#britannia hospital
tedloganshairclips · 2 months
happy 4/20 to these bitches
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letterboxd-loggd · 11 months
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Britannia Hospital (1982) Lindsay Anderson
July 2nd 2023
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
The happiest of birthdays to Malcolm McDowell!
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dadsinsuits · 2 years
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Leonard Rossiter
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littlequeenies · 2 years
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Britannia Hospital is a 1982 black comedy film by British director Lindsay Anderson which targets the National Health Service and contemporary British society. It was entered into the 1982 Cannes Film Festival and Fantasporto Festival. Marsha Hunt played the role of the Nurse Amanda Persil.
Our screencaps, you'll find more at our Marsha Hunt facebook page.
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thejohnfleming · 11 months
The UK’s National Health Service – 75 years old and senility has now set in…
Britain’s NHS was 75 years old yesterday. That is even older than I am. And dementia has now arrived… …for the NHS. I am only slightly behind, I fear… In September last year, I received a letter from the NHS which arranged that I would have a video consultation with a kidney specialist at 1245 on 9th March this year. In February this year, I got a follow-up letter from the NHS saying my…
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afieldinengland · 1 year
sometimes a family can be an nihilistic aspiring domestic terrorist with a necklace of teeth and a vodka problem, the friend who helps him steal a motorbike, the male gymnast and the blonde lad who fall in love despite the cruelty of their environment, the girl with whom said domestic terrorist has growling impulsive weird tiger sex on the floor of a café, and the serendipitous store of guns and explosives under the floor of their dangerously hierarchical boarding school
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samurailogic · 2 years
I need to watch the Mick Travis trilogy….
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manderley · 6 months
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Mark Hamill in
Britannia Hospital (1982)
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ilovemarkhamill · 4 months
What's your favorite non-Star Wars Mark movie?
I’ve only seen Corvette Summer so probably that one! I enjoyed watching it haha 😆. I’d like to see “The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia” , “The Big Red One”, & “Black Magic Woman”. I’ve seen the clip of him in “Britannia Hospital” though & he only gets like 5 seconds of screen time but he was really attractive in it. 😊🥰😅
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aimeedaisies · 10 months
✨ 15 days of Princess Anne ✨
August is Princess Anne’s birth month and her 73rd birthday is on the 15th so until then we will look at her fascinating life, one photo for every year!
The nineties
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1990 Princess Anne, Peter Phillips and Zara Phillips meeting members of the Scotland team before kick off at the Five Nations match between Scotland and England at Murrayfield on 17th March 1990.
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1991 Princess Anne and Luciano Pavarotti at a horse trial in Modena, Italy on 16th September 1991.
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1992 Just one photo wouldn’t do 1992 justice!
1. A very happy, newly divorced Princess Anne, toasting with Champagne a day after her divorce, aboard Pride of Teesside yacht, Southhampton, on 22nd April 1992.
2. Princess Anne and Commander Tim Laurence’s first public appearance as a couple, just a few days after her divorce was finalised from Phillips, dancing at the Caledonian Ball, on 8th May 1992.
3 & 4. Princess Anne and her new husband Commander Tim Laurence at their low-key wedding at Crathie Kirk Church in Balmoral on 12th December 1992.
5. A not so pleased looking Princess Anne on her way into her first engagement (three days) after her wedding to Commander Laurence at Church House to visit the National Association of Victims Support, on 15th December 1992.
6. Princess Anne and her new husband Tim Laurence at St Mary Magdalene Church to attend Christmas morning service on 25th December 1992.
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1993 Princess Anne and Timothy Laurence visiting Mongolia, their first royal trip as a married couple in July 1993.
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1994 Princess Anne firing the starting pistol to begin the first race after opening the Velodrome National Cycling Centre in Manchester in September 1994 (what a reaction pic lol)
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1995 Princess Anne, Tim Laurence, Peter and Zara Phillips at the Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge at Gleneagles, Scotland on 1st July 1995.
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1996 Princess Anne and Tim Laurence watch Peter Phillips playing in a Scottish Schools rugby match in Bridgend, South Wales on 5th January 1996.
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1997 Princess Anne wiping away a tear after the decommissioning ceremony for The Royal Yacht Britannia in Portsmouth on 11th December 1997.
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1998 Princess Anne greeting an elderly woman at the ICRC hospital in Lokichokio, Kenya on 29th September 1998.
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1999 Princess Anne as Colonel of the Blues And Royals, riding for the first time in the Trooping of the Colour procession on 12th June 1999.
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I’m in the minority in that I think tours are overrated. Kate and William try their best but the interactions always come across as forced and it’s very easy to get it wrong. I’m not the kind of person to get offended easily but the Caribbean tour ride on top of the Jeep did look very colonizer-esque. I would much rather they do the boring bread and butter events across the UK where they have some kind of relationship to the event organizers. They appear a lot more relaxed and genuine in their Britannia element (like another anon called it). Meeting their actual citizens would do a hell of a lot more to boost their brand than flying across the globe in what to outsiders looks like a dream vacation.
I like tours, but I’m also a huge fan of bread and butter ribbon cutting. If they spent the next two years opening up hospitals and bridges I’d be happy. That NHS hospital opening was one of the bests events in the past few years, imo.
But the tours are important for the royals and for the country. That’s why countries do so many diplomatic visits that, sadly, get little coverage. The UK is lucky in that it essentially has a permanent cadre of celebrity diplomats.
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
On 16 April 1953, the Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip, launched HMY Britannia.
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“Britannia had actually been conceived back in 1939, when bids were first invited to build a £900,000 replacement for the nineteenth-century Victoria and Albert. The war and post-war austerity put that on hold. However, the King’s 1947 trip to South Africa, in the battleship Vanguard, had highlighted the need for something both regal and seaworthy for royal visits to the new-look Commonwealth (the elderly Victoria and Albert was limited to short coastal hops). It was actually a Labour prime minister, Clement Attlee, who announced plans for a new royal yacht in October 1951. His defeat at the general election, just days later, meant that it was Winston Churchill who would deliver it. The plan was for a medium-sized hospital ship with a dual role as a royal yacht in peacetime. Glasgow shipbuilders John Brown & Co were told to move fast, as the ship was also supposed to be a tonic for the ailing King.
To speed things up, the design would follow existing plans for a cross-Channel ferry – but with a more elegant bow. The Duke of Edinburgh would take a very close interest in all aspects of what was codenamed Ship Number 691, including a colour scheme copied from his Dragon-class sailing boat, Bluebottle – dark blue, with a red stripe and a thin gold band. King George VI would not live to see his yacht take shape. It was the Queen who came to name Ship 691 (with a bottle of Empire wine, not champagne) at her launch on the Clyde, in April 1953. The name Britannia had been top secret until the moment the Queen announced it. The cheer was so loud that many failed to hear what she had said.”
Queen of Our Times by Robert Hardman
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scotianostra · 13 hours
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On June 6th 1987 we lost a great Scottish actor, when Fulton Mackay passed away.
Fulton Mackay was born on 12 August 1922 in Paisley, he was trained as a quantity surveyor and, during World War II served with the Black Watch. When he was demobbed, he decided to become an actor and trained at RADA, from 1949 he was a member of the Citizens Theatre Company where he worked with Duncan Macrae and Stanley Baxter.
He can be seen in many old British movies and had guest roles in many famous British television shows, becoming one of Scotland’s most versatile and best-loved character actors.
His best known role, of course, was as his namesake, Senior Prison Officer Mackay in Porridge, his break into the nation’s consciousness however, might have been very different. He was seriously considered for the role of the fourth Doctor Who after Jon Pertwee’s departure. The role eventually taken by Tom Baker.
With Porridge it is well documented that Fulton could be quite irritating to the other cast members as he was such a perfectionist. He was constantly wanting to try scenes again and again. It has to be said, however, that this fine attention to detail paid dividends, as his performances were always flawless.
Mackay developed a movie career post-Porridge appearing in Britannia Hospital, Local Hero and Defense of the Realm . On the small screen other roles included Z Cars, returning over several shows, but as three differing characters, he played Keir Hardie in a 70’s mini series called Shoulder to Shoulder, Special Branch, Crown Court and two Scottish series, The Master of Ballantrae and Rob Roy. Many of you younger ones out there might recall Fulton Mackay as Captain, in our own version of Fraggle Rock.
On this day 1987 Fulton Mackay lost his fight against stomach cancer, he was 64.
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clearly-squishy · 1 month
Finally getting around to posting my fics here!
Word Count: 49,475 words (across 14 chapters)
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Rivalz Cardemonde & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Ashford Academy Student Council Ensemble & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Rivalz Cardemonde & Kururugi Suzaku
Characters: Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Kururugi Suzaku, Milly Ashford, Rivalz Cardemonde, Shirley Fenette, C.C., Nunnally vi Britannia, Ashford Academy Student Council Ensemble
Tags: Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Vomiting, Hiding Medical Issues, Fainting, Needles, Medical, Hospitals, Worry, Friendship, Mild Blood, Surgery, Recovery, Reunions, Crying, Panic, Angst, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Apologies, Anxiety, Set in Season 1, No Spoilers, Hospitalization, Complete
Summary: A nagging pain in Lelouch's abdomen has ruined a rare opportunity to take advantage of a weekend alone. Now forced to go to a student council meeting and see his friends, he can only hope that he can keep it together long enough for none of them to notice.
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plastic-tulips · 9 months
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@achapnamedtom tagged me to list 6 comfort films, it's also ages since I did one of these and I love listing anything so here we go!
Brief Encounter: what list of comfort films would be complete without a sad film to put on when you're feeling a bit fragile and want to enjoy a beautifully shot doomed romance amongst all the bits and bobs of a bygone era (the steam trains! the repressed emotions! the hats!)
We are the Best!: incredibly sweet and quietly realistic story about a trio of teenage punks in 1980s Stockholm. Wonderful naturalistic performances from the young cast makes me almost (almost!) nostalgic for my own early teens
Fantastic Mr Fox: I find the intentionally creaky handmade-ness of this film inherently comforting, especially the way the puppets' fur moves around like the 1930s King Kong. This was also the first thing I ever saw Jarvis Cocker in, so it's close to my heart for that reason too.
When Harry met Sally: yes the central tenet of this film clearly comes from a very different time but it's nonetheless an absolute treat, from the beautiful shots of autumn in New York to the believability of the relationship between the main characters. It's always on telly and I can never not watch it
Romantics Anonymous: what could possibly be more 'comfort film' than a story of two shy chocolate makers who are meant for each other but too afraid to say how they feel? It does that charming Gallic move of having a little musical number in the middle even though the film isn't really a musical, which I always find irresistible.
The Wicker Man: it's just so 70s and low-budget and unerringly odd that I can't help but be charmed by it. Even Christopher Lee's voice as he's sentencing Edward Woodward to get burned alive sounds soothing. I always give it a watch around springtime (May Day if possible) so it ties in with the general sense of renewal and optimism I think a lot of us feel around that time. RIP to Neil Howie but i'm different.
HONORARY MENTION goes to The Muppet Christmas Carol, not a comfort film in that I can stick it on at any old time of year but that little frog dressed as Tiny Tim makes me believe in the magic of Christmas every single year. Look at him.
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whew this ended up being a lot longer than I planned but anyway I tag @rock-n-rollin-bitch @snookicoin @tautittology @britannia-hospital @iwatch-thebees and @veradune
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