#brit love
unkreativstermensch · 19 days
Corroded Coffin making it big after touring with Metallica, but at this point they’re basically immune to being starstruck ever again (because…well, they’ve toured with Metallica) so they’re pretty chill around famous people.
Fast forward to an award show a couple months later, Eddie brings Steve, Steve brings Robin and while Eddie just mostly stays at their table chatting away with Jeff and James, Steve and Robin get drunk and go absolutely ballistic.
Running around, stealing bread from all the other tables, and doing shots with everyone who’s willing to put up with their antics. At some point Steve comes up to Eddie, hands on his shoulders, excited and giddy and tells him, „Hey Eds, I just talked to Rick Astley! He’s such a nice guy. Robin told him he should release a negative version of his song and just sing ‘then im gonna give you up, then im gonna let you down’ and he actually seemed to consider it as an April Fool’s joke or something.”
And Eddie just looks at him, an amused, fond smile on his lips, says, “that’s great, baby, m’glad you’re having fun“ and presses a kiss to Steve’s neck, before turning around again, resuming his conversation with Kirk about about a song idea.
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 1 year
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— Harry thanking the 1D boys after winning Artist Of The Year
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roshambo05 · 5 months
I've reached season 5 of TMA and oh my god. Holy shit. You fucking apocalypse fruits.
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I'm crying. Guys. Guys, the world is ending. Guys.
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rexonalapis · 10 months
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oh so neuvillette IS their father
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slasherdreamerbored · 4 months
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Inspired by this interview bit of Emily Blunt & John Krasinski
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rumblecrow · 27 days
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Heres my spiff design and my rt design together. PLEASE TELL ME YOU SEE MY SPIFF DESIGN WITH A MASK AND NOT HE HAVE MOUSTACHE
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onceagainace · 10 months
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finkinthisfrew · 8 months
I have a request for a smaller story like blurb. Smutty jealous Matty is always hot lol
Yessss!! I looooove smutty jealous Matty! Here you go- hope this is up your alley :)
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cw: 18+ in public kinda just a little
I love the thought of Matty taking you to some event, like the Grammy’s or the Brit Awards. Matty gets stuck in conversation with someone. You’re stood to the side, hands clasped politely as you try to follow along with whatever they’re talking about, your attention eventually drifting to the two children a few tables away from you. They’re dancing and giggling, and it’s an adorable sight to see. Several people have already turned to watch. “I reckon they’re paid actors, don’t you?” You hear come from behind you. You turn, coming face to face with the friendly face of a handsome man, his smile warm and genuine. “Definitely- far too cute to be authentic,” you say with a grin, grateful for some lighthearted conversation after several hours of introductions and forced pleasantry. You stand together, cracking a few more paid actor jokes as you watch the children in adoration, their laughter and joy so genuine it hurts your heart.
Only a few minutes into chatting, a man in coattails breaks you up, ushering everyone to their seats before the lights dim, the awards ceremony about to start. You wave farewell to your new friend and he winks at you, making you blush from shock right as you feel a familiar warmth wrapping itself around your waist. “If I got a pound for every man that fucked you with his eyes tonight, I’d be filthy rich,” Matty says teasingly, pressing a kiss into your cheek as he stares daggers into the back of the handsome man who sat down just a few tables away from yours. “You’re insane, Matty. We were talking about children,” you laugh defensively, the red of your cheeks deepening. “I have no doubt in my mind he was imagining them as your own children. Names picked out and everything,” Matty says with a cheeky grin as he pulls your chair out for you to sit in. His voice is light-hearted, but you can hear the tone of huffiness underneath- he’s jealous. “Matty, the woman you were just talking to was flirting with you in FRONT of me,” you say pointedly as you sit down. “Oh, she’s nightmare,” he shudders before joining you in the seat next to you, “but that man seemed far from a nightmare with that dashing smile of his. Such a handsome boy he was. Was that a wink I caught?” Matty’s teasing, but you don’t take any of it personally. In fact, you kind of enjoy it. Matty always gets territorial when he’s jealous.
“He winked? I didn’t notice,” you lie. Matty’s eyebrows raise, clocking your smug grin and avoidant eyes as you sip your champagne. You’re sat a couple feet away from Matty, the chairs evenly spaced around the round table, but you see Matty lean towards you, and all of a sudden your centre of gravity shifts unexpectedly, your chair yanked below you. Suddenly your thigh is touching his thigh, and his breath is hot in your ear. “Oh you didn’t, did you?” he says, his voice low and gravelly, sending a shiver through you. But it’s not a shiver of fear. It’s a shiver of anticipation, because you love this game, and he loves it even more. “No,” you say bluntly, “But I can ask. Would you like me to go over and ask him if he was flirting with me?” You lean towards Matty as you speak, your low neckline leaving little to the imagination- even less the more you lean towards him. You watch his eyes, drooping with lust, flit down to your chest, back up to your eyes, down to your lips, and repeat. You can feel yourself growing wet from the candor of his gaze. He leans back to your ear, his breath tickling the bare skin of your neck as he speaks quietly. “Needn’t I remind you that you are mine. And I don’t like to share. Have you forgotten that, darling?” You feel his hand on your lap find the high slit of your dress. His fingers slip under the fabric stroking your now buzzing skin, his touch sending a swarm of butterflies down south. But his fingers don’t stop. They’re tickling the inside of your thigh as he innocently kisses your cheek- the entire room unaware of what’s happening behind the tablecloth below you. Matty leans in closer, draping his arm casually around your chair, his fingers lazily trailing along your shoulder. “You have trouble remembering that, don’t you baby?” He whispers. You turn to look at him, but he’s smiling innocently at you- beaming, in fact. Anyone looking would think ‘Oh, what a sweet couple, so young and in love, gazing into each other's eyes!’. Meanwhile, Matty’s hand only travels higher up the inside of your thigh, dangerously close to where you're most desperate for his touch. You turn to look at the person who’s stepped on stage, trying to look as composed as Matty, too aware of how gloriously you and your red cheeks were failing. “I don’t like you forgetting that,” Matty growls in your ear. You can feel the heat from his fingers- they can’t be more than a couple millimetres away from the now soaking-wet fabric of your panties. “How can we make sure you never forget that? Any ideas, darling?” He whispers sweetly. Your eyes are glued to the host giving their introductory speech on stage, but all you can see is Matty, shirtless, muscles gleaming with sweat, and his eyes, dark beneath the curtain of thick curls, piercing through you with lust. “Maybe I should marry you so everyone knows you belong to me,” he says quietly, watching your chest cave with desire. You both were desperate for marriage, only waiting for a full year of dating to hit so you wouldn’t freak out your friends and family. “Or maybe I should fuck it into you,” he breathes. His fingers finally make contact with your panties and you stifle your gasp, biting down on your lip. You can feel Matty’s eyes on your face just as clearly as you can feel his finger running up your slit, just enough pressure to send shockwaves of pleasure through your body, but not enough to feel satisfied. “Do you think if I fuck it into you hard enough,” he starts quietly, “enough that you can’t walk for, I don’t know, let’s say… 2 weeks? Maybe then you won’t forget?” His voice sounds innocent, but his actions are downright devilish. His finger stops on your clit and you freeze. He presses down and you stop breathing. Slowly, he begins to rub circles through the fabric. “I’ll make you cum so hard, I won’t let you stop cumming. You’ll cum so hard, you’ll forget your own name. The only one you’ll know is mine, because you’ll be screaming it so loud. Maybe then you’ll remember it while talking to these drooling dogs.”
Suddenly, the room erupts in applause, and Matty’s hand is gone. You realize you’re practically hunched over, panting in desperation. You straighten your back, shooting Matty a poisonous glare as you join in on the applause, but he’s looking up at the stage, smiling politely as he claps for the new speaker, about to announce the first award of the evening. As the applause dies down, Matty picks up his glass of wine, taking a small sip before wrapping his arm back around you, your clit now furiously starved for attention. You take your champagne flute and down the entire glass, uncertain how you’re going to get through the whole night. With Matty now politely listening to the new speaker, you let your eyes wander away from the stage and down to your laps, both covered by the tablecloth. You casually set down your champagne flute on the table, then as if to place your hand on Matty’s lap, you push back the tablecloth slightly- just enough to reveal the straining erection pushing against the pants of Matty’s suit. You look up to see Matty smiling at you, a twinkle in his eye. He places his wine back down before leaning into your ear, whispering just loud enough so only you can hear. “Don’t worry darling, intermission is only an hour away. I’ll fuck you nice and good in the hall closet then.” You feel his hand sneak its way back between your thighs and you sigh in frustration before leaning across the table for the Champagne bucket. You ignore Matty’s smile as you pour yourself a full glass, down it, then pour yourself a second, leaning back in your chair before sighing again. It was going to be a very long hour.
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faxxmodem · 5 months
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shadessallow · 3 months
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Also a headcanon!
Brit borrowed Mallick's copy of SURVIVE (signed obv) and read it whole
But not because she respects Bobby in any way, or because she agrees with the premise of the book
But because she sees that it's important for Mallick and she wants to check it out
And inside she discovers that he actually has been highlighting and marking the things that he found important
And scribbled some exclamation marks to parts he found really important
Occasionally some small notes
And she basically reads it twice, the second time purely to understand his perspective of surviving the trap...
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
For the prompt game… Worcestershire!
"How--that isn't remotely correct."
"The word makes no sense anyway!"
Wild laughed so hard he snorted milk out of his nose. Malon sighed, patting him on the back as the others continued to argue over how to pronounce Worcestershire sauce. Apparently they'd made a bet, and whoever could get the closest to the correct answer didn't have to do the yearly competency module.
"It's Worcestershire," came a voice from the doorway. Everyone looked over to see Time standing there with a cup of coffee in his hand, eyes half open and unfazed by the chaos.
"That can't be right," Warriors immediately denied.
"He's right," Malon said.
"You're biased!"
Malon raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I'm wrong?"
Warriors' mouth snapped shut.
Wild snorted again. "She's definitely right."
Time smiled at Warriors. "You can do my training for me, then."
Legend, Wind, and Sky laughed at the army nurse's sour expression.
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
Honeyy:(( have you got any thoughts about cuddling with Hotch when you two aren't together?:(
I'm just feeling bad and I want some hotch cuddles 😭
baby!!!! hotch comfort is coming <33333
cuddling with aaron when you’re not a couple yet is super cute to me 🥹
your day hasn’t been so good :( and you’re not feeling okay at work :(( (it’s just paperwork day thank god - but still, you just wanna go home and get in bed). but aaron notices!!
bc he secretly loves you soooooo so so bad <333 so he pays attention to the way you act. he notices you haven’t smiled at all today. you haven’t been making jokes or laugh with derek’s like you always do :(( and it makes him so worried :(
he just wishes you were closer so he could just ask you what’s wrong and make everything better. but then! you show up in his office to ask him a question about the report you’re writing. and that’s his chance!! so he simply asks you “are you okay?”
and omg. hearing the love of your life asking you this question is all you need to start tearing up :( and he’s immediately like “🥺 y/n? what’s wrong?” and he moves closer to you :(( and you can’t talk bc you’re crying :((( so he can only do one thing <333 he takes your hand and pulls you into his big arms <33333
and you completely melt against him 🥹 it feels sooo safe and warm and perfect in his arms!! and he smells like heaaaaaven 🥺🥺💞💞 so you just bury your face in his chest and stay there for a while as he rubs your back in soothing circles <333
after a few minutes he suggests you sit on the couch so you can talk about what’s bothering you. and maybe you tell him maybe not. either way his only care is to make you feel better.
but as you’re talking you subconsciously move closer and closer to each other till you’re in his arms again 🥹🥹🥹 so you start cuddling :(( and he plays with your hair or traces patterns on your shoulder 🥺
and suddenly everything’s better 🥺🥺 you definitely get a few forehead kisses too 🤭🤭🤭 and!! ofc he tells you you should leave early!! and bc you hesitate he decides to drive you home himself!!!
you end up convincing him to stay so you can order some food and cuddle on your couch <33333 (and you get a few kisses on the lips too at the end of the night 🥰🥰🥰🥰)
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rexonalapis · 9 months
do you ever wonder if the reason Neuvillette has low bow is because one of the melusines ties it for him every morning and that’s the highest they can reach
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damn!! hold hands already!!!!
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months
Nick doing a Matthew McConaughey, and talking about his Taylor Zakhar Perez impression.
GQ Men of the Year Awards, 16 November 2023
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harleysalicent · 6 months
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Brit Marling photographed for Violet by Djeneba Aduayom. December 2023
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