chappythegardener · 11 months
ORGANIC BLOOD MEAL Organic Fertilizer
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Elevate your organic gardening game with Organic Blood Meal. Personally recommended by Chappy the Gardener, this nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer is specially formulated to nourish and support the growth of leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants. Unlock the potential of your garden and witness remarkable improvements in soil quality, plant health, and overall growth. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a passionate plant enthusiast, Organic Blood Meal is your go-to solution for vibrant, thriving plants. Nitrogen Boost for Lush Leafy Greens: Organic Blood Meal provides a potent nitrogen boost to your leafy greens, promoting lush foliage growth and vibrant green color. This essential nutrient is crucial for the development of healthy leaves, ensuring robust photosynthesis and maximizing the production of nutritious greens for your table. Flourishing Vegetables and Flowers: Give your vegetables and flowers the nutritional support they need to flourish. Organic Blood Meal supplies a balanced blend of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace minerals, which are vital for strong root development, robust flowering, and bountiful harvests. Watch your garden transform into a thriving oasis of flavor and beauty. Soil Improvement and Nutrient Balance: Achieve optimal soil health and fertility with Organic Blood Meal. Its organic composition enriches the soil with essential nutrients, improves its structure, and enhances microbial activity. By maintaining a nutrient-rich and well-balanced soil environment, you provide a solid foundation for your plants to thrive, resulting in healthier, more resilient growth. How do I apply Organic Blood Meal to my plants? To apply Organic Blood Meal, sprinkle the granules evenly around the base of your plants, avoiding direct contact with the stems or foliage. Lightly incorporate the granules into the top layer of soil and water thoroughly. For best results, follow the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging and adjust based on the specific needs of your plants. Can I use Organic Blood Meal for both indoor and outdoor plants? Absolutely! Organic Blood Meal is suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants. Whether you have a flourishing garden or a collection of vibrant houseplants, this organic fertilizer can be applied to any plant that can benefit from a nutrient-rich boost. Use it to nourish your leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants, ensuring healthy growth and vitality. Is Organic Blood Meal safe for organic gardening? Yes, indeed! Organic Blood Meal is a trusted choice for organic gardening. It is derived from organic sources and free from synthetic chemicals, making it suitable for organic farming practices. By using Organic Blood Meal, you can maintain the integrity of your organic garden, nurture your plants naturally, and enjoy the benefits of chemical-free produce. "I'm concerned about harmful chemicals in fertilizers." - Organic Blood Meal addresses this concern by being an organic fertilizer free from harmful chemicals. It provides a safe and natural way to nourish your plants, giving you peace of mind and ensuring the health and well-being of your garden. "My plants seem to lack nutrients and show slow growth." - This is where Organic Blood Meal shines. Its balanced nutrient composition, particularly the nitrogen content, stimulates healthy growth and addresses nutrient deficiencies. Give your plants the boost they need to overcome sluggish growth and reach their full potential. "I'm unsure if my soil needs improvement." - Even the healthiest soils can benefit from periodic enrichment. Organic Blood Meal improves soil structure, replenishes essential nutrients, and enhances microbial activity, providing a nutrient-rich environment that promotes optimal plant growth. Don't miss the opportunity to optimize your soil and set the stage for thriving plants. Don't let your plants miss out on the benefits of Organic Blood Meal. Experience the wonders of this nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer and unlock the true potential of your leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants. Add Organic Blood Meal to your cart today and let Chappy the Gardener guide you on a journey to vibrant, thriving plants. Happy Gardening! Read the full article
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ghouljams · 10 months
Important question: Is the Cabbage Patch Kid a fae that is similar to Ghost or is she a flora Fae since she came from, well, a cabbage?
Technically it was a rose the size of a cabbage, Ghost and Love just thinks they're funny(they are).
I think she's a flora fae! She hasn't grown any petals of her own, but she's just a baby, she's got time. The fae-by is also a nice mix of her parents, and she'll likely keep growing into Ghost and Love's fae vibes as she gets bigger, but yeah I think she's a flora fae at her core.
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hexjulia · 9 months
working in a garden will have you googling shit like "extra extra long gloves. strong." and "bring slugs to forest responsible?"
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ibuprofriendz · 7 months
I would like to try either inking or painting with blood, I think about the different approaches that could be taken with it
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hybbart · 1 year
Scott, to False: "I'd suggest backing away slowly"
False is thankfully back at her group's base. Someone's gotta harvest the zombies for bloodmeal.
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jacksprostate · 5 months
a little disgusting but do you think fem tyler would just rawdog periods out of spite for tampon companies?
well the options aren't just freebleed or use tampons but yeah I don't really think she'd be in favor of single use tampons OR pads given how both companies play on misogyny to market their products by making women feel unclean in different ways. I think one woman in fight club probably makes cloth pads or something. Even the most ardent and stereotypical feminists wouldn't freebleed the whole time because it'd just be annoying to clean up but I can imagine she doesn't really care if she stops using period products a bit early on her last light days and gets mildish stains on some old boxers, which is actually usually what freebleeding amounts to. Menstrual cups also existed in the 90s, though they were made from latex. I could see her being the type to collect it and use it as bloodmeal in the backyard or something. Otoh I could also just see her not caring too much about any of this. Depends on if she decides to make that part of her screed yknow? She totally could and would I think, but also unfortunately it's not like choice of period product is the worst thing involved with how women are treated wrt their periods even just in the realm of business class white woman in the 90s USA
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jacksoldsideblog · 5 months
okay so in the book, chapter 11, there is this:
"In South America, Land of Enchantment, we could be wading in a river where tiny fish will swim up Tyler's urethra. The fish have barbed spines that flare out and back so once they're up Tyler, the fish set up housekeeping and get ready to lay their eggs. In so many ways, how we spent Saturday night could be worse.
"It could've been worse," Tyler says, "what we did with Marla's mother.""
And I wanted to discuss this because while that is indeed tempting to write and perhaps I will at some point (I also think it's very funny that the narrator chickenshit externalizes this hypothetical so it happens to Tyler), the noble candiru of the Amazonia do not actually leap into men's dicks to lay eggs.
Firstly, the local myth is that they'll leap up the urine stream to wriggle into a guy's urethra and suck their blood and whatnot, not lay eggs. This is because candiru are blood parasites, and in most normal conditions, latch onto the gills of larger fish to get their bloodmeal.
This local myth is definitely that, though, a myth, because candiru are just a bit too big to fit in the urethra without significant force. There's not really a way for that one to work out.
They HAVE been found in the vagina, which is unsettling to think about but much more logical in execution. Those spines ARE real and have to be carefully navigated during extraction. Very, very rare though. Never been found in the ass, in case you're curious.
There WAS a supposed case in 1997 of a candiru "jumping up out of the water, up the urine stream, into a man's urethra to chew through to his scrotum."
Now. Physically, that's impossible. It's too large, fluid mechanics don't work like that, the fish are sight not scent hunters, the fish's dentition cannot chew through flesh. And I'd like to hope it never happened at all but in all likelyhood, as with most things, the reality is probably that the man absolutely just was enthralled by the myth, became sexually intrigued by it, and decided to catch and stick a poor fish up his cock.
Play stupid games (stick animal in your urethra) win stupid prizes (2 hour urogenital surgery).
What a world we live in.
So, this has been a fish PSA, here's the real victim:
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satsekhem · 8 months
I dreamed I decided to line my backyard with rose bushes. (Dream backyard was not my real backyard. It honestly reminded me of my uncle's backyard at the house he had when I was a kid.) I remember thinking that I needed to get bloodmeal for the rose bushes which goes to show that a Tumblr post has stuck in my head long enough where I know roses do best with blood or bone meal fertilizers.
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vpofcookies · 1 year
Technoblade and Flower Symbolism: Part Two
Here's Part one: Dandelions
There are two main symbolic meanings that are common for poppies: hope for a peaceful future and remembrance (usually remembrance of death - poppies are often used as memorial flowers for war veterans). A couple poppy fun-facts: They were used in poetry about deaths due to war as far back as the Iliad (Greek mythos connection = Technoblade connection, right?), and were often found in abandoned battlefields since mortar rubble provided lime and space for them to grow. 
Most people know their role in remembrance of war, but few people use poppies to symbolize hope for a peaceful future. I feel that this represents Techno well. He has his personal drive for peace, and choice, and an end to the violence, but many people see him and automatically think of war.
Another reason that I use poppies for art of Techno, other than the clip where he collects them and the symbolism, is a personal headcanon of mine. I know that we don't know much about Technoblade's character before the DSMP, but even before it was revealed that he only had one life it was already a headcanon of mine that he did. Technoblade's character acted like he had been through war and worse already, and the almost-execution and extra precautions he took seemed to reflect that.
On a less serious note, the image of a field of blood-red poppies, known to represent the fallen of war, seemed perfect for a man that calls for blood for the blood god.
On an even less serious note, poppies are used to make opiates and can cause people to sleep and that pig 100% hibernates like the dead.
Roses are a big one to me! I didn't gravitate towards roses for their symbolism or role in society, but there are reasons that I think they fit Technoblade well!
The main reason is their thorns. Roses are a defensive plant, with thick briars to ward of threats. I like to think of the curling vine of thorns as a representation of how others see Technoblade, and the delicate petals as a representation of his one life, but also as a representation of his trust. Technoblade gives trust easily, and so very often has it turned against him despite his many physical defenses. There are things that can get past even the thorny reputation of The Blade.
The silly reason that I associate Technoblade with roses is that roses thrive with blood! Unironically, bloodmeal or raw meat is great for a rose bush and I thought it would be funny if someone asked Techno how he grew his plants so well and he just went "blood" in a complete deadpan.
Another serious reason, but not a real-life one, is the association with withers. Wither roses are, to me, a representation of transformation, life, and the trade between life and death. Roses created from the death of something else that have the potential to live on their own through thay death but also have the potential to cause death in the same way they were created? As someone who associates Techno heavily with the exchange of life and death, wither roses are a great symbolic tool to represent the potential for creation that is found in destruction... for instance the creation of freedom and healing found in the destruction of a government...
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chappythegardener · 11 months
ORGANIC BLOOD MEAL Organic Fertilizer
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Elevate your organic gardening game with Organic Blood Meal. Personally recommended by Chappy the Gardener, this nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer is specially formulated to nourish and support the growth of leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants. Unlock the potential of your garden and witness remarkable improvements in soil quality, plant health, and overall growth. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a passionate plant enthusiast, Organic Blood Meal is your go-to solution for vibrant, thriving plants. Nitrogen Boost for Lush Leafy Greens: Organic Blood Meal provides a potent nitrogen boost to your leafy greens, promoting lush foliage growth and vibrant green color. This essential nutrient is crucial for the development of healthy leaves, ensuring robust photosynthesis and maximizing the production of nutritious greens for your table. Flourishing Vegetables and Flowers: Give your vegetables and flowers the nutritional support they need to flourish. Organic Blood Meal supplies a balanced blend of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace minerals, which are vital for strong root development, robust flowering, and bountiful harvests. Watch your garden transform into a thriving oasis of flavor and beauty. Soil Improvement and Nutrient Balance: Achieve optimal soil health and fertility with Organic Blood Meal. Its organic composition enriches the soil with essential nutrients, improves its structure, and enhances microbial activity. By maintaining a nutrient-rich and well-balanced soil environment, you provide a solid foundation for your plants to thrive, resulting in healthier, more resilient growth. How do I apply Organic Blood Meal to my plants? To apply Organic Blood Meal, sprinkle the granules evenly around the base of your plants, avoiding direct contact with the stems or foliage. Lightly incorporate the granules into the top layer of soil and water thoroughly. For best results, follow the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging and adjust based on the specific needs of your plants. Can I use Organic Blood Meal for both indoor and outdoor plants? Absolutely! Organic Blood Meal is suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants. Whether you have a flourishing garden or a collection of vibrant houseplants, this organic fertilizer can be applied to any plant that can benefit from a nutrient-rich boost. Use it to nourish your leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants, ensuring healthy growth and vitality. Is Organic Blood Meal safe for organic gardening? Yes, indeed! Organic Blood Meal is a trusted choice for organic gardening. It is derived from organic sources and free from synthetic chemicals, making it suitable for organic farming practices. By using Organic Blood Meal, you can maintain the integrity of your organic garden, nurture your plants naturally, and enjoy the benefits of chemical-free produce. "I'm concerned about harmful chemicals in fertilizers." - Organic Blood Meal addresses this concern by being an organic fertilizer free from harmful chemicals. It provides a safe and natural way to nourish your plants, giving you peace of mind and ensuring the health and well-being of your garden. "My plants seem to lack nutrients and show slow growth." - This is where Organic Blood Meal shines. Its balanced nutrient composition, particularly the nitrogen content, stimulates healthy growth and addresses nutrient deficiencies. Give your plants the boost they need to overcome sluggish growth and reach their full potential. "I'm unsure if my soil needs improvement." - Even the healthiest soils can benefit from periodic enrichment. Organic Blood Meal improves soil structure, replenishes essential nutrients, and enhances microbial activity, providing a nutrient-rich environment that promotes optimal plant growth. Don't miss the opportunity to optimize your soil and set the stage for thriving plants. Don't let your plants miss out on the benefits of Organic Blood Meal. Experience the wonders of this nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer and unlock the true potential of your leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and houseplants. Add Organic Blood Meal to your cart today and let Chappy the Gardener guide you on a journey to vibrant, thriving plants. Happy Gardening! Read the full article
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midnight-blue-blood · 10 months
disposes of victims in her garden
Bloodmeal is a useful ingrediant to any garden, certainly.
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wikipedia-main · 9 months
goddd I hate questions that are written to make you self-reflect like "what do you want to accomplish in 10 years" can you stfu im trying to supplement my outward personality with 12 layers of hay mulch leaves bloodmeal manure and other nutrient-rich decaying organic matter !!!!! get off my case!!! In the next 10 years I will become a beautiful lush plot of land that doesn't NEED that extra matter and then I will get to see how awesome the beetles and millipedes and funguses that inhabit my soil are despite living short isolated lives and how resistant my plants are to pests and viral infections due to being biologically diverse and robust god damn it!!!! Do you understand me.
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bluiex · 1 year
I left for 4 days and came back to SporeAU!Mumbo becoming a walking flower pot. I love it XD
Can we also agree he mixes bloodmeal with water and drinks it like chocolate milk? 'Cause he's basically a vampire and flowers love to eat dead things
A walking flowerpot ASDFGKHNHK
YES. YESYESYEYS this is canon now LOL
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lostlovepunk · 1 year
very disappointed that hardware stores don't seem to have bloodmeal in germany i genuinely wanted to get some after seeing that it exists
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hungryyheartarchive · 11 months
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? vampiis naturally smell like wet soil! so too does conrad. this is sometimes overshadowed by the smells of the city and/or his most recent kills. i will leave it up to you and your muse how pungent he is at any given moment 🥰
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? young. soft, dry, barely tepid. sometimes bumpy because of the customary gashes and scratches he sustains, maybe the odd callous every now and again depending on what he's been doing, but it heals effectively if he's careful with his cleaning, so it doesn't last long.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? conrad operates on a 4:1 ratio, so for every 4 low-value prey items he kills and consumes, he 'treats' himself to a bigger and much more nutrient-heavy item, like a medium to large breed dog. so it depends on where he is with that schedule. i can't remember off the top of my head how many hours vampiis can go without a bloodmeal for before they start to experience (possibly fatal) bloodlust, but i think he can go two days without food after eating one of his heavier meals. on an average day he kills and eats about 2.5-3kg of meat - say like, three or four adult squirrels or rats. compared to other vampiis, he's constantly in a calorie deficit, but he makes it work somehow.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? not good per se, but his voice is strong and confident enough to make you think he's carrying a tune. it depends on the song as well!! you can get away with talk-singing with some tunes and conrad's pretty good at that
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? it's his instinct to want to make jokes so he can get out of discussing something serious or being genuinely sincere or emotionally or romantically intimate with someone. this is what his brain has been hardwired to do since he was a kid. he laughs a lot when he's nervous - kind of high-pitched and shrill. and as for bad habits. the worst has got to be the burping. he burps SO much and it is noisy and he makes no effort to hide it.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? for what he looks like - scruffy as a default, and his clothes and face are usually stained. not a day goes by where he doesn't have a bruise or a scar or a mark on him somewhere. sometimes i think it's ridiculous that conrad still thinks he has to dress like it's late 70s/early 80s but then i remember that trends always repeat on themselves and maybe he's getting confused 'cause everyone else is starting to have the same style he does. everything is thrifted/stolen. thick woolen sweaters are a staple of his wardrobe as well as big leather belts. it's hard to find jeans or khakis that fit his dumb unsightly body, but he does his best to find a pair that shows as little of his ankle and calf as possible because he always got teased as a kid for his pants not fitting right. it is hard! when you are so large and lanky.... for the summer (even though it really doesn't matter to him) he likes plain tees with plaid shirts on top of them, or short-sleeved button-ups, always tucked in. conrad is also a fan of corduroy.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? very. true affection takes the form of a myriad of Noises - purrs, chirps, chuffs - and Noises accompanied by Gestures - head bumps, leaning his weight against you, nuzzling. he has no control over these. it's what happens when his body reaches a certain stage of happiness and contentment and trust with another person. non-vampii-isms aside, conrad will give you plenty of quality time if that's a language that speaks to you. he is very needy and gets very attached to the point of separation anxiety (this is when he starts chewing the drywall because you're not there) but once you are deemed as his Person he literally can't get enough of you. he needs to be there at all times, because you need to hear him tell him how much he loves you, even if he doesn't say it so much as purr it in your general direction. 🧡
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? either curled up on his side with his stork legs almost pulled all the way into his chest underneath a big pile of blankets or, if his bed's a little barer, or if he feels like he's exposed/at risk - if he's not really sleeping but doing that funky half-sleep vampiis do most of the time - on his tummy, hugging his makeshift pillow.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? you could hear conrad if you were on the moon.
tagged by: @ignisregina thank u!! <3
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whetstonefires · 2 years
A fellow vampire bat enthusiast I see 🧐
haha yeah! since i was a kid honestly. like vampire bats get invoked for spooky all over the place, and then i looked them up and they are tiny and they hop and they bite the feet of large mammals mostly and are altogether the most harmless obligate carnivore around, if you place bloodmeals under meat-eating which i think you should. sure ain't a vegetable. anyway they're great.
😂 i changed my pic to this for halloween 2020 and stuck with it because it's a good vibe.
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