#both from tywin and cersei and anyone else
anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
Ok but imagine the caliber of babying Joanna!Lookalike would receive if she somehow survived her poisoning. They’d treat her as if she was infinitely more delicate than glass. She wouldn’t even walk anywhere anymore, Gregor would carry her everywhere
If Joanna!Lookalike!Reader were to somehow, by the gods, survive the Strangler than she would be seen as an absolute miracle. I can’t help but imagine Joanna!Lookalike just walking off the effects of the poison. Like, she’s collapsed on the ground coughing up four lungs worth, there’s blood, tears and saliva all mixed together and after a bit she just gets herself back up, dusts herself off and continues on like she didn’t just have a near death experience. Everyone would be both shocked, terrified and utterly relieved all at the same time.
Babying would be a complete understatement, House Lannister (along with some others) would become even more completely overprotective and obsessive than they already were. Their darling Joanna!Lookalike was nearly ripped away from them, they weren’t going to leave any room for that to ever happen again. Tywin would immediately cut down on the contact that his grandchild had with anyone else, mainly outside of him. Honestly, Tywin can’t even bring himself to trust Cersei with Joanna!Lookalike after this. He knows Cersei didn’t poison her, after all she had been utterly destroyed by the mere prospect of losing her beloved child, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. Her visits and interactions with Joanna!Lookalike would be even more heavily supervised then before.
Hell, Tywin would assign Gregor to be stationed directly by Joanna!Lookalike’s side from then on out. Instead of simply being in the same room as Joanna!Lookalike to protect her, Gregor would now literally by breathing down her neck 25/8. He use to only stand guard outside his princess’ bedchambers, now he would be sat next her bed as she slept just to further ensure her safety. Hell, he Reader wouldn’t even be allowed to bathe without Gregor right there to oversee it, especially when it was the female servants who were set to wash her themselves. Eventually, even that would be put a stop to but Gregor would still be right there (even if his back is tuned way) to ensure his princess was safe in her most vulnerable of moments. And it
Cersei would be so incredibly clingy, suffocatingly so. Understandably she was so close to losing her most precious child, of course she would be wanting to be damn near attached to the hip with her bby. She would take to sleeping next to Joanna!Lookalike, clutching her child close to her, almost bruisingly tight. And much to her absolute dismay and annoyance the Mountain would be right there each and every time Cersei tried to have some much needed time with her bby. Also, Cersei would still very much blame Tyrion for being the one who tried to kill her darling bby, but Joanna!Lookalike wouldn’t let her mother or grandfather accuse him of such a thing. Even after going through what she had, Joanna!Lookalike!Reader would vehemently defend her uncle to no end.
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atopvisenyashill · 13 days
What do you think might have happened if Cersei and Rhaegar wed? Asking because I’m looking for inspiration in making a Cergar child OC
valid lol. okay so off the top of my head here-
cersei is only fifteen when this happens. old enough to consummate without anyone thinking rhaegar is a creep BUT young enough that her body is NAWT grown yet. i think she'll have a hard time with pregnancy and child birth - maybe not enough to like, ruin her fertility the way elia's is, but she's definitely going to struggle being sixteen and pregnant.
rhaegar trusted elia enough to talk about the prophecy to her (or so we assume from dany's quick vision) so it's not unlikely he would tell cersei something about it. i'm not sure if she would tell him about her own prophecy - she hasn't even told jaime in canon - but it is likely to make her a little crazy if she knows there's a prophecy about how rhaegar will cheat on her, their kids will die, but also their kids are supposedly destined to be great leaders of some sort.
the marriage doesn't go through in canon because aerys feels tywin is getting a little too big for his breeches. if the marriage has gone through, this either means tywin is less popular for some reason or aerys starts going cuckoo just a smidge later. how aerys feels about this marriage is going to affect how it happens - for example, if he does it to spite dorne, well while arthur dayne may still be in the kingsguard, but you can bet neither loreza nor ashara nor lewyn are anywhere near that capital.
if aerys agrees to it while also tricking jaime into the kingsguard (maybe during the actual wedding feast?), that means that tywin may have been pushed out as hand while both the twins are in the capital still. if cersei feels some type of way about rhaegar, we know her go to coping mechanism is fucking jaime...
once the rebellion starts kicking off is where you're going to run into some insane shenanigans. cersei is not going to sit there straight backed while rhaegar is openly courting someone else. robert is quiet with his affairs - or has them far away from cersei - specifically because We All Know she's capable of murdering his bastards or his mistresses. similarly, tywin is going to react differently than doran to aerys using cersei and her kids as hostages - i mean we quite literally see him being Not About That Shit with just jaime as a hostage, let alone cersei and any royal babies she has.
either dorne is conveniently whistling and looking the other way or someone in robert's camp is smart enough to reach out to them. especially if rhaegar is disrespectful enough to still use the tower of joy to trap lyanna - there's just no way doran is looking at rhaegar bringing the rebellion into his land and not getting peeved off about it after being publicly humiliated by aerys refusing loreza's suit.
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raspberryfingers · 1 year
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 10)
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With the war over, the mood within the Red Keep seemed generally improved. This was especially true for Tywin and my grandmother, who no longer had to strain their pockets. Of course, the Lannister mines still supplied tremendous wealth, but why spend money when it’s not needed?
More than anything, I’d been happy to report the news back to Tywin.
I could recall vividly returning to the Red Keep—with nobody except for my family and Tywin being aware of why I’d left at all—and making my way up the stairs in the Tower of the Hand.
When I’d been let into Tywin’s office, he had looked at me with an almost relieved face.
“(Y/N), you’re back. When I hadn’t received a raven- well it had made me nervous,” he’d said, rising from his desk and making his way toward me.
“What happened? You got here quicker than any spies could have.”
When I had merely smiled at him, he’d instantly understood. He had smiled at me then, and he took me into his arms.
“I told you I could convince him, Tywin.”
“Oh I know, dear girl. I never doubted you. If anyone in the seven kingdoms was going to convince Robb Stark, it had to be you,” he’d whispered, admittedly making me blush.
“You flatter me, Tywin.”
“I’m merely telling the truth. I’m proud of you. What other man or woman that you know could’ve done that? Ended a years long war overnight. Only you, (Y/N). My nightshade of the garden.”
And even besides Tywin, I had received thank you’s from everyone but Cersei. Even Joffrey had called me into the throne room and told me I’d done a good job. Though, he did say he would’ve preferred Robb Stark dead, but I was saving him money. It was abundantly obvious Tywin had told him to thank me, but at least he’d done it.
Still, it did not make me hate the boy any less. Especially when I remembered he was going to marry Margaery at the end of the week. It was that event which had brought all sorts of people to King's Landing, and had made living in the Red Keep miserable.
Although, I was informed that the Red Viper, or Oberyn Martell, was present in the city. After learning that, a genius idea sparked in my head. When I presented it to my grandmother, she approved wholeheartedly. And so now, I found myself in Littlefinger’s brothel, hoping to have a nice conversation with the prince of Dorne.
Thankfully, when I walked in, everyone still had their clothes on.
“Prince Oberyn?”
A head shot up from among the bodies, and everyone else on the bed seemed to notice I was there.
“I am Prince Oberyn, who are you?” He asked, sitting up and looking at me.
“I’m (Y/N) Tyrell, your grace. I’ve come here to speak with you about something rather important,” I announced. He gave me a contemplative look, and then motioned for everyone else to leave, including a woman who he kissed rather passionately. I assumed that was Ellaria Sand.
When the room was empty, he sat at the edge of the bed and raised an eyebrow.
“What is it you’ve come to discuss, Lady (Y/N)?” He asked, reaching for his glass of wine and taking a sip.
“It’s less of a discussion and more of a proposition for you, Prince Oberyn, as your hatred for the Lannisters is rather well known,” I began, taking a seat on a nearby couch. I tried not to think about it too much.
“Are you here to blackmail me? Everyone knows you and Lord Tywin are quite close,” he remarked, crossing his arms and sighing. I chose to ignore the last comment.
“No, I’m not. I’m hoping this will be beneficial for both of us, granted you’re bold enough to do what I’d like you to,” I said, watching his curiosity be piqued.
“And what is that?”
“Prince Oberyn, I’m sure you’ve heard all the stories about our king. He is cruel, stupid, and unwilling to actually rule Westeros,” I began, giving some context for what I was going to ask.
“Of course.”
“Let me ask you, would you want your sister to marry someone like Joffrey?”
He sat up straighter, and his eyes darkened.
“No, but it’s not as if she could, because under someone’s orders, the mountain murdered her and her children.”
“I’m aware, Prince Oberyn. That’s why I’ve come to you, because you have quite a lot of reason to want revenge on the Lannisters, and I want Joffrey gone,” I said, hinting to him what I needed.
“You want me to kill the king?”
He did not sound surprised, or shocked. In fact, a small grin began to tug at his lips.
“No. I want you to take responsibility for it. Well, unless you’d like to kill him yourself, then be my guest. You see, originally my grandmother thought we might work with Littlefinger himself, he’s got quite the network and would naturally be able to help us. However, with my brother married to Sansa Stark, that was no longer a viable person for us to reach out to. Or rather, for my grandmother to. When she revealed the plot to me, I assured her I’d be able to take care of it myself. I’ve got quite the knowledge of poisons, and I wouldn’t have a hard time getting my hands on some if I truly wanted to. So I did,” I began to explain, gauging his reaction as I spoke.
“However, therein is the problem, I’m already known as the nightshade of the garden, and Cersei does not like me very much. If her son dies of poisoning… well, I’m sure you understand how that would look,” I said, to which he nodded.
“The blame will be on you, of course.”
“Exactly, and that trial would not bode well for me, not to mention ruin nearly everything for my family. But you. When I heard about you being in Kings Landing instead of your brother, I was overjoyed. As I said, you famously hate the Lannisters for what happened to your sister, and I-“
“Not all the Lannisters. Just Lord Tywin,” he said, a slight venom in his tone. I smiled, knowing he wished to make me uncomfortable for associating with him.
“You know, Prince Oberyn, it’s a funny thing. When Lord Tywin and I first began interacting with each other, I detested him. He and I had quite the argument, and your sister was the primary reason. Yes, I have come to enjoy Lord Tywin over time, but there are many things we heavily disagree upon, and there are many things that I hate him for. What happened to your sister is in that category, and I do not blame you for hating him for it. That’s why I’ve come to you with this proposition. To kill his grandson right under his nose would infuriate him, it would make him look weak. To him, that is worse than dying,” I explained, watching the thoughts process in his head. His posture was more attentive, and I could see that slowly he was being convinced, though this conversation was clearly not over.
“Yes, it would embarrass Lord Tywin, and I would have my head removed. Because that is what you want, right? Me to admit to his murder so that you are not blamed?” He clarified, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Not necessarily. You wouldn’t have to admit to it until later. Perhaps- well, let me explain what would happen. Joffrey would be poisoned, either by you or me, at his wedding. He’d die, Cersei would be furious, naturally. Depending on how long it takes her to actually start thinking, my time is limited, but the hope is that I somehow manage to find Tyw- Lord Tywin and tell him I believe it was you. I can explain my reasoning, say that I wouldn’t have done it with poison for it would’ve been too obvious. But, if Cersei does figure it out quickly I suspect he’ll come visit me in the cells anyways. He’ll want to know if I’ve truly betrayed him that way. Which of course, I have, but it’s not for him to know,” I began, explaining the first several steps in my plan.
“But, either way, I would install the thought into Tywin, give him-“
“You keep calling him Tywin. Just Tywin. You are close to him, aren’t you?” Oberyn interrupted, beginning to grin. I took a deep breath.
“Yes, I am. I suppose I might as well just admit that I’ve fallen in love with him, as everyone else seems to have figured that out too,” I said with a sigh. Prince Oberyn chuckled.
“You’re in love with him, yet you desire to betray him. Why?”
“I don’t desire to betray him, but I will. For my sister, I will. I refuse to see her married to Joffrey, to see her harmed and used by him. His younger brother is far more agreeable, and will make Margaery much safer and happier. For that, I would do anything,” I admitted, pressing my hands together and hoping he would understand.
“You are much like I am, then. When Elia was alive, I would’ve done anything for her. She was always my favorite, always my dear sister,” he said softly, looking down and smiling solemnly.
“And that is why I’m giving you the opportunity to kill the mountain without any consequences.”
His face shot up at that, confused and curious. I smiled.
“I will instill the thought that you’re guilty into Tywin’s mind. You will leave another crystal of the poison where you sat, and will naturally be arrested. Once this happens, you will be given a trial. At that trial, don’t say a thing. They’ll ask you questions, don’t answer. Demand a trial by combat,” I said, watching as it fell into place for him.
“The Lannisters will pick the mountain to fight me, and if I win, he’s dead and there are no legal consequences for me,” he finished, making me nod.
“Exactly. Granted that you do live, of course. That is the only risk, and what I believed you’d be most hesitant about,” I reasoned.
I watched him think, and the room was silent for a good minute.
“I will beat the mountain, and I will poison Joffrey myself, that way I am truly responsible for the crime,” he finally said, looking over at me. I nodded.
“Thank you, Prince Oberyn. When you do it, do it in front of everyone. Go up to Joffrey and Margaery, both of them will have an additional glass of wine, a different kind meant for dessert. Put the poison in Joffrey’s cup, it’ll be larger than Margaery’s. Make small talk with them, come off as offensive, perhaps smell the wine and comment that it’s quite nice, then pour the poison in while he’s not looking. The point is, let people see that you were near him and touching his cup,” I explained, already having everything perfectly envisioned.
“What if the cup should spill?”
“My grandmother will have a backup. I’ve picked out The Strangler for our king,” I revealed, making my way across the room and handing Oberyn a small, purple crystal. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.
“Have you ever seen this poison in action before?” He asked curiously.
“No, but I know what will happen. I don’t mean to be cruel, but I already knew where to find some of this, not to mention it will dissolve perfectly in his wine,” I said, watching Oberyn get up and store it in a small box, which he locked afterwards.
“Can I tell you something, Lady (Y/N)? Since we are being honest with each other,” he asked, facing me as he leaned against the wall.
“Of course,” I said, wondering what I might hear from him.
“I was going to poison Lord Tywin. Slowly, so he wouldn’t notice, but I intended to kill him,” he revealed. My mouth fell open, and a certain fear gripped me. I would not allow Tywin to be harmed, no matter what the cost.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t done it yet, and I don’t think I will. You’re right, this embarrassment will be worse for him. And, you seem to be a reasonable woman, from all that I’ve heard and my impression of you from this conversation. You’re smart. If you are in love with Lord Tywin, I will leave him be, simply out of respect,” he said, smiling. I still felt unnerved, but I nodded.
“Thank you, Prince Oberyn. I hated Tywin for years, nearly half of my life, in fact. As I said, he’s done things I’ll never forgive nor forget, but the man he is with me… he’s not Tywin Lannister, Warden of the West and Lord of Casterly Rock. He’s just… just Tywin,” I said, thinking about the times I’d seen him engaged in politics versus how he was with me. They were two different men.
“And I would wager that to him, you are not the Nightshade of the Garden, or Lady Tyrell. To him, you are probably just (Y/N),” Oberyn replied with a smile.
“And what makes you think that?”
“You become the best version of yourself around the people that you love.”
I had returned to the Red Keep, excited to report my success to my grandmother. However, when I arrived at her room, she wasn’t there. According to her guards, she was waiting for me in my room.
I sighed, wishing she’d have told me that before I’d bothered walking all that way. It was curious, too. Why would she go to my room? She knew I was going to speak with Oberyn, but I hadn’t told her before I’d left.
When I got there and went inside, I found her sitting at my table with a letter in her hand. I didn’t think much of it yet.
“Grandmother. I went to your room first, I wanted to tell you that Prince Oberyn has agreed, we had quite the conversation about it, and-“
“(Y/N), dear.”
I paused, eyebrows raising as my grandmother addressed me.
“Come sit down with me, please,” she said softly. There was a look of sadness in her eyes, and I felt my heart drop. I had no clue what to expect, but regardless I was terrified. Had something happened to Tywin?
“What is it, grandmother?” I asked, hurrying to sit down and praying to the gods it wasn’t horrible. Or at least, something so horrible I might cry. Was it Loras? Had something happened to the Starks?
“Your father came into my room about an hour ago, far happier than he ought to have been. He gave me this,” she said, handing me the letter.
I unfolded it and immediately began to read, my throat dry and my hands shaking slightly. If my father had been happy about it, I knew it could only mean one thing.
I was running up the stairs, skirts clutched in my hands and tears running down my face. My grandmother had tried to console me, but it was useless, I’d run out of the room anyways.
I nearly tripped as I tried to make my way up all the stairs in the tower of the hand, which certainly weren’t easy to climb in my current condition. When I reached the top, I was somehow sobbing even harder.
All I wanted was to see Tywin.
The guards outside his office recognized me by now, and when they saw my tears, they only looked between each other awkwardly and opened the door.
I burst in, body racking with sobs as I made my way toward Tywin. He was sitting at his desk, but when the door opened and he saw me, he instantly rose and rushed toward me.
I said nothing, but threw myself into his arms. I heard the door close behind me, and I finally let myself fall apart. My face was buried into his chest and gods I couldn’t stop crying. I felt his arms wrap around me, and one hand came to my head while the other was holding my waist on the other side.
“What’s wrong, (Y/N)? What happened?” He asked softly, petting my hair as I wept.
“M-My father,” I managed to get out, choking on my tears and pushing my face into Tywin’s neck. It was warm, and his scent brought a great comfort.
“Your father?”
“Walder Frey- Walder Frey sent him a letter, r-requesting that I marry his eldest son,” I cried out, clutching Tywin for dear life. In all honesty, I believed my life was over. I’d told Tywin I’d need to marry soon, but I certainly hadn’t expected it to be now, nor to a son of Walder Frey of all people.
I felt Tywin inhale, and he pulled me back to look me in the eyes.
“Don’t worry yourself about it, (Y/N), I’ll convince your father not to. I’ll convince him to-“
“No! No, Tywin, that’s just it, he’s already sent a reply and he’s accepted!” I choked out, hot tears still streaming down my face as I shook. I pushed myself back into his arms, disconsolate and an absolute mess.
Tywin was silent, and normally I would’ve thought it strange, but I was in so much distress that I couldn’t even be bothered to think about it.
“Father believed it would cause conflict to say no, especially because Tyrion is marrying one of Walder Frey’s daughters. So he sent the raven without even bothering to tell me,” I said between sobs, wishing more than anything that I could just stay in Tywin’s arms forever, that I wouldn’t have to get married to anyone.
“(Y/N), you mustn’t worry.”
“I don’t want to get married, Tywin! I don’t want to get married and I don’t want to marry one of Walder Frey’s sons. I don’t want to- I can’t- I can’t…” I was beginning to hyperventilate, so distressed at the thought of being shipped off to live at the Twins. And once that was dealt with, my name would fade away just as every other woman’s did.
“(Y/N) listen to me, I’m going to speak with your father and convince him this isn’t wise,” Tywin said, stepping back and lifting my chin so I’d look at him. I shook my head.
“That’s just it, Tywin. My father doesn’t listen to anyone. He does whatever he pleases, he’s not going to- to listen to you or me for that matter,” I said, sniffling as Tywin brought his hands to my cheeks and wiped the tears away.
It was useless, of course, they just kept falling, and I kept spiraling. My gaze fell and I continued to hyperventilate.
“I don’t want to marry Walder Frey’s son. I don’t want to marry at all! There’s only one man I’d ever marry and it’s most certainly not Walder Frey’s son! I just want to be left alone, I want to stay the head of the Tyrell army and live in peace!” I spewed, hardly even processing what I was saying. Tywin’s eyes went wide, though I hadn’t realized what I’d said yet.
“(Y/N), breathe!” He said sharply, taking my hand in his and pressing it to my chest.
“Take deep breaths. Calm down,” he said softly, watching me try to take slower, longer breaths through my tears. When I no longer sounded erratic, he dropped his hand.
“I would rather kill myself than marry him,” I whispered, lip quivering. Tywin sighed and wiped my tears again. When he finished, looked down.
“You’re not going to, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Tywin, my father-“
“I’m not going to try and convince your father. I’m going to take care of Walder Frey’s son,” he said. My eyes shot up, and I was certain the surprise I felt was painted all over my face.
“Tywin… he doesn’t need to die. I don’t want to marry him but he doesn’t- he doesn’t deserve that,” I said, truly hoping he wouldn’t do such a thing.
“I don’t care. You can’t marry a dead man. Your father can arrange as many marriages for you as he likes, I’ll make sure none of them happen. I will have every single man in Westeros murdered before I see you married to them,” he said, hand coming under my chin. My heart began to skip, and my tears were ceasing to fall. What was he insinuating? We were both silent, simply gazing into each other's eyes.
“I will never let another man have you, (Y/N). Do you understand? You may not want to be mine, but until the day I die, you will be no one else’s. I could not stand to live and watch another man make you smile, to watch him hold you and kiss you. And more than that, I won’t stand by and watch you be miserable with Walder Frey’s son. I won’t see you happy with someone else, (Y/N), but I can’t see you unhappy with anyone at all,” he whispered, hands coming to both of my cheeks as he looked deep into my eyes.
My lips parted, and my entire body felt hot. My heart would not stop racing, and I feared I must’ve looked like a fool, because I felt another tear slide down my cheek. I was utterly overwhelmed.
Tywin was in love with me?
He was gazing at me with all the love and passion in the world, and I’d never seen him look so gorgeous. His eyes were the same turquoise blue they’d been in the sept at Loras’ wedding, but he looked as if he might cry. He looked so overcome with all of his feelings, just as I was with mine.
“Tywin…” I whispered, feeling two more tears fall. He looked terrified, as if he was waiting for me to be disgusted with him. I noticed it then, a tear falling from his own cheek.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, (Y/N), please… forgive me,” he whispered. His hands fell from my face, and my heart dropped as I watched him take a step back with his eyes on the ground.
He thought his feelings were unrequited.
“No! No… Tywin… Tywin, I love you. I love you!” I managed to gasp out, my throat dry and emotions a mess. I couldn’t let this slip, I couldn’t ruin this. He’d just admitted he felt the same way I did, I needed to do something.
When he processed what I’d said, his eyes widened, and he looked me in the eyes again. I watched his lips part, and he exhaled as if he’d been holding in a breath. There was a moment of silence, and I suddenly saw something spark in his eyes.
Tywin inhaled, and stepped back towards me. One of his hands came to my face, and he was so close I could hear his breath shaking. He moved his other hand, and licked his lips nervously as if trying to figure out where to put it. All of his actions were quick, and my heart was pounding so much I thought it might explode.
His other hand settled at my waist, and when he looked at me again, I knew.
Tywin hesitated for two seconds, and then—in one swift movement—pressed his lips to mine. I instantly kissed back, and I was so relieved I thought I might sob. I brought one hand to his face, and let the other come to the back of his head and bring him closer to me.
His lips were the closest to heaven I suspected I’d ever get, and I could feel his stubble brushing against my face. The hand on my hip pulled me closer, and for a moment, we broke apart and took sharp inhales. Our eyes caught each other, and we couldn’t keep ourselves from staring and trying to catch our breaths.
Both of his hands came to my face now, and he simply looked at me. I wished, in that moment more than ever, that I could know what he was thinking. But he smiled at me, truly smiled, and that told me all I needed to know. I smiled too, of course, and let my eyes close as he leaned back in and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips.
“Tywin I never thought you’d- you’d feel the same,” I whispered, thinking about all the times I reprimanded myself after wanting to hold him or kiss him.
He laughed, and gave me a look that said ‘really?’
“You never thought I’d feel the same? You can imagine how I felt. Most of the time I wondered if you still hated me, I-“
I gave him a look, and he realized how ridiculous he sounded.
“Yes, I apologize. I’m aware I was quite unfair to you,” he said, making me giggle with satisfaction.
“When did you- when did you realize?” He asked after a moment, swallowing anxiously.
“Well, I realized the day we discussed my brother marrying Sansa. My grandmother was prodding me about my relationship with you, and I- well, when I really thought about it I realized she was right. But I’d- I’d had feelings for you long before that. My feelings developed when we went hunting together, but I’d say I fell in love with you the day we went to the smith. You told me you’d cut that man’s tongue out, and you began to pull your sword at those men on the street. You made me- you made me feel safe, you made me feel cared for,” I admitted, trying hard to think about it. He smiled softly and kissed my forehead.
“I’ve had an attraction towards you since you yelled at me in the garden. I needed that, and it was almost like a challenge. I wanted to make you like me, simply so I could prove you wrong, and it piqued my interest. I fell in love with you the day, or rather the night we went hunting. You were asleep, and I had to move you to your blankets. You were so light in my arms, and I gave you another blanket so you wouldn’t be cold. Normally I wouldn’t even have considered something like that,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I smiled and buried my face in his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. Gently, his arms came around me. By the way he was breathing, I could hear him smiling. One of his hands came to pet my hair, and I felt content.
“Tywin, I don’t want anyone else to know. I just want it to be us,” I said softly, lifting my head to look at him. He nodded.
“I was going to suggest the same. I don’t want my children getting involved, nor do I want others to know I have a weak point. It’s safer if we keep it a secret, at least until- well, until our relationship is more defined,” he said, eyes scanning my face.
“How do you mean, more defined?” I asked curiously. He seemed awkward as he tried to figure out a response.
“When you said there was only man you’d ever marry, who were you referencing?” He asked suddenly. I hadn’t even remembered saying that, but as I thought back, it hit me. It had been him I was referencing, of course.
When I looked up at him with a nervous face, he only smiled.
“You mean we’d only tell people if we were to get married?”
“Ideally, yes. Of course, relationships are much different than friendships, but I hope that eventually… well, it would just be smartest to do it then, should we be compatible and willing to marry each other,” he said, taking my hands in his. I thought I must’ve been dreaming. Perhaps Robb Stark’s best wishes had been fulfilled.
“O-Of course. And I’ve- I’ve truthfully never been in any sort of, well, committed relationship. So I was hoping you’d be patient, and perhaps more understanding,” I said nervously. He gave a small chuckle and kissed my forehead.
“Of course, my dear.”
That was new. Though, I rather liked it if I was honest.
When he pulled back, a question seemed to be on the tip of his tongue. I raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to ask it.
“What is the most you’ve ever done with a man? I don’t mind, I’d just like to know what I should be more… gentle with,” he said softly, giving my hand a squeeze.
“With a man?” I teased, watching a bit of shock settle into his face.
“Have you been with other women?”
“Not sexually, I’ve never been with anyone sexually. But I’ve kissed them once or twice, and perhaps I can see why men like it so much,” I admitted, gauging his reaction. I wondered if he might get upset. For a moment, he almost looked jealous.
“You’ve truly kissed other women?” He asked again. I nodded.
“I’ve told you before, Tywin, there’s nothing wrong with it. In the grand scheme of things, who cares? We live such short lives compared to all of history, why does it matter what we decide to do? The gods made our bodies beautiful for a reason, they gave us pleasure for a reason. If the gods cared so much, they wouldn’t have made us this way,” I said, cupping his face.
“You know, I’m surprised nobody has given you the title of bladed tongue yet. By all accounts you must be the most persuasive woman in all seven kingdoms,” he muttered, putting his hand on top of mine and kissing my palm.
“Thank you. And if it makes you feel better, Tywin, I prefer kissing you to anyone else. You’re the first person I’ve ever truly longed to kiss. Among other things,” I said, muttering the end to myself. If he noticed, it wasn’t obvious.
“Then kiss me again,” he said softly, gazing at my lips. I merely smiled and reached for his collar, pulling him toward me and doing as he’d suggested. He was so warm, and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach was still there. It was made even worse when his hands met my hips, his fingers gripping there and pulling me closer to him.
He broke away suddenly and inhaled, looking away.
“You blow on the fire inside of me, (Y/N). You make me need you,” he whispered, bringing his eyes back and gazing down at me. There were a lot of things I could’ve said, but I decided on this:
“Good. I want you to need me.”
As I said it, it was almost as if I saw lust sparking in his eyes, and it made me smile. I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, and then began to walk out. When I reached the door, I turned and found him still standing there, looking at me in awe.
“I’ll see you soon, Tywin.”
“Of course, my dear.”
I smiled again and left the room, unable to keep myself from laughing when I’d shut the door behind me. I was positively giddy and over the moon with what had just happened. In fact, so much so, that I wouldn’t even remember why I’d gone to see him until the next time I spoke with my grandmother.
I did not want Walder Frey’s son to die, but in some cruel way, the thought of Tywin killing a man just so he could have me to himself was attractive, and dare I say even erotic.
I wanted to feel worse about the whole thing, but I simply couldn’t. I was Tywin’s now, just as he was mine. From that moment on, the two of us wouldn’t let a single thing stand between us. We loved each other, let the fearsome consequences come.
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ichooseviolence · 10 months
I've been mulling over the idea of Sansa or Tyrion, or both, seeking out an annulment. Many people brush it aside and assume it's impossible or simply too difficult. I'm the silly, goofy type of person who believes there is a possibility. It would, of course, be very challenging at this point in the story, which is why I think it is possible in the future. A shift in power could make a difference. But I'm interested in your thoughts here.
According to GRRM, neither Tyrion nor Sansa would need to be present to annul their marriage, but at least one must request it. Unless Tyrion manages to find out and somehow objects, Sansa shouldn't be faced with too many challenges (under normal circumstances, of course). Of course, the more power and influence you have, the easier it will be. With the aid of Littlefinger, or anyone else with more influence, it just might be possible. Depending on who is acting High Septon, bribery would be an option. Although, as of now, Littlefinger shows no interest in going for an annulment and for sound reasons. As long as the Lannisters are still in power, Sansa will remain a wanted fugitive. So for now, he's relying on the death of Tyrion (so he says.)
Reasons for annulments:
Marriage was forced
Crazy scenario where Tysha is alive and makes an appearance, and the "annulment" made by Tywin is proven to have not been legal. (Thought it was crazy at first, but someone explained to me why this would be a very real possibility, given the writing style of George.)
I'll say now, I think #2 could possibly be turned down by The High Septon or Council (even though it would require basic common sense to understand she was forced), and #3 would only be plausible if the Tysha theory were true. Obviously, the first option is our greatest one.
Non-consummated marriages that were dissolved/annulled:
Lancel and Amerei: Lancel joins the Warrior's Sons
Baelor and Daena
(am I forgetting any?)
Non-consummation is the main factor of their annulment. Of course, we all know that Tyrion and Sansa never consummated their marriage, and it was becoming common knowledge throughout the Red Keep. Proof of non-consummation is never suggested or hinted at. I would be surprised if a request for annulment was dismissed simply because a maiden's hymen is no longer intact, especially if she is not required to be present. I assume even Septons would be aware that a hymen could break from other activities, however difficult it may be. Basically, I think they would need more confirmation than that to rule it out. Note that non-consummation may not be the only ground for an annulment.
Let's take into account that even consummated marriages have either been annulled or requested an annulment:
Tyrion and Tysha: annulled by Tywin, and against either of their wills
Daemon and Rhea: Turned down by the king, Daemon banished by Viserys
Duncan and Jenny: requested by Aegon V, Duncan is forced to abdicate
Renly plotting an annulment between Cersei and Robert
Some of these examples prove that power and influence don't always work out for an annulment. As for Littlefinger's plans, I once saw a theory stating that Littlefinger may be planning to have to local religious authorities of the Vale declare Sansa as she was before her marriage to Tyrion, a maiden fit for marriage. (When the time is right, of course.) How feasible is this plan? There are other options, of course. Is LF really waiting around for Tyrion to die, is he truly intending for Sansa to marry Harry, or is their betrothal all he really needs before his ultimate plans fall into place?
A few more questions, if you're interested in expanding the discussion.
Will Sansa and Tyrion end the series a married couple?
Will they end the series married but separated?
Will one of them be widowed? (Who do you think will live?)
Will they eventually get an annulment?
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MY DARKEST DESIRE (joffrey baratheon x dark! reader)
Joffrey Baratheon x yandere! Reader
2 of 3
TW: mentions of death and unhealthy behaviors.
Sorry if there are wording errors, I have translated it to google because English is not my first language.
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You growled in frustration in the solitude of your room. It had been nearly two months since your last talk with Loras Tyrell and the chances of a public alliance with them had disappeared. Apparently, a wily Cersei Lannister noticed your interactions thanks to a traitorous prostitute of your father's and commented on your after-meal outings to Tywin Lannister, foolishly believing it to be a point in her favor.
The idiot ended up with an engagement to marry the uninterested Loras, an anxious Margaery and the death of Ros.
You swallowed quickly when you found out how she had died.
His cold words still echo in your head.
"That happens if you despise the Baelish."
As if you hadn't seen firsthand the beautiful, tragic body of your former ally, her frozen tears and expression of eternal horror. Vaguely, you stroked one of her red locks as she was taken away to be buried in a mass grave without any ceremony or anyone to mourn her. No, that's weakness. That happens to the weak ones.
The cunning ones always win.
You walked vaguely to untie the fancy hairstyle you wore today; it was better to concentrate on something else when those useless thoughts started. Noticing the yellow blanket adorning the wall, you thought of another element of the big plan.
Joffrey Baratheon, the bastard.
Growing up at court, you were introduced to him on his fifth name day. He was a wee lad who enjoyed beating other children with lower positions to complain about, throwing pieces of cake at his sister while she cried, and killing animals like birds with broken wings and baby rabbits with twigs. You came forward and recited the words your father had taught you. Joffrey gave you a bored look as you spoke and dragged you into his playground with the other children. You knew the rules, but watching him tear out that little red-haired boy's hair was enough for you. You stood up and knocked him down with a kick, he looked at you in surprise because no one laid a hand on him until now. Obviously, that would have given serious reprisals for your father and you, however, you lied saying it was the redhead himself and that Joffrey was confused because he hit his head, you did so well that they believed you. You were relieved until your progenitor told you how the poor boy was whipped and how his family was quietly removed from the court. You felt so bad that you told him, to your surprise, he was proud and even happy, he gave you a talk to better convince people and explained what to do if something similar happened with Joffrey.
You reviewed the events of this morning. From Cersei's hurried journey with her betrothed to Highgarden, Tyrion Lannister's appointment as Hand of the King by the Lannister lion himself, and Jaime Lannister's hasty wedding to Rosemund of Lannisport, you could rarely have a peaceful time when King Joffrey was around. His mother was gone, his father also to Casterly Rock, he was often controlled by his grandfather, and his only release was to torment the maids and his uncle Tyrion who rarely let himself be seen. Margaery told you of her fear that he would do you any harm, you replied that, despite being a maid, you were thorn-proof. Your relationship with her was going quite well: Olenna asked you about Joffrey's activities in her granddaughter's absence after finally convincing her of your loyalty; both women mentioned cautiously about a possible marriage with Willas, more adult and powerful than your former betrothed, but of a boring character according to your father's words, and questioned you about the personality of the second son, Tommen.
Everything seemed to be going well, but it was not. You knew what they were plotting and that annoyed you greatly, an assassination that would shake the house of the lion and strengthen the Tyrell power over the crown. That didn't bother you because it was to your advantage, however, you didn't want to see Joffrey being finished off by the Tyrells.
You wanted to kill King Joffrey with your own hands.
You let out a groan as you found yourself almost naked on your bed. The thought of Joffrey paralyzed on the floor brought another moan and the conviction to masturbate; imagining him with an expression of fear was enough to caress your clitoris; and the thought of his tears of horror and submission was enough to touch you harder.
You closed your eyes. Your hands going to his neck with no one around to stop you, him trying to push you away with his clumsy efforts, watching his neck redden, seeing drops of blood from the pressure exerted, unspoken words dominating his lips and finally his lifeless expression.
A moan of pleasure flooded your lips. But from afar it was not enough for tonight.
After your ninth orgasm, you thought vaguely about how his presence would be wrenched from you and how it would influence Baelish destiny. No, there was nothing you could do but obey and see how he would die for the relatives of your lever. Tiredness dominated your head, tucking you in with your blankets, there was only one coherent thought: Not obeying.
You watched the Iron Throne along with the others as King Joffrey displayed his cruelty. The Tyrells were visiting some chamber of a vassal house, loathsome enough to stray away for a few hours, while you stood near your father with the nobles gathered like shivering chickens in a henhouse, and both shared the same vision, but with different goals. : he sitting comfortably as king of the seven kingdoms and you, taking Joffrey by his cloak causing him wounds by the edge of the swords and dragging him like a dog with the sole purpose of seeing him suffocate by the pressure of his own cloak.
Both thoughts were not compatible and you knew that well.
The screams of pain did not distract you, but Tommen's gaze did, the poor boy was holding back tears from the monstrosities committed by his brother. He's too innocent for Westeros, too whiny to get used to violence when he's lived with Joffrey his whole life, and not at all cunning. Too weak.
Being with the Tyrells would do him good. Even if it's just a piece of the game.
You pursed your lip. You were not a player, that place is for your beloved father, you were just a valuable piece. That was good right? He has been for years and years, for your entire life. Why change? Father can be an excellent king; he just needs the necessary push. But the order of the pushes can change, right?
"I'm done for today." The king's proud voice brought you back to reality.
“My king, please…”
Seeing how the citizens were beaten calmed you down. Everything was running its course.
"Let's go, dear daughter." Your father pushed you away with his classic paternal man role, you smiled following his ruse.
"Stop there! Your king commands you."
They turned around confused.
“Lady Baelish, I have received word that you have cured my brother, Prince Tommen, of yellow fever with your healing knowledge along with the maester.” Joffrey's annoying voice grew closer; you could feel your father's machinations in his head. "Therefore, I invite you to hang out in the king's personal dining room, if I'm feeling generous I could offer you a medicine box for your woman skills."
Feeling the perfect opportunity to make your fantasies come true, the satisfaction of knowing the answer was greater.
"My beloved daughter accepts your offer, your grace."
"Well, it's a unique opportunity, she couldn't turn it down."
The blush on your cheeks only increased as did King Joffrey's shit-eating grin.
“I will show you my gratitude for all the goodwill you have had with me all this time…, your highness.”
The sinister shine of your eyes was not noticed by anyone.
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melrosing · 1 year
GOT low-points for Jaime
ok I don’t like complaining about GOT too much cos it gets boring and I am here for the books. but this is kind of fun so
Telling Brienne the one secret he has never told anyone, the biggest secret of his entire story…. and then telling Qyburn shortly afterwards just to have a comeback
Getting essentially murderered by pound shop Euron Greyjoy bc….??? the actors are both Danish??
Hearing Cersei has tried to kill him and going back to her approx. 10 mins later to raise a child w her x
Hanging around Dorne with Bronn in the most Naruto filler episodes of all time
That scene where he and Tyrion are making fun of their disabled cousin crushing beetles by imitating his voice for like a painfully long period of screen time. Yes I know the backstory as to why this ‘joke’ got written but I honestly don’t care, I only saw it once back in whatever year it aired and it was just excruciating
‘I never really cared about the innocent’ - absolutely iconic
Pursuing Brienne cos he heard she’s a virgin (A: obviously B: you literally already knew that), then never saying another word to her onscreen before dumping her in the snow and forgetting she exists x
Hearing Cersei is replicating Aerys’ worst instincts, going 🫤 and then hanging around King’s Landing for another season fucking Cersei and building IKEA furniture for a baby bc what else is he supposed to be doing I guess
Angrily crying over the fact Tyrion murdered Tywin as Tyrion explains in the background ‘you remember how he abused me and tried to kill me too right’
Planning atrocities till Brienne physically appears to say ‘hey remember your entire story arc? aren’t we supposed to be making more complex decisions now?’ Then jaime looking briefly inspired before explaining to Edmure he’ll kill his baby because he likes to fuck his own sister so don’t push it
Getting fired from the Kingsguard and then never thinking about it again
Killing his cousin for no real reason in season 2, then forgetting how he even did it when citing his list of sins to Brienne in season 8
Telling Joffrey there’s still time for him to fill the White Book with his deeds in season 4, then shoving it off the table to fuck his sister later in the same season
Brienne completing his entry in the same book desperately trying to frame a single act of Jaime’s as having had a point
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pinkblosmx · 1 year
Something Horrible
A/N: Got this idea from the scene where Tywin tells Cersei she has to have another arranged marriage. Bit of an AU where the rumours are about Cersei and her handmaiden so warning for homophobia. Apart from that it’s just Cersei’s handmaiden comforting her.
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Cersei stormed down the halls of the castle, absolutely fuming, she kept replaying what just happened in her head and the words her father had said.
“You will do as I command and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumours about you once and for all.” The words were like venom to Cersei, so much that she pushed her bedchamber door open with such force that you thought it would fly off. Immediately you knew what happened at the meeting was not good news, you could see it on her face and the way she slammed the door shut with the same force she had opened it with before making her way over to her bed.
“How could he?!” She angrily cried out as she sat down, now alone with only you in the room she allowed herself to shed the tears she had been keeping in. You rush over to her side and without any hesitation you sit down next to her, wrapping your arms around her, allowing her to cry on your shoulder which she does.
All you can do is gently hold her and kiss her forehead as she cries, it’s not often you see Cersei this upset, most people would enjoy her suffering but it hurts your heart to see her like this. After a few minutes her crying slowly stops and you remove your arms from around her, bringing your hands up to her face to gently wipe away the remaining tears. You can now clearly see that her eyes are red and puffy from all that crying it does not help you can also see the path which her tears took down her cheeks, your face falls at the sight of her like this.
“What did he say?” You nervously ask, on one hand it was not your place or any of your business however on the other hand you wanted to know what that asshole of a father said that made the woman you love so miserable.
“That I have to marry Loras Tyrell.” Cersei’s words come out bitterly as she moves her head back a little, out of your touch almost as if she doesn’t want to indulge in it too much before looking down at the floor, all her confidence gone.
“You don’t have to, you can refuse. You’re more than capable of making your own decisions.” You say trying to help her get back to the confident Cersei you fell in love with as you hold one of her hands giving it a gentle squeeze.
“No this time I have to.” She tells you much to your unfortunate surprise, but you guess there’s something else she’s not telling you.
“Cersei what else did he say?” You ask, knowing full well you would not like the answer whatever it may be.
“He knows about the rumours of you and me.” Cersei answers and you freeze for a second, the rumours that she was referring to were the ones where you, Cersei’s loyal and ever so ready to please handmaiden had come out of her room at the hours of the late morning looking dishevelled to say the least, people will talk especially the castle staff and they say that Cersei is bedding her simple handmaiden. Of course both you and Cersei knew that was true but she made sure to get rid of anyone who simply thought it was true and spread the rumour, Cersei was certain that most of them were dealt with, that was up until the moment her father brought it up.
You were angry, if you were somebody in a higher position you would of gone to find Tywin and give him a good piece of your mind, to hell with the consequences but alas you weren’t. With a quiet deep breath you gently cup Cersei’s face in your hands making her gently look up at you, she does not tell you off for this or push you away but instead looks into your eyes.
“Even if you do marry Loras, I will always be your handmaiden and my loyalty will always be to you first.” You sincerely say with a small smile on your lips yet you realise if she does marry him, she will not have nearly the same relationship with you especially if her father expects her to bear children with the man. With that thought you feel a sting of jealousy in your heart, the idea of someone else even touching Cersei in such an intimate manner makes you feel sick to your stomach. Cersei sees your face fall again and frowns herself too.
“I do not want to marry him.” Cersei reaches her hands up to your face, softly cupping your cheeks in her soft hands “I will not have him or anyone try to take you from me.” Her tone is serious as she starts to regain her confidence once again and you can see an all too familiar dangerous glint in her eyes as you move your hands away from her face to place them over her own hands as you close your eyes leaning into her touch, savouring it.
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15-lizards · 1 year
I like to project so that’s why I love to imagine ASOIAF characters as ppl who live in the American South
Texas Oil Mogul Lannisters. They have a residence in the city but their main place of living is on their ridiculously big ranch house next to all their oil rigs. Tywin runs that shit like the navy and no he doesn’t care about the environmental effects. Tyrion does damage control to the press, Jamie the heir would rather be doing literally anything else, and Cersei can’t understand that Tywin doesn’t want her to inherit the business (she has a different PR crisis every month)
Swamp people Greyjoys (Florida edition). They are just so Florida Man coded I’m sorry. They def live in the boonies. Balon sits on the porch all day and bitches instead of doing anything. Asha does all the actual work (fishing, trapping, gator hunting). Aeron is super into the crazy Baptist church down the road. Theon walks around barefoot and drugged out of his mind bc he’s just like that. Euron is the weird uncle that tried to bring home an alligator as a pet. Multiple times.
Swamp people Reeds (Louisiana edition). The better swamp people sorry ab it. They live way down south in a rickety old house on the river and they have about three neighbors within a ten mile radius. Very mysterious and isolated but if anyone is sick Meera will be at your doorstep with all her grandma’s weird remedies to make you feel better (and they always work). Jojen is the kid that the local church thinks needs an exorcism. Howland is the strange neighbor you go to if you want all your problems to go away without question
West Virginia Appalachian Baratheons. A working class family with a mining history. Everyone is too stubborn to move away from their ancestral home. Robert makes and sells moonshine out in the backyard. Renly is the smoothest talking, most charming and popular motherfucker in town. All the old ladies and moms love him. Stannis left to go to college and immediately got rid of his accent when he moved, and he hates going back to visit, even when Shireen begs him. Whenever they visit, Shireen teaches the old neighbors how to read if they never learned :,)
Alabama Tyrells. They have two residences, a McMansion in the suburbs and a big farmhouse in the country (they got rid of their family plantation bc Olenna thought it would be bad publicity). Mace is an old school southern gentleman who everyone likes even if he’s a bit ridiculous. Olenna is THE head of all the socialite women in town. Willas is studying to take over the family business (nobody even really knows what it is, they own like everything in town). Garlan and Loras are both D1 football players who are going straight to the NFL. Margaery is a pageant queen/cheerleader/sorority girl who definitely had a society debut.
South Texas Martells. They have a big ass cattle ranch near the mountains. Doran is a big name in state government, he has billboards up all over the highway for his re-election campaign. Oberyn lives off the family money with no real job and likes to travel out of the country, but does philanthropy every now and then to boost his reputation. Elaria is a hot topic of conversation for all the ladies, because she’s Oberyns middle class mistress who had kids out of wedlock. And the Sand Snakes are definitely all accomplished horseback riders, Oberyn taught them on the ranch himself, to everyone else’s discomfort.
Okay thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
It's so dumb to say Aemond is on Ramsay's level, how is he on that level of sadism and where can I read about it? Were the Conquerors also similar to Ramsay when they were burning people at war? Complaining that a character is more explored in the show compared to the book (and as vague and inaccurate as F&B is........) is just plain stupid. Cersei, Tyrion were all whitewashed in the show, Tywin was acting like a kind grandpa to Arya, many of Cersei's crimes were erased or given to Joffrey, Jorah is turned into a heroic character when he is a creep in the books, etc. It's just hilarious that people are so mad at Aemond who only had 20 minutes of screentime and we're barely know him yet.
Then what is the point of adapting from a book you say and imply is totally untrustworthy?
Have you actually read F&B, anon, or just skimmed it, or took Gyldayn and his sources at their word? If so, you're not someone who should be talking about how Fire and Blood is written, because you don't know that one could still parse out truths in a biased text through research, language analysis, looking for textual and cultural contradictions, and comparison/contrast analysis.
Also, burning people at war =/= being a sadist. Sadism is when you enjoy harming others and it doesn't have to be sexual, so if you send an ask, make a comment, or reblog with a joke to try to make this all seem irrelevant, I will block you.
What the Targs did was conquest and warfare and use the materials available to them, which in their case were dragons. Without those dragons, the war would have continued for longer, because of how destructive/effective dragons are, ironically. The North surrendered especially to avoid such a future, and Aegon I proved himself capable enough.
Finally, the present Baratheons and Lannisters are only able to rule Westeros because Aegon I and the Targs unified the previously always-fighting Westerosi kings under the new central Westerosi monarchy. Those kings before the Conquest waged war against each other all the fucking time and each king definitely wanted to rule every other region. Don't act like the Targs were worse for their warfare-to-unification for it.
Do you think that historians and students now do not read texts written by biased writers like monks and religious lawyers, anon? We still get facts and truths as well as see what kind of perspective the writer has. Also, dates and ages, are those things that HotD "fixes" for the horrid Rhaenicent ship, which actually ruins the entire timeline.
And the fact that we "barely know" Aemond yet while this is the first season is a discredit against you and the writers. We and you should know by now who this guy is....yet you say we "barely know him"?! Are you trying to defend HotD, or expose yourself and its atrocious writing, anon?!
Finally, do not try and use GoT's shitty writing as a measure of how bad the original book story is or how bad Fire and Blood is written, because both adaptations have taken liberties that are either dumb as fuck or/and are racist/sexist/blood purist/classist. There are too many posts by the people I follow (especially brideoffires and jackoftheshadows ).
Aemond is being compared to Ramsay for his cruelty. I also have many posts explaining how Aemond is heinous in his cruelty. Check them or don't, not my problem.
Don't try to dumb anyone else down because you want to live a marshmallow life where no one analyzes media or pays attention to patterns that aren't spoonfed to them.
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bidonica · 2 years
Are jaime and Cersei both the golden child? And Tyrion the scapegoat. Or is jaime the golden child, Tyrion the scape goat and Cersei the lost child? As in the roles of children with a narcissist
Ok but: is Tywin a narcissist? I don’t think the definition applies to him. Granted, I’m not a psychiatrist (and most sources regarding narcissistic parents available online seem to be anecdotal or from dubious pop psychology sites), so my assessment is as valid as anyone else’s, but I don’t think that’s Tywin’s specific deal. He’s abusive and emotionally withdrawn, but his self importance is Lannister self importance (and by extension, all the highborn characters have a bit of that; it’s literally baked in the social system, that some people are better by others *by birth*), he doesn’t love bomb, doesn’t play the victim when things don’t go his way, he’s ambitious but in a realistic way, not in a delusions of grandeur way.
Now, it’s inevitable that a contemporary author like Martin has assimilated some pop psychology along the way, and generally speaking, I believe we all understand the psychological impact of familial relationships differently than people from the pre modern era asoiaf mostly draws from. Parents loving or not loving their children, the things those children do to gain that love and approval, is kind of a big theme in asoiaf; and it’s because us 20th and 21st century people have assimilated the notion that the relationship with your family is crucial for your development as a person, but Martin is also good at writing characters that can’t really conceptualize that in-universe. They feel the same aches that they would in a contemporary setting, but they mostly trace them back to things like being unable to fulfill their duty within the family (whatever that duty is supposed to be), or feeling robbed of their birthright, etc. And then there’s things they simply don’t expect to happen, like most highborn people wouldn’t feel deprived of love and attention for having spent more time with wetnurses and septas and maesters as children than they did with their own parents (but they probably would now, and that’s why we have so many seasons of The Crown).
For example, take this quote from the wikipedia page for Narcissistic Parent: “narcissistic parents may speak of "carrying the torch", maintaining the family image, or making the mother or father proud”. This is something that Tywin does, and he is… right? Because in the world they live in, this stuff matters. He takes it to extremes, because he is an asshole, but while one could argue that all narcissists are assholes, not all assholes are narcissists.
But even assuming we could apply the golden child vs scapegoat roles to the Lannister children… I don’t think any of them fit so neatly into those boxes. Even Jaime and Cersei, who live most of their life getting Tywin’s apparent approval (especially in comparison to Tyrion) seem to perceive Tywin as more like a distant god that needs to be appeased rather than as someone they get to be an extension of. Tyrion is definitely a scapegoat in the grand scheme of things, but it’s not out of nowhere - his birth coincided with the death of Joanna, a stabilizing force in the family, and by most of the accounts we get genuinely loved by Tywin (not that that stopped him from having a secret passage to a brothel built for him. Anyway); he’s also disabled in a society that sees outward deformity as a sign of moral failure. But Tyrion is also a Lannister, which in Tywin’s worldview (which is Westeros’ worldview amped to 11) still puts him a step above most people in spite of the personal disdain he has for him, so he also bestows some pretty big responsibility on Tyrion such as subbing for him as Hand or being master of coin. I guess you can squeeze these dynamics into the “a narcissist and his children” boxes, but in my opinion that would require overlooking quite a bit of nuance in these characters’ personalities and history, as well as the cultural context Martin has placed them in.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
How is the family and everyone else coping after Joanna!Reader's poisoning and death? (Just a hunch but i dont think that they have healthy coping mechanisms)
Tw: Mentions of character death and unhealthy behavior/yandere tendencies
Cersei is the worst out of the lot. She is absolutely and utterly gutted, not only did she lose a child, her most beloved child at that, but also her second chance at having a piece of her mother back in her life once more. She would be much more heavily dependent on wine than she already was, rarely seen without a glass full in hand. It would take months at the very least for Cersei to even bring herself to try and feign some semblance of having pulled herself together. She’s distraught, she feels both numb and completely riddled with pain at her loss. She can’t unsee the image of holding her dying child in her arms and just being left to watch helplessly as they were torn away from her forever. Her hatred for Tyrion would be unmatched, it’s even more intense and overflowing then ever before. She blames him wholeheartedly, she blames him for everything. He was the death of her mother and now he was the death of her child. To her, he killed her mother twice and this time he wasn’t going to get away with it, she wouldn’t allow it. Cersei would often spend whatever spare time she had in Joanna!Lookalike!Reader’s room, just needing to be surrounded with what was once their’s. Everyone would know not to disturb the queen during these times. This was her solace for the briefest of moments and you would need a damn good reason for interrupting her and taking her out of the only place that could give her even an ounce of comfort in her time of grieving. More often then not, Cersei could be found sleeping in her late child’s room, just wanting to be closer to them again. She would become incredibly territorial and overprotective of Joanna!Lookalike!Reader’s room and everything in it. When it came to the servants cleaning the room up and keeping things in order, Cersei would be right their overseeing it all ensuring they don’t mess anything up and everything is in the exact same place it had been before. And she’ll know if even the smallest thing is off by less than half a centimeter, she’s memorized the room to a T after all.
Tywin would be the second worst out of the Lannister family when it came to Joanna!Lookalike!Reader’s death. He would only be haunted with the remembrance of losing his precious Joanna all over again, the immense pain and grief flooding his entire being once more as he can do nothing but watch as his grandchild is writhing slowly and painfully, desperately clawing for some sense of relief from the pain and distress they’re in but to no avail. Tywin would completely shut himself off to anyone and everyone, even more so than usual. When it comes to Joanna!Lookalike’s funeral, Tywin would demand some time alone to say his goodbyes to send off his grandchild and in those moments he would allow himself to breakdown. It’s the first time in a long time that he’s cried, not since he lost his Joanna, and now here he is again just like deja vu. Tywin doesn’t lose himself in this moment though, he can’t let himself do that. He only gives himself the briefest of moments but it’s enough for him. After this he puts his venture focus on avenging Joanna!Lookalike and getting their justice against Tyrion. And similar to Cersei, Tywin puts his entire being into blaming Tyrion for tearing away his second chance at having a semblance of his precious Joanna again. He would do anything and everything in his power to see Tyrion punished to the fullest for the horrible fate that the Reader had to suffer through at his hands. Tywin was ruthless before but after losing his beloved grandchild he would only become all the more ruthless and apathetic. He can’t even bring himself to try and comfort Cersei as she grieves her own loss of the Reader, he doesn’t have it in him. He doesn’t have anything left in him to give to anyone, especially not now. Any small ounce of humanity that Joanna!Lookalike’s mere existence and influence had on Tywin was completely washed away after their death. He was left only colder and more heartless than ever before, any warmth that had mustered up within him was void now and nothing could bring it back. The only one who could was gone now.
Jaime feels absolutely useless and weak after the Reader’s death. Whether he was in attendance or not depending on which version of the Purple Wedding you want to go with, Jaime would blame himself for not being there or for not being able to do anything in the moment. He honestly can’t bring himself to fathom the thought that Tyrion really did poison Joanna!Lookalike, he knows his little brother more than enough to know he loved and cared for the Reader as much as they all did. He can’t bring himself to even try and force any kind of blame on Tyrion even if he wanted to. No matter how much Cersei and Tywin try to force their own intense hatred and wrath towards Tyrion onto him, Jaime won’t go with it. He can and will only blame himself for what happened. The loss of the Reader has him deep in regret and reevaluating himself and his place in the world as a whole. He can’t help but regret not being more involved in the Reader’s life when they were growing up, it’s not like he wasn’t there for them but Cersei definitely kept them close to her side even when he was right there and wanting to be a part of his child’s life as more than just an “uncle”. Unlike Cersei, Jaime wouldn’t be able to bring himself to go into the Reader’s room after their death. The most he can bring himself to do is stand outside their bedchamber door and just stare, to anyone passing by it would most certainly look like his intense and unwavering stare would burn straight through the sturdy wood of the door. That’s just how lost and in his head he was. After the loss of Joanna!Lookalike, Jaime would stray further and further from Cersei’s clutches. He wants to do right by his late child, he wants to be someone they would really be proud of. Someone they could be proud to call their father or at the very least acknowledge as their father. Jaime would vow to protect and care for both Tommen and Myrcella in particular after losing the Reader. Not only to make up for not protecting and keeping the Reader safe from their fate but also knowing that the Reader would have wanted Tommen and Myrcella safe above all else. And Jaime would do just that. That was an oath he would keep.
Tyrion would be a mess after the loss of the Reader. Not only is he being accused of it and is the direct target of his father and sister’s immense ire, all he could do while his niece lay dying, clawing and tearing at their throat seeking some kind of relief from not being able to breath was to just watch. He couldn’t hold them himself, he couldn’t even go near them. Tyrion never even got the chance to say goodbye, instead being thrown and left to rot in a cell until his father and sister could pin this whole thing on him. He hoped and wanted to believe that the Reader knew he didn’t hurt them, that he wasn’t the cause of their death. He would never do that, especially not to them. He loved them more than anything else. They were always good to him, loving and sweet, even defending him from their own mother. Why would he do anything to them when they were always on his side? How could he do such a thing to someone, no, to the only one who was truly ever on his side? He would never. He could never. He didn’t. To say Tyrion would not be in the best head space would be an understatement, I mean can you blame him? For a good amount of time after the Reader’s death he’s locked up for being the one who killed them even though that couldn’t be further from the truth. And with all that time, Tyrion is left alone with just his thoughts and feelings. And he’s going through it. He’s hurting from the loss of his niece, he’s angry with the predicament his father and sister have thrown him into. Tyrion can’t help but hate his father and sister for not allowing him to grieve Joanna!Lookalike, he couldn’t even say his goodbyes or be there to send the Reader off for their funeral. Now the whole realm is blaming him for their beloved princess’ demise, he’s become far more hated and loathed than ever before and all because his father and sister are so consumed with their own already festered hate for him that they want him gone for good now. But in a way he can’t blame them too much, sure he hates them for what they’re doing to him now but he does feel guilt for the Reader’s death. He knows he didn’t do it but he can’t help but feel like he had some part in it. He should have done something, surely there was something he could have done to save Joanna!Lookalike or maybe even prevent the ordeal from taking place at all. He knows it’s pointless to dwell on it but he can’t help but to do just that. After all he’s got nothing but his thoughts to keep him company while he’s in his cell. Whether Oberyn still ends up being Tyrion’s champion would depend but either way Jaime would still end up freeing him anyway. By the time that happens though, Tyrion is far from who he use to be. He’s closed in on himself, there’s no more mirth in his eyes or playfulness/sarcasm dripping from his tongue, he’s cold and hollow. I’m 50/50 whether Tyrion would tell Jaime that he did indeed kill Joanna!Lookalike just to hurt his brother and especially Cersei later on when/if she gets word of it. And in a way Tyrion at this point might believe to some degree that he actually did kill Joanna!Lookalike, even though he of course didn’t but that’s how his guilt is eating at him. He would still go through with killing Shae and his father before he leaves King’s Landing for good though. After everything since the Reader’s death, Tyrion feels like a little bit of revenge is the least he deserves. He may not have actually taken Joanna!Lookalike away from his father and sister but he would take his father way from Cersei and Jaime. After all, he wanted to hurt them. Once Tyrion is out of King’s Landing and on the run, he doesn’t care who he hurts or uses. He doesn’t want to feel anything, he can’t really feel anything. He’s numb and he wants to stay that way but every so often he gets a sudden wave of guilt and remorse. Tyrion would drink even more excessively than usual, he would whore around even more than normal just to escape from everything. He doesn’t want to think about or feel anything anymore. He couldn’t careless whether he lived or died at this point.
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Are we aware - we as a fandom - that bastards aren’t actually “born from lust and lies… their nature… wanton and treacherous” ?
That they’re just people? Normal humans?
Because I don’t see people lining up to say that Jon Snow could never rule Winterfell or be King in the North, but there are a suspicious number of people complaining about the very idea that Rhaenyra and Laenor’s sons might take the throne - yes, Laenor, because even if they were not children of his blood they are his children by choice and that matters.
And I’ve seen the “gotcha” of “what about Cersei’s kids” and it just makes me think that people aren’t exercising logic and reading comprehension.
Joffrey being king has two problems. One, that Robert is king, not Cersei, and they aren’t Robert’s children. Two, that Joffrey is cruel and a bad king.
If Robert had brought home Gendry and said “this is my bastard and I want him to be king” and Cersei - apparently high as a kite or having a freaky friday - said “that’s fine with me I’ll raise him as my own” then I have no issues with Gendry being king.
Nor can anyone explain the issue.
Feudalism is a poor system of government and not one I’m interested in upholding, nor is anyone else. I don’t see anyone saying we need to hand the place back over to British monarchs or find the “rightful heir” of George Washington to be made king, after all.
And Robert is honoring the oath he made to his wife and her house by gaining her consent.
As long as Gendry is raised to be a good king there is no problem.
I also see no problem with Joffrey himself being king, except that he is a bad king and cruel to basically everyone.
Again, feudalism is a poor system of government, one I will not uphold at the cost of lives, and this marriage isn’t one Cersei is currently consenting to be in. Robert and Tywin chose this. Robert is abusing her and breaking his vows. I don’t expect her to uphold what he does not.
If it came down to a choice between a Joffrey who was a good king - say he got his own freaky friday with Ned Stark - Stannis, and Renly, then I would choose Joffrey every time.
I think we should all be able to agree that the best person for the position should be given the crown, not the one who’s bad at it but happens to be related to someone in power.
Rhaenyra, Laenor, and Corlys agree that Jacerys is Laenor’s son and the heir to the throne. Rhaenyra is not shaming her husband - nor will I blame Laenor - and any problem Corlys has with it is of his own making. He and Viserys forced their children to marry. They did not get a choice.
Jacerys also seems to be an honorable young man and capable leader. I think he’ll do well as king.
Rhaenyra is the heir Viserys chose, is supported by most of the lords of Westeros, and between her and her siblings we know, she’s the only one I’d let near the crown.
The only person I can find that has both the ability to be a good ruler and would be let anywhere near the throne in-universe is Rhaenys. And I would crown her over Rhaenyra if the choice was mine, but it is not.
There is no problem here, except the one that people specifically seeking to crown an unfit king are creating. The lords of Westeros support Rhaenyra. Even the maesters of Oldtown, in the shadow of the Hightower, admit that in their writings much later, when it would be easier to say differently.
The only people who don’t are those who directly benefit from Aegon being king. The Lannisters steal the treasury. The Baratheons get a betrothal to a prince. The Hightower gets their blood on the throne. What do they care if the realm suffers, so long as they gain power?
The Black supporters running around saying that Otto doesn’t deserve to be Hand because he’s a second son, or that marrying Alicent or Laenor was a mistake because they’re not Targaryen don’t get off free either.
Stop spouting blood purist nonsense, as if Aegon (II) isn’t vastly better than Aegon IV or Aerys II, whose parents were both Targaryens. As if Aemond, half-Hightower, isn’t deliberately written to echo Daemon, whose parents were again both Targaryens. As if Rhaenyra doesn’t commit her own crimes. As if two of the best Targaryens Kings weren’t sons of Dornish mothers.
This war is Viserys’ fault, Targaryen Viserys, for refusing to choose a side and fully support it. For being willfully blind to the very obvious animosity between his daughter and his wife, and for doing only superficial things to solve it.
This war is Jaehaerys’ fault, for denying the better claim and candidate for her gender. Or is Jaehaerys, son of a Velaryon, not Targaryen enough either?
The Dance of the Dragons was not written to be about who is right. In the end, I would not support Rhaenyra or Aegon’s actions. And I wouldn’t cite classist, blood purist bullshit for them, even if they were the best of people.
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raspberryfingers · 1 year
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 19)
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WARNING: Mentions of miscarriage
My grandmother was arriving from Highgarden today, much to both Margaery’s and my happiness. It had been a long few months without her, especially when I’d been gone in Dorne and Margaery had been the only Tyrell—minus my father—in King's Landing. 
I was waiting for her at the gates of the Red Keep, and watching her carriage come through the grand doors made me smile more than I had since winning at the tourney. 
The horses stopped, and I instantly approached, watching my grandmother step down and look around with a sigh. She’d never been fond of Kings Landing.
“Hello, dear,” she said as I took her hand and kissed it. 
“Grandmother. Welcome back,” I said, and she scoffed, linking our arms as we made our way toward the castle. Our slow pace was convenient, as my stitches had been taken out, but walking was a bit hard if I did it for too long. The maesters assured me that if I continued to take care, I’d be back to normal in about two weeks. 
That naturally excited me, because though Tywin and I had continued to… well, enjoy each other, it would be nice to do so without cautious restraint. 
“I’m not happy to be back. Dreadful city. Though, when I received that raven I knew I had to come,” she said, patting my hand gently as we went inside. 
“I wouldn’t have sent for you under any other circumstance. Margaery loves me, but she needs you here right now, as I’ve been a bit too busy helping Tyrion Lannister manage finances and plotting with the Lord Hand on how to handle Stannis Baratheon should he somehow manage to defeat Robb Stark,” I explained, and my grandmother nodded.
“Yes I’m aware, you’re quite involved. Margaery needs someone who knows her experience, anyways, and as far as I’m concerned, you don’t,” She said, raising an eyebrow at me. I shook my head.
“No, I certainly don’t. It’s happened to you before?”
“It happens to plenty of us, dear. It’s never discussed, but it occurs far too often. It causes far too much pain,” my grandmother said, lamenting what had apparently also happened to her. 
I felt my heart sink, and I had no clue what to say or do. All I could do was apologize.
“I’m sorry, grandmother.”
“It was all a long time ago. How has your sister been doing? Relatively, of course,” she asked quietly, not wanting anyone to hear us as we journeyed through all the damned stairs in the castle. 
“Slowly but surely she seems to be improving. Though, she hasn’t been eating as much these days, and I believe she’s been spending less time with the king. Cersei made a passing comment about it the other day, asking if she was alright because Tommen had not seen much of her lately. I explained that she had been sick and was recovering, though Cersei clearly did not buy it,” I informed her, watching her nod and sigh.
“Margaery’s going to need to start going outside again if she doesn’t want people to whisper. We’ll keep her away from more tedious things of course, but she needs to maintain her relationship with her husband or else things are going to go very wrong,” my grandmother insisted, quite animated with her free hand. 
“She’ll take it better from you.”
“Yes, I know.”
I looked around and sighed, a feeling of dread in my stomach. I felt so bad for Margaery that it often made me sick. 
“Oh, I nearly forgot. You’re a bloody fool for going to Dorne with Jaime Lannister,” she said suddenly, though I realized it was most likely because I was struggling with the stairs.
“It was fun, grandmother, and both Myrcella and Tyrstane are safe. Plus, they’re to marry at the end of this week,” I said, watching her roll her eyes. 
“Fun. You are utterly ridiculous, (Y/N). You love jumping into the wreck, don’t you?”
“It’s certainly my biggest flaw, grandmother.”
“The two children are quite eager, aren’t they? You’ve only been back for two weeks now,” she noticed, to which I nodded and laughed. 
“Yes, they certainly are eager. They are both good people, though. Cersei gave me a genuine thank you when I brought her daughter home,” I said, making her laugh.
“That would've been a sight! She detests the whole pack of us, only the gods know why. Perhaps she doesn’t like the thought of her mother being replaced,” my grandmother guessed, laughing even more as she whispered the last bit to me. 
“Oh please, grandmother, for the last time, I’m not-“
“Enough, (Y/N). Lord Tywin already told me the two of you kissed. I suspect you’ve done much more than that since then,” she scoffed, waving her hand at me in annoyance. 
I remembered then, that Tywin had said she’d made him promise to marry me after bedding me. I thought perhaps she’d done it as part of her assumptions about us, not based on actual evidence. Though, I was not entirely surprised. Nor was I upset, somehow. If Tywin had truly wanted to keep it secret from everyone, he wouldn’t have told my grandmother a thing. 
Perhaps he didn’t mind telling people because he thought… there might be something more to our relationship?
“We have not done more since then. And either way, I’m certainly not replacing Lady Joanna. Tywin has a special place in his heart for her,” I said, shaking my head.
“Try telling Cersei that.”
I sighed, knowing my grandmother was right. I hoped that someday Cersei would come to tolerate me, but I found the chances of that oddly slim. Then again, it seemed anything was possible now that I was in love with the man I’d hated for a lifetime.
Olenna and Margaery were sitting together, and though Margaery felt bad for making her grandmother come to King's Landing, she knew it was what she needed. 
“I know it’s hard, my dear, and I’m so sorry. You’re still young though, and it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to have children,” Olenna assured her, taking her granddaughter's hand from across the table. Margaery nodded and looked down, pressing her lips together.
“I just- I wonder if it was something I did. Or rather, something I didn’t do. I wonder if it was my fault,” She whispered, making her grandmother shake her head. 
“No, my dear, it wasn’t any of that. Children die in the womb all the time, only the gods know why. I’ve gone through it too, and look where I am now. I have three wonderful grandchildren to make up for my disappointing son,” she said, making Margaery laugh for the first time since she had miscarried. 
“What was it… what was it like, for you?” Margaery questioned, fidgeting with her hands.
“It wasn’t easy. I was a bit farther along than you, and your grandfather already knew I was pregnant. He was thankfully supportive, but it took me a long time to move on. You don’t have that luxury, my dear,” Olenna said, making Margaery look down once more and furrow her eyebrows with a distinct sadness. 
“I don’t want Tommen to know. He’ll let it slip to Cersei and Tywin without even realizing the implications,” Margaery said softly, knowing that this was something she’d had to suffer through alone. A pain she would always have to keep a secret. 
“Which means you’re going to have to resume public life much faster than you’d like to. You don’t have to be ambitious just yet, but perhaps you ought to stay with the king in his bed tonight, and walk with him in the gardens tomorrow,” Olenna suggested, knowing that if Margaery remained secluded for too long rumors would inevitably spread and her relationship with Tommen might be affected.
“What if he wants to… to…”
“Let him down gently. Tommen’s a sweet boy, if you tell him you just want to hold him, he’ll comply. He probably won’t think anything of it,” Olenna said, to which Margaery nodded. 
“As for Cersei and Tywin, don’t worry yourself. So long as Tommen doesn’t know, Cersei won’t. Even if Tywin knew, he wouldn’t dare do anything, your sister would take his head,” she continued, to which Margaery smiled a bit. 
“I feel bad for (Y/N). I’m worrying her, I know I am,” she said softly, making Olenna scoff and shake her head.
“Don’t even think about (Y/N), her feelings in this don’t matter. What matters now is you, my dear,” she assured her granddaughter, hand to her cheek. Margaery simply nodded, which Olenna took a sign to move on from the topic. The last thing she wanted to do was make the trauma and pain worse by discussing it too much. 
“Now, tell me what I’ve missed, dear girl.”
“Kings Landing has been quite boring, I’m afraid. Besides a small uprising of religious fanatics, which were crushed quite promptly, nothing has caused any problems,” Margaery informed with a shrug. Olenna nodded.
“And what of your sister? Anything new?”
“Well, (Y/N) was the champion in the tourney, and she went to Dorne just before the wedding, though you already know both of those things,” Margaery said with a soft laugh.
“Believe me, when I learned of it, I was in the right mind to send down our best guards and retrieve her from King's Landing. Even more so when I heard that she’d accompanied Jaime Lannister to Dorne. Your sister is a complete idiot. It’s good to know I at least have one smart grandchild,” Olenna complained, a distinct aggravation in her voice. Meanwhile, Margaery found she could not stop laughing. She was extremely grateful you’d send for Olenna. 
“I’m certain Tywin Lannister would’ve thanked you for doing it. I wish you’d been there, grandmother. He kept yelling for the match to stop while (Y/N) was fighting, and he was shaking. I would’ve sworn I saw a tear slide down his cheek when she was being choked. I’ve never seen a man look more terrified in my life,” she said softly, as if worried someone might hear what she was saying. Olenna nodded and sipped her wine, swallowing as she processed everything.
“Do you think he’s bedded her yet?”
“It’s hard to say, but if I could place my bets I would say yes. The day (Y/N) left for Dorne, Ser Elias came up to me and asked if I knew where she was, to which I responded ‘no, should I?’” She began, pausing for dramatic effect, “apparently she’d told him that she was spending the night in my chambers. I covered for her of course, but it was rather odd, and when I saw her later that day she looked unusually happy.”
Olenna merely nodded, and Margaery thought it was rather odd. She would’ve expected her grandmother to laugh. She did not know, of course, that a promise had been broken. Well, the Queen of Thorns would not let that stand.
Tywin Lannister was making his way up the tower of the hand, returning from the King's chambers, where he had informed Tommen that he planned to lead 500 men to Winterfell to destroy Stannis. He expected to leave in a little over a week, though he knew you would not be happy with it and would most likely demand to come along. When he’d agreed to send 500 men, you expected he would send another to lead for him, such as Kevan. But, in all honesty, he missed battle just as much as you did. More than anything, he just wanted to leave King's Landing for a month or so.
Admittedly, he didn’t want to leave you. Dorne had been miserable for him, but he tried to rationalize how much he missed you by telling himself it was merely because he was worried about your safety. 
While you’d been gone though, he had truthfully realized something else. It had been eating at him since you’d returned. 
“Lord Hand, Lady Tyrell is here to see you.”
Tywin had reached his chambers, and was surprised when the guards said that. Had you really climbed all the stairs? He knew you were mostly healed, but it seemed a bit strenuous all the same.
Opening the door and going inside, he looked around and did not see you. Were you in his bedroom? 
He ventured to find out, licking his lips somewhat anxiously at the thought of you waiting for him in bed. 
However, as he pushed open the door, he found your grandmother sitting at the small table in his room. There was a distinct shock in his eyes, and it gave Olenna great satisfaction.
“Lord Tywin, how lovely to see you. I have a feeling the sentiment is not shared, though. You were expecting my granddaughter, I would guess,” she said, rising from her seat and clasping her hands together.
“I did not realize you arrived today, Lady Olenna,” he said sharply, standing straighter and making sure that the initial shock on his face was nowhere to be seen. 
“Either way, the guards did tell you Lady Tyrell was waiting for you inside, and your first instinct was to come to the bedroom,” she noted, to which he scoffed and looked away from her. He would not tolerate this. 
“And that is relevant, why?” 
Olenna merely laughed, sitting back down and pouring herself some wine. 
“You’ve broken your promise, Tywin,” she noted, looking over at him smugly. He raised an eyebrow, sitting down across from her.
“I have done no such thing.”
“Then would you care to explain why my granddaughter has dresses in your closet?” She interrogated, making Tywin suck in his cheeks for just a moment. He was backed into a corner now, was it better to admit it or continue to resist? 
“I don’t blame you, Tywin. My granddaughter is quite beautiful, and I was aware that your restraint would tire eventually. I’d only like you to be honest with me so that I might be honest with you,” she said, watching Tywin pour himself some wine and take a rather large sip. 
“I would like you to know that (Y/N) presented herself to me, and that I attempted to protest. I had every intention to maintain my promise,” he told her after a moment, watching as she began to laugh.
“Oh, she’s just like me, that girl. And, it’s quite a thing isn’t it? You attempted. Come now, Tywin, we both know that’s certainly not the same as maintaining it. You wanted my granddaughter, just as she wanted you.”
Tywin involuntarily fidgeted with the ring on his finger. The one you had given him.
“I’ll be honest, yes I did. And I don’t regret it,” he said sharply, trying to maintain his confidence before your grandmother. 
“I’m glad, because now it’s time you actually uphold that promise. You recall just as well as I do what you vowed to do once you began to bed her,” Olenna remarked, watching the Old Lion look down into his lap.
“I need more time.”
“Perhaps you should’ve considered that before you decided to bed my granddaughter. I’m going to be frank with you, Tywin. My son intends to accept another marriage proposal for (Y/N) by the end of this week, and to have another one of her suitors end up dead will not look coincidental. If you have any intention of ever marrying my granddaughter, you ought to ask her now,” Olenna explained, watching fire ignite in Tywin’s eyes at the mention of another man marrying you. 
“I still have time. Even if the proposal is accepted, I have until the wedding planning begins. Your son might be an idiot, but he’s not so stupid he won’t understand that marrying his daughter to me makes infinitely more sense than some boy from a liege house,” Tywin reasoned.
“Of course, but then it will create conflict. Whichever damn lord my son intends to give her to will naturally be upset that the engagement was called off, and perhaps even more upset at House Lannister. Should that liege house decide to try and do something to spite you, you would feel compelled to do what you’ve always done and destroy them. Now, when that happens, there’s a unique dilemma for House Tyrell. Not only would we be failing to protect a liege house, but we’d be marrying our eldest child to the person that committed the assault. You need to propose now, Tywin, that’s all there is to it,” Olenna said sharply, making sure that Tywin completely understood the repercussions of him deciding to wait. The lion would keep his promise or watch the woman he loved be married off, there was no debate or compromise. 
Tywin sat there in silence, knowing your grandmother was right. It did have to be now, lest he hold his silence forever and be forced to see you married to some pathetic boy and swell with his children. 
It was time now, and Tywin knew it just as well as your grandmother did. And the truth of it was, he did want to marry you. He wanted to claim you as his wife and spend the rest of his years with you, even if they should be only a few. But there was an underlying fear in him, especially as he recalled what you’d said the night the two of you had laid together for the first time.
You weren’t ready to marry him either.
He doubted that in the last two months or so that had changed, and it made him beyond anxious. 
“What are you thinking, Tywin? Men like you don’t usually stay quiet for very long,” Olenna said, interrupting his thoughts. 
“I’ve already procured a ring for your granddaughter. I’ve been intending to give it to her since she returned from Dorne,” he replied after a moment, watching Olenna’s eyebrows raise with surprise. She certainly had not expected that of him.
“A ring?”
“She gave me this one as a testament of our good relationship. I���d like to give her one of her own as a testament to my devotion to her. As a testament of my- my love,” he explained while showing her the ring you had given him so long ago. Your grandmother smiled at him.
“How romantic of you, Tywin. I would not have expected it.”
“I am worried she won’t accept it,” he said, ignoring the previous comment made and pouring himself more wine.
“You’re worried she won’t accept your marriage proposal? Don’t be ridiculous, Lord Tywin,” she remarked with a scoff, believing the man to be exaggerating or unnecessarily nervous.
“Before she left for Dorne was the first time I took her into my bed. Before I did, I told her that you had requested that I did not bed her without requesting her hand shortly afterwards. In response, she said that she understood I was not ready to marry her, just as she was not ready to marry me. If her sentiments have changed in the last month or so, then I am unaware,” he explained, watching her nod.
“Let me ask you something then. Before that night, did you already want to marry her?”
“No. I felt our relationship was too young.”
“And since then your sentiments have changed?”
Tywin paused, nodding and looking away from Olenna’s satisfied smirk.
“Then naturally, Tywin, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that my granddaughter's sentiments are still what they were.”
“Even so, I don’t want to pressure her. She’s always expressed a desire to live her life the way she wants to, and I’m not going to take that from her.”
“She doesn’t have a choice, Tywin. It’s you or a liege lord. My son is clearly relentless, and I’ve already been trying to slow him down. She’s not getting any younger, and she does need to marry and have children,” Olenna said, despite wishing you didn’t need to. She’d enjoyed watching you grow into yourself, and had always dreaded the day you got married. Somehow, though, she felt you would thrive with Tywin Lannister for a husband. 
“Even if she marries me, it’s important to consider that she-“
“She detests the idea of children, I’m aware. Perhaps it’s a good thing given that you’re so much older than she is,” she noted after a moment, leaving the bait out. Tywin had no clue it was a test.
“It’s not the idea of children that she detests, it’s losing her freedoms with it. She’s excellent with her younger siblings, and I have no doubt in my mind she would make an excellent mother. However, (Y/N) would kill herself if that’s all she was ever permitted to be,” he corrected, watching as a smile appeared on your grandmother's face. It reassured her, in a sense. It made her feel that perhaps Tywin truly did understand you, and it was not a lustful fling. 
“And so, I will come to my next point. Something I have meant to speak with either you or your son about before asking (Y/N)’s hand in marriage. Something I am going to demand,” he began, standing up to assert a certain level of confidence and dominance in the conversation. Olenna remained unphased. 
“You’re not in much of a position to make demands, Lord Tywin. Either you marry my granddaughter or somebody else will,” she said, raising both eyebrows at him to demonstrate just how genuine her statement was. 
“Tell me, Lady Olenna, if your son found out I was not only willing, but actually quite eager to marry your granddaughter, what do you imagine he would say?” Tywin questioned, already knowing exactly what the response would be, of course. 
“He would most likely jump up and down while clapping his hands together, the pathetic fool,” she mumbled, remembering just how excited Mace had been upon hearing Margaery would marry Joffrey. 
“Precisely. Your son is more eager to marry (Y/N) to me than (Y/N) is to be married to me. Therefore, I am in the position to be making demands. Demands that he is not going to like, mind you, but demands that he will fulfill in order to marry his daughter to me,” Tywin asserted, making Olenna’s face twist with distinct annoyance. Gods, Tywin Lannister really was an insufferable cunt, wasn’t he? She had not a clue as to what you liked about him. 
“You love and desire my granddaughter far too much to ever give her up, Tywin. Let’s not pretend that I’m a blasted fool.”
“Correct. I have every intention to take her as my wife, but your son doesn’t know that, and I would threaten to reject her should he not give in. Don’t look so annoyed, you’ll like this demand.”
“But my son won’t?”
“Very well, what is it?”
“I will marry (Y/N) on one condition: she must remain head of the Tyrell army until she can no longer hold a sword. That is my demand,” Tywin said sharply, watching Olenna’s eyes widen.
“My son is not going to give into that demand easily.”
“Nevertheless, he will if he wants to see his eldest daughter married to the richest man in Westeros,” Tywin assured her, knowing the kind of man your father was. He would complain, and then he would do as he was bid. 
“What if he does not? The one thing he’s quite unrelenting in is making Loras the new head once (Y/N) has been wed,” Olenna questioned, knowing just how strongly your father felt about the subject. 
“He will.”
“Yes, you’re right. But hypothetically, what if he does not? Would you truly sacrifice marriage to my granddaughter over it?” She asked, genuinely curious now. Tywin did seem quite confident in the fact that Mace would accept his request. 
“No, of course not. I would give (Y/N) anything on earth that she desires, and if she desires to be my wife, then she will be. It’s exactly why I am making this demand. She desires to fight, she desires to lead. So she will,” he said simply, knowing that any other man might’ve been blind to your misery as merely a wife and mother. But no, Tywin would not see you unhappy, even despite his concerns. He would rather watch the garden be overgrown than see it barren after he had cut everything back. 
Olenna merely nodded at the man, rising from her chair with a distinct satisfaction. It was odd for Olenna to consider that Tywin Lannister, the coldest, most brutal man in all seven kingdoms seemed entirely enslaved to your wishes. 
Just as he had been a good husband to Joanna, your grandmother was confident he would be good to you. Somehow, she got the strange feeling that deep down, Tywin Lannister was a romantic. She likened him to something such as ember, once soft and hardened after all these years. 
Of course, he’d been rather harsh even as a boy, but it seemed those who managed to find a way into Tywin Lannister’s heart would have his utmost loyalty and devotion. So long as they did not do something that might remove that sentiment, anyways. 
He was a small, sturdy fortress. Fiercely protecting the few that could fit within his walls, and easily repelling those that did not. 
Yes, you would do well with Tywin Lannister for a husband, your grandmother had not a single doubt about it. And even more than that, you would be happy. 
Olenna wanted to laugh at the thought. Two years ago, even she would not have been able to conjure up the thought of you marrying Tywin Lannister, for love especially. Yet, even now, at 28 years old, you continued to surprise your grandmother. She supposed you always would. 
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Red Wolf Queen
Sansa goes to push Joffrey, and this time, in this world, the Hound doesn’t stop her and Joffrey screams delightfully on the way down.
She expects to die now. To be cut down, instead the Hound whirls and guts his fellow Kings Guard as they charge. 
The men are strong, but they are not The Hound and he’s quick enough that it is over and done before anyone else is the wiser.
“What now, Little Bird?” he asks, and Sansa realizes something. She has a champion. Sandor will do as she commands. She should command that he sneak her out of the castle. That he return her to her family. But...she glances again at her father’s head, at poor Septa Mordanne who died to protect her. No.
“To the throne room.” She commands and while he defends her path, she is leading, head held high. The lions think they can cage her, her, a Stark of Winterfell! Robb is undoubtedly already on the march and by the Old Gods of the North, her home... She will have this city ready to welcome him.
Somehow, deciding to fight, and having even one supporter drives her on, happily the first person she’s sies is Lord Varys, excellent. 
Varys isn’t happy, as Lord Eddard Stark was supposed to be sent off to the Wall, rescued by his son, and hopefully either close off the North or maybe return to take King Landing in the name of his friend Robert, possibly joining with Stannis, who while stodgy would probably make a decent enough king. 
The Joffrey turned out to be madder than even he or Cersei herself realized. 
With this in mind when Sansa Stark comes stalking towards the throne room, The Hound at her side and fury in her eyes, he waits to see how this will go.
“Lord Varys” (her voice has never been so strong) “I have executed (the hound snorts) the false king Joffrey Baratheon in the memory of my father Lord Eddard Stark, and in justice for the late King Robert Baratheon. It is my intention now to proceed to also hold the Queen Mother, Cersei Lannister, accountable for the untimely death of the King. Pray, will you be my aide in the name of justice and the realm.”
Varys is confounded. Of course, of course a mind and spirit like that, would be hiding away inside sweet and gentle little Sansa Stark.  She means to do it and he bows his head and follows her. He’s uncertain how one girl-child, and her apparently now loyal dog intend to do this but if she can, well, he doesn’t mind supporting her. 
 What follows is very hard to explain, but is comes about as Sansa Stark walking into the throne room, escorted by the hound and himself (he realizes his presence means the remainder of the king’s guard aren’t properly wary and no noble thinks to waylay her...
So she marches straight to the Iron Throne, climbs the stairs to the sudden gasps and seats herself upon it as though she does so everyday.
“I, Sansa Stark of House Stark, in the name of my father, Lord Eddard Stark and in the name of King Robert Baratheon have dispatched the bastard Joffrey Waters and do hereby submit to the Lords and Ladies of the court, do you truly wish more Lannister bastards upon the Throne? Do you wish Cersei to pull the strings even now? For Lord Tywin to come and have the Mountain run rabid in your lands? Will you bow to House Lannister? House Baratheon was who had rights to the throne. Stand now, as loyal vassals to the rightful king, Stannis Baratheon, do not let my father have died in vain, nor let the Lannister’s continue to rule from the shadows.”
“You men of the Kingsguard? Shall you strike me further? (Ser Areys Oakheart looked at the ground) Your former leader, Ser Barristen Selmy was dishonored and exiled all for the fact that he might have learned the truth, or that he might again ignore the death of a mad king.”
Somehow, her commanding presence, the fact that she was already on the damn throne, the fierceness of the hound, and the fact that the members of the king’s guard who had been both loyal to Ser Barristen and equally wished to serve with honor, walked forward and knelt at the Throne. Many of the nobles, who would rather not actually have the Lannister’s, bastards or no, in power and pulled forward. This is not backroom dealing; this is not someone already at the executioner’s block this is someone on the Throne. They bow. 
Cersei tries to fight, when she arrives, drug in by Sansa’s now loyal guards, but when Sansa points out that she has Tommen and Myrcella, and if Cersei capitulates, she need only mourn one child.
 - - - 
The second letter Robb would receive from Sansa was much different that her Cersei dictated one, again in her own hand but also her own voice. Robb grins and sets about destroying the Lannisters with renewed vigor. 
The Tyrells sense the winds change and Olenna curses her useless family (mostly Loras) for following Renly.... Oh well, time to make back up plans.
Stannis receives the Stark Girls raven in both shock, and a small measure of happiness. She was sitting as “Regent in Place of the late hand of the king, my Father.”
It was absurd, yet it was by all reports, true. 
It would be nice if all went well, But Renly is determined to be King, and Stannis still kills him if with a shadow monster wrought of Melisandre. 
Brienne is bereft with grief and she and Loras form an unlikely alliance and seek revenge for their beloved.  Stannis does not survive. Queen Selyse goes a bit mad or her husbands loss and attacks Melisandre for failing to see it coming. The pair struggle and Melisandre kills Selyse but does not have the attention for Davos who runs her through from behind.
Shireen truly has no wish to be Queen. In her one act as heir to the throne, she surrenders it by ‘right of conquest” to Sansa Stark. Sansa writes back agreement and her sympathies for her loss, and names her Lady Shireen Baratheon of the Storm Lands. Shireen accepts and she names Davos her regent.
With stern letters from Sansa, who is currently ruling Kings Landing, Robb manages to not muck things up and does not turn to Jeyne Westerling in a moment of idiocy. He is able to keep his word to marry Roslin Frey. So his wedding is a success, and no one dies. Well, except Walder Frey who chokes to death on some unexpectedly tough mutton. No one seems unhappy by this. 
Catelyn does not release Jamie Lannister, as Sansa is safe. Instead she has sent a few people from House Reed to seek out Arya, who is found fairly unhurt and with an unfortunate retinue of street urchins she refuses to be parted with. 
The people of King’s Landing feel pulled all over the place, but at the very least, Sansa Stark seems to a.) know they exist and b.) seems intent on ensuring they have food and even improving their lot. 
It doesn’t hurt that she is sweet and kind and doesn’t seem to be angry about the cheering her fathers death bit....
Robb is very, very pleased the day he is able to march to kings landing to present Tywin Lannister’s head to Sansa. She smiles, looking regal on the throne, a crown atop her head. (Shireen “surrendered” the throne to Sansa specifically, thus Sansa is the actual Queen, though of Six Kingdoms, not Seven as she agrees to let the north become it’s own kingdom.
Varys is pleased, if terribly confused by all this. Nothing went quite to plan, but he’s grateful as from the reports of Daenerys had not left him feeling optimistic about her not being her father come again. 
Barristen Selmy ended up not heading to Essos, instead returning in hopes of being given his old post back and is accepted gently and warmly by the (at the time regent).
Sansa knows she must have heirs and at least for awhile, Rickon stands as such. But she knows she must wed, if only to stop the bickering and (the endless courting) who’d have thought she’d get tired of that? Turns out when one has six kingdoms to run, some things become less appealing. 
She does offend her mother, first by pardoning Tyrion Lannister and permitting his to return as Lord Protector to Casterly Rock, after his fathers death, Tommen and Myrcella in tow. (They mourn their mother and are confused as to whether they are even allowed to mourn Robert Baratheon, who had always to them been their father....) They do not hate or blame Sansa though...
Jaime is sent to the wall, to live there in service for the rest of his life. 
It is Prince Oberyn Martel whom Sansa find herself agreeing to marry. The man had only wished for Ellia’s killers to be brought to justice, he himself joins the Hound and they hunt down the Mountain themselves by order of Queen Sansa. 
Oberyn has no wish for a throne, nor any notion that he might be superior to Sansa just because she’s a woman. He vows to lead her armies, to strike her foes down and do his best to supply her with as many daughters as she wishes. (All he has are daughters, so he is not too certain about his ability to give her sons).  
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
I read your post about Tyrion's trial and Tywin's second wife's reaction towards it. I really enjoyed reading the part about Tyrion's feelings towards Tywin's second wife and her children and I was wondering if you could do a separate post including Cersei and Jaime and their thoughts and feelings on the second wife and the children she has with Tywin? If you wanted you could also include Tyrion again if you have anything you want to expand on about his feelings.
me whenever yall ask me for my long-winded opinions
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so!! no surprise I have many thoughts on this dynamic and I rlly wanted to explore it in that fic, or some other one, but agh I was having hard time putting it together. So Im glad I can just dump my thoughts here. Let’s do Jaime first because Cersei’s opinions are exactly what you’d expect lol.
Initially, Jaime just goes with what people want of him. Doing it for love, and all that. He gave up being the heir to Casterly Rock because his sister - his love - asked it of him. He believed that was worth it. And by the time he’s an adult, when he’s well into the Kingsguard, after his roadtrip from hell and opening his eyes to what his sister truly is ... He still doesn’t want it. 
Jaime was raised to be the Perfect Heir. The Lannister Son, Tywin Lannister’s oldest. Handsome, excellent with the sword, amiable, a powerful family. Still... it wasn’t what he truly wanted. Jaime said it himself; he’s only truly alive when he’s “holding a sword or making love”. And let’s be real, he’s pretty aloof to things that aren’t immediately important to him. By the time the second wife comes on the scene, he’s the Kingslayer, he’s a Kingsguard, and he’s sleeping with his sister. As far as he’s concerned, she’s not his business.
However, he’s very curious about his father remarrying in the first place. The news is everywhere in the Red Keep. Tywin Lannister remarrying - presumably for an heir, because why else - and that means ... Jaime immediately thinks of Tyrion when he hears the news. He thinks of how hurt his brother must feel, how angry. Jaime spends several days in a dark mood, wondering what things would have been like if... maybe if Tyrion had been born differently. Maybe if their mother lived. But he realizes that’s pointless thinking.
He doesn’t attend the wedding, because Cersei refuses to. It’s a mild scandal, the Queen not attending her father’s second marriage, but Robert doesn’t go either and the drama is blown over through Tywin’s sheer force of intimidation + I HC that "second wives" and any wife after that aren't treated the best, especially after the husband has already had grown children. Jaime doesn’t see her for a long while. It’s when she comes to the Red Keep, when he and Cersei are forced to meet her. And...
He’s not sure what he expected. Jaime is underwhelmed. She’s pretty, naturally. That was expected. She’s dressed in Lannister colors, she’s amiable and charms most people she meets. She’s clearly intelligent. She’s so ... so good. And she isn't afraid of his father. It’s strange, Jaime thinks. What a strange choice his father made, but he doesn’t want to think of it. He doesn’t want to care, but Cersei does, and he anticipates she’ll only become more irate.
I feel like Jaime purposefully makes distance between himself and his stepmother for many reasons - His own tendency to keep others away because he assumes they’re assuming the worst of him, Cersei’s hatred of the woman, guilt toward Tyrion, apprehension to his father’s intentions, and so on. There’s something almost disturbing about the way his father listens to her, especially later in their relationship - the way he takes her counsel, sits close to her, touches her hand in front of everyone, and so on. Jaime doesn’t remember much of his mother; he knew his father loved her, but... seeing his cold, ruthless father being so careful and considerate is just unsettling. He doesn’t want to linger for too long. 
The second wife would no doubt try to speak to him, try to be friendly. It’s difficult. Jaime feels like something is off with her.
When she shows what she’s capable of, when he sees that iron hand under the silk glove, it clicks into place. That’s why his father chose her. 
I think she and Jaime wouldn’t truly connect until well after he’s lost his hand, when he’s still somewhat doing Cersei’s bidding, when he and his sister against his stepmother, Ser Kevan and his half-brother. Jaime can’t even call the boy that, or any other children the second wife might have. When he looks into them, he sees his father, but also his step-mother. 
He thinks the boy will make a good Lord of Casterly Rock. Like Tyrion, he hopes the boy will have more of his mother than this father, but he doesn’t get his hopes up.
Time for Cersei. Oh, Cersei.
It’s easy to write that she’s jealous and angry, because, yes. Duh. But it’s a lot deeper than that. Like her brothers, she’s suffered under Tywin’s “parenting”. And unlike her brothers, she remembers her mother. She’s been through trauma guys, especially in the books where you can clearly read her thoughts, memories and delusions. Joffrey got that cruelty from somewhere. Cersei got it from somewhere.
When she hears the news, she nearly cuts the tongue of the messenger. Her father, remarrying? To who? What woman could possibly measure up to her mother, who they said was just as capable as her father, if not moreso? She’s disgusted by it. She blames Jaime, even though she’s the one who convinced him to take the white cloak. She curses Tyrion, as if he could have stopped it by being “better”. And most of all, she curses her father, for not considering her as the rightful heir. Because this is the only reason this marriage is taking place - Casterly Rock needs a “proper” heir.
She’s right about that, of course. That was Tywin’s reason for remarrying. The first time she meets her “stepmother” (oh gods does she refuse to use that word) it’s months after the wedding. Maybe almost a year. Honestly, Tywin doesn’t care about her absence; it makes things easier. By then the second wife might even be pregnant, though not visibly so, and that’s a minefield in and of itself.
Cersei hates the second wife immediately. There’s no way that wouldn’t happen. Everything about her is a fault, no matter what she does. It wouldn’t matter if she was the only daughter of the wealthiest or oldest house in Westeros, it wouldn’t matter if she was a Targaryen with a dragon. When speaking to Jaime and Tyrion, Cersei uses “that whore” to refer to the second wife.
Listen, Cersei has a lot of internal misogyny. I mean, Westerosi culture just does that. What makes it worse is the genuine hurt of her father “moving on”. The fact her brothers don’t seem to remember as much of Joanna as she does. Then there’s the jealousy - she should be the one her father is consulting with. Is she not just as cunning as a man, just as ruthless, as capable of getting done what needs to be done? Is her husband not a useless oaf who couldn’t politic his way out of anything, besides maybe a brothel?
 Cersei is convinced her father looks down on her because she’s a woman. Tywin doesn’t take her seriously because she’s rash, temperamental, prideful, cruel... ... ... I wonder how she ended up that way 🙄
Her anger, jealousy and hurt only worsens when the stepmother gives birth to a son. Oh, it would have been so good for the bitch to die in childbed, to give birth to a daughter - better, an ugly, deformed daughter that would kill her on the way out. No, it just had to be a healthy son. It’s a son she watches her father hold - even if it’s briefly - when he still refused to hold Joffrey. A son her father looks at approvingly, a son who will soon learn swords and politics so he can take what’s her’s.
It makes her physically sick.
It’s no secret to Jaime and Tyrion that she wants the boy dead. The second wife doesn’t trust her worth a damn, but she doesn’t voice her concerns to Tywin. He doesn’t think Cersei is stupid or rash enough to do such a thing. And in a way, he’s almost right - one evening when she’s visiting Casterly Rock, she angrily storms into his office, telling him he’s ruining the family. The boy is too young, he’s probably not even a Lannister, he must be a bastard - even Tyrion would be better -
Tywin gives her such a fearsome response, she feels herself turning small and powerless in an instant. She leaves his office, fighting her tears, feeling like a helpless girl again. She hates it. It takes all of her willpower not to go to the boy’s room and smother him right there. If her stepmother crossed her path then, Cersei truly believes she’d do something drastic.
It’s difficult for Cersei to think of the second wife with any objective thought. Doubly so for the son, who she can’t even call brother without acid coming up in her throat. In her greatest delusions, she dreams of killing the boy and taking the Rock from him. It isn't his birthright, it's her's, she's the oldest... Westerosi inheritance laws be damned.
I’ve discussed Tyrion’s feelings in that previous ask and in this fic. Gods, it would be such a whirlwind of emotions for the poor guy - his self-destruction and bitterness might be accelerated, but there might be something freeing in his father just outright finally disowning him and moving on. ... ....  Yeah, nevermind. It just turns to more hatred. He and his stepmother have a really ... complex relationship where they both know what makes it difficult and unfair, they both know Tywin is the cause of this hurt, yet they continue to be good to each other. Sometimes it hurts Tyrion to be that way, so he has to distance himself from her for a while.
It’s the same way when he deals with his half-brother. Tyrion isn’t sure if his younger brother’s affection and admiration makes him want to smile or cry.
I imagine the son as intelligent, capable, a good swordsman in spite of his young age and well on his way to becoming a knight. I feel he’s more observant of adults than people think, he’s more on the quiet side, he has those eyes that are so eerily similar to Tywin’s, and that same nose. I think by a certain age, he’s very, very aware of what his half-siblings think of him. And as he gets older, he becomes increasingly aware of what sort of man his father is. 
I think he really, really misses Tyrion. Missing his father, after how Tywin died, well ... it’s complicated. At least he has his mother and Uncle Kevan, and maybe Jaime. 
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melrosing · 2 years
Wanted to know your views on something....
What was Cersei's true intention when she influenced/seduced Jaime into joining Kingsguard?
At that time Cersei was Hand's daughter and basically nowhere near becoming the queen or even a part of Targs family. I mean eventually, Tywin would have made a powerful match for her forcing her to leave Kings Landing.... separation of the twins was guaranteed at that point in time.
A part of me believes she did this to keep her hold on Casterly Rock. With Jaime out of the way and Tywin's deep hatred towards Tyrion, Cersei and her children had a good chance of inheriting the rock...
Is Cersei that clever? It was underplayed in the books but Jaime joining Kingsguard was such a blow to House Lannister that Tywin resigned. Or is it just plain possessiveness?
What do you think?
Hey! On this... honestly I think her reasons were pretty uncomplicated. She just wanted to ensure that Jaime wouldn't marry anyone else. Realistically Casterly Rock was never going to be hers - it would've gone to Tyrion next (and even then, only once Tywin had died), and I think Cersei's always wanted a crown over the Rock anyway, so I don't think Jaime's inheritance comes into it so much as just her possessive feelings over him.
Obviously it's a stupid plan on both their parts lol, because it relied on Cersei remaining in King's Landing, which at that point she just took for granted. I think we know from Jaime's chapters that Tywin was waiting for Elia to die so he could marry Cersei to Rhaegar - and if Jaime knew this plan then Cersei certainly did, so I think that was what she was anticipating would keep her in the capital. That said, I don't think she'd have minded shrugging Jaime off once married to Rhaegar, so it really is a pretty one-sided deal: she just wants him there for her own personal reassurance.
Anyway yeah, I think the priority was just making a claim on Jaime, so that he couldn't be married off and move on without her. Maaaybe some part of her also didn't want to see him inherit what she couldn't, I could believe that of Cers, but with what info we have I think it's just sheer possessiveness.
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