clone-fighter · 7 months
Separated Blastober releases
...Under the cut, due to post length.
2022: Halloween
Mind you, this was back when I was just going to do spooky themed songs for every Blastober... and also back when I used the YM2151 instead of the 2612. Yeesh, this sounds old...
Natural spooky themes - I mean, it's the halloween level. I pretty much had to start off Blastober with this!
Originally intended to be a gloomier song, turned into a Hide And Seek-type beat. This Zone is actually forever doomed to be UNUSED in SRB2, so I guess there's the haunted factor.
Instead of going a traditional way, this taps directly into Sonic's worst fear - drowning. Although very cheery on the surface, long-term fans of Sonic will know that this Zone is to be dreaded.
2023: Corrupted Autumn
The turning point. There just aren't that many spooky songs in Sonic games. Sure, I could go for a Mystic Mansion remix, but that's boring... why not mix it up for each year?
Starting off with a Cyberdime Realm track. Cliche corruption, and the track sounds autumn-y enough to me, hence the arrangement. Gotta admit, this track's a bop even in its original form.
This track covers a different form of corruption: physical terrain corruption. As in, how Eggman took over Green Hill Zone, making it mechanized entirely during Sonic Chaos. Also a pretty good track anyway, and I got partially inspired by NicoCW's arrangements of it for Sonic Hysteria.
HUE HUE HUE HUE. Also taps slightly into the same corruption form as MGHZ - even as far back as the Past sign allows us to go, there are signs of Eggman's takeover of the section. Heavily inspired by Tee Lopes's amazing remix of it for Sonic Mania during certain parts.
I just had to. Cliche digital corruption again, this time tapping into it fully compared to Sunrise Uplands. Heavily recommend listening to Fen's original version of it, too! And this is also the only non-looping track so far in Blastober.
Happy very very late Halloween, guys.
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monsoonxskies · 5 years
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Second contribution for week 2 of Gaster Blastober!
This is my OC, Flynt, from the writing piece I did. :3
(I actually really love this boi, he needs more love. ^^)
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obsessedkatie · 6 years
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Inktober 2018 - Day 7
Glaster Blastober Submission #1
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topazshadowwolf · 6 years
Underfell Gaster blaster AU
Here’s a fic for my “Gaster Blastober” thing I’m doing again this year. I decided to do a fic in an Underfell variation of the Gaster Blaster AU. Which is fun, since both are kinda vague and have no real set rules as to how they are, so I got to make up how I wanted it to be. Anyway, there is some violence in this, but I’d rate it at teen. AO3
Sans never before wished he had a tongue. That weird fleshy object always seemed disgusting and a pain to deal with. Where did it fit in a mouth amid sharp teeth without getting bitten? With fangs like his, if he bit his tongue (that is if he had one) it would definitely be a painful experience. But, at that moment, as the wounds on his transformed body ached, he longed for some way to relieve the pain. He had seen other monsters lick their wounds before, and it seemed like such a comforting act.
All he had was his fang-filled jaws, which would only scratch and irritate the damaged areas. Well, he should be grateful. Had Boss not insisted that they do their rounds in their full blaster form he would be dust for sure. While still physically weaker than his brother in this form, as a blaster beast Sans had far more defense and HP than he normally had. Thanks to daily blaster scouting and training in dodging, this runt lived another day.
Still, as nice as it is to survive, the cracked and chipped bones were definitely something he could do without. Part of him wanted to retreat to the door in the woods. The lady there was good at healing, and few know that or even went there. Not even Papyrus knows about her, and Sans promised not to tell. She took a liking to Sans, for some reason he couldn’t explain. She liked his jokes at least, or she was that starved for the company that she tolerated him returning daily. Even in this large, lumbering form, when she couldn’t understand his jokes, she just opens the doors and walks out to sit with him and knit. He would like that right now, resting with her healing him and just being near; but, he knew Boss wanted Sans to wait here, to meet up once it was all clear.
The older blaster didn’t like that his younger brother ran off to scout their turf for any more of those punks from Waterfall. Sans had no warning for that surprise attack, and they were ready to fight him in this form. What they weren’t prepared for was Papyrus being close enough to provide back up. Knowing that Sans hated that Papyrus was alone when there could be more monsters ready to fight a blaster. Unfortunately, there was no stopping Boss, once he had an idea in his head he ran with it until he succeeded or failed in a way that made him feel he succeeded. In a world like this, that kind of productiveness was rewarded more than Sans laziness. So, he had long since passed pack leadership over to his bro. That did come with some interesting changes in Papyrus.
The younger skeleton now liked being called “Boss” when they were working or in public, no matter the form. Papyrus had also gotten nippy and rough in behavior, but nothing harmful. Sans wasn’t sure, but he wondered if it was his brother’s way of encouraging Sans to be more aggressive as well. Unfortunately for Boss, Sans was too lazy for that and would tuck tail, whine, and surrender. Not that Sans never “fought” back with his bro. He just preferred teasing Boss and testing his patience until Sans got that deserved nip on the nose or more. While it seemed worse to a watcher, no harm was ever done to either, and it was more bonding that not. Ultimately, the two were brothers, they had each other’s back… No matter the teasing or bullying they kept each other and their territory safe.
The sound of crunching snow alerted Sans to the return of his brother. His brother sniffed Sans over and growled softly. The older brother knew the growl wasn’t meant for him as Papyrus anger was still directed towards the jerks who thought they could invade their land and attack Sans. The younger blaster threw his head back and let out a roar that caused Sans to flinch. Papyrus stomped around angrily, blowing off steam in the process. Shifting his head slightly, Sans watched his brother with mild amusement.
<what now, boss?> Sans asked his brother once he finally settled down.
Papyrus looked at Sans for a moment then huffed while raising his head to full height in pride. <I SHALL TAKE THIS UP WITH UNDYNE. SHE AND I HAVE AND A LONG UNDERSTANDING ALLIANCE. I HIGHLY DOUBT SHE WOULD HAVE ISSUED THIS ATTACK>
It took an effort to shift his paws back under himself, but Sans slowly stood, snow falling from his aching bones from where he had pressed wounds against the cold for pain relief. They hurt, but he felt he could travel with no trouble. Even though he had not been sleeping just now, it still helped his magic to start to heal as he rested. <yeah, ok, makes sense, boss. besides, undyne’s the type who’d be here and not be just sending underlings. she might be in trouble herself, y’know.>
Turning, Sans started to walk towards the tunnel that lead to Waterfall, but as he started his brother snapped at him. Papyrus left a shallow scratch is previously undamaged snout with a fang. Sans jumped back lowering his tail while growling at Papyrus. <the hell was that for, boss?!>
That surprised Sans and he tilted his head, unsure what his brother wanted from him. Didn’t Papyrus just say they were going to meet with Undyne? <uh, to waterfall?>
<ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU WILL REPORT TO OUR DEN AND REST!> It was a clear order from Papyrus, but Sans glared at his brother.
<and let you wander into possible trap alone?> Sans snorted, annoyed his brother was blocking him.
<ARE YOU DOUBTING ME?!> Papyrus stood taller as he tried to appear threatening. Normally this display of self-confidence would cause Sans to laugh, but right now all Sans felt was worried.
<naw, of course not, bro. i just don’t doubt them either.> Sans huffed.
The younger brother growled deeply, the sound echoing like distant thunder with an underlying rolling hiss. Sans understood there was no arguing past this point. With a sigh, Sans sat and lowered his head to let his brother know he won this fight. His younger brother relaxed while still holding a strong stance. <GO HOME, SANS, REST. I WILL NOT BE LONG.>
Sans watched as Papyrus trotted off towards Waterfall as he slowly stood and started in the direction of Snowdin. But… had Papyrus knowns his elder brother well enough. He would have known Sans was not going to let Papyrus wander off into enemy territory like that. Just because his brother won the growling match, that didn’t mean he really won at all. Sans didn’t risk his life every day raising his younger brother just to have him killed by some punks who found out ways to fight a full-blown blaster beast. Keeping a safe distance, Sans trailed his brother, keeping an eye on him as they made their way to Waterfall. It wasn’t easy, as blasters had such strong senses, and Undyne’s house was a fair distance into Waterfall. But this wasn’t the first time Sans had followed his brother without Papyrus knowing.
There was plenty of long grass, deep water, and rock formations to hid behind, making it easy for Sans to remain hidden from his brother. Papyrus, though, was marching along, with no fear. Luckily for him, so far, none who saw him dared to approach. They had seen the Snowdin guard enough to know he was friends or allies with Undyne and understood it was in their best interest to leave him alone.
Sans always liked this place. Had it not been so populated, he would have stayed here with Papyrus instead of venturing into Snowdin. As two small pups, trying to survive without adult protection, it was far too dangerous with all the monsters living here. Unlike Waterfall, Snowdin had fewer monsters, and the ones that did live there formed a bond with their neighbors instead of small gangs. The cold and snowstorms could be just as deadly as a powerful monster, if not more so. When the world around you seems to be plotting your demise, waging war with everyone around you who could be a useful resource later is generally unwise. This made Snowdin a powerful unit of monsters who knew and understood how to work with each other far better than any other community in the Underground.
Still, it is easy to marvel at the beauty of Waterfall. In the darkness, the glowing echo flowers and mushrooms were wonderful to admire. More than them, though, the ceiling above looked like what he heard the night sky of the surface looked like. Millions of tiny dots above his head, shining in a gorgeous display that he could sit and look at for hours.
Unlike usual, it wasn’t difficult to overcome his desire to just sit and stare at those mock stars. He was here for a reason that was far more important to him. Keeping a socket on his brother, he continued to trail him to the house in question. The red hair of the monster out front gave away that she was the predatory, fish monster they were looking for. Sans glanced around, and sniffed the air, he didn’t see any threats around. Perhaps he was worried for nothing and should slink back home before Papyrus noticed.
“Papyrus? What are you doing here?” The gruff voice of Undyne asked his brother who started to shift down to a partial blaster form so he could speak to her. Something still nagged at Sans that he should keep an eye on them. With a sigh, he gave in to his instincts and remained hidden nearby, watching.
Hearing a noise, Sans turned his skull to see a shadowy figure of a monster lurking not that far from him. The cat monster hadn’t noticed Sans, his focus solely on Papyrus and Undyne. Sans could feel the ill intent radiating off of him. A yell from somewhere else signaled an attack, and before Undyne or Papyrus could react magic was flying at them. Luckily, both were skilled enough to block and avoid most of the magical bullets flying at them. As monsters ran out of hiding at them, Sans decided to even the odds a little. The cat monster was about to spring into action when Sans struck them with a well-placed slash of his claws. He could see the shocked and pained look of the feline. The cat monster took a turn and attacked him, but Sans dodged his magical attacks with a wince as the previously gained wounds ached from the use of his bones and joints. Annoyed, Sans sought to end this as soon as possible. He finished off the cat monster was just an easy pounce.
Dusting other monsters never sat well with Sans, but he did what needed to be done, for his survival and the survival of Papyrus. Looking back at his brother, he could see Undyne and Papyrus were holding their own fairly well, but they were still outnumbered. They would surely win, but it could go faster if they didn’t have so many to fight. He lowered his head and opened his jaws, feeling magic gathered then burst forth in a beam. His attack struck three monsters who were standing next to each other, and with their high LOVE, they were nothing but dust by the time the light of his attack died down.
His location known, Sans leaped from his hiding spot and struck at a monster with his claws. They stumbled back, clutching the wound, the pain from KR causing them then drop to their knees and scream. A yell from behind Sans caught his attention and he saw two monsters charging at him. Swinging his tail, he sent them flying off to who knows where. What mattered was they weren’t attacking his brother anymore.
“SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I TOLD YOU TO REST!” Papyrus yelled and to that Sans whined an apology. “IF YOU WERE REALLY SORRY YOU WOULDN’T BE HERE!”
Well, his brother had a point.
“Sans, stand down, we got it from here!” Undyne yelled, looking just as annoyed as Papyrus to see his help. This caused the attacking gang remaining to reconsider their options. After all, the one who just dusted three monsters in one attack was being told to stop helping. Good thing too. Papyrus and Undyne could both easily dust the rest of them without breaking a sweat. And as spears and bones rained down on them, those that weren’t dusted ran like the cowards they were.
Once they were alone, Papyrus turned to Sans and put his hands on his hips “SANS, YOU WERE GIVEN AN ORDER TO STAY HOME, WHY ARE YOU HERE?”
“Hey, normally I’m all for yelling at your brother, but look, he’s and not being lazy when he even had a good reason to sit around. And he did great, DID YOU SEE HOW FAR HE SENT THOSE TWO FLYING?! I bet they’re in Hotland!” Undyne smiled big, showing off her teeth as she spoke. She walked closer and reached up, patting Sans on the nose, letting him know she approved of this. “But, if you are ever so careless with your life again, I will dust you myself, got it?”
Sans blinked at her change of tone and nodded. He then waited patiently for his brother and Undyne to discuss what they were going to do about these attacks. Strengthening the patrols of the Royal Guards was the solution that they came to, which Sans worried would possibly lead to more trouble down the line. But, hey, what did he know, he was just a sentry.
Side by side, the two blasters made their way back to Snowdin. The younger fussing over Sans the entire way. <WHAT IF YOU GOT HURT MORE?> <YOU DID WELL IN THE FIGHT BUT YOU COULD HAVE JUST KEPT A SOCKET ON SNOWDIN!> <WHAT IF THEY SPOTTED YOU FIRST?> All it really boiled down to was that Papyrus had been worried about his older brother, and Sans was touched by this.
Once back home, they shifted back down into their skeleton forms. Papyrus ordered Sans to take a nap on the sofa after shoving a plate of spaghetti in the older skeleton’s face. The “food” was barely edible, but Sans managed to keep it down before curling up on the sofa. His body was still sore and tired from all that happened, but knowing his brother and their territory was still safe, Sans was able to drift to sleep.
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week One
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. Hope you guys enjoy! Most will be kinda fluffy cause I feel icky and need some smiles <3
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 60%
Papyrus was asleep, tucked into his race-car bed as his alarm clock slowly ticked down the early morning hours. He’d be up bright and early, like usual for him, but it was a little harder for him to fall asleep that night.
After all, it was his first night in his new house. Such things were always different, unsettling.
It wasn’t like their father didn’t want them home with him, but they weren’t tiny baby bones anymore. Both him and his brother were adults, and needed to strike out on their own and have spaces for themselves. Sans was in college, and he was undergoing outdoor training. It seemed much too big to fit that all into their cozy childhood home. It felt like the right thing to do was to attempt to stand on their own feet and do things like a proper adult.
So, their father had helped the both of them find a new place to live, which was literally two houses down from his. They wanted to be on their own, but not that far away. They had promised to visit often, which placated their father. Plus they’d see him at his bar daily, so it wasn’t like they had gone very far.  They could tell it saddened their father to see them go, but it’s the same pain that every parent must bear once their children are grown and ready to face the world.
It wasn’t a pleasant feeling, for either of them.
Papyrus heard a soft shuffle in his bedroom, the noise loud enough to him that he wearily opened his eye sockets to peer into the darkness. He had always had good low light vision and it didn’t take him long to find the source of the noise. 
He sighed.
Of course, it would be his brother.
Sans sat on the floor in his blaster shape, eye sockets forward as he stared at the door, haunches fully planted. He was as still as a statue and positioned directly in front of the door. Nothing would be able to get into the room without running into some serious teeth. Though Sans was much smaller than Papyrus’ beast form, he still packed a serious punch. The shuffling noise was Sans’ claws on the carpet as he subtly shifted to root himself firmly to the floor.
“Brother, what are you doing?” Papyrus turned down the usual volume of his voice to address his brother, doing his best not to startle him. Sans said nothing, and continued to stare at the door. He probably didn’t hear him, not when he got like...this.
“Brother.” Papyrus tried a little firmer, sitting up and pulling his rocket ship patterned covers away from himself. He reached for the lamp on the end table next to his bed and switched it on. Immediately, the room was bathed in warm light and chased away the dark shadows. The sudden change made the elder brother jump with a soft yelp. He whipped his head around, one eye socket black, and the other with a flickering blue/yellow round pupil. He stared for a moment, before he blinked and the usual soft white lights appeared in his sockets again.
Papyrus crossed his arms against his chest, fuzzy pajamas bunching up here and there. “BROTHER, WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?” Now that Sans was lucid and alert, Papyrus switched back to his regular volume.
Sans thought a moment, clicking his fangs in thought.
<“i...was watching...”> His clicks and barks was just as clear as Common to the younger brother.
“YOU WERE STANDING GUARD AGAIN WHEN YOU SHOULD BE SLEEPING FOR YOUR CLASSES TOMORROW.” Papyrus voice took a hard edge to it. Sans’ condition required him to get plenty of rest, and here he was, sitting up all night staring at a door. How long has he been sitting there before the noise awoke him? Any time was too long for Papyrus’ liking.
<“couldn’t sleep.”>
Sans nodded slowly, eye sockets blinking as his body sagged a little. Tension left his bones slowly, reducing his look from a frightening creature of teeth and claws to a tired friendly critter who could use  a hug or two. <“s’ different. yeah”>
“I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WANT TO PROTECT ME, BUT I AM NOT A LITTLE PUP ANYMORE. THERE IS NOTHING THAT THE GREAT PAPYRUS CAN’T HANDLE AND I CAN SOUNDLY DEFEAT ANY INTRUDER WHO DARES  INVADE OUR SANCTUM.” It wasn’t quite scolding, but a declaration of fact. Papyrus was an adult. An adult who was skilled at magic and was training to literally rip through rock to find trapped people. He didn’t need protection anymore. “I AM FAR PAST THE DAYS OF YOU NEEDING TO CHECK UNDER THE BED FOR HUMANS.”
Sans sagged a little more until he was outright lying on the floor like a puddle. <“i know bro. i’m sorry...i just...you know...”>
Sans was quiet. He couldn’t deny anything being said to him.
Papyrus scooted over in his bed, making a space and patting it with a hand.
Sans chuckled softly, and slowly stood. <”can’t argue with the great papyrus, can I?”>
Sans climbed up into the bed with a huff. Of course he was wearing the same clothes he wore that day and not pajamas. No matter. As soon as the elder skeleton had his paws steady he was immediately shoved against the now much-larger Papyrus. Papyrus’ beast form was long and wiry, completely different from the short and stocky form of his brother. The best part, though, was that they fit together into a comfortable cuddle pile. It was the same way they slept as children up until they were old enough for separate beds. Even then, during bad nightmares and bouts of anxiety, nothing calmed them down faster than a cuddle. Even the vague upsetting dreams Papyrus had from time to time about steel and snippets of white were dashed away in such piles. Sometimes their father joined, but nowadays they were much too big and would smoosh their poor father.
It didn’t take long for both beasts to settle into the bed, Papyrus pulling the covers over them both with his teeth. Sans sighed, pancaking out as he truly relaxed. Papyrus gave him a soft comforting nuzzle.
<“thanks bro.”>
<“to howl if in trouble and he’d come reduce anything messin’ with us to ash.”>
Papyrus knew what Sans was afraid of. He knew ever since he was old enough to be sat down and be told why his brother acted the way he does sometimes. Sans rarely talked about their lives before their adoption, but he knew what it was. After all, he had the Undernet and it didn’t take long to find archived newspaper articles about it. His brother sacrificed a lot to protect him.
He understood, which was why he did his best for his big brother. It was time for Sans to be protected.
Sans nuzzled in close and yawned as he got comfortable.
<“you’re the best bro around.”>
It wasn’t hard to fall asleep after that, nor the nights after.
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gbpack-discord · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019
The goal is to make one thing (art, fic, craft, detail headcanon post, short animation/animatic, comic, song, etc) Gaster Blaster AU related each week. If you’re doing Inktober and want to join in, go ahead! Below is a list of prompts to work with. I am aware other events are going on during October, so if you want to use a prompt from the event you are working that’s fine. Do as many weeks as you want (or even submit more per week if you want).
Week One: Bad Habit Week Two: Transformation Week Three: A moment of Fear Week Four: Feral Mind Bonus: (the few days up to and including Halloween!) Free
These prompts are made to encourage you to explore your own headcanons. Think about each one and create something that best fits your headcanon, or even write a post explaining your headcanon!
Tag them as #gasterblastober or #gasterblastober2019 and @ this blog. I know from running other events submissions get lost quick! If you don’t see your stuff posted after a few days, don’t be afraid to message @topazshadowwolf​ here or on Discord. You can also submit to DA if you prefer, the group is GasterBlaster-Pack.
Keep your work “PG-13″ if you want it reblogged. You are free to make what you want but that doesn’t mean it will be reblogged. (this is a werewolf inspired AU, so blood and violence are acceptable within reason. please tag them appropriately)
A ship may be included so long as it does not include ship shaming. Again, please tag appropriately.
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deal-right · 5 years
If not Inktober, have you thought of Gaster Blastober 2019? Its only 4 drawings (one for every week of Oct). I don't think people outside of the circle really know much about it.
Oh, I haven't heard of it :O I'll check it out and see if I can do something <3 thanks for telling me!
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clone-fighter · 7 months
Oh, by the way! Since 2022 I'll be holding a mini-event throughout every October called Blastober, during which I make music based on a given theme! I'll try to include at least three songs per year, but I'm not limited to it.
2023's releases are a bit delayed since I didn't get the time to make the videos during October itself, so it has to be during November. I will post them separate in a bit! But for now,
enjoy the music!
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monsoonxskies · 5 years
🧡Not-So-Sweet 16💛 — Gaster Blastober Week 2: Transformation
Flynt awoke to a slight burning sensation in his chest.
At first, he passed it off to be a weird, early-morning wake up thing, as he’d been doing quite often in recent times. It wasn’t unusual to feel this way. He’d felt like this for several weeks now, but he didn’t have the courage to tell anyone about it.
He sighed, half-rolling out of bed and staggering to his feet with a quiet groan. Within moments, the feeling subsided, leaving only a dull ache at the core of his ribcage. It was good enough.
Today was his 16th birthday. Already meant to be a unforgettable experience, but little did he know that it would become much, much more than that.
The day went by, and all was going well. That is, until he went out with his friends to Grillby’s. They had just gotten their food when the pain began to rise up in his chest, starting as a slight burn before it rapidly progressed to a sharper pain.
He tried like hell to ignore it, but it continued to get worse and worse with the more he tried to do so. It eventually got so bad that he had to leave. He knew something wasn’t right, and he didn’t want to worry, or possibly endanger everyone at the diner as a result.
He abruptly stood up from his corner seat in the booth, nudging the black-and-silver tabby cat monster on his right side a few times. “H-Hey Coal? C-Can you get out for a sec? I forgot about something I was s'posed to do at home…”
Coal gave him a look of both confusion and concern, but he nodded regardless. “Okay dude. Just make it quick. You still gotta open your gifts, and eat cake!”
Flynt gave a half-hearted chuckle as the feline slid out of the booth, letting him out. “I’ll be as fast as possible, don’t worry.”
He speed-walked out of the restaurant, then took off running in the direction of the forest once he was outside. The pain was getting worse, progressing into a harsh cramping feeling in his bones. He was amazed that he was still able to keep running.
He couldn’t even tell where he was by the time he collapsed, landing on his belly in the soft, powdery snow.
His hood flipped down, covering his skull with the pale grey fur lining as he began to tear up, the pain inside becoming unbearable. His body was shuddering violently, and his breathing was beginning to escalate as an irrational sense of panic washed over him.
The young skeleton curled in on himself with a soft groan, tightly hugging his midsection with one arm while the other remained sprawled out in front of him. He felt like he was about to puke.
”C-Come on dude… D-Deep breaths…“ Flynt mumbled to himself, trying to centre his scattered thoughts for just one moment.
The pain suddenly struck once again with a sharp jolt through his arms, causing him to let out a grunt in response. The source of the pain was at the tips of his fingers, and it didn’t take long for him to figure out why as he heard a loud cracking sound.
His head shot up, and his gaze darted to his hand, his eyes going wide as he noticed that it was beginning to change.
He felt his soul skip a beat as sharp points began to form at the very tips of his fingers, slowly becoming more and more noticeable with the longer he stared.
What’s happening to me?!?
He gritted his teeth as pain ripped through him, causing his body to go rigid. He panted heavily, his arm still firmly wrapped around his ribcage. Sweat was pouring from his skull, mixing with his tears as it dripped onto the ground beneath him.
The skeleton shuddered as he heard the sickening sound of bones cracking once more, at the same moment he felt his vertebrae beginning to pop and shift out of place. The fabric of his ash-grey jacket felt like it was getting tighter, and his bones felt like they were pressing against it more than they should.
Slowly, Flynt managed to pull himself into a sitting position, and he shakily reached up, feeling across his chest first before doing anything. He was horrified when his fears were confirmed by the fact that his ribs were seemingly jutting out beneath the cloth.
He was set into a mode of pure panic when he felt the pain beginning to rise up again, and he frantically tugged on the zipper, unzipping his beloved jacket and shaking it from his shoulders in just enough time to save it from being damaged.
The skeleton cried out suddenly as a sharp wave of pain jolted through his spine, his entire body spasming with the amount of force it took for his spine to completely reset. The agony was so bad that he could barely breathe.
His soul pounded frantically against his sternum as he felt something beginning to protrude along his vertebrae, the fabric of his undershirt stretching out as a ridge formed down his back. He curled in on himself, biting back a scream as his shirt tore, and a row of massive spikes emerged from his now-distended spine.
He groaned hoarsely as the pain continued to ripple through him, his bones feeling more and more cramped as the seconds ticked by. It almost felt a bit claustrophobic; like his body wasn’t nearly big enough to keep all the energy building up within him contained.
The young skeleton dug his claws into the sides of his ribcage, dragging them along the bone, wincing as his newly-formed talons left huge gouges in his ribs. He felt blood beginning to trickle from the fresh wounds, but he didn’t care.
He continued to claw at his sides, ignoring the injuries he was inflicting on himself as he just simply focused on turning his thoughts away from the pain of the transformation, instead trying to cancel it out with more pain. It only succeeded in providing temporary relief.
He let out a shuddering gasp as the pain seemed to subside for a brief instant. He flopped over onto his back, the sensation of the cold snow against his bare back making him shiver.
”J-Just breathe… I-I’m gonna get through th-this…” Flynt looked over at his clawed hands, clenching and unclenching his fists a few times. “Wh-Whatever this is…”
He sighed, idly gripping the remaining fabric of his shirt as he closed his eyes. He took advantage of the temporary euphoria to catch his breath, inhaling deeply through his nose and exhaling slowly between his teeth, which, little did he know, had grown into long, sharp fangs.
”J-Just stay c-calm… F-Freaking out doesn’t s-solve anything…“ Flynt continued to mutter, trying his best to deny the fact that the pain was rising up inside of him again. He was unaware of the orange hue of his eyelights fading to a neon-yellow color, the frantically pulsating glow within his ribcage mimicking the same gradual color change.
His breathing became labored once more, his chest heaving with each ragged gasp that escaped him as his soul lurched within his ribcage, at the same moment that the intense pain began to pour back into the marrow of his bones.
His body became wracked with more uncontrollable shuddering, his back arching upward in a very unnatural manner and his bones rattling loudly with the violent spasms that were slowly beginning to return alongside the agony of the transformation.
A wave of nausea overtook him as he heard the sickening sound of bones splintering once more, and he felt the structure of his legs beginning to change. His feet were elongating, the tips of his toes growing into dagger-like claws, all of which pressed up against his sneakers, which eventually burst open under the pressure of trying to keep his now-misshapen limbs covered.
He whimpered softly, tears rolling down his cheeks from both the anguish and the fear, which were both completely overwhelming. He felt his non-existent stomach clench and seemingly flip over as he felt another lurch in his chest, the feeling much stronger than before.
He instinctively gripped his midsection with one arm, a strained moan escaping him as he rolled over onto his side and folded in on himself, pounding his free hand against the ground repeatedly as pain surged through his body. The sounds of his bones creaking and snapping at such a painstakingly slow rate made him incredibly nauseated, to a point that he was almost certain that he was going to throw up.
His shoulder blades began to bulge out beneath the stretched out and torn fabric of his shirt, pressing against it until the cloth finally gave, revealing even more spikes than what had initially came through.
”J-Just B R E A T H E…” Flynt’s voice came out as a hoarse growl, significantly deeper in tone than it usually was. He couldn’t help but shudder as he realized that he couldn’t even recognize the voice as his own.
He suddenly let out a wail as an intense wave of pain surged through him, his body beginning to violently contort as the transformation really began to take its hold.
Neon-yellow magic sparked across his bones, quickly erupting into heatless flame as his form changed rapidly now, leaving the young skeleton utterly helpless in fighting against it.
He threw his head back, his eyes stretched wide as he screamed in anguish. There was a slight delay before his skull began to splinter and shift, his nose and mouth stretching forward into a long muzzle as horns burst out along the back of his head.
He frantically clawed at his newly-mutated skull as a large crack split his face from his nose socket to his forehead, causing him to let out another guttural shriek. The pain was unbearable.
His entire body had changed as well, his bones growing thicker and longer as his ribcage expanded, the tattered remnants of his clothing falling off the strengthened bones and becoming partially buried in the snow beneath him.
A tail had somehow formed at the base of his spine, thrashing about in the blind panic of the horrid transformation. He wasn’t even aware of it. He was slowly losing himself to the influence of something that was rapidly drawing on a strength that greatly rivaled his own.
He couldn’t fight it.
He had to give in.
It was too much.
It hurt to move.
It hurt to breathe.
It hurt to think.
He wasn’t sure what was hurting him more; the agony of his bones snapping and reforming into something far too inhuman and beastly for him to keep control over, or the fact that he was helpless in his battle against the creature that had taken root within his mind, and even further, had transformed his body into something completely unfamiliar.
Maybe it was the flash flood of such strong negative emotions that let control slip from his desperate grasp.
All he knew was that he was scared. Scared of the irrational fury. Scared of the crippling helplessness. Scared of what lurked in the darkest corners of his mind.
…Scared of what was now firmly embedded at the very core of his soul. And he was terrified of what he had become, all over the course of such a short period of time.
He didn’t even know what he was anymore.
He wasn’t the same, 16-year old Flynt that had woken up that morning.
He’d become some sort of feral beast… A beast with no control… A beast that functioned only by acting upon its own primal instincts, which could seldom be suppressed, even by itself.
And that thought alone was what terrified him the most.
(There’s my contribution for week 2 of Gaster Blastober! A transformation oneshot, featuring my oc, Flynt! And this is canonly how his first transformation happened. :3)
(Also, there’s a bit of week 1’s prompt in there too. Flynt has a bad habit of scratching his ribs to shut out the pain of transforming, hence why he has scars on the sides of his ribcage.)
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monsoonxskies · 5 years
AAHHH! I missed the first week of Gaster Blastober! Don’t worry tho, I’ve already gotten a writing piece done for this week. ;)
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monsoonxskies · 5 years
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Gaster Blastober Week 4- Feral Mind!
You’ll see these again in one of my upcoming Goretober compilations, but whatever.
Both of these bois (Classic and Blue) are feral! Better watch out! :0
Also, sorry these are a week late! I got busy with my rabbit convention. :/
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week Five
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. This one is a fluff piece as penance for the sad one last week. 
Prompt: Bonus: (the few days up to and including Halloween!) Free
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 999999%
“trick or treat!”
The rabbit monster chuckled, a bowl of candy held in her paws. “My my, what spooky costumes you have!”
It would be spooky, if the statement wasn’t addressing a tiny skeleton dressed up like a pumpkin. The sibling just chuckled, standing next to him as a DIY robot. Of course, everyone in Snowdin and most of Waterfall knew about Sans and Papyrus. They were polite, happy children who often played games with the other kids in town. Now Halloween was in full swing and kids were moving from house to house, asking for their treats.
The two were alone, most likely their father was at home handing out candy. Sans, the eldest, always kept an eye on the little ones, so they were trusted to wander about.
And, they are oh, so cute.
Papyrus wiggled his arms, barely able to move in the large plush pumpkin costume. A little pumpkin top (with a teeny tiny vine) sat on his head as a hat to complete the outlet. He had to waddle about to accommodate such a large costume, but damn, was it adorable. It wasn’t even a jack-o-lantern, just a regular harvest pumpkin.
The youngest was starting to get TEETH now, causing the poor dear to lisp a bit at every new tooth. He shook his candy bucket, little eye lights shining brightly in excitement. He nearly fell over, but his brother was there to prevent it.
“Well then! Here’s some candy for the scariest spookiest little pumpkin around!” She put some candy in said bucket, causing the child to bounce up and down.
“THANK YEW LADY!” he giggled and waddled in a circle, so pleased to have yet more candy for the growing hoard.
The elder just stood there, keeping and eye on his sibling to make sure he didn’t fall down and start rolling away (like what happened two houses away, she saw!). He was a cardboard robot, painted silver with little buttons glued to the front. A box with the front cut out made for a nice ‘head’, and two television antennae were sticking out of the top. He clearly made it himself, and wore it with pride.
She deposited some candy in his bucket, with [INPUT] painted on the side. “Oh no, not only is there a scary pumpkin, but a scary robot too!”
He looked pleased at the compliment and then spoke in a fake robotic voice.
“you have imputed candy: activating joke subroutine. beep beep. what do you call a witch that lives at the beach?”
Of course, it was going to be a joke. She pondered for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. “I don’t know, dear.”
The grin on his face got impossibly wide. He knew exactly what he was doing. “beep beep. a sand-witch.”
He erupted into laughter and didn’t stop as his little brother dragged him off to the next house, chuckles fading into the distance.
In terms of Halloween ‘tricks’, it could have been a LOT worse.
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week Three
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. Hope you guys enjoy! Most will be kinda fluffy cause I feel icky and need some smiles <3
Prompt: A moment of Fear
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 40%
Papyrus was running.
His breaths came in quick, shallow pants as his booted paws propelled him forward, each paw barely touching the ground in his haste. Water flew up in droplets in the wake of each step, causing the sound of it to continuously echo in the cavern.
“Keep going!” Undyne roared over the sound of his breathing. She sat astride him, one hand gripping one of the spines at the base of his neck, the other gripping a magical spear. She was heavy, fully armored, but it was something Papyrus was well used to. Papyrus was also geared up: googles protecting his eye sockets, strategic leather padding, and a saddlebag of supplies made sure he would be ready for anything.
But no matter how long and hard he trained, he would never be ready to hear that his father was in danger.
Undyne shouted directions over the noise of echos, Papyrus turning on a dime to keep up his rate of speed. Together, they twisted in and out of various nooks and cavern walls, until Papyrus skidded to a stop. It was only years of working together that kept Undyne from flying off her friend at the sudden stop.
Before them, was a cave in. A whole passage in Waterfall was blocked with chunks of stone too large to move for a normal monster. But Papyrus was not a ‘normal’ monster. With practiced speed he immediately got to work, peeling away pieces of stone and crushing them into tiny harmless bits. Undyne threw her magical spears into the tunnel, keeping it from collapsing any further. They were the first to arrive, which was usually the case, with the rest of the rescue team on their way. Papyrus could not be stopped and he was gone as soon as the call came in.
“I’m heading to New Home to visit Sans,” Grillby had called merely a few hours ago. “and Asgore has invited us to tea, should you like to come.”
Papyrus had replied that he was on duty at the moment, and as much as he wanted to travel along with his father to visit his brother, he was a professional. Grillby was subjected to a speech about how the Great and Vigilant Papyrus must keep an eye out until relieved. Chuckling, his beloved father wished him a good day and hung up.
It was only a while later that the entire cavern shook and sent dust and stone flying everywhere. The long dead volcano that has been their source of power shuddered in an earthquake.  Then came the phone call.
Grillby was trapped, along with a few other monsters in Waterfall. They had managed to get into a safe spot before the tunnels collapsed around them. While nobody was hurt, it would not be long until the oxygen ran out. Being a fire monster, he relied on on it to keep his flames going, if they snuffed out….
Papyrus refused to think of what would happen. He won’t allow that to happen. So there he was, using his bare strength to claw away chunks of stone, his soul thumping in his rib cage. An icy fear gripped his bones as his body felt numb. It was almost like a bad dream, but the pain of his claws digging into stone and the burning thump of his soul told him it was very much real.
He snarled in frustration. It wasn’t as easy as just digging down. Every stone had the potential to cause yet another cave in If removed. It was like a horrible puzzle. Papyrus was great at puzzles, but at the moment he could not appreciate them. Tears stung his eyes behind his goggles as a crooning noise bubbled out from his muzzle in distress.
The monster who had raised him and his brother was below his paws, but separated by piles of stone. Stone that was currently smothering him along with other innocent monsters. His entire life was bonded to the kindness that was shown to him and his brother so many years ago, he wouldn’t know what to do if-
“KEEP GOING PAP!” Undyne shouted from her work of reinforcing the cave. As boulders rolled away from his paw, she was picking them up and slamming them into sturdy piles to hold up the roof of the cage. “YOU GOT THIS!”
A warmth flooded his ribs. Yes. He DOES have this. He was an expert now! He backed up, locking his limbs and straightening his neck and tail. A humming, blue glow built in his chest, rising higher and higher in pitch until the magic launched right into the rocks. His claws gripped into the floor, pouring magic as strong as he could into the rocks. The rocks began to glow orange, then red as the intense heat softened them. As soon as they were red, Papyrus cut the blast and shoved his fore-paws into the stone. His claws dug out melted rock, clawing until his paw broke through into a pocket of air.
He could smell the stale air get pulled out of the hollow as fresh air replaced it. He stuck his muzzle into the hole and barked.
He could hear monsters talking, yelling, crying. He smelled fear, but at least no pain. He dug his claws in after his muzzle and began to rip into the hole, making it wider.
“Papyrus?” He could smell smoke, french fries, and pine cones. A warm hand touched his muzzle and he burbled out a response of happiness and worry.
“Keep going son, you’re doing well.” The hand was removed as the fire monster moved back, giving Papyrus more room to dig.
“See? I told you all. We’ll be okay, that’s my son. Just stay back for a while.” The other monsters quieted down, and Papyrus felt a swell of pride and love in his soul. He had always known that his father was immensely proud of him, but it was always wonderful to hear it.
He could hear the other Rescue Monsters show up. Some were taping off the area to prevent civilians from coming in, some were discussing the cavern’s integrity, and others began to help Papyrus dig. He had to be careful not to accidentally knock someone out with his tail, as it began to wag in relief. By now most of this co-workers had enough sense to stay away from his back end whenever possible.
It wasn't long until he had clawed a hole large enough for even the biggest monster to escape, the others helping to reinforce the hole so there wasn’t any more danger of collapse. Undyne jumped into the hole, and began to help the trapped monsters out of it, moving quickly and carefully. Papryus used his snoot to act like a railing, keeping the monsters from tripping and falling down the slope of stone. They were quickly ushered off to the side, where blankets and medical personal were waiting. Together, everyone got out safely, the last being a very familiar monster.
Grillby was barely even out of the hole before he was snatched up by the back of his shirt and carried to even ground. With soft clicking noises, Papyrus shape-shifted back into his bipedal form, and immediately hugged so tightly that Grillby felt his flames compress.
“OH FATHER, I WAS SO WORRIED!” The usual brash and confident voice was now colored by fear and relief. “I WAS AFRAID I WOULD NOT GET TO YOU IN TIME!”
“I didn’t worry.” Grillby smiled as Papyrus squeezed tighter. “After all, it was you coming to rescue me.”
“I WAS STILL WORRIED! DO NOT GET TRAPPED IN ANYMORE CAVE INS, FATHER! I FORBID IT!” Papyrus shook a bit, sniffling back tears as he outright lifted Grillby off the ground and into an even tighter hug. “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN DANGER!”
Grillby coughed up a plume of smoke from the tightness. “Okay, I won’t!”, he wheezed as he received a skeleton nuzzle. Then, he was put back down on the ground and Papyrus removed his scarf to try and brush off the dust on Grillby’s clothes. Grillby looked over at Undyne for help, but she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
Papyrus was so relieved, his soul calming down from the terror he was subjected to. The entire rescue barely took more than an hour since getting the call, but it felt like so much longer. 
As he began to pick the dust off his beloved father’s shoulders, he vowed that he would always be there to protect his family, no matter what.
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week Two
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. Hope you guys enjoy! Most will be kinda fluffy cause I feel icky and need some smiles <3
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 9999%
It’s crazy how fast time flies.
Grillby pondered this as he sat in his chair, surrounded by lots of other monsters. The auditorium they were in was packed, families crammed into every available space. A few whimsums and whimsalots perched themselves up in the ceiling rafters, clearly too intimidated to attempt to fight for seating below. Once in a while, he glanced towards the curtained stage along with a few other monsters, and then to their various watches.
Soon, it would begin, and Grillby would get to see something he never thought he’d get to experience.
Today, he gets to see one of his sons graduate from college.
“UGH.” To the right, Papyrus shifted in his seat, trying to be comfortable. “I WISH THEY WOULD JUST START ALREADY.”
“Patience Papyrus, this is a big day for a lot of people.” Grillby couldn’t help but softly chuckle. Papyrus was a monster who rarely hated anything. But his one true nemesis would always be having to sit still in a chair. He was simply too animated to be contained in one spot for long. He figured that out long ago, when his kindergarten teacher would call him in a panic, only to find Papyrus happily doing his schoolwork outside. How he managed to escape unnoticed proved he was the complete opposite of Sans, who enjoyed staying in one spot for hours at a time. Papyrus lived for the outdoors.
Angel above, kindergarten was years and years ago.
It was hard to believe that such a tiny little skeleton grew up into a monster that was easily taller than nearly everyone in the room. He stuck out terribly even when seated. A few monsters had to move around him just to see. It was clear how much he hated being here, but there was something far stronger keeping him there, and that was the bond he shared with his brother. Those two would do anything for each other.
Grillby allowed himself to slip back into the past for a while, tuning out the excited chatter and Papyrus’s fidgeting for now. It was difficult to understand just how much time had passed. Good memories and bad ones alike past by with speed. Nothing passed so quickly before to the old general. Not even the first few centuries of entrapment under the mountain went by as fast.
He could still vividly recall finding the two tiny skeletons rooting around in the trash behind his bar. How small and sick they both were. How long it took to get them to believe that not everyone was out to hurt them.
Sans was so fragile both in body and mind. It took years of finding the right therapy and medication before he can actually begin to live the life he was supposed to have from the very beginning. Scars faded, including those horrifying bar-codes, now only remnant grooves with no meaning to anyone else but themselves. Sans rarely spoke, rarely instigated anything, even just asking for something to drink was just too intimidating to him. There were many nights passed holding him and promising that nothing would ever hurt him again, and more time until he believed it.
But here he was now, years later, about to get his bachelors degree in theoretical physics. The first of many, he was told. Sans fully intended to collect plenty of PHDs under his belt, but this was the first stepping stone to that dream. He was happy with his smiles now reaching his eye sockets, all genuine. He had a large group of friends, including his dearest two, Undyne and Alphys. Alphys was in the same class as Sans, while Undyne went off to boot camp with Papyrus. All four made it a point to meet up as often as they could.
It was a transformation so subtle, it hit him then just how much the two have changed.
“Yes, Sans is very smart, but that piece of paper is what he needs in order to continue his dreams.” Grillby laid a hand on the taller skeleton’s shoulder to get him to sit still a little. “It’s like your certificate, you are now a licensed professional. His just….needs a lot more certificates.”
“It’s different for you. I am sure that they do not give out college degrees for tracking lost people and digging out cave-ins.”
Grillby laughed. For someone with past like his dear Papyrus, he turned out completely different than what most people would have expected. Born to be tortured and forced to kill, Papyrus instead has turned into one of the most kindest he has ever seen. Grillby did his best to nurture that in his youngest, and he grew up into someone who would help anyone regardless of who they were. It made sense he would go into his current line of work, search and rescue. His beastly form, designed to kill humans, instead helps him dig out trapped monsters and find lost children. Even as a powerful creature, he always looked kindly, and is adored by children.
Sans’ beast form was the complete opposite. Being so short and stout, he was like a large teddy bear. He would park himself in one place and not move for hours. He often ended up as a cuddle buddy for anyone looking for a nap, as he just looked so cuddly
Gaster did his best to design creatures of violence and death, but he failed. He completely and utterly failed.
And, Grillby was happy for that.
Before he could say anything further, the lights dimmed, and the current dean of New Home university floated to the stage. The crowd hushed and Papyrus did his best to sit still and pay attention. The dean opened up one of his mouths, and began to speak, and Angel above, was it awful to listen to.
Grillby heard all the boring introductions as the dean droned on about a story of a frog trapped in a bucket of cream and something about never giving up and butter and it related to science somehow. Grillby felt himself sighing along side Papyrus as they waited for him to finish the convoluted story and get on with it.
The ceremony didn’t even start, and already Grillby could see Bertram in the row in front of him, sobbing into a handful of tissues. Frank was doing his best to keep Gnash awake as the poor guardsmen kept nodding off. The crowd was doing their very best to stay seated and wait out the terrible story.
FINALLY the story ended, and one by one they began to call students out to retrieve their diplomas. Each student was met with applause and cheering, but then….
“Sans Fire!”
Sans stepped out, his graduation cap crooked and with a size too big robe. He of course, was met by cheers, along with the howling of the Snowdin Canine unit, and “THAT’S MY BROTHER!” shouted over the noise. Sans went to shake one of the many, many tentacles of the dean and took his diploma case. There was a soft ‘bzzt’ and said tentacle was pulled back sharply, as Sans showed off the joy buzzer hidden in his palm. The dean harshly pointed at one of the seats on stage, as Sans grinned. He then turned around and scanned the crowd before resting his eyes on Grillby. It wasn’t like he was hard to find, after all.
Grillby could feel tears of magma build up around the embers of his eyes as Sans winked and nodded, and went back to sit with his fellow students.
For a moment, he was speechless.  A strange feeling overcame him. The past and the present blended together for a moment, and he could almost see that tiny six year old Sans sitting up there instead of the adult he is now.
“FATHER! THE CHAIR!” Papyrus suddenly shouted.
Grillby jerked in alarm and looked down, to see that some of his tears had fallen and started to set the chair he was on fire. Bits of flame fell down and set the tacky carpet alight. A commotion broke out around him as fellow parents evacuated the space around the flame and Papyrus went into full ‘rescue’ mode. Grillby was trying to apologize as Papyrus moved him away from the flames as to not make them worse.
From his seat up on stage, Sans watched and sighed as Alphys patted his back. The commotion at least, livened up the ceremony, as now the dean was trying to calm people down with another long boring story.
The nature of growing up is a transformation in of itself. Time passes and things must change, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But as Sans watched Papyrus put out the fire by dumping a container of pasta over it, he was sure that not everything has to change.
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week Four
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. Hope you guys enjoy! 
Prompt: Feral Mind
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 0% This one is sad :( TW: ANIMAL DEATH
Sans was hungry.
The biting relentless wind tore through the thin rags on his body like there was nothing there at all. The scant bits of cloth he could find was useless in such bitter cold. Not only were they thin, but froze solid into an unusable mess. The damp and wetness of the place of caves and water didn’t do any favors. He had learned to let them dry first, but the sheer humidity of the caves prevented them to fully dry. No matter what, they would be cold.
Once they have reached the furthest place they could away from the place of heat and red he had dug a shallow den under a fallen log. There, it offered a little bit of warmth and shelter from the wind. In that den, was his tiny sibling, waiting for him. Waiting for food that won’t be coming unless Sans did something about it.
Little Pap didn’t have thicker bones like his older brother, and thus suffered terribly in the freezing temperatures. Even given any spare bit of cloth that wasn’t frozen solid, he still suffered. His soul was like a tiny furnace, and whatever meager morsel that could be found went to his baby brother to feed it. If that little fire went out, he would die.
Sans refused to let that happen, not while he could still walk.
He shook in the cold as he trudged further into the woods, carefully putting one paw in front of the other. He tried to concentrate on moving in order to block out the chill, but the cold was all over. Inescapable. He knew he needed food too, but he could go on just a little longer than his brother could.  He had tried to find fish like the kind in the caves, but the wide rivers were either frozen solid or too deep to risk. There would be no fish for sure.
He had observed the buildings and monsters in the distance of course, but yet did not want to risk being anywhere near them yet. He didn’t trust the good smelling places in the distance. He didn’t trust the monsters that walked about here and there. All of them could secretly be a person in a white coat. They could be waiting to take them back. The whole town could be one elaborate trap.  
So they avoided it.
Which lead to Sans’ current predicament.
Through the whirl of the wind and snow, he heard something. A something...was close. Startled, Sans quickly took cover, ducking behind a tree trunk and trying to conceal the fog of his breath. There, he stayed still. Silent.
The shuffling noise grew close and a very familiar scent touched his muzzle. It sent him on edge, the spines on his neck and back bristling. He carefully peeked around the side of the trunk, eye-lights blown wide in fear.
Only a few feet away, was a rat.
Sans crouched down to observe the thing. It didn’t look like the rats he saw before, in the bad place. Those rats were white and sleek. They had trusted him for a moment, a fellow animal in experimentation, before he was ordered to…
He shook his head. He didn’t want to think about it.
The rat in the present was large and brown, scraggly coat tussled in the wind. It was shuffling about, digging into the snow here and there for any chance of a morsel buried beneath. Despite the cold and scarcity of food, the rat was round and plump. Luckily, Sans was down wind and thus it continued on, unaware.
Sans felt the knot of hunger tighten in his rib-cage, and something began to well up into his mind. It felt cold and calculated. His decisions were always colored with an air of fear and worry but...somehow...he didn’t need to feel worried. He knew how to do this, deep down. He was born with it. He felt himself crouch down to his belly, tail stretched out and snout forward as he sniffed. Silently and carefully, he placed one paw down after another, moving at an incredibly slow pace as he inched forward. The shiver of hunger and desperation kept him moving. Words that he felt more than heard rattled about in his skull.
Prey moving. Prey unaware. Prey forward. Move slow. Stop. Move slow. Prey there. Move. Wait. Stop. Move.
He crept closer, the sound of the wind masking his foot steps as the rat continues to dig about.
Prey. Food. Stop. Go. Stop. Wait.
He crouched, his meager magic bundling in his hind legs.
Wait. Wait. Wait. K I L L
He leapt forward and seized the rat in his jaws. It squeaked and fought, bringing teeth and claws down on his muzzle. Scratches and bite-marks sent bits of dust into the wind, but Sans could not feel them. Possessed by something he couldn’t understand, he growled and shook his head back and forth, squeals masked by the wind.  It became a blur of motion and sound as he savagely attacked. All he could think about was the hunger and increasingly tired form of his sibling. Dying.
Need food need food need food need food.
He didn’t stop until he could taste something warm and the bites and scratches ceased.
He collapsed to his belly, the sheer amount of motion exhausted the tiny beast who had barely any energy to spare. He opened his mouth to pant and something plopped softly to the snow.
Sans shook his head and blinked, and looked down. His eye-lights shrunk to pinpricks as awareness crept back into his vision.
The snow in front of him was splashed with red, the dead rat’s body steaming as the wind stole away its warmth. Its claws and teeth were riddled with dust and a dark mass of red marked where it had been seized. It’s mouth was open in one last final scream as it laid there.
He backed up with a loud yelp, falling over end as he tried to escape. But he couldn’t escape what he did, the taste of blood still fresh in his muzzle. He felt sick, but there wasn’t enough spare magic to throw up. He gagged and flailed in the snow until he was on all four paws again, fear gripping his soul.
He turned and fled.
Tears prickled at the corners of his eye sockets as he ran. He didn’t know why he did that. He didn’t know what possessed him to kill something without an order. Alphys said he wasn’t an animal, wasn’t a killer. But he just…
He stopped, ramming his snout into the snow to wipe away all the blood on him as he whined in distress.
He was just so hungry. So hungry that he slipped into something unthinkable. He had been thinking of his brother before, but he couldn’t ignore the pain in his own ribs. Thoughts tumbled around his mind, thoughts of gaining back his strength, hunting bigger prey, his brother with thick bones and energy, warmth...life. All it took was to take away the life of another living creature by his own conscious choice.
He moaned miserably into the snow. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t bring home dead animals for Pap to eat. Just the thought of it turned his soul again and sent him into a fit of sobbing. Self loathing crept into his soul. Pap could eat, but at what cost? Was he really a monster or was Alphys telling cruel lies?
He collapsed and cried.
He didn’t have the energy to waste on tears, but the unfairness and horror of the situation was just too much. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but by the time he could compose himself, his tears had frozen to his face. He grumbled and miserably picked at them with a claw to clear them.
He had to make a choice. It was clear now, that there was no food in the forest. He could not fish. He could not bring himself to hunt. He and his brother will be dust in only a day or two without something to eat. Shakily, he got up again, shaking the freshly fallen snow off his body and face. His joints were stiff, painful, but still he stood.
He peeked outward at the lights in the distance, at the town and the good smelling things in metal cylinders.
It was risky. So very risky, but it didn’t seem like he had much of a choice anymore.
He slunk to the ground and began to carefully sneak towards the edges of the town.
Someway or another, Pap was going to eat tonight.
He’ll make sure of that.
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topazshadowwolf · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019!
The goal is to make one thing (art, fic, craft, detail headcanon post, short animation/animatic, comic, song, etc) Gaster Blaster AU related each week. If you’re doing Inktober and want to join in, go ahead! Below is a list of prompts to work with. I am aware other events are going on during October, so if you want to use a prompt from the event you are working on go ahead. Do as many weeks as you want (or even submit more per week if you want).
Tag them as #gasterblastober or #gasterblastober2019 and when I finally get the Gaster Blaster/Baby Blaster AU Discord server blog up and running I will reblog them to the blog. (I may even make a DA group as well) More info on this will come.
Week One: Bad Habit Week Two: Transformation Week Three: A moment of Fear Week Four: Feral Mind Bonus: (the few days up to and including Halloween!) Free
These prompts are made to encourage you to explore your own headcanons. Think about each one and create something that best fits your headcanon, or even write a post explaining your headcanon!
Tag them as #gasterblastober or #gasterblastober2019 and when I finally get the Gaster Blaster/Baby Blaster AU Discord server blog up and running I will reblog them to the blog. (I may even make a DA group as well) More info on this will come.
Keep your work “PG-13″ if you want it reblogged. If you are free to make what you want but that doesn’t mean it will be reblogged. (this is a werewolf inspired AU, so blood and violence are acceptable within reason. please tag them appropriately)
A ship may be included so long as it does not include ship shaming 
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