#btw I always been a Freddy simp
mangywayway · 7 months
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The boys decided to wear a peculiar couple costume this Halloween 👀
(Don't worry, nobody as been hurt in the making of these costumes)
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edgyandoverzealous · 2 years
Bacause Cringe culture is dead and I am back in my FNAF SB phase. Explaining your Kins as the therapist friend but I'm feeling salty so it's all just calling you out. Except I felt bad after a little bit so they each have a funny/lighthearted one calling me out.
Glamrock Freddy
How's those daddy issues doing?
Was he emotionally absent, physically absent, or was he just distant and unaffectionate?
I'm willing to bet he called you superstar once and you immediately started kinning.
Additionally how're those abandonment issues treating ya?
On a scale from 1/10 how displeased were you when Freddy got dragged away by moon 'cause he powered down before he got to the charging station?
You know he originally was gonna turn on you right? That would worsen your abandonment issues, you should thank Scott for that one.
You are the parent friend btw, Ily please bring bandaids and painkillers I'm accident prone and ignore pain until it's unbearable. We may be going to the ER</3
Glamrock Chica
Are you a Lesbian? Or are you the oldest child who uses gentle techniques of sibling-parenting?
How do you feel knowing you probably aren't listened to?
How's your mommy issues doing?
Do you mayhaps think that people won't want you unless you give them something?
Do you feel like no one takes care of you but you always have to take care of everyone else?
How's your relationship with food going? Yeah, me too. Note that chica physically can't eat by the end as well.
Do you even speak/Do you ever shut up?
Scared of overcoddling but also terrified of taking a step back and away because you feel like if you stop they'll all leave you much?
Choir/Band/Theatre kid or grandparent friend with hard candies in their purse that I would eat wrapper and all because intrusive thought said to and shiny.
Roxxane Wolf
So are you a Lesbian, furry, or e-girl simp? Or are you the oldest child who uses more forceful/low-key mean techniques of sibling-parenting?
How's the crippling self doubt and God complex treating you?
How's crying in your room because you yelled at them and said something mean but don't know how to say sorry going?
What about that inferiority complex?
Pushing everyone away because they'll only leave you? Ding ding ding we have a winner.
Burnt out perfectionist?
You're the type of friend whose love language is bullying and play fighting. Be careful you don't make your friend cry, I am the friend that'd cry.
Monty Gator
Self-destructive behavior, pent up aggression and always looking for a reason to fight?
Anger issues much? Or do you just simp for Bonnie's replacement because you saw one too many human Monty edits?
You're probably short too, huh? Just like the fuse you have when given a chance. Or your big and burly which also is terrifying.
How's your constant existential crisis going?
Do you feel like there's a looming expectation that's too big for you to fill over your head?
Do you feel like you're never first choice?
That you're simply a replacement for everyone else?
How about respect? Do you ever give or receive it? No?
Are you always restless? Yeah? Thought so.
You're the protective friend who is willing to throw hands with anyone who disturbs their friends. Me too honestly, I've been held back on multiple occasions because I'm a short queer man and it's in my veins.
Glamrock Bonnie
So are you still sobbing over that one line, you know the one, or are you living on fan theories? Like how are you still kicking?
How's your mental health? Bad? Yeah I thought so.
Anxiety and depression kin you honey? <3
Disasciotiating royalty, you.
You long for something in your past that cannot be changed.
You fall for what you know you can't have and never will be obtained, don't you?
You felt robbed by the game and that's okay. I miss him too.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. Y'alls fandom is legitimately impressive especially for insert types. You have one of every flavor and are insanely good at drawing the skrunglies less skrungly. Good for you.
Additionally how's healing your inner child going?
And those mommy and daddy issues?
I'm sorry you weren't held as a child?
Too busy parenting everyone else to have been cared for the same?
Forced to grow up too fast?
You were definitely a traumatized child. Adults let you down and now you seek comfort in a robot of two extremes as unstable as your adolescence.
You're the "childish" friend. Silly, sweet, and full of fun but you are by no means innocent. That was stolen from you a long time ago.
Also you either can't sleep or you oversleep or both.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. The scariest bots in the game??? Really??? Those buddies??? Okay???? Honestly the healthiest option tbh.
You are either a troll or a disaster bisexual or an enby.
You cling to people because you don't want them to leave you, but that pushes them away more often than not.
How does it feel to be so underated and the "side character" in your own life?
You blend in wherever you go even when you want to be seen or when you want someone to help you.
By the way how's the constant desperation going? Aren't you tired of being sane? Don't you want to go absolutely feral?
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crashfnafstuffs · 1 year
Some self insert and Lillian content, again.
EDIT: tumblr messed up my format, so the Lillian doodle is at the bottom :[
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More context under the cut~
(This is a long ass post, btw, just oc info dumping)
Lillian Torres! She's 26 and an incredibly gifted mechanic and programmer, earning her the job of the Glamrocks' main mechanic. Her brain is really good at formulas, and figuring out how complex things work, and following blueprints!
...however, she's not very good at figuring out other things. Emotions? Relationships? Other people? ..ew. Those are kind of hard for her to understand. (Her story arc is essentially Stupid With Love from Mean Girls)
Lillian's short and curvy, with rose tattoos running across her back, from shoulder to shoulder. She also has some other sleeve tattoos but I haven't designed those yet.
Shes reserved, but blunt with her words. Shes a singer, and she's pretty good, but only because she's been taking lessons for the past 4 years. And.. when she starts working at the Pizzaplex, she wasn't made aware that the bots were sentient or that they moved around at night. So her first meeting with Freddy was quite a shock. As in, she threw her flashlight at him and... dented.. his faceplate.. ANYways--
also shes a Monty simp. Slowburn written by a very impatient artist lmao
Self insert! Their real name is unknown, because everyone at the Pizzaplex calls them Crash because they always knock things over on accident. They work at the front desk for the Superstar Daycare, and they love little kids so much aaa they're so cute!!
Crash also enjoys the antics of the Daycare Attendants. (In my au the boys are separated into two bots later on, but in the beginning they're still one :]) Crash hangs out with the Attendant when the Daycare isn't busy.
Crash is just a much more confident (and more gender neutral) version of me. They're also much braver, but they are just as dumb as I am! So they will run into danger like an idiot himbo twig. (Can a himbo be a twig? Crash has a chest though, are they a bimbo? I wanna be a him-bimbo :[) Also, like me, they love matching their earrings to their outfits, as well as their necklaces and socks! Also, they love the Pizzaplex. They may work there, but they're still like a little kid when they see a concert. The lights and sounds are just so MMM.
They draw fanart for Sun and Moon, and every drawing is hung up in the Attendants room with pride :]
Also Lillian has to keep Crash from breaking the bots or getting themselves hurt. They were hired during the same hiring event (the STAFF bots were becoming uneffective) and they have a... mutual appreciation of each other. They're friends, but not close enough to hang out outside of work, you know?
Anyways Crash is a dca simp because I've been sucked into the dca x reader fics on ao3 and now my self insert is gay for these men. Some Moon. Half Moon. Mostly Moon. Its all Moon, I'm in love with this essentric bitch, Sun is just a nice plus tbh
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darthwheezely · 3 years
dating fred weasley and being a ravenclaw
wow i am a SIMP for this man! this ain’t new info but! he is truly such a divine man and like…yeah i had to- also this might be longer because Fred has a lot more things to cover in terms of this and his own issues sksksjjs
warnings: light smut, angst at parts, wicked hot men named frederick gideon weasley, mentions of sexual degrading and not the hot or kinky kind :/ basically dudes being scumbags
people that might like this (?): @whiz-bangs78 @wand3ringr0s3 @gcdric @thatdumbbitchxx @pansydaisy​@vogueweasley @slytherinsunrise @thehufflepuffwife @theweasleyslut dm me to be on the twins taglist or for requests for blurbs/ships/one shots :)
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fred thinks you’re an actual literal on god 111% angel sent by god
i swear-
he basically runs into (…literally) when escaping from filch, and knocks into you coming out of transfiguration
and i shit you not, he catches you by the waist like mid dip
oh my GOD please I’m in love with him
Fred Weasley, professional jackass, looked down at you hand still on your waist. He grinned at you and winked and you swore to god you heard the sparkle sound effect. “Hullo, gorgeous.” He heard filch scream “WEASLEY!” and broke away from you, pulling you up and pushing you off of him, leading a running filch to slip in the middle of the hallway, the hall erupting in laughter: including you. Fred inhaled harshly, heart pounding at you laughing at something he managed to pull off. “I’ll…I’ll see you again, yeah?” You froze smiling in place. “Um…yeah…yeah you will?” “Yeah?” He grinned. “Yeah.” With another wink he sped off down the hall…
he couldn’t stop thinking about the wicked hot girl in the hall
god what house was she he thought?
oh shit she had blue on fuck she’s a ravenclaw he thinks. why does he think like that?
she’s outta my goddamn league, he thought before he could stop himself
“Freddie, I know you’re not giving up on the idea of this girl this easy.” George shook his head smirking in the Hall.
“I’m not giving up on anything - she’s just…too good for me.”
“Mate, you know nothing about her except how her eyes ‘sparkled like the stars’ or some whack Tolstoy shit like that…besides, you always did love a challenge, yeah?” At that Fred grinned.
“Georgie, I was thinking exactly the same thing…”
frederick gideon weasley knew what he had to do
i swear he probably skipped like a half a day of classes just running from classroom to classroom tryna find your gorgeous self
he also probably was like “anyone seen a literal angel around” and everyone was just like ~please shoot this kid he cannot be deadass~
anyway, he’s starting to run out of breath guys, pobrecito is about to give up for the day and throw in the towel but then
then, fellas and foals-
he sees you
sitting in the center of the quidditch pitch
reading a book and writing in your notebook
and god when i tell you he physically had his ass floored
i mean, Jesus Christ, it’s the way you were just serenely sitting in HIS favorite place in hogwarts, not even in the stands, just absorbing life in the ACTUAL PITCH just
just being there
“What are you doing here, love?” You look up and see Fred, chest heaving, rosy cheeked and fucking glorious. He looked otherworldly with the sun at his back, seemingly glowing. “Knitting a sweater.” You said coolly, and gave a small smile. He bit his lip and made his way over to you and sat down in front of you.
“I’d like that sweater somewhere else, gorgeous.”
“Where, in your mum’s dirty laundry?” He scoffed
“No silly, on me but I’ll take that option too ;)”
You scoffed back and rolled your eyes. “On you? Please, this is made to fit an actual person with a body, Fred.”
“And I don’t have a good enough body for it?”
You bit your lip, gathering courage to look straight back at him. “I wouldn’t know I haven’t seen it.”
and that alone has Fred Weasley garnering a massive tent in his pants
He gulped. “Whats your name, darling?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
He grinned, blushing wildly. “Y/N, you’re never getting rid of me now”
that, my dear, was the truth at its finest
for the first time, he’d found a woman that matched his energy
his banter his intellectual mind was finally satisfied by this beautiful, honest, blunt girl that made him
be quiet. be at peace
“freddie, don’t fucking prank first years you’re better than that”
“Fred, please don’t be a bully. You’re not an unkind person so don’t act that way, okay? Come on”
it’s about three to five days of just non stop flirting
constantly leaving him breathless and without a rebuttal, again something no one has ever been able to do
after this period, he’s eating in the great hall, not having talked to you today and bouncing his knees violently
and he sees you get up and leave the hall
this prompts him to get up and run after you
“Y/N!” You turn to see him running full speed behind you, and you smile widely, blushing a fair ton as he stops in front of you, chest heaving. Your smile falters as he doesn’t say anything “Fred, w-what’s wrong?” He then bites his lip “I’m sorry but I have to” and presses his mouth to yours. You kiss back immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck as he backs you up against the wall. The kiss is hungry, passionate, and after a few moments he pulls off you and leans his forehead to yours. “I need you.” He says hoarsely. “And I need YOU, Freddie.” He smiles and you wrap your legs around his waist…
from that moment, you two are inseparable
we are talking handsy too
oh fuck this about to get fluffy as hell
freddie basically waits until you’re out of class and then will pin you against the wall and kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years
“My angel, it’s been far too long.” He says breathlessly, smiling wide before giving you a kiss attack, sending ammunition of kisses all around your face, making you giggle uncontrollably. “My love, it’s only been an hour,” you say in between full body laughter. He then stops, looking at you very seriously. “Darling, that simply will not do,” he clucks and then throws you over his shoulder, sending you into fits of laughter again as he takes you to your next class.
you and fred have so much sex
empty classrooms
in his dorm
in your dorm
in the locker rooms
in the library
“Freddie, harder baby, please” you gasp out as he’s thrusting inside of you at a rhythmic pace, him slipping into you like hot oil, skin slapping as he has you in the shower. “How much do you need me, angel? Cmon love I wanna hear your words...” “yes, yes I need you please” you moan as he hits a new angle “That’s my princess, taking me so well, do you love it when I fill you up? Fuck you so good you can’t walk?” You nod and throw your head back. “Freddie, I’m gonna come” “Good girl, princess, come all over my cock” He growls setting a faster and harder pace, as he chants your name like a hymnal, his hips and movements getting sloppier as he finally releases into you, chest heaving and presses his lips to your forehead.
“Where should we try next, gorgeous, hmm? I think snape’s office should do it, he won’t even know us from the grease stains from his nose” this earns him a smack on the arm
fred marks you up constantly too
wants everyone to see how much his “good little princess” really feels
anything that says “I choose/belong to fred weasley” he’ll make you do
and you adore it and think it’s hot as fuck
he’s also marked his name onto your thighs and boobs before
george basically accepts the fact that you’re his new baby sister too, and when fred isn’t there will protect you like it ashsajdsahjsa
by this i mean fred has employed him to (but mainly george just does it because he loves you too)
but basically
during potions, draco slides in next to you and propositions you:
“How about we strike a deal, Y/L/N?” He looks at you smugly. You roll your jaw. “Yeah I agree, you shut the fuck up and let me pass our project, and I get all the credit without you destroying my handiwork?” He flares red and grabs your wrist. “I know Weaselbee the fourth probably tastes like the rest of his family - trash - but how I about I let you try something different, hmm?” You immediately pull away from him when he releases and make an attempt to focus back on your book. 
fred obviously hears about this because some slytherin guys in the hallway are talking about how much Y/N wants to suck Malfoy’s dick
he’s not stupid, he knows you get sexualized by that dumbass constantly, even before y’all started dating
basically he finds draco in the boys bathroom, corners him, and beats the fuck out of him 
“if you ever get near my girlfriend again, i swear to godric i won’t be so nice next time - don’t wanna get your balls cut off before 17 do you?” 
oh and he’s stupid hot when he’s mad btw but we all been knew
he finds you where he always finds you once you start dating, in his dorm stop his bed
He swallows thickly at the sight of you clearly upset, watching you sit up immediately tears welling in your throat as you begin to apologize. “Freddie, love, I didn’t do anything I promise I didn’t want him to come onto me-“ “Y/N, it’s never your fault. You have to trust me with that I...I hate seeing people hurt you love.” He pulls your body into him whne he reaches the bed, touching you like you’re porcelain, careful not to break you. “I know I get violent and angry or pouty when guys do that to you because I feel like you’ll either choose someone else or I can’t protect you and...you mean everything to me, my angel.” He whispers into your hair, tears stealing on his cheeks. “I promise no one will hurt you anymore because I love you and loving someone means you do anything for them.” He babbles like a small boy, convincing himself of everything until he realizes he’s said it and he inhales. “Y/N y-you don’t have to say it ba-“ “I want to say it back. Remember? I love you and I need you, Fred.” You look up at him softly, chin on his chest and he smiles through tears on his face. “And I love you and I need YOU, my love.”
fred knows you love him and choose him over everyone but again
he gets insecure
in the way George is scared people won’t see him as Fred
fred is afraid you’ll find someone better
someone more stable and less quick tempered
you guys have fights sometimes that end in frustration or angry sex
but fred is always there an hour later sitting outside your dorm door praying to god you forgive him for his mistake
he’s never abusive or malicious
he just gets impulsive with pranks or doesn’t consider feelings sometimes
molly is so thankful for you and hugs you immediately as you walk through the door whispering
“Thank you for making my son feel how he deserves” and your eyes water lightly murmuring a thank you
you instantly catch bill’s attention as he notices the way fred is so much calmer and confident with you around
he seems more sure of himself, and not as angry
his temper too is calmer with your presence, as if the very essence of you is soothing to all youre around
he is, so so in love with you
and yes he can be brash
and yes he can be insecure
and yes he can be impulsive
but yes he would do anything for you
but yes he sees you like no one else can
but yes he knows you struggle and he wants to be there
fred weasley is absolutely incandescently in love with you
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is primarily KD, but I also go by Kaciro. I'm an Indo-Caribbean, who is straying from labels rn but I identify as a bisexual. Somewhere, somewhere I'm on the ace spectrum. I'm here and I have sporadic, chaotic interests. I love my dog, that is the first thing you oughta know about me!!! Oh, and sometimes I touch on my culture and roots. Everyone probably knows me for my unhinged, decent posts + incorrect quotes but I'll try to keep this more generalized. but you def will catch me straying into specific fandoms (like Disney). 💫 Pronouns: She/Them but Fae/Faer will do too. 🍄 My Carrd (finally!!!) 🍁 I have tons of things that I’m associated with as a multifandom lover. I have improved this blog from before/can interact better, so I'm proud of that. ALSO, Send me asks for fun lmao
(Btw I love the color blue💕💕, if you can, ask why)
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🚶🏽‍♀️👈Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos if you are a (DNI List):
Dream stan
Boyfriends stan
Homophobe, transphobe, biphobe, panphobe, aphobe, or lesbophobe (or queerphobe in general!!)
A terf
Xenophobe/don't support xenogenders and neopronouns
Anti-religious/have prejudice against any religions
Pro-religion/obsessed with it
Sexist (misogynist/support misandry)
FNAF (yes, the entire franchise)
Bendy & the Ink Machine (my childhood!)
Incorrect quotes (is that a fandom? idk)
Classical and modern literature
TF2 (im a gaymer)
Mandela Catalogue
The fandom of "Liking fictional and irl people (Con O’Neill, Henry Cavill, and Peter Steele)" (not really romantic)
Baki the Grappler
Ancient Greek Mythology
Warriors (Erin Hunter)
LotR (Tolkien's writing in general actually)
OFMD (out of that era but relevant?)?
JJBA (part 3)
MTV Downtown
Hatfield & McCoys
Encanto (2021)
Bollywood (my heritage, bby)
Fanfiction (mine mostly)
Dead Dove fics/very angsty fics
Disorganization of Shrek!! (he is love he is life, he is everything)
Some opinions
Mostly shitposting and reblogging
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✨Occasional fandoms that are not a main focus✨:
Courage the Cowardly Dog
WoF (Tui Sutherland's works)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Avatar (James Cameron)
Marvel & DC
Winx Club
King of the Hill
Clone High
Rivals of Aether (Lovers of Aether)
Miraculous Ladybug
Xenofiction (Ice Age, The Lion King 1994-ish stuff)
Genshin Impact
Writing (my own writing, sometimes horribly-made smut)
Sally Face
Animals (dogs specifically)
Star Wars
South Park
Rick and Morty
Lemon Demon
Vivziepop’s series (sometimes, i used to be huge fan)
Tokyo Revengers (eh)
Always Sunny in Philadelphia 
House of Wax/Slashers
Night in the Woods
Bojack Horseman
Monster Prom
💦Who I would simp for (if I can admit) :
Lan WangJi from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Sauron from Tolkien's Works
Asterius from Hades (2018)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Means Death
Red Guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Zeke Yeager from Attack on Titan
Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue
Kakyoin Noriaki from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders
Kaeya Alberich from Genshin Impact
Lisa from Genshin Impact
Glamrock Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's: SB
Godrick the Grafted from Elden Ring
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Miguel O'Hara (Spider-man)
🍪Comfort Characters:
Simba from the Lion King
Ballister Boldheart from Nimona
Mort Mordecai from Madagascar
Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's
ahhh, this is crigne but know that LWJ 🐰 and Sauron 🌋 came before any other of my blorbos lol. i do write time to time, so read those snippets on my ao3! now enjoy yourself, running thru my blog! enjoy this bullshitery and have a good day!
Also, new and better ao3 account with my Hae~ and pinterest and twitter 🌸
Update: keeping to myself to finish fanfic projects I’ve started. I've been simping real hard for a stoner, so I may be a furry... sorry not sorry about liking the freaky bastard Godrick tho. also getting back into reading and picked up danmei. Good luck to me.
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l0v3lyr0ses · 2 years
Welcome to my page<3
hi umm, I write fanfics, mostly HCs, and one-shots which are laying around in my drafts. although I don't consider myself a good writer but I hope to be one day!
the fandom I'll write the most for is probably FNAF&Undertale. I'm so obsessed with those games that I'm even simping. I need therapy
also my comfort characters are Glamrock!Freddy and puppet!<3
when it comes to FNAF I'll pretty much write for any animatronic or human character but I don't know that much abt nightmare animatronics, for a while I stopped playing and got obsessed with other things but now I'm more into it when i found out abt security breach. I may or may not have seen a few videos on the entire lore but skipped certain parts.
and with undertale, mostly all characters I will write, Gastor is probably to one I don't know much abt it been so long since I played undertale, and I've always found gastor hard to comprehend.
Also, I do only characterxreader! umm bc, I suck at character x character. and from time to time I'll write NSFW content but only with human characters. 1. bc since when did animatronics have genitals?? 2. since when did fucking skeletons have dicks??
also certain characters I will not write about for a romantic relationship, for example. toriel x reader is always going to be platonic on my page! I only see her as a mother figure!
btw i have not proofread this to check if its good enough for anyone to see but it's midnight and i haven't slept properly since the holidays began
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