ghostsandmirrors · 2 months
( @bruxsaria asked for the owl )
There was the tapping of talons on the hard floor, the footsteps of the feathered creature sounding out as almost a skip. Just a little tapping before that voice came. That voice. That horrific voice. That voice that seemed to make words dance on the tune of that too-cheerful tone.
But he knew up to 38 languages!
"Borna!" Her name rung out hauntingly, searching for he target as he held a toothpick in one hand like a joust. "Jeste li vježbali?" Have you been practicing?
"Znaš da učiš samo pokušavajući!" You know you only learn by trying!
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penniesfortheferryman · 4 months
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"I have a strange request." Kharon says in low tone, which comes out more monotone than how he normally spoke. Amber colored eyes are cast to the side as if he was looking at something unseen, his thick fingers holding tightly to the tea cup between them.
@bruxsaria // closed.
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soapfcrce · 6 months
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“ your world as you knew it is gone. ” || @bruxsaria
“Believe me, I know.”
One particular visit to the graveyard seemed to have brought an… attachment? Was that the right word? There was that familiarity that lingered in the air, but Soap didn’t pay it much mind. He was staring at where his grave should be, much like how he had for the last week since therapy day.
To say it was a bad week would be an understatement…
He placed one of the flowers he had bought on the headstone in front of him, someone he remembered from a time before. “… Y’ haunting me to wait for the last crumb to go?” Might as well ask this… woman? Well, it at least felt better than yelling at some sleep deprived hallucinations or whatever else the medication made him feel. “Fuckin’ nasty of you t’ do that.”
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mothergooseberry · 5 months
❛ actually , i think i better get going … it’s late and … ❜ (for outlast trials verse from human! Borna!)
“Oh, but the doctor is almost ready for you, dear!” She's been reassured that Dr. Futterman will handle it, though he isn't handling it yet. He's finicky like that. Always busy. The goose puppet is still on her hand, of course, but the deadly drill at the center of it is retracted and the goose remains silent.
Regardless, Borna is cornered. No way out other than to fight or wait for Gooseberry to get bored of chit chatting. “You don't have anything to worry about. You're not a nasty little thief like those other awful children. Are you?”
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 5 months
two individuals in a morgue what could go wrong? // @bruxsaria
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" Hey hun, I thought I'd swing by to keep you company while you work! I also brought you food. My brother made it, I gave him a general idea of what you liked and he threw something together." Rosalie stated as she held out the picnic basket in hand. " I forgot how strong the chemicals are in here. I hope this doesn't kill the appetite. " Rosalie giggled a little but cleared her throat since it was such a bad pun. " Sorry, I couldn't help myself. "
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designedparadigm · 3 months
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"Call willy wonka he got a worker missing" / @bruxsaria
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   the snort  that  passes  riah  is  the  most unladylike  thing  she's  ever  done  to  date,  struggling  to  put  her  mug  down  before  starting  to  choke  on  the  tea  she'd  been  drinking.  she  holds  a  hand  up,  a  single  index  finger  up,  as  she  turns  to  the  side,  entering  a  coughing  fit  to  clear  her  god  damn  lungs  (not  that  she  truly  needed  them  -  but  the  human  body  still  entered  discomfort  when choking  on  hot  tea). 
   "could  you  warn  me  the  next  time  you're  about  to  say  something  funny?  shit  -  you'd kill  me  if  i  was  killable!  i  was drinking,  borna!"
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vcmpyrr · 4 months
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❝I wouldn't bother. They'll be back within a day, maybe two.❞
Waving off any concern or thought the other might've had about the body before the both of them. Aid, funeral rites, burial, whatever was all essentially just to make one's self feel better in this situation that's all.
❝Rotten blood like that it's a wonder why the "body" even produces it anymore.❞
@bruxsaria s.
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hxllblazer · 5 months
@bruxsaria || sc!
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“Y’know? If it weren’t for the complications, think I’d want you to do it.”
The complications being—well, being pretty fucking hard to hide from a dead thing, that was for sure. Borrowed time sure was a hell of a thing when demon blood and a dream was currently keeping him on this side of the mortal plane…
“Like—I dunno… seen her once but then I don’t even think it was actually her but like—fucking, whatever she chose to let me know if that makes sense?” He waved a hand around a bit, idly prattling in some vague attempt to ignore the vague unfeeling across his skin. “But gone too deep I’m pretty sure even she won’t come for me again. Death, ‘erself, y’know? Order’s gotta be kept, only so much an idea can do without interfering and fucking up the fabric of reality.”
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braveryhearted · 5 months
It's funny that most of my muses would be chill about Borna. @bruxsaria
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janeromeroshow · 3 months
“plots please”
“plots please” | CLOSED ( + extremely late i apologise!! )
I am absolutely enamoured with their dynamic as is, just Jane forcibly making her way into Borna's life and going "we're friends now. no you don't have a choice in the matter." The grump and sunshine trope except the grump has a sick sense of humour and the sunshine is a paranoid mess.
Literally just the concept of Jane latching onto anyone that shows her even a modicum of kindness, and sticking with it even though that "anyone" is a murderous bruxsa. Angsty concept is the usually very cautious and reserved when it comes to personal topics Jane opening up to Borna and getting the very harsh wakeup call of exactly who she's talking to.
Fascinated by the psychopomp AU Borna!!!! It's been so long I don't even know how much you'd still want to write it but I'm obsessed.
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cannotfly · 6 months
@bruxsaria ( starter call. ) nobody's side from c.hess
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the world has worn her out. if it wasn't for the mere fact she knows her birth year was eighteen thirty, she would have wondered if she's much older than she actually is. when she looks down, her skin doesn't wrinkle on her hands. there are the dark lines of a weary old woman under her eyes, yet no creases to call her old. it's hard to imagine that miss borna ( who she wishes she has the last name of, it doesn't feel right to address her by her first name ) has lived for as long as she's lead johanna on to believe she has. has she been as betrayed as she has felt in the past few years? how many times could she stand that bitterness before giving up?
❝ everyone's playing the game, but nobody's rules are the same. nobody's on nobody's side. better learn to go it alone, recognize you're out on your own. ❞ burying her face in her hands, she tries to take a deep breath. she's sick of only being able to rely on a few. sick of failed friendships. ❝ you and anthony are the only people in my life that i can rely on. i want it to be more. i don't want to be alone ever again. ❞ head lifts from her previous position. despite their friendship, it isn't exactly polite to unravel secrets like that. ❝ do forgive me. for my outburst. i just --- i am frustrated, i suppose. ❞
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ghostsandmirrors · 5 months
"I see you are still here." She looks at the goose from her desk. It seems the bruxsa has finally become accustomed to this chaotic feathered fowl who waddled in of it's own accord her home. And never left.
Strange, but not unpleasant.
"But any nuisances ankles today?"
(For the titan of the goose gggfgg)
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The goose peered up at her for a moment when she addressed it, not a single thought making itself known behind those eyes. It halted its movements in order to stand up straight, deciding that she'd earned its efforts in doing at least that, while never taking its eyes from her.
"No," it said, "ankles are not today's treasure." Did it know what was today's treasure? Of course not. That would suggest it had a plan, and it rarely had one of those. As far as she knew, anyway.
"Do you need my services?" It didn't bother to specify whether it meant its thievery services, its ankle-biting services, or its generalised goose services; she seemed used to it enough that she should've known by now what it could do.
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Kharon frowns, he still thinks it would have worked without having to wipe anyone's memories. then again he was going off from his own experiences, and he never actually lived with humans. He simply moved around day to day all over the world, so he never had to be weary of his actions before. Normally by the time he came back around the problem was gone, or at least no one seemed to remember what happened. He was so used to it being that way that it didn't even seem to occur to him that he could be making things hard for her. Honestly it was strange to think about.
"I may not understand it, but I will respect what you ask of me. I will do my best from now on to behave." He nods, knowing that he did not need to understand fully for him to respect her wishes.
Seeing she seemed to be drained of some energy he offered his arm from her to take if she needed it. Now feeling a little bad for being the reason, "I do apologize." He hums in a low sincere tone.
Continued // "that would have worked if you hadn't stopped me." // Closed.
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soapfcrce · 4 months
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aether zahmbo! || @bruxsaria
It blinked slowly, watching curiously from its small containment. Something extra flickered amongst the scientists and around Ravenov’s head this time, none of the usual worries that seemed to carry but something more... unease. Soap wasn’t sure what, Soap didn’t know what, but it was something new in the monotony of existence—or whatever he was currently doing that could qualify as existence. 
Did he even have the ability to think about that? 
Oh well, it didn’t matter. What mattered now was getting attention, getting to see this new flickering. He looked at his hands, at the amalgamation of the dark aether and the shiny compound before drawing a messy, yet simple word on the glass of the observation chamber. 
He probably would've even tilted his head if the hole in it wouldn't leak anymore of the stuff.
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hostiae · 4 months
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@bruxsaria asked: "You're still on that generator?" She hissed as she popped up next to him. She had left him in charge of this one that was out of sight, less likely to be spotted by a killer...and after nearly half an hour, she found him right in the same spot. No progression. Cursing in Croation, she decided might as well help him. "Well, do something instead of just staring at it." (For ji-woon in a survivor verse for them due to a discord meme XD cue me mildly dabbing in dbd again lmfao)
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he's not supposed to be the hunted. ji-woon had spent the last few years of his life predatory — savoring the sound of victims from different reaches of the globe, relishing in the buildup, until their final wailing performance. his heart was supposed to pound in his chest on pure adrenaline and thrill — not terror.
he fumbles at first with the generator, wire sending a sharp, electrical pulse that forces him to retract. he can't get the fucking thing to cooperate, more focused on the fact there was a killer out there stalking them, than the generator she'd told him to finish. he'd performed well under pressure his whole life, except for right now. except for here.
he doesn't know how long he's been staring at the piece of offending machinery, but hearing borna's voice again breaks him out of his trance. ❝ hm? ❞ he looks up, then heaves a heavy, frustrated sigh.
❝ it's more complicated than it looks, ❞ he argues, ❝ and if you haven't noticed, there's a fucking killer out there. ❞ wasn't that reason enough to be distracted?
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sailingtempest · 6 months
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this is now them change my mind XD
</3 Sorry, Teresa isn't going to stay dead any time soon. Blame certain situations for that.
This is also them
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