#braham eirrson
aid-worker-sya · 1 year
braham when he was 19 years old, after seeing his mother die in front of him: -is kind of a huge asshole to the Commander and was extremely face punchable, but he is still very young and working through a lot of shit-
braham: -grows up and matures during the FOUR YEARS in-universe and ultimately formally apologizes to the Commander for being an asshole to them, which the Commander accepts, and becomes a full-time member of Dragon's Watch-
way too many people years later: "god he's always been such an asshole/when has Braham never been an asshole lol/i don't care how much he actually changes he's still an asshole lol"
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A New Dawn
Pact Commander Siggi Vilodsdottir woke up at her usual early morning time, but the light peeking through the flap of her tent was - different. Wait, of course. Sun's Refuge. The exhaustion of actually getting the damn place up, or just leftover grogginess from her first night of decent sleep in ages, had momentarily made her forget, to expect the sun outside her tent flap.
No, these were caves, and it would be cave living for a while. As they formulated a way to take care of Kralkatorrik, they had made the subterranian lair their home - The massive Elder Dragon could never dig this deep, and even his smaller minions would find themselves hard pressed to pass through the narrow redoubts and defeat the magical defenses left by Sunspears past - now reactivated in service of Sunspears present - so here they remained, for the moment. The light from the giant braziers, reflected off the crystals, natural and brand alike, embedded in the walls, certainly made for adequate light, but it wasn't quite the same as the wide, wild sun.
Still, If anyone knew how to live without the sun, it was the Norn.
Pulling on a Jerkin, Siggi stood and threw back the flap of her tent, eager to find something to break her fast - perhaps the foragers had found some good venison - when she nearly tripped over it. A wreath.
A wild grin broke across her face. That dork. He was really going to do this proper, wasnt he? She reached down, ready to pluck it off the ground, but about halfway there, she hesitated as something caught her attention, a quick movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up. Yes. There, behind that rock column. Trying VERY hard, and failing nearly as hard, to look inconspicious, was Braham Eirrson himself.
She hesitated, not out of second thoughts, but just because the boy could probably stand to sweat a bit. Good for his humility. Wasn't right for a Norn to hold a grudge long as he did.
Then again, she was Norn too, huh? And there was another way to handle this...
Finally, she turned back into her tent - but only for a moment, snatching up her best travelling stein. As she exited again, she saw Braham, who had been hunched over, suddenly straight again, looking desperately, wildly at her.
She plunked the stein down in the center of the wreath, crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow at him. Braham coughed, nodded, and slunk off.
A few hours later, after she'd had a chance to eat and answer about 1000 different questions from various Pact Officers and Sunspears, help out a few Refugees, and discuss possible dragon tracking measures with Taimi and her boys, she finally came to the Vigil tents, where everyone had pooled what alcohol they had for a kind of tavern of sorts, a place to go to take a break, relax, and, if needed get just a bit drunk, to take the edge off. Braham was sitting at the end of one of the longer, less populated benches, and Siggi stopped at the the makeshift bar just long enough to grab their first round - Iron Legion Ale, Charr Beer. Almost as good as Ice Ale from the Wayfarer Foothills, in a pinch. As She walked up to Braham, Steins balanced in hand, he had just finished glaring down a poor Vigil soldier who looked like they were coming to sit across from him. Siggi chuckled, more at Braham's seriousness than the poor Soldier's misfortune, and easily slipped in across from the other Norn.
"Hey Kid. Shake off the Spiders yet?"
"What!? N- I mean Yes- I mean, it's fine why would I care about Spiders? We killed them all! Er, we did kill them all, right?"
Siggi couldn't help herself, breaking into an uproarius laugh at Braham's attempts to keep a slight panic under control, "I'm sorry Braham, I just teasing! If there's any spiders left, I'd imagine they're staying hidden for good, after the drubbing we gave their queen."
Braham nodded, blushing slightly with embarassment, "Oh. Yeah, It's fine. Spiders are gone."
Siggi pushed one of the steins toward Braham, "Iron Legion Ale. Not as good as a good Wayfarer Ice Brew, but beggars can't be choosers."
Braham took the Stein gratefully and took a huge gulp straight away. Siggi smirked again and followed suit.
As they set their mugs down, Braham cleared his throat, "So. How many mugs of these do you think we'll need to put this behind us?"
"Eh," Siggi waved a hand dismissively, "It's all snowmelt, far as I'm concerned. I forgave you a long time ago, just needed you to come around."
Poor Braham made a confused face, "Then Why not take the wreath in?"
"Listen," Siggi continued, with a small smile, "I gave you the Stein in the wreath for a couple reasons. One, I wanted an excuse to drink, and two, it's been way too long since we just sat down and TALKED, you know?"
"Oh. Yeah. I guess it has, huh?"
So they talked, avoiding the subject of their fight for the moment, speaking of Braham's adventures in the High Shiverpeaks, of Siggi's own adventures combating Balthazar - most of it he had heard second hand, but he wanted to hear it from Siggi. Ale after Ale appeared before them, and by the time conversation wound down, Siggi could confidently declare herself pleasantly tipsy, warm and buzzing down to her toes, and judging by Braham swaying on the bench across from her, he was somewhere in the same steading.
"Huh," he chuckled, "Imagine if I hadn't been such a Dolyak's ass. Could have helped you take down a human God. That would have been something to see."
Siggi chuckled, "Maybe. Then again, I did have to die to do it."
Braham frowned, "And maybe if I was there, I could have stopped him from killing you. I AM sorry, Commander..."
"Hey." Siggi set down her stein again for a moment, staring seriously across the table, "Already forgiven, remember? Wreath-sworn. Besides, Losing a parent affects a lot of us pretty badly."
"Hell. Losing my Mom probably affected you, huh?" Braham murmured, staring at the table, "I've been thinking about that, lately. She was your mentor. You two hunted together, built a legend together, she even sponsored you into the Pact."
Siggi nodded, "Yeah. She was... special, to me."
"And you kept on anyway."
"I did. I had a lot of people to save. If I had stopped to mourn her, how many more would have been lost?"
Braham took an especially long swig of ale after that, stared off into the middle distance.
"I... wonder if maybe the real problem was... I was jealous of you. You were closer to her than I was. Eir handpicked you as a champion of the great hunt. She recommended you to the orders, sheparded you until you were a force to defeat an elder dragon on your own. Hell, she was almost more of a Mom to you than she was to me."
Siggi raised an eyebrow, "C'mon, I'm not THAT much younger than her. Eir was more like..."
Siggi paused for a moment. Her mind flitted back, as it often did, to a certain night by a campfire, a night in while the bitter cold of the Shiverpeaks pierced even the hardy hides of the norn, and they found it prudent to share a bedroll for warmth. But then, prudency gave way to an awareness of bare skin touching skin, of a desire that no longer seemed worth hiding. No, Braham wasn't ready for that story. She wasn't sure she'd ever share that with anyone else anyway.
"...Let's just say, cool older sister?"
Braham chuckled, "Huh. yeah, that makes sense. And I guess I'd describe you the same way."
"That's me, cool older sister to thousands of squabbling pact children." Siggi raised her stein one last time and drained the current contents, a far-too-weak human brew. Really had to strengthen the supply lines here if they were already down to the human-brewed stuff, she thought absent-mindedly.
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frolicinq · 2 years
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I'm actually super proud of this. This is the most amount of humans [and one norn] I've EVER drawn, so... they look really good. :]
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❛ it’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not kiss you. ❜ and ❜ you left like i was never a reason to stay. ❜ would be perfect for terra & braham! gimme that angst to fluff with my favorites <3
[Oh ouch why you gotta do this to meeeeee ♥ lmao. a little change in scene from what happened in TP, cause I can ;P So Post-POF, Early Season 4 ]
The room is silent, save for the whistling of the desert winds outside the shuttered blinds. Taimi is next door, resting and recovering from her encounter with Joko - the others are spread throughout the top floor of the inn, sharing rooms as needed.
Terra sits at the head of her rented bed, staring straight ahead at the wall opposite. Trying to keep her head high, to seem like she's not about to lose it.
Braham is a beacon of warmth at the end of the bed, one leg propped up, green eyes boring into the same wall that she's focusing so determinedly on.
There's maybe two feet of space between them, and yet it still feels like he's gone, like he's back in the Shiverpeaks and she's falling to Balthazar's flames, alone.
That's not fair.
It's not, but it still hurts.
They've been talking - it hasn't been all silence, since they'd returned to the inn - but they are awkward, trying to explain themselves, to defend themselves.
It's been... difficult. And it will take time. And Terra doesn't blame him, she doesn't, for leaving when he did - for mourning and needing the space, to go after what he believed to be the right path after Eir's passing.
"You left like I was never a reason to stay." she whispers, hating herself even as she says it, eyes closing to stay the tears that threaten to fall.
Braham sucks in a breath, and she feels him shift on the bed - to look at her, probably, but she doesn't dare open her eyes.
"I'm not sorry I left... but I am sorry I didn't tell you where I was going." he pauses, voice breaking a little, "Ter - Spirits, don't cry, I can't-"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm not-" she sniffles a little, wiping away the few tears that have escaped, still refusing to open her eyes, "-I'm not mad, not anymore. I know you had to go, and... I'm just. So happy you're back, but I wish-"
"If there had been any chance that you'd have come with me, I'd have asked you." he cuts her off, gruff but sincere, "But you're the Commander, and you always will be. You have duties. We both do."
Terra laughs - a bitter sound, halfway between a chuckle and a croak - eyes opening to watch him, turned towards her as he is.
He has grown, in their time apart. He is taller, and broader, and so damn handsome it makes her heart hurt. And she will forgive him, always, because he is hers, just as she is his.
"Sometimes I hate it." she admits, quietly, "I wish we could just be ourselves and run away."
Braham stares at her, green eyes aglow in the dark of the room - and she realizes he is closer, suddenly, so close that she could easily touch him, if she wished.
"It's hard, you know." he mutters, gaze shifting away a moment.
"What is?"
"It's hard to sit here and be close to you, and not kiss you." his eyes flick back to her, the green even brighter then before, "It's hard."
Terra licks her lips, swallows. Feels the bloom of warmth in her belly that hasn't existed since he'd left. And makes a decision.
"Then kiss me."
Braham's eyes widen a moment, searching hers - and when all he finds is a mirror of his own desire, he shifts even closer, bending as she leans up.
Terra can't remember many perfect moments in her life, but the moment his lips seal gently over hers is one she never wants to forget.
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skritt-shinies · 3 years
jumping back in right away with another ask, this time for the canon scenes thingy: cori and "a star to guide us!" (i'm specifically thinking of the aurene vision bit, but you're welcome to choose that or any other part of that story segment :D ) @kerra-and-company
TWs: Screaming, graphic depictions of death, canon typical violence
"Aurene must kill Kralkatorrik and replace him as Elder Dragon."
The words ring through Coriandus' ears, in one and out the other, a cacophony of dread that cuts through her like a knife.
"No." Coriandus growls, standing on the rocky ledge between the two spirits and Aurene- her daughter, her everything, her light. "She is not ready to face Kralkatorrik alone!"
"Not alone, Commander." Snaff offers, "Your fate is entwined with h-"
"DAMN FATE!" Coriandus snarls. Her fist curls, knuckles turning white. Even the dragon seems surprised at the outburst, chirping nervously. The growing crowd all jumps back a bit.
"Commander, please. The longer you wait, the more powerful Kralkatorrik will become." Eir pleads.
"What, you expect them to take down a walking hurricane by themselves? Aurene's still a kid!" Braham steps in. If it were a different Coriandus, she would have taken a moment to be surprised that out of all people, Braham was taking her side. But she is not that Coriandus. Instead, her rage fuels her.
"Stop it! You're scaring her!" Taimi begs, taking a step closer to the adolescent dragon. Aurene shrieks, flaps her wings anxiously. Coriandus glares daggers into the two spirits in front of her.
"This is why you were brought together." Snaff tries, taking a step back to try and alleviate Coriandus' worries.
"Then I'm going, too. They're not doing this alone!"
"They're not doing it at all!" Taimi yells.
"GET BACK!" Coriandus shouts at Eir as she moves closer. "I'll send you straight back to the Mists if you take another step!" Pointedly ignoring her, Eir addresses Aurene instead.
"Aurene, look at me. Defeat Kralkatorrik and take his place! It's what you were born to do!"
Aurene roars, and all around them, a blinding white light overtakes them.
Aurene stands on a rocky cliff-face, wings flared out bravely. She roars determinedly, and Kralkatorrik's booming presence makes itself known. He returns the roar, and a flash of light. Aurene screams. She is impaled on his Brand, her corpse twisted in eternal agony.
Suddenly, time is thrown backwards, and instead Aurene is standing in the mountains, an army behind her. Again, she roars, and again, Kralkatorrik returns it. The Brand strikes her again, killing her in a just as grotesque way.
Aurene is in the air now, Pact ships around her. Kralkatorrik kills her just the same. Over and over, Aurene is killed. No matter the army behind her, no matter the ally at her side, she is killed.
It is too much.
Aurene shrieks in terror, her vision falling apart. She takes off, blowing clean through the mountain into the sky.
"AURENE!" Coriandus screams. It's too late. She's gone. "AURENE! COME BACK!" She shouts into the empty air, begging for her light to return. She couldn't cry. She would not cry.
Rage bubbling, she spins around, intending to round on the spirits responsible for her daughter's retreat. Instead, she is met with empty space. Even they are gone. Too cowardly to face consequences, she spits to herself, seething.
"Mother?" Braham says, the words coming out strangled.
"What was that?" Gorrik asks, bewildered and terrified.
"A vision of the future. Multiple futures."
"The outcome is always the same... no matter what we do..."
"Aurene-" Roxysis tries to finish.
"DON'T YOU DARE." Coriandus cuts off her brother. She can feel a burning hot rage explode from within her. "The ramblings of ghosts and a vision don't dictate our- her- fucking future! I won't even entertain the thought!" She screams, fighting valiantly against tears. Not this time.
She spins on her heel and storms off, leaving a terrified crowd and confused family. She will not let it happen. Aurene will not die. Her daughter will not die.
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Kasmeer: “You need them to think you’re stronger than you really are.”
Braham: “Isn’t that what you do?”
Kasmeer: “Me? Oh, no. My power is no illusion. I can fucking demolish you.”
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magisterlys · 4 years
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I’m honestly fascinated by the interactions between Joko and Braham in Be My Guest.
Joko is infatuated with the commander in his creepaticular way, but the specific way he chooses to antagonize Braham suggest both the expecting belittling of him but also some ... jealousy? Perhaps not on Joko’s part, but specifically the way that Joko delivers the line, “Admit it, the norn is never this fun.” is veeery “Choose me over him.”
That Joko would choose to get under Braham’s skin by insinuating that they’re rivals, by using the term “your norn” as if he knows Braham’s secret (with the extra jab of implied ownership), and by that specific word use with “besotted”.
It’s *chef’s kiss*
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guildwarsgirl · 4 years
Rytlock: *banging on the door* Commander, open up!
Vanessa: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Logan: No, he meant-
Braham: Let her finish.
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boy o boy do i love these two best friends!!!!!
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(Part 2/3) Realizing now, I could see it: the anger between my allies; Glint’s legacy; the anguish of Braham; the truth of Lazarus; Braham’s anguish.
And then, the god of war.
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aid-worker-sya · 1 year
tbh even though it's been a few years my general opinion of IBS hasn't changed that much:
It was generally really really really good as a whole until Champions and some janky writing in the middle that I think was a result of COVID disrupting the writing prospects
Champions more or less ruined everything
Boneskinner thing was yikes though
Making it a charr thing instead of a norn thing was a really bad decision
Glad it at least made me people stop hating Braham (as much anyways, which I already felt was undeserved) while still letting him fulfill the prophecy in a weird way
I think Ryland was a good character until Champions before Crawling by Linkin Park more or less became his theme song but also I technically didn't finish Champions so I need to revisit this opinion later
The masteries except the charr one still kinda sucks though unless you REALLY love IBS maps
now give Braham back his fucking bow anet
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My favourite interpretation of Caithe/Trahearne, Canach and a sylvari Commanders relationship with each other and the tree are those "eldest vs middle vs youngest" ones
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frolicinq · 3 years
Hi! I'm here to tell you why Champions: Balance is a racist, shitty, fucked up mess.
Tw: Racism, implied character death, racist tropes. Spoilers ahead but I truly dont fucking care bc of how disgusting this episode is.
So, Braham is Primordus' champion. "That must mean hes like Ryland now, right?" Nope! Braham speaks like a stereotypical caveman now, he cant control himself unless you fucking beat him up, and he has a one track mind on killing icebrood/jormag.
"How is this racist, frolicinq?"
Because he's the only major brown character. This is not the only time theyve mistreated him either [see Crack in the Ice]. Not only that, but hes also the ONLY person of color in the cast besides Marjory and your commander if they happen to be a person of color.
"okay, and?"
They made our ONLY major brown character the Champion of Primordus. Primordus, who is a genocidal dragon who is stated to be a "mindless brute". What does that imply for Braham when he becomes his champion? That hes a mindless fucking brute. The brown character is now a "mindless brute" in the writings eyes. What's worse? In the journal AND the dialogue, they heavily imply we're gonna have to fucking kill Braham. Fuck this episode.
THAT is why this episode is disgustingly racist. THAT is why I dont fucking care about it. They better fix this, or I wont be playing until end of dragons comes out. This is disgusting. I hope they're ashamed.
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56. “Would you just hold still?”
“Would you just hold still, Ter?” Braham pauses in trying to wrap the Sylvari’s injuries, brow furrowed, “Squirming isn’t going to make this go faster, you know.”
“I’m fine, I don’t need it wrapped anymore-” she cuts off with a pained hiss when he presses his palm firmly against her spine - directly over where the arrow had gone through. 
It’s covered by the crystals, now, but still healing - still sensitive, despite his stubborn Soul Mate’s arguments that she’s fine.
“Hold still.” he repeats, pleased when she grumbles but obeys, swiftly finishing up wrapping the bandages around her torso and tying them off. “There, you’re done. See? Not so bad.”
Terra only stretches, testing the hold, and he hums in content when she turns to crawl into his lap, arms coming loosely around her as she curls against his chest.
“Thanks.” she mumbles, her nose pressing to his chest with a sigh, “I just hate how long it’s taking to heal.”
“Hey, you took an arrow through the chest.” Braham runs his knuckles gently up and down the line of crystals, careful at the sensitive patch, “At least it is healing, thanks to Aurene.”
“Thanks to you both.” Terra mumbles, voice drowsy, and Braham is happy to let her rest, content with her pressed against him.
She’s still healing, and it’ll be a bit before they can return to the fight... but at least he still has her.
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talk-of-tyria · 6 years
Heart of Maguuma - Guild Hall (Gilded Hollow) Gamli Aðalsteinnson: I met Braham Eirrson once. Served him a meal in my old tavern! He’s a really remarkable fellow.
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“I used to play catch with my Mom, except the ball would just hit the wall because she wasn’t there.”
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