#boycott Intel
lasttarrasque · 1 month
Do you have boycott fatigue?
Well guess who else dose, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Coca Cola, Israel and all those who support it!
We are making progress, they might pretend we aren’t, but we are!
Keep boycotting, because it’s working!
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comradenidhogg · 4 months
Much like how Apple is highly complicit in Israeli apartheid and genocide against Palestinians, Samsung has also shown themselves to be actively complicit in apartheid and genocide.
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It seems like ALL the major tech companies are actively supporting apartheid and genocide through investing in a settler colonial regime that is actively imposing apartheid on the people the regime is colonizing and comitting genocide against said people.
Boycott Apple, Boycott Samsung, Boycott HP, Boycott Intel, Boycott Dell, and Boycott ANY major tech company that is still going to be complicit in apartheid and genocide.
Free Palestine! Free Congo!
Boycott, Divest, and Sanction ANY and ALL companies that are actively complicit in apartheid Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people.
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lets-make-light-now · 1 month
There are companies out there that only exist to fund Israel and Zionism.
Boycott them for ever.
Use "no thanks" app
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news4dzhozhar · 1 month
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n0thingiscool · 5 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
Boycott Intel!
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These businesses can keep showing their bigoted and genocidal apologizing/western imperialist selves, because we can put our money and resources happily ELSEWHERE (if anyone has any updated lists -I will try to find some, on tech alternatives or anything to help navigate this, please link me up). Let's stop using their services, and relying on their products until they are on the brink of going out of business entirely. As I always say -NO, you don't need the latest tech (unless it's for accessibility -I understand there are exceptions absolutely), but overall -NO you don't need to upgrade every single year for your devices. This is disgusting. FU Intel.
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gryficowa · 4 days
The most difficult thing about boycotting Google is that it is everywhere, seriously, it has bought YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, but if we do not use these platforms, the chance that someone will find out about the genocide that is taking place is too small, so unfortunately, we have to accept that there are things that cannot be boycotted, no matter how much we want to boycott them, alternatives to, for example, YouTube almost do not exist, or they are based on cryptocurrencies, because if social networking sites exist as alternatives, then we have a problem, YouTube is the dominant platform, so any information about Israel's crimes has a greater chance of getting through, unfortunately, YouTube was bought by Google at the very beginning of its existence, so Google gets something and that's the worst
The second problem is Intel, because it is usually found in cheaper devices (Notebooks), unfortunately, only those who have money can afford an alternative, seriously, many alternatives are expensive as hell, because even when buying smartphones you have more options to choose from, in notebooks it uses mainly Intel, which can be frustrating, because the Intel company is in the occupied Palestinian lands, so yes, the colonizers get money and that's the worst
Unfortunately, these two are the most difficult to boycott due to many factors, because in the case of food and smartphones you have a lot of alternatives, but here there are few of them, do you want to talk about Palestine so that people know about what Israel is doing? Use YouTube, you have a greater chance of reaching, you want to play and have equipment for e.g. graphics, but you can't afford it? Laptop with Intel
Seriously, many things can be boycotted, but these two are the hardest (Okay, Intel may be easier, but Google? Well, not so much)
I mainly use laptops (Because smartphones irritate me, yes, writing is a nightmare), so that's why I say I have a problem with Intel, I use a laptop, I listen to music on it, I look for information, etc…
People who use smartphones may think my problem is stupid, I know, it's strange, but I seriously don't like touch screens (phones used to have keyboards, I'm a zoomer), every time I write, I keep pressing the wrong letter and so on endlessly, which for me is irritating (I have ASD, risk of meltdown), so I prefer to avoid this type of problem, laptops, at least they haven't lost their keyboards, unfortunately, as I mentioned, the problem starts when you use notebooks, and they use Intel, alternatives almost do not exist, and when they do, they are expensive, which can be a big limitation, because if you don't want to use Intel, you can't , and laptops have a built-in graphics card, so you're screwed, I have laptops because I don't have room for a PC, so even if I wanted to build a computer, it's impossible
Unfortunately, I am doomed to Intel, especially when the laptop starts to die, which will force me to buy a new one (Because not everything can be replaced), and therefore, give money to Intel, which, as I mentioned, is in occupied territories, standard laptops are not enough, because I draw in digital and play games, something that an ordinary laptop cannot handle (I had it, so I know)
So if you can boycott it's ok, if you can't boycott it's ok too, these two are at the top of the hardest things to boycott, so it's nothing bad that you can't do it, the most important thing is that you boycott everything else (Including Eurovision where the tumblr people failed)
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lordzannis · 2 months
alternative shop if available in area Co+op
Starbucks/Coffe Mat/Costa Coffee/Dolce Gusto/Expresso House/nespresso Alternative : Local or Caffè Nero: USA
Heinz Tomato Ketchup alter:Primal Kitchen
Huda Beauty Makeup, Skincare, & Fragrance
misc : https://alchemiya.com/
morrisons.com (Only in the UK)
halalbooking . com
boycott chanel
alternative : Lush cosmetics
huda beauty
mainstream soda drinks like coca cola :Barr Soft Drinks located on the uk areas https://www.agbarr.co.uk/contact-us/our-locations/
Boycott app
alternative to intel or nvidia or Siemens for pc build is AMD
Boycott Sabra
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lasttarrasque · 28 days
Here is a reminder incase you forgot, and if you didn’t you should check this list to make sure your up to date.
YOU need 🫵 to Boycott! Yes YOU 🫵
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capybaracorn · 5 months
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tcypionate · 3 months
i feel like if a game like war thunder can run effortlessly on my computer then any other game can have the capability of not killing my graphics card
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hedera-ivy · 26 days
lists of companies/products to stop buying from
Coca Cola
Mountain Dew
Spotify [don't buy Spotify premium]
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Google [don't buy YouTube premium]
will keep updating.
use https://boycott.thewitness.news/browse/1 if you're not sure if a brand is on the boycott list or want to know why a certain product is on the list
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Can we boycott Intel now?? What the fuck is this shit??
Here's a link to the news article:
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what a blatant attempt at revitalizing their economy.
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boldlygoing-nowhere · 2 months
Boycotts are definitely worthwhile forms of protest but I’m really begging some people to actually look at the BDS list and focus on the companies listed there.
I think a lot of people have latched on to Starbucks because it’s easy for them to actually boycott but this is a reminder that it’s not listed. It doesn’t have stores in Israel and it doesn’t send money to the IDF. The reason it got drug in is that Starbucks corporate sued the union to take down a pro-Palestine post. Shitty and BDS has supported the union, but it’s not as actively complicit in genocide as HP, Puma, Re/Max, Sodastream, Siemens, Chevron, etc.
Don’t buy HP computers or printers, or sodastreams, or Puma shoes, or gas from Chevron, or Hyundais or Volvos. Avoid Siemens and Intel products when you can (this is harder to avoid).
Amazon, Google, AirBNB, Disney, Expedia, Booking.com, Teva (pharmaceutical), etc are pressure targets. Not necessarily a boycott but that can be included.
Organic boycotts are included, so yes boycott Starbucks if you feel you need to. But make sure you’re putting that energy into the BDS targets.
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