drmajalis · 11 months
Remade my Arknights bodytype hc list
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The tier denotes their primary vibe along with their body type, Prammy has some muscle to use that longbow, but is down in "Fat" because that's her energy
Alters are placed separately if I believe there would be a significant enough change when embodying their new form/role
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bydanielknightley · 3 months
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glorianasims · 10 months
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which one is your favorite? After I finish the URBZ asthetic outfit I'll go back to make regular clothing so which body do you want me to make more? (vote on my patreon)
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edofall · 3 months
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wow forgot to upload the previews for the the second part on Feb. the full pack will be up later today.
part 2 of February pose pack will be up on my patreon tonight. it will include: 6 scientist, and 8 body types.
part 1 includes: 6 umbrella poses, and 6 emotinal distress poses.
For now you have these free previews.
Do Not reupload or sell these poses/references. Works that have used   these poses/references can be shared and sold with no credit needed,  but  credit would  be very appreciated.
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 years
Increíble el nivel de racismo que desata ver a Tenoch Huerta como súper héroe.
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fitness-0 · 1 day
 Are You an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph? Discover Your Body Type.
The key to your fitness journey, Determine whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph and understand how your body type influences your health, diet, and exercise routines. Customize your fitness regimen for optimal outcomes. Begin today and revolutionize your approach to well-being.
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fitness-clothing · 3 months
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hattersarts · 8 months
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oh the gates are really baldering.
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Understand your body shape with Allcalculator.net's body type calculator. Embrace body positivity and learn to love your unique shape. Discover fashion tips and articles tailored to different body types for a confident and stylish you.
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calebmatthew1 · 11 months
Embrace Your Unique Body Type: Discover Your Fitness Journey
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Body Type Calculator | In a world that often fixates on a specific human archetype, it is paramount to remember that allure exists in every silhouette and dimension. Everyone possesses a unique body type, and the initial stride towards an enriching fitness journey lies in accepting and embracing that exceptional identity. By comprehending your body type with the Body Type Calculator and adapting your fitness regimen to cater to your distinct requisites, you can attain a state of enhanced vitality, strength, and contentment.
Understanding Body Types
The three principal body types are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Ectomorphs typically boast a slender physique with a rapid metabolism, while mesomorphs exhibit inherent muscularity and athleticism. In contrast, endomorphs tend to harbor a higher proportion of body fat. Acknowledging that every person's physique is exclusive and might not conform rigidly to these categories is crucial. Nonetheless, comprehending your body type with AllCalculator.net Body Type Calculator can furnish invaluable insights into your expedition toward fitness.
Appreciating Your Physique
Rather than subjecting ourselves to unattainable benchmarks of beauty, fostering an attitude of appreciation and celebration toward our bodies is vital. Embracing your body type entails recognizing its strengths and embracing its limitations. For instance, rapid muscle gain might present a challenge if you identify as an ectomorph. By appreciating your body type, you can set pragmatic goals with Body Type Calculator and concentrate on enhancing your holistic well-being instead of pursuing unrealistic appearances.
Customizing Your Fitness Regimen
To embark on a fruitful fitness expedition, it is pivotal to tailor your routine to suit your body type. Doing so can optimize your endeavors and yield the most favorable outcomes. Ectomorphs may benefit from emphasizing strength training to augment muscle mass, while mesomorphs can indulge in a well-rounded amalgamation of strength and cardiovascular exercises. Endomorphs might find high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance training advantageous in amplifying metabolic efficiency and facilitating effective fat loss.
Goal Setting and Progress Monitoring
Establishing realistic and attainable goals constitutes a crucial facet of any fitness journey. Clearly defining objectives empowers you to sustain motivation and efficiently track your progress. Remember, your objectives should stick to the smart work, i.e., explicit, quantifiable, achievable, significant, and time-bound. Whether it entails bolstering endurance, enhancing flexibility, or shedding a particular percentage of body fat with AllCalculator.net Body Type Calculator, ensure that your goals harmonize with your body type and overall well-being.
Diversity and Enjoyment
Unearthing your fitness expedition entails discovering activities that genuinely captivate your interest. Exploring diverse forms of exercise to maintain an engaging and stimulating routine is paramount. The possibilities are boundless, ranging from yoga and dance classes to team sports or outdoor escapades. Embrace the opportunity to embark on novel ventures, for they might unveil a passion. Remember, fitness ought to be an enduring commitment, and finding activities that bring you joy will aid in sustaining a consistent regimen.
Attentiveness to Your Body
Listening attentively to your body throughout your fitness journey and prioritizing its needs are of utmost significance. Be attuned to any indications of exhaustion or discomfort, allowing ample time for rest and recovery. Overexertion or pushing your body beyond its limits can result in burnout or injuries, ultimately impeding your progress. Foster a balanced approach by incorporating designated rest days, healthy nutrition, and self-care into your routine.
Also Read: Top 10 Exercises To Reduce Body Fat For A Fit And Healthy You
Support and Accountability
Forging a support network and cultivating relationships with accountability partners can significantly augment your fitness journey. Engage in fitness communities, enlist the services of a personal trainer, or find a workout companion who shares your aspirations. Having someone to share your triumphs, tribulations, and advancements with can invigorate your motivation and instill a sense of responsibility on your singular fitness path.
Embracing your unique body type with AllCalculator.net Body Type Calculator forms the bedrock of a gratifying fitness expedition. By cultivating an appreciation for and acceptance of your individuality, tailoring your routine, setting pragmatic goals, and uncovering activities that ignite your passion, you can construct a sustainable and rewarding approach to fitness. The goal isn't to adjust to cultural standards but to sustain your body, psyche, and soul. 
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daftpatience · 15 days
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haruhi is forever in my heart a sort of boy thingy
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
Kissing Sunset challenge; The short people struggle
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Excellent hustle as usual, Pinkie! Good work out there, great form!
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Good work Twilight, smart as always, excellent form!
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Trixie, absolutely shameful display, no upper body strength at all, hit the showers 👉
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threi · 5 months
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princessmok5 · 2 years
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mizartz · 1 month
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a deep sea danny for mermay~
i got inspired by @meowmeowmeowmeow4x's lovely fic, Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun! I don't think my depiction of danny is completely accurate to the story, but i looooved the description of his transparent skin with visible bones and organs and wanted to give it a shot!
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aditinfashion · 2 years
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