#boy queen charles
monkeyfishgirl · 21 days
I didn't hate it until I remembered Charles's tampon fantasy
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spiralsketchbook · 2 years
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moderndaypandora · 3 days
i recognize that simon and edwin meeting and parting in hell is narratively very good and provides closure for all. but imagine if simon had agreed to try and escape with edwin. and charles doesn't have time to really question it, because anybody who likes edwin is aces in his book and it's hell, they need to leave. (edwin, out of courtesy to their third companion, puts his plan to confess on hold until they've escaped.)
suddenly the edwin harem of "supernatural boys who all hate each other but are attracted to that negative rizz" gains another member, and at some point edwin is going to have to mention that simon was the boy who sacrificed him to hell.
the chaos. crystal's bitchy commentary. charles going from friendly smiling to clutching his cricket bat. niko's whispering "200k slow burn schoolboy rivals to lovers" with heart eyes. it'd be chef's kiss good. edwin fleeing to his books and praying that nobody, but especially not the cat king, finds him because there has been SO MUCH emotion already. hysterical.
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goodomens-girlie · 30 days
she’d eat up the met gala
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landwriter · 1 month
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watching dead boy detectives when you've lived in coastal bc
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i love that they have a ship that services a metro area of 2.4 million people & all of southern vancouver island, to depict the ferry to (checks notes) port townsend, wa, pop. 10,388. cannot overstate how incredibly funny the scale is. on a regular day that route has more passengers than the entire population of port townsend. like a title card saying our beloved characters had to take three trains and a regional bus line and then smash cutting to a red london double-decker
that being said. bc ferries both as a crown corporation and as individual vessels is DEFINITELY haunted so this tracks actually
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agent-ches · 1 month
not netflix doing everything they can to promote the show NOW like literally what in the world
better late than never i suppose???
(even their blog header is dbd like-)
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 4 months
Chucky/Tangled AU
(( Closed Rp With @barclaysangel <3 ))
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*Prince Julian Wheeler was the first born to King Andy and Queen Nica, with the boy being loved by many throughout the kingdom ever since his birth had been announced. In fact, he was a miracle child, as Queen Nica had gotten sick shortly before he was born. However, she was given a magical healing flower In the form of a stew for her to drink, which saved her life as well as Julian's. But sadly, only a few nights after the prince was born, he was taken away by a mysterious elderly man In the middle of the night and was gone just like that. And since then, the king and queen, as well as the rest of the kingdom, would light lanterns and release them Into the night sky every year on his birthday, hoping that one day, their lost prince would come home*
*It remained this way for the next eighteen years as the prince grew older, with the elderly man keeping him locked away In a far off tower, his hair growing long as It was found out to be the secret to keeping the man young. All It took was a simple song and the boy's hair would grow a bright gold and would not only keep the man young, but could heal any wound he could possibly have. Julian spent most of his days alone as the man he thought was his father, named Charles, would be gone almost the whole day as Julian filled the tower's walls with multiple paintings and sketches as well as did many other tasks throughout his day, such as cooking, cleaning, reading, sewing, and even brushing his extremely long and curly hair to keep him occupied. He did this every day, pretty much like a daily routine, one that he would often find himself getting bored over as Charles had feared him away from ever leaving the tower, saying that the outside world was a dark and dangerous place filled to the brim with horrible and scary people that wanted to harm him*
*So, the prince remained In the tower all day and every day, just taking care of his daily tasks until his so-called father decided to return from whatever expedition he decided to go on for the day. But Julian was particularly excited since his eighteenth birthday was coming up In a couple of days and he was ready to Inform his father on the matter as he painted over a new spot he found In the tower alongside his pet chameleon and only friend, Lydia*
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Just Edwin and Charles living in my head without paying any rent
*Charles just took some inconsiderate risk on a mission*
E: Charles, I was so afraid of losing you
C: But I'm ok you do not have to be sorry Edwin *hugs him*
E: *blushes and step out of it* you are crazy
C: Yeah but the kind you like kind of crazy *smirks proud of himself as usual*
E: *shy and awkward around his feelings, feeling mocked*
C: *notices and takes his hands* hey, listen man, I know we haven't talked about it but as I told you when we were coming back from hell, it's ok really, you're still my buddy
E: yeah... thank you*looks at him in the eye and smiles, because he doesn't wait for something more, he knows Charles is straight and likes women but he still feels a little something, a pain in his chest*
*a little later Charles talks with Crystal about the risk he took before and why people might worry*
C: But I was ok! I had the situation secured i don't understand why he has to worry
🔮: Charles you have to understand, how would you react if it was Edwin who did something so careless?
C: Edwin would never act like that! I'll always be there for him so he never has to worry about it.
🔮: But sometimes you can't do anything, right? Like with the Cat Kings crush events-
C: Don't even mention that guy!
🔮: It's more of a god- but yeah yeah sorry I forgot how jealous you were.
C: Me?? Jealous?? *looks at her in disbelief*
🔮: *between laugh and cries, watches from head to toe* yeah you, or like with Monty, it's ok, you like to have Edwin's attention, and guys that like him are in the way of your relationship
C: I am not jealous! Yes of course Monty pissed me off but in the end, I was right to feel like that about him! And the cat king is just super annoying!
🔮: And Edwin had something else in his mind than you also, nah? *glances at him* It's ok you wanna be the only one by Edwin's side, I understand but you know that someday since you rejected him he is gonna love someone else and maybe take his distance a little, right?
C: What annoyed me was that he was distracted, nothing else! And... *thinks of Edwin loving someone else and feels as if someone just twisted brutally his guts* h-he would never leave me, it's him and I until the end.
🔮: Yeah but before the moment you are with me were in the past moment you would have passed with him, don't you think?
C: Yes but still he wouldn't be like that...
🔮: Why would he, not Charles, if he is in love you have to be supportive and let him have space like he does with you
C: It's just not the same
🔮: And why is that?
C: It's just- when he confessed it didn't seem like that.
🔮: Like what, like he would go? You rejected him and his feelings remember?
C: Yeah but it's because he is my buddie I just don't love him this way!
🔮: If you are so sure then why are you jealous and why won't you accept that he might like someone else?
C: *snaps* BECAUSE HE IS MINE *regrets instantly and avoids her gaze*
🔮: He is yours but you don't like him, uh? Charles listen, we already discussed the fact that we were just both alone and sad and we mistook attachment and friendship for something else. But him, Charles you went to hell for the guy, you would die again and again if that could save his ass, you don't want anyone but you by his side. Also, you are just so different when you are with him, you are natural. If it's keep being his buddy that scares you just know that you already act like an old married couple, so nothing will really change. *puts her hand on his shoulder* I don't say I know everything Charles, just think about it, if there were no consequences what would you do or who would you be for him?
C: *looks at her, clearly lost* I don't know Crys...
🔮: It's ok you don't have to have all the answers now, you don't have to ever have all the answers, just think about it 'k? I'm going to sleep. *waves him and goes back to her room*
C: *sits on the sofa, Edwin was out with Yuki tonight, so he was now alone, and more lost than he ever imagined he could be*
And sorry I don't have any beta readers on this so it's really not perfect, do you want me to continue this?
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ashleyeveerson · 1 month
Do you ever think about how many people Edwin and Charles got close to over the years only to watch them die? Yeah, cause Niko wasn’t the first FOR SURE
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aela-targaryen · 2 years
now that Charlie boy has become king here are some things you may not know about him:
- he publicly humiliated and treated Diana the Princess of Wales like utter garbage countless times while they were married, in particular this situation in 1993
- tampongate (need I say more)
- his poor treatment of Princes William and Harry during their formative years (saw an opera while William was in surgery, A+ dad behaviour)
- in 2013 he accepted a £1m donation from the family of Osama Bin Laden for one of his charities
- continues to meddle in British politics which is a big fat no-no for royals (but he doesn’t care to listen or be reminded of history, i.e, see Charles I of England), he also really wanted helicopters and kept annoying the PM over it back in 2004-2005
- he was allegedly listed in the Paradise Papers back in 2017, but the royal family denies this
- he was allegedly the one who made racist comments about the potential skin colour of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son back in 2017 after his youngest son’s engagement, but he continues to deny this
- he and the Duchess of Cornwall openly LAUGHED at Inuit throat singers during a visit to Iqaluit, Canada in 2017 (it’s so abhorrent, as a Canadian this enrages me)
- in 2021 he allegedly offered “cash for honours” in relation to The Prince’s Foundation, by bribing a Saudi billionaire with knighthood and UK citizenship if he donated to his charity
- he actively supports homeopathy treatments instead of researched and effective treatments, and is often criticized as being “anti-science”
- he has a minimum net worth of $27 billion USD as of 2022 from ONE royal estate (that’s right, just from one of their many properties)
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monkeyfishgirl · 1 year
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Alobish the monarchy
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spiralsketchbook · 2 years
I like the trend where no one wants to call him King and no one wants to call him Prince so now he's informally lost all titles and he's just Charles.
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boy-in-the-stars · 19 days
i gave up around monty LMAOOOO
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goodomens-girlie · 3 days
she’s like if Laufey and Chappell Roan came together and formed into 1 singular person
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
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18 May 1955: The Queen and Prince Charles at the European Horse Trials.
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elisabeth515 · 1 year
Titanic Officer Barbie Movie Posters (and 1 fun fact about each of the officers!)
(Because why not)
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Feel free to save as phone wallpapers 🙈
I’ve decided to include our babeypurser McElroy because the role of Purser is sometimes regarded as an officer role. Among all the officers, Lightoller (B), Pitman (5), Boxhall (2) and Lowe (14) survived the sinking. McElroy was the only officer whose body was recovered and identified; he was buried at sea.
Now to the fun facts!
Henry Wilde: he was already captain and was set to command the SS Cymric for the Liverpool to Boston Route. Unfortunately, the coal strike happened and his first voyage with Cymric was delayed to presumably 1st May. White Star Line decided to put him in onto the crew of Titanic as Chief Officer.
As you guys may know already, Henry Wilde is my favourite officer so it’s not surprising that I have been posting about him for this April. I also am currently doing a series of TikToks for his actions throughout Titanic’s maiden voyage as well🙈
Here’s my post about Wilde being made aware of joining Titanic
This is my post on the Crew Shuffle if anyone would like to read more about it
William Murdoch: Charles Lightoller thought his bestie’s moustache make him look ugly so he grew his moustache so that Will could shave. Nevertheless, we all think otherwise.
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Charles Lightoller: of course, his role as one of the captains of the little ships during the Dunkirk Evacuation. He saved around 130 lives in it with his family yacht, the Sundowner.
Side note: currently, the Sundowner is a museum ship in Ramsgate but sadly, the yacht is in a bad condition and we need money to repair. I know I don’t have much high opinions on the British (yeah except Henry Wilde), despite having been living in England for almost 5 years, but Lightoller has been one of the most intriguing figures to me; being through 4 shipwrecks and fire, also living through Titanic, WWI, and Dunkirk, his story of hope and survival is worth a movie. If you would like to help preserving a piece of history, please consider donate to help save this famous getaway yacht little ship🙈
Donate here
And here’s the campaign video by our TikTok Lightoller Fan Club President Melissa on saving the getaway yacht
Herbert Pitman: despite suffering from seasickness, this son of a farmer had a more than half-century long seafaring career, retiring in 1946. He started his career as an apprentice, then a deck officer and when he could not pass the eye test due to colour blindness at one eye, White Star Line made him a purser and he stayed in this position for the rest of his career. Pitman served in both world wars on troop ships; when he retired, he was a Lieutenant-Commander of the Royal Naval Reserves and was created an MBE in 1948, in recognition of his long service in the merchant marine.
Joseph Boxhall: he had a very happy marriage with his wife Majory and they were very fond of their dogs. This may be a substitute to children given that they do not have children together but anyways if anyone asked why you haven’t had kids yet, tell them about the Boxhalls and their doggos 🐶
Harold Lowe: he was a hobby artist who works with watercolours, as well as wood carvings. This may come across as surprising but you should not be surprised given that his father was an artist. There are a few of Harold’s drawings exists today, including a sketch of Titanic (in which he messed up with the funnels). Oh yes, he was also in the church choir as well when he was young.
James Moody: During his South American runs, he would sometimes flirt with female passengers with his very patchy Spanish and well, sometimes he just dropped in some swear words by accident. Yeah, in case you wondered, he’s not that shy as you thought after watching Ed’s portrayal of our daring Jim in the 1997 movie (the real Jim was quite cheeky actually).
Hugh McElroy: as the ship’s purser, he was there to take care of passengers’ needs (like he’s basically the “manager”). From parrot-tending (yes, and he trained the parrot to do morse code) to organising marriage ceremonies for runaway couples, he’s there to try to help. And as a result, he was a very popular man on the ship and passengers were honoured to share a table with him.
@/Melissafairlady on tiktok (the revenge ‘stache fact)
Encyclopaedia Titanica forum (the discussion thread on Moody)
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