cln-000 · 5 months
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vurlient · 7 months
I think bro is modelling for a brand
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fibre-foxx · 1 year
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Fondo Del Mar top from Manos Del Uruguay, 100g sport
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
(Open starter)
Tolaas was determined to have a "day off" from his usual ShaadowHunting/bounty hunting/general "heroism" today. He had his guitar on him, and was planning on going to the park to play and sing a bit if he could find a small out-of-the-way area from groups of people. He entered the little cafe/coffee shop and ordered a black coffee.
On his way to the park, he didn't rush. He took his time walking, saying his to various people he passed on the sidewalk, and generally enjoying the day.
Tolaas entered the park and looked around for a quiet spot as he walked the length of the park. He grinned and nodded when he found a picnic table in a small alcove at the edge of the park.
He sat his coffee down, sat down on the picnic table, slung his guitar around and tuned it. When he was satisfied, he started to pluck an strum at the strings, playing various melodies as he tried to think of something to sing.
He chuckled to himself as he started a tune. Probably one of the most well-known songs of all time. But as over the years some people had come to interpret the song as being an ironic metaphor for horribleness in the world, Tolaas sang it with the original intent - peace, love, beauty.
After a few minutes, a couple of people had made their way to where he sat and stopped to listen. A few minutes later, a handful more stopped to listen.
Tolaas sang softly but with conviction, believing every word he was singing. Because he did believe it. No matter how terrible things got, there was always just a bit more goodness. And he made sure this came through as he sang.
He looked around and smiled at the small group of people as he sang, and his eyes fell on someone in the crowd for a few moments before he looked down at his fingers and continued to sing.
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nastymajesty · 9 months
guys what one is your favorite
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bluewatersfairy · 1 year
i haven’t been on tumblr in a minute but new sza is everything to me and she has changed the year
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fowl-fox · 2 years
Have a good day at work, friend! Stay warm, stay safe!
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bluuedraws · 3 days
Sorry the next FoF chapter is a little late, just got my wisdom teeth out so I’ve been recovering. Started working on it again today though :)
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getsugaten-hoes · 8 months
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taviokapudding · 11 months
New ears buds have been obtained, everyone pray they don't make feedback noise in my ears
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yugioh-why-not · 1 year
If Pegasus is 24 years old and he's the creator of Duel Monsters, Duel Monsters can't be over that old in their universe. It didn't seem like a prominent thing in his childhood either so we'll say it's around 8 years old? (making him 16 when he made it which I also have doubt about) Plus he's 8 years older then the main cast. So he would of made it around the time Yuugi was 8 and getting the puzzle and stuff.
(Which by all means makes sense cause unlike later series, people act new to the game at the beginning and in battle city they still have business men, their lives aren't yet controlled by this rapidly growing children's card game)
But anyway, so this game is so important and means literally life or death to so many people, what did they do before it? (Mostly wondering about what everyone was wagering their lives on before duel monsters)
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superchat · 2 years
Hey I hope this night will treat you better than the previous one 💙
thank you! but The Terrors
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quidcrusheu · 2 years
I've got a small crush on Pauli's colourful hair now 😱💕
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nytehavyn-circle · 1 month
Tolaas had just spent the last two weeks in the ShadowLands, trying to settle a dispute between neighboring villages. He had just returned the night previous and was getting ready to make dinner and have a relaxing night in his villa at the top of the Hilton, when he heard a knock at the door.
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Of Cody, Wolffe, Gregor, Howzer, and Fox, who goes into the fresher for a shower with clean clothes to change into and comes out wearing them, who comes out of the fresher in a towel, and who comes out nakkies?
Apparently this is now a series. Let's do this.
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Cody: He comes out of the fresher fully prepared for the day. If he has a military engagement, he's in his full kit. If he has plans to meet with someone is a more relaxed manner, he'll be finely dressed with his hair already styled. If he has company over for more... private reasons... well, he has something special to wear for that, too.
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Wolffe: Regardless what he has planned for the day, he leaves the fresher in his blacks and immediately adorns his kit in his room - there's more room so it's easier to maneuver into his armor
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Gregor: Is there really a question here? This dude comes out in his birthday suit with zero shame. Except that one time there was a non-vod visitor. He just kinda backed away with a "Oops, didn't realize we had company over!" Every word is accompanied with a giggle. "I'll just, hah, I'll be right back." He's too busy making placating gestures to think to cover himself until he's halfway back to the fresher. Mind you, this did not stop him from still coming out naked as the day he was decanted the very next morning.
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Howzer: Towel. And Maker, he makes it look good, a fact he's so painfully oblivious to...
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Fox: He... may have fallen asleep in there. He wakes in a frenzy and sprints out halfway in his blacks rapidly pulling fabric and armor into place in his frenzy.
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bluewatersfairy · 2 years
zabdiel is no longer just a zaddy, he's a daddy now 😭😭
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