dgmheadcanxns · 6 years
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You beans! I’ve never been more thankful for this milestone. Four months ago, I was honestly amazed that this blog had reached past 200. I have no words, and I’ve been sitting here for about five minutes trying to even fathom that this is a reality. I have no idea what to do to commemorate this.
Regardless, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for every single one of you! You have no idea how much my face brightens up whenever I see any notes whatsoever. I have met a bunch of great people through this blog; @exorcistcupid @dgmagines @dgray-imagines @imagine-dgm @innocent-imagines @brandosimagine @cryptickarma@an-amethyst-moon @dgm-hallow-imagines @dgrayland and @dgmimaginesandocs.
Even though I’ve been gone for a while, you guys still brighten my day, and make this blog what it is.
I love you all, thank you for your support and love.
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Rohan Art Museum Date
((Like the Jotaro fic, this is based off a trip I took recently (Dallas Museum of Art and Baltimore Museum of Art) and this is dedicated to @brandosimagine. I personally don’t like Rohan but who else would go to a freaking art museum and I had some harsh ideas on some of the more contemporary pieces, much like the fandom’s favorite mangaka. Also under the cut cuz it’s 2.1K words))
    You were damn near close to crying and silent laughter shook your entire frame as you eyed the man next to you. An elegant hand cupped his chin and mouth while the other tapped on the hip he had jutted out as he took in the piece before him. One foot tapped ferociously and the rest of his face was contorted in the most disgusted grimace you had ever seen and you waited excitedly for his verdict.
“What the fuck is this?” laughter threatened to bubble over as you waited for the rest of his verdict. “The color scheme is atrocious, the composition, nauseating, and what does this have to do with ancient cultural pieces? This is contemporary! What is wrong with the placement of these pieces?!” He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, his hand hiding his amused smirk as you tried to keep quiet despite the fact you were laughing so hard. Honestly, other than finding inspiration for his art, he knows that his harsh words brings a light to your eyes that he’d give anything to see again. “I can’t stand to look at this anymore. Let’s go.” The sketchbook in his hand was still surprisingly blank even though the two of you have been through the entire contemporary exhibit.
 “Nothing caught your eye?” you ask jokingly, still breathless from your laughing fit. His scowl returned, though not as harsh, and the sassiness of his walk only sharpened as his agitation rose.
“Please. I trust my reader’s intelligence to understand such a complex story but whatever inspiration I get from these pieces will give them whiplash. Now, here's something intriguing."
    You watched as he sat before a collection of renaissance paintings and started sketching. Even though he sketched pretty fast there was still an entire collection before him and that prompted you to look around. You didn't have the same critical eye as Rohan but that didn’t stop you from criticizing the art the same way the mangaka would. Just the thought of doing so made you smile fondly as you shook your head. In all honesty, the pieces weren't as bad as Rohan made them out to be. It was probably because he has such high standards but the art was truly amazing. Sure, the layout was a little wonky (I mean, maybe, who goes to the art gallery often enough to figure that out) but it was nice to see the stark difference between the exhibits. Contemporary next to ancient culture, ancient culture next to abstract sculptures, sculptures next to religious pieces and so forth.
    After staring at the pieces for a while, you figured it was time for you to go back to where you left Rohan. It wasn't until you turned and saw him quickly tapping his foot did you realize that he'd probably been standing there for a while. As earlier stated, he draws fairly fast and could've sketched the entire collection in just a handful of minutes instead of an hour or two like a normal person. A hand on one cocked hip and gracefully arched eyebrow meant that you were in for an earful. Ducking your head in shame, you shuffled to the tall man and looked up at him through your eyelashes, hoping this would soften him up a bit. If anything, his brow arched higher and he sneered at you down his nose. 'Here we go.' you thought mentally rolling your eyes.
 "Do not go on without me again. You were the one who dragged me here-"
"You're the one who asked me…."
"-to get my verdict on these pieces." he said moving on as if there was no interruption. "Being here happened to be of interest for reference. And you wouldn't have been able to get into the private sections without me. Don't get it confused." turning sharply on his heel, he walked toward the next exhibit and tossed an arrogant "Try to keep up." over his shoulder.
Grumbling, you hustled a few steps to catch up and made sure to, if not match his steps just to annoy him, then keep up.
    Lengthening his stride for the sake of being awful, Rohan nearly walked right past the next exhibit. When the mangaka was sketching and looked up to realize you weren't there beside him, it didn't worry him too much at first but the anxiety of possibly losing you in a huge building after a few fruitless minutes of searching caught up with him. He didn't necessarily ask you to go to the art gallery with him per say, he just planted the idea in your head. He wasn't exactly sure how to say "Can you go to the art gallery with me? I would rather be alone but I really enjoy your company and I know my criticism will make you laugh, which I love, by the way," without being out of character. It was true that he wasn't fond of contemporary art but he laid an extra thick layer of venom to his words just to hear you laugh at them. Seeing you not there when he was sketching hurt him more than he cares to admit for whatever reason. He usually knows what he wants and is proud to say that there's not a single thing that he doesn't know about himself but emotions are much too slick to grasp, especially when it comes to you.
 "Rohan! Slow down! You'll miss the exhibit." he heard you huff behind him. Realizing that you were right, he stopped but because he wanted to, not because you told him.
    Next were the sculptures. Rohan made poses from the sculpture's shapes but his sketches were coming out messy from his frustration. Slamming down his pencil with a dramatic sigh, he looked up at the sculpture as though it insulted him. He suddenly swung back to look at you, startling you in the process. A sharp catwalk to you ended with another dramatic sigh. You didn't even bother to hold back your eye roll.
 "I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier." your eyes widen in shock as a smile crept its way onto your face at the man. He was actually apologizing and being a nice person for once- "I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now I can sketch again in peace." Wow. Just as you were complementing him. You can't say that you're surprised but he actually said sorry no matter how passive aggressive it was.
      He went back to sketching, not even bothering to sit down as he walked from piece to piece in rapid succession. You could tell by the way he was hunched over his sketchbook that he wasn't taking in the meaning of the art. After jumping to the tenth piece in a matter of two minutes, you walked up to him and laid a hand on his arm. The sudden jolt made him misplace a line and he looked up ready to yell but whatever he was about to say died on his tongue when he saw your expression. You looked up at him with such sadness in your eyes that made him take a sharp inhale. The initial goal of this trip was to spend time together since you were the only person he likes other than Koichi. He sighs again, this time a quiet and very real sigh escaped his lips as he closed his sketchbook.  He didn't want to admit that it actually pained him to see you this way but he also didn’t want to keep staring at those sad eyes. He sent a quick glance to the hand on his arm, which you removed. The great Rohan could only be so nice at one time.
    The two of you walked through the other exhibits side by side as Rohan took time to examine the pieces instead of draw the first thing he thought of. A cold glare whenever he reached for his sketchbook made the man grit his teeth in frustration but he obeyed nonetheless, begrudgingly, of course. That didn't stop him from taking pictures, though, and he took plenty to make up for the fact that he couldn't use his sketchbook. Out of sheer pettiness, Rohan had kept quiet and didn't disclose his opinion on the artworks. He realized this was worsening your mood and decided it was time to enact his second act of kindness of the day.
The two of you stood before a collection of fanged stone masks when Rohan let out a theater scoff.
 " 'The Stone Masks were found in a rainforest in Mexico in the early 1900s. The exact use of the masks are unknown as are the creators but urban legend states that once dowsed in blood and worn, the wearer becomes a vampire.' What kind of half-assed backstory is this? This sounds like something from a D-list 80s Halloween movie, not something that belongs in an art gallery." he hums and smirks evilly as he heard you start to laugh. He could tell you were trying to hold back to not give him the satisfaction of winning but it was a challenge.
"Well, considering some of the other pieces here, this fits right in." he sneaks a glance at you and sees that your lips were pursed in a tight line, trying to hold back any reaction.
" 'The Red Stone of Aja is said to be an amplifier to the masks. With the mask on and the Stone inserted, it turns its wearer into the Ultimate Lifeform.' Putting rock into more rock turns its wearer into the ultimate lifeform? Sure, okay. 'Some speculation is thought that its creators were the Pillar Men. Many died out but those left were-' Kars, Whamuu, and Esidesi? AC/DC like the band? Were they all named after bands?! Goodness this writing is lazy! Names should have substance, not be named after bands!"
      Your soft chortles rose to full out snorts as you were unable to hold back the laughter anymore. Tears leaked from tightly closed eyes and laughter overtook your entire body. It was one thing for Rohan to pick at certain aspects of a piece but it was something else when he shredded its entire history. There was no story greater than whatever he came up with himself and Rohan's not afraid to let someone know when their writing is as interesting as watching paint dry. He also knew there was a strange emotion eating away at him when he saw how upset you were with him and he had to change it. The great Rohan Kishibe was perfect in every aspect and nobody in their right mind had any reason to hate him and he definitely wasn't going to give one to one of the few people he cared about. As much as Rohan could care, of course. A triumphant smile played on the mangaka's face and he reveled at the fact that he was the one to reduce you to such a state with a few harsh words.
 "Okay, calm down. This is starting to get embarrassing."
"Shut up and let me have this. I haven't laughed this hard in so long…hahahaha~." even so, you calmed but your eyes shone with happiness.
      Rohan inwardly grinned at your change of mood as he didn't want to you to be mad at him anymore. The two of you went through the rest of the museum much of the same way, he would criticize the art and you would laugh at his remarks. Ready to finally leave, the two of you walked out and idled on the front steps of the building.
 "Today was fun. We should do it again sometime." you told the mangaka.
Fighting down a blush with a shit-eating grin, Rohan responded, "Of course who had fun. You were with me aftera-"
"But don't think I forgave you for earlier. It's one thing to be upset but another to offend me. Next time I see you, I'm kicking your ass." smiling at his pale face, you turned to walk back home. "See you later! I won't go easy on you either!" throwing a wave over your shoulder, you bounded down the stairs with a skip in your step.
      Rohan didn't even bother to try to mask his surprise and fear as you could very well kick his ass. Walking down the stairs at a slower pace he made his way home, thankfully in the opposite direction. Another genuine smile made his way onto his face at the thought of you. He really was in deep, wasn't he?
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wri0thesley · 7 years
BruAbba for the ship ask :))
when I started shipping it if I did: the scene on the yacht where bruno is like ‘ABBACCHIO YOUR ABILITY WOULD BE USEFUL HERE’ and he’s like ‘fuck no not in front of giorno’, they are literally arguing like a married couple??? like five chapters in and i already want them to kissmy thoughts: TOO NUMEROUS. but to begin with fucking even the aesthetics of this ship make me happy; abbacchio’s long pale hair vs bruno’s short dark hair, white vs black, uuugh KILL ME. abbacchio venerates bruno, holds him in high esteem - bruno basically pulled abbacchio up out of nothing and gave him a purpose when he didn’t have one??? and even though bruno can see that abbacchio obviously isn’t the paternal type he tries around the boys that bruno’s picked up off the streets and he’s obviously a good person inside (he’d wanted to be a cop for good reasons and had made bad mistakes) and just wants abbacchio to see that hes worth something and. fucking end meWhat makes me happy about them: ABBACCHIO BELIEVES IN BRUNO!!! BRUNO IS SUPPORTIVE TO THIS MESSED UP EX-COP TURNED GANGSTER WHO DOESNT THINK HES WORTH ANYTHING!!! What makes me sad about them: everything........ their canon backstories..... their deaths..... everythingthings done in fanfic that annoys me: abba’s characterization just being ‘depressed alcoholic’. aus where they both live but the group dynamic hasn’t really changed? bruno’s position above abbacchio makes it very easy for him to put him on a pedestal, but once giorno’s in charge and the hierarchy they’re both so used to crumbles it’s not going to be so easy for abbacchio to justify why he reveres bruno so much and i need that to be addressed morethings I look for in fanfic: i feel like bruno’s characterization is a lot harder to get right than abba’s??? he can come across as kind of bland and boring, but i think it’s Very Important that a bruno comes off as warm. abbacchio is cold and bruno is warm and that’s important to meWho I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: bruabba or deathhonestly i dont really think about any other ships for either of them? without each other i imagine bruno could be happy alone but i’m not sure about abbacchioMy happily ever after for them: let them live in a little fishing village where people wave and greet them and respect the law, let bruno take a boat out and fish like his father, let them just rest and enjoy being together. adopt a cat. make them happy.who is the big spoon/little spoon: abba is the little spoon bruno is the big spoon thank youwhat is their favorite non-sexual activity: they’ve both had such hectic lives, so much happening around them - opportunity to sit and watch a film or something, rest an arm around each other’s shoulders are what make them happy. just a reminder that they made it through and they’re alive.
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josephine-joestar · 6 years
Hi! I was tagged by @fenixmanca to do this like ages ago, but I’m doing it now because I was very busy… and I’m just a bad person xD
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 1,63 m (at least that’s what my ID card says)
Time: 13:23
Fav bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down and Queen
Fav solo artist: Serj Tankian
Song stuck in your head: I’m currently watching RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 3 and I’m obsessed with the song “Drag up your life” (please, send help!)
Last movie I watched: I rewatched Ratatouille because I didn’t know what to do that day and the movie is really nice!
Last show I watched: I just finished watching American Horror Story Cult
When did I create my blog: Last summer
What do I post on this account: Mostly JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure memes
Last thing I googled: It’s my University’s website… I sound like a responsable person
Do I have other blogs: Nope
Do I get asks: Not really
Why did I choose my url: I just like Tequila Joseph xD
Following: Mostly JoJo and memes
Followers: 2.203 wow xD
Fav colors: Green and blue
Average sleeping hours: 6 I think
What am I wearing: Jeans, t-shirt and a crop top
Dream job: I don’t know yet /:
Dream trip: Japan
Favorite food: Pasta, pizza and eggplants 
Nationality: Italian
Fav song right now: Lonely Day by SOAD
You should tag like 20 blogs but I won’t tag many people because I don’t have friends basically… obviously you don’t have to do it, I just like this kind of stupid things a lot.
@shikamaruuuuu @gege-fanz @j0succ @tequila-joseph-daily @goldsnafuarts @brandosimagine @gottasnagemall
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Favorite character tag!
@jojosmusing and @brandosimagine tagged me! thanks <3 I'm gonna do this in no particular order, and i don't even belong on all of these fandoms but o k a y here we go
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten other victims to do the same!
1. Mako Mankanshoku - Kill La Kill
2. Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100
3. Mari Ohara - Love Live! Sunshine!!
4. Amanda O'Neill - Little Witch Academia
5. Roxas  - Kingdom Hearts II
6. Panty - Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
7. Kei Tsukishima - Haikyuu!!
8. Doppo Kunikida - Bungo Stray Dogs
9. Rohan Kishibe - Diamond is Unbreakable
10. Mettaton - Undertale
I’ll tag @our-sinful-seance, @cherryb0yriot, @jojobaes, @selkies-headcanons, @josuke-hoestar, @fugo-protection-squad, @bizarreboiz, @99centjojos, @lasqudrahoe and @jonathiccpornstar. idk if they have been already tagged (??) but anyway. you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to :3c
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jojosmusing-blog · 7 years
Favorite character tag
Tagged by: @jayjayswackyantics
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten other victims to do the same!
1. Giorno Giovanna (JJBA)
2. Lambo (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
3. Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil)
4. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
5. D (Vampire Hunter D)
6. Loki (Marvel comics/cinematic universe)
7. Raiden (Metal Gear Solid/Rising)
8. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
9. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
10. Dante (Dmc yes, I love the reboot fight me)
Geez, this was way harder than I thought xD
Tagging: @fugo-protection-squad @ask-fugio @not-so-daily-gio-gio @giomis-is-good @our-sinful-seance @ventoaureorun @naughty-joestars @meowmeowbizarreheadcanons @brandosimagine @dailysmoljolyne
You don’t have to do it of course :D
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I was tagged by @naughty-joestars and @brandosimagine ! 
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten other victims to do the same!
1. Josuke Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4
2. Kaidan Alenko - Mass Effect
3. Probst Wyatt III - Wolfenstein
4. Sam Winchester - Supernatural
5. Dorian Pavus - Dragon Age
6. Durotan, son of Garad - Warcraft
7. Kinzie Kensington - Saints Row
8. Robert Joseph Maccready - Fallout
9. Touta Matsuda - Death Note
10. Metal Bat - One Punch Man
Tagging: @wyattiii @ashleyanthrax @failout4 @mybelovedafterman @not-anyones-bi-tch @rinasai @a-bladesentinel @saltysinglepringle @nuclearmu5hroom @buffanon
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yelenawithaj · 7 years
Favourite character tag
Tagged by @brandosimagine very very long ago xD sorry.
Rules: Tag ten different characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten more victims to do the same.
Ok here we go:
1. Elizabeth Midford- Kuroshitsuji
2. Soo won- Akatsuki no Yona
3. Lucifer- The devil is a part-timer
4. Loki- Thor
5. Sirius Black- Harry Potter
6. Levi Ackerman- Attack on titan
7. Legolas- Lord of the Rings
8. Haku- Spirited Away
9. Anthony DiNozzo- NCIS
10. Arima Kousei- Your Lie in April
(This got so hard at the last few x()
Tagging: @akuramao , @nohrianxscum , @undertaaker , @dusty-gravedigger , @tinybluehairedearl , @rosalynne-kyun , @genius-prettyboy-momfriend-yoon , @finnyisanactualrayofsunshine and when do I ever tag as many people as the rules say?
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the-midfords · 7 years
Tagged by @sadisticfallenangel
Nicknames- Jele, Jecka, Jeca (all the J’s are read like Y)
Star sign-Scorpio
Height-169 cm
Current time-11:38
Favorite band- The Corrs
Favorite solo artist- Melanie Martinez
Song stuck in my head- So Young by The Corrs
Last show I watched- The Big Bang Theory, I think
When I created my blog- ummm...around a month-two ago? I know i created my main blog a week after Easter.
What I post about- Midford family centered fanfiction
Last thing I googled-Tumblr log in page
Following- around 100 blogs about my fandoms and writing
Followers- 15 and I love each and every one of you
Favorite color- Blue
Average hours of sleep- considering i sometimes sleep 10 and sometimes 1 hour, I’ll go for average 5
Lucky number- none, but my favourite is 4
Instruments- flute, a bit of piano
What am I wearing- leggings and a bit too big t-shirt
How many blankets I sleep with- none currently, the summer heat is killing me even without it
Dream job- anything including books/languages, maybe a philologist
Dream trip- all over the world bc I can’t only pick one place
Favorite food- Spaggheti alla carbonara 
Nationality- Croatian
Tagging: @brandosimagine and @hitsugikuro, and whoever else would like to do this.
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dgmheadcanxns · 7 years
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You guys! I’m more than thankful, and incredibly surprised that this blog managed to surpass 10 followers, but now at 200, I’m literally at a loss for words. I want to do something to commemorate this, but I am unsure of what to do.
Regardless, thank you so much for every single one of you! You have no idea how much my face brightens up whenever I see any notes whatsoever. I have met a bunch of great people through this blog; @exorcistcupid @dgmagines @dgray-imagines @imagine-dgm @innocent-imagines @brandosimagine @cryptickarma @an-amethyst-moon @dgm-hallow-imagines and @dgmimaginesandocs. Thank you all for making my time with this blog enjoyable, and memorable. The D.Gray-Man family has been nothing but warm, and welcoming, and I hope that it stays that way.
I love each and every single one of you, and I wish you all nothing but the best! 💜💜💜
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tagged by @brandosimagine (WHO I LOVE BTW)
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently into and tag 10 people.
Bloody Stream-Coda
I’d Love to Change the World (Matsdub Remix)-Jetta
Breaking the Habit-Linkin Park
Mirror-Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars
Good Kisser-Usher
All I Wanna Do-Jay Park
Saturnz Barz-Gorillaz
September-Earth, Wind and Fire
Autumn Breeze-JIDA
I’m tagging @jotarohasadirtysecret , @haiykuties , @bizarreboiz , and @j0succ because I love their writing so much and I really just want my senpais to notice me
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BruAbba and GioMis Relationship Build Up HCs
((Shoutout to @brandosimagine for being amazing by not only helping out with these but also for translations!))
Abbacchio was in a kind of limbo after leaving the police force. He wasn’t really taking care of himself and would’ve drunk himself into oblivion if Bruno hadn’t stepped in. Abbacchio’s a naturally cautious person and didn’t want to trust Bruno but there was something about the man that was so comforting
Bruno took one look at Abbacchio and knew he was the one. He wasn’t sure if it was the sad look on his face or the emptiness in his eyes but he knew he had to do something. The hair tripped him up for a second but he knew Abbacchio was an officer and could prove to be useful in his growing gang. Flashing a smile while presenting the offer, he had to keep composure as Abbacchio’s eyes seemed to haze. it was then he realized he needed to do everything in his power to save this man
The beginnings were rocky to say the least. Abbacchio wasn’t willing to trust and mostly kept to himself. Bruno was stuck between wanting to help and letting him have his space. It wasn’t until after a particularly bad mission did Bruno confront the former officer. Nobody has ever seen Bruno that angry before and it certainly scared Abbacchio straight. Since then, Abba actually started trying and let Bruno in
Once the two started getting along, they become a fearsome duo. Their ability to solve cases (thanks to Moody Blues) and find enemies (thanks to Sticky Fingers) at amazing speed, making them climb the ranks like nobody’s ever seen. Before every mission, they say “Non morire” “Solo se sei con me” (“Don’t die” “Only if you’re with me”)
The two are very close because of their history and it took  a lot of time and pain to get to where they are. Neither really asked the other out, it just kind of happened. They feel comfortable around each other and they have complete mutual trust
Mista was immediately entranced after the initiation. Anyone crazy enough to drink another man’s piss only to trick them at the last minute to join a gang was a man worth knowing
Giorno, on the other hand, was wary of the gunman. The blond was never one for death or killing of any kind and didn't like guns. Mista’s fascination with the number four and his lackadaisical attitude didn’t help either
After the mission to Capri, they became closer (as any near death experience would) and realized they work well together. With the running gag of Mista always getting shot, they make bets to see how long Mista was going to last before he got shot
Their relationship is rather easygoing and fun. Giorno is very serious and Mista was able to loosen him up a bit. Mista learned to take things more seriously and how to find an unique way to a solution thanks to Giorno. The only problem the Don has is that the gunman is very devoted and can get carried away with being by his bosses’  side instead of taking care of a mission sometimes. On the other hand, Giorno has been known to take advantage of this devotion from time to time
Both would teasingly flirt with each other. Mista is more physical, known for having an arm flung around the blond’ s shoulders whereas Giorno’s known to whisper sneaky innuendos at random times. Mista was the one to ask Giorno out at the Don’s favorite restaurant. After being fidgety all day, with a heavy blush he asks how their date went. In response, the Don squeezes their already clasped hands and said ‘wonderful’
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I was tagged by @brandosimagine 
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten other victims to do the same!
This is in no specific order, btw and I’m trying to stick to one per fandom
Sugawara Koushi -Haikyuu!!
Orga Itsuka -Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans
Wolverine -Marvel
Percy Jackson -Percy Jackson series
Rider -Fate/Zero
Joseph Joestar -Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
All Might -My Hero Academia
Garou -One Punch Man
Kaz Brekker -Six of Crows
Vegeta -Dragon Ball Z
Oh gosh, idk..... @yikesaliens @swiftwidget @supah-novah-betch @j0succ @naughty-joestars @jotarohasadirtysecret @minibuddy @haiykuties @paperficwriter @mylilatmosphere
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yelenawithaj · 7 years
Tagged by @brandosimagine Rules: list 10 songs you’re currently into and tag 10 people
1. Reluctant heroes
2. If I die young- The band Perry
3. Dragonborn comes
4. I see fire (cover by Celtic Woman)
5. Scarborough fair
6. I hate you I love you-  GNash
7. The Willow maid- Erutan
8. Dollhouse- Melanie Martinez
9. Love again- Pentatonix
10. Bohemian rhapsody- Queen
Tagging: @undertaaker, @abadpoetwithdreams, @akuramao, @cielizzydefencesquad, @beautifulbloomingblossoms, @dusty-gravedigger, @white-queen-lacus and whoever else wants to do it.
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Coming Up Next
Until I can finish this influx of assignments I have for school this weekend, there won’t be much going on until Tuesday at the earliest…..hopefully. I’m an architecture major, fyi, which means super labor intensive projects. Yay. But, I do have some things in the works that are mostly almost done
Some stupid D.Gray-Man nonsense
Rohan Kishibe Art Gallery Date thingy
Erwin & Levi & Hanji (either OT3 or BROT3 I haven’t decided yet) headcannons
BruAbba and GioMis headcannons in partnership with @brandosimagine
BNHA fashion headcannons
Various Haikyuu drabbles for the sake of why not
NSFW yandere One Punch Man because yes
I’m still iffy on opening match ups again. Maybe I could open them if I hit 100 followers (almost there!) but who knows
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hey guys~ @brandosimagine is a new headcanon blog, you should follow ‘em :D
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