#bran trevelyan
haledamage · 1 year
👾 each for Etain, Kai, and Bran?
Angels or Devils - Dishwalla
This is the last time That I'm ever gonna give in tonight Are there angels or devils crawling here? I just want to know what blurs and what is clear to see Well, I can see the pain in you And I can see the love in you And fighting all the demons will take time It will take time The angels they burn inside for us And are we ever, are we ever gonna learn to fly The devils they burn inside of us And are we ever gonna come back down Come around I'm always gonna worry about the things That could break us
it's a big chunk of lyrics, but it all just fits so well for the leader of the last Crusade, especially since she's someone who has Angel powers because of a Demon's meddling
Weight Of The World - Evanescence
If you love me, then let go of me I won't be held down by who I used to be She's nothing to me
a love letter and an eviction notice to her past self. To: Akaia, Love: Kiki
Waiting On The Sky To Change - STARSET featuring Breaking Benjamin
I'm done running towards The eyes of tornadoes Pretending this is hope I breathe in the atmosphere Let it wash over my fear Of these heights as I transcend And become whole again I breathe in the atmosphere Let it take me out of here I won't live life in the rain Waiting on the sky to change
perhaps a little on the nose, considering the whole hole-in-the-sky situation, but that's why Bran ended up Inquisitor in the first place. not because of the Anchor, but because she isn't the kind of woman to sit around waiting for someone else to save the day when she can just do it herself
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trevelyawn · 4 months
WIP: cullen and mage trevelyan meet years before the inquisition.
Cullen sits at a table and cracks the book open, taking care not to damage the spine, and he thumbs through yellowed pages, eyes scanning well-known writings. He could recall it word for word at this point but he is drawn to the familiarity of the words; it reminds him of home, of his mother reciting her favourite passages with pride. He sits in silence for a short time, chin propped against his hand when he hears soft footsteps approaching. He dips his head and glances to the side to see someone emerge from a dark aisle. They pass him and claim a space at a different table, placing a book on the hard surface. They don't seem to realise that they are no longer alone. He looks up to see who they are. It was a girl not much younger than himself. An apprentice. He tries to ignore her and goes back to reading the Chant.
It doesn't help. He glances up once again. He sees her intently studying a book with a faded cover, thin lips mouthing along and eyebrows furrowing at passages she mustn't understand. The index finger of one hand taps the edge of a page while her head rests on the other. A short strand of dark hair falls into her eyes and she brushes it out of the way before turning her attention to the next page. Cullen doesn't realise that he's staring until it's too late. She looks up and her blue eyes meet his brown. He tears his gaze away, cheeks beginning to flush at the shame of being caught. He may be training to be a Templar, to be someone that protects from abominations and evil, but he is still a boy. And she is a pretty girl. He risks another look. She is still observing him, her expression difficult to read. She raises a thin brow and is the first to break the awkward silence. “Do you need help?” she asks quietly. Her accent isn't Fereldan and Cullen wonders why. He maps Thedas in his mind's eye, drawing up borders and putting names to places. Her being Orlesian was as likely as him being royalty, and he highly doubted she was from Nevarra or Antiva. A Free Marcher, perhaps? But then why would she be here? There were Circles north of the Waking Sea. Mouth agape, Cullen comes back to his senses and realises that he has yet to respond. Any nervousness the young girl may have felt had obviously been snuffed by a need to figure out what Cullen's issue was and she looks increasingly more tired the longer the silence drags on. He closes his book and brushes blond curls from his forehead. He would need a trim soon or risk facing Bran's bored condemnation. Clearing his throat, he musters up as much authority as is possible for a boy just broaching adolescence. “Oh. No. As you were,” he responds. She looks at him a second longer before shrugging her shoulders and turning her attention back to study. Glancing over his shoulder to see how close the others are, Cullen realises that he is partially hidden from view. He peers around the side of a tall stack of books and sees Bran towards the door, his helmet now on the floor by his feet, his head propped back against a wall. His eyes are closed but Cullen doubts he's resting. The other recruits are either too engrossed in their own conversations or too far away to pay the older boy any attention. Satisfied that he won't be interrupted, he turns back to face the girl. He tilts his head to try and read the title on the faded spine. He can't make it out. “What are you reading?” he asks. She breaths a sigh of mild irritation but doesn't snap at him. “Theories,” she answers slowly, her eyes never once leaving the page. Cullen shuffles his chair closer to the table, places his elbows on the rough wood and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. She must hear the movement because she looks up and sighs. Closing the book, she gently pushes it aside, obviously letting go of any plans of peaceful study. Cullen cannot find it within himself to feel bad. Not now; not when she glances up and takes in the sight of the boy seemingly desperate for her company. Her full attention was now on him. Training and a diet of dried meats, bread, and the occasional fruit, had sharpened his features. His jaw and cheeks no longer showed evidence of his mother's lovingly cooked meals. Cullen sees her cheeks flush slightly, a muted pink against pale skin, and her deep blue eyes dart away. A wave of childish joy rushes through him. His stomach flips and heart begins to race. She is still a girl, and he is a handsome boy. “Theories on the origin of magic,” she says finally, lacing slender fingers together and resting her arms on the table. “And the prevailing theory?” She laughs, sad and humourless. “No one can agree. The general consensus is that we are cursed.” We. She had mistaken him for another apprentice. He gulps and rubs at the back of his neck. She takes note of the change in his demeanour and furrows her brows. “You're not an apprentice, are you?”
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cityandking · 9 months
multiples of 5 for bran + ellis, minah + her sis, & vesper + everybody!
chu ily // sibling relationship asks
5. Which one of them said “Don’t tell Mom and Dad!” and which one always did?
BRAN & ELLIS — Bran and Ellis have a 12 year age gap, so they didn't really have a tattletale relationship (especially because their mom died when Ellis was 3 and their dad faded away with her—to be honest, Bran kind of raised him). If anything, Ellis was running to tell on someone else to Bran. Of the two of them, though, he was the tattletale. MINAH & SIS — Minah was usually the one trying to talk her sister out of telling their parents when she broke the rules, but was also the one to complain when her sister did something. She's a few years older (I think I said 5 years?) and was very much used to being The Only Child before her little sister was born. VESPER & CO. — Vesper was the one pleading with the twins not to tell their parents (even when it was just minor things) and Roxie and Rosie were always the ones to tattle (no matter how minor the thing). It wasn't only Vesper—everyone got a fair share of the twins being sanctimonious little shits—but she got the worst of it. They were also the ones to tell their parents about Vesper's magic, so. Yeah.
10. How often they fight now and about what?
BRAN & ELLIS — Bran hasn't seen Ellis in nearly a decade, so technically they don't fight about anything. That said, right before the campaign ended, Bran learned that he'd gone sailing looking for her, and there absolutely would have been a fight about him being out on his own—she'd have been furious with him in the sort of way where she was half angry at herself and putting it on him (leaving him behind is the one thing in her life she most regrets, but she couldn't possibly have taken him with her). MINAH & SIS — Minah and her sister don't fight because they haven't seen or spoken to each other in years. VESPER & CO. — Vesper and Kit (eldest brother and current Bann Trevelyan) always got along easiest of everyone when they were kids, and these days when they fight it tends to be because they've forgotten that they're not still those kids—they've missed large chunks of each other's lives and there are some weird and complicated feelings in there that they still need to work through. Vesper and Helene rarely fight, and when they do it's about minor things (Helene took to the noble lady role the best out of all of them, whereas Vesper has limited patience for it, which tends to be the cause of any conflict they may run into). Roxie died at the Conclave so no fights there. Consequently, however, Rosie and Vesper have the worst fights—they have the most bad blood between them, and Roxie dying when Vesper stepped out of the ashes as the Herald of Andraste didn't help. They can't be in the same room without someone to run interference. Vesper and Jonah don't fight, but that's because Jonah doesn't fight with anyone—he's got non-confrontationalism down to a science. On the rare occasion where everyone is getting on Vesper's nerves, Jonah's the one person she can sit with no matter what. When she can get him away from his books enough for it, they have long (oddly productive) conversations about faith and obligation and history and whatnot. When you get them all together, Rosie tends to feel ganged-up on, which leads to Helene going out of her way to take her side/smooth things over, and Kit tries to remain impartial but he's also usually taking Vesper's side, and Jonah stays out of it, so y'know. Typical complicated sibling shit.
15. Which of their parents each is most like?
BRAN & ELLIS — They both take after their mother in their looks and their stubbornness and their tendency to yearn for adventure. Bran actually has a little more of their father's pragmatism, and Ellis is a little moodier. MINAH & SIS — In temperament, Minah takes after their dad—probably less so now, but particularly growing up, when she wanted to be just like him. Her sister definitely takes after their mom. VESPER & CO. — Most of the Trevelyan children take after their mother (Valerie Hirondelle), who was known to be shrewd and savvy and also distant at times. Jonah is most like her, having inherited her tendency to get lost in her own world when it comes to their shared love of history and also her poor constitution. The twins have more of their father's coldness, his devoutness, and his fear of the unknown. Vesper has her father's flashfire temper (same as Rosie—one of the reasons they get along so badly). Looks-wise, the twins, Jonah, and Vesper all inherited their father's red hair and Marcher complexion, whereas Kit and Helene have their mother's dark hair. They all have the same grey Trevelyan eyes.
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isk4649 · 2 years
2022/10/26 WIP Wednesday
Barely made it, but here it is: another WIP Wednesday! Thank you for the tag, @kittynomsdeplume! Appreciate it every time.
As some of you may well remember, I’m working on modern AU fics in which my OC (Inquisitor Tharin Trevelyan) and Cullen Rutherford navigate the treacherous waters of a married life. Well, I’m diving into the darkest, most angst-ridden AU with this one. For context, Tharin and Cullen have been divorced for six years, Mia recently passed away, and Cullen invited Tharin to the funeral in his hometown of Honnleath, NH. It’s long and, well, sad, so brace yourselves.
TW: usage of controlled substance, swears, mention of death.
“How do you know the family?”
Beside the Rutherford siblings, Tharin did not know anyone at the reception. And there were only so many times he could explain his relationship with the family. “Cullen and I used to be married” had the effect of chilling the mood even more. Inevitably, the questioner’s eyelids would flutter in surprise, and their brow would crease for a moment until they managed to put back a nonchalant façade. Whether the family friends and townspeople of Honnleath pitied or judged, it was beyond Tharin’s ability to tell. But he quickly grew tired of the same exchange over and over.
The Rutherford residence, a large red New Englander, had a detached garage cum shed in its backyard – a perfect place to hide out for a while. Tharin came through the backdoor and strolled away from the house.
Leaning against the roughly hewn wood wall of the garage and unmindful of his expensive suit jacket dirtying, Tharin looked around in awe. The entire time he was married to Cullen, Tharin never got to visit his family in autumn. The neighborhood was swathed by fall foliage, and the view was spectacular.
An unbidden gale blew through the yard, and trees rustled in succession. A sound like ocean waves hitting and foaming against the beach. Red and yellow leaves rained down on Tharin. He inhaled the crisp air, feeling calmer.
Suddenly, there were footsteps crunching fallen leaves. Tharin looked up to find Branson in a scruffy suit approaching.
Branson scowled and spat, “Goddammit.” He stopped short, keeping a good ten feet away from Tharin. He reached into his pocket and muttered, “Gonna smoke a joint. Do you care?”
Coming from Singapore where marijuana was still very much vilified, Branson’s brash attitude was something of a culture shock. But Tharin rolled with it. “Yeah, sure. Go ahead.”
Branson nodded curtly and lit the joint. Soon, acrid, musty odor permeated the fall air along with awkward silence.
A bird lilted. The trees swished some more. Tharin wanted to leave, but he couldn’t. Not until he had a proper talk with Cullen.
Branson flicked the ash before opening his mouth, “You really fucked up, bud.”
Tharin jerked his head in surprise. “What?”
“Cul would’ve had your back for the rest of your life. You’re a fucking moron for throwing him away like he meant nothing.”
With his heart racing, Tharin rasped, “That’s not… what happened.”
“Whatever, not interested in your side of the story.”
There was a sound of backdoor sliding open. Cullen folded his arms tightly and shivered before waddling out of the house. He admonished in a sharp voice, “Really? You had to light up today of all days?”
Branson growled, “It’s a stressful day. I need it.”
Cullen waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah.”
Tharin knew he had not done a good job of hiding his emotion because Cullen’s face fell as soon as their eyes met. He asked, “Are you okay, Thar?”
Tharin rubbed his eyes and forced a grin. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
Cullen lifted his hands to squeeze Tharin’s shoulders. “You sure? You don’t look so good.” Warmth spread from the man’s large hands, and Tharin felt his throat dry. Cullen looked to Branson and scolded, “What’d you say to Thar?”
“He’s a big boy. I didn’t say nothin’ he can’t handle,” drawled Branson.
After emitting a long sigh, Cullen ordered, “You, back in the house. I need to talk to Thar.” When Branson rolled his eyes, Cullen added, “Alone.”
Tharin knew it was imprudent, yet he could not help but feel hopeful. Cullen kept calling him by his pet name. Maybe he still had a chance of winning him back. Maybe…
Got the rest of the convo coming up. I’ll probably post next week. Though I feel like I shouldn’t give the rest of it away...
Tags below the cut
Tagging @a11sha11fade, @raflesia65, @jonogueira, @kemvee​, and everyone else who wants to participate!
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fademirrored · 11 months
alpha: Shieldsman of the Inquisitor
“I’ve yet to find your rambling particularly impressive, but you’re welcome to carry on. We all have our own hobbies.”
Aneirin Cadoc Trevelyan (‘Eerie’ if you’re Owain, Nye if you’re anyone else) Lord Trevelyan. Shieldsman to the Inquisitor. Eventual Red Jenny. Human noble.
Male. He/Him/His. Pansexual. 13 Justinian, 9:14 Dragon. Ostwick, Free Marches. Rogue; archer, artificer.
Eyes: Pale amber/champagne-colored. Hair: Black, medium-long, generally done in braids and tied back. Skin: Dark, reddish undertones. A bit weathered, and palms and fingers are calloused as all get out. Height: 6'2". Build: Tall, long-legged, lean and fit. Bendy. Very impressive arms and shoulders. Notable Details: Nose has been broken a few times, faint scar across the bridge. Long scar from the back of his jaw down to the middle/side of his chin on the left. Voice: British male Inquisitor’s voice.
Positive Traits: Calm, patient as hell, and good at handling stress; most people don’t even realize he is handling a stressful situation until after he’s already dealt with it, and he can put up with an astounding amount of bullshit before his patience starts to fray, so he steps in periodically when Owain’s diplomacy is failing. Willing to give second chances, as long as people prove they’re willing to improve; he won’t put up with endless shit, but he’ll also remove himself from a situation or person peaceably. Determined and generally able to see that determination through; he doesn’t want to be a ‘fair weather’ sort of person. Negative Traits: Frequently anxious and with a limited sense of self-esteem; he works under the assumption that his lot in life is never going to be great and assumes that asking for help means he’s failed. Good at socializing with people at arm’s length, but tends to dip once he realizes feelings are actually involved; defaults to assuming he’s more attached than the other party and wants to avoid being rejected. A perfectionist with regards to himself and what he does, which combines with his anxiety in not great ways; spends most of his time assuming that he’s doing something wrong and being judged for it, seems perpetually resigned to an unpleasant lot in life. Horrible at standing up for himself against people he likes; puts up with an outrageous amount of shit that by all rights he shouldn’t have to and lets Owain bully him without complaint. Has very limited self-preservation, since his lot in life is to be Owain’s meatshield. Relies on others to give himself purpose. Neutral Traits: Introvert; prefers socializing with just one or two people at a time. Good actor; can put on the nobleman mask when he needs to. Can ignore his own preferences for extended periods. Perpetually seems exhausted. Collects casual bed partners like Pokemon. Optimist vs. Pessimist: Pessimistic with regards to himself, more optimistic with regards to the rest of the world. Quirks: Reluctant to make promises if he has no definitive proof he can fulfill it. Sings or hums if he doesn’t think anyone is listening. Good at blending into the scenery. Practices archery when stressed; sometimes gets bad enough he can’t uncurl his fingers from his bow.
Religion: Atheist. Likes: Tinkering. Making new things, fixing things, being helpful/useful/productive. Music. Reading. Writing. Books in general. Pomegranates. Duck. Salmon. Really likes honey. Mead. Pomegranate wine. Dislikes: Being demeaned. Confrontation. People attempting to analyze his codependence on his brother. People who drone on and on and on. Favorite Colors: Tyrian purple. Hunter green. Alizarin crimson. Hobbies: Plays the harp and the lyre. Reads a lot. Writes a lot; journaling, snippets of poetry, random song verses. Reasonably good at leatherwork. Does consider archery to be a hobby, yes. Falconry. Works as a handyman around Skyhold.
Family: Nia Trevelyan (mother). Bran Trevelyan (father). Gwyneira Trevelyan (sister). Owain Trevelyan (twin brother). Ellis Trevelyan (brother). Steed: Ozone, sharp-tail dracolisk. Other Critters: Swifty, grey falcon. Romance: Iron Bull. Friends: Varric. Sera. Vivienne. (Handled most Red Jenny matters and Vivienne’s personal quest.) Casual friends with Dorian. Note: Remained wary of Cole, though more for ‘he reads minds’ reasons rather than ‘he’s a spirit’ reasons. Was civil with Cassandra, but not overly fond of her for encouraging Owain to think he was the Herald of Andraste. *everything in this sectioncan of course be tweaked or disregarded entirely for specific threads, if you’d rather.
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arlathanxchange · 1 year
Nominations Update
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Nominations Close in Just Under 12 hours!!
✨There are currently 403 approved tags! ✨
▸nominated tags: gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
Seven Tags Need Corrections:
Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age):
We require a gender for Lavellan. Please add Male, Female, or Nonbinary to your nomination, i.e. Male Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age).
Nonbinary Surana & Anders
This was already nominated as Anders & Nonbinary Surana! If this was your tag, you should be able to delete it and nominate another tag!
Evanuris (Freeform)
Freeform Tags are Other Tags and are not eligible for this exchange. Please provide the names for the specific Evanuris and their relationships (i.e. Andruil/Ghilan'nain or Falon'Din & Fen'harel). If your request can’t be defined with specific names easily, it may still be eligible and we’d like to discuss how we’ll tag it. Please reach out to the mods via email or discord so we can talk it over!
The below tags are all ineligible for the exchange because they do not have an elf. Please update the tags to include an elf or replace them with a tag containing an elf.
Bran Cavin/Male Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Rylen
Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan
Nathaniel Howe/Sebastian Vael
Note: If your tags are not corrected by the time nominations close, they will be rejected.
To Make Corrections:
Go to the 2023 Tag Set.
Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
how to nominate tutorial | ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
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owlynonaledge · 7 years
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Finally finished a Lavellan playthrough of the main game and decent dlc. She’s not the Lavellan I started with, but she the one who’s story in which I got invested. DA:I is shaping up to be a multiple OCs game for me.
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taaaaylor · 6 years
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Bertrand and his spirit blade(s). 
I have this headcanon in which Vivienne shows him how to shape his mana into throwing daggers, and he loves them so much ^-^
Cassandra : *disgusted noise* 
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klc-journei · 7 years
I was tagged by @lafaiette​ <3 for this, which was based off this Dragon Age Zodiac post. But because it’s me, I did my three favorites, instead of doing just my Maeve.
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Maeve Trevelyan - Born 14th of Frostfall || Dragon 9:13
Satinalis: 23rd Harvestmere – 21st Firstfall Affectionate, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted. Sociable and communicative, fascinated by the world and desiring new experiences. Creative and musical. Inquisitive and fun-loving, but can be indecisive or inconsistent.
Wow. Pretty good OP. 
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Kaaras Adaar - 3rd of Harvestmere
Toth: 23rd Kingsway – Born 22nd Harvestmere || Dragon 9:11 Loyal, kind, hardworking, practical, methodical. Pays close attention to detail, conservative and organised. A creator. Desire to serve and please others. Can become overly critical, anxious, or prioritise their work to an unhealthy degree.
Again, OP coming in for a second accurate blow.
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Brandan Trevelyan - 19th of Cloudreach || Dragon 9:09
Eluvia: 21st Drakonis – 19th Cloudreach
Artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise. Willing to help others without promise of return. Empathetic, faithful, and caring. Known for being extremely tolerant. Introverted and quiet. Can become isolated or martyr themselves for others.
LOLOL my Brandy’s not quite up to task along the description of being “artistic” or “introverted and quiet”, but he does key into the other traits listed. He can be just as tolerant as he is rambunctious lol
But 2/3 OP I’m still game. Good work. 
Tagging @picchar, @siriusdraws, @blue-starr-in-the-sky-port, @xfreischutz bc holy cow I’d tag more but it’s almost 1am??
Feel free to also tag me if you decide to do this, you know I’m game for reading about other Inquisitors/ Wardens/ Champions.
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potatowitch · 3 years
Hawke as Companion
Template by @little-lightning-lavellan
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀)
I did originally plan on doing this for my Inquisitor but, as always, I've got Hawke brainrot instead, and I figured writing some companion interactions would be so much more interesting with her as a companion than my Lavellan. This got .... very long.
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You have selected RIAN to join your party!
Gender: FEMALE
Class: MAGE
Specialization: BLOOD MAGE
Marian Elaine Hawke, known also as “Rian”, “Chuckles”, “Champion of Kirkwall” and “Hawke, NO” was born in 9:06 Dragon to Malcolm and Leandra Hawke. Despite having to keep her father's magic a secret, she was never led to believe that magic was anything but a gift. Therefore, she spent much of her younger years experimenting to see if she could produce magic, eventually managing at age 9 to light the fireplace with a tiny fireball.
Growing up, she was attached to Malcolm at the hip - the two of them shared not only their magic but their senses of humor and general chaotic energy.
After the Hawke family fled Lothering during the Blight, Hawke joined Athenril’s smugglers to pay off her entry into Kirkwall. As soon as she met Varric at the start of Act 1, they became inseparable best friends - Hawke often cites Varric as her soulmate and the platonic love of her life. During the Deep Roads expedition, Carver became infected with the Blight, and with the help of Anders, Hawke was able to lead him to the Grey Wardens so he could join their ranks.
Over the years, she developed close relationships with most of her companions except for Aveline and Sebastian. Her friendship with Merrill eventually developed into a committed romance, and Hawke started to practice blood magic after recognising that Merrill could do so without being "evil". The two of them eventually also developed feelings for Isabela, and as such she joined their romance as well.
By Act 3, Hawke had become a staunch supporter of mage rights, a dedicated member of the Underground, and wholeheartedly supported Anders’ choice to destroy Kirkwall’s Chantry.
Following the destruction of the Chantry, Hawke and her friends fled Kirkwall, splitting up despite Hawke desperately wanting them to remain together. Isabela and Merrill chose to remain with Hawke, and the three of them traveled across the Free Marches, occasionally running into Anders and assisting him in rescuing mages from rebelling Circles. Eventually, Isabela managed to acquire a new crew, and her partners were more than happy to sail with her as she established herself once again as the Queen of the Eastern Seas.
Depending on the player’s choices in Here Lies The Abyss, Hawke can be convinced to stay and help the Inquisition further instead of accompanying the remaining Wardens to Weisshaupt, becoming a full companion. She will move to sit with Varric by the fire in the main hall. Hawke will also be present in Varric’s companion cutscene where he invites the Inquisitor to play Wicked Grace.
Upon first being recruited to the Inquisition, Hawke’s specialisation is not available - when automatically leveled, she will put points primarily into the Inferno and Storm trees. Her unique specialisation, Blood Mage, only becomes available if the Inquisitor has allied with the mages at Redcliffe. At that point, Hawke will initiate a conversation with the Inquisitor about their opinions on blood magic, and if the Inquisitor states that they have no problem with it, her specialisation will open. Otherwise, she will refuse to admit her use of blood magic to the Inquisitor.
At this point, Hawke will also speak more openly about her support of Anders. She will eventually admit that they are still in contact, though she won't tell the Inquisitor anything that could give them an idea of Anders’ whereabouts.
Her specialisation is not open to the Inquisitor, however Hawke can offer to teach a mage Inquisitor "a neat trick", which will give the player the choice to replace their current Focus ability with Hawke's.
Upon unlocking Hawke's specialisation, she will gain a large increase to her Constitution but her mana bar will become considerably shorter, and conventional healing effects will only operate at 25% efficiency. If she is out of mana, she will automatically revert to using her health pool to power her spells instead.
Her spell tree is very similar to the Dragon Age 2 Blood Mage tree, however it does not include the Blood Slave ability - it is instead replaced with Blood Bomb, which is a variant of Walking Bomb. Instead of applying a damage over time curse to a target, Hawke channels a spell that corrupts the targets' blood from the inside until the target dies - at which point they explode, doing damage to nearby enemies. This spell continually consumes Hawke's mana and health while it is being channeled.
Her Focus ability is Major Sacrifice, a variant of the Knight-Enchanter's Resurgence. Instead of healing the party to full health and providing an ongoing healing aura, Major Sacrifice will instead heal the party to full health but take 25% of Hawke's current health, and will provide an aura of ongoing damage to nearby enemies, converting their health into health for the party.
If the Inquisitor brings Hawke to Valammar, she will be suspiciously quiet throughout the quest - though she will pipe up to complain about the Darkspawn. Following the reveal that Bianca shared the location of the thaig, Hawke will be furious and will argue with her.
Upon returning to Skyhold and speaking to Varric, the cutscene will begin in the middle of a conversation between him and Hawke.
HAWKE: You deserve better, you know. VARRIC: Yeah, you've said that before. HAWKE: It bears repeating. As many times as it takes to get it through your thick head. You deserve so much better. VARRIC: *sigh* Thanks, Chuckles.
Hawke is not romanceable, though she welcomes playful flirting from a female Inquisitor. She will eventually initiate a conversation where she makes sure the Inquisitor isn't expecting the flirting to go anywhere further, as she is already in a relationship.
RIAN APPROVES OF: Supporting mage freedom, open-mindedness with magic and spirits, sarcasm, humor, stealing from nobility, pranking nobility, loyalty to your friends, being nice to Varric, terrible puns.
RIAN DISAPPROVES OF: Chantry rhetoric, the Circles, Templars, Tranquility, authority, betraying your friends, ignorance, pomposity, being mean to Varric.
Hawke will not leave the Inquisition, even if her approval is at Hostile. When questioned about this, she will say:
HAWKE: Did you miss the part where Corypheus is my responsibility? I’m going to fix my fuck-up, Inquisitor. If I have to put up with you while I do it, then, well … I’ve always said the Maker has a sick sense of humor.
Following Corypheus' defeat, Hawke leaves the Inquisition to rejoin Merrill and Isabela.
Once Trespasser is started, Hawke can be found accompanying Varric and Bran to the Winter Palace.
During exploration of the Eluvians, if both Hawke and Varric are in the party, they will briefly discuss how excited Merrill would be by all this, and Hawke will say "You'd better be writing all this down, Varric."
She will approve of redeeming Solas, though she won't disapprove if the Inquisitor decides they would rather kill him.
High Approval
If Varric has chosen to give the Inquisitor an estate in Kirkwall, Hawke will pipe up during the conversation saying she's excited to be neighbors, offering to give the Inquisitor the key to her wine cellar - though she will complain that Varric has never given her control of the harbor, to which Bran will mutter "thank the Maker".
Regardless of the Inquisition's fate, Hawke will return to her lovers, occasionally keeping in touch with the Inquisitor via letters.
Low Approval
If the Inquisitor has low approval with Hawke, they will be informed that she left as soon as the Inquisitor stepped back out of the Eluvian following the final confrontation with Solas. The epilogue slides will state that her whereabouts are, once again, unknown.
Killing an enemy
And stay down!
One more for me. We’re keeping score, right?
Have at you!
How’s my hair looking? (COMBAT ENDS)
I wonder what’s in their pockets. (COMBAT ENDS)
Oh, ew. I’m not cleaning that up. (COMBAT ENDS)
Low Health
This is going badly!
Little help, maybe?
Why are none of you healers?
This hurts! This really hurts!
Low Health (Companions)
INQUISITOR: You good over there, boss?
VARRIC: Varric, that blood better not be yours!
COLE: Help the kid!
CASSANDRA: They’re swarming the Seeker!
BLACKWALL: Hang on, Beardy!
IRON BULL: Bull’s in trouble!
Fallen Companions
INQUISITOR: Shit! Trevelyan/Lavellan/Adaar/Cadash is down!
VARRIC: Don’t you dare leave me now, Varric!
COLE: Cole! No!
CASSANDRA: Seeker is down! How did they manage that?
SOLAS: Come on, Solas!
DORIAN: Help Dorian!
SERA: Awful quiet, isn’t it? Oh shit, Sera!
(first time seeing a High Dragon) *laughing* "Oh, this will be fun!" IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "Hawke, the last time you fought one of these you nearly died." "Yeah, but I didn't die. That's the important thing."
(approaching a campsite) "Well ... I've slept in worse places."
(when collecting a Shard) "Let me guess. We have to collect a stupid amount of these for a really stupid reason, and they're all going to be in really stupid, hard to reach places. *sighs* I love adventuring."
"Have we been here before? Feels like we've been here before."
(upon unlocking the cabin in Redcliffe with the Tranquil skulls) "That's ... fucking Maker. Tranquil have always made me uncomfortable but ... they were still people. They were still... shit, I need a second."
"Eugh, that smell! Worse than my dog when he's eaten cheese, and that's saying something."
(upon killing Widris) "Something, something, crazy mages ... "
"Oh, walking corpses. That's nice."
(upon seeing the dragon vs giant fight) *laughing* "Oh, that's brilliant!"
"Not to sound like Varric, but why are there so many bloody hills around here? My legs hurt."
"Maker, I hate Orlais."
(finding Valorin's corpse) *sighs* "Might sound a little hypocritical coming from me, but ... blood magic is not for the careless."
(seeing the ruined bridge, if Varric is in the party) "Hey Varric - " "Don't you dare, Hawke." "C'mon, please?" "You are not tossing me!" "Spoilsport."
"I've always thought it was beautiful how the Dalish bury their dead under a tree sprout. Like ... I don't know, maybe death doesn't have to be the end."
"There's sand in ... places. So many places."
"Have I said I hate sand? Because I hate sand."
(seeing Red Lyrium) "Maybe don't touch that. It'll do all kinds of weird shit to you."
"I'm fucking freezing. When can we go home?"
(seeing Red Lyrium giants) "What the fuck?"
(Elfsblood River rift - near the lady with titsicles) *giggles*
"I'm getting the weirdest sense of deja vu." IF VARRIC IS IN THE PARTY: "You're not the only one."
"Why do I always end up back in the Deep Roads? Am I cursed?"
VARRIC: "I was worried about what would happen if I brought her here, but ... it's nice to have Hawke around again."
CASSANDRA: "I have to admit, I do admire the Champion. A woman who built herself up from nothing to defeat the Arishok ... there's a certain romance to Varric's stories about her."
SOLAS: "I've been informed that Varric also calls Hawke "Chuckles". I ... don't see how we are similar."
DORIAN: "Hawke? Oh, I like her. She's not as daft as she acts."
BLACKWALL: "The other night, I found her getting teary-eyed in the tavern over how much she misses her dog. Don't quite know what to make of that, really."
VIVIENNE: "She is a powerful mage, I'll give her that, but she's also a naive fool. No wonder Kirkwall fell to pieces around her."
IRON BULL: "She's fun. Got a lot going on in that head she doesn't talk about, though."
COLE: "Fleeing, fighting, falling. Failed father, failed mother, failed Beth and Carver too. Fire and freedom, and she knows it's right but it still feels wrong. Old wounds that never healed, sometimes she can still taste the blood in her mouth. You chose to save her. She wishes you chose differently."
SERA: "Thought she'd be scary, but she makes me laugh. Hasn't let owning a mansion get to her head, either, and have you seen those arms? She's strong."
CULLEN: "I'd ... rather not talk about her, if you don't mind. We've a less than friendly history."
JOSEPHINE: "Lady Hawke is charming, certainly, but I cannot imagine her being popular amongst her neighbours in Hightown. She throws the very concept of decorum bodily out of the window."
LELIANA: "I knew her when she lived in Lothering. She didn't seem to like the Chantry much, but she was always sweet, and her jokes made me laugh. It's a little odd to see the woman she's grown into."
Malcolm also made sure he trained Hawke in using a sword. She's not very good at it, preferring instead to use her staff as a melee weapon if an enemy gets too close.
She has a mean right hook.
Her and Varric have matching tattoos on their left buttcheeks.
Despite being Ferelden and adoring her own mabari, Hawke has a preference for cats.
She's awful at singing. She sings a lot anyway.
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haledamage · 2 years
OKAY. Now that I'm home: Dragon Age questions Essentials 7 + 8, Life 3, 6, 10, Party 7, Codex 10 + 11 for all of them, and then whichever question you'd like to answer most for each of them from the game-specific sections. :3
Essentials: 7. How do they dress in their downtime, while fighting, in formal settings, etc.?
Cait Cousland: in her downtime, she's a basic shirt-and-breeches girl. low effort, easy to move in. she usually wears her Grey Warden armor while fighting, leather with a light metal breastplate and chainmail, and she also has basic leather armor for when she needs to appear unaffiliated. but she's still a noblewoman, and knows how to dress to impress; she has a collection of nice dresses for fancy needs (mostly blue or grey, the girl has a color palette and is sticking with it), as well as a few suits for when she prefers to be fancy but also wear pants.
Carah Amell: robes. robes, robes, robes for every occasion. comfy robes for downtime, fancy robes for formal settings, slightly-armored robes for combat that bear the Grey Warden insignia. there is a reason mages where robes and that reason is that they are comfortable as hell. her colors are green and blue
Evie Hawke: Evie likes to have fun with clothes. no real preference between pants and dresses, but she's definitely the type to wear sneakers with her formalwear or show up to the Hanged Man way overdressed for a card game. and she's a mage, so she doesn't differentiate much between "day clothes" and "fight clothes". her colors are red, black, and orange
Bran Trevelyan: despite the big hammer and androgynous name, Branwyn is the girliest of all of them. she wears heavy armor while fighting, though usually scalemail rather than full plate, for the sake of mobility, but outside of combat she loves a pretty dress or a velvet waistcoat. in game, she wears the Venture Capital variation. her colors are pink and white
Essentials: 8. Do they have any notable scars, markings, tattoos, etc.?
Cait is covered in scars, but the most significant are the one on her forehead (from the Landsmeet. Shield Bash sucks when you are on the receiving end), one below her left collarbone (darkspawn arrow, Ostagar), and a sort of Lichtenberg figure-like scar up her spine from the Archdemon (I headcanon that even though Morrigan's ritual kept the Wardens from dying, the Archdemon's death still left a physical mark on all the Wardens near it when it died)
Carah is a Spirit Healer, so she doesn't have many scars. the only one she really has is the same Archdemon one Cait has. but as far as "markings" go, what she lacks in scars she makes up for in freckles. just. so many
Evie has the same freckles as her cousin, as well as the same magical specialization, so she only has one major scar (well, two: an entrance wound and an exit wound. she got lightly stabbed by a certain Arishok. lightly). I feel like she has tattoos of some kind, but I've never really figured out what they are beyond the fact of their existence
Bran has a few scars on her face (one that crosses her right eye and another across the left side of her lips) that she got by taking a really stupid dare as a kid. she also has a nasty scar along her right hip and thigh from That One Fall when Corypheus attacks Haven. and, y'know, her left arm is amputated below the elbow post-Tresspasser. but considering that she's a career soldier, she has surprisingly few scars. she also has a tattoo that takes up most of her right bicep, it's a knotwork variation on the Trevelyan family crest, and has a series of green dots tattooed around her left eye that she got after she joined the Inquisition
Life: 3. How many languages do they speak? Do they have any sort of accent?
Cait speaks Ferelden, Common, and knows a tiny bit of Orlesian and Antivan, but that's really it. She has a pretty standard Ferelden accent, though it still gives away her noble background even though she hasn't been a noble for a decade now
Carah speaks Common, Ferelden, Orlesian, Ander, Antivan, Tevene, and a bit of Elvish. you've gotta find some way to occupy yourself in the Circle. she has what I call a "Circle accent" which is vaguely Ferelden in her case, but with bits of other accents picked up from other mages.
Evie speaks Common, Ferelden, Orlesian, and a little Tevene. Free Marches languages, essentially. she has a Ferelden accent, though it goes a bit Marcher after a decade in Kirkwall
Bran speaks Common, Ferelden, and Orlesian, and has a thick Marcher (Scottish) accent, like Sebastian's.
gonna put the rest under a cut because this got really long 😅
Life: 6. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
Carah and Evie don't have much attachment to their birth cultures. Carah doesn't remember the Free Marches, and everything she knows about Ferelden she learned after she became a Warden. Evie has always lived expecting to either have to run away or get taken away when people find out she's a mage, so she never let herself get attached to Ferelden or its people much.
Cait and Bran are both very proud of where they're from. Cait shares her country's love of dogs and freedom and the stubborn prejudice against all things Orlesian, and she loves the rainy season even when it rains for two weeks nonstop. Bran shares the Marches love of independence, but specifically Ostwick seems to have a love of whimsy and drama that she shares.
Life: 10. Have they ever been seriously injured? What was the outcome?
I answered this for Cait here!
I don't think Carah's ever been seriously injured, actually. except for at Ostagar, of course.
The Arishok kicked Evie's ass. to this day, she still has no idea how she won that duel
Bran almost died escaping Corypheus's assault on Haven, and got pretty fucked up during both the mages' and templars' recruitment (yes, I headcanon that she recruited both. peace should have been an option, dammit. I think it would have been more interesting if both Samson and Calpernia were there as well)
Party: 7. How did their relationship progress? If they’re a canon romance option, is their story different from the way the game presents it?
Carah was smitten with Leliana from the moment she first saw her. there's no real drama or issues with them when it comes to romance, they just slowly fell in love while on a mission to save the world. wlw fairytale romance stuff, fluffy and sweet
I did all the DA2 romances with Evie, and I love all of them, but I think her canon romance is with Fenris. which was... rocky, to say the least. every time they tried to get together, something came in and tore them apart. but they never hid or shied away from how they felt, and they do eventually find their way to a happy ending
Bran and Blackwall are very flirtatious from the beginning. the most sexually charged, even more than Cait/Zev. she takes the whole Rainier reveal pretty calmly, all things considered, but Blackwall/Thom insists that they start over after the truth about him comes out. so Bran, lucky lady that she is, gets courted twice; once by Warden-Constable Gordan Blackwall and once by Thom Rainier
(I also ship Bran/Barris, but I haven't figured out many details about that other than THEY'D BE REALLY CUTE OKAY)
I put Cait last just because she has 3 "canon" romances and I can't pick which one I like best. her actual-in-game-canon-romance is Zevran, who she falls into bed with pretty much immediately. they fall in love much more slowly, and are even slower to admit it.
not-possible-in-game-romance #1 is Nathaniel Howe, who Cait was romantically involved with when they were teenagers until he went to the Free Marches. he comes home to find his home belongs to the Wardens, and the one in charge is his old girlfriend. childhood friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers
not-possible-in-game-romance #2 is Loghain Mac Tir, who Cait ends up befriending accidentally after she spares him at the Landsmeet. they have similar bleak practical outlooks on the world and get along surprisingly well, leading to a close friendship neither of them expected. it takes a long time to admit any romantic feelings, for lots of reasons (like the fact that they've tried to kill each other several times, and the huge age difference), but they get there eventually
Codex: 10. Are there any animals they have a particular love or hatred for?
answered here for Cait!
Carah loves cats. and nugs. she and Leliana probably have a ridiculous amount of both
Evie is also a cat lover (and of course loves her mabari, Rex). hates deepstalkers so so so much. their faces are creepy and they sneak around in the dark and just... gross. no thanks
Bran specifically hates Lord Woolsley. bloody demon goat bastard.
Codex: 11. Do they have any interest in folk tales or folk songs?
Carah does! not just because her girlfriend's a bard, but she's always enjoyed poetry and songs and the stories people tell to explain the unexplainable
Cait has always liked war stories, or stories of great heroes. except the ones people started writing about her. could do with less of those
Evie knows a bawdy tavern song or two but beyond that her favorite stories are always Varric's
Bran also likes Varric's stories, and Maryden's songs, but she's recently gained a particular appreciation for "less popular" stories about famous heroes. not the stories of the grand things they did, but stories of little things. the day to day lives of people before they became famous.
AND THEN, for a specific question for each of them:
Cait Cousland:
Origins: 17. What did they think of Anora? How did they feel about her betraying them?
Cait adores Anora. she's shrewd and intelligent and a good queen, who understands the balance she has to maintain between what the people want and what the country needs. the two of them become good friends
and Anora didn't betray Cait at the Landsmeet. Cait followed through on the promises she made Anora, and Anora returned the favor. funny how that works
Carah Amell:
Origins: 13. Did they help protect Redcliffe? What happened to Connor? How did they deal with Jowan?
look, you know I had to do the Jowan question 😁
Carah protected Redcliffe, and managed to keep everyone alive overnight. for Connor, she brought in mages from the Circle, and went into the Fade herself to get him un-possessed
for Jowan, I go a little off-canon. she convinces him to leave while she deals with the Connor situation (because she doesn't want the Circle getting their hands on him), and then they meet up again later and he travels with the party for a while. he's her oldest and best friend, and she's going to protect him dammit
Evie Hawke:
DA2: 5. What was their remaining sibling’s fate?
Carver became a Grey Warden, and he and Cait become besties (after a bit of an initial personality clash). he also, once he has time to grow up outside of his big sister's shadow, becomes a great leader in his own right, and mends his relationship with Evie
bonus, DA2: 12. How did they feel about becoming the Champion of Kirkwall?
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Bran Trevelyan:
Inquisition: 4. Do they approach the Mages or the Templars for help? Did they conscript or ally themselves with their respective faction? How do they feel about their rival (Calpernia or Samson)?
as I said, I headcanon that she was able to ally with both factions and then literally sits down with Fiona, Barris, and her advisors (and maybe Cassandra and her sister Moira, who is a mage and part of her inner circle) and forces them to have an adult conversation and reach an actual compromise
but in-game, Bran sides with the templars. while I personally think the mages are the "right" side, I like the templar quest better, and I find Calpernia and Barris more compelling characters than Fiona and Samson. she choses to ally with them, not conscript them, and she understands Calpernia's motivations and sympathizes with her. they manage to part of peaceful terms, and I like to think maybe become penpals someday after Calpernia returns to Tevinter
and also Inquisition: 8. What did their Nightmare appear as in the Fade? What was on their gravestone?
The Nightmare: Branwyn... the leader of the Inquisition. Herald of Andraste. Do you think this will finally get your parents to notice you? They haven't even realized you're gone...
and her gravestone reads: Branwyn: Uselessness
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cobaltash · 4 years
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The Impromptu OC Party is over, but I still feel like showing off all the gorgeous guests that graced it, so here we are, with the first half of them XD
Thank all of you who attended!
Guest list under the cut!
Venus Surana belongs to @fandombird123
Levyn Trevelyan belongs to @queen-scribbles
Ista belongs to @erisbatt
Shokra Adaar belongs to @athelari
Bran belongs to @actualanxiousswampwitch
Mahanon Lavellan belongs to @chaifootsteps
Mercury Primm belongs to @aban-ataashi
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cityandking · 6 years
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personality types ▸ VESPER  ↳  ❝ above all shadows rides the sun ❞
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warpedlegacy · 3 years
WIP Whenever
Because I’m bad at time. And keeping track of it. And completing things.  Okay so I am making progress on Reprisals Book Two, but the thing keeping more of my attention than I expected was my domestic series for post-Trespasser, While Time Remains. And I just wanted to share this scene with y’all: Cullen finally reuniting with his family (well, just Mia in this scene), and introducing them to his wife. I had to cut it down quite a bit to fit within the post limits of my ff server, so anyone from there, here is the full(er) version! (PS - “Cal” is the name I’ve given the mabari hound he adopts in Halamshiral during Trespasser. Yes, it’s short for Calenhad. Yes, Cullen is very predictably Fereldan.) Thanks for the tag @dreadfutures! I’m gonna wait on more tags since I’m late on this one lol.  South Reach is thoroughly rural Ferelden. Cullen takes in the vast fields, the scattered cottages, the humble mill churning its wheel, and thinks “home”. Despite the fact that this was not where he grew up. Despite the fact that he has never been here before. It all feels so achingly familiar that his heart swells. 
Inquiries in the market square lead them to the right house. It sits on the north side of a field of barley, hemmed in from behind by the coniferous forest and from the west by a run-off from the Drakon River. Very well-situated. Mia must have fought tooth and nail for a spot this choice. Cullen smiles thinking of this, then grimaces, knowing the reception waiting for him is like to be anything but peaceful. 
“They’ll be happy to see you.” Tess rides beside him, steady reassurance in her quiet strength. Subtle highlights in her dark hair catch the sunlight and remind Cullen of coals burned low in the hearth. Her bronze skin glows, but her eyes are dark and piercing as ever as she watches him. 
“Oh, I’m sure they will be,” he allows. “Eventually.” 
“After they finish lecturing you for not writing you mean?” 
“Partly…” Cullen rubs at the back of his neck. He’d been dreading this confession, but now there was no avoiding it. “And also for not telling them we’re coming.” 
Stunned silence follows, and he can’t bring himself to look in Tess’s direction. He doesn’t have to - he feels the growing aggravation about to boil over. 
“You didn’t tell them?” She sounds somehow incredulous and not at all surprised. “Do they even know we’re married?” 
More silence. 
Her disapproval claps electric like one of her spells. He flinches, far too guilty to put up much of a fight. “I know, I should have told them. But with all that was going on there wasn’t time to write before our departure.” 
“What is Mia going to think of me…” 
“Of you?” Now Cullen glances her way, and sees his mistake. The anxiety is writ clear in her face - itself enough of an exception to be worrying - and her hand grips the reins fiercely as she purses her lips into a thin line. “Ah, I wouldn’t worry, love. It’s with me she’ll place the blame, I assure you. You’ve nothing to fear of her wrath.” 
He reaches across the space to grasp her… Right. He’s on her left side, not her right. She notices his hesitation and his heart wrenches as her face withdraws into despondency. His worry for her grows. She’s been like this since Halamshiral, and every effort on his part to assist her is met with stubborn denial and more withdrawal. She’s pulling away from him, and he doesn’t know how to stop it. 
“It’s fine.” She releases a harsh puff of air that fogs briefly in the morning chill. “There’s nothing for it now.”
They exchange no more words as they make the final approach to the cottage. It’s a modest log and thatch structure, longer than it is wide, roof rising high to accommodate a second floor. Smoke wafts up from a narrow chimney in the center.  The walls are plastered smooth, a gleaming white beacon amidst the crisp green and gold foliage. Laundry hangs across lines in the garden, which is separated by a low stone wall. 
The word “pristine” occurs to Cullen, and he smiles despite his worry. 
A figure toils in the garden with a hoe, and as they draw near Cullen nearly chokes, thinking he’s seeing his mother. But then she straightens and raises a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, and he realizes it’s Mia. All grown up, unlike his memories of her. 
She’d only been fifteen when they last saw each other. 
She spies their approach and he hears her surprised gasp even from yards away. The hoe falls to the dirt, forgotten, and she hikes up her skirts to vault the garden wall and race toward them. Cal utters a low growl at the sudden approach, but Cullen dismounts to get him quickly to heel. 
“As I live and breathe…” Mia pants and slows her approach, staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at a brother she’d thought thoroughly lost to her more times than she cares to count. 
Up close, her resemblance to their mother is even more striking. Wheat-blonde curls fall to her waist, fighting free of the scarf tying them back. Her sleeves are rolled up past the elbows, forearms bearing the strength and tone of long hours toiling under the sun. Her eyes, the same rich, whiskey brown. Her mouth curled up at the corners, a perpetually patient smile always at hand.
“Hello Mia.” Cullen straightens with his own far more awkward smile, releasing Cal to sniff experimentally at this familiar stranger. 
Mia takes it all in at a glance - Cullen’s height, his broad shoulders, his untamed curls so like her own, sideways grin so like their father’s - then her eyes drift toward a figure she recognizes only by description. Dark-eyed, wild-haired, fiercely stoic… and an unmistakable aura of legend. 
The Inquisitor. Theresa Trevelyan. Or, as Cullen has frequently slipped up in his letters, “Tess”. 
She dismounts with practiced grace, and that is when Mia notes the knot tied in her left sleeve, an arm that ends just above the elbow. But she sees the prideful lift of her chin and knows this woman wants no pity. 
“My Lady Inquisitor.” Mia nods and wipes her hands before offering her right to shake in greeting. “What a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
“Likewise.” The Inquisitor takes her hand and dips her head. A surprisingly warm smile lights up her face, and Mia can see what drew Cullen so thoroughly into her orbit. “Though just Theresa will do.” 
Mia nods, accepting this instantly, before turning to Cullen with a much sterner expression. 
“You might’ve told me you were coming! Rosie’s gone to market in town, and Bran won’t be able to make it for at least a fortnight, what with the new baby!” 
Cullen accepts the scolding with good-natured exasperation, wearing an expression Theresa has seen many times whilst reading letters from his elder sister. A true matriarch, she somehow looms before the man despite being half a head shorter. Theresa understands a little better why he was always able to withstand Leliana’s and Josephine’s teasing with such fond patience. 
“I wanted to write, but there wasn’t time,” he tries to get in, but Mia is already verbalising all the new accommodations she will need to prepare. 
She barely stops to breathe even as she leads them and their mounts toward the cottage. There is a lean-to stable in the back where a plow horse is already housed, nibbling on fresh hay. A cat naps in the pile nearby, taking advantage of a patch of sunlight. 
When Cullen lets slip about the elopement, Mia launches into a fresh tirade. 
“But I told you I planned to propose!” he protests, receiving a gentle swat upside the head for the audacity. 
“Yes, but I foolishly assumed maybe you’d be holding off on the wedding until your family could be there!” Mia huffs.
“It’s not entirely his fault,” Theresa jumps in, looking fully guilty herself. “Circumstances were a bit… urgent. We didn’t want to wait.” 
That gives Mia pause, and she has to remind herself of how chaotic - and dangerous - their lives are compared to hers. At last, she lets herself smile, beaming from ear to ear as she reaches out and finally hugs her brother. 
“Welcome home, Cullen,” she says. 
He nearly crushes her as he returns the embrace. “It’s good to finally be back.” 
“And you, come here.” 
She draws Theresa in as well, but this embrace is more awkward as she seems not to know what to do with half an arm. New injury, must be. Mia makes her hug all the fiercer to make up for it. 
“My sister,” she declares, and plants a kiss on her cheek for good measure. “Welcome to the family.” 
Unexpectedly, tears well up in Theresa’s eyes and she cannot help the happy sob that escapes. It’s too much, this feeling of unquestioned acceptance. She’s never had this before - not so soon, so easily. She catches the glint of understanding in Cullen’s eyes before the tears make it impossible to see, and she reaches up to wipe them away. 
“Oh, you just let it all out my dear.” Mia looks from one to the other, belatedly realising how exhausted they both look, before nodding to herself. “You two finish stabling the horses. I’ll get your bed ready. There’ll be tea and stew waiting for you when you’re done.” 
And in a flurry of motion she’s gone, leaving Theresa to fall into Cullen’s waiting embrace until the shudders stop. 
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orangeflavoryawp · 4 years
Dragon Age Jonsa AU
Dude, like, I don’t even know where to begin thinking of that.  I adore Dragon Age sooooo fucking much.  Where do you see them fitting into the DA world?
Oh OH, I could almost see them as Trevelyans, with Jon still being the bastard son, and he goes off and joins the templars.  And then Sansa can’t hide her magic anymore and she gets sent to a circle (not one where Jon is stationed though).  And they reunite at the Conclave in Inquisition (after some crazy drama after surviving the blight, and then the mage-templar war) and now they’re part of the Inquisition and they think they’re the only Trevelyans left (except Arya is off somewhere in Antiva learning to be a Crow, and Bran and Rickon are trying to find a way to stop the Qunari invasion up North, oh man, just imagine if they survived Kirkwall and went north!!!!!) and holy shit this could actually really really fucking work and I’m stupid excited about this right now but also yoooooo that’s a lot of AU-working that I do not have the discipline or patience for, hahahah.  
But that being said, I totally want to post headcanons about it now.  I don’t think I could write it, certainly not now, but it’s a really cool AU to think of and I might just spitball some ideas on random here.
I mean, hey, are any of my followers fans of both Dragon Age and Game of Thrones?  @maddiethefashionista I feel like we’re a rare species, lol.  That being said, I am totally down for you posting headcanons about this AU in my inbox anytime.  This is going to be so much fun!
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fademirrored · 11 months
alpha: Inquisitor
“Considering the demon-spewing holes scattered all over the place, I want to ask you, very seriously, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’”
Owain Deiniol Trevelyan (‘Oh’ if you’re Aneirin) Herald of Andraste. Inquisitor. Human mage.
Male. He/Him/His. Panromantic demisexual, polyamorous 13 Justinian, 9:14 Dragon. Ostwick, Freemarches. Mage; storm mage, Knight-Enchanter.
FC: Jesse Williams, loosely. Eyes: Bright, very clear green. Large. Hair: White, almost silver, very curly. Chin length by Haven, partially braided and partially shaved on the right. Skin: Dark, gold-ish undertones. Fairly smooth skin, but with calloused fingers. Height: 5'10" Build: Stocky. Broad shoulders. Not accustomed to up-close physical combat, but in good enough shape to beat someone with his staff in a pinch. Notable Details: Cheekbones you could break glass on. Pointed nose. Small scars all over his hands. Green, glowing scars gradually spreading up his left arm, getting brighter (until the arm is removed). Voice: Narrator from The Stanley Parable.
Positive Traits: Observant, clever, adaptable, and a quick learner; remembers information and picks up skills quickly, and he’s good at holding onto inane details. Tenacious, passionate, and not going to compromise when he knows he can do something better; he’s going to help or fix something if it’s in his power to do so. Sees the best in people and the world around him and considers ‘irredeemable’ something of a foreign concept; will hand out an almost endless number of second chances until someone well and truly jumps off the slippery slope to monsterhood. Negative Traits: Control freak; he likes when things are done a particular way and gets antsy when he knows that isn’t what’s happening. Horrible coping methods; tends to use Aneirin as an emotional punching bag, though he’s not really aware he’s doing this. Short-tempered and impatient, with a deficit of tact early on; diplomacy does not come naturally to him, and even once he learns the skill he doesn’t always care to use it. Bullheaded and loath to change his mind if a very good case for doing so isn’t presented to him; may ignore that very good case if it comes at the wrong time or from the wrong source. Naive, sheltered, good at denial; tends to be of the assumption he’s a much nicer, sweeter person than he is and that he knows more about the world than he does. Neutral Traits: Opinionated and very willing to be heard. Very romantic. Extrovert. Playfully sarcastic. Considers personal space optional. Optimist vs. Pessimist: Generally optimistic, though it gets a bit pyrrhic at times. Quirks: Hates when people move his stuff when he isn’t there to see them do it; has recurring intrusive thoughts that everything since the Ostwick Circle has been a dream and he’ll eventually wake up. Has several tactile stims to deal with the anxiety.
Religion: Andrastian. Initially moderately so, more devoutly so when he was declared the Herald, and then decreasingly so after he had to bury Haven. Likes: Good food. Good company. Laughter. Open spaces. The sky, stormy weather, cloudless nights. The moon and stars. A good book. Venison. Most sweets (“Ooh, cake!”). Cream-based soups. Cocoa. Mulled wine, and especially chocolate wine. Food in general; will try most things at least once he tried dragon meat on a dare once. New magic. Dislikes: People with no sense of humor. Being treated like a child. People touching or moving his things. Surprises. Other people mocking or hassling Aneirin. Confined spaces, being cooped up for too long. Most Templars. Favorite Colors: Azure. Spring green. Golden poppy. Hobbies: Fencing. Reading. Gardening. Target practice. Aimless socializing. Will try most things at least once.
Family: Nia Trevelyan (mother). Bran Trevelyan (father). Gwyneira Trevelyan (sister). Aneirin Trevelyan (twin brother). Ellis Trevelyan (brother). Steed: Moo, wild hart. Romance: Dorian. Friends: Blackwall. Cassandra. Cole. Solas. Varric.Note: Wasn’t especially fond of Sera, and flat out disliked Vivienne, though he tried to be polite. Found Iron Bull sort of intimidating. Friendship with Varric occasionally fluctuated due to finding some of his well-meaning advice a bit too pointed. *everything in this sectioncan of course be tweaked or disregarded entirely for specific threads, if you’d rather.
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