be taken, something that would benefit you in the end, or even in the beginning. what i'm trying to say is that i think you would know the taste of divinity because it's inherently underwhelming. there is nothing to be gained from it. you take it, you fall under its whims, and you can do nothing about it. because you can't go back. you have a good memory, and we are more alike than we are different, therefore. infinity is the same way. what is divinity if not infinity? what is infinity if not taking, and what is divinity if not taking. this is the reason why i stare at your wings, closer to a perfect divine white than any other color, and i think - well, there are some things that shouldn't be said. not aloud, not written down, not typed, not carved, not-
you get the point, don't you? anyway, if i were to spell out my truest feelings without using stupid metaphors, i'd probably get dizzy from the sheer vulnerability, the sheer - audacity. i will speak in coded messages. the truth is divine and should never fall from my lips. if it did so, i would keep seeing the aftermath in mirrors, i would keep tasting it every time i swallowed - divinity is like blood in that you can't unspill it. in that when it's out it's out. in that it's not the kind of thing that should be spilled, in that i keep spilling it anyway, because that's the type of person i am. in that it stains your hands and all you can do is look down at them, and all you can do is remember it and remember it and remember it and remember it. you need to remember it, because it's what you need, and if all you can get is the aftertaste that's okay. you and me are alike - we take what we can get.
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honeysucklebuttons · 1 year
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RIP to the lil thing but I found it when I was repotting a new plant outside today. Seems to be a small black dung beetle, who has the tiniest horn I've ever seen!!!!
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bunnieswithknives · 1 year
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God he’s so fucked up
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littlethingsmart · 1 year
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is-the-bug-video-cute · 11 months
The downside to reading older studies is that there were no animal welfare guidelines back then, so no one would bat an eye if a bachelor's student cooked a bunch of bugs alive -_-
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There may not be a lot of protection for invertebrates now, but at least you can't get away with this today. Not at my university, anyways. My supervisor would have me kicked out on the spot if I tried something like this.
For those who don't know, T. molitor larvae have an optimal metabolism at roughly 30ºC, after which point they begin to experience heat stress. Newly hatched larvae (and possibly adults, but the data on them is lacking) are unable to eat fast enough to keep up with the optimal metabolism, so if you keep them at anything higher than 28ºC they starve to death within days. Such is the plight of ectotherms :(
So basically, this bachelor's student, in 1937, simultaneously cooked and starved a bunch of beetles to death to test of they could still reproduce under stress. The fact that 8 females only produced a total of 12 eggs during a period where they should've produced 500-600 speaks for itself.
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naomiknight-17 · 21 days
Jill the kitten is very vocal
She kept yelling at me last night while I was doing something in the kitchen, and at first I thought she was just begging for food but no. She would walk up to me, yell, then walk to near her litter box, paw at the ground, and yell again
After watching her do this a couple of time I realized there was a spider near her litter box. And she didn't like it. And was yelling at me to get rid of it.
So I did (sorry little spider) and only then was Jill able to use her litterbox.
Funny baby
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onenicebugperday · 9 months
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Pink crab spider, Thomisus onustus, Thomisidae
Despite the common name, this species exhibits a wide range of coloration including pink, white, yellow, green, brown, or a combination of any of those. Like other flower crab spiders, they are able to change their color over a matter of days to more closely match their environment. Found in Eurasia and northern Africa.
Photo 1 by paulf84, 2 by wildchroma, 3 by sonic7730, 4 by ffigon, 5 by marie-ruel, 6 by marketaz, 7 by dbenvenuti, 8 by mammal, 9 by alexis_orion, and 10 by talgar-t64
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clownmcgown · 1 year
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I was inspired by @/raspberrighost’s Fairy AU and made my own AU (more-so a concept over an AU) where Sun and Moon are Mosquitos!!! They have such lanky bodies that I feel like they perfectly fit the mold of one of these bad larrys!
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spamton · 2 years
An ant has been found fucking blasted to death and damnation on this post proceed with caution
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several-flies · 2 years
Ohohoh hehehe hoohoohoo (:
She likes live prey ❤
If someone were to want to take a beloved house spider with them when they moved, not saying i will, but one can dream, where would one find care info for this species? If it exists? ❤
Or could you recommend spiders that would be good pets in general?
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honeysucklebuttons · 1 year
I think of this guy in my dreams sometimes, the toughest lil flutterbug I've ever met. The poor thing only had 2 legs left, one front and one middle I think, as well as wing damage, and still managed to CLIMB like that! Couldn't really fly.
When I first saw it , it was hanging by its feet and folded up, not moving, and I could have sworn it was missing the back end of its body, but it was just tucked up a bit? It fluttered onto me when I tried to get it inside the patio for the night so it wouldn't get eaten, and it was still alive the next day for a while. I'm humbled every time I look at my little display box - what a fighter.
@onenicebugperday this is a Great Spangled fritillary right? Gorgeous on both sides!!
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silene-stenophylla · 9 months
I saw an isopod today
There were two, actually.
Small bodies bathed in yellow, iridescent plates
Shining like gold and sunlight and honey
Shining like love
Their small antennas are so delicate, so caring and thorough in their work
Legs moving with such precision
Imagine the brainpower it must take to move so many legs at the same time
The mindfulness it must take just to keep moving
There's something undeniably intelligent in that, something breathtaking
I feel like I have something to learn from these animals, these small, complicated bodies that are so determined to live
That they don't mind the effort
It scares me too, to watch them
Knowing how fragile they are.
Knowing how badly they want to live and how they too, lack any control
Everything could be over so quick
Do they know the danger they're in?
I went camping a few months ago, a nice cabin up by a lake with a bonfire out back
I carefully turned over the stones that made up the fire's resting place
Scared I would find life, scared of what lighting that bonfire would hurt
When my dad said he wanted to use it that night, I went out to the yard and got working
Checking each piece of wood, searching under every last sacred rock
On my knees like a prayer, dutifully sifting through these tiny cities of stone
Under every one, I found isopods
Surrounding that fire bed, the soon to be red hot stones teeming with livelihoods
I dug through and collected them, and moved them somewhere different
I'm probably a monster to them
I needed to help them. I needed to get them away from the fire, but it's not like I could explain
I uprooted them from their homes and carried them somewhere unfamiliar
I ruined any semblance of normality they might've had
Uprooting or burning? Which ones worse?
Is it still saving if it still hurt? They'll never know about the fire, they'll never know what would've happened if they'd stayed to become kindling
In their eyes I caused nothing but harm
I watched the fire like penance that night
It was hard to feel the warmth through the burning, searing heat
I can't know if I got them all out
I can't know if that campfire was some kind of murder
I don't know how to stop grieving for what might've been
I don't know why no one else is seized with that same, thrashing panic that fills me so completely over things like this
What is an acceptable murder?
People don't think twice about killing some things, don't think about what their joy might cost
Inescapable fear, mass extinction of young, writhing life
How do you grieve that?
Knowing its happening every day? Knowing no one else cares like you do?
I hope I didn't miss any
I know I must have, I just have to swallow it and try to help the next one in line
I wish it stopped
I wish I didn't have to hold so much grief in my dirty hands
But it lives with me, under the rocks of a campfire where I've spent years being branded by small, avoidable deaths on a scale so large I can't fathom it
I'm still trying to help the isopods escape, but it's not just my stake to burn on
No, it's a mass grave
I can't save everyone from burning with me
I can't handle this massacre much longer
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