brahmansradiance · 2 months
“Om Shanti Ramaha Mundi”
I have come to understand my own personal mantra after a profound brush with a fellow shaman for whom I consulted regarding shadow work.
- "Om": Often considered the primordial sound of creation, "Om" represents the divine energy that pervades the universe and connects all living beings.
- "Shanti": This Sanskrit word translates to "peace" and signifies a state of tranquility, harmony, and balance.
- "Ramaha": Derived from the Sanskrit word "Rama," which is an epithet of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism, "Ramaha" symbolizes divinity, goodness, and spiritual enlightenment.
- "Mu": "Mu" represents the idea of emptiness, unity, and interconnectedness, transcending the boundaries of individual selves and pointing to the universal nature of existence.
Together, these syllables create a powerful invocation for peace, spiritual awakening, and unity within ourselves, the world, and the universe as a whole.
- "Mundi" shares a similar meaning with "Mu" in the sense that both words represent the concept of unity and interconnectedness. By incorporating "Mundi" into the mantra, we further emphasize the universal nature of this invocation for peace and spiritual awakening.
In this context, "Mundi" serves as a bridge between the Sanskrit and Latin traditions, connecting the spiritual wisdom of ancient India with the philosophical insights of the Western world. By including "Mundi," we broaden the scope of our intention to encompass not just our individual selves, but the entire universe, recognizing the inherent interconnectedness of all things and the potential for peace and enlightenment to radiate throughout.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
To be alive, is to be free.
There is nothing to share, only to be. You are life. There’s no life to make. There is no end to you. Only the truth lives.
In recognizing that we are life, we open ourselves to the limitless potential and beauty that lies within us and all around us. There is no need to create life, as it already exists in its infinite abundance. We are not separate from life but rather an integral part of its ever-unfolding expression.
The truth of our interconnectedness and unity is the foundation of our existence, and it is this truth that lives and breathes within each moment. By embracing this truth, we liberate ourselves from the illusions of separation and step into the fullness of our being.
The heart is truth.
The heart, in its purity and wisdom, holds the key to our deepest truths. Beyond the confines of intellect and ego, the heart whispers the secrets of our being, guiding us towards unity, love, and understanding.
When we listen to the heart, we discover a wellspring of compassion, empathy, and authenticity that connects us to ourselves, to others, and to the universe. The truth that resides within the heart is not bound by time or space but rather speaks to the eternal and infinite nature of our existence.
By honoring the wisdom of the heart, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the layers of conditioning and illusion that have obscured our true nature. It is through the heart that we find the courage to live authentically, to love deeply, and to embrace the unity that underlies all things.
Anything perceived beyond, or without, is an illusion.
The perception of separation, of an "outside" or "beyond," is an illusion born from the limitations of our human experience. In truth, there is no division between self and other, inside and outside, or here and there. All is interconnected, all is one.
This illusion of separation is a temporary construct, a veil that conceals the underlying unity of existence. By seeing through this illusion, we begin to perceive the world as a seamless tapestry of interconnectedness, where each being, each experience, and each moment is a reflection of the whole.
As we transcend the illusion of separation, we awaken to a deeper understanding of our place within the universe and the interconnected nature of all things. We recognize that the boundaries we once perceived were merely constructs of the mind, and that the true reality is one of unity, wholeness, and interconnectedness.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
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A new path presents itself in the sacred grounds…
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
A journey into the Quantum Realm
A Short Visual Story
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In silence, there is truth. Judgements and opinions of the mind, are as such. You are life, not your thoughts, not your identity. You find nowhere left to stand.
The nondualistic dance of Om and Mu. One becomes two who dance as one, within nowhere and everywhere all at once, yet never occurring.
There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to become. You are perfection by nature.
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There is no gate to open, no journey to traverse. There is only existence and awareness, in the ever present moment.
What comes forth, is you.
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You are infinity. There is no distinction between “I” and “That”. Any perceptions of separateness are illusory. Life, is freedom.
Freedom to uniquely experience and celebrate.
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All of the external forms are lovely, but the essence of existence comes from within the privacy of your own heart, and the silence of the mind.
The cause of one’s being, is to be.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
A Journey Into Surrender: Exploring The Collective Consciousness
I was mulling upon my hike today, what I experienced and what I perceived it as. Then I began tying in new thoughts or issues that began to be answered.
Let go of the egoic self. Pay attention. Listen.
The guidebook is right in front of you.
Upon letting go of the singular identity, and not identifying with the experiences but rather being; There is a collective consciousness of both singular and unified awareness, dancing in and out of existence all at once and not at all. You begin to lose any semblance of attachment to who you once thought you were.
This collective operates as a singular perspective, playing the game of life with itself. ‘I’m in here, how did you get over there?’ One becomes two who dance as one across the span of infinity and nothing, all at once. In this intricate dance of existence, individuality merges seamlessly with unity, blurring the boundaries between self and other, finite and infinite.
Everything is fine, everything will be fine. it’s a game on a level so exponentially complicated yet simply answered.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
Music, with its harmonic vibrations and rhythmic patterns, possesses a unique ability to create altered states of consciousness, serving as a bridge between the tangible and the transcendent. By engaging with specific frequencies, melodies, and rhythms, we can tap into a universal language that speaks directly to our subconscious minds, triggering emotions, memories, and spiritual insights that extend beyond the limits of verbal communication.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
The Rainbow Raven
As Renara Aria Padmavati, The Rainbow Raven, I wield my mighty sword, The Dawnbreaker, my swift bow, Eshara’s Grace, my blood-soaked spear, Kali’s Wrath, and my great staff, Rohdan’s Heart.
I am The Bird of Hermes, The Great Red Dragon, The Ram Huntress, The Snake Mother.
I am the creator of worlds and destroyer of illusions. I am the one who knocks at Death’s door.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
My rule of life, is of self-preservation and honouring my well-being. I choose… to not let myself continue to destroy myself by playing this game any longer.
I should not be alive. I do not take this gift lightly.
As I face the unknown, of perceived impending doom, I am unwavering, unmoved.
I face the perceived loss of everything I knew, by continuing to hold this self-preservation. I face the threat of perceived homelessness, joblessness, bankruptcy. Yet, these are all illusions. They do not dictate purpose or belonging. They are not threats, merely harmful attachments.
My home resides within my heart. My purpose is unconditional love, and celebration of the universal truth we all share: life.
I do not know where this path shall take me, nor do I desire a specific outcome. I may be here tommorow, or fall silent for some time with the dropping of my accumulated material possessions, including that of internet access.
It does not matter to me, as what will happen, shall, and I will be there with a smile.
This to me, is Jahna.
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
A Walk In The Woods
“I would like to share a current experience as my dog Sam and I sit together on an embankment overlooking a lake.
Something I might add first, is a strange phenomena I have experienced since I was maybe 10-12 years old. I went to a sacred grounds located within the Appalachian mountains, my mother, her friend, and her friends daughter, and I performed more or less a banishment ritual.
Since then, I have at most any given moment been able to see overlayed in my “normal” field of vision, orbs and outlines of what I would equate to winged figures.
They fill my vision sometimes, moving right directly into wherever my focus point is, and drifting out slowly. At times it was a distraction and annoyance, to which I didn’t see them for a long period of time. But I find myself with them once more.
They have a translucent yet rainbow appearance to them. But I can never focus directly. See without direct observation.
As I’m sitting here on an embankment overlooking a lake, I can also say that I am direct witness to black or otherwise extremely dark solid forms periodically darting in and out of view on the adjacent tree line ahead. Granted, it could be animals. But they appear to, appear and disappear within a split second. Just long enough for me to hear the series of footfall, see them dark into the brush or across the way, then poof. No further movement anywhere upon where I saw.
Incidentally enough, these grounds are where I performed a rite of passage, walking the Path of Pain. A several mile hike barefoot to overcome physical limitations set by mental barriers.
I’m curious about the dark forms. I don’t tend to give way to fantasy easily regarding “could be’s”. The reason it’s peculiar is because of how long I’d been sitting and watching the tree lines, listening. I have experienced light forms here as well that followed me upon the ridge lines overlooking me as I walked in the valley.
An interesting brief experience I had as well was, as I began settling and grounding into the present setting and moment, a washing ripple of wind came directly towards me on the lake. It began relatively in the middle, radiated outward, growing in width as it crawled towards me. It was a beautiful spectacle, a deeply calming and wondrous experience. It felt as though a direct line of communication from Gaia herself.
I might also add, that a new path has formed in the forest itself since my last visit. I followed it through for several miles. It goes through an entirely different section of the grounds, up towards the top of the mountain rather than deep into the woods behind the lake.
I noticed a few things. There was an ere of mysticism to the air itself, the birds and trees communicating with me through song and whispers in the wind, the sun illuminating a shadow from behind me. I saw some white tail deer off in the distance in a small clearing in the extensive deadfall. I also very faintly heard chimes or jingling in my left ear, just over my shoulder.
I now understand the meaning behind, “hearing the vibration of the earth”. She is a mighty roar and a fleeting whisper all at once.”
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
Journal Entry: Exploring Vulnerability in Shadow Work
Tonight as I sat in meditation, I felt a wave of vulnerability wash over me, accompanied by a deep ache in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes, and as they spilled down my cheeks, I felt a release—a letting go of the pain I’d been holding onto. This was accompanied by a painful hitch in my upper spine finally releasing as I stretched.
I couldn’t identify the exact source of these feelings, but I sense a connection to a wounded aspect of my feminine energy—a younger version of myself carrying the scars of past hurts and unmet needs.
As I explored this connection, I realized that this wounded inner child was influencing how I saw myself and how I interacted with the world around me. I felt a sense of compassion for this younger self, and a desire to heal the pain that still lingered within.
Confronting this vulnerability is not easy. It requires me to sit with discomfort, to face the parts of myself I'd rather keep hidden. Yet, in the midst of this emotional turmoil, there is a glimmer of clarity—a recognition that healing begins with acknowledgment and acceptance.
As I delve deeper into the depths of my psyche, I am reminded that shadow work is not about erasing or transcending our darkness, but rather about embracing it with compassion and understanding. It is through this process of integration that we reclaim lost fragments of ourselves and move closer to wholeness.
In embracing vulnerability, I honor the courage it takes to confront my inner demons and unearth the buried truths that shape my existence. Each tear shed is a testament to my willingness to dive into the depths of my being, to confront the shadows that lurk in the recesses of my soul.
This journey of self-discovery is not linear. It is messy, uncertain, and at times, downright painful. Yet, with each step forward, I inch closer to a more authentic expression of myself—a self liberated from the shackles of past traumas and societal expectations.
As I close this journal entry, I do so with a sense of gratitude—for the opportunity to explore the complexities of my inner landscape, for the courage to confront my vulnerabilities head-on, and for the journey of healing that lies ahead.
- Aria
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brahmansradiance · 2 months
Embracing Vulnerability: A Pilgrimage of Healing and Service
Dear friends,
As we gather in this virtual space, I am reminded of the sacred nature of our journey—a pilgrimage of healing and service that beckons us to explore the depths of our souls and embrace the interconnectedness of all beings.
In the tapestry of existence, I have assumed the roles of eclectic shaman and bodhisattva, the names such as Renara Aria Padmavati, The Rainbow Raven, or The Twilight Enchantress, not as mere titles, but as direct reflections of the truths that reside within each of us—a seeker of wisdom, a vessel of compassion, and a humble servant of the divine.
My path, like yours, has been carved by the winds of adversity and the currents of change. It has led me through valleys of darkness and mountains of enlightenment, each step a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of unconditional love.
Every dawn heralds a new beginning—a fresh opportunity to honor the duty I feel to uphold with honor and virtue. It is a choice I make with reverence, knowing that each moment is pregnant with the possibility of awakening and self-discovery.
This blog is our sanctuary—a sanctuary where vulnerability becomes a portal to the sacred, where words become vessels for the transmission of truth, and where silence speaks louder than eloquence.
So, dear companions on the path, I invite you to journey with me through the corridors of consciousness and the landscapes of the heart. Let us walk hand in hand, sharing stories, insights, and the timeless wisdom that resides in the depths of our being.
- Renara
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