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According to on-chain data, a large Bitcoin whale woke up from its 10-year sleep and transferred assets. Bitcoin (BTC), the leader of cryptocurrencies, has experienced a sharp decline to $ 64,500 recently. BTC’s loss of more than 10 percent last week also affected altcoins. The cryptocurrency market experienced a correction. BTC, which is experiencing a bull run with the Spot Bitcoin ETF parable,…
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lanabenikosdoormat · 2 months
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Fast on his feet with an even sharper mind, Jed worked as a cipher agent for the Galactic Empire. Under the alias Cipher Nine - he was a prodigal secret weapon for the Empire's goals. As time passed, so did the stakes. When Imperial Intelligence disbanded, Jed found himself pursuing more independent ventures, outsourcing his work to broader horizons. He garnered quite a lofty reputation.
Through his extraordinary acts, Jed rose through the ranks, becoming a leading figure in the war that later broke out between the two superpowers. He would eventually become known as the Outlander and later, The Alliance Commander and serves as my main OC, not just for SWTOR - but my artist career as a whole.
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Full Name: Jedidiah Solaris
Alias: Cipher Nine, Commander Solaris, The Outlander, "The Ginger" (belovingly by friends)
Age: 35 around Onslaught
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay, Biromantic
Mental Conditions: OCD, PTSD
Birthday: March 20th, 11 BTC
Birthplace: Sacorria,  Corellian Sector
Species/Race: Human - Augmented with cybernetics
Occupation: Alliance Commander
Status: Engaged (Theron Shan)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 168 lbs
Body Type: Athletic, inverted triangle
Eye Color: Medium Brown (right eye is a prosthetic and is red)
Cybernetics: Mostly internal but there are two peaking out from the side of his head, just above the top of his ears.
Features: High cheekbones, scar through right eyebrow, clean shaven, well groomed, handsome. Personal hygiene is a high priority.
Markings: Various scars, faint freckles in summer seasons, bruised knuckles
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Family: Deceased. KIA on Sacorria during the skirmish.
Love Interests: Hunter ✞ (Enemies to lovers, enemies with benefits type situationship), Theron Shan (Fiancé)
Friends/Allies: Closest friend is Lana Beniko. Additionally close with various others including Vector Hyllus, Koth Vortena, Arcann Tiral and the Them Group (OC group consisting of four of my irl friends ocs and my own sith warrior as follows: Verity Dante, Exxus Gun, LIX, and Obi-Two)
He is both practical and visionary as well as a staunch realist. He is imaginative and eloquent, able to problem solve and get himself and his team out of tight situations.
As a leader, he is disciplined and thorough, leaving no stone unturned. Jed is strongly independent and is opposed to authority that he doesn't respect.
Background (pre-imp agent campaign and expacs):
As a young child, Jedidiah came from a tiny community of modest agriculturalists. For the first seven years of his life, he lived fair off. However, war struck and their little slice of the galaxy was caught in the crossfire. Jed was struck by blaster fire, directly in his right side of his skull. The wound was lethal and desperately his mother took a final stand to carry him to the Imperial outpost stationed on the planet. Because of his late uncle's contributions to the Empire, Jed was able to be taken into Imperial custody on one condition: he was never to return home again.
For the next 12 or so years, Jed was stationed on Ziost and Dromound Kaas interchangeably as he completed his initiation and mandatory military training. His superiors noticed he had a natural affinity for sneaking around in the shadows, as well as persuasion and ruthlessness. As such, at the age of just 14, he was transferred to the Imperial Intelligence division where he would begin training as an agent of the Empire.
Other Information:
Killing Time
Physical Touch
Sucking Up
Unwarranted violence
The Sith
Target Practice
Binge watching holo-dramas
Social Drinking
Habits: Finger flexing, Pacing
He is ambidextrous, and uses a variety of different weapons depending on the given scenario.
Jed is excellent with kids and animals, he gets very soft and sweet and knows just what to say to them, especially in times of distress.
His favorite color used to be navy, and he'd wear it a lot in his downtime. However, these days its the red color of Theron's jacket as seeing it always reminds Jed of him.
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i just got back from a trip and,,,,, frat bot childe u say 👀
- so picture this: young freshman college readers stepping into the wider world of young adults for the first time
- what their naive little head didn't know is that a certain frat leader had their eyes on u the moment u stepped into the gates
- it's no wonder why ur college life had been smooth sailing: people greeting u and doing u favors, certain boys anxiously keeping other boys from approaching u, it's like someone higher up is watching over u
- that said, there's no such thing as free lunch so while ur flying high and living well, someone's gotta bring u back down. and the higher u were, the deeper ur fall,,,
- sudden student debts u were sure u didn't apply for began piling up in ur name, u found out u were blacklisted and banned from important campus stores, even certain professors look at u with disdain
- u have no clue what's going on and as u were at ur wits end, a certain infamous frat leader lends his hand towards ur way
- honestly u were just grateful someone actually gave a fuck in ur situation to think things through and while promising this orange haired sleazy man a date or two for helping u out is a bit weird, u didn't think it was dangerous.
- so off goes ur debts and ur blacklists and the professors that hated u turned up and were transferred into a different dep.
- u were so grateful that u were even looking forward to this date with ur mysterious savior.
- turns out he just wanted to have fun and get to know u in one of his hosted parties :>
- u had a blast, said u were willing to go out with him again and so ur college life continues
- after a few more rowdy parties and him introducing u to his other members with a possessive grip onto ur waist, ur trust in him is at a 100% not even caring to ask.
- childe smiles lovingly,,, bringing u back to his frat house after one of the most drunken wild party u had been to with him. he had planned for this afterall so there was no one in the immediate building and to those who had seen him carry u there,,, well, they turn a blind eye to it
- free to do what he pleases, he takes advantage of ur state and lives out his wildest fantasies: fucked every hole he could fit his dick into, made sure to cum in all of them to claim u as his, definitely fucked u in ever surface of the building that he could and ofc, had every single position and session of ur lovemaking taped, recorded, and saved.
LETS GOOOO MORE FOOD FROM MY FAV NONNIE!! he’s so gross and sleazy and i want him so bad it’s insane… he cannot keep his dick in his pants but he’s so desperate to seem Normal to get to you… i’m creaming ong U^ェ^U also perhaps important to note: i'm canadian so i always say 'university' instead of 'college' because its the word we use here :p i'm pretty sure they mean the same thing?? anyways, barely over 2k words btc!!
contains: fem/afab reader, chubby reader, drinking, smoking, frat boy childe, manipulation, stalker behaviour, dubc0n
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new experiences were nerve wracking for anyone, you included. being somewhere you'd never touched and meeting people you'd never seen always had your heart beating faster than usual. perhaps you were a bit of a people pleaser but the idea of someone even slightly disliking you had you worried beyond belief. you always made sure to treat people kindly and do favours whenever you could even if it was an inconvenience. having people consider you 'good' and 'nice' had its perks. so, upon attending your very first university classes you made sure to be extra careful of being nice to everyone you met. and it seemed to work!
people returned your kindness in full and sometimes more. you made friends with nearly everyone and earned the highest grades on projects you thought you'd surely fail on. it seemed bizarre to have so many people at your beck and call and full marks on papers with missing citations but you weren't going to complain. it all would make your life and career far easier. you never found yourself harassed by creeps on campus as well even though they seemed to be lurking around every corner for other girls at the school. it was as though you worked as some sort of repellant for them. if any of your friends found themselves at the receiving end of unwanted advances you'd simply enter the room and the perpetrator would flee seemingly terrified. things only got more odd from there. gifts in your locker or handed off by random people only stating they're from 'an admirer' and professors seeking your approval on assignments and gradings. you felt like you were becoming the god or teacher over all these people and it was beyond overwhelming. with one passing comment to a close friend you had shared wishes of merely living a normal university life of struggling and having fun through sleep deprivation and caffeine. the friend shared sympathies with you and agreed your experience was odd and that was it.
the following days, everything crashed down. people you once regarded as close stopped talking to you, letter asking for debts to the university to be paid or they'd terminate you, and teachers you once thought cared for you and your opinions sneered at your mere presence. it felt as though your silly wish had unfortunately become beyond true. you were struggling and alone. suddenly days spent laughing and having fun were instead filled with tears and desperate attempts at correcting a mistake that was no fault of your own. life had done a complete one-eighty at the worst time possible for you.
it was around ten in the evening that you had stepped out for a walk to hopefully get fresh air and clear your head. you needed to figure out what exactly happened and how but you only ran into blank walls. no amount of crisp autumn air or songs from your favourite artists could fix the suffering you had been cruelly gifted. your fingers played with the edges of the sleeves on your knit sweater; it was your comfort clothing piece. the colour of a chai latte and perhaps a bit worn and certainly too large on you but it was still as soothing and soft as ever. you breathed deeply focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and not just fleeing the whole world to live in the forest for the rest of forever. the thought was more than tempting but you were determined to get to the bottom of this not-so-mysterious mystery. with your mind so focused on not shedding more tears you were oblivious to the tall and lithe ginger body sliding up next to yours until a large hand took one earbud out of your ear and put it in his own. the boldness had startled you and you jolted. the handsome stranger smiled at you.
"Kendrick Lamar, huh? good taste, sweetheart." his voice was milky and sweet like whipped cream. with a boyish charm, crooked smile, and scars painting his exposed shoulders he was rather enchanting. "whats a girl like you doin' out so late? there's some... unsavoury people around at this time. i'd hate to see someone as cute as you get hurt." he seemed to care which was unusual for people around you these days. "most people call me Childe, it's a silly nickname i'm aware, but i'd prefer for you to use my actual name; Ajax," he offered an endearing smile, "what's yours, girlie?" the compliments never seemed to stop flowing from this guys, Ajax's, mouth. starved of attention, you ate up every second of it. he turned out to be rather good company during this episode of self-loathing you were in. you were actually disappointed when you found yourself back in front of your house and in need of some sleep. Ajax took your phone out of your pocket, however, and asked to input his own number. he wanted to spend time with you the way no one else had desired these days.
the first messages you had exchanged were greetings and shared photos of family and pets. Ajax turned out to have a major soft spot for his siblings as well as his pet dog back home, Snjeg; name courtesy of his younger brother, Teucer. following the simple and average conversation, he extended his help with your current predicament. you didn't know exactly what his help entailed but you were willing to try anything. in exchange, he only asked for a thank you... and a date? it was a strange offer from who you learned to be a mega popular frat leader but you were in no position to decline. Ajax seemed more than eager to help.
within another handful of days, the debt demands were rescinded and any money you owed prior was paid in full. you never saw the teachers that came to hate you and people treated you with the highest regards once again. life was back to the way it used to be before and you nearly wondered if the suffering you had felt was all in your head. Ajax would simply reassure you saying there was indeed a large misunderstanding but he took care of it! the problem did exist and he solved it all by himself. you were beyond grateful and found yourself sufficiently fond of him. any day you couldn't see him had you whining about missing him over text and begging him to finally take you on the date you promised him. your clinginess was cute to Ajax. soon enough, he texted you details of when he'd take you out at last. he sent a small dress code and told you he'd stop by to pick you up around eleven at night. you thought the time was oddly late but you were just happy to finally be going out with him.
that evening you found yourself pulling on a cute little white dress with earrings, shoes, and undergarments to match. you thought you looked good this evening and Ajax seemed to agree based on the look he gave you when you opened the door.
"look at you, girlie, all dressed up for me? c'mon give me a little spin." he extended a hand to twirl you around and hummed in satisfaction. "you're too cute for your own good. it's gonna be a real task to make sure all hands, except mine, stay off you tonight," the teasing remark was accented with his usual charming smile. you had chosen to forgo a bag for the evening and simply shoved your phone in such in Ajax's pockets which he had no qualms with. he saw it as the ultimate form of trust; to leave all of your important objects in his hands.
he walked you over to his expensive car and opened the door for you. he's a real gentleman, as it turns out, and also a very good driver. the drive was spent with small talk, loud music, and his right hand squeezing at your plump thigh softly. your smile surely looked dazed but so did his. once parked he opened your door for you once again and took you by the hand into a large party held in what looked to be a very expensive house. the whole place was filled with the smell of alcohol, weed, and sweat but with Ajax holding you to his side you felt safe. he introduced you to each of his friends and fellow frat members tucked close to his side and shared every drink with you. cups and cans were passed between your mouths with giggles and slurred words coming from you. stepping outside, Ajax had pulled out a joint he rolled himself to share with you which was passed back and forth less as he seemed to prefer to shotgun the smoke straight into your mouth. the action was sensual and attractive so you certainly didn't mind. following that, more drinks were shared the same way. he'd take a sip himself before taking another one and funneling it into your mouth through sloppy kisses. there was definitely a sizable amount dripping down your chins and onto your clothes but you were too crossfaded to notice or care. at around two in the morning Ajax half carried you back to his car and to his own frat house.
he stripped you of your clothes that were now stained with drinks you didn't even know the name of. through clenched teeth, he caressed your body covered only in the flimsy white fabric of your bra and panties. with soft touches, he slid off the material from your soft form. his cold fingers ghosted over every curve and crevice of your lucid form. Ajax reviled in the small mewls and whimpers you let out just for him. perhaps it was morally wrong but he knew all of the frat members had done far worse before. soon enough he shed his own clothing as well to softly grind into the soft and wet folds of your sweet pussy. his mouth traveled over all surfaces of your body and licked the sticky residue of countless drinks from your chest as his hands fumbled to open and set up his phone to record the heavenly sight below him.
Ajax found himself slipping his cock into you slowly. even when you were only half conscious you were just so tight around his girthy length. he rutted into you at a pace that had you fading in between awake and asleep between the heated kisses and sloppy thrusts. his dick explored every surface and hole of your body to leave countless loads of himself leaking from you. you just looked far too pretty with thick seed dripping from your dripping cunt and agape mouth. his smile was far off as he angled his phone to capture every movement, every sound, and every ounce of his spend leaking from your beautiful form. you were manhandled from his floor to his bed to his desk and to the bathroom. he had muttered empty promises of cleaning you up in the shower only to continue plunging in and out of your well used holes with water flowing down between your breasts and creating more loud noises as his hips hit your thighs and face. Ajax made sure to feed every hole of yours generously. only once he felt satisfied did he stop.
his large hands gently patted you dry after washing you with his own scent as he whispered soft praise to your barely conscious body. he placed gentle kisses to your cheeks, hands, forehead, and lips as he cleaned you and dressed you in his own shirt. no way was Ajax putting panties on you when he knew he'd need to go at you again in no time.
you'd go on countless more dates with him the future, surely. he knew how to make you feel safe and pleasured. there was no one else that mattered. only you and Ajax. <3
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To activate your Cash Card, open the Cash App on your compatible device, locate the Cash Card icon at the bottom of the screen, and tap on it. Then select “Activate Cash Card” and proceed to scan the QR code on your card.
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Enhance your business operations effortlessly by utilizing the Cash App e-wallet for seamless payment processing, money transfers, and various other essential tasks. Amidst a myriad of transaction platforms in existence today, the Cash App e-wallet stands out as a premier choice, offering users a multitude of functions to streamline their financial activities effectively. Buy verified cash app account.
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When considering purchasing a verified Cash App account, it is imperative to carefully scrutinize the seller’s pricing and payment methods. Look for pricing that aligns with the market value, ensuring transparency and legitimacy. Buy verified cash app account.
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In today’s digital age, the significance of verified Cash App accounts cannot be overstated, as they serve as a cornerstone for secure and trustworthy online transactions.
By acquiring verified Cash App accounts, users not only establish credibility but also instill the confidence required to participate in financial endeavors with peace of mind, thus solidifying its status as an indispensable asset for individuals navigating the digital marketplace.
When considering purchasing a verified Cash App account, it is imperative to carefully scrutinize the seller’s pricing and payment methods. Look for pricing that aligns with the market value, ensuring transparency and legitimacy. Buy verified cash app account.
Equally important is the need to opt for sellers who provide secure payment channels to safeguard your financial data. Trust your intuition; skepticism towards deals that appear overly advantageous or sellers who raise red flags is warranted. It is always wise to prioritize caution and explore alternative avenues if uncertainties arise.
Enhance your online financial transactions with verified Cash App accounts, a secure and convenient option for all individuals. By purchasing these accounts, you can access exclusive features, benefit from higher transaction limits, and enjoy enhanced protection against fraudulent activities. Streamline your financial interactions and experience peace of mind knowing your transactions are secure and efficient with verified Cash App accounts.
Choose a trusted provider when acquiring accounts to guarantee legitimacy and reliability. In an era where Cash App is increasingly favored for financial transactions, possessing a verified account offers users peace of mind and ease in managing their finances. Make informed decisions to safeguard your financial assets and streamline your personal transactions effectively.
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Elu'tam - The Jedi defector
Raised a Jedi and an older Padawan during the Great war, Elu'tam became dissatisfied with his position, and chose to turn to the Dark side in search of glory. Delegated by a Sith general to act under the command of Lord Varagiiri, he was sent on a mission together with her apprentice Halcor Parseo to retrieve a force sensitive child. However, he was betrayed by Halcor and left to be captured by a pair of Jedi.
After breaking out of containment 11 years later, he hunted Halcor down, finding him on a faraway planet in the outer rim, where he was raising the very same child as his own- and attacked him. Halcor quickly shuttled the child out of his reach, however, Elu'tam was under the impression that he'd managed to kill Halcor after he had disarmed him, and taken his lightsaber. Satisfied, with a lifelong trophy in hand, he went home.
Returning to the Sith, he was still considered disgraced for his imprisonment. He struggled to find his place. Forced to once again train as an acolyte, he managed to befriend a young aspiring Sith: Ekkon Kolith, who drastically rose through rank after rank with both talent and skill. Despite the boy loving him like a father, he only felt more and more envy and resentment as his achievements accumulated.
Eventually, Elu'tam caught wind of the whereabouts of the child Halcor had sent away, now a Jedi master, and went to try and kill her. He refused Ekkon's help, believing this was to be his victory, and only his- that this was his ticket out of disgrace. As he approached, he was given the chance to surrender by the Jedi master, Akk'rai Parseo, but refused, and leapt into the fight that would quickly become his last.
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Varagiiri- The patron puppeteer
Halcor's Master, Ekkon's grandmother
An old Zabrak Sith Lord who was mainly active during the Great War. Since then, she's slunk into the shadows and out of the front lines. Only the wiser among the Sith remember she's still out there, somewhere, plotting. She once had a premonition that her grandson would bring about her downfall, and she has worked to avoid it ever since.
She's very picky with the apprentices that she chooses, and likes to keep the ones she's chosen as close as possible. She seeks out Sith considered 'weaker' for being amiable and kind, as she knows the value of true loyalty and honour. Training a Sith apprentice to their full strength will only mark your death, after all, unless you can rely on them being willing to repay your kindnesses- and leave you alive.
Her apprentice, Halcor Parseo, defected from the Empire. He came back to seek her help almost a decade later and she welcomed him with open arms. She helped him reintegrate under a secret identity, fully informed of his true loyalties and goals. But disloyalty towards the Empire, and even the Sith, means nothing, as long as he remains an ally to her.
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DD-4 - The hidden informant
DD-4 is a very simple mini-probe droid with a very evolved personality.
Well, that first part is actually a lie. DD-4 is an incredibly advanced mini-probe droid with a simple exterior. Extremely good memory, stalwart anti-slicing firewalls and data encryption, state of the art stealth cloaking and hypersensitive recording hardware that can reach far distances, DD-4 has been modified and upgraded through the years to become one of the most effective spies this side of Dromund Kaas- under the ownership of the Sith Lord Varagiiri.
Since 1 BTC, he has instead been transferred to Halcor Parseo, to help him keep his identity secret as he lives undercover in the Empire. DD-4 has also been keeping an eye on the operations of Sith assassins at the request of his new master. And occasionally bullying him for being a boring shut-in.
He also serves as the communication tether between Halcor and Varagiiri, transmitting messages between the two when it is needed.
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24pressnews-post · 3 years
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alphafitnessman · 8 months
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Will we ever see the Voice that was coupled to Serra?
That has been a question I've considered for a long time.
Amarra was born 12 BTC and Ryscha was born 7 BTC. There is no confirmed Voice during that time. The closest confirmed Voice was this guy from the comics which take part in 25 BTC.
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Not knowing if this Voice was replaced before the Voss Voice that the Sith Warrior encounters, I've always pictured him as being the one that conceived Amarra. But, like so many things with Ryscha, I don't know if I want the same Voice to have conceived her or a different one. I'm leaning towards there being another Voice between this guy and the Voss Voice because Serra would want to know if the physical body of the Voice has an impact on transferring Vitiate's power to his Children of the Emperor 2.0.
And now I kinda want to model a new Voice that would've sired Ryscha but got dropped in favor of the shiny new Voss Voice.
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fultocks · 1 year
Best Top 10 Cryptocurrency to Invest 2023
March 1, 2023 by Adil Ali
Ethereum is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that’s snappily gaining traction in the global request. Its smart contracts, dApps, interoperability, and brisk sale pets make it a seductive option for businesses and inventors likewise. As further people borrow Ethereum and its DeFi capabilities, the eventuality for the platform to transfigure the way we do deals and contracts continues to grow. also, updates similar to EIP- 1559 on the horizon pledge to make Ethereum indeed more important. With such a promising future, Ethereum looks to be a decreasingly feasible platform for digital deals.
1. Bitcoin (BTC)
Market Cap: $458 billion
Bitcoin is the first and most popular cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an unknown person or group using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It operates on a decentralized tally called blockchain, which allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant deals. Bitcoin is known for its high volatility and is frequently considered a store of value or digital gold.
2. Ethereum (ETH)
Market Cap: $216 billion
Ethereum is the alternate-largest cryptocurrency by request capitalization and was created in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum is further than just a digital currency; it’s a decentralized platform that enables inventors to make and emplace decentralized operations( dApps) on its blockchain. The platform’s native currency is Ether( ETH), which is used to pay-for-sale freights and computational services on the Ethereum network.
3. Tether (USDT)
Market Cap: $66 billion
Tether is a stablecoin that was created to be pegged to the US bone at an 11 rate. It was launched in 2014 by Tether Limited and is used as a means of transferring finances between exchanges and trading cryptocurrency without having to convert back to edict currency. Tether is controversial, with some critics claiming that it isn’t completely backed by US bones
4. USD Coin (USDC)
Market Cap: $54 billion
USD Coin, established by the financial technology corporation Circle and the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, is a stable coin tied to the American dollar. It’s backing of USD and routine audit protocols guarantee the stability and clarity of its operation.
5. Binance Coin (BNB)
Market Cap: $52 billion
Established in 2017, Binance Coin is the crypto asset associated with the renowned Binance Exchange, one of the largest crypto trading platforms globally. This digital asset is utilized to pay for trade fees on the Binance Exchange, as well as to access reduced commission fees on the same exchange.
6. Ripple (XRP)
Market Cap: $18 billion
In 2012, Ripple Labs initiated the cryptocurrency known as Ripple. This global payment system enables instantaneous and dependable cross-border payments with the utilization of its blockchain technology. Financial institutions and payment providers can benefit from Ripple’s services.
7. Cardano (ADA)
Market Cap: $18 billion
Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), a blockchain research and development company, created Cardano, a decentralized platform, in 2017. With a vision of tackling the scalability and security issues that have affected preceding blockchain networks, Cardano is a third-generation blockchain. The native currency of the platform, ADA, is employed to pay transaction fees and to involve oneself in the governance of the Cardano network. Save to documented
8. Binance USD (BUSD)
Market Cap: $18 billion
Binance USD, a fiat-pegged stablecoin developed by the renowned crypto exchange Binance, is constantly monitored to guarantee transparency and maintain full US dollar support. Its main purpose is to allow seamless transfers and trading of digital assets without the need for reverting to conventional money.
9. Solana (SOL)
Market Cap: $15 billion
Solana was founded in 2017 by Solana Labs, to create a blockchain platform with speedy transactions and minimal costs for decentralized applications. As a result, SOL is the cryptocurrency native to this platform, utilized for transaction fees and to join in the administration of the Solana network.
10. Polkadot (DOT)
Market Cap: $10 billion
The Web3 Foundation designed the Polkadot platform in 2016 to bring together different blockchains and allow for seamless interconnectivity. To guarantee high performance and scalability, Polkadot uses a specialized technique called sharding. The native currency of the network is DOT, which is utilized to pay for transaction costs and grant holders a say in Polkadot’s governance.
Ultimately, while these crypto assets vary in attributes and functions, they all share the objective of furnishing a distributed and safe system of exchanging value. As the industry of cryptocurrency persists to advance, we can assume to witness more breakthroughs and novel applications emerge, generating a thrilling period for both financiers and consumers. It is crucial to complete comprehensive research and recognize the risks linked with investing in any cryptocurrency.
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nicoelmito · 1 year
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Tengo agenda abierta para comisiones 🔺. ¿Qué puedo dibujar? Lo que sea (necesito plata 💸).
Sketch Pintados: 15 USD (12.000 CLP) Lineart: 15 USD (CLP) Color: 25 USD (22.000 clp) Pintura: 70 USD (60.000 clp)
🔺 Metodos de pago: Paypal, transferencia bancaria, criptos (BTC, XTZ, ETH, ADA…) 🔺 Licencia de uso personal. El uso comercial requiere contrato y ajuste de precios. 🔺Pago en dos instancias. 50% al iniciar el trabajo, 50% contra entrega. 🔺Máximo 2 cambios. Cambios extra 10 USD (7.000 CLP) 🔺Archivo de entrega: PDF, PNG, JPEG. Archivo original (PSD) valor negociable. 🔺
¿Qué puedo dibujar? Lo que sea. Ya te dije. En el estilo que tú elijas.
Open Commissions!
I have an open agenda for commissions 🔺. What can I draw? Whatever (I need money 💸).
Painted Sketch: 15 USD (12,000 CLP) Lineart: 15 USD (CLP) Color: 25 USD (22,000 clp) Painting: 70 USD (60,000 clp)
🔺 Payment methods: Paypal, bank transfer, cryptos (BTC, XTZ, ETH, ADA...) 🔺 Personal use license. Commercial use requires contract and price adjustment. 🔺 Payment in two instances. 50% at the beginning of the work, 50% against delivery. 🔺 Maximum 2 changes. Extra changes 10 USD (7,000 CLP) 🔺 Delivery file: PDF, PNG, JPEG. Original file (PSD) negotiable value. 🔺
What can I draw? Whatever is. I already told you. In the style you choose.
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