Mistborn british cooking show!au
-Ati and Leras are judges with completely different views on how well done a tart should be
-poor sazed just trying to make a well done cream cheese tart but his copperminds did not prepare him for this :(
-kelsier what the fuck you were ment to make a tart but you made fuckin steak
-spook is crying and covered I'm jam (the cooking challenge did not involve jam)
-vin did not understand and made a table (its a very good table)
-ham made a great cream cheese tart but leras and ati were fighting about if it was done right so lost
-breeze: and now we add TwO ShOtS oF VoDkA
-Marsh legit did a good job even though he didn't know what cream cheese was 20 minutes before the challenge
-elend is confused and trying his best but he has no clue what he's doing yet made a decent tart somehow
-Yeden can cook a meal but not a tart, he is more confused than elend
-rashek cooked the best meal
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zephyscosmere · 4 months
Unnecessary Gay Analysis of Secret History To Procrastinate My Homework
Leras was crushing so hard on Kelsier in SH that even homophobic/closeted 8th grade Zephy read it as gay. But what I want to talk about is how bitter ex coded Ati is.
Kelsier is, fairly explicitly, of Ruin. He can barely hold Preservation and when he's given his vision,he states that he cannot defeat Ruin himself because he's too much like him. Conversely, Marsh is closer to Preservation. He requires more spikes than any of the other inquisitors to be kept at bay and he disapproves of Kelsier's wanton killing.
Isn't it cute, then, how both Shards gravitate to their opposite even after their messy breakup? The way Ruin interacts with Kell in SH he's basically like "agh I'm mad Leras got the hot one. This one could use more piercings though lol.”
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rashenditrash · 2 years
okay - apologies to my few followers for the ati/leras feral fugue state I just entered. I feel stable now.
But maybe not totally stable.
Maybe a little bit like DISCORD…
I’m not sorry.
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whitetyger123 · 2 years
Hey cosmere tumblr, I just posted a story about Leras|Preservation and Ati|Ruin, going from the shattering to betrayal, check it out!
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poploppege-cosmere · 2 years
lerati has been hit with a rafo
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boydykedevo · 3 months
ive been meaning to do a bit of an overhaul so all of this is subject to change but speaking of laeja/jisa. lemme infodump about conworld
k so i talked about the Lagae last time i infodumped about Rohitan, and Laeja/Jisa and their sister are from a middle/northern-ish Lagae clan. Also keep in mind i've had this world for like six years and not all the worldbuilding holds up, hence the impeding overhaul lol
Their birthname is (Jiki) Laeja Riha Geno, and their sister is (Jiki) Lerati Riha Geno. While a warrior, they go by (Hakta) Jisa Laesa Geno. The components are, in order: title, given name, patronym, clan name.
The titles are derived from the caste system. There's three castes: the nago, the jiki, the lori, and an extra subgroup of lori called the gek. The nago are essentially serfs who farm/herd, (some may be slaves, depending on the clan). The jiki are a middle class who are largely craftsman. (Lerati, like her father before her, is a scribe.) The lori are overseers and traders, and are essentially nobility. The gek is basically just the clan leader and his immediate male family.
There are other titles too, mostly for warriors (hakta). Any jiki or lori (and occasionally nago) man can fight when war erupts, but true hakta maintain their rank at all times and are properly trained for battle. In peacetime they serve as guards for lori traveling to other clans, act as police, that sort of thing. They can be jiki or lori, but it's usually jiki in search of a better life. Jisa became a hakta after their father became sick before Lerati's scribe training could be completed.
The given names are pretty straightforward. The second name is the female version of your father's name for girls, or the regular version for boys. And the clan name is just the name of the clan. Jisa's pseudonym is the male version of their mother's name, and Laesa is the male version of their own birthname. Traditionally, when one adopts a pseudonym, they go with their second name. Using their mother's name instead was very intentional on Jisa's part.
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cosmere-cosmeme · 3 years
Harmony: My shoulder angel and devil are too busy flirting to give me actual advice and that’s why I’m so passive, I think.
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diphemerald · 2 years
Yes, Rashendi and Lerati forever
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Not sure if you've read mistborn but thoughts on Lerati (Leras x Ati) ?
Okay so here’s the deal
I listened to the audiobooks and don’t know how anything is spelled. Are those the two gods and stuff?
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Gaetana cerca le origini di un suo amico
Gaetana cerca le origini di un suo amico
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Gaetana mi ha scritto,
scrivo per conto del mio amico Giovanni Lerati (cognome fittizio) nato il 09/03/1942 a Napoli nella clinica Lenzi in via Sant’Aniello Caponapoli 6, successivamente è stato portato, da due ostetriche di nome Tortora Erminia e Podestà Maria, alla Real Casa Santa dell’Annunziata.
Vi chiedo di condividere il più possibile il mio appello affinché possa trovare la famiglia…
View On WordPress
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zephyscosmere · 1 year
Greetings and welcome to my cosmere side blog. My name is Zephy and I...
Have been a Sanderson fan for eight or so years
Am currently majoring in English Ed
Ship Lerati and Keldox
Make occasional memes and fan art
Use they/he pronouns
Write Mistborn fan fic from time to time
Gravity Falls is my main thing, check that out here.
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poploppege-cosmere · 2 years
I'm losing my mind what do you mean by lerati mpreg
Back in a different spoiler stream i dont remember which i think it was the may 2021 one sanderson said the humans on scadrial were leras and ati's biological kids. Thus shard mpreg
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boydykedevo · 2 years
coincidentally, the other day i was remembering my first every longfic/verse I wrote for myself and thinking that if I reworked it now (20+ years later) this one particular character would totally be transmasc. so tell me your about yours! ❤️
*rubs hands together*
It’s set in a conworld of mine that I’ve been worldbuilding for approximately a billion years. Towards the south of the main continent, there’s a group called the Lagae. They’re organized into clans, who are nearly always at war with one another, so military is a big aspect of their culture. They have a very strict caste system and military honor is one of the only ways to move higher within it. They’re also extremely patriarchal. (for instance: the highest caste, the gek, are exclusively male. Daughters born to the gek are still afforded a lot of respect, but they are lori (the next highest caste) at best.)
The main characters of the story are jiki, the second lowest caste: usually tradespeople instead of fieldworkers or shepherds. Their family are scribes by trade, but of their two daughters, only the younger one, Lerati, actually had an interest in being a scribe, and before she could officially finish training, their father became ill. Lerati was able to keep the business afloat, but just barely, and that’s without paying for medicine for their father. The older one, Laeja/Jisa (they go by both names at different points), decides to join the military in order to support them. They tell their father they found a husband in another town, and they take the male version of their mother’s name, Jisa. Eventually, their father dies and Jisa gets found out, and they and Lerati have to run away, which is when they meet the other main characters.
Jisa and Lerati clash a lot over Jisa’s gender. Lerati was okay with them being a soldier, but still sees it as fundamentally a disguise. She doesn’t like the idea that Jisa actually feels like fighting is the one thing they’re good at, and definitely doesn’t like the idea that they’re not Laeja anymore. The fact that they continue to dress and act masculine after they don’t have to anymore really gets to her.
As for Jisa… I think they’re confused, mostly. They aren’t a woman. They’re so disconnected from womanhood in so many ways that they can’t really be a woman. But they’re disconnected from manhood too. They were literally forced out of manhood when they were found out. But then, the manhood and womanhood they grew up with aren’t the definitive versions of them, and they encounter them across different cultures as they travel. I don’t know if Jisa will ever label themself. I don’t think they have the words to describe what’s up with their gender. But I think they begin to understand it over time.
(And so does Lerati; in the traditional illustrations of the Lagae, men are depicted with square heads and women with circles, but when it comes time to write down their travels, she portrays Jisa with a diamond. She doesn’t know the whole thing, and Jisa’s not the type to share, but she knows that square or circle isn’t enough to describe them.)
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cosmere-cosmeme · 2 years
Do you want to join the Leras fan club? I'm recruiting, we talk about lerati and how he is the best character ever.
uh fuck yeah absolutely
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cosmere-cosmeme · 3 years
Thoughts on Lerati?
BIG fan. cosmere lore spoilers below cut (secret history, oathbringer, and arcanum unbounded I think but im not entirely sure)
we dont really know a lot about what they were like pre shattering, but they chose to break the agreement the shards made and reside on the same planet. so its safe to say their relationship, whatever it was, was strong. i like them as a couple because i think it's very sweet that instead of choosing a planet, they made their own. we know ati was trying to fight/change ruin, and i like to think that leras stuck with him to support him, rather than because their shards balanced each other out.
also it adds a whole new layer of tragedy to the story. leras had to watch ati become what he spent so long fighting, to watch him stop being ati and become ruin.
ruin and preservation had made a deal, allowing preservation to create sentient life with the catch that ruin would be able to destroy it one day. a deal i'd imagine ati and leras hoped wouldn't come to term. (im separating the vessel from the shard intentionally). but as ati progressively became ruin, leras had to make the decision to betray him rather than honor their deal.
idk how much sense that makes im not the best w words i just really like the idea that they were a couple.
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