#bjd fantasy blush
izasfaceups · 2 months
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I got to work on another Dream Valley Olivia bunny version, but in white skin this time. The client wanted her to be super pink, so I happily complied. She’s also super sparkly from shimmer, but my camera doesn’t pick it up.
Full nude doll body pictures are under the cut (beware of my messy desk, it’s full of rolling heads):
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I really should have taken a pic of her with my wife’s grey skin Olivia, they are vastly different in concept!
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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benbunny · 27 days
HIIIIII !!!!! i’ve sort of taken a break from dollblr lately because all but 1 of my dolls are tucked away in a storage box with really no potential to come out of the box anytime soon 😞 but in the meantime, i’ve been going through Dollie Withdrawal….so i found dolls small enough to have in my tiny new space! these are my first ball jointed dolls, and they’re SO tiny (11.5-12.5cm!!!!). pictures and face-paint progress below!
so this is what they looked like fresh out of the package. theyre from artpractic on etsy, and i think they’re 3D printed. all of their tiny little joints bend and move just like a larger BJD, it’s so cool!! they’re also the only “adult” size dolls i’ve ever had i think, except for Barbies. i purchased them planning to make 2 of the main characters from the Faeries of Dreamdark series (if anyone is familiar with those — 2 middle grade/young adult fairy fantasy books that came out in the mid 2000s). the characters are actually younger, sort of generically young teenagers (although faeries age slower, so theyre both over 100 years old). these are the wings i was thinking about, based on the character’s’ descriptions
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first i dyed the male doll with Rit to match the character (who’s from what’s basically faerie India), which worked ok. it isnt too patchy, and he’ll be wearing long pants and sleeves sooner or later, so that will hide the parts that didnt take the dye too well. i used watercolor pencils to give them both some body blushing and basic coloring, then went in with acrylic paint and the tiniest little brush i could find for the details. i think it’s not too bad for my first full face paint, especially not on faces the size of my pinky nail!! i also used acrylic paint for body details like scars — the characters are a warrior and a guardian, so they have their fair share of scars and injuries throughout the book. i also gave the male doll top surgery scars, because the character has always read as trans to me
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i can’t quite decide which wings for one of them, though. for context, this character Hirik Mothmage has big moth wings that are described as black and ruby hawkmoth wings. personally, i always imagined him with silk moth wings, no idea why. either way, these are my two options: neither are hawkmoth wings, so it’s just based on what looks better. he’ll have brownish-black hair and also big brown moth antennae above his eyebrows, if that gives a fuller picture
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the other character is Whisper Silksinger. she’s a scamperer, not able to fly, which is why her wings are so much smaller
this has been so fun though, and it’s really scratching my Dollie itch. i’ve always stayed away from itty bitty dolls like this, because i’m clumsy and not very dextrous and tend to fumble around blindly with anything smaller than a Barbie doll, but it’s been a fun challenge! now i have to figure out hair and then clothing. not sure if trying to make a wig will be easier, or if i should just glue the hair right onto their heads, lol
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fairykukla · 4 months
I love purple people.
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It's a color I wish I could be. It's one of the reasons I dress up as Ursula.
My first Asian BJD was a Bobbie Pixie. She was purple, originally. That early purple color wasn't stable, though and she's faded evenly to a grey. I'm contemplating a round of blushing to bring her color back. I don't trust my ability to dye her.
I just acquired that Twilight Sparkle EG doll as a big sister for Unia the Pixling.
Ok, I've got a few dolls and figures in deep storage, too, but these are the ones who are handy. I have an early MH Operetta, a purple Barbie sparkle fairy, a black star sorceress Mara, and several Ursula dolls in various sizes.
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I've been pursuing a Kitty Cheshire too, but the ones in good condition are pricey and the affordable ones have often been modded or are trashed.
I would *love* to acquire an Impldoll Fantasia on the special pearlized lilac resin but she's pricey and getting harder and harder to find.
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I also have wistful feelings about a Resinsoul Liu in purple, but I'm not as fond of BBB/RS's new purple color.
Yes, I also love fantasy ears. I have pointed ears myself, so I prefer pointy-eared dolls.
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bjdinfo · 1 year
Can you please do a resin comparison of Myou white skin tone with Doll Family-h and other bjd companies that have jointed hands?
Companies that have yellow-toned white skins are good matches:
Angel of Dream, Chicabonita, Doll Leaves, Doll Love, Dollzone/Doll Chateau (sister companies), Mystic Kids, Souldoll, Sugarble, Xagadoll/Asleep Eidolon; Magic Time and Fairyland too, but their MSD dolls are smaller so parts may not be compatible.
Jointed hand candidates (handidates?):
Asleep Eidolon/Xaga Doll white 2021 looks fairly close to 2019 Myou white, and they offer 1/3-sized jointed hands.
Doll Leaves white is described as a good match in a comment from 2022, but the included photo link was broken unfortunately. I’ll see if I can ask the commenter to repost it!
Doll Legend jointed hands might have worked but the company seems to be defunct. ;-;
Doll Chateau’s 1/4 jointed hands fit nicely on Myou Doll’s 1/4 ver. 3 girl body. (A bit small on ver. 1 but still functional.)
Companies that have pink or peach toned whites that won't match so well are:
IOS, Luts, Angell Studio, Loong Soul, Doll Legend, Akagi Doll, Migidoll, Dikadoll, Angel Fantasy, Doll Family-H, Doll Family-A
*Doll Family-H white matched in 2016/2017 but is now lighter and has a pinker undertone.
and companies that have paper white skin:
Dikadoll pure white (not sure on regular white), Resinsoul, Dream Valley
Will update if I can find information on other possibilities for jointed hands. Thank you for your ask and please let me know if you have other questions.
White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels
K is Myou Doll white from 2019
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1. Resin Soul- White 2019 (horn)
2. Magic Time- White 2018 (cat ear)
3. Pipos- White 2020 (ear)
4. Dika Doll- Pure White 2021 (paw)
5. Ringdoll- White (body sent to me by Ringdoll in 2021 but yellowed so older/ unknown age)
6. Aimerai- White 2021 (cat ear)
7. Doll Legend- White 2019 (small hands)
8. Doll Family H- White 2021
9. Doll Family A- White 2021 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2021)
A. Luts- Zuzu Snow White 2019
B. Asleep Eidolon- Fairy Snow UV White 2021
C. Wthdoll- White 2017
D. DF-A- White 2019
E. 2D Doll- Pure White 2022
F. Ring Doll- White- 2022
G. Dream Valley- White 2021
H. Withdoll- Cream White 2020
I. Angel of Dream- White 2018
J. Doll Love- White 2017
K. Myou- White 2019
L. Dika Doll- Pure White 2017
M. Soul Doll- White 2016
N. Asleep Eidolon/ Xaga Doll- White 2021
O. Dollzone- White 2022
P. Loong Soul- White 2017
Q. Luts- Real Skin White 2021
R. Withdoll- Light Rose Pink 2020
S. Dreaming Doll- Rose White 2021
T. Little Monica- White 2021
U. Miao Xie Bao/ Kanioom- MMD Half White 2022
V. Angel Studio- Solid White 2018
W. Dolli-pop- Milk 2021
X. Pipos- Off White 2021 (changed from ivory to pink toned white somewhere between 2017-2022)
Y. I.O.S- White 2017 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2017)
Z. Aileen Doll- White 2022
10. Dika Doll- White (pink white/off white) 2017
11. Migi Doll- White 2018
Myou White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels [2017]
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1. Dikadoll white 2017 (not a match- is a little pinker)- Dika pure white is a pure white so also not a match when fresh, however both Dika's whites yellow so older pieces may match)
2. Mystic Kids white 2017 (very close match)
3. Myou white 2017
4. Doll Family H white 2016 (very close match, is a tiny bit lighter) *no longer a match as of 2021
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Top left: Resinsoul WS 2018- not at match as much whiter, but could be blushed to match.
Bottom left: Fairyland WS 2016- a passable match
Top right: Angel of Dream WS 2018- a good match
Bottom right: Souldoll WS possibly 2016?- a close match, the Souldoll looks a touch more yellow
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Above: Doll Legend 1/3 male hands in white resin are a good match and fit for 1/3 Myou male body in white resin [2017] (jointed hand on left, original Myou hand on right) /sadly I think Doll Legend company is defunct ;-;
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Above: 1/4 Doll Chateau hands on Myou ver. 3 body. They fit very well and the size looks natural on this body. The hands and V3 body are white and the colour is a good match.
2020 Comparison by balljointedheart
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Withdoll cream white is a potential match, may be slightly lighter.
Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right) by cap’n on Den of Angels [2021]
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Myou WS matches (modern) Dollzone WS perfectly. The lighting isn't great (sorry) but here's Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right). They're both a sort of creamy tone.
It is NOT a match to Dream Valley white. I still have Dream Valley white and it is very stark paper white.
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teratocore · 10 months
i would LOVE to hear about what type of bjd you'd like to get/ some of your general thoughts on bjds!
TLDR I just think they’re neat!
Long rambling incoming. 🛑
I like a lot of the big name makers and I’m thinking about getting a Gang or Tang from Resinsoul because of their affordability but I also genuinely like a lot of their sculpts and I’m thinking of probably a 1/3 or 1/4 scale. I’m probably just going to start with a simple doll with no extra or body horror or fantasy elements, because even though I’d love to do that given how much of love horror and fantasy, I think getting an understanding of what I’m doing first and then being more ambitious is probably a better idea. Maybe I can add some of these elements to my doll later. 🤷‍♂️ Already considering color schemes and theming lol.
I actually follow a few face up artists and collectors and sculptors on Insta and YT bc the artistry and fine detail work is just so cool and I’ll probably use some of their face ups as inspiration once I get there. I’ve always had a thing for dolls and I only learned about the hobby in the last few years. Plus the level of posability BJDs have compared to other dolls is something that I adore. It reminds me of how fascinated I was with one specific multi-jointed Barbie as well as my brothers full sized GIJoes growing up, and then later when I was obsessed with like. Rozen Maiden at like age 14.
I didn’t even fully understand the whole recast thing until very recently since mostly I was admiring the hobby from afar or just looking through aesthetic photos and not looking to get into it as far as buying my own doll. Another reason I’m probably going to go to Resinsoul for my first doll. Lots of custom options from a reputable company.
As an artist I do appreciate that there is such a dedication to supporting the rights of artists to their creations, especially given how much work it takes to create your own base doll, much less something that is photo ready.
(On that note I also love the interplay between people with different specialties with BJDs. There are people who only make clothes, who only make eyes, who only do face up/ blushing, who only sculpt, etc and it’s crazy how many people it actually takes to make a finished doll unless you have all these specialty skills.)
Looking into it more as far as community and community in rules/guidelines, I will say I’m very intimidated because of how there does seem to be a lot of under the surface drama and rules that you probably need a guidebook and a relationship chart to understand, but most doll makers, customizers, and collectors seem to be nice people enjoying their hobby and I’m excited to dip my toes in. Definitely reluctant to touch DoA though considering that even the r/bjd subreddits seem strict to me haha.
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" i also saw danny ch0o’s post on dms for him saying his dolls are racist bc hes producing a lot of cocoa skintone dolls and not white dolls,"
Just to quickly focus on that one. Danni Ch++ has said and claimed a lot of these things, but never actually is able to prove it, like he could literally post the DMs, considering he's never been shy about posting other info.  Like the map of smartd0ll buyers comes to mind, which showed with red dots on a world map where SMD buyers lived specific to their place of residence. And the time where he effectively doxxed a SMD buyer, by telling another buyer that "This person lives close to you." In fact, this is the guy who famously compared his dolls, aka Smartd0lls to the marginalised group of the BJD world, by comparing himself/his dolls/SMD's to black lives matter (BLM). I'd even go as far as to say he's lying as he usually does, and misrepresenting certain criticisms I've seen be posted online. Such as:
The cocoa skin tone has issues with the face-ups. Because certain tones are barely visible on the doll. I think this was in reference to how the blush is almost invisible on Cocoa, because the face-up mask used was/is? used on the other lighter tones. 
People lamenting the fact that the purple-ish fantasy brown was retired because many loved it for dark skin fantasy characters. Which apparently is racist because people called it a fantasy colour, despite him not making it as a fantasy colour. But real talk, it was pretty obvious that the purple-Cocoa was made without actually researching the undertones of black people. 
People being sad and complaining that he discontinued the milk-skin tone, because people really liked using it for hybriding, and people just generally liking having a very pale option. Like, no one complained about there being Cocoa, it was just immediately misrepresented by him as: "People want the milk skin tone? That means they hate cocoa! They're all racist!" in his posts. 
People complaining that he hasn't made a black-feature specific sculpt, and some saying it's lazy since he apparently can make a bunch of different features for dolls, but making a doll with Afrocentric features of any kind is just not possble. /s
"or he shud apologize because some of his dolls’ hands represent F.YOU in another country, or that when u pose the hand it looks like a nazi pose like"
Oh and this one. Literally NO ONE. Not a single person. I don't even thing a single single-celled organism said that. To be specific what I mean, no one independently of context said: "The flat hand is made to represent the Nazi-Hail salute." No one. People, in the FULL CONTEXT of the doll picture, aka: Black uniform. Red armband. The text using: "Eradicate the infestation." against a group of people "The entitled" which are clearly a stand-in for all the ppl Ch++ doesn't like. Said that then also using a the-flat hand, in a straight arm-pose, with all of this CONTEXT, said it gives a really iffy Nazi feel to it. Just with different words. This complaint about the Nazi-vibe was commented by a JEWISH person btw.
All in all, I don't even get what your point was. It sounds like you decided to go into a specifically shitty part of the Western BJD hobby, and then were surprised it's shitty? And then you even present DC as a big part of your rant, when he's a notorious liar about a lot of things, such as the mentioned above. Which removes a lot of credibility since his actions aren't even really that secret if you are even a little bit active in the general BJD-vinyl side of the hobby. Like, I could probably drag my ass to the Asian side of the hobby and find just as much toxic shit. Hell, from the Eastern-Europe side, which I've seen some people praise for its artistry, has a pretty nasty toxic and aggressive side to it. It's all about how YOU curate your own experience, which you apparently don't do, or you seek out the toxic parts and then through algorithms just get served even more of that shit.
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DIY Part 6 Art BJD Wasp creation Blushing Bee by Zlata's fantasy dolls
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puppitproductions · 6 years
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Commission: Full fantasy bodyblush for an Aileendoll Seed. Blush inspired by Egyptian deities & turquoise stone. And yes, it has a blue (spotted) tongue, like some lizards have. Guarding treasure is hard work and strong teeth are important, so make sure your little dragons floss before bedtime~
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
(speaking of NON-offensive dolls of color, there’s a really really pretty brown-skinned BJD on eBay right now for a very good price. the seller has no idea what they’ve got, but I know it’s legit because this sculpt hasn’t been recast)
(problem is, I have the exact same sculpt incoming- in pale skin, because that’s what I was able to trade for -and I try to limit myself to 3 BJDs at a time. I already have two)
(I love the sculpt in pale skin. I love it in brown skin. I had a blue one I wanted to trade for any natural color, and I meant any; it’s a gorgeous sculpt that I’m completely in love with. Lillycat Chibbi Lana, if anyone’s wondering)
(and I’m dying to do a fantasy faceup/body blushing with a gold shimmer theme on a dark-skinned doll. maybe a little bit Byzantine-inspired)
(I’ve already mentally named the brown one Stella and the pale one Maryse help I’m trying to have self-control and focus on one doll at a time)
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zodiacsbjds · 7 years
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Faceup and body blushing services I did on a Soom Yarn and Silky in Violet Skin. The owner requested a peacock theme! Also did some body blushing on a set of Soom Feets in grey skin. Still going to coat the tail in Mod Podge so that blushing will stay. All the feet have been coated in Mod Podge as well. 
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mintyliciousbjd · 4 years
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FS: Limited Edition LEEKEWORLD “Soda” Ent
Hiya all!
This lil’ cutie is in need of a loving home! I purchased her direct from Leeke in 2011 (receipts available upon request) and she has been stored safely in a cabinet out of direct sunlight. Minimal yellowing due to age. No apparent scratches or scuffs to my naked eye.
Comes with: box COA ent legs ent branches extra pair of human legs (never used; may be some color difference compared to her thighs/body due to age) magnets to hold her branches to her head. * Please note she does NOT come with her wings as I sold those off years ago.
I will also toss in: a pair of yellow resin eyes 6-7″ Monique wig (style Ginger in double red).
Beautiful face-up by redmaiko. Body / fantasy part blushing by me.
I’m so out of touch with the BJD hobby these days I dunno what price to ask for her... so...
DM me offers here, on IG (@peppermintpocky), or email me directly [email protected] for prompt a reply.
Would make a wonderful gift or first BJD.
100% legit.
100% positive feedback on DOA (PeppermintPocky), Etsy (CraftsByMint), and eBay (mnaproductions).
From a non-smoking, pet-friendly home. I ship from the USA---tracking and full insurance required.
If you have any questions, please contact me!
Thank you! <3 Mint
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izasfaceups · 6 months
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This time I got a fun thing to share, Fairyland MNF Roller Skates in beauty white! I painted them in a pastel rainbow theme. They are also very shimmery, but I sadly do not have a video of that.
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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dollsonmain · 4 years
Kind of an awkward body...
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fairykukla · 2 years
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My pixies are back together again!
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Absinthe is the one in my icon, and she's been in a box for months now.
Here she's wearing a too-big wig snatched from a porcelain doll, and a "Gone with the wind" gown, also stolen from a porcelain doll. It's her Halloween outfit; Scare-lett O'Hairy.
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My lovely Sambuca, who had another name from an original character of mine. She decided that she is "someone different" and wanted a name like her sister. So yeah; most of the fantasy color kids are named after booze.
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I'm playing around with lighting, without any actual proper lighting gear.
I love the Bobobie Pixie sculpt. I kinda want one in every color. The body isn't as possible as more recent double jointed bodies, but I love how curvy they are and I'm really into their weird alien hands.
Sambuca was Lavender, originally. She has faded to a warm grey, but I still think of her as my purple girl. She was my first non-Goodreau BJD, and maybe my first resin doll, too. (Lucy might have arrived before she did.)
My mom and I went to a little fan run anime con together, partly for the doll programming. There was a wonderful woman there who was selling off her starter dolls, and she had a green pixie, a sprite, and this purple girl. I saw my mom lose her mind over the pointy ears, and noticed that she was eyeing the green one. So I whispered I her ear, "Mommy? I think I need a purple dolly..."
Mom flipped out and said "I need a green one!"
So I sauntered over and asked the seller if she would make me a deal on both pixies. We goth them with their gorgeous, expensive wigs (which were not originally included.)
I wrote the check, mom paid me half, and we called it each other's Christmas present.
But I had to have a green girl ofy own, so I caught Absinthe on ebay when Junkyspot was dumping a bunch of colorful Bobobie dolls right at the end of the year.
Absinthe's green has stayed very vibrant and true. I've customized her with face up, body blushing, and a spectacular set of green glitter pupiless eyes.
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jamiesama · 3 years
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Two days non stop working with her only for breaks and bathroom too get her complete. I adopted a beautiful doll, Xagadoll sleeping eidolon Camille. She was modded already with elf ears. I fixed up her crack in her knee with epoxy for extra stabilization. I found super glue is brittle and not long term in helping keep dolls intact. Experienced it myself with Lucca's ear. The only thing I needed was her to be darker skinned as my character Ziva is Indian. I need orange curly hair still so she's a blond for now. <3 It has been 5 ish years since I have done a doll face up and blushing or anything doll related really. It's been a long time coming. You never know when depression will drop you from doing things you enjoy. I am immensely proud of myself because part of me was going to avoid doing all the work, but I held fast and did it. #bjdinstagram #bjd #balljointdoll #balljointeddoll #balljointeddolls #xagadoll #xagadollcamille #modded #faceup #faceupartist #faceupdoll #elf #fae #fantasyart #fantasy #melanin #india #indian (at Nicholson, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COfyHTCJVzM/?igshid=5il2nmi3fr7a
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mirrorada · 6 years
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NOW OPEN! I have 3 slots for face up, body blushing or other aesthetic based services. Slots close in 2 weeks or once sold out! These are the LAST 3 SLOTS of the season, I will not be re-opening new slots again until after Resin Rose in August (last week of August at the earliest) The slots will be open for 2 weeks or until sold out on slots. Slots are first come first serve. If by some crazy chance I get slammed with commission forms I may consider doing a lottery. I work on/offer the following: *Any resin color *Any head size *Skin texturing *fantasy, basic tattoo designs *full body blushing, hands and feet *fantasy parts *gel nails *Piercings Things I will not work on/do: *Recasts *Vinyl heads/parts ( I do not have enough experience with vinyl yet) Depending on complexity of requested work, quantity of parts turn around time is between 3-5 weeks. I will quote a more exact time with commission conformation. Prices and previous work examples can be found at https://www.syntheticephemera.com/aesthetics.html #bjd #abjd #balljointeddoll #dollsofinstagram #dollstagram #bjdsofinstagram #faceupservice #faceupartist #faceup #bjdfaceup #syntheticephemera #dollphotography #bjdphotography #iplehouse #fairyland #dollchateau #soom #ringdoll #bimong
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