#woes of being a software guy having to deal with hardware
tcypionate · 3 months
i feel like if a game like war thunder can run effortlessly on my computer then any other game can have the capability of not killing my graphics card
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5-3-21 PlayStation woes, and triggers.
This day started heavy minded. I had got in a slight riff, the day prior with my beloved Dani. A riff that required time for me to sat back and analyze. “Don’t sabotage this Larry” the voice in my head says. “Address it with her, calmly and concisely, she’s worth it” says the same voice (which sounds like ME by the way). She called, we talked ALL day and concluded some things that I will keep to myself. Nonetheless, we ain’t going anywhere from each other...choosing Love was the ultimate conclusion.
So anyway, my PlayStation had been on the fritz for about a week now. Let me explain...YES I’m 45, YES I still game!! My infamous question to youngins when they jone on me about being an old gamer is “Well...youngster...exactly when do you plan to STOP gaming?” That question is never answered. Gaming is important to me...it’s a release...it’s solace...it’s a part of my routine...it keeps me away from the evil my mind can brew up when it’s idle (it’s rarely ever idle). Right now I’m only rocking one game for real for real...Grand Theft Auto 5. I was an avid Call of Duty player, DC Universe player...and I was introduced to GTA 5. Now I played GTA San Andreas to death...so im familiar with the brand, but I got discouraged when I first tried 5 online...I got murked immejidly. Five months later (7 years ago) I gave 5 a shot again, figured out the system, and I’ve been playing since. I’m level 1010 or higher right now, and I’m legit...meaning I didn’t cheat to get to where I’m at...well as of late, my son showed me a couple “legal” glitches and I got a couple modded cars that I couldn’t pass up. Look I don’t watch TV, I watch movies at night, that usually end up watching me AND I got all my extras on the PlayStation...Netflix, Disney, HBO Max, YouTube. That gaming system is a part of my relaxation and escapism ( to be 100). For it to be down right now...sucks. Sure I’m a man that doesn’t encompass boredom often, I have TONS of hobbies and interest. But this one hurt. So at this point I’ve trouble shot the shit out of the PlayStation...to no avail.
4:00 p.m.-Frustration #1 - I’m reduced to calling GameStop just to see if they can aide me. “Hello this is (such and such) from GameStop, how can we help you” says such n such. “Yeah, my PlayStation stopped working, I’m getting this (blank blank) error message, now I’ve watched some YouTube videos on how to fix the problem, and I’ve followed them to a T, purchased a 32gb flash drive, went to PlayStation.com, formatted the drive, renamed it, download the reinstall package, pasted it to the flash drive, put the drive into my PlayStation...boop...same error message” I so eloquently said. “Is it starting in Safe mode” says he. Now I should’ve known there, that it made no sense to have them look at my PlayStation. Nonetheless they told me to bring it in, I rushed my errands to hurry up and get home, grabbed my PS4, and scurried on down to GameStop which is about 5 mins away whilst driving recklessly and fast. I sat outside to smoke a jack...just to calm down before I went in. I really hoped (see that’s why hoping in something may be bullshit) that they had an answer. I noticed a white lady and her mentally special son walking in GameStop. So I decided to cut that break short and get in there...HOPING there wasn’t a crowd. It was a crowd. The fat GameStop guy was there too...you know the one that looks at me as if I don’t know what I’m doing, the one that thinks I’m not a nerd like him. It’s my turn in line, I let the person behind me go ahead of me, because it wasn’t the fat guy on the phone whom I talked to. I waited for the other guy. After several attempts to hook my ps4 up to their tv, “Hmmm...looks like it’s not working” says he, “Ummm...it works, for sure” says me. The ps4 comes on, the error message comes up, I said “See”...the fat guy chimes in “Well you have to get a flash drive...”, I cut him off “ Yes I know” I ran down the process again. “Well you’re better off going to (said store) they are better at fixing broken ps4’s. “Hmmm...ok...will do, but this ps4 isn’t broken, it’s not a hardware problem, it’s a software issue (I love my play on words/verbiage), does that place deal with software issues?” “Oh, umm, yeah, they do.” “Ok gentlemen, thank you for your help”...yeah the help they didn’t have. I could’ve ran my errands I’m peace...and went on home. Although at the end of this nuance, I handled it well...it still didn’t negate that I was supremely frustrated.
4:45 p.m.-Paying attention to the Feds (Police) everywhere. Yes...this is a daily occurrence, if I see one, where’s he going? Is he coming near me? What lane is he in? What kind of police is it? Are they going to get behind me? Exude don’t fuck with me energy, are they driving fast or slow either could be detrimental to me...
5:00 p.m.-Home...I start my evening. I fall asleep early, I didn’t talk to Dani that night. Never again.
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