p-redux · 7 months
Hi, so-called “shipper” here if we have to put a label on it, but I don’t believe I fall into any of the buckets you mentioned in your response to recent anon. I haven’t been here that long, I have no need to project any of my fantasies onto actors, I have read lots of opposing blogs, and I’m not mentally ill. I don’t think Sam and caitriona have 5 children (which much of anon’s argument is based on, I might add). I have some of the same questions as anon, yet on the flip side, there are enough other things that don’t add up that make me think they might actually be together. I won’t proclaim to “know” things but I am discerning enough to see which “receipts” could’ve been completely made up by someone with an agenda vs. which come straight from a source. Also, in response to a comment about how ES would lose it if faced with this logic: I think that exemplifies the problem with this fandom. We all have our different beliefs and are focused on reinforcing those and proving others wrong. There’s no room for polite discourse and collective brainpower to try to solve for the things that we can all likely agree are fishy…even if we won’t admit it to each other. I think I know what a lot of counterpoints to that would be, so maybe it’s not worth saying. Point is, we all have access to different “facts” and we all believe different things accordingly. It would be nice if we could be more kind to each other as a result. Thanks for reading.
I appreciate you reaching out, Anon. But given I've been in the Outlander fandom for 9 years and know all the back history, I have to disagree with you. You DO fall into one of the categories I mentioned in my previous post. You are still in category #2. 👇
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You have fallen down the rabbit hole of shipper blogs and are prey to their manipulations. I have to admit some of them are very good at making their cases. BUT, the good news is you've found my blog, where you will see the TRUTH. Just scroll through my archives and there is no room for doubts. If you look at actual facts and truth, REALITY is clear: Cait and Tony have been together since 2014, have been engaged since 2018, have been married since 2019, and had a son in 2021. No matter how Extreme Shippers skew the truth, there is NO getting around the MULTITUDE of people who actually KNOW Cait, Tony, and Sam, who have publicly stated that Cait and Tony are together, and Cait and Sam are just friends and costars.
There is NO getting around the pics of Cait and Tony when he proposed to her New Year's in Australia and her FRIENDS publicly congratulating them. There is NO getting around CAIT'S MOTHER talking on an Irish radio interview about Cait and Tony being engaged. She mentions Tony by name. There is NO getting around Cait herself showing off her engagement ring and acknowledging her engagement when she was on the red carpet for the Golden Globes. There is NO getting around Cait kissing Tony on the lips and then mentioning Tony by name when thanking him at one of the awards show when she won. There is NO getting around the church announcement at St. Mary's Church in Bruton, Somerset, England that the church was booked for the wedding for A. McGill (Anthony aka Tony). And then ALL of Cait's family and friends posting on Instagram FROM Bruton at her wedding. There is NO getting around fans paying for Cait and Tony's MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE from the official UK government marriage license website. The official legal document clearly shows Caitriona Mary Balfe marrying Anthony (Tony) Gerard McGill on August 10, 2019. Both their fathers names are in it. There is NO getting around Cait herself announcing the birth of her one and only son in August 2021. Those are indisputable FACTS.
If you want to say the HUNDREDS of Cait and Tony sightings, pics, and confirmation by family, friends, fans, costars stating that Cait and Tony are a couple, and Cait and Sam are not, can be explained away. Fine, but you CANNOT explain away official church announcements, legal documents, Cait herself telling you, and God help anyone who would be dumb enough to DARE say Cait's mother was lying about Cait and Tony being engaged. The Irish are tough people and no one messes with an Irish mum.
Anon, as for everyone has different opinions and have access to different "facts." There is ONLY ONE FACT/TRUTH. Cait and Tony are married and there is a legal document from the UK government public registrar that PROVES that. You can have an OPINION about this FACT. But you cannot say that "fact" is in dispute. FACTS are by their very definition factual, truthful. The FACT is Cait and Tony are married. Your opinion can be that you don't like them being married. But you can't dispute that they are indeed married.
If after ALL the proof, including the legal document, you don't believe they are actually married, or you have your doubts, then you are not using your full mental faculties. I'm sorry to be so blunt. But there's no sugar coating it. Any rational, reasonable, logical person with a fully functioning brain cannot be faced with a marriage certificate from the UK registrar (a copy that MANY fans were able to order and pay for) and then say it's fake. The ONLY ones trying to convince people that it's fake are Extreme Shippers. Literally the only ones. The rest of us accept REALITY.
I do appreciate you wanting to be kind and asking for kindness in return. The thing is it's difficult for me to be kind to Extreme Shippers who have made MY life hell for the last 9 years. And have also attacked and harassed Cait, Sam, Tony, any woman associated with Sam, Diana Gabaldon, any cast, crew, family, friends, and any fan who got in the way of the Sam Cait ship. Here is a previous post where I talked in more detail regarding Extreme Shippers' horrible treatment of me and anyone who got in the way of the SamCait ship. 👇
In summary, the FACTS and ONE AND ONLY TRUTH is Cait is married to Tony and they have one son together. Why would I entertain talking about anything that isn't THE TRUTH with people who literally tried to ruin my life and other peoples' lives? If they want to still sell their LIES to unsuspecting new fans, that's on them, but I'm not going to dialogue with terrorists. Their only goal is destruction. And there's no room for discourse or civility when that's the case. And make not mistake, that IS the case.
Thanks for stopping by, Anon. This blog started in 2017. You have YEARS of posts to catch up on. My previous blog was called @fortruthseekers I stupidly deleted all my posts. God, so much proof on there. BUT, luckily people's reblogs of my old posts are still out there.
Always remember and never forget, THE TRUTH, there is only ONE.
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King Alfred's Tower, Somerset, ENGLAND
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geekymacarooncat · 1 year
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Bruton from Disney's "Dinosaur" (2000)
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So, here's a fun little factoid about me: I'm a fan of the 2000 film Dinosaur by Disney.
For the ones who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, Disney's Dinosaur was a film released during their Experimental Era that followed shortly after the success of the Renaissance. It was a time when Disney took some risks and ventured out of their comfort zone in order to explore other possibilities when it comes to animation.
The results were...mixed. The Experimental Era is widely regarded as a bit of a black period for avid animation fans. While I can definitely say there is some truth to it (Disney still used some tropes like comic relief characters and played safe in some areas which prevented them from being spectacular), I still believe that even the weaker films in this era had a lot of strong moments and elements that warrant at least one watch.
Which brings us to Dinosaur. It started out life as a film idea by Paul Verhoeven of RoboCop fame, and our old friend Phil Tippett.
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Naturally, the original idea for Dinosaur was...significantly different from the end product. While some basic ideas made it through to the end (the basic plot about an asteroid hitting the earth, lemurs, and a marauding predator stalking the heroes), a lot of stuff was left out on the cutting table.
For example, this was an idea:
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The original idea was to focus on a Styracosaurus named Woot, who's plot involved surviving the asteroid that ended the Cretaceous Period (and the era of the dinosaur as a whole) while having to contend with a Tyrannosaurus stalking him down. It was to feature a lot of explicit material including gory battles and dinosaurs having sex.
Naturally when the film idea winded up at Disney's doorstep, a lot of elements were changed including toning down the blood, removing the sex, and replacing Woot with an Iguanodon named Aladar (though a Styracosaurus named Eema did play a major role in the final product).
In the film proper, Aladar (D.B. Sweeney) is the sole survivor of his nest being crushed in an attack by a Carnotaurus before winding up on an isolated island populated by lemurs. After being taken in by one of the lemurs called Plio (Alfre Woodard), Aladar grows up into a young adult where his world is shattered when an asteroid (not the big one in this case) completely destroys his island, leaving himself and his most immediate family as the sole survivors. After escaping an attack by a pack of starving Velociraptors, they come across a herd of Iguanodons and other dinosaurs led by Kron (Samuel E. Wright) who are heading to the supposedly untouched Nesting Grounds in a desperate bid to survive.
Naturally, things start going downhill as Aladar and the herd march across a scorching desert. Thirst and exhaustion are real dangers, not helped by the fact that Kron's leadership starts to deteoriate and he starts making decisions that threatens them all. And complicating things even further, a pair of massive Carnotaurs begin stalking the herd. In a hostile world with odds ever increasing, Aladar begins to emerge as a leader amongst the weaker members of the herd and may be the one who can save them all.
As you can tell, the story is...formulaic. It's the basic "journey to the promised land" as the hero learns what it means to lead. It...doesn't exactly help that there was another movie with this exact same premise that also featured dinosaurs.
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And…yeah. No arguments here. It’s one of those things I was talking about earlier. The story is pretty basic and doesn’t really do a whole lot to venture out from that. And the majority of the characters reflects that. Aladar is your basic sarcastic nice guy hero. Kron’s the stern but flawed leader. Neera (Julianna Marguiles), Kron’s sister, is the love interest. And Zini (Max Casella), Aladar’s childhood lemur friend is the comic relief.
…not really good comic relief that wears out his welcome once we get to the desert mind you. Yeah, can’t win them all.
So, we have a pretty basic story with fairly basic characters. That’s…not a good look for our movie so far. But if the execution is good, then some of the aforementioned issues will be mitigated, right?
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To begin, the animation used to bring the dinosaurs to life is beautiful. Similar to The Lion King remake, Dinosaur employs a photorealistic style, focusing on CGI and realistic animation. Unlike The Lion King remake though, the dinosaurs actually feel…real. There’s a real weight to them that makes it though they’re actually there in those real environments instead of just being an effect. Their movements are incredibly fluid and they show an impressive range of emoting for non anthropomorphized animals (with the exception being the Iguanodons who were given full lips and fleshy snouts as opposed to the hard beaks they had in real life).
Even with the non speaking dinosaurs, you can easily tell just what they’re thinking. Which becomes pretty apparent with the big predators as we’ll discuss a little later. The animation really compliments the story and elevates it to something a little beyond its basic premise.
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Another thing that goes in favor of the movie are, ironically, the characters. While the main cast are a little bland as I mentioned, the supporting cast is actually a lot of fun and brings a lot to the table. In particular are Eema the Styracosaurus (Della Reese) and Baylene the Brachiosaurus (Joan Plowright), the two elderly dinosaurs lagging behind the rest of the herd along with an Euoplocephalus called Url (Frank Welker). Despite knowing that they’re lagging behind, neither of them are willing to give up and try to keep a stiff upper lip in the middle of all their hardships. Eema in particular provides a bit more appropriate dry humor compared to Zini’s zaniness and has a lot of good chemistry with Yar (Ossie Davis), Aladar’s adoptive lemur father. Baylene in comparison actually has one of the more dramatic character arcs going from timid to willing to stand for what she believes in, even kicking off arguably one of the most strongest moments in the entire film.
Baylene’s a favorite of mine actually.
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Another favorite of mine happens to be Bruton (Peter Siragusa), Kron’s second in command. Like Baylene, Bruton has one of the most dramatic arcs in the film. He starts out as essentially Kron 2.0, rough around the edges and a bit of a thug. There are hints that there’s more to him though since he does try to appeal to Kron’s better nature and offers some advice whenever he’s stuck, but over all he’s not the nicest one around.
Then he gets mauled by a Carnotaur and comes limping back to Kron, who coldly leaves him behind while he musters the herd in a mad dash to get away. Wounded and exhausted, Bruton was essentially left behind to die. And in a surprising show of empathy towards somebody that he never got along with, Aladar offers to help him get back on his feet and leads the hurt dinosaur to a cave to get out of the rain. Bruton later comes around after being shown kindness and being healed by Plio, managing to fend off the Carnotaur pair and even sacrificing himself to stop them while dragging one of them to the afterlife with him.
For someone who was Kron's number two, that's a surprising amount of compassion and bravery on his part.
Speaking of Carnotaurs, they are another pair of characters I actually really like.
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As mentioned before, these guys are essentially our T.rex stand in (they were originally meant to be Tyrannosaurs actually). They certainly fit the bill of big predatory dinosaur well since there's almost always an aura of dread and menace about them. Almost every encounter usually results in somebody dead. Even their design is menacing with a bloodred hide and horns giving them a demonic look.
The odd thing is though...they aren't really portrayed as monsters.
While the pair is portrayed as a legitimate threat, they're more content with following the herd and go after isolated stragglers like most predators. Plus the animation is so good that despite not speaking a single line of dialogue, they often have as much character as the protagonists.
One moment in particular sort of highlights what I'm talking about. When Bruton causes that cave in that kills one of them, the other one drags itself out of the rocks. But rather go back on the attack, they immediately wheel around to check up on its partner, only to see that they're dead. They then stagger out of the cave before wheeling around and delivering a rather menacing snarl that sounds less like a hungry predator and more a declaration of vengeance.
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And little wonder either. It’s implied that the two were a mated pair and likely the only companionship they had in a new harsh world. So when one dies, the other loses it. And with it comes a radical new behavior. The survivor seems to deliberately go after Aladar and outright charges the herd instead of holding back like before. Doesn’t even try to save themselves when they go over a cliff, instead trying to drag Aladar down with them. It comes off less like the Carnotaurs are monsters and more animals doing their best to survive.
Which does work in the context of the film and works to its strengths. Even antagonistic characters like Kron are given moments to flesh them out and portray them as less evil and more being ground down by bad circumstance after bad circumstance. Hell, Kron doesn’t start out bad even if he is a little callous. Aladar certainly doesn’t try to defy him until he starts making rash decisions that threatens the entirety of the herd. Kron is less of a monster and more cracking under immeasurable pressure and is given a fair share of sympathy even at his worst moments.
That's another strength to this film. It feels...human. One of the core messages is about how empathy and compassion win out over cruelty and hardship. Which is demonstrated beautifully by Aladar who wants everybody to get to the Nesting Grounds to the point he doesn't directly challenge Kron's authority until it's clear he's gonna get them all killed. And even he has his limits since he has a breakdown and gives up all hope of survival in a cave in. Which...is actually pretty emotional. Not gonna lie.
Just because I said Aladar is kind of vanilla doesn't mean he can't stand on his own and have his moments.
That's a good way to sum up this film. It has flaws, but the flaws don't bring down the film all that much and detract from the experience. Even some of the weakness are mitigated in the film itself. Hell, Neera, the other fairly simplistic character I mentioned, does come into her own as her relationship with Aladar develops right up to trying to physically stop Kron from a fight with him and even takes Kron down to save Aladar.
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It's a good way of summarizing this film, flawed but they're not enough to detract from the overall experience. Combine that with the beautiful animation and you get a pretty underrated film in my opinion.
Course, there's also the score by James Newton Howard, who was basically allowed to be creative in composing a score for the Mesozoic era. The result? An epic and almost timeless soundtrack which has almost transcended the film itself. And no wonder. "The Egg Travels" is probably one of my favorite scores from any piece of media. It's this score that helps deliver more power to many of the film's scenes.
Is this film perfect? No. But I do think there's a lot that helps this film stand as a movie and a piece of paleomedia. Which is sad since it's effect on popular culture is almost minimal. I say almost since the soundtrack is widely beloved and it made Carnotaurus into a household name. Plus we got a pretty kickass ride at Animal Kingdom out of it.
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So, yeah. I'd recommend this one. And with Disney+ being a thing and more love being shown to the Experimental Era, I do think this film is worth a look.
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adriana4everoficial · 4 months
humans kron and bruton
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thebutcher-5 · 9 months
Dinosauri (film)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati nuovamente a parlare della settima arte e abbiamo deciso di parlare di un’opera leggera, di un blockbuster che aveva molti spunti interessanti ossia Bullet Train. Il film parla di Ladybug, un ex-killer a cui, dopo essersi preso una lunga pausa per riflettere meglio su se stesso, viene affidata una missione: recuperare una…
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Watching Dinosaurs as a kid is loving Bruton and find him complex, and hating Kron and find him boring
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zponds · 10 months
Disney’s Dinosaur (2000): meeting the misfits - part 3
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Aladar: *scoffs* The tell him. What’s the worst he can do?
*growls are heard*
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Baylene: Oh!
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*Url quickly moved out of the way as Kron, Bruton and Neera pass by*
*Bruton snorts*
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*Kron snorts at Aladar as he passes by*
Aladar: Hey!
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Aladar: What’s his problem?
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Eema: That’s him, honey… Kron.
Aladar: huh.
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*Aladar approaches Kron*
Aladar: Uh, excuse me! Kron! Ya got a second?
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*Kron stops and turns his head to Aladar*
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Bruton: Get lost, kid!
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Kron: Hm. Relax, Bruton.
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*Bruton becomes quiet as Kron approaches Aladar*
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Kron: Who are you?
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Aladar: Uh… Aladar.
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Kron: Why aren’t you uphill with the—?
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*Kron sees Yar, Suri, Plio and Zini waving hello to him*
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Kron: Um, young bloods?
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*Kron snorts at the lemurs*
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Aladar: Well, I was back here, talking to these guys.
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Aladar: I guess they— they’re having a hard time keeping up.
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Aladar: So you know, maybe you can… slow it down a bit.
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*Neera chuckles a little*
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Kron: *sarcastically* Hm. Let the weak set the pace?
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Kron: Now there’s an idea.
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Kron: Better let me do the thinking from now on, Aladar.
*Kron turns around and heads off*
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Aladar: Hey. They need help back here.
*Kron turns his head to Aladar one last time*
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Kron: Watch yourself, boy.
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
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Happy Hanukkah.
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markentwisle · 2 years
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Tulips at the chapel #tulips #floral #floralart #flowersinart #workonpaper #dibujo #drawing #acuarela #aquarelle #watercolour #watercolorpainting #stilllife #stilllifepainting #icebucket #figurativepainting #contemporaryart #atthechapel #bruton #somerset #kunst #bouquetofflowers #naturemorte #abunchofflowers @atthechapel (at At the Chapel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeQfzL-IOsW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello there Pluto / Bruton fans.
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p-redux · 2 years
Hi! Did you notice that Cait in all the videos shot in her house is showing off the drawing of the church where she got married? I find it so romantic! sorry for my bad english but i'm foreigner
Yes! It's not the first time that's happened. I love that she keeps that sketch of the church where she and TONY got married in a prominent place...for ALL to see.
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I didn't post it before because I was distracted by how BLUE Sam's eyes are and how rosy his face is and damn, angel face is verra distracting. 😍
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jinouchibhue · 11 months
Thinking of him
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thewtcho · 2 years
Who Is Amiria Grenell, John Grenell Daughter and Wife Deidre Bruton
Who Is Amiria Grenell, John Grenell Daughter and Wife Deidre Bruton
In this article, we will read about “Who Is Amiria Grenell, John Grenell Daughter and Wife Deidre Bruton Who Is Amiria Grenell, John Grenell Daughter and Wife Deidre Bruton: There is no doubt that Amiria Grenell’s father’s popularity helped her in her career but we can also not deny the fact that Amiria Grenell is also equally talented as her father. Amiria Grenell has become a renowned singer…
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figurantesconfrase · 2 years
¿En qué se parecen "Cosas de casa", "Friends", "Embrujadas" y "Pasión de Gavilanes"? BURTON viene a hablarnos de los opening, sus características y lo significativos que se han hecho en el mundo de las series.
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unlimitedhearts · 20 days
RIP Tumblr you would have loved Psych 😭
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