#breeze mistborn
Mistborn british cooking show!au
-Ati and Leras are judges with completely different views on how well done a tart should be
-poor sazed just trying to make a well done cream cheese tart but his copperminds did not prepare him for this :(
-kelsier what the fuck you were ment to make a tart but you made fuckin steak
-spook is crying and covered I'm jam (the cooking challenge did not involve jam)
-vin did not understand and made a table (its a very good table)
-ham made a great cream cheese tart but leras and ati were fighting about if it was done right so lost
-breeze: and now we add TwO ShOtS oF VoDkA
-Marsh legit did a good job even though he didn't know what cream cheese was 20 minutes before the challenge
-elend is confused and trying his best but he has no clue what he's doing yet made a decent tart somehow
-Yeden can cook a meal but not a tart, he is more confused than elend
-rashek cooked the best meal
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smeegamae · 11 months
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
Breeze and Alrianne would be fucking devastated to learn their descendent is a cop.
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hauntedfarfalle · 10 months
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Bestie she’s borderline a minor 😃
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king-of-the-oreo · 5 months
Ham and Breeze are Mistborn's more depressing Pippin and Merry
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cosmerelists · 1 year
If Era 1 Mistborn and Stormlight characters met each other…
If the Era 1 Mistborn gang and the Stormlight characters happened to meet up, what would that be like? 
[Includes spoilers through Rhythm of War & Era 1 Mistborn!] 1.  Dalinar & Elend
Elend: And THEN the council voted ME out! Man, democracy is just so hard!
Dalinar: Have you considered straight-up tyranny?
Elend: A-actually, yeah. Unfortunately.
Elend: It just…works so well…
Dalinar: I know.
Dalinar: Let’s not dwell on it.
2.  Shallan & Vin
Vin: My mom tried to kill me.
Shallan: Same.
Vin: Luckily I had my brother who cared for me. But he also had a cruel streak.
Shallan: Yeah—trust me, I know.
Vin: I trained as a thief & con artist for a while.
Shallan: Oh hey, me too! And that’s fun, but I also like wearing nice clothes and marrying someone socially above my station, you know?
Vin: Yeah, same!
Shallan: But also…I’ve murdered, just, so many people. Including family!
Vin: Killed my boyfriend’s dad.
Vin: And ex-fiancee.
Vin: And brother.
Shallan: Yeah, the murders just keep coming!
Vin: Crazy how that works.
3.  Straff & Sadeas
Sadeas: Knifed in a hallway by my nemesis’s son. Right into the brain. Eye popped and everything.
Straff: Literally cut in half by a giant sword wielded by my son’s girlfriend. My horse, too.
Sadeas: Bro.
Straff: Bro.
4.  Breeze & Sebarial
Breeze: Well, it certainly is nice to relax with a glass of wine & let the other characters make the jokes, isn’t it?
Sebarial: …why did I just get you wine??
5.  Sazed & Sigzil
Sigzil: And as a Worldsinger, I learn about other places and then share that knowledge to bring people together.
Sazed: That’s simply wonderful! I think feruchemy would work so well for you!
Sigzil: It does seem like an amazing power.
Sazed: Also, do you ever want to, just…
Sigzil: …strangle Hoid?
Sazed: Yeah.
Sigzil: Yeah.
Kelsier: Yeah!!!
Sazed: Kelsier, get to your own section! 
6.  Spook & Lift
Lift: So you…eat metal. And it gives you powers?
Spook: Yeah. I get my power from burning Tin.
Lift: After you eat it?
Spook: After I eat it.
Lift: Sucks to be you! I get my power from PANCAKES. 
7.  Marsh & Navani
Marsh: …and with these metal spikes piercing my body, I gained a number of powers. Also immortality. Apparently.
Navani: I am so horrified. And so intrigued. You’re going to make SUCH good research!
Marsh: The horror doesn’t, you know, put you off?
Navani: Nah, you should have seen my last research partner.
8.  TenSoon & Kaladin 
Kaladin: So you are a…puppy?
TenSoon: Well, I have the ability to consume the bones of a canine and then take on this shape.
Kaladin: [nodding]
TenSoon: That doesn’t…disturb you at all?
Kaladin: I don’t know enough about dogs to judge.
9.  Zane & Szeth
Zane: And basically, with the voice of God constantly in my ear encouraging me to kill, I did that! Kill, I mean.
Szeth: Obeying an unknown disembodied voice because you thought it might be god? What foolishness.
Zane: Didn’t you obey a rock?
Szeth: That was DIFFERENT.
10.   Kelsier & Moash 
Kelsier: The thing is—aristocrats just gotta be murdered, you know?
Kelsier: You look into their faces, see the reflection of their endless crimes, and just think, “Yup. Murder time.”
Kelsier: And some people are like, “Kelsier, stop murdering everyone!”
Kelsier: And it’s like—do I tell YOU not to do what YOU’RE good at?
Kelsier: I’m good at three things! Survival. Starting cults. And murder.
Moash: …
Moash: I think I love you.
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cikebabbler · 8 months
Breeze: emotional allomancy is at its most powerful when it is subtle
Vin: oh yeah? watch this *wipes off all of straff venture's emotions, depriving him even of his ability to feel fear of what she just did*
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barlydoodles · 1 year
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Vin and Breeze 
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c-oldasice · 11 months
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“I kind of lost track of time…”
“For two hours?”
“There were books involved.”
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its2-40pm · 7 months
So I’ve started reading Mistborn and the only two characters I’ve been able to clearly picture in my head are:
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And Breeze
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I will not take any criticism
(No spoilers pls)
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to-shards-you-say · 6 months
i promised myself id never be ride or die for a male author but when i see vin get criticised as a female character i really do just want to start biting people
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(About Kell and dox)
Breeze: and they were roommates!
Vin: oh my God and they were roommates
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thestormlightnetwork · 10 months
i just finished part one of the well of ascension.
but like i am kinda interested... i consider a bit each option, but i think my money is on Ham, that joke about Breeze's sexual life when Vin Had said that he actually loves himself too much to be interested in romance? that is great foreshadowing and i think since the RoW Incident* i've been more careful to notice things like that.
*RoW Incident: in the beginning of RoW, when Navani had first mentioned music theory i was like “this is so boring when is this gonna ever affect the story??” and then it affected the story.
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
look if Michael Kramer is using that kind of gay voice that he does for a character, I’m sorry I’m going to be attracted to that character, idk what you want from me
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Mistborn Era 1 Incorrect Quotes Generator
Elend, Kelsier & Ham: *screaming* Vin: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Ham?! Elend: Wait, why are you asking Ham that when Kelsier and I are also here? Vin: Because Ham wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance. _____ Breeze: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect. _____
Elend: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier. Elend: Violently studies. Breeze: Violently sleeps. Ham: Violently practices. Dockson: Violently shoots pictures. Vin: Violently boxes. Kelsier: Violently murders people. Ham: Violently worries about the previous statement. _____ Vin: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating. _____ Vin: I feel like I can be myself around you. Elend: You’re weird and quiet around me. Vin: Yes. _____ Dockson: *sees someone doing something stupid* Dockson: What an idiot. Dockson: *realizes it's Kelsier* Dockson: Wait, that's MY idiot!
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cosmerelists · 2 months
Kelsier: "Be Prepared!"
[Spoilers for Mistborn 1!]
The following should be sung to the tune of "Be Prepared" from the Lion King. The scene: the safehouse in Luthadel as Kelsier unveils the big plan for the first time. "Why are you giving Kelsier a villain song?" you ask. Well, let's not read too much into it...
[Previous song parodies: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better, Radiant, Somebody That I Used To Know, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Surface Pressure, Can't Wait to Kill the King]
You all think the Lord Ruler's immortal
That his empire can never fall
But I know of a power primordial
A new metal that might save us all
I know you have low expectations
And think this can never be done
But try having high aspirations!
I think our crew's second to none.
It's clear from your doubtful expressions
You think that I'm just putting on airs
But we're good at heists and deceptions
Even HE can be caught unawares
So prepare for the chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for the world's greatest plot
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer
And where do I feature?
Just listen to me, here!
I know it sounds crazy
And the plan's still quite hazy
But we must strike while the iron is hot!
An injustice that's finally repaired
Be prepared!
Yeah, be prepared! We'll be prepared all right.
...For what?
For the death of the Lord Ruler!
Breeze (sarcastically):
Why, is he sick?
No, friend. We're gonna kill him.
Overthrow his government too.
Clubs (sarcastically):
Great idea--kill an immortal god.
We can't! Do that! La-la-la-la-la-la
Listen up--I have a plan
But you said--
We'll make a plan!
Stick with me and the skaa will never be oppressed again!
Yeden (nervously)
Yeah, all right, long live the plan!
Whole crew, minus Clubs, somewhat doubtfully:
Long live the plan!
Long live the plan!
Whole crew:
It's great that we'll soon have constructed
A plan that can take down a god
Of course, some paths may be obstructed
When our goals are so lofty and broad.
The future is full of surprises
And though we can't see 'round the bend,
The point that I must emphasis is
We skaa will be kings in the end!
So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the cleverest scam
Meticulous planning
Tenacity spanning
Decades of oppression,
Abuse, and repression--
We must overthrow them
The nobles--we'll show 'em
Their ways and their power's a sham!
Yes, our hopes and our metals are flared
Be prepared!
Yes, our hopes and our metals are flared
Be prepared!
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