#blah blah blah I’m just complaining
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allpromarlo · 3 months
how long does gege plan to continue this actually
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
fyi: if you’re a straight “ally” and in a relationship with someone who you know is homophobic, you’re not an ally.
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skyward-floored · 3 days
it's okay I'm also insane about your writing (that fic was really really really good and I'm still thinking about it)
- hero-of-the-wolf
Thank you 😭
I always expect to get less of a response on stuff involving ocs, but it’s still rough when I write something I personally consider to be really good and only have it get a little attention ...Whereas if I spend ten minutes writing a dumb lu fic somehow it gets hundreds of notes despite me barely putting any effort into it...
...But that’s just me being grumpy. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my stuff, many thanks thank you 💖💖💖💖
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boydykedevo · 7 months
I get it’s for visibility but man I really feel excluded when ppl tag posts about fandom events with [ship I have filtered]
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
I swear to god life is a never ending cycle of fighting google search results please just give me what I asked for
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madigoround · 9 months
It’s soooo easy to post those “healing isn’t linear” and “it’s okay to have bad days!” Platitudes until you’re regressing a bit on some of the healing you’ve done and all of a sudden you feel like a failure
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
to quote daddy long legs (jean webster), it’s not the work, it’s the play.
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#i need to rant so I’m going to do it in the tags#I went on spring break with a friend I made this past fall when I transferred to my current university#and we have known each other for quite a few months before we planned it and I thought it would be fun#but during the trip she was really mean to me#like making fun of me for anything being passive aggressive and just making me walk on egg shells the entire week#by the end I was gaslighting myself and just overall felt terrible#I saw her the week after we got back to get a purse I let her borrow but after that I did not see her at all#and she hasn't reached out to me#which is so weird bc before the trip we would hang out almost every day or every other day getting lunch together all the time etc#but I don't want to reach out to her at all but also im annoyed she isn't reaching out to me like I wasn't the one who was horrible#and the worst part is after the trip she was super nice again like right as we got off the train#and it is very clear she thinks everything is fine and nothing is wrong. that is to say she thinks what she did to me was not a problem#and it is so hard to be friends with her because how tf am I even supposed to be okay with her#but now I feel so lonely bc with my other friends I dont see them as much as I saw her so now I feel so alone and lonely#and I dont want to complain about this to my friend bc she heard enough about it already#but now I feel like im starting over bc I only have more casual friends now :((#ugh I feel like shit but it really annoys me that she isn't reaching out. I dont even want to see her I just want to be like#no I cant see you blah blah blah#yes that is childish no I do not care! bye
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bioswear · 1 year
If you really want to beat the game and take down the evil monsters in corporate and government positions, guess what? You gotta participate in the fucking game and that means voting for the people who won’t actively try and kill you or hinder progress or vote for bills in the secrecy of night like the scum of the earth
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yhrite · 2 years
Is it an inevitable fact of learning Japanese/Chinese/Korean that you’ll always be the go-to when one of your friends wants the text on an item of clothing translated?
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sickgraymeat · 2 years
[complaining again]
#I am so young to be a bitter lonely old person with scoliosis and maybe arthritis#I have like all the bad stuff abt being old but none of the wisdom or like general stability one might hope for as an old person#I really am just sitting on a rocking chair with a gun on my porch but I’m 24 years old so I don’t have a porch#I mean technically but it’s shared and very small and I don’t own it#and I’m pretty sure my landlord would take away my deposit if I ever put furniture out there#I don’t have a gun either but I do have a sick rocking chair I love it so much#i wouldn’t have a gun id just grumble a lot#off track#anyway#I am so lonely and bitter and I don’t know how to go about not being like that bc I’m not good at talking to people or being a friend#even when I did talk to people I was so bad at it and now I’m so out of practice sigh blah complain#also my town sucks how am I supposed to make friends when everyone has like fundamentally different values from mine#as in they’re racist and misogynistic and transphobic and homophobic and ableist etc etc#sigh I am discussing this in therapy of course but opening up to a therapist is sooooooo fucking hard#and the social stuff is also like almost definitely trauma related to some degree#and I’m not there yet#there being a place where I can talk abt my trauma aside from the occasional quick joke#also therapy is so expensive idk if I can keep up#ok bye sorry!!!!#torchic used growl#I feel so stupid using that tag but now o can’t stop 😭
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munamania · 2 years
IT’S JUST A BAD DAY. okay. i am going to go shower and get dinner. it’s gonna be fine i’m gonna make food and watch my silly show and try not to think about it because if i spend the next like 11 days just going insane i’ll. well. go even more insane
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23rdboy · 2 months
being sick and having no one to take care of you is so cruel
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ana-hata · 6 months
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