#bloodswap grand highblood
kayforpay · 1 year
got anything for teal GHB? little hard to remember which column is which with how long that is. if yeah, what about gr33n?
the lights in the courtrooms are blindingly bright, overwhelming, shocking to the senses. he can smell dust burning on the bulbs overhead, hear the dull buzz as they power on. he arrives early, always, first to be seated and last to leave, monitoring his castemates' cases with shrewd judgement.
his own cases are won before he enters the building, research completed and speeches written. studious doesn't cover it, doesn't touch the obsessive, desperate need to win, to prove himself to any and all who would listen.
and that's why he's the best, favored by His Imperial Tyranny, favored to win the case of the century, of millenia, of all time: to get a martyr and an iconoclastic rebel out of the death penalty. it wasn't the first time the odds were against him, of course, but it was the hardest case he had to study; why would anyone side against the Empire?
clearly, my client was acting in perceived good.
it meant nothing, but the crowd murmured excitedly. his client was bound, beaten, gagged. the vibrancy of the red dripping onto the carpet made his stomach turn.
for this reason, we ask to prove to you goodwill, your Tyranny.
the monster at the podium shifted, it's chitinous scales clicking almost imperceptibly suddenly strident in the held breath of the hall. nothing moved, and the moment carried on for a lifetime. he felt himself straining against the withering glare of the gathered court imperials, against the oppressive, sticky-hot air inside the hall.
he had never lost, not since he was in training, when losing wasn't a sentence in itself.
his mouth was dry, his shoulders shaking and sore. sweat pooled in the soles of his shoes. he could survive prison. he had a fund, secret and untouched. he could disappear before they got to him. it was cowardly, but it wouldn't be losing.
the verdict slid past his ears, like only those around him could hear it. there was screaming, and as he turned, he was grabbed by an imperial guard. his client was being walked out, head down, and he couldn't breathe.
this wasn't something he could get prison for. even as he walked out of the hall, trying to keep his head up, he could feel the noose tightening around his throat.
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landoffreaksandfrogs · 7 months
so Beta Latula in this would be like a Dragon Queen right?
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Her Radical Adjudicator was the last empress of alternia, executed hundreds of sweeps before the beginning of SGRUB.
she was the first, and last, empress to ever be put on trial.
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dreammustard11 · 2 years
welcome to my new video!
You can check out the description below to see what happened
about my Bloodswap
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hskinhome · 1 year
i fear i’m also skittering back for a pendulum ;w; orphaned dualscar, the grand high blood, darkleer, and signless? bloodswap confirms too?
Hey! I got a yes for Darkleer and a swapped GHB Serket!
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playttimes · 5 months
one thing i think is really interesting in general is the way the alternian church seems to introduce the idea of familial ties to trolls. Trolls DO experience familial and parental bonds its just in a different context than humans, and I think that gets forgotten a lot but also I just think a lot about how gamzee knows the terms bro/sis/sib but also because of those purple twins in hiveswap, it inspires me to make the makaras in my bloodswap attempting to be one big happy family
Their grand highbloods still alive and was planning to allow Mituna to take over before he even died (to make sure he could control him until he eventually passes) and I think he definitely sees his descendants as his little "family." Though since its the GHB i doubt he sees them as actual family members and sees them more like little dolls he owns and controls. Their GHB is like if Solluxs control issues met Mitunas passion and stubbornness which is. horrifying. The Makaras in this timeline both have a huge draw to toys as well, so its definitely like a part of the themeing for him to treat them more like dolls.
The younger Makaras werent raised by the GHB though they were raised by their lusus, a two headed goat-man, an insanely and intensely controlling and punitive lusus focused on whipping the two boys into shape. I think the lusus may also be the GHBs lusus, so technically the goats older than all of them and shaped them all into what they are.
They all live in the same mansion in southwest alternia, with Aradia and many churchgoers who volunteer their time, or are hired on by the GHB or goatdad
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AU where all the Beta trolls are purple bloods. Not because their ancestors were purple bloods or anything, but because the Grand Highblood was a massive slut and slept with everyone's Ancestor at least once.
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kusury · 4 years
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Purple Grand ♑💜/ Blue Grand 💙♑
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dead-birds-art · 4 years
Purple blood Leijons!
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And a size comparison I guess :P
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cosmicroadkill · 5 years
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Me, making memes for my own AU? It’s more likely than you think
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kinstimandhelp · 5 years
Kins: Who I’m looking for and more
🤡Gamzee Makara🤡
I am a Gamzee who never killed anyone, went sober for a little bit and was angry, but became depressed once I found out Tavros had been killed and hid until the end of the game. Very skinny and had clothes that barely fit.
♥️: Tavros Nitram (Found)
♦️: Karkat Vantas
♠️: Dave Strider
♣️: Rose Lalonde
Okay with doubles!
Looking for anyone except Tav!
🔕Kurloz Makara🔕
I’m a Kurloz who has depression and dissociates a lot. Very skinny and wore a baggy skeleton suit and curly, curly hair.
♥️: Meulin Leijon (Found)
♦️: Mituna Captor (Found)
♠️: Cronus Ampora (Black crush)
♣️: None
Iffy on doubles.
Looking for everyone except Meu and Tuna!
♑️The Grand Highblood♑️
I was a GHB who mourned his friend Signless and had an affair with the Summoner when he worked at my palace. I had a moirailegence with )(IC when the Signless died. I was really buff and my hair was in dreads. I had forehead horns and they curled so much.
♥️: The Summoner (Found)
♦️: The Signless (Found)/ )(IC (Found)
♠️: Orphaner Dualscar
♣️: Neophyte Redglare
Looking for everyone except Summoner, Signless and )(IC.
🔮The High Priest🔮
I was a Beforan Gamzee who was the High Priest of the Church, and healed others. Very skinny, carried around a satchel with medicines and incense at all times. Wore church robes.
♥️: ??? (Tavros)
♦️: The General (Former; Karkat)
♠️: The Inquirer (Terezi)
♣️: ???
Doubles are okay!
Looking for anyone!!
👑Kurloz Peixes👑
Bloodswap!Kurloz. A young sassy prince who is a big brat and wears lots of jewellery. Had a fuchsia cape and pumps, along with a skeleton wetsuit and pink booty shorts. No gloves, but long nails.
♥️: Rufioh Makara (Found)
♦️: Mituna Pyrope
♠️: Kankri Ampora
♣️: Meenah Maryam(?)
Looking for anyone besides Rufioh!
🚬Cronus Ampora🚬
A chubby transboy who’s very self conscious about himself. Tattered fins and gills, somewhat muscular and covered in freckles. Wiggles my fins a lot. Left eye is blinded from scar. Had scarred forehead horns.
♥️: Dirk Strider
♦️: Vriska Serket (Found)
♠️: Porrim Maryam
♣️: None
Doubles okay!
Looking for anyone besides Meenah and Vriska!
🚬Cronus Ampora (Tl 2)🚬
A strong transman who has deep emotional trauma. Covered in freckles and lots of scars and piercings. Left eye is blinded from scar.
♥️: Kankri Vantas (Found)
♦️: Porrim Maryam
♠️: Kurloz Makara
♣️: None
Doubles okay!
Looking for anyone besides Kankri!
🛹Mituna Captor🛹
A version of Mituna that kept his brain mostly in tact, only sometimes reverting to a different mental state. Scars all over eyes, extremely skinny and had an upturned nose. Very tight bodysuit. I was in a polygamous relationship with Kankri and Latula.
♥️: Latula Pyrope
♦️: Kurloz Makara
♥️/♠️: Kankri Vantas
♣️: None
Doubles iffy.
Looking for literally anyone.
💢Karkat Vantas💢
All my friends had died at the hands of Vriska and Gamzee. I went god tier. Was chubby, had forehead horns, freckles and vitiligo. Once I had grown and my eyes had shown colour, I had one candy red iris and one grey one. I wore a baggy black ribbed turtleneck and grey sweatpants.
♥️: Eridan Ampora (Found)
♦️: Sollux Captor
♠️: Gamzee Makara (Found)
♣️: None
Looking for anyone besides Gamzee and Eridan!
🎤Xefros Tritoh🎤
Had monolidded eyes and ribbed horns, a mole near my mouth, dull teeth, snakebites, and eat piercings. Was somewhat normal sized for my age, and wore grey skinny jeans, rust coloured converse and a shirt with my symbol on it.
♥️: Dammek Strideer (Found)
♦️: Lanque Bombyx
♠️: ???
♣️: ???
Doubles iffy.
Looking for anyone except Dammek!
A symbiote who is bonded to Cletus Kasady and is in love with him.
Looking for anyone besides Cletus!
🕷Peter Parker🕷
Peter from the new Spider-Man game! He’s very protective of his family and can’t really get over MJ or his uncle Ben.
Doubles iffy.
Looking for everyone except Harry!
(Part 2)
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kayforpay · 5 years
Lime Grand Highblood
he was off-spectrum. where the colors slide smooth from olive to jade, he’s too bright, too yellow for his place on the spectrum. surviving meant existing under the radar, avoiding society to his greatest ability. there were rumors of a draft, and even though he barely existed, he was fighting age. despite everything in his life, this is what scared him most, the loss of his identity without a chance to fight for it, because he’d never fought.
he had only hidden himself away.
creeping through the fringes of society dragged him through the rustbloods and revolutionaries, but more than that, pulled him towards the clowns. they weren’t interested in him; they weren’t interested in anyone, really, who wasn’t eligible to join, and he accepted that. he wasn’t interested.
the church nestled in the center of unkind woodland, harsh terrain that scared off anyone without any good business, or anything to hide, and he pressed himself into an alcove of the wall around it, hiding from the clowns leisurely patrolling the wall. they probably saw him and ignored him; lowbloods weren’t any of their concern then.
it was safe. relatively.
nights passed quietly, and he survived, and lived, and listened through the wall. the clowns talked about their own trivial concerns, worshiped loud and excited in the courtyard, sang, screamed, fought. he almost felt a part of it all, listening as close as he did from his place at the wall.
the day he dreamt, it was cold. snow fell slow and thick, blanketing the woods with deafening white that even the intense sunlight couldn’t completely combat, the heavy clouds holding the light back. he slept fitfully most days, but today he nearly didn’t move. cold seeped into his bones.
in the dream, he was alone. he was always alone. why is that?
the voice was warm, welcoming, and sad. why are you alone? don’t you want to be with the rest? it was a comforting voice. it didn’t startle him from where he was sitting in the cold, staring into the emptiness of space around him. we want you with the rest. no being is an island.
except the islands.
the second voice was cold, distant, clipped. he didn’t know what to make of it. come to us.
come to us, kurloz.
he didn’t know where to go, and then, there was light. it almost blinded him, and the sounds, creaking machinery and laughter, music, footsteps. a festival. a carnival. he ran towards it, the weight of sweeps and sweeps of nothingness hitting him so heavily he couldn’t hold back his sobs. he needed to join. he wanted to join.
he woke up.
the world looked the same. it was cold, the sun was barely set, he heard the early clowns muttering about things as they shuffled through evening prayers on their way to whatever duties they had. he was awake, and alone. could he go in? he hadn’t reached the carnival, as desperately as he wanted to. he wasn’t where he needed to be.
the gate was tall, massive, and he walked to it slowly, eyes uncovered, illegal color on display. the guards stopped him, half-shocked to have to do anything, and he stood carefully still. please take me. his voice felt too loud in his ears, and he wondered when the last time he had actually spoken was. the carnival. they showed me everything. please let me go.
questions were raised and answered; the real carnival? the afterlife? the messiahs? it couldn’t be. an off-spectrum bum. he must be seeing things from the cold, and having camped out nearby, heard things he shouldn’t be privy to. should he be killed? the elders needed to know, even if it was nothing.
he knelt at the gate and waited, eyes closed in momentary nostalgic bliss, remembering the faint warmth the glow of the carnival held, until he was roused by the seeming elders. he answered what he could, begged again to be taken there, and before he was sent away, back into the snow, the loneliness of solitude, as he begged again, grabbing their robes, the ground shook beneath them.
the moons broke through the clouds, and the dual colors lit on him, for only an instant, as two colors. it wasn’t possible. the elder saw it, the guards saw it, the gods said it was so.
he was taken in. washed. fed. cared for. he wondered if he would be painted. he looked at the murals with wonder, understanding everything in their chaos and merging colors. a lime. they were supposed to be extinct.
he didn’t respond; the escorts were talking to each other. the room they lead him to was round, with a stage in the center. there was a basin at the exact center of the room, and clowns crowded in on every side, as he was lead to the edge of it, kneeling on the worn stage beside it. he would get his face now, he would be able to enter the carnival.
we give him to you. the elders chanted, and the crowd howled their responses, calling on the gods in old language, long since forgotten by the world at large. we deliver this boon back to you, envoy of comedy most cruel, tragedy soft, we deliver it back into your hands.
he closed his eyes. he was welcome. he was allowed. he felt a pain he couldn’t comprehend, and everything faded too quickly. the elders held his head down, pouring his gushing throat into the basin, and he struggled to press his hands to the wound. 
the heat and light faded around him, his arms restrained and wet, as the chanting got louder. we deliver this boon…
welcome. the cold voice. you’re finally here. with all the rest.
he opened his eyes, and saw the endless carnival stretched before him, below him, his head slumped against the side of the ferris wheel as it spun slowly. the music was loud. he was here. the lights warmed his skin, his face.
he was finally here, where he belonged.
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starrydust-npc · 7 years
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 Some more pictures form Colossalcon 2016 that ended up buried in my phone!
Being bloodswap Emperor Signless was a lot of fun! Please tell me if you are in any of these and I’ll tag you.
Grand Highblood: its-so-savy
Condesce(left): shayisveryhungary
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cttrajan1206 · 4 years
11, 17, 18, 25, 33, 37, 44, 46, 47, 55, 75, 76, 90, 94
11 : Favourite Alpha kid?
LISTEN DONT DO THIS TO ME. I??? Uhhhhhh god i. I really love the strilondes i know its basic but they're all so good and Dirk was done way too dirty. I dont have favourites skshsjf i like Jake the least but i love the rest so much. I guess?? If i had to choose?? Roxy.
17 : Favourite Beta kid?
Uhhhh same problem at Alphas TwT the Betas get a lot more development but either Rose or John.
12 : Favourite Alpha troll?
Aaaaaaaaah this changes as i loveeeee them allllll. I am gay for Vriska but she is also an asshole, I also love Gamzee but he is also an asshole but OH MY GOD I JUST REALISED THEY'RE BOTH MURDEROUS PEOPLE WITH BIG GRINS AND THATS WHY I LIKE THEM. Ghhh I also self project sm onto Eridan when writing him and I often use Kanaya's quirk bc i love her. Nepeta is adorable and I actually like Equius. Karkat is so fun to write and Tavros is baby. Aradia is cool af and so is Sollux. Terezi is just badass af. Honestly telling u my least fav would be easier. Ok but probably like. Idk. I cant. I literally cant. Dont really like Fef much tho lmao
18: Favourite Beta troll?
Alright LISTEN. I LOVE KURLOZ A LOT. But also like, there's a mix. I love Rufioh ngl he's really cool. Meenah is badass af. Latulaaaaa i love her. Aranea is a flashy Serket lmao i loved her info stand. Honestly Kankri is downright funny hed be fun to piss off. Mituna is baby and Cronus needs to fuck off. Damara is funny lmaooo i dint understand a word she says but she will say it anyway XD oh but Porrim is goddamn amazing. Meulin is so cuute too.
Hmmmmm im not sure, i dont really like the zahhak of this bunch as much but the reactions to his quirk were hilarious. Its not like they all got much development other than Meenah and Aranea but i suppose... Kurloz and Porrim. The ones im gay for lmao
25 : Favourite Alternian ancestor?
Ok but i actually really liked the Grand Highblood lmao and also the Marquise Mindfang. The Dolorosa too! Hahaaaa idk ill pick the Dolorosa i liked her and her outfit.
33 : Favourite pale ship?
Oh i actually love the idea of Jadekat lmao! And I was like thinking Roxy x Sollux bc coding brossss
37 : Favourite vacillating ship?
Listen we all know I love Erikar as a flushed ship but Erisol as a vacillating ship is for me
44 : Character you'd choose to be your austispice?
Probably Vriska bc she's described as being good at it lmao im like. Only 70% certain how it actually works lmao why couldnt you have asked me the other ones qwq
46 : Character you'd be best friends with?
Oh I don't know, I love them all! Ok not all but I love so much of them!! I'd want to be friends with Calliope and Dave and Roxy and Dirk and Johnnn and Jade and Jane and Jake
Ok probably Rose and John honestly idk if anyone else would take me though i'd love to do raps with Dave XD
47 : Patron troll? Are you happy with them?
Had to look this up aksvskjf Apparently its Equius I think? Which makes sense since im a Sagittarius and honestly I love this sweaty awkward douche
55 : Beforus or Alternia?
Ahhhh Beforus has a softer meaning of culling but I haven't seen that its actually much better than Alternia and I know more about Alternia too. Honestly Alternia ig? I would likely die but hey
75 : Do you like bloodswaps? Do you have a favourite?
I've seen these one(1) occasion and it was fuchsia Karkat before i fully knew the trolls lmao. I haven't like. Really seen enough to fully say anything? But it would be cool to see the highbloods as lower ones with the stuck up sides to Equius and Eridan's personalities
76 : Do you like kidswaps? Do you have a favourite?
I dont know what this means???
90 : Favourite Homestuck AU?
My own, Macbethstuck skdhjdf but also i like humanstucks and this one fic got me into Twilightstuck lmao
94 : What would your strife specibus be?
Nunchucks and Bow and arrow likely tho i need more practice with both
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hskinhome · 2 years
☎️Hello! We're the Midnight Crew sys! I think this may count as a canoncall?
☎️ I'm the host and fictive of Hearts Boxcars/Hegemonic Brute, Kurloz Makara, Kurloz Vantas (bloodswap kankriways), and The Grand Highblood!
☎️I'm personally looking for a Diamonds Droog and Clubs Deuce who were in a poly relationship with their HB and Spades Slick. There's also my Meulin Leijon and Mituna Captor.
☎️We also have a Gamzee Makara, who's down to talk with anyone, and a Caliborn.
☎️Lastly, we have a Calliope looking for her Roxy, who went by she/he/they pronouns and divorced John Egbert. Our Calliope was in a matespriteship with Roxy, and misses them very much.
☎️Sorry if this is a lot!!!
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one-twisted-sister · 5 years
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Divine Bloodswap Project:  Fuchsia, Violet, Purple, Indigo, Cerulean, Teal, Jade, Olive, Yellow, Bronze. Burgundy,  Candy Red.
Her Theme
Name: Arhana Linnit   Blood color: Cerise Age: 1000+ Sweeps Sex: Female  Likes: Watching the moon rise, being adored, sweets, dancing, kissing and being touched. Dislikes: Anything spicy, breaking her weapons, killing something on the first hit, prey that dies to quick.
Beautiful, graceful and dangerous, Arhana find’s joy in hunting be it a lowblood troll or a beast often times her activities may leave a young troll orphaned. When she goes on a hunt she will save the prey’s bones and usually makes things out of them nothing large namely foot stools. 
The skulls are cleaned and mounted along the halls of her hive, yes hive and what a grand hive it is one fit for a king among the skulls is her lusus the bones painted in gold. During the Lime genocide and war’s that raged Arhana formed her own battalion of any and all highbloods that were strong enough to battle usually testing them out herself, the weak were culled and the strong stayed alive. The only reason she had joined in the battle was for simple fun the pleasure of slaying the masses and watching her little puppets dance on the battle field, to this day she and her battalion still stand strong some joke that the ‘battalion’ is really her over powered harem of males. 
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
Hey there, I'm from a bloodswapped homestuck canon with the following; Rust Summoner, Bronze Darkleer, Yellow Handmaid, Mutant Disciple, Olive Mindfang, Jade Highblood [me, The Grand Patriarch], Teal Dualscar, Cobalt Dolorosa, Indigo Condesce, Purple Signless, Violet Psiioniic, and Fuschia Redglare. If those swaps match for anyone, please contact me!! My kin blog is @meaninglessmutant. Thank you!
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