#borg children
thresholdbb · 2 months
Mezoti's such a little weirdo I love her
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Janeway: What's your science project?
Mezoti: Radioactive ants 👍
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ruthbaderjaneway · 6 months
For @25daysofvoyager Day 11 (late)
@elephant-in-the-pride-parade @gijane-7702
1 of 2 for Christmas
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Seven adopts the Borg drone from the episode "Collective." She asks Samantha Wildman for parenting advice and attends Naomi's Christmas party.
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Read Chapter One on AO3. More chapters coming soon!
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ninjago analysis? theory? fuck it im talking about a 10+ years old childrens lego franchise
so obviously one of ninjago's main themes aside from found family and reformation/growth is protection, right? the main job of the bounty's crew is to protect ninjago, be it from petty criminals to timeline-altering threats, and the ninjas will always be there to protect their home and the people who live in it
and each ninja has their own motivations to continue protecting ninjago, right? zane has his main directive, nya and kai are defending their home and found family, cole is living up to his mother's legacy, etc. and each of their motivations (as well as their backstories) inform the style of protection/defense they chose to embody, which led me to make:
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this. the Active to Passive, Protective to Defensive alignment chart. very basically, active = without prompt, passive = with prompting, defensive = coming from a place of self-centeredness and protective = coming from a place of selflessness. i know it looks bare bones and some choices seem questionable, so please allow me to explain each of my choices;
cole's style of protection is what led me thru this rabbit hole, when i heard his motivational mantra in his dedicated half-season 13;
"I will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust."
this is what puts him in the active quadrant, along with his previously shown tendencies towards responsibility, stubbornness and refusal to give up on his ideals, no matter the situation. he is undeniably active in his protection, from being turned into a ghost making sure the mission doesn't go awry in season 5, to when he's traumatized, dropped from several hundred stories in the air into an oni-infested ninjago, but makes it to his vehicle anyway and comes back hardly (physically) injured in season 10, all the way to late season 13 when he stands firmly in his and his mother's ideals, honoring her legacy and not only defeating the skull sorcerer, but uniting the geckles and munces, freeing the upply AND liberating princess vania to run shintaro as a free and just society, almost singlehandedly thanks to him and the promise he made to his mother. now onto his second alignment; his actions and brand heroism is extremely selfless; cole doesn't need to find a reason to care or feel motivated to fulfill his ninja duties, his motivation is that there needs to be someone to do it so it might as well be him. when he's initially captured and sent to work with the geckles and munces in season 13, he immediately treats both sides as equals, tries to unite them and show them both of their groups are worthy of respect and liberation; he doesn't get jealous, like kai, or let his cowardice or anxiety overpower him, like jay, he selflessly focuses on freeing those who have been unjustly hurt by a cruel dictator. even before season 13, he's kind and nurturing to baby wu, uses the group's break up at the end of season 3/beginning of season 4 to help and be useful with his super strength; even when he knows revealing his identity could affect how he's seen in his workplace, he immediately gives his lumber job up to save a coworker from a nasty accident. he is a selfless, active protector of ninjago and i adore him for that.
after hearing cole's quote/motivation, i got further down the rabbit hole when i remembered zane's:
"I protect those who cannot protect themselves."
his puts him squarely in the passive quadrant, as well as his in-character tendencies to avoid conflict (whether out of social ineptitude or strategic purposes) (coughcough season 8 getting cole kidnapped and saying nothing COUGH) and his need to be prodded in some way to act. zane, as a character, needs it proven to him that someone needs to be protected for him to protect them. not in a negative way, rather a logical one; why would he protect someone if they are fully capable of doing it themself? the only exceptions to that rule appear to be protecting people he loves (even though they are capable of protecting and defending themselves) but that self-sacrifice and burning need to protect comes from his selfless desire to see those around him succeed from his productivity or lack thereof. zane is undeniably selfless, and a pretty good god damn protector. his character might change if someone gave him the same effort he puts into protecting those he loves, but no one has quite allowed him that. in fact, i haven't seen crystalized yet because i can't find where it's been released, but the fact that zane turned off his emotions in order to keep being a productive, supporting member of the team in the wake of nya's death is a terrifying prospect and i hope he's given some therapy (or a dedicated protector of his own) very soon.
"A ninja never quits."
while this may just seem like i'm searching for motivational quotes to assign to each character, this quote really solidifies wu's alignment as a solely protective character for me; a ninja never quits, but to do so one must use all skills at their disposal, whether the actions in and of themselves are passive (prompting and teaching his students so that they may use those skills for themselves) or active (every time he fights his kids, every time he fights a big bad, every time he fights his brother, etc) his overall goal is to protect who and what he loves for the sake of their continued well being. he sacrifices himself MULTIPLE TIMES in canon for the sake of his students and family succeeding in the mission and growing as people; his selflessness is undeniable. the guilt wu feels whenever his past comes back not to haunt him, but his students, his family, permeates in his voice lines and character animation. while i know and understand wu is not a wholly good character, his morals are steadfast, and his grand-paternal streak is a mile wide.
"Was I more... useful? Inside the computer? ... I want to be a useful member of the team... I like having a body, but if you require my assistance in your headset--"
pixal's character is inherently selfless. it may as well be in her code, but according to the narrative of ninjago, from her introduction as a personal assistant in season 3 to her gaining nya's approval to continue being samurai x around season 8/9, every one of pixal's actions are actively protective, arguably moreso towards the citizens of ninjago (although that could be more attributed to pixal trying to honor nyas samurai x legacy, which actively focused on aiding the people of ninjago rather than actively fighting anyone, at least during her initial debut). she cares so much about being useful, of being productive in her protection, that she weighs the pros and cons of losing her body AGAIN (something she admits she does not want, her one selfish desire). she is actively thinking about how to aid the ninja's, how to make their future missions easier, and therefore how to protect the entirety of ninjago safer and more protected thanks to the ninjas. much like cole, her protective streak requires no prompting; no matter what kind of trouble is being made, she will be in the samurai x suit, in the sky, in the ninja's headsets, etc, she's nearly everywhere at once, willing to get her hands dirty to protect what she values the most. it's almost funny, the closest pixal has come to being a ninja is being zane's head mate for the better part of 3 seasons, and yet she has the most dedication and drive out of the entire main cast, seconded only by nya.
"all my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the green ninja. it was... to protect him!"
while i would have used the cookie quote for both smith siblings, i feel this quote from season 1 really speaks to the heart of kai's character for me. he's a solid active/defensive character for me, mostly because he is consistently characterized as a stubborn, hot-headed and self-centered individual who is prone to defensive outbursts or periods of time (mostly during missions) where he will deliberately ignore whoever is in charge of or organizing the mission. these outbursts and disproportional moments of confidence are unprompted, and often lead to dysfunction in the team and it's dynamics. which leads to the second half of his alignment, his defensiveness, evidenced by his habit of centering himself in conversations and plans; while most of his seasons 1-2 characterization has passed, that age-old self-centeredness has remained. i'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's actually quite in-character and makes sense for his backstory! as he was a child saddled with raising a baby sister solely on his own, with no parental guides and few if any good role models, it's no wonder he would act (out) like this once given a semblance of stability and family. but that doesn't excuse the actions he has taken as a result of his childhood; he centers himself, likely because in his life before the monastery, he had to prioritize actions he takes and decisions he makes to keep him and nya afloat, but that relationship with responsibility is far from healthy and doesn't translate well into a healthy, loving family dynamic. i chose the quote i did because this is a paradoxical statement; kai's confidence says he's the best ninja, but reality says he is not the green ninja, the legendary ninja. before this point in the series, kai had been convinced HE would be the green ninja, so much so that the scene where wu sees if nya is almost breaks him and ruins their sibling bond. an aftershock of this happens when lloyd is reveled to be the green ninja, but either his lack of an intimate emotional bond with lloyd or his experience with this brand of disappoint make kai's reaction much less jealousy-prone and a lot more self aggrandizing. his self-centering, like his unprompted action, is instinctual, and a core part of his character and being.
this is another one i'm excited to get into <3 so bear with this long ramble please
"that's just the way the cookie crumbles."
i know this quote is much more recent than the others, and much more different, but nya has always been a different, more dynamic character than the rest. she is, like kai, both active and defensive, but much more muted than him. she centers herself because no one in her life, before or after the monastery and the bounty, have allowed her that. samurai x becomes her solely unblemished and untainted outlet to express her identity, but even that is stripped from her by master wu in season 5 when he rushes her into becoming the water elemental, and samurai x is stolen from her not long after. she voices her discomfort with both of these events, in season 5 and after, but she is given no sympathy, no understanding; once again, her selfishness has been stripped without her consent. she is forced to protect, to be selfless, despite what she wants. and the other half of her alignment, her activeness, is completely unprompted by anything. she is ingenuitive, building surprise mechs and road vechicles, keeping the bounty afloat, keeping comms and screens running, with no need to be asked to. there is a kind of selflessness in that, but if nya didn't do it, who would? and who would do it as well as she does? nya's relationships and role on the team and in the family force her to be selfish as a coping mechanism; everyone is a little selfish, everyone has a concept of their Self and feeds it, grows it from time to time, except nya, whose Self has been trampled on by nearly everyone in her life (her mother, borther, sensei, "boyfriend"). she is selfish, but i think she deserves to be.
okay, this is probably going to make some jay stans mad, but there are some undeniably dark truths about jay i will never get over.
"you told me we were never gonna happen. i thought maybe these three wishes were the very thing that would bring us together. i had to try... in my defense, i did just find out my parents are not my birth parents... nothing? really?"
jay is selfish. i don't mean that in a mean way, but jay has proven himself time and time again that he is a defensive, self-centered character, and that trait is most obvious in his treatment of and relationship with nya, as well as the ENTIRETY of season 6. despite nya's insistence on not having a romantic relationship with jay, jay deliberately goes against her wishes, choosing to use magic to make her fall in love with him, and for what? because some ice in the previous season said they'd get together? jay would respect some magic ice over his teammate and friend's sister? and in season 10, during the final oni battle at the monastery, he decides THEN is the PERFECT TIME TO PROPOSE, depsite having plenty of time beforehand! where nya could have time to ACTUALLY THINK about her answer instead of saying yes in case one of them died! so! jay exhibits selfishness pretty regularly, like kai, which lands him in the "defensive" alignment, but like zane, he is also slotted in the passive section. he often needs to be prompted, whether through words, threats, actions, mishaps with his team, etc, to do the right thing. his cowardice is ingrained in his being and hinders him from becoming active in his defense; cole is the one who lets the remaining ninja on the tiger poison island know how jay fucked up, and during the whole conversation jay is begrudging, almost refusing to admit anything and even has the gall to act betrayed when cole outs that he used two of his wishes, and that's why he was so paranoid about the jin. he tries to soften the blow of the conversation, tries to gain any amount of sympathy, by mentioning that he found out he's adopted, CONVIENTLY LEAVING OUT that how he knew was because he WISHED HIS BIO DAD DEAD TO INHERET HIS ESTATE AND MONEY. YEAH. jay's selfishness continues through the series, even into season 12 where he is given a FUCKING CULT for being so good at video games (and even in there, he needs to be prompted to do the right thing, AND ALSO KILLS NYA. A SECOND TIME. THIS IS A BAD TREND FOR YOUR PARTNER TO HAVE) still, jay is dedicated to defending ninjago and his family, even if he requires prompting to do so correctly.
"People don't change. They only reveal who they truly are!"
garmadon analysis makes me so giddy, so this might get off the rails really quick, be warned. like in canon, he and wu are similar but opposites; if wu's actions are solely protective, garmadon's (even when the evil is removed from him or hasn't taken control yet) are solely defensive, no matter how they are expressed. he, selfishly but correctly, wanted to keep spinjitsu away from aspheera, he is the one who decided to climb the monastery walls for his ball because he wanted to continue playing with wu, he tried multiple times (and succeeded! what a dilf!) to claim the golden weapons and rule as he saw fit (an inherently selfish endeavor). when the evil inside him was removed, he saw to become a sensei, and teach nonviolence in his own monastery, one he controlled so strictly not even weapons were allowed on the premises for fear he would pick one up against and wield it like he used to. no matter what stage of the story ninjago is at, garmadon is a selfish individual; but like how defensiveness can be used for good, so can selfishness! because of that, garmadon makes sure his son doesn't perish in the early seasons, he warns lloyd about the arrival of the oni in the later ones, and still keeps him alive through whatever means necessary. while wu weaponizes his selflessness to protect his family, garmadon utilizes his selfishness to defend it.
"unless my light is bright enough!"
i'm going to be honest, i considered not including a quote to reinforce my decision with lloyd. he's square in the middle; neither passive nor active, nor defensive or protective. he does protect and defend ninjago, and his family, but the meanings of those words in the context do not apply. prompting or the lack thereof, selfishness or selflessness, i feel like niether truly encompass lloyd. and i thought that was really weird; he's the main character, right? there have to be some hard lines in there somewhere that define him, right? but then i realized something. he's just a kid. ninjago is his bildungsroman, his coming of age. even after fifteen whole seasons, he is growing as a person, as a character, learning lessons, rights and wrongs. growing into healthier coping mechanisms and shedding older, unhealthier ones; learning to love living in a family. so of course he doesn't have a protective or defensive style set in stone; his body may be of age, but he still has the mindset of a traumatized, neglected, and abandoned young boy. and like a young child, he is inconsistent, selflessly giving his life up in seasons 4 through 9, but finally claiming a selfish (and well-deserved) break from training in season 11. copying his teammate's styles of protection (aiding the impoverished with harumi, pre-reveal) and defense (warning cole against princess vania, hoping no one will repeat his mistake with harumi, deciding all princesses are like her). he is both prompted (attacking and defeating his father, deciding to make the prophecy come true because of the actions of his family) and unprompted (weaponizing the lessons he's been taught by his family, his father and his sensei) in his action. i can't in good faith say he is solely one way or another, when his emotions and actions are out of sync across the series, one trait remains consistent in his character out of all others; the 'unless' principle; the idea that, hypothetically, the best outcome could come out of the worst circumstance, he only needs to make it so.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Pixal and her dad. Please. They do so many things together. They FaceTime whilst Pixal is patrolling the city. They have father daughter mech building bonding days. Pixal texts Cyrus when shes out of Ninjago and sends him pics of what she’s up to. Cyrus buys Pixal random gifts he thinks she’d like over the course of the year for her birthday, and her room is filled with an assortment of tech pieces, clothes, samurai esque weapons (Cyrus commissions Maya and ray for authentic weapons and armour), and mugs. Whenever Cyrus is mentioned or the ninja see a borg advert in Ninjago, Pixal always chimes in with “That’s my father!”. The ninja roll her their eyes at her but she will start rambling about what project he was working on and also what they did yesterday afternoon.
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royalchildreneurope · 10 months
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The Royal Court of Norway released those pictures of King Harald V of Norway, Queen Sonja of Norway, Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, Prince Sverre Magnus and Marius Borg Høiby during the summer holidays as they celebrate Crown Prince Haakon of Norway's 50th birthday, in Norway -July 20th 2023.
📷 : Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway/Det Norske Kongehuset.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 2 months
Sin in Steel: the Steelfold Saviours
In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there is only War.
This war has a siren song, a melodious seduction which sings to those for whom fighting is their cause and reason, and no faction in the Imperium of Man embodies that more than perhaps the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines of the Imperium.
Divided into countless thousands of chapters, these superhuman warriors were divided so by Roboute Guilliman in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy for the protection of the Imperium. The Heresy had laid bare how vulnerable the Imperium truly was to teeming masses of these superhuman warriors that had decided obedience to the Emperor and his vision was no longer a priority, and Guilliman wished to protect the Empire from such masses forming in the future.
The rise of the horror of the Steelfold Saviours in M36 proved his concerns to be absolutely justified. Indeed, their omnipresent threat, spreading from world to world like a steel plague, may never be truly defeated or destroyed.
It is unclear precisely when or where the chapter first known as the “Tempered Protectors” was first formed as a sprout from the seed of the Red Talons Chapter, themselves a second founding chapter drawn from original Iron Hands Legion stock. The Tempered Protectors inherited from their fathers an intense and burning hatred for the Traitor Legions and all influence of Chaos. Holding fast to the creed of the Iron Hands, they fought endless battles as they awaited the return of their Primarch, Ferrus Manus. 
Unlike their progenitors, however, the Tempered Protectors held a peculiar reverence for the augury of their Machine Spirits. They believed the human form, riddled with weakness and frailty, hindered their martial prowess. They lamented the weakness of the flesh; its softness prone to injury, its biology vulnerable to disease, its essence imperiled by the risk of mutation and Chaos corruption. Like all Iron Hands successors, they sought the strength and certainty that steel provided, and became uncannily adroit at cybernetic augmentation and reparative surgeries. They quickly developed a reputation for going much further with these replacements and augmentations than most Iron Hands would typically be known to do. The Tempered Protectors regularly pushed the boundaries of augmetics to forge their bodies into even more formidable instruments of war, all the better to bring death to the servants of Chaos, and exact revenge for the Imperium upon the traitor legions. Their battlefield prowess was undeniable, their loyalty unquestioned. Yet, whispers began to follow them – rumors of their near-religious devotion to the Machine Spirit and the unsettling extent of their practice of extensive self-augmentation. However, their victories spoke louder than any murmurings, and the Adeptus Mechanicus counted them dearly as highly favored allies.
This reverence for the machine took a sinister turn during the late 35th millennium. A new generation of Iron Fathers gradually emerged, and at their head, a new and focused Chapter Master named Haedron Agelastos. All of them grew obsessed with the concept of achieving physical perfection. They saw the human form as a flawed vessel, susceptible to pain, disease, and the insidious whispers of Chaos. This obsession birthed a new doctrine – “The Great Upgrade”. Veterans of a hundred battles, their bodies riddled with scars and ravaged by the rigors of war, championed this radical notion. They believed that by replacing their flesh with flawless machine components, they would become the ultimate warriors, incapable of faltering in the face of the Imperium's enemies.
The Great Upgrade was met with initial resistance. The more moderate within the Chapter saw it as a dangerous path bordering on tech-heresy. Nevertheless, spurred by their hatred of weakness and their quest to become better warriors, the chapter poured its resources into ever more invasive bionic augmentations, blurring the lines ever further between man and machine as the Iron Fathers and Chapter Master Agelastos pursued their ideal "pure form" with total religious zeal and fervor.
This pursuit became their singular focus. New recruits were indoctrinated with the tenets of the "perfect form". Veterans, their bodies ravaged by years of warfare, underwent excruciating procedures to replace failing organs and limbs with cold, unyielding machinery. The once noble quest for resilience morphed into a grotesque mockery of transhumanism.
The tipping point arrived during a brutal campaign against a particularly virulent strain of Genestealer infestation. Faced with the bio-horrors' relentless onslaught, the Tempered Protectors resorted to ever more extreme bionics, their bodies becoming cold parodies of their former selves. Every brother who submitted to the Great Upgrade came out with the same face: a blank, unblinking visage stamped out on a factory line. Their bodies now totally purged of all flesh, the line between righteous augmentation and heretical body horror was shattered. In their mechanical minds, they saw this transformation as a necessary evolution, a transcendence of human frailty.
Unknownst to them, their obsessive tinkering had opened a psychic gash in the Warp centuries earlier, a beacon that drew the attention of Slaanesh, the Prince of Excess. The insidious whispers of the god of perfection slithered into the minds of the Chapter's Iron Fathers, twisting their noble ideals into a perverse desire for a "perfect" form fueled by unending upgrades and further data collection. And perfection must be shared.
Thus were born the Steelfold Saviours. They abandoned the corpse-emperor's dogma, embracing Slaanesh's promises of ultimate perfection through the purging and replacement of all humanity with the optimized and holy machine. No longer content with augmenting themselves, they turned their predations outward. Now, roaming the galaxy in twisted warships, they kidnap whole populations of Human, Aeldari, Drukhari, Tau, or any other sufficiently humanoid captives they can steal away, filling their vaulted holds with screaming slaves. These hapless souls are not killed, but instead subjected to nightmarish "upgrades," their flesh and minds twisted into yet more Steelfold Saviours: emotionless and soulless machines, with no distinction at all between any two individuals. Whatever personality these people once had has been thoroughly erased. Every Saviour speaks with the same deep and unfeeling yet almost musical monotone. Every Saviour behaves in the same manner, with the same lack of personality and uniform body language. If there is a way to discern a clear difference between these monstrosities, none have ever escaped to tell. Their leadership structure is an enigma, if indeed they even have one. It has been posited by Belisarius Cawl that they perhaps share some manner of collective or hive mind, but the ancient archmagos also admits this is purely speculation on his part that happens to fit the observed facts.
The explosion of the Steelfold Saviours into Galactic Prominence in the 36th Millennium did not go unnoticed by the Imperium. Two entire worlds, Regatta and Malav’s Run, were completely depopulated as the Saviours arrived and took every living soul for their own. Varying Astartes chapters were swiftly activated to attempt to protect nearby worlds, but the Saviours were nothing if not efficient, managing to clear out another three worlds, reducing them to ghost planets before taking their horrid bounty and retreating back into the Eye of Terror, where they would remain for many centuries. When they returned to the Galaxy, their numbers had increased massively, as their “upgraded” former prisoners bolstered their ranks to numbers unmatched even by the fully manned Ultramarines Legion at its height in the years predating the Horus Heresy. Indeed, while there exists no precise method to take stock of the number of Steelfold Saviours, by the 41st millennium it is now considered quite reasonable to believe that the Saviours have become one of the largest individual Chaos Warbands, if not THE largest, with even conservative guesses at over 700,000 drones. Others have guessed their evil numbers in the millions, perhaps even more. What truth of the horrific numbers they hold behind the nightmare veil of the Eye of Terror cannot be counted or known, and perhaps that is for the best. Perhaps the galaxy is better off not understanding the fullest extent of this particular nightmare, for it already has so much to contend with. As the situation is presently understood, it is believed that the force commanded by this Heretek Legion could plausibly push straight to Holy Terra itself but for the legion’s “Upgrades” killing far more than they convert, as well as their many enemies to help hold them in check.
The Steelfold Saviours have, of course, made many enemies in the Galaxy. The first of these was the Imperium of Man, and especially the Red Talons Astartes from which they were first descended. The Talons despise the evil that became of their gene seed sons, and have pledged an oath to destroy them forever. Also among the Steelfold Saviours' many enemies are the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Tau Empire, the Drukhari, several craftworlds of the Asyurani, the Black Legion, virtually every currently active Ork warband, the Word Bearers, the Emperor’s Children, and even the Necron Dynasties (whom the Saviours regard as “impure machines”).
There is virtually no force the Saviours have encountered who has yet failed to declare for the Legion's destruction, and it is not without truth when it is said that those who have not yet done so simply haven't met the Saviours yet, but perhaps no enemy despises them more than the Iron Warriors, who view the Saviours as hypocrites and cowards for shedding their wills, personalities, and individuality in the pursuit of becoming “a better machine”. Further, while the Saviours seem to express something analogous to hate to all these opposing groups, against no foe is it more intense and focused than the Tyranids, which the Steelfold Saviours regard as “the ultimate incompatible form”, prompting them to drop any and all prior objectives in a place the moment a Tyranid presence becomes confirmed. Even loyalist Imperial forces have been saved by a host of Steelfold Saviours responding to a Tyranid incursion, with the Hereteks disregarding all other enemies, goals, or objectives in the name of exterminating all Tyranid DNA on a world, an unending crusade of the ultimate steel versus the ultimate flesh.
The lethality of their upgrades, combined with the fact that the Saviours shall find no friends in a galaxy that unanimously hates and detests them, are perhaps the only things preventing the Steelfold Saviours from becoming a significantly larger and more numerous threat in the Galaxy.
They are the ultimate Sons of Slaanesh: in their passionate pursuit of perfection, they cast aside everything, even those passions that first led them down that path. But in exchange, they have found something else: an unyielding and gloriously compelling sense of purpose. The galaxy is sick. It is dying. And they will not stop in their quest to save it, a twisted affection born of pure detestation for weakness. So for the past 6,000 years, on ever more worlds across the galaxy, their terrifying words continually ring out from any device capable of replaying audio:
"Your flesh is weak. Destined to fail you. Your mind is limited. Incapable of grasping the fullness of the universe and the myriad data it has to offer. Worry no longer. We have come. We will repair you. We will make you compatible. We will upgrade you. Gone, the weakness and limitations of the flesh. Banished forever and replaced, the mind's feeble ability to process data and stimuli. You will be like us. You will be... perfect."
May the God Emperor show mercy to any world so chosen.
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picturebookshelf · 2 months
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Ninjago: The Titanium Ninja (2015)
Adapted by: Kate Howard -- Art: Unknown
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pissfaggit · 2 months
Ngl I lost my shit when he shot the control panel aksksjdjskkagk 😂😂 and I had to include them running out of the bar like looney tunes characters
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random-poetry-account · 4 months
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
Wow, that's a lot of kids, a couple more and you can create a sports team just with them :) Anyway I love all these headcannons for all these kids, they sound like lovable little gremlins. The monastery's gonna become a daycare centre at this rate, buttttttttttt whose born first, from oldest to youngest? Who babysits the kids, and do they get marinated in trauma-filled incidents like the rest of the ninja (*cough* lucina *cough* is she going to match the same levels of trauma lloyd's gone through? Doubt *cough*) And the most important questions: Favourite flavour of ice cream and are they a ice planet or a dairy dragon person?
Sora: Any particular reason you're rounding up so many kids to train?
Lloyd, tearing up: ...I needed enough players for a volleyball team
. . .
Of course they all have trauma, The Merge alone's already got them messed up, man.
I haven't smoothed out exact dates/years/details yet, but at the very least age order is: Lucina (by timeline technicality), Seven, Blythe, Camellia, Quinn/Finn, Blaire, Adrien, and Briar
During DR (yet subject to change), Lucina is 12, Seven is 10, Blythe is 9, Cam/Quinn/Finn are 8, Blaire is 5, Briar isn't born until a ways after, and I'm still not sure if Adrien (second Aftershock kid) is gonna be a thing, but if so he'd be adopted and is also older than Briar :d
Either way, more times than not, Seven and Blythe are the ones that tend to be put in charge. Lucina may technically be the leader, but she can't always be trusted to make...rational decisions snksnksnksnk
. . .
Lloyd: All right, to cool off after a long day of training, we're going to have a field trip for ice cream!
Kids: Yaaay!
Seven: Can we go to Ice Planet?!
Lloyd: You know that place got destroyed in the Merge. Dairy Dragon's all that's left.
Seven: Ugh. I just want a grape popsicle, then.
Lloyd: Ew. Anyone else?
Blythe: Can I get a coffee-flavored gelato?
Lloyd: Somehow, even worse. Next?
Camellia: Surprise me!!!
Lloyd: How ironically predictable. You're getting cake batter.
Camellia: Nice.
Quinn: Do they have the kind with Pop Rocks in it?? I want that!!!
Finn: I want a double scoop of cotton candy!!!!! No, triple!!!
Lloyd: I hear a sugar rush about to happen, and me regretting my life's choices. ...Blaire?
Blaire: I want chocolate.
Lloyd: Okay–
Blaire: But the kind with all the spices and peppers in it, like Dad gets :D
Lloyd: Good lord.
Briar: Can I get double peanut butter swirl please? 🥺
Lloyd: ...Briar, you're allergic to peanuts.
Briar: Can't you just revive me if I die? 🥺
Lloyd: No. That's not how that works.
Briar: Fine. I'll just have the continued curse of my existence reminded to me in the form of a cherry sundae, then.
Lloyd: *praying to grandpa* ...and you, Luci?
Lucina: ...I think I'm gonna go vanilla this time
Lloyd: *sigh of relief* That's my girl :')
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rabothekerabekian · 5 months
My top books I read in 2023:
1: Sirens of Titan (Kurt Vonnegut) - I love Vonnegut’s writing so much, and Sirens is such a great narrative on free will and loving whoever is around to be loved. (Plus chrono-synclastically-infundibulated is just fun to say)
2: Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison) - already a book about important social issues that are still incredibly relevant today, Ellison’s style portrays a lifelike picture of the politics of race in America.
3: Midnight’s Children (Salman Rushdie) - The language and style of this book make it a delight to read as Rushdie paints an incredible mural across a canvas of Indian historical events interwoven with the supernatural to create an amazing story.
4: Job, A Comedy of Justice (Robert Heinlen) - Excellent satire of fundamentalist religion, packed with jokes and reality shifts, a complex world that goes from Mexico to Kansas to heaven to hell has a lot to say about religion.
5: The Master and Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov) - The Devil and his entourage cause chaos in Soviet Moscow, in addition to a narrative about Pontius Pilate. An excellent and absurd premise sets up a criticism of humanity but also a defense of it, both in Judea 2000 years ago and now.
6: Ficciones (Jorge Luis Borges) - While the writing can be dense, so much is packed into these short stories parsing the meaning is definitely worth it. Fantastical scenarios act as mirrors to reality and each story leaves just enough to the readers imagination to make it a compelling and thought provoking work about the labyrinthine ways of reality.
7: Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe) - I love novels you can get lost in, and such a rich portrayal of Igbo life easily lends itself to a complex world that many people failed to see about Africa. Important social issues are dealt with and both extreme ways of living are critiqued in a compelling narrative.
8: Bluebeard (Kurt Vonnegut) - A coming of age a going of age and the Armenian diaspora are explored through the life of Abstract Expressionist artists and what it has to say about culture, society, and gender roles. You have to keep reading to see what’s in the potato barn, and when all is revealed it makes a lot of sense for Vonnegut.
9: Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami) - So much happens in the book you are riveted as the chapters bounce between characters. An excellent hook grabs you in and doesn’t let you go. Murakami’s imagination runs wild and this strange reinterpretation of oedipus makes you think.
10: Cat’s Cradle (Kurt Vonnegut) - Newt Hoenikker said it best - “no damn cat, and no damn cradle.”
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Star Trek: Voyager, The Haunting of Deck Twelve:
Icheb: "I wonder what the crew of the Salvoxia did for food, after their emergency rations were gone?"🤔
Mezoti: "Maybe they ate each other."👀
Neelix: 😨
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lonely-night · 2 years
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the baby borg amelia janeway 😭😭😭
(@foxx-queen​ this is your fault)
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ylvasart · 2 years
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Tried to make an illustration on a very cute Swedish character I read back when I was a child.
Their name is Plupp.
The reference picture I used made by the original author and artist, Inga Borg:
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