#bonus magnificus
sammy8d257 · 8 months
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I remembered P03 existed and now I'm going to be annoying for the rest of the week
The way I still remember how to draw it even without looking at a ref and having not drawn him in over 2 years
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Got a special collection today, the Al Majiik characters with a few bonuses:
(Edit - Added Magnificus)
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Including the art texture (upscaled) found on the garden door
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localcuttlefish · 10 months
You have an INSCRIPTION OC?!?!?!?!? I need more details, I beg at this point.
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I do indeed have an Inscryption OC! Their name is Amos Silvano Toomes, or as they’re more well known, The Painter!
They’re a resident of Leshy’s forest ever since they abandoned their role as a student of Magnificus, and they assist in the carving and decoration of the masks Leshy uses during cardplay. Or at least, that’s what they remember!
Their play style is an aggressive combination of magic and beasts, and heavily relies on flying creatures to attack the opponent directly. However, The Painter starts each game with at least two trees on their board spaces, which does block some attacks from the opponent, but hinders The Painter from loading the board with flying creatures.
The Painter is skittish, aloof, socially awkward, and nervous, but generally a good sport and a fine friend if you manage to keep their memory from resetting long enough for them to remember you. They tend to repeat their words, laugh anxiously as filler dialogue, and let their sentences trail off as if they’ve forgotten what they were going to say. Their memory is foggy, but they have frequent spells of déjà vu. That being said, they aren’t frustrated by their bad memory. They seem to just accept it.
Bonus content and backstory under the cut!
The Painter was actually an independent artist, a few months away from being a graduate from the Cooper Union, who was contracted to make designs for Inscryption cards. Eventually, Amos was brought on board for the Inscryption computer game, but this was all a ruse to utilize Amos as one of the first test subjects of bringing sentient life into the game. The experiment failed, and Amos lost most of their sentience, becoming “NPC-esque”. That being said, every now and then, they get strange flashes of their old life, which manifests as déjà vu. Unfortunately, their memory resets frequently, leaving them forgetful and unable to carry most knowledge of the player past one or two resets. However, showing them their old artworks jogs their memory a little bit. If you take cards you know The Painter designed, and give them to The Painter during any phase of the game, they start to “wake up”.
“Waking up” The Painter results in Amos falling into a nervous depression because of the awareness of their entrapped state. Their name in the game would change to “Toomes” instead of “The Painter”, and their area of the forest would quickly be loaded with new paintings and sketches, since they would then also become aware of the passage of time and get really bored really quickly when left alone.
In the game, they’re completely made of wood, and able to disassemble and reassemble themself like a ball-jointed doll. This feature also gives them inhuman flexibility and degrees of rotation in their joints. They’re scared of the dark, and tend to carry a lantern with them at all times (which is a little dangerous being that they’re made of wood, but hey, they’ve made it this far). Their favorite color is goldenrod, they like American pop-rock music, and their favorite subject to paint is portraits. They tend to hang out in the trees, and they definitely have a jumpscare animation if you get too close to them while they’re hidden in phase 2 of the game.
Freako owl person my beloved
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hrokkall · 1 year
TMA NEURON ACTIVATION what avatars would the scrybes be 👀👀👀
I don’t know if they’d all be avatars or just plain manifestations (maybe a combination of both) but I’d imagine it would be:
Leshy - The Hunt (self-explanatory)
Grimora - The End (equally self-explanatory)
Magnificus - The Spiral (was going to say The Eye originally for the joke, but he just seems like a Spiral guy—less in the “lying” way and moreso in the “twisting infinite patterns that entrance and confuse and disorientate” way but he’d trap someone in a wizard maze too if push came to shove. As a backup though you could consider the flesh because of. Gesturing vaguely to the wizard pupils).
P03 - The Web (A little bit of a weird choice but I think it fits with P03’s whole “self-preservation” deal that it strings along the player in order to accomplish… plus there’s the obvious World Wide Web pun here. Specifically I feel it would be a manifestation that ends up trapped in a computer and having to operate from there, similar to how the Spiral’s Lichtenberg Figure was trapped inside of Ex Altiora.)
If Inscryption as a whole were to be given as a statement though (as in, say, Luke calls into the Magnus Institute and talks about his experiences with the haunted cartridge retirement home he found in the woods) if you had to put it in a TMA category I’d say it would be a manifestation of the Extinction (four AIs fighting for dominance; a malevolent, world-ending string of code beneath them… feels pretty extinction to me).
And then some other characters as a bonus lightning round:
Kaycee - Touched by the Desolation, ultimately becomes an avatar of the Hunt to escape her fate.
Luke - Probably touched by multiple entities just because I think in all universes he should be having a hell of a time. Maybe he’s like Martin where every entity wants him like “Oh this guy will be SO easy to kill/manipulate” and then he ends up surviving (or dying but dying normally) by making decisions So Horribly Bad that not even Fear Incarnate could’ve predicted them.
Amanda/Sado - Manifestation of the Stranger. Obviously. (Carla is probably touched by the Stranger as a result; I just generally like the idea that Sado is loyal to no one except for her)
All of the underlings (if they exist) are touched by/manifestations of the same fear as their Scrybe, but aren’t avatars. Maybe not the bots though; unless they’re just a team of poor ass software developers who are suddenly compelled to keep this mysterious program up and running and adding features that even they don’t know the meaning of. Meanwhile Magnificus’s pupils are his students (similar to the situation with Robert Smirke), Grimora’s ghouls are people she bound to the end to save them from a grisly fate, and Leshy’s woodsmen… idk they’re like his drinking buddies or something and they go hunt monsters on weekends.
Not all of the minor characters are directly affiliated with any entity though. Characters such as Rebecha are completely unaligned (or if she has had any run-in with an entity no one is going to Ever know about it. At most I can see it being a Georgie Barker situation); the Woodcarver is actively ensuring she doesn’t become bound to any entity, despite Leshy’s influence; the Mycologists claim that they aren’t bound to any entity, but they’re collecting Leitners like trading cards for their “experiments” so it’s less so “unaligned” and more so “race to see whether the Corruption or the Flesh or a third secret thing stakes a claim first”.
The Bone Lord is definitely an End manifestation (unlike Grimora, who is the only one of the Scrybes who is most likely an avatar as opposed to a manifestation or a secret third thing) but I have no idea where they would fit in. Or maybe an extinction manifestation. I have no idea. They’re there though; not leaving them out
Don’t ask about the Hex cast here. I know by making Rebecha relevant they exist by extension but I have No idea where they’d fit in aside from being assorted statement givers (and maybe Lionel as one of those figures that shows up in multiple statements and makes people audibly groan every time there’s THIS GUY again but he’s just a normal dude who happens to be in a lot of places. That’s pretty fitting considering the plot of the game)
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wandapinkay · 2 years
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Bonus: have this lil shitpost I've made today because every year at this point I gotta make an italian coming out joke for pride month
I am not funny at all but I do it anyway because who else will?
(I had to repost because I wrote Magnificus' line in Leshy's font without realizing UGHHH)
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fruit-sy · 2 years
Kaycee's thoughts/Relationship with the Scrybes pre/after Leshy's takeover :))
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Bonus Golly 👀
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naturallydark · 1 year
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the land before time but they only sing songs about how much they fucking hate each other
(AU info under the cut!)
A simple question of what Magnificus looks like under all his hair somehow led to the creation of the Dinoscrybes AU. Grimora is a Citipati, Leshy is a Guanlong, Magnificus is a Beipiaosaurus, and P03 is a Balaeniceps rex (otherwise known as the shoebill).
The “story” here is pretty loose, but Leshy was trapped in ice during the late Jurassic and was discovered and revived millions of years later in the late Cretaceous by Grimora and Magnificus, the latter of whom is magically immortal (don’t question it, it’s magic). P03, on the other hand, is from the far-flung future and was transported millions of years back in time by the scientists at the Kaminski Research Institute. Now they all have to get along or die trying until P03′s humans can find a way to bring him back to the present day.
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Bonus size comparison! I wanted them all to be around the same height, but Grimora gets to be a little taller as a treat :3
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theblacksheepcz · 1 year
Splatscryption idea
The Scrybes are idols and have a turf war…that’s it, they have their own districts and all whatever
Not everyone are inklings/octolings cuz that would be boring-
Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1781065
also i edited some of the hair colors-
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Leshy: either an animal or inkling octoling hybrid
Prospector: Salmonid…or a cat
Angler: Crustacean (crayfish?)
Trapper/Trader: Sea Slug
Woodcarver: Turtle
Grimora: (half?) Sanitized Inkling
Royal: S H R I M P
Sawyer: Eel
Kaycee: Sea Urchin
Bone Lord: Zapfish/Catfish
Magnificus: Octoling
Goobert: Octoling turned into jellyfish
Amber/Pike: Inkling
Lonely: Inkling
P03 and his subordinates are robots but more humanoid or subordinates are robotic stingrays or something-
Rebecha: Inkling
Mycologists: Inkling and octoling
Bonus: Hextoon? Splathex?? The Hex but Splatoon!
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Reginald: Inkling
Jeremiah: Octoling
SWK: Inkling
Bryce: Inkling
Chandrelle: Inkling
Lazarus: Inkling
Rust: Inkling
FPP: Octoling
Junior: Axolotl
Irving: Octoling
Rebecha: Inkling
Sado: Octoling
Wizarro: Inkling
Rocky: Sanitized Octoling
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dysphoriaposting · 10 months
Magnificus is an Urayuli, right?
Bonus: Why did they give P03 boobchest now I'm thinking about robotic milkers
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
The scrybes as influencers
This is the dumbest set of headcanons I have to offer to you all: Streaming AU! You can interpret them as human or as some sort of weird 'characters irl' au, its up to you tbh
Also I may have come up with some daft usernames to go with these headcanons...
Generic 'name_birthyear' username, only started a channel for the sake of teaching but continued it as his audience expanded.
Provides '"advice and critic'" for art he finds online (think channels like Solar Sands/Kitchen Nightmares, that kind of style) Pretentious asshole but clearly passionate about his work. Also does art tutorials and 'paint with me' streams but his advice videos are the most popular.
Once accidently revealed a folder/wall collage full of fanart for him and will ban anyone who brings it up. Frequently cancelled, mainly for being a jerk, but always maintains an audience somehow.
Whimsical username with a grandiose title, would have also gone with 'name_birthyear' if it weren't for some outside intervention. Started streaming for remote DnD sessions, continued for the fun of it.
Mainly does DnD streams featuring the npcs of the forest, occasionally the others might pop on as special guests. Sometimes does audience streams too where chat votes on the character choices. Has a side channel for nature walks, survival tips and photography.
Intimidating streamer energy but he's actually a huge sweetheart especially to fans. Has a friend in the games industry who gives him first looks at new card and board games (A grand thank you to Kaycee Hobbs for providing us with early access)
Named the channel after her bookstore, afterall that is why it was created in the first place. Started making audiobook videos and book reviews on the side for business but it became a fun hobby instead.
Mainly focuses on supernatural and horror genres but will dabble outside of these themes on occasion. Reads a variety of different horror stories (creepypasta, classics, poems, etc) and reviews them. Also regularly participates in online chess tournaments.
Fans enjoy her soothing voice and relaxing vibes but also her fierce attitude when she really gets riled up. Calls her audience a variety of different pet names like 'my dears' and 'darlings'.
Username is just their name, plain and simple. They've used the same channel for years, just changed the name and privated some videos not that they're hiding anything beyond the usual 'embarrassing cringe'.
Surprisingly rarely streams so is more well known as an egotistical powermod and/or editor for the others. Wrote all the bots for everyone's chat and discords. Does speedruns and geogesser mostly, boasting about never needing to cheat because they're just that great.
Argues with people on twitter but mainly over stupid gaming opinions on alt accounts. Will ban people for even the most minor of offenses (and is then subsequently banned for being a dickhead)
They all used to mod for Magnificus but after a bunch of mistreatment and disagreements they cut ties and left. There was a drama and callout video but unfortunately it never gained any traction. Goob still mods and attempts to maintain a good relationship with Mganificus, the other two aren't surprised but still voice their concerns.
All the ghouls frequently end up on Grimora's as additonal voices and contributors but Royal in particular also makes regular guest appearances on Leshy's streams, mainly as one off/gag characters but that's usually enough for the fans to go wild.
Uses a vtuber avatar, streams variety content but mostly focuses on editing streams. Thanks every new follower and subscriber regardless of how busy the stream is. Plays up her own innocence but will call out bullsh!t and sometimes slips up and swears. The other uberbots sometimes show up too and will try to steer stream in their own directions.
The Lucky Carder:
Mostly the same as he is in canon minus the 'whole being dead thing', doesn't just do card openings anymore though: he also does variety gaming. Got raided once by one of the others and since then exploded in popularity. P03 sometimes edits videos for him and adds its own 'witty commentary' but Luke usually doesn't take it too seriously.
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scover-va · 2 years
Ok so going back to my ‘two people find Inscryption and play it’ au. I drew the pair of dumbasses. Neither of them are cishet bc I’m not cishet, thanks for listening
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Anyways. Raven is Grimora’s person, and Callum is Magnificus’ person. Callum is a million times nicer than Magnificus and would NOT drop kick a child. And also if I’m being honest, Raven’s missing an arm because I hate drawing arms, so I decided to just. Take away the arm. My character so I can do as I please. Anyways yeah I don’t have much figured out for them. They’re both in college but I haven’t decided what these two are majoring in yet. They also share a braincell.
Bonus lil comic under the cut
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Gao Rework (updated for Soil)
Name: Zhao Vision: Geo Weapon: Bow Constellation: Terrae Motus
Normal Attack Talent: Youkai Broodeii Archery
Normal Attack: Zhao homes onto enemies and deals DMG to them with his bow.
Charged attack: Goes into an aiming stance, making you able to manually shoot arrows. A normal arrow shot from Zhao's bow will deal Physical DMG. Charging the arrow longer will allow flourishing Geo to infill the arrowhead. This arrow will deal Geo DMG to opponents. Allowing the arrowhead a longer charging will enbrand the arrowhead in surging Geo, letting the arrow broaden as it hits an opponent or wall, dealing additional Geo DMG together with the initial first Charged Attack which scales off of Max HP.
Broadening Arrow DMG: 20.3%-39% of Max HP from Lv. 1-Lv. 13
Plunging Attack: While airborne, Zhao plunges down in a shower of arrows, dealing damage to opponents in the way when he lands.
Elemental Skill: Florid Geometra
Zhao uses a special recipe manufactured by Geo, dashing forward, dealing Soil DMG to nearby opponents which scales with Max HP and creating a Pestilential Jade Bloom.
Pestilential Jade Bloom An artificial plant built purely by Geo. At set intervals, the Pestilential Jade Bloom will expand and deal Graphic Vine Geo DMG to nearby opponents which scales with Max HP. The Pestilential Jade Bloom also attracts opponents' attention, and inherits HP from Zhao. After it's duration ends, or if it's HP reaches 0, it will flourish and deal AoE Geo DMG. A maximum of 3 Pestilential Jade Blooms made by Zhao himself may exist at any given
Skill DMG: 101.1%-230% from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 Graphic Vine DoT: 5.8%-12.9% of Max HP from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 Flourish DMG: 200%-442% from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 Graphic Vine interval trigger time: every 0.8s Pestilential Jade Bloom duration: 12s Pestilential Jade Bloom Inherited HP: 42% CD: 16s
Elemental Burst: Spire Of Conjecture
Creates a massive Widening Spire which collapses upon all nearby opponents. It's DMG scales with Max HP and is counted as Soil DMG. After the Widening Spire collapses onto the opponent, 4 Grand Flourishments will bloom among the chaos and deal AoE Geo DMG. If Spire Of Conjecture is activated when Zhao's Current HP is equal to or above 50% of Max HP, 2 additional Grand Flourishment will bloom and also deal AoE Geo DMG. Additionally, all nearby party members gain an flat ATK buff scaling with Zhao's Max HP when the Widening Spire collapses upon the opponents.
Widening Spire DMG: 30.5%-58% of Max HP from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 ATK Buff: 1.2%-2.4% of Max HP as flat ATK from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 ATK Buff duration: 12s Grand Flourishment Single Instance DMG: 20.2%-39.7% of Max HP from Lv. 1-Lv. 13 Energy Cost: 70 CD: 15s
First Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus
The ATK Bonus given by Spire Of Capitulation is increased by 6% for every 6000 points of Max HP that is in Zhao's possesion. Maximum 5 stacks.
Second Passive Talent: Finesettled Surge
Using Florid Geometra will decrease the time spent charging Zhao's Charged Attack by 20%. This effect will stack when Florid Geometra is reactivated several times. Maximum amount of stacks is 3. One instance of this effect lasts 25s. Florid Geometra's CD is decreased by 15%.
Third Passive Talent: Debonair Percievence
The Pestilential Jade Bloom resonates with other constructs made by other characters, allowing those constructs to deal their respective element's DMG as 30% of Graphic Vine's DMG.
Constellation 1: Tellus Befall
The damage done by the Broadening Spire is increased by 10% for every 30% Energy Recharge Gao has over the base 100%. The Grand Flourishments will gain the same effect.
Constellation 2: Geometrically Precise
Floric Geometra now has two charges. Using Floric Geometra simultaneously will increase DMG dealt by Meteorite Implamation by an additional 9% of Max HP
Constellation 3: Auspicious Conifere-Foundation
Increases the Upgrade Lv. of Spire Of Conjecture by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
Constellation 4: Le Cœur De La Terre
When Gao hits an opponent with Florid Geometra or Spire Of Conjecture, he will gain a 7s Geo Infusion to his bow.
If he is in the AoE of either The Spire Of Conjecture or Florid Geometra whilst having this infusion, Normal, Charged and Plunging Attacks will gain an additional instance of Geo DMG, scaling of 9.1% of Zhao's Max HP and 124% of his ATK
Constellation 5: Acute Apprehension
The level of Floric Geometra is increased by 3. Maximum level is now 15.
Constellation 6: Ensuing Comerstone
While under the ATK Buff given by Spire Of Conjecture, Florid Geometra's CD will be decreased by 45%, and it's DMG will be increased by a rate equal to the effects given by the Talent ''Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus'' You must have unlocked the Talent: ''Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus''
Zhao's Story
A floral store owner in Fontaine. Zhao loves plants and has always had a dream of making endless plants when he became big. Zhao always aspired for a Dendro vision, but was given a Geo vision instead. Instead of being mad at the gods, he used days and night to create a semi-artificial plant made by Geo. Although it doesn't work like a plant, this artificial jade bloom is beuatiful, and Zhao hopes that his creation can one day help people.
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hrokkall · 1 year
do you think the training dummy would consider itself part of the wizard pupil friend group. is there a training dummy equivalent in the battle cats au.
Canon-wise... maybe? It's unclear if the Training Dummy is a non-sentient, inanimate object that has traits superimposed onto it by an outside audience (i.e. it's described as looking "disappointed" at one point despite also being described as inanimate) or is just locked in an FPP situation where it can perceive the outside world but can't talk or interact with it. So in the case of the latter maybe (though the students may or may not know it's actually aware. They treat it the same regardless but still. Bonus points if Magnificus knows its alive and just hasn't told anyone because he assumes they already know). In either case though it's the equivalent of all of the students saying "Oh we're really in it now :(" to someone who has never responded verbally or otherwise to anything they said Ever.
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invertebeast · 9 months
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First original content post I suppose! I actually have a genuine E. magnificus specimen. Lighting (and the plastic) doesn’t do it justice. It’s so beautiful you can even see the tiny scales shimmer slightly as you turn it in the light.
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+ bonus Sanity Animal (my little guy I like to carry around in my pocket). I do love how accurate the plush actually is in comparison. Albeit without antennae, sure, but not bad at all for a cheap kids meal toy from 2000.
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torchiiko · 2 years
like everyone else i wanna make a scrybesona but unlike everyone else i havent figured out a cost system so heres other ideas and concepts instead! (cut for length)
scrybe of.. something to do with fantasy and creativity bc i love fiction and daydreaming an making things up!!
method of inscrybing... im basic and boring lets go with digital art bc i have no other artistic ability + this is a sona so she mostly takes after me <3
she would take inspiration from the other scrybes and incorporate their cards and sigils into her game! tech, beasts, dead, magick, they all make an appearance
hybrid cards!! finds ways to mix & match different themes and costs to make unique cards (things like a haunted machine or gemified/crystallized animals!)
her campaign itself is basically like a visual novel. videogame-esque like p03s but heavier on the story and atmosphere like leshys, with an emphasis on splitting paths and your choices impacting the story and the ending you get!! different characters and bosses,, different battles and unlockable cards mmm
she wants you to Pay Attention! the way you play will also affect the story! for example, you enter a fight where she describes 2 bear cubs play fighting and inviting you to play with them. if you use a low power card to attack them, the fight will end with you playing with them and them running off happily :) if you use a much higher power card however.. the fight will end with you injuring them and later being attacked by the mother. and if you win by attacking the empty spaces, the fight ends with you simply running past them
she would have secret minibosses based on each scrybe :) optional fights that dont progress the story or make you game over if you lose, theyre just fun homages to her fellow scrybes (and also you get a special little reward if you win so maybe its worth fighting them)
also in these miniboss fights you can only use the cards for each respective scrybe theyre based on!! if you dont have enough in your own deck, theyll lend you some and let you pick one to keep if you win (but thats not the special reward)
day/night cycle bc i think its cool also it could allow for events that are specific to the time of day! like getting certain cards or meeting an npc whos only available during the day or night. probably based on the challengers turns, so every x number of turns it turns to night and then x number later its back to day (after battles of course)
plus!! cards are split by nocturnal or diurnal and cant attack if you place them at the wrong time of day. But!! there are sigils that change the surrounding lighting so you can play them :) things that glow in the dark + things that cast shadow to the spaces directly next to them, allowing ally cards to attack
these sigils are dual purpose!! if, for example, its daylight and you place a glowing card, it blinds the card opposing it and reduces its attack. your ally cards are fine tho
also!! during each time of day youre more likely to draw the appropriate cards so you dont get screwed over by all your cards being blind :) thered probably also be a sigil that lets a card see in any lighting without the need for glowing/shadow sigils too tbh
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furiouskettle · 2 years
Hc that as the talking cards transform they slowly grow back to their original forms
All aside, imagining stinkbug but with the head of a old woman and eventually turning into tiny old lady is sending me
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gosh i couldn't stop thinking about teeny tiny grimora bug after reading this...
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and a bonus magnificus! I tried drawing more robot-y po3 too but uhhhhhhhhhhh hes still really ugly
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