cupidlury · 2 days
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Boomubbles pt1 🩵💙
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lilithartdump · 21 days
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narupomm · 2 years
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Confessing 🥺✨💙
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Here to bail out there siblings 
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Previous anon about ppgxrrb post (the first one lol)
I agree with a lot of what you say about the shipping of ppgxrrb and how the fans just depict them as ultra hot bad boys. Its a breath of fresh air to see others’ perspectives on this, cause as I said before I admit I am a fan sometimes but even seeing a lot of ooc works puts me off. I understand if older fans/people only like it because of nostalgia (I’m one of those) but I’m more baffled with seeing new/younger that also likes to ship them, I can see them just liking the Boys cause they think gender bent/evil/alternate versions of the main protagonist are just fun in general, but I don’t understand why a lot of new fans that also ships them, maybe its because of fanart/fanfic.
In regard of that fic (assuming we’re talking about the same thing) I think the reason why it was praised so much and put on high pedestal was because the standard of the ppgxrrb fics were pretty low (at the time anyway) and for me personally it does felt I’m watching the original when I read it, (aside from the shipping thing, but I only read it for the character writing mostly) imo probably the closest thing I can get to what an older/teenage ppg would sound/read like, it just had shipping… lol but also yea I agree with you about the other villains not getting enough fanfics for themselves, its unfortunate cause ppg has so many great villains and the fandom just chose the least interesting ones (rrb)
Also I love how you described Boomer, he’d definitely be a whiteknight type then probably go “bubblevicious” when he doesn’t get what he wants, in fics he’s usually the first, quickest and easiest to be redeemed which is just very boring and probably the reason why Blues (BubblesxBoomer) is the least favorite of the 3 ships.
Yeah, I think on the most basic, superficial level, taking NOTHING about the personality or history of the characters into account, if you were to show someone who never saw the show a lineup of the Powerpuff GIrls characters and ask them, "Who are the girls' boyfriends?" they would choose the Rowdyruff Boys. Just because of their character designs they're the easiest characters to pair them off with. And I don't use "superficial" or "easy" as an insult, like... it just is what it is by the very nature of it. On a little less of a basic level, they're probably the only boys in the show (including the boys that are in the girls' class like Mitch and Elmer and Harry, etc.) that would be considered "attractive" enough to match up with them. Which, y'know, I could go into a whole rant about the superficiality (negative this time, haha) of that and how that way of thinking feels very creatively limiting... but, yeah, when you're a new fan and you see all this fic/fanart, not to mention how the ship is ultra visible and popular, it's the simplest entry point.
We're totally talking about the same fic. 😂 Again, I've really tried to read it and have an open mind about it, and I guess the mere fact that (from what I remember) the girls occasionally do have fights in it is enough to make it different from a standard PPG/RRB fic where the girls' superpowers are completely forgotten about (a la the City of Clipsville girls)... but the villains and the crimefighting STILL just feel like an afterthought (and maybe it's just my pretentiously high standards for them talking, but I remember really disliking how the dialogue of some of the few villains that are even included in the story was written). For the most part it just seems like it's all just fancy set dressing to disguise your average high school teen fanfic. I remember trying to read it again a while ago and I got to an early point where like some characters were suddenly like making out and I was just like... ew, no, not for me. 😩 That doesn't make me feel like I'm watching the show, that just makes me sick to my stomach! Stuff like that just pulled me way out, I couldn't enjoy it.
And I guess that's also a thing I dislike about some of the fanfics, like... if the RRB are going to have any similarities to the girls it's going to be their negative attributes, but that doesn't seem like an issue that ever gets explored. It seems like, despite whether or not people write them as still having problematic misogynist qualities, Brick always just turns out to be the hot intelligent one, Butch is the tough dude bro, and Boomer is the sweet, sensitive boi. How boring IS that?! 🤣 It doesn't seem like anyone's really challenged themselves to see things from any different, meaningful perspectives, and I have always felt that way. It is a bummer though that, when I have found the rare fanfic that has great writing and feels like the show characters and tells a story that's interesting and new (or even has a ship for the girls that's completely off the wall but... somehow actually works!)... it's because I had to dig through all the PPG/RRB content to find it. And I've seen many people who've written cool stuff get frustrated enough about that difficulty of visibility that that they take down their fics, or they get discouraged from writing anything else, or they even get harassed for daring to write anything against the norm. It bums me out.
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boogerbleep · 2 years
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Too lazy to finish the phone and Boomer’s hair 💀 but selfie time weeee Boomer looks nervous cuz he doesn’t know how to pose meanwhile Bubs is a social media darling so she knows whatsup
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nadaboodraws · 4 years
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Bubbles & Boomer mini comic
Blossom & Brick’s mini comic: New haircut
Buttercup & Butch’s mini comic: Sorry Bro
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So aparently Im suicidal enough to actually attempt to make MTH into comic format, say hi to my draft...
I'm currently sharing the process on my insta stories if you wanna check them out
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sakuramadana · 4 years
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chrissy-draws · 4 years
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The lines aren’t clean but oh well 🤷🏾‍♀️
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bubblesboomer · 4 years
If anyone knows any good ppgxrrb fanfics let me know 👀 I’m in the mood to read some angsty cute stuff (am also open to crack ships)
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limberjart-blog · 7 years
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Link to this fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12005094/1/ENG-PPG-Family PPG! I felt the need to edit my old drawing of Becca(Bubbles) and Leo(Boomer) in photoshop!
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mcanime-art · 4 years
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PPG: Bubbles style! 
🚫 Do NOT Repost my Art 🚫
I had a lot of fun creating this! XD My fav has to be Blossom tho she looks so cute with pigtails!~  Next one will be Buttercup style! >w<
I also did three bonus comic pages the Bubbles style scenario! They’re just quick sketches! Hope you guys like it!
BlossomxBrick Page
Blossom: “Hey Brick what do you think of this hairstyle?”
Brick: “You look ridiculous.” 
Blossom: O^O ...
Blossom: *arms crossed* >-<
Brick: >////> ‘She’s so fucking cute!’ 
BubblesxBoomer Page
Boomer: “As always, you’re the cutest Bubbles.”
Bubbles: “Aww You’re so sweet Boomer.”
Bubbles: “I came up with another cute idea!” *w*
Boomer: “Cute idea?” >.>’
Bubbles: *grabs brush* “Hold still.” 
Bubbles: “Done! You look so cute too Boomer!” 
ButtercupxButch Page
Buttercup: *trying to take out pigtails* 
Butch: *staring at her*
Buttercup: <_< !
Butch: *staaaaaaare*
Butch: *smirks*
Buttercup: *punches Butch*
- - - 
I typed up what was happening in the pages in case people can’t read my handwriting >.< Anyway hope you guys like it! :’)
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iartchinyl · 2 years
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Just a random post of a blue boy with his dog, home alone, missing his bunty. Honestly this was all for fun... I have no idea what I'm doing. I haven't done safe art in while...and I wanted him to have a dog. #boomer #bubbles #bubblesxboomer #ppg #rrb #powerpuffgirlsfanart #rowdyruffboys #clipstudiopaintart (at Home Alone) https://www.instagram.com/p/CepRVeJjJvZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anti-anti-stevinel · 4 years
Antis: You’re a pedo for shipping Steven with gems! Me: Oh really? I’m a pedo now? Huh, okay. (Thinks of all the canon or popular ships I used to ship in the past.) Sure, I’m a pedo. Let’s go with that. I’m a pedo for shipping Kataang, DannyxSam, Puzzleshipping (and many others from that show), AshxMisty (I don’t ship it now, I started hating it, but I used to really like it), a ton of Harry Potter ships, BubblesXBoomer, Korrasami, and probably some others. Yeah, call me a pedo, you don’t know me, you asshats.
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