shvdowmoose · 1 year
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𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑽𝑶 #billybobthornton #fargo #fargofx #noahhawley #aesthetic #actor #blue #red #neon #lornemalvo #tvseries #tv #tvshow #coenbrothers #fanart #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #clipstudiopaint #wacom #wacomintuos #wolf #winter #ipreview via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/Coxh-JZJ39_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scarletwitchie2 · 4 months
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Angelina Jolie with Billy Bob Thornton
5th photo on the set of Life Or Something Like It (2002)
last photo with his 2 sons 2001
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thecpdiary · 5 months
Coming to Terms with Traumatic Loss
A TikTok podcast was gifted to me. Any loss that is sudden and even if it's not, if it's protracted, or not considered the norm, can be traumatic. The podcast timing couldn't be more perfect a year into losing my twin.
The following transcript is exactly how I feel.
Billy Bob Thornton: "I've Never Been the Same Since My Brother Died."
There's a melancholy in me that never goes away. I'm 50 percent happy and 50 percent sad at any given moment."
"I don't want to forget what it felt like when he died, because he deserves [that remembrance]. That's how important he was to me," Thornton says. "So, if I have to suffer and I have to be sad for the rest of my life, and if I have to be lonely without him... then that's the way I honor him."
It's an anguish that he doesn't believe will ever go away. "I'll be sad and melancholy about that forever. I know it and I accept it and I live with it," he says. "But I think it's OK. I think it's OK to have all those feelings." - (Source: https://www.huffpost.com)
As painful as it has been to cope with his loss, Billy-Bob Thornton chose to embrace his grief. He wouldn't be pushed into moving on until it felt right, until he was done grieving. Billy Bob expresses my feelings exactly. I am melancholy and life will never be the same. The grief may subside, but the melancholy will stick. Sheila was my twin. She was the other half of me.
A year on and coming across Billy-Bob Thornton's dialogue rings many truths for me. I am not the same person. I can’t believe Sheila's gone. I'm fearful of the life yet to come. I have never known a life without her and it couldn't have come at a worse time in the pandemic. It's not finished.
There are days when I fail to move one step in front of the other, fail to focus and fail to motivate. I have low moments for sure.
Yes, like Billy-Bob Thornton, for me Sheila's death has changed everything. I have a hard time accepting she's not with me anymore. Traumatic loss and grief is difficult to get past, no matter how many times you're told to get on with life. You can't just switch off as it takes time to come to terms with the trauma, and to find a place for your feelings.
Feeling Lonely
I am lonely. The twin link (and for anyone who is, will know how that feels) is permanent, although the environment we grew up in, did nothing to help us nurture our twinness, but that's not our guilt to carry.
'The Twins'
Growing up, we both struggled being referred continually to 'the twins.' We were never just Sheila and Ilana, living independent lives, we were 'the twins.' It annoyed us both equally, also annoyed us that some family members and family friends couldn’t be bothered to address us individually.
I hate that we both missed out and now that time is gone. As a writer, I am happy to talk about her, to keep her memory alive. As I continue my earthly journey, Sheila comes too.
Dedicated to all those dealing with loss and grief.
If you're interested and you fancy grabbing copies of my books, they are available to purchase on my website here https://www.thecpdiary.com/my-books/
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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Billy Bob Thornton & The Boxmasters
May 22, 2023
The Troubador
Los Angeles, CA
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freegreatmovies · 1 year
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Some Hollywood couples. 💋 #hollywoodcouple #brucewillis #demimoore #stevenseagal #kellylebrock #madonna #seanpenn #annettebening #warrenbeatty #jacknicholson #anjelicahuston #richardgere #cindycrawford #juliaroberts #lylelovett #humphreybogart #laurenbacall #sylvesterstallone #brigittenielsen #billybobthornton #angelinajolie https://www.instagram.com/p/CpECmm8PvnW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fontacollection · 2 years
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DVD: Sujou... Chegaram os Bears 😀💿🧸 #dvd #dvdcollector #dvdcollection #billybobthornton https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFDsMROP9X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sheniq · 2 years
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80s-90s polaroids taken from various auditions 📸 #BenStiller #CameronDiaz #DrewBarrymore #ChristinaRicci #ElijahWood #BenicioDelToro #JulietteLewis #VinceVaughn #JasonPriestley #WoodyHarrelson #BillyBobThornton #LaraFlynnBoyle #80s #90s https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg3XH5zszdC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yanarchy072 · 2 years
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・ ・ Netflix Original『グレイマン』を部屋で観た。 ・ 主人公シックスがなぜシックスなのか? シックスはMI6ではなくCIAのシックス。 その答えはシャーリー・バッシーの音が流れて漸く腑に落ちる。 アナ・デ・アルマスちゃんというカワイ子ちゃんが出てる辺りでも007へのリスペクト作品なのだ!と。 翻って視点を変えてみたら、ある意味新しい「ランボー」か「ダイハード」かも。 男惚れするくらいマッチョになったライアンが痛々しいくらいのアクションをするワケよ。 お久しぶりくらいのライアンがスライやブルースばりに頑張る様を観ると「シリーズ化か?」と思うくらい。 ライアンはコレで先々安泰かも?くらいに正直オモロかったよ! ・ ライアンはまだまだ女子にモテるね! サイコなキャプテン・アメリカがまたサイコーだわ(笑) というか、ライアンもクリスも千駄ヶ谷辺りにある古着屋とかアメカジ屋とかにある顔つきマネキンのいかにもアメリカンな顔で毒々しくなくていいよねえ!って思って観てたらレッドウィングのアイリッシュセッターだもんなあ、笑ったよ! そんなコトはホント正直どーでも良くって、アナ・デ・アルマスちゃんの虜になっちまった。 ところで、映画館で観ずして部屋での至福は今のご時世。 近くのTの付くレンタル屋も無くなって、汗だくで夏場動き回るのも億劫で涼しく部屋でじっくりサブスク。 最近、Netflixが大変そうで、Netflixファンがしてほしくないコトをコレからやる方向のようだね。 そんなコトより原点に帰るコトが大事か?と思うんだけど、オリジナルの中途半端な劇場公開はやめて配信の徹してみたら?どーなの? ・ #グレイマン #TheGrayMan #ルッソ兄弟 #Russobrothers ・ #ライアンゴズリング #RyanGosling #クリスエヴァンス #ChrisEvans #アナデアルマス #AnadeArmas #ビリーボブソーントン #BillyBobThornton ・ #マークグリーニー #MarkGreaney #暗殺者グレイマン ・ #ActionThriller #アクションスリラー #ネトフリ #Netflix ・ #映画 #movie #ビバムビ #instamovie #moviestagram #instagood #instapic (Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWwOE9rE_j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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film-book · 2 years
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Film Review: THE GRAY MAN (2022): Well-Cast Netflix Action Movie Comes up Short When it Comes to Plot Development https://film-book.com/film-review-the-gray-man-2022-well-cast-netflix-action-movie-comes-up-short-when-it-comes-to-plot-development/?feed_id=88907&_unique_id=62db64d5b89e5
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billybennight · 2 years
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Here’s my shot of my main man Billy Bob Thornton at World Premiere Of Netflix's "The Gray Man”. @billybobthorntonofficial #billybobthornton #slingblade #acadamyawards #badsanta @netflixmovie @netflix #netflix @thegraymannetflixfilm #thegrayman #hollywoodandhighland (at Hollywood And Highland Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQ9ztuO4Ya/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jtull777 · 2 years
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#New #thegrayman #moviereview #spythriller #2022 w/ #ryangosling #chrisevans #anadearmas & #billybobthornton Check it out here: https://youtu.be/nHQniBO3KGo https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHY1FuLHk1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shvdowmoose · 1 year
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𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑽𝑶 #billybobthornton #fargo #fargofx #noahhawley #aesthetic #actor #blue #red #neon #lornemalvo #tvseries #tv #tvshow #coenbrothers #fanart #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #clipstudiopaint #wacom #wacomintuos #wolf #winter #ipreview via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/Coxh-JZJ39_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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etcemais · 2 years
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A Netflix finalmente liberou o primeiro trailer completo do novo filme dos irmãos Anthony e Joe Russo, Agente Oculto. A produção coloca Ryan Gosling e Chris Evans em um jogo de gato e rato com muito, muita ação. O vídeo mostra Ryan sendo um soldado de elite, que era enviado para missões secretas e perigosas, mas que agora está na mira de superiores. Já Chris passa a perseguir o personagem, com carros, bondes e uma luta física. O filme é baseado no livro The Gray Man, de Mark Greaney. Confira a sinopse oficial: "Arrancado de uma penitenciária federal e recrutado por Donald Fitzroy, Gentry já foi um mercenário altamente qualificado e sancionado pela Agência. Mas agora a situação virou e ele é o alvo, caçado em todo o mundo por Hansen, um ex-membro da CIA que não vai parar por nada até derrubá-lo. A seu favor, Six conta com a ajuda da agente Dani Miranda. Ele vai precisar". O elenco também conta com o brasileiro Wagner Moura, além de Ana de Armas, Julia Butters, Regé-Jean Page, Billy Bob Thornton, Jessica Henwick, Dhanush, Scott Haze e Alfre Woodard. O filme mais caro da Netflix até agora, custado US$200 milhões, Agente Oculto terá um lançamento exclusivo no dia 15 de julho e chega na plataforma de streaming no dia 22 de julho. Gostou? Não se esqueça de curtir, salvar para não perder e mandar o post para alguém que vai gostar da novidade. Fique ligado no story, pois sempre compartilhamos informações curtas por lá. #Netflix #Streaming #AgenteOculto #WagnerMoura #RyanGosling #ChrisEvans #AnaDeArmas #JuliaButters #RegeJeanPage #BillyBobThornton #JessicaHenwick #Dhanush #ScottHaze #AlfreWoodard #FilmeNetflix https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-wxeeOufY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scarletwitchie2 · 2 years
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 Billy Bob Thornton days
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie and TV Marathon...Tombstone (1993) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #western #kurtrussell #valkilmer #BillPaxton #RIPBillPaxton #SamElliott #powersboothe #ripPowersBoothe #MichaelBiehn #DanaDelany #BillyZane #StephenLang #BillyBobThornton #joanapacula #jasonpriestley #MichaelRooker #robertmitchum #harrycareyjr #BuckTaylor #ThomasHadenChurch #danawheelernicholson #wyattearp #wyattearpiii #riprobertmitchum #CharltonHeston #ripcharltonheston #vintage #vhs #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas2ndannual90sfest
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lumber · 2 years
🤣 Bcuz this still makes me laff. ♥️🍼💕 Hey #Hollywood! Here's a soft #ReBoot for you- #SlingBlade Babies! Because I can't leave well enough alone, I reckon. MmHmm. #BillyBobThornton #MmHmm #Reckon #FrenchFriedTaters #ILikeTheWayYouTalk #JeauxJanovsky #JeauxJ #WarmUp #Drawing #SketchBook #Markers #Ink #FilmNerd #SomePeopleCallItASlingBlade #KaiserBlade #Cartoons #Animation #CharacterDesign #CalArts #CalartsAlumni #CalartsMafia #CalartsStyle #BillyBob #MuppetBabies #JimHenson #Muppets #Disney
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