#bsd tonan
rosalinesurvived · 4 months
No because… they really skimped out on so much characterisation in bsd. Tonan did all that against Fukuzawa because his father–whom he clearly loved–was murdered. Higuchi joined the Mafia to provide for her little sister. Kunikida cried for two hours after the Agency was reunited because he was so overcome. Again, because he loves them all. Ango visits Oda’s grave, Gide calls Akutagawa a ‘little black duckling’, Francis shows Atsushi the amount of life-support Margaret is on just to stop her dying, Akutagawa smiled at Atsushi while he was dying. Atsushi calls Akutagawa a lawnmower, Yosano also smiles when she thinks she’ll die, Ango gets teased by his bodyguards, Dazai and Fyodor throw food at each other. All of these are such humanizing tributes that flesh out everyone and give more context for how they are
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randombungoupolls · 10 months
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hoshiumiumi · 9 months
nikolai and nagito stuck in a room tgt whos leaving with tears in their eyes
i think. nikolai ? nagitos emotionally constipated i feel like he'd be frozen or laughing when he should be like ... crying ... though that's referencing canon events throughout sdr2 this man has not wept and in the anime (brainwashing scene) i believe he was laughing rather than crying ? ill check that later KWNSKWN
nikolai. i think is more in touch w emotions and he does break in the tonan scene (though u can debate that was acting) i think itd be nikolai leaving w tears unless the topic is smth he really isnt concerned about
doodle for anon !! cant believe ppl r trying to mesh danganronpa and bsd im trying to heal here <//3 (/j)
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daz4i · 1 year
Hehe I noticed something cool about Nikolai that’s probably pretty obvious buuuut…
If you’re curious it’s the light/dark in his eye - the covered one. In any scene where he’s committing violence or cruelty, the eye is pitch dark - when he shoots Tonan and kidnaps him, after he asks Atsushi to guess which reason for killing he gave was the false one and sticks his leg in the ground.
But when he is talking about freedom, his usually covered eye is light - when he first tells Atsushi that he’s completely sane and talks about birds, when he’s about to get cut in half and calls it freedom from morality (!), and when he suggests to Sigma that killing Dostoevsky would free him from the shackles of attachment.
I’m thinking it means he’s at his most genuine when it’s light… but it’s really interesting to me, that the amount of light changes from scene to scene (reminds me of Dazai a bit) and that it’s specifically only the covered eye!
Is this something that’s fun to think about? :D
oh!!!!! oh absolutely!!!!!!!
i think i once read someone's analysis saying that his eye is dark when he lies, and bright when he speaks the truth
but i think it's more of bsd's general dark/light themes!
the dark is the, well, darkness of the world. the mafia is the embodiment of that, hence they are considered the dark (yeah i may have rewatched s2e5 today and it's affecting my thought process now 😳)
but the light is hope, imo. a better life. and nikolai feels hopeful when he thinks about freedom. he actually yearns to break free from his chains and is willing to do acts we might consider dark - like killing his closest friend - to achieve it
it's really interesting tbh! bc despite what his whole design may point to, he is not as black and white, imo 😌
BUT I GOT SLIGHTLY OFF TRACK! what i mean to say is his actual act of killing is dark for a reason! part of it is that he doesn't actually like doing it! HOWEVER! the idea behind his murders - proving that free will exists - is what brings him into the light!
as for his eye cover, i may have already made a too lengthy post abt that in the past 👀 tldr, it is a symbol for his attachment. therefore removing it is a symbol for freedom! which imo leans even more into his hopes c:
and another thing to note. idk how relevant that is. but in the doa's frame in season 4's opening, they are standing in front of a large window filling the room with light, and nikolai is the only one looking directly at it. also, since i mentioned his design, it IS mainly white (everyone in the doa has some of it, but he has the most). i think he's meant to be shown as this hopeful person through these visualizations as well, maybe? in a way, he's just as driven as the ada are, if not even more. that's what makes him so dangerous!
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kikizoshi · 2 years
Nikolai Hot-Takes
Based on existent panels:
Nikolai is, to some degree, unaware of modern things. He only has a tangential idea of what a band is ("A band is like an orchestra, right?"). I assume he only has a tangential idea of fast fashion, too. Like, "Oh, those clothes stores are like Koroviev's Ladies' Shop, right?"
I don't quite understand it, but as overtainted mentioned, Nikolai's right eye really does appear completely black when he's being ingenuine, and more light/clear when he's being genuine. I'm not sure if it's artistic or his eye really does change colours (Fyodor's eyes appear pitch black sometimes too, and fuzzy white others, which is why I'm assuming it's like Dazai's 'eyes losing light' thing), which is one reason I'm so much anticipating his animation. Anyway, that could be a reason that he covers his eye with a playing card, and if so, I think there is something crucial he's not letting on about concerning his 'Gogol's Apostate Game'. His card was on the entire time during that scene, and in general, he was in his usual clown persona that I've come to associate with masking the truth.
Nikolai loves tongue twisters and other word games of the sort.
I don't think Nikolai cares for anyone to think like him, nor does he think that others should. He mentions to Tonan that he envies people like him, who are born in a cage and die never realising it. He never tries to convince anyone, not Tonan, Atsushi, or Sigma of his ideology. He tries to explain, but he doesn't try to convince. I think he doesn't particularly care whether people think like himself, and his reason for killing someone would never be "to free them."
Nikolai only exists to ferry important plot devices along. As much as I love him, I can't deny that unfortunate existence. Alas, the soul that wishes to be free is ultimately bound to his fate as a paperboy... Genuinely, though, Nikolai is ever-interesting to me and easily one of my favourite characters, but I have to wonder whether his rapid changing of heart every new scene is representative of his increasingly manic state, or directly related to where Asagiri needs him to be and what he needs him to do. I lean towards the latter.
Indulgent ideas:
I think Nikolai could be from a similar place as Kenji (that is, a nonexistent, old-fashioned village). It would explain his seeming lack of awareness about something like a band. I can't say that his clothing supports this theory, since lots of BSD characters dress historically. But Nikolai being from someplace like Dikanka would be a cool nod to Gogol's earlier works, the same way Ihatov is a nod to Miyazawa's.
I think Nikolai and Fyodor met as adults, rather than in their youth. I don't have any basis for this, it's just a feeling.
I'm holding onto the idea that we haven't seen all of Nikolai's Ability yet. My only justification is that, while powerful, I don't see what an object transfer Ability has to do with The Overcoat, and it would be both interesting and in-keeping with Nikolai's character if the real purpose of his Ability had little to do with object transferring, but Nikolai rejected the idea of whatever it does (considering it's The Overcoat, his true Ability could contradict his own ideology, since The Overcoat seems to me to be Gogol's explanation of why people should never rise above their station), and made use of his Ability in his own way. All we know about Nikolai's Ability is that it can transfer objects within a thirty-metre range, that it connects to his cape, and that it might be able to store objects. (Though that last one I'm still not very certain of. Every time his Ability is explained, it seems to just transfer objects and not store them, but then there are scenes like when Nikolai takes out the poison briefcase, which it makes more sense to assume he stored in his Ability than he hid it in a neighbouring room and pulled it out from there, plus how he got the cart with the four objects to choose from into the prison in the first place, if he could only transfer things thirty metres at a time. But it's not impossible that he did those things without storing the objects in his Ability, so it's hard to say.) All that is to say, whether his true Ability is more similar to Montgomery's, I couldn't say, but if he does have s pocket dimension in his Overcoat, I find my "more to Nikolai's Ability than meets the eye" theory much more likely than if it only transfers objects.
I think Nikolai doesn't speak in exclamation points most of the time. We usually see him clownish and manic, but I think the more genuine side of him we see when he's talking to Atsushi, and the sort of insane genuine face that he showed to Sigma are a lot closer to his personality in his off-time. I don't have much basis for this, I just find it more believable.
Nikolai has a large nose (I know he isn't drawn that way), a unique interest in noses and nose-related things, a great passion for food, and doesn't understand women half as well as he understands men. These things are based entirely on Gogol and his works, but I love them so much that even if the first contradicts canon and the latter ones have no canonical evidence, I indulge my belief in them anyway.
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 3 years
Dead Apple ve Manga Spoiler
Biliyorum garip bir soru olacak ama, neden kimse serideki Japon hükümetinin salaklığından bahsetmiyor? Dead Apple'da Shibusawa'yı tamamen yanlış yargıladılar ve neredeyse tüm Yokohama yok ediliyordu. Bir de Tonan-sensei falan var yani hiç mantıklı kararlar almıyorlar. Bunları kim ülkenin başına getirmiş, bir de orası var. Ben şahsen Aya'yı ne kadar sevmiyorsam, Tonan-sensei'yi de en az o kadar sevmiyorum.
Bu arada çok teşekkür ediyorum Rin-san, BSD fandomunda Türk bulmak çok zor. Fikirlerimi senden başkasıyla paylaşamıyorum. İyi ki varsın… 💛
Bunu yazan kim bilmiyroum ama helal olsun.
Dead Apple'da Japon Hükümetinin Ejderha Başı Çatışmasına karışmamasının nedeni başka ülkelerden sızan yetenek kullanıcısı ajanları çaba sarf ettirmeden öldürmek olduğu söylenmişti. Hayatımda bunun kadar gereksiz bir sebep duymadım. Sırf iki üç ajanı, başka ülkelerdeki yetenekliler ölsün diye Yokohama nüfusunun yarısı ceset oldu. Kaş yapayım derken göz çıkarmışlar.
Tonan-sensei'nin gözünü intikam boyamış. Sonra kitabın etkisiyle falan iyice gitti zaten. Başından beri it gülüşü yapıyordu, iki yüzlünün tekiydi.
Ve bunları kim ülkenin başına geçirmiş dediğine özellikle hak veriyorum. Japon Hükümetinin güçsüz olduğunu biliyoruz tamam da başka ülkeden organizasyonlar gelip Japonyaya silahlı saldırı düzenliyor adamlar da tamam yapın madem diyor. Lonca şehri batırdı, kendi adamlarını hükümete soktu ses çıkaran olmadı. Agatha geldi, sis diger ülkelerde de vardı ama biz sizin şehre bomba düşüreceğiz dedi, elini kolunu sallaya sallaya silahlı gemiyle giriş yaptı ülkeye. Şu ana kadar hükümette çalışmış aklı başında bir Şef Taneda, bir de Natsume-sensei vardı. Şef Taneda ölünün kıyısında, diğeri de kedi.
Bu arada dünyanın en güçlü askerinin Japonyadan Fukuchi olup, tüm ülkelerin toplandığı karargaha kapıyı çalmadan girmesi ama Japon Hükümetinin hala yok sayılması da ilginç bir konu. Masa başındaki savaşla savaş alanındaki savaşın farklı olduğunu ben de biliyorum ama aralarında bu kadar açık bir farkın olması normal değil.
Çok teşekkür ederim. Ben de içimi dökmüş oldum.
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chazukekani · 3 years
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Classified in sections of:
Review, Reference, Analysis, Interpretation, Introduction, Opinion
Review - Chapter 77
Review - Chapter 78
Review - Chapter 79
Review - Chapter 80
Review - Chapter 83.5-84 (Thoughts on the Relationship between Atsushi and Dazai & the Growth of Atsushi)
Review - Chapter 84 (Character Development of Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
Review - Chapter 86
Review - Chapter 88
Review - Chapter 95
Reference - Chapter 1 Title
Reference - S2 ep.19 Train Station Names Explained
Reference - Three Companies Conflicting
Reference - Izumi Kyouka’s Bunny Plushie
Reference - Atsushi and Chameleon 
Reference - Mushitarou Chapter 54 Reference
Reference - Yokomizo Seishi Chapter 54 Reference
Reference - Gimlet in Beast
Reference - Wan! ep.5
Reference - Wan! ep.4 ending
Reference - Wan! ep.4 Atsushi's Pork Bun
Reference - Wan! ep.4 What is Manzai?
Analysis - The Chain of Salvation (on Dark Era)
Analysis - The Perfect Murder and Murderer (on Edogawa Ranpo)
Analysis - The Bird’s Cage
Analysis - Ability Singularity
Analysis - Beast universe & The Book
Interpretation - [Dead Apple Prologue] Dialogue between Atsushi and Dazai
Interpretation - [Dead Apple Epilogue] You Saved the City
Interpretation - [Season 3 Epilogue] Atsushi and Dazai
Interpretation - [55 minutes] Dazai’s Bandages
Introduction - [Souheki] Ranpo and Dazai the Double Jade of the Agency
Introduction - Tonan and Atsushi
Introduction - Buddhist Reference in BSD
Introduction - Why 55 minutes is so important to the main series?
Introduction - What is Gaiden? (not much of analysis, pure facts)
Introduction - Yokohama Concession
Opinion - Akutagawa Ryunosuke in Dead Apple
Opinion - Izumi Kyouka in Dead Apple
Opinion - My Favourite Moment in 55 Minutes
Opinion - Order of Clock Tower in Stormbringer
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Pairings: Sigma x Nikolai
Word Count: 868 Words
Summary: Nikolai is taking care of Sigma when a familiar face needs an adult.
Warnings: Age Regression, Fluff, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
BSD Little Oneshots: Chapter 7: Little!Sigma & Little!Poe x Caregiver!Nikolai
Nikolai liked showing Sigma the ground world on days they got the chance between Nikolai and Sigma's schedules that sometimes didn't allow them to even see each other. Sigma had finally taken a week off to relax and Nikolai was on vacation for the next week as well.
So they'd decided on a park where Nikolai could take care of his regressing boyfriend. Sigma had come up to him with several things already, from shells to rocks to a stray kitten that Nikolai was sure was coming home with them.
Nikolai was going to push him on the swingset soon enough, at Sigma's very hyper request, he almost regretted giving him sugar if not for the pure cuteness of it. Sigma was very happy with himself getting Nikolai to push him on the swing, very much making Nikolai smile at him and his childish antics.
"I know you." Nikolai was shocked enough by the hand on his sleeve enough to stop Sigma on the swing, looking to find a person he vaguely recognized, trying to figure out who they were.
"Nika! Swing me!" Sigma whined.
"In a minute, baby bird." He told him. "Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Poe. Ranpo's friend." Oh, so that was how he knew him. He'd helped Ranpo stop the Decay of the Angels incident and the Infection Outbreak Incident.
"Well, I'm Nikolai Gogol, this is Sigma. You can call me Nika too if you want." He offered, looking over the person before him looking very similar to a nervous regressed Sigma. "You're regressed, right?" He asked, getting a nod. "Alright, I'm taking care of Sigma too, I don't mind taking care of you too." Nikolai offered.
"You don't have to!" Poe panicked.
"It's okay, you should be alone if you're regressed. Come on, I'll swing you with birdie." Nikolai offered, seating him in the swing next to Sigma's, pushing the two until Poe was laughing and Sigma was back to his own laughter too.
"Has the candy worn off yet?" He asked Sigma, who shook his head.
"Play tag!" Sigma requested.
"Wanna play tag with us, Poe?" Nikolai asked.
"Okay!" Poe seemed very happy now that he was relaxed around them, because Sigma being small also helped him be small. Playing tag with two friends in the park was even better than just with Sigma, he was matching Sigma's energy so he could regress better with them.
Poe and Sigma squealed happily when he got them, both of them chasing after him to tackle him to the ground, both making him 'it' again and he couldn't help laughing at the two.
"Guess you both got me." He admitted his defeat, he wouldn't make these two work any harder, since it seemed like Sigma was coming off his sugar crash now. "Sugar's wearing off now, birdie?" He asked his boyfriend.
"Mhm." He nodded for him.
"Alright, we'll have lunch with Poe and then we can go home. Sasha's waiting with the kitty." He reminded Sigma, who giggled and began running to their picnic towel to sit with Sasha, Sigma's german shepherd, who was sitting with that stray kitten that Sigma had already named Mischa after his old fake name during his days as Tonan's secretary.
He led Poe back, which made Sigma hand him one of the various sandwiches they'd brought. Poe cooed over the kitten, petting him and Sasha as well. Poe and Sigma were going on with each other about kittens and how cute they were, which made him smile watching over them.
"Ed!" Nikolai saw that detective coming over to them. So he guessed Poe was here with Ranpo and, was that a racoon now clinging to his arm, grabbing for his sandwich.
"No, Karl, be nice to Nika!" Poe forcefully took the raccoon away and held him in his arms.
"Hi, Karl." Nikolai greeted him, handing him a piece of strawberry from the containers. "Hi, Edogawa." He looked up at the detective, giving a wave even as Sigma looked over the detective unsurely and Ranpo was taking deep breaths.
"What are you doing, Ed? I got worried when I came back and you weren't there." Ranpo accused.
"I went to look for you. I couldn't find you. Then I found Nika." Poe looked up at the detective with a big smile.
"Poe, he's a war criminal." Ranpo warned him.
"But he swung me on the swings. And we played tag. And he's nice." Poe defended.
"You didn't do anything to him?" Ranpo asked.
"Nope, just made sure he was safe since I'm already babysitting my birdie and they get along." Nikolai held out a spare sandwich for Ranpo to join them instead of standing there awkwardly.
"I suppose I'll overlook seeing you two here today since Ed had fun and I don't want to cause a scene in the park." Ranpo grumbled.
"Ranpo, look at Mischa! Isn't he cute? His Mama left him so Nika and Birdie are gonna take him home and take care of him." Poe requested, showing the baby kitten to his friend.
"He's cute." Ranpo smiled, Nikolai supposed taking care of two babies was worth it, it was twice the cuteness to spoil, after all.
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ed63 · 7 years
Well, in case you are really wonder about the real Atsushi Nakajima...
Hello there everyone who loves Atsushi Nakajima the main character of Bungou Stray Dogs...are you interested in the real Atsushi Nakajima as well?
If yes, I might provide you with some info about him...well, several months ago I started to do a little research about him. And then, this info was actually my analysis based on some books or journals about him. I wonder if someone out there had written about the real Atsushi Nakajima, I hope it will give you some clues why Asagiri sensei portray him as a persona that we see on the BSD anime and manga.
1.      NAKAJIMA AND EXISTENCE. (Atsushi and the world/fate) QUOTE: “I offered that Nakajima Atsushi was a man who experienced deep feelings of alienation, who sought truth and meaning in a world he perceived as cruel and who was unsure of his own worth in that world. I also suggested that his philosophical struggles are manifest in his fiction.” (Scott Charles Langton, 1992, Thesis: The Works of Nakajima Atsushi “War is War, Literature is Literature, The Ohio State University, page. 9)
2.      NAKAJIMA AND EXISTENCE. (Atsushi and the world/fate) QUOTE: “...that Nakajima sought to convey to his readers his insights into the meaning of man's existence as a pawn of fate and that he tried to faithfully portray the internal struggles and self-analysis by which he achieved these insights by putting his characters through the same philosophical rigors he had experienced.” Scott Charles Langton, 1992, Thesis: The Works of Nakajima Atsushi “War is War, Literature is Literature, The Ohio State University, page. 7)
3.      NAKAJIMA BEING MISUNDERSTOOD AS JAPANESE WAR SUPORTER FACT. QUOTE: “The milieu in which these were written and the sources to which Nakajima turned for his settings have led the scholar of Japanese literature, Donald Keene, to suggest that Nakajima's fiction from this period manifests his support for and approval of the Japanese militarists' expansionist activities in China and the South Pacific during the Pacific War. He hypothesizes that the choice of ancient Chinese settings and of Stevenson's life in the South Pacific reflects Nakajima's insistence that "the East, including Samoa and other islands not usually associated with Asia, has a civilization of its own that is of equal or perhaps even greater value" than that of the West and that the choice of Chinese source material in particular shows Nakajima's underlying "rejection of the West.” (Donad Keene, "War Literature,". Dawn To The West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era in Scott Charles Langton, p.1)
4.      NAKAJIMA PARENTS. (Atsushi and his relationship with Orpahanage director) QUOTE: “His father Nakajima Tabito was the seventh of nine children of Nakajima Busan.” (page.9) “Nakajima Tabito was trained in the classics by his father. as was Atsushi's mother, Chiyoko, who had been a primary school teacher before marrying Tabito.” (Scott Charles Langton, 1992, Thesis: The Works of Nakajima Atsushi “War is War, Literature is Literature, The Ohio State University, page 10)
5.      NAKAJIMA UNCLES. (Atsushi relationship with Dazai and Kunikida). QUOTE: “Atsushi's uncle Tan, one of those four. was a devoted scholar with a gift for Chinese poetry. (p.10). “Tan was fervently patriotic. (p.10)”. “Nakajima Sho, another of Atsushi's three uncles who was a Confucian scholar. was also devoted to the study of the Chinese classics. But in contrast to Nakajima Tan, Sho did not concern himself with political issues. Instead he quietly built on the research that his father, Busan, had done on Kameda Hosai and compiled collections of the Chinese poetry of his father and of Tan. (p.11)”
(Atsushi relationship with Dazai and Kunikida). QUOTE: “Indeed. Atsushi was influenced by both of these uncles.”(p.12)
Tan personality: Kunikida (submit to idealism, volatile temper)
Sho personality: Dazai (calm, experienced scholar admired by Atsushi)
Sho physical appearance: Kunikida (the ponytail)
6.      NAKAJIMA UNCLE SHO. (Kunikida’s ponytail). QUOTE: “The younger of Sanzo's two uncles (modeled after Sho) is a quiet. pony-tailed. white-bearded hermit who devotes himself to research on the classics.” (p.11)
7.      NAKAJIMA UNCLE TAN. (Kunikida’s personality). QUOTE: “By contrast. the elder uncle. Tonan, though also a devoted scholar, has a volatile temper.”(p.11)  “Through the course of the story. Atsushi reveals that though Sanzo has often criticized his uncle Tonan for his temper and stubbornness. he greatly respects his commitment to his ideals.” (p.12)
8.      NAKAJIMA UNCLE SHO. (Dazai’s personality). QUOTE: “The younger of Sanzo's two uncles (modeled after Sho) is a quiet.”(p. 11) QUOTE: “Atsushi had a special respect for Sho's scholarship.”(Nobuko Miyama Ochner, "Life and Works:',citing Nakajima Tan, "Nihon bunsho no daraku ni soro" (Corruption of Japanese Writings). Nihon oyobi Nihonji  (Japan and the Japanese) No. 689. (Sept. 1916) p. 5-6.
9.      NAKAJIMA CHILDHOOD IN FOREIGN LAND. (in relation to Bungou Stray Dogs setting) QUOTE: “According to his friend Hikami Hidehiro, Nakajima's years in Korea played a significant part in his development as a writer in that they fostered his love for the exotic and enabled him to put some "distance between himself and his colonial surroundings." Hikami Hidehiro."Kaisetsu: hitoto bungaku" (Commentary; the Man and His Literature), Tokyo 1967, p. 153
10. NAKAJIMA HARD PAST LIFE. (Atsushi relationship with Orphanage director). QUOTE: “Family life did not offer much relief from these feelings of isolation. His relations with his father were apparently not very warm. And there were difficulties between Atsushi and his stepmother. In one instance she tied him to a tree in the yard to punish him. He remained an only child until he was fourteen years old. Then in 1923, his stepmother died shortly after giving birth to his half-sister, Sumiko. His father married for the third time in 1924, but Atsushi's relations with this stepmother were no better than with his first. (p. 15)
11. NAKAJIMA HARD PAST LIFE. (Atsushi experiencing abandonment, allusion of being thrown out by his parents in garbage bag). QUOTE: “His parents' marriage was apparently not a happy one for they separated in 1910, two years after marrying and less than a year after Atsushi was born. Eventually his parents divorced. The infant Atsushi went to live with his grandparents in Saitama prefecture in February 1910. The following year Atsushi's grandfather Busan died. Then in February of1914, Atsushi was sent to join his father, who had remarried and was teaching in Koriyama in Nara Prefecture.”(p.13)
12. NAKAJIMA PERSONALITY. (Atsushi loneliness, shyness and bullying experience). QUOTE: “In the second term of that fifth year I transferred from my school in Japan to Ryuzan Primary School in Korea. Anyone who has had to change schools repeatedly when he was young because of his father's business or some such reason wiH probably recognize my experience. When first entering the new school, there is nothing too disagreeable: different customs, different regulations, different pronounciation, different ways of reading from the textbook, that sort of thing. But then there are those many malicious eyes looking as though they would like to buHy the newcomer for no good reason, Feeling as though just one sneer would do me in, I was sent packing by a withering timidity. Twenty three days after I transferred to the Ryuzan primary school, at the hour alotted to reading, I was to read about the poem written on the trunk of the cherry tree from "Kojima Takanori." When I began reading, everyone burst out laughing. Turning crimson, I tried diligently to correct my mistakes, but as much as I corrected myself,everyone gave way to laughter. At length, a thin smile rose even to the instructor's lips and settled there, A thoroughly hateful feeling encompassed me and when that hour ended, I bolted from the classroom and went and stood alone in a corner of the playground staring dejectedly into the sky and wanting to cry. I still remember it even now: that day seems like the dense cloud of a violent dust storm.” (Nakajima Atsushi, Nakajima Atsushi Zensho. (Collected Works of Nakajima Atsushi), vol.3,ed.Nakamura Mitsuo in Scott Charles Langton, p.14-15).
13. NAKAJIMA PERSONALITY. (Atsushi symphaty towards the oppressed). QUOTE: “While ‘junsa no iru Hikei' (Scene with Policeman – Nakajima’s earlier works regarding the life of Korean police during era of Japan colonization in Korea) is certainly not one of Nakajima's major works. it is important as an indicator of the psychological style and technique which characterize his later fiction. It demonstrates his taste for exotic settings and historical events as source material. But also illustrates his opposition to the exploitation and oppression of indigenous peoples by a colonial power.” (p.27)
14. NAKAJIMA PERSONALITY. (Atsushi initial denial against accepting circumstances, in relation to Akutagawa’s remarks on Atsushi’s true mentor in chapter 39). QUOTE: “People who act without self-consciousness never think about such things, but people like the protagonist think too much. Instead of accepting his circumstance and his existence as given, he tries to understand everything (by questioning everything).” (p. 27). “Eventually the protagonist comes to realize it is his fear of disappointment which keeps from accepting his circumstance and acting spontaneously.” (p.28)
15. NAKJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND.. QUOTE: “Nakajima Atsushi was born in 1909 in the Yotsuya ward of Tokyo. the eldest child of a Confucian scholar, into a family which valued Chinese studies highly”. (Scott Charles Langton, 1992, Thesis: The Works of Nakajima Atsushi “War is War, Literature is Literature, The Ohio State University, page. 9)
16. NAKJIMA LIETRATURE BACKGROUND. (“Chinese” is the keyword to understand him and his works. Chinese influence is so strong in him, even Bones noticed it. If you r looking for the clue please look at the BSD OP season 2 when he walked on china town or the place where he and Kyouka had their first date). QUOTE: “The influence of the Chinese classics in Nakajima Busan's household was quite strong. Four of his seven sons. including Tabito, grew up to become Confucian scholars.”. (Scott Charles Langton, 1992, Thesis: The Works of Nakajima Atsushi “War is War, Literature is Literature, The Ohio State University, page. 10)
17. NAKAJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND. QUOTE: “His respect for their (his uncles) dedication to Confucianism and classics of Chinese history and literature. together with the instruction in the classics he received from his father provided him with a firm grounding in Chinese studies.” (p.12)
18. NAKAJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND. (in relation to Bungou Stray Dogs setting and various western characters in BSD series). QUOTE: “It was during his eight years teaching at Yokohama Girls' Higher School that Nakajima was exposed more widely to Western literature. He read Pensees by Blaise Pascal. the collected works of Anatole France and the fiction of Robert Louis Stevenson. He also worked on translations of Western literature. from D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers to essays by Aldous Huxley to portions of Franz Kafka's "Reflections on Sin. Pain. Hope and the True Way." Huxley's essays "Pascal" and "Spinosa's Worm" deal with two Western philosophers who were concerned with the meaning of existence. That Nakajima should have read (and translated) these essays suggests that he was interested in a Western perspective on the questions he had struggled with since his youth. (p.32)
19. NAKJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND. (in relation to Bungou Stray Dogs setting and various western characters in BSD series ). QUOTE: “Becoming familiar with the philosophies of thinkers like Pascal and Spinoza, Nakajima. who was already struggling with the meaning of existence. began to assimilate some aspects of Western philosophy to his own point of view.” (p.17)
20. NAKAJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND (in relation to Bungou Stray Dogs setting and various western characters in BSD series ). QUOTE: “Nakajima was well read in Western literature, and even suggested to a friend that he wanted to make his version of Hsi-yu chi his Faust.” (Nakajima Atsushi, Nakajima Atsushi Zensho. (Collected Works of Nakajima Atsushi), vol.3,ed.Nakamura Mitsuo in Scott Charles Langton, p.4).
21. NAKAJIMA LITERATURE BACKGROUND (in relation to Bungou Stray Dogs setting). QUOTE: “In the fifty-five tanka which constitute this series of poems. Nakajima refers to famous artists and thinkers from both Asia and the West, from ancient and modern times alike. The persons mentioned in these poems range from the medieval Japanesepoet Saigyo to Byron, from Lao-tzu to Freud, from Bodhidharma to Christ. There are verses devoted to the writers Anatole France and Robert Louis Stevenson, to the poets Li Po and Hitomaro, and even to Vincent van Gogh and Ludwig von Beethoven. Also conspicuously present are references to the Western philosophers Augustine, Hegel, Kant, Pascal and Soinoza, all of whom contributed to the development of existentialism.” (p. 33-34)
22. NAKAJIMA FAVORITE AUTHOR. (Atsushi’s friendship with Tanizaki) . QUOTE: His graduation thesis regarding the Tambi-ha (japanese aesthetic school). written in 1933. focuses on the literature and style of Nagai Kafu and Tanizaki Junichiro and reflects his interest in modern literature. (p.31)
·        Both Tanizaki dan Nakajima were literati whose their works portrayed a person who is in search of identity. Nakajima focused in search of self identity and existence as result of being alienated. While Tanizaki focused on turbulence of cultural identity between japanese tradition and western values. Nagai Kafu’s social criticism has drawn Nakajima’s interest in aeschetic literature and opposition between traditional values and modernism.
Well, it is just half part of my analysis about him. There some facts about him that I haven’t showed to you yet due to my laziness LOL
I hope this information is useful to you and love Atsushi Nakajima more :D
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rosalinesurvived · 5 months
Do you guys think Fukuzawa actually recognised Tonan??? The Agency head, who just recieved the prize for protecting the people, straight-up murdered this Minister of Justice’s father. Does Fukuzawa know who this is? Does he put up with Tonan because it would be awkward to apologise for cutting a guy’s head off with his katana? Does Tonan know his father was a war-hawk or did he just walk in to Fukuzawa killing his dad? Tonan’s the minister of justice, is he committed to his job? has he been watching the agency and waiting to do this? How come i haven’t heard anyone in the fandom talking about this fucker?
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Pairings: Nikolai x Sigma (Pre-Relationship)
Word Count: 3,326 Words
Summary: Nikolai doesn't know how to stick up for himself while working for Tonan.
Warnings: Age Regression, Hurt/Comfort, Harassment Mention, Panic Mention, Assault Mention, Immunodeficient Character, Panic Attack Mention, Death Mention, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
BSD Little Oneshots: Chapter 4: Little!Nikolai x Caregiver!Sigma
The wig was too tight today. Nikolai supposed he should have loosened it after cleaning it again, but he'd had barely any time this morning to get dressed, let alone think about fixing his disguise.
He hated this job, he did, even if it was for his Dostoy. Was the job truly worth being abused by his boss? It felt too oddly much like being shown off at the circus when Tonan sometimes decided he'd like to show off his 'pretty secretary' to other people.
His headspace was far too cloudy today staring at mindless paperwork and words he couldn't even make out anymore and glasses that were hurting his head more. He took said glasses off to rub at his eyes, feeling hands on his shoulders that went down over his chest.
He looked up at that, finding Tonan there and he smiled for him regardless. He'd done so well appearing professional around him, despite the very blatant workplace harassment. But he couldn't really do anything about that, now could he? He needed to go with the plan that Fyodor had set into motion already.
"Hello, Sir!" Tonan didn't respond, he assumed it was the taking off of his glasses. He never had before, he knew. They were something practically useless but did well hiding his blind eye from being noticed, allowing that to be overlooked.
"My head just hurts a bit. Paperwork, you know. It's no problem, Sir." He explained, trying to quell his boss' seeming worry over him.
"I don't care." He was confused at that. Even when he wasn't particularly working well, Tonan always cared. He'd assign more work at the least, like a punishment, but it just made it so Nikolai got paid more staying to work late nights.
"Sir-" He tried.
"Shut up." He felt hands on his waist, hauling him up, making him fumble and drop his glasses onto his desk, getting dragged into Tonan's private office. Maybe he had to speak to him in secret and his waist was his only leverage? But he was nervous, he was afraid.
He didn't like people touching him, especially not his waist, where his old ringmaster would forcefully drag him by to force him to move. And he certainly didn't like being pulled along by said waist, it made him nearly panic, which he held back knowing he had to keep his true identity properly hidden.
"Mister Tonan?" He asked, watching the official lock the door and pull the shades down. He was getting scared in this lonesome enclosed space. Is this how Sigma felt when he was held captive by human traffickers?
"Shut up, I waited four months for this." Tonan growled and he felt hands grabbing at unwanted places and he tried to push his hands off. He didn't have another way to stop him, he couldn't use his ability or his cover would be gone. The plan could go up in smoke. And this far in? He couldn't waste their meticulous plan now.
"Stop fighting." The booming voice made him freeze up, breath shaking as he stopped moving, eyes looking over him. "Good boy."
He felt sick, he wanted to struggle or fight back or use his ability, kill this man. But he couldn't do anything but wait until he was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor, like he was just a piece of trash, shaking and hiccups pouring from him.
"Get dressed, go work." He didn't move, respond, he couldn't. He couldn't even bring himself to fully acknowledge Tonan's presence. He was busy trying to breathe, trying to stop shaking.
"Listen to your orders!" He shook getting himself redressed and went back to work out at his desk. He couldn't focus, he couldn't breathe even, but he felt some weird autopilot come over him to make him work.
"See, I knew you'd like some stress relief with me. Go home if you're work's done, my good boy." His skin crawled at the pet name. He felt sick at it. But his work was done, so he got to go home early tonight.
He certainly didn't feel like he was at home, he felt somewhere a million miles away. He hid in his blankets, having scrubbed his skin raw with burning water. His black and white kitten, Vera, practically stalked him, sensing her owner's distress and trying to help solve it the best her tiny self could.
He knew he went to sleep crying, but he couldn't bear to acknowledge it, he couldn't even think about going back to work tomorrow. He'd cry more if he went in again, he knew, so he called out sick.
The first time he had, actually, even with his weak immune system, he hadn't called out yet from this job. Thankfully, the Rats and Angels meeting was the next day. He couldn't think of anything more mindless than sitting through a meeting, getting to spend time with his friends.
Getting to the meeting was silent, he didn't know how to act anymore, he just wanted to not be alone. They all seemed rather shocked to see him, they hadn't expected him, obviously. He didn't really expect to just go completely blank during the meeting.
"Nikolai? Thoughts, since you're here today." Ivan asked and Fyodor looked at him expectantly. Everyone was. He felt so overwhelmed already that he broke from the pressure, feeling tears unwillingly pour over his face, trying his best to hide them. He didn't want them, he didn't want them to think he was weak.
"Is he crying?" Fukuchi asked. He bit back the hiccups that threatened to come from his unsteady breaths. He didn't want to be called weak, he couldn't let them think he was weak. He took a deep breath, trying to even himself out.
"I'm sorry, I'm just sick." He tried to excuse himself, roughly wiping his face, trying to calm himself down for them.
"You don't just burst out crying from being sick, Nikolai." Sigma reminded him.
"Shut up!" He snapped at him, eyes glaring at the two-tone, who rolled his eyes at him and his outburst. "I'm sorry, I just..." He couldn't find a lie, he just couldn't, he was afraid they wouldn't believe him. Sigma looked at him both confused and shocked. Had he really never apologized to him for anything before?
"Does he have a fever or something?" Sigma asked, sitting forward like he was finally intrigued. Nikolai gasped at the hand on his forehead, shoving it away, not letting himself get touched.
"Don't." His voice was trembling, he knew his illusion of being fine had broken.
"Nikolai, what's wrong?" Fyodor asked.
"I can't go back there." He tried and failed to stop the sob that came out, he wanted to hide but he couldn't. He, of all people, knew his ability wasn't one to use when he was this emotional, he could hurt himself that way.
"Go back where?" Bram asked tiredly.
"I can't breathe." He clawed at his chest, trying to undo buttons he knew would have no effect on his difficulty breathing.
"Hey, look at me." Sigma suddenly insisted, hands having taken his own, pressing a hand against the bi-tone's chest. "Slowly, you're having a panic attack. Breathe with me. In through your nose, out through the mouth. You're safe here." He was never more grateful that Sigma wasn't one for humiliating others.
His breath shook, but he did his best to follow the instructions given, hand against Sigma's chest shaking still, hiccups dying down as Sigma tucked him up into his arms. They didn't feel suffocating or frighten him, he felt safer within the other man's arms for now. Perhaps he was just so tired his body wouldn't react.
"Kolya, what happened? Where can't you go back to?" Fyodor asked. He sounded to tense, almost like he was holding himself back from going on a rampage. He was frightened he would be the first one killed in said rampage.
"Tonan." He managed, wiping his face and looking at the Russian, eyes looking over him.
"What did he do? Is your cover broken?" Fukuchi asked.
"Got me alone. Called it stress relief. I was too scared to fight back." He could practically feel the dark aura his admission made settle over the meeting room.
"Tonan assaulted him." Fyodor sounded disgusted. He wanted to burst out crying at the sound. Dostoy probably thought he was disgusting, he felt his heart in his throat, sniffling like a child. He supposed it was rightful of him, someone who had no proper childhood to speak of, to cry like a misplaced child.
"It's okay now, Kolya." Sigma held him close. He felt an odd calmness settle over him, like someone just put clouds in his mind. He felt foggy but he felt fingers so calming in his hair from Sigma. He buried against him, he needed him there right now. He needed to have someone close.
"I'll kill him." Fyodor alerted everyone. Nikolai was too busy clung to Sigma to care what everyone was talking about.
"Kolya?" Sigma asked him, voice gentle and he looked up at him, confused about his own weirdly foggy headspace and Fyodor's disappearance when he looked for him.
"Where Dostoy?" He asked. His voice sounded tiny, it sounded weirdly childish, more than normal, at least. Sigma simply smiled at him.
"Dostoy went out for a minute. How old do you feel?" Sigma asked. He thought for a minute. His age? He was ripely twenty six, his birthday had been recent too. Sigma surely remembered his chaos of a birthday party.
But his mind kept feeding him the answer of two. Why did he feel two? What was happening? He felt scared, he didn't like this confusion. He held two shaky fingers for Sigma.
"Alright, little one. You're safe, it's okay now. Maybe, if you ask him, Pushkin will go get you some candy." Sigma offered. He lit up, he liked candy, he wanted candy. He giggled, nodding.
"Please!?" He chirped at Pushkin.
"Why does he need candy?" Pushkin asked.
"Get the candy and kids snacks. Now." Sigma's voice was commanding, staring at Pushkin with a very scary glare.
"Okay, okay, fine." Pushkin left and Nikolai smiled at Sigma, his thumb tucked into his mouth, other hand playing with Sigma's, poking his face as well, making the other begin smiling fondly again.
"He'll be dead by tomorrow midday." Fyodor announced as he came back in.
"No murder around the baby." Sigma requested.
"Baby?" Fyodor asked.
"Our Kolya has regressed from stress." Sigma informed the rest in the room finally.
"Ah. Truly, a cute baby." Fyodor smiled at him and Nikolai smiled back at him, giggles coming from him, he was happy.
"I don't know what candy or snacks he likes, I got some most of whatever the store had." Pushkin frantically put the bags of food on the table as he came back in. Sigma offered him a handful of whatever he managed to reach. Nikolai slowly, making sure he could, took one of the matcha kitkats.
"Kolya, that's unsanitary." Ivan let him know, handing him a pacifier. Where he got it, nobody knew, nobody probably ever would. But Nikolai took it nonetheless and he giddily settled against Sigma, eating his kitkat and giggling as Fyodor, instead of proceeding the meeting, simply put on a kids movie for him to watch and everyone else to relax to.
The next day going into work was stressful, but he was back to his adult mindset, working until about twenty minutes before his lunch break and he realized he hadn't brought his lunch in his scramble not to be late getting to work.
Once he'd figured out the plan Fyodor had to kill his boss today, he'd put a stop to that, he needed their plan to go through and killing Tonan now would destroy said plan. Tonan had just opened his office door and Nikolai dreaded his entry to the room when he saw a familiar face in very unfamiliar hair.
Sigma, all dressed up in a short light brown wig he'd thrown at him whilst picking the wig for his own disguise, having gone for this current black one instead. He carried a bag and a big smile, a pink visitor's pass clipped to his shirt.
"Mischa, love." Ah, his fake name. Sigma's voice was purposely soft to greet him. "You didn't bring lunch." He held out the bag for him. Tonan was out of his office now, watching him with a keen eye.
"Thank you, Nikita." He picked the first name that came to mind, he didn't care which one it was, but Sigma couldn't be called 'Sigma' in front of his boss.
"And who is this, Mischa?" Tonan asked at him nervously taking the bag from Sigma.
"Just his husband, sir. My Mischa forgot to bring lunch with him today, I hope you don't mind I showed up to bring it to him." Oh, so Sigma was playing the husband card to check on him while also bringing him the lunch he'd forgotten to bring.
"Thank you, honey." He smiled at him, garnering a smile back at him.
"You have a husband?" Tonan asked.
"Yes, sir, we've been married for six years now, going on seven. Sorry for the intrusion, but my husband is just worried about me since I was sick yesterday. You know my immune system isn't the best, so Nikita gets worried about me when I get sick." He assured his boss.
Sigma was clearly smiling at him having gotten his little devious plot to check on him and make sure Tonan didn't bother him. But the other was very obviously putting on a 'concerned husband' mask and he couldn't be prouder of him for acting so well. He assumed it was a good mask because he was actually worried about Nikolai's safety and truly was concerned.
"Ah, well, your husband is safe here, Nick was it? So you can give him his lunch and leave. I just got more paperwork sent over for him." Sigma didn't frown like he expected, surprisingly.
Nikolai smiled at Sigma, letting the other lean over his desk and kiss him goodbye. It didn't feel bad? He didn't hate it, he was soft, almost gentle with him. He broke into a big smile, but tried not to show his complete giddy to the two other men in his presence.
He could squeal over it later when he was at home with his kitten, Vera. He could gush to his kitten, who would simply run around with her zoomies and occasionally land on him to knead at his belly.
"Have a good day, dear." Sigma smiled against his lips, he felt like his heart was far too light for his liking, beating too quickly for it not to be a good thing.
"You too, darling." He smiled back, stealing a kiss back from Sigma, the first of several he knew he'd steal from him.
"I'll see you later, Mischa. Dimitri's making dinner for us to go on a double date with him and Vlad." He could only assume he meant Ivan and Fyodor by the names. He was happy to have him here.
"I love you." He knew saying it might be dangerous, but he liked it. He liked him and he wanted him to know.
"I love you too." Sigma's smile only got brighter. "I'll see you at home." Sigma kissed his forehead, leaving him rather giddy and very much awaiting getting home to his friends being there. Tonan huffed, leaning against his desk.
"You're not to tell your husband what we did the other day, Mischa." Tonan ordered. "I will destroy your life if you do. Your career and reputation will be gone, I assure you." Tonan tried to threaten.
"Sir, I don't plan to. But I'll have to quit if you plan to try that with me again. I have a husband, I love him, our marriage is happy. I can't be your secretary if you don't respect my marriage."
"If you're married, why don't you wear a ring?" 
"It had to get cut off. Remember, I collapsed a month ago because I got sick? You were visiting Hong Kong with Mister Inoue? The doctor cut it off me. Nikita is working on getting me a new one." He lied through his teeth. But Tonan bought it, he supposed, by the lack of bite back he got.
"Fine, but never tell anyone of what we did. It was a one time thing and it was a mistake." He could have cried hearing that. On top of the high of getting to be romantic with Sigma, that felt like a relief. He didn't have to worry about being taken advantage of again.
"Now, go take lunch, your work will be here waiting for you to come back." Tonan ordered him. Clocking out for his hour lunch, the bag Sigma brought him in hand, he was borderline euphoric, near tears too actually. He spotted Sigma waiting for him and he hugged him tightly.
"On lunch?" Sigma asked.
"I'm going to cry." He alerted him, quickly getting them out of there. He sat them in a park, alone near the swing set and he leaned against Sigma's shoulder.
"He said he won't do it again, that it was a one time thing. Because I told him our marriage is happy. I did it, I stood up to him. I told him I'd quit if he kept trying." He felt a strong arm around him, he sniffled.
"Fyodor's with Vega. Ivan is making piroshki for dinner." Sigma reminded him. He laughed, wiping his face softer than he had the day before.
"I should eat, I only have an about fifty minutes left." He reminded them both. Looking through the bag and finding more matcha kitkats, popcorn, and cotton candy, with a container of varenyky, deruni, and olivier potato salad.
"Fyodor helped me make it. He said you might like having something feel like home, especially when you're stressed by work." Sigma smiled nervously.
"You made this?" He asked.
"Well, I tried. Fyodor did most of the work." He gave a laugh, rubbing his back as he wasted no time trying them.
"You're the best." He alerted him.
"So are you." Sigma smiled, watching the birds in the sky while he ate.
"Tell Fyodor he did good teaching you to cook." He requested.
"I will." Sigma was quiet, leaning against him.
"I do love you." He finally managed.
"I know, I really do love you too." He couldn't have smiled more.
"Then give me more kisses." He dragged him to face him, kissing him, laughing when Sigma rolled his eyes and agreed by kissing him. So he got a boyfriend out of the deal. Or were they husbands? After all, a man who 'died' six years ago and a man who was made only three years ago wouldn't be able to get legally married.
He supposed he should have forged certificates made for them anyway, they could just make a second set they'd keep with their own unofficial marriage. Maybe have a little wedding between them and their friends. He could force Fyodor to be the officiant, he supposed. And that thought made him laugh against Sigma's mouth, making the other break the kiss to question him.
"We could make Dostoy be our wedding officiant." He laughed out, which just led to them both laughing in a park at the ideas of their imaginary wedding, topped right off with Vera being a flower girl and Ivan in some hideous imaginary bridesmaid dress.
He didn't really mind being tied down to Sigma, it didn't feel like a cage. It felt more like flying, his heart sure was and he was sure Sigma felt happy too. He stole more kisses, because of course he would, they kept making his heart go fast, and he liked it.
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